Energy management in small communities. A practical guide.
Published by Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH Pirnaische Straße 9 01069 Dresden Telephone: +49 (0)351 4910 - 3179 Fax: +49 (0)351 4910 - 3155 Email: Internet:
Editing Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH
Layout Müller Möller Bruss Werbeagentur GmbH, Berlin
Image sources Title, bottom left and centre, p. 04, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37 Planungsbüro Schubert Title, top right, p. 08, 14 Stephan Böhlig Title, bottom left and centre, p. 07, 25 p. 37 matterhorn62 -
A word of welcome
Local government districts play a key role in efforts aimed at climate protection and energy efficiency – as actors, consultants, mediators and role models.
survey conducted by the Association of Municipal Councils in Saxony shows that a majority of local government districts would like to see support here.
The management of municipal properties and the consequent use of heat, electricity and water account for a substantial portion of local government expenditure and CO 2 emissions.
This practical guide is intended to assist smaller communities in particular when looking to establish a system of energy management. The guide brings together the experience acquired by the Sächsische Energieagentur in the results of pilot projects designed to establish energy management, which SAENA initiated in 2012 together with 23 local government districts within the framework of the EU project STEP “Improving Communities’ Sustainable Energy Policy Tools”, and which it has since supported.
An analysis of pilot projects conducted by Sächsische Energieagentur indicates that measures such as energy controlling, operational streamlining of existing technical systems, caretaker training and motivational measures aimed at property users, applied within a framework of municipal energy management, can cut back on up to 30 percent of consumption, and thus costs, for energy and water. On average, the cost of providing electricity and heat to municipal properties in Saxony is approximately 25 euro per year. A 30 percent reduction in energy and water consumption would generate savings in a magnitude of around 30 million euro per year. Further, municipal undertakings and cooperatives could develop additional, substantial cost-cutting potential if one also considers street lighting. At the moment, smaller communities in particular are failing to make the best possible use of these possible savings, and in some cases are neglecting them entirely. In most cases they do not have any professional energy management structures, and there is a lack of resources needed to build expertise. A
It takes resolve and continuity to successfully establish a system of energy management. Faced with a long-term rise in energy prices and continuing climate change, we are called upon to exercise good common sense in using energy management to tap into the potential efficiency and energy savings at our disposal. We wish you the best of success in introducing energy management in your community. Sächsische Energieagentur is happy to help at any time.
Christian Micksch Managing Director Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH
Introduction and aim
Aims of municipal energy management. 06 Aims of this practical guide. 07 Establishing municipal energy management 08
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Process phase 1: Initiation and preparation 08 Decision-making on the executive level. 08 Selection and training of an energy manager. 09 Defining and publishing municipal targets. 11 Streamlining the organisational structure. 11 Introducing the internal instruction for energy. 12 Sourcing an energy coach as external consultant. 13 Communication across all levels. 13 Energy management software: purchase and introduction. 15
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan 16 Identify the baseline and parameters. 17 Selection of priority buildings. 19 Preparing and conducting on-site inspections. 20 Defining savings targets for specific buildings. 22 Consumption costs and invoice controlling. 23 Review of energy supply contracts. 24 Presenting the initial situation. 25 Defining and communicating an action plan. 25
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Process phase 3: Optimisation 26 Organisational procedure. 26 Use structures. 26 Establishing awareness among building users. 27 System operation. 28 Integration of caretakers and technical staff. 32 Procuring energy. 33 Street lighting. 34
Process phase 4: Documentation and communication 36 Preparing and presenting the annual and monthly energy report. 36
Process phase 5: Updating targets and planning 37 Structural and energy policy decisions. 37 Decisions requiring low investment and greater investment. 37 Planning measures and updating targets. 38
Stabilising municipal energy management 39
Aims of municipal energy management. Reduction in energy costs and consumption, also lowering burdens on the environment through the operation of municipal properties while maintaining their conditions of use, are the central aims of municipal energy management (MEM)
All activities within energy management are based on, and aimed at, efficiency – meaning the provision of heat, light, electricity, air and water in the required quality, at the required time, and with the lowest possible application of energy and financial resources. In this, the systematic development of existing cost-cutting potential focuses initially on the planning and implementation of measures that do not necessitate investments. Here, MEM offers a broad variety of methods across different fields of action, both in the administrative and the technical areas.
Local government districts will enjoy a large number of additional benefits through the introduction of MEM: establishment of an organisational structure with clear responsibilities, comprehensive competencies and defined tasks in topics relating to energy creation of excellence in monitoring, analysis and optimisation with respect to energy and water consumption in municipal properties production of a broad-based dataset in preparation for downstream investment decisions (e.g. technical infrastructure, measurement, management and control technology) Energy management calls for a clearly structured approach and represents an important building block in the climate protection concept in any local government district.
Organisational structures in administration
Raising awareness among building users
Monthly and annual energy report
Energy controlling: consumption & costs
Streamlining the operation of technical systems: heating ventilation, sanitary facilities, lighting
Municipal energy management MEM
Energy guidelines
Optimising the use structure
Training caretakers
Energy procurement
and many more.
Fields of action for municipal energy management.
Introduction and aim
Aims of this practical guide. This practical guide uses the example of a ‘Model Town’ to provide a process template for the systematic establishment of municipal energy management in smaller communities. In this, it presents the most important challenges and describes possible solutions in the form of practical tips, while also providing additional information.
The process model it uses is based on the management cycle “Plan, Do, Check, Act” contained in DIN EN ISO 50.001 for energy management, and considers the recommendations issued by AMEV Energie (work group for machines and electrical engineering systems in state and municipal administration). The guide traces the individual process phases to provide a step-by-step, practical explanation of how energy management can be established successfully.
Five phases of energy management in the process model:
However, towns and cities in Saxony face extremely different conditions on the ground, and have a varying degree of resources at their disposal. It is therefore beyond the scope of this study to provide any universally valid procedure. Nevertheless, the fields of action, and the procedures involved, are essentially transferable to other cities and communities. Tools and materials for download. Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH offers all tools and model materials presented here as a free download from the following link: On the SAENA homepage, the following symbol marks materials and additional links that users may find helpful.
Establishing municipal energy management. Despite individual efforts to introduce savings, the costs of operating municipal properties in Model Town have become a spiralling burden on public coffers in recent years. The existing municipal structures proved insufficient to plausibly explain the rising costs, nor were these costs clearly attributable to certain facilities. Government colleagues in a neighbouring local government district told Mayor Starke that the introduction of municipal energy management had led to verifiable cost savings. Mayor Starke believes that introducing energy management is a systematic approach that will stem the rise in costs within his community. Launching the process in the right way, involving presentation,
in the process as much as possible. A well-designed information strategy fosters staff integration, convinces the town council and promotes among citizens and companies a perception of the local government authority as a role model in climate protection and energy efficiency. 1.1 Decision-making on the executive level.
Check list phase 1: decisions on the executive level selection and training of the energy manager definition of aims and announcement alignment of organisational structure approval of the internal instruction for energy sourcing an external consultant as energy coach communication with everyone involved purchase /set-up of energy management software
debate and decisions in the town or local council, also support from the mayor, are key to the downstream success of the project. Crucial, fundamental elements include the selection and establishment of an energy manager, equipped with all the competencies and resources he or she needs, also the definition of tasks and responsibilities of energy management within municipal administration. This is the only way to ensure that energy management becomes firmly anchored within public administration. Right at the start, it is important to inform the main actors such as building managers, system operators and caretakers, also the building users, of the aims and structures of the project. They should be included 08
Climate protection is a matter for the boss. The mayor must lead by example in all efforts aimed at saving energy. He or she must define targets, create structures and must support the project in the face of any and all adversity. MEM can and will only be implemented sustainably if it has the backing of all decision-makers in local government. The following procedure is sensible to reach a landmark decision for MEM in the various entities within local government: organisation of information events to present the project in the local government entities (local council, town council, committees) discussion of the underlying principle of energy management resolutions
Establishment of an energy efficiency steering committee. A steering committee for energy efficiency is set up to monitor progress and to promote the decisionmaking process. It will regularly seek information on progress, obstacles and possible solutions.
Process phase 1: Initiation and preparation
Actors in municipal energy management.
Users, associations
Head officials, colleagues
Town council Press
Energy coach
Caretakers Energy providers
Energy manager School management
Kindergarten management
Maintenance services
1.2 Selection and training of an energy manager. The first milestone is to select a suitable energy manager, who accepts central responsibilities within MEM: first port of call and coordinator in all questions relating to the topic of energy energy controlling for all municipal properties energetic assessment of the buildings and technical systems planning of measures to boost efficiency and monitor implementation public relations and raising awareness among users Historical values for the cost of introducing MEM Community type
Number of properties
Energy and water costs p.a.
Time involved:
10% employee
15% employee
45% employee
Savings in energy costs p. a. 10 %
Practical experience has shown that one employee is insufficient to cover this entire remit; here it will be necessary to accept compromises in candidate selection. An intelligent allocation of tasks, also training those involved in the project, can balance any existing deficits. Example for the selection of an energy manager.
Cleaning staff
Heide Heldt
- expert in administration - no specific - good Office skills expertise in - highly motivated technical systems - under time pressure
Employee in the Building and Planning Office Manfred Macher Yard Manager
- poor Office skills - extensive knowledge - under time of technical systems pressure - excellent communica- low motivation tion skills and assertiveness - highly respected among the technical staff
Ms Heldt, the motivated expert, is selected. She agrees to accept the remit as energy representative in Model Town under the following conditions: decisions are made on the executive level qualification as ‘Energiemanager kommunal®’ training in the topics of mediation and PowerPoint modification of her job description and some easing of her previous tasks to free up spare time introduction of an internal instruction for energy support from technical staff
The energy manager ... is not a technical expert for energy. He/she does not have to be able to design a heating system. Instead, he /she is the contact person for the administrative bodies and coordinates everyone involved. He/she calls on experts to assist in complex tasks.
Mayor Starke interviewed two candidates: Ms Heldt, employee in the Building and Planning Office, and Mr Macher, Yard Manager. Then he considered the pros and cons.
Training for the energy manager. Theoretical training, combined with practical implementation of the acquired knowledge in selected properties, will help build expertise. On-site support from an external consultant (energy coach) is recommended during practical application.
The energy coach ... provides organisational and technical support on the ground to assist the energy manager. The local government districts commission an experienced external consultant as energy coach. See chapter 1.6 for more details.
First, the training focuses on organisation, and second on technical principles. Here is the content of a model training course: organisational preparation and communication data acquisition procurement of software solutions and software training analysis of consumption ratios and prices energy controlling energy accounting recording and documenting metre structures optimisation of technical heating systems and measurement technology optimisation of hot and cold water systems optimisation of lighting and ventilation systems raising user awareness energy supply contracts for electricity, gas, district heating energy reports; adjustment for weather data
Summary: The following conditions are needed to establish the energy manager within administration and to speed up the introduction of MEM: The energy manager ... has the mayor’s backing; the mayor is equally willing to support the process. Saving energy and climate protection are matters for the boss! has sufficient work time available for the new task. Modification of the job description has top priority. has the necessary powers to issue direct instructions to caretakers and technical staff. A simple internal instruction is an effective method initially. Suitable technical and communicative skills are more purposeful in the long run.
Process phase 1: Initiation and preparation
1.3 Defining and publishing municipal targets.
1.4 Streamlining the organisational structure.
Widespread acceptance and the required modification of existing processes and structures urgently require a clear, overarching definition of targets.
Within local government, the energy manager is responsible for initiation and stabilisation of energy management processes, and should be the first port of call in topics relating to energy. But this does not mean that the energy manager handles all tasks.
The targets must be defined in consultation with the persons involved within energy management itself. Target factors may include energy consumption, CO2 emission and financial savings. The following rule should be considered:
To work sensibly, the energy manager needs the following powers: direct access to consumption, building and system data technical authority to issue instructions to system operators and caretakers management of the maintenance budget allocated to energy influence on the structure of municipal energy supply contracts the right to submit proposals for investments relating to energy during the budget preparation procedure contact person for external service providers, building managers and caretakers
Important maxim. Heat, light, electricity, air and water should be provided in the required quality, at the required time and with the use of as little energy as possible.
Useful energy Overheating Too much light Excessive ventilation
It is unlikely that the starting situation will be ideal in any community, as the responsibilities, competencies and data are spread over a variety of functions. But with time, all these restructuring measures will bear fruit, provided the mayor supports the process. It may be helpful to record the current organisational structure to identify weaknesses and to introduce purposeful changes.
Excessive useful energy Superfluous useful energy
Questionnaire for recording the organisational structure
Light in unused rooms Heating at the weekend Necessary useful energy Saving energy without surrendering comfort.
In many cases it is possible to save superfluous useful energy without users experiencing a loss in comfort. Energy management focuses initially on these measures. But here the energy management will need support from the building users. Hence, it is advisable to provide advance information on the aims and points of intersection. Unilateral procedures, e.g. a substantial, unannounced reduction in office temperatures, will be counterproductive.
But be aware: There will be no success without suitable organisation! Friction costs time, damages authority and obstructs project success.
Organising energy management as a staff unit allows the energy manager to complete his/her coordination and reporting tasks in an efficient manner. It is therefore the preferred version of organisational integration.
Organisational flowchart for Model Town
Mayor Sven Starke
Front office Birgit Biene
Yard Manfred Macher
Finances Manuela Monete
Staff unit energy management Heide Heldt
Main administration Olaf Ordner
Building and Planning Office Karsten Klotz
Integration of energy management as a staff unit.
Efficient assignment of tasks. The earliest possible integration of anyone potentially involved within administrative in the targets, procedures and tasks is a crucial aspect. This is the only way to rapidly and conveniently adapt organisational structures, assign tasks and define responsibilities.
1.5 Introducing the internal instruction for energy.
It is advisable to hold a kick-off seminar for the mayor, the executive staff in the Treasury, the Building and Planning Office, the Yard and any other persons immediately involved. This should combine a brief training and a working meeting. Ensuring that all actors possess the same level of knowledge, and that they work together to draft targets, focuses and measures, helps minimise friction and is likely to produce faster results.
The internal instruction details the specific framework conditions such as the number and type of facilities, also the existing organisational, human resources and technical structures.
Kick-off seminar in administration. Aim: agreement on targets, procedures, tasks, measures required and on adapting the organisation Participants: mayor, heads of the responsible departments (finances, building, yard) and administration staff involved Contents: introduction to the topic of MEM potential, procedure in phases 1 and 2, discussion of expectations, action plan Duration: approx. 4 hours Results: preliminary action plan with priorities, responsibilities and time frames
An internal instruction for energy supports the energy manager, facility manager and caretaker in their work. It lists the regulations and is helpful in the event of conflict.
The internal instruction must at least cover the following: responsibilities based on areas of work codes of conduct for building users standard terms of use rules for the operation of technical systems Additional contents may include instructions for refurbishments and new builds, guidelines for the procurement of equipment requiring energy, specifications for the consideration of resource application in the commissioning of third parties and also aspects relating to the topic of ‘economical use of energy’ in staff assessments. The internal instruction must be approved by the highest echelons of administration and by the local council. Ideally, the local council will task administration with the preparation and regular updating of the internal instruction. Its feasibility and monitoring are crucial.
You will find a model action plan in chapter 2.8 Defining and communicating an action plan. Support from the caretaker. The caretakers act as factotums for the energy manager. Most commonly they are the employees best familiar with ‘their’ buildings and technical systems. Equally, they occupy a direct interface between users and administration. A management system will never work sustainably without their support. It is advisable to coordinate in advance the targets and procedures, therefore the regulations and responsibilities also, in order to ensure the caretakers are motivated. An internal instruction must define additional tasks such as checking the consumers, transferring data and implementing standards in the operation of technical systems.
Overly ambitious targets may put acceptance, and hence implementation, at risk, especially in the initial version. Administration must be behind the plan, so it is recommended to include its committees during preparation, e.g. to discuss a draft copy or to prepare compromises during information events. It is still possible to tighten the requirements step-by-step with the issue of updated versions later on. Experience shows that very few of the target persons will read the energy guideline cover to cover. It is therefore recommended to prepare a condensed version with key statements as a handout for each target group. This should contain proposed actions designed to boost motivation and proactive cooperation. Internal instruction – model version
Process phase 1: Initiation and preparation
1.6 Sourcing an energy coach as external consultant. It is wise to bring in an external consultant, the energy coach, to help put the process into practice. His /her tasks are to assist the work of the municipal energy manager.
For instance, the energy coach provides advice in defining targets and organisational procedures, in building necessary structures and in systematically tapping potential to save energy and costs. The tender may involve the following itemised services: on-site support, process moderation assistance in the use and establishment of municipal structures support in energetic assessment, e. g. data analysis, building inspection, initial measurements contribution to project controlling in a regional association: chairing of network meetings to pool experience 1.7 Communication across all levels. The energy consultant needs good communication skills just as much as technical acumen. The possible information channels are: After all, communication across all levels before and during introduction of the MEM is one of his /her central tasks. Ongoing information and consulting work helps alleviate uncertainty and fosters cooperative motivation. Communication before inspecting the property. Everyone involved needs to be informed of the introduction of energy management and its targets before any energy management measures are taken, in particular the property inspections. Not only does this process of information help in acceptance of the MEM, it also ensures that everyone involved is aware of their contact persons and what tasks and powers they possess. The persons requiring information on energy management are: mayor, city /town council head officials (colleagues) caretakers headmasters, heads of kindergartens cleaning staff property users, in particular associations teachers, students energy providers the media other local government districts with MEM
letter from the mayor to head officials (colleagues), detailing the new responsibilities with the request to support the energy manager kick-off meeting for political and administrative leaders (see above) letter from the head official to caretakers, providing initial information on energy management and enclosing an invitation to the kick-off event implementation of the kick-off event for caretakers and building managers with awareness measures (climate change, resources, energy price development), presentation of the work stages involved in energy management and promotion of the cooperative spirit letter from the mayor to headmasters and heads of kindergartens with a declaration of intent and definition of targets, information on energy management and the request to support the energy manager announcement of further information within the framework of a talk at the next conference of headmasters letter to energy providers with the request to provide information on load cycles and communication of consumers for remote monitoring send out press release on targets and achievements use of SAENA services (investor folder, temporary exhibitions, brochures, press portfolio, speakers for information events, etc.) networking of experience with other local government districts in Saxony Communication tools: Model letter
Establish permanent communication. Regular communication with everyone involved is important. This includes standard energy reports, meetings with caretakers and information to committees, for instance the town or local council.
The energy report is an information and controlling instrument in the work of the energy manager. Preparation and communication using the software (see following chapter) takes place yearly and monthly.
Annual energy report. The main purpose of the annual energy report is to present the work of energy management over the course of the year and to describe progress that has been made within the project. It includes individual reports for all facilities and a summarised report on all municipal properties.
The energy report, its structure and contents, should be based on standard elements. This substantially facilitates comparisons between internal and external energy reports from other local government districts. You will find instructions on preparation, structure, content and communication in chapter 4: Documentation and communication.
Monthly energy reports. Regular, timely reports on monthly developments in consumption help caretakers and building users, and enable rapid responses to unusual consumer situations. The monthly energy report is a variation on the property-based annual energy report, but does not contain an action plan.
Regular meetings can be set up in order to encourage continuous communication with and between all actors involved in energy management. A caretaker meeting for all caretakers has proven effective.
Caretaker meetings for networking. Many fields of action within energy management can only succeed if the caretakers involved are motivated and technically qualified. Continuous caretaker training and the organisation of regular and chaired network meetings help detect weak areas and boost motivation. Caretakers entrusted with qualified support tasks in municipal facilities are obliged to attend these meetings. The internal instruction for energy or other documents may contain directives in this respect. Materials for caretaker events
Process phase 1: Initiation and preparation
1.8 Energy management software: purchase and introduction. Special software solutions are indispensable factors in successful MEM. The software simplifies the processes required in energy controlling by acting as a data storage facility, reference tool and report generator. It also helps cut the manual work involved.
However, as the tasks of the energy manager, also the experience that he /she has acquired, expand as the project develops, it will become necessary to analyse qualitative and quantitative requirements for data recording, storage, assessment and reporting, and hence to provide comparison functions with internal financing options, cost-saving potential and existing interfaces, also to define minimum criteria.
Selection of the right software is decisive for project success. The ideal energy management software will satisfy the following requirements:
Including the energy coach or an external, qualified and vendorindependent consultant will prove helpful in selecting the minimum criteria. Upgrading the existing facility management software should also be considered.
Tips for purchasing the software. Functional requirements
Easy to operate
Low costs
Functional requirements are based on current developments within energy management: For instance, in most cases the requirements concerning the service content and hence functionalities are not defined in any detail at the start. This means that a simple solution, based on MS Excel or MS Access, used to record, store, assess and present data and for the production of extremely basic energy reports, is usually sufficient at the start and during the learning process.
Operation: bidder meetings with live presentation Functionality: agreement of trial access and functional test based on model properties before commissioning – software inadequacies generally remain hidden in negotiations with bidders Costs: cost offer based on full costs using the concrete example of the local government district across a period spanning several years with statement of all necessary elements and services (single workstation /internal or external hosting installation, number of users, additional licenses, maintenance /update, support, modification of report templates, training) Overview of energy controlling software
The software is set up by importing master data and historical data on consumption and costs.
Energy management on a solid footing. Comprehensively and systematically recording data upstream from any initiation of optimisation measures is among the compulsory tasks of energy management. The initial energy report, also the structured and prioritised action plans, are among the crucial results of this process phase.
The actual cyclic management process begins upon conclusion of the basic organisational and communicative requirements in process phase 1.
Check list phase 2: Record starting situation: ratios and baseline Assess starting situation: selection of priority buildings Record priority buildings – prepare and carry out inspections Define savings targets for specific buildings Set up energy controlling Check energy supply contracts Initial energy report and action plan
The initial energy report is used to inform everyone involved about the starting situation and the coordinated savings targets. Combined with energy controlling, it also enables an assessment of possible optimisation measures aimed at cutting back on energy consumption and costs. The action plan names and prioritises necessary measures that must be implemented to achieve the savings targets defined within the local government district. It also supports targeted and efficient use of all existing resources (labour, finances). Tip: Achieving quick savings targets is crucial to boost acceptance of the overall process. It is sensible to make a systematic selection of just a few buildings from the total stock of properties, prioritised according to required action.
Basis for planning: Record and assess the initial situation.
Record starting situation Collect data and check plausibility1
Adjust Consumption2
Property name, type of use, gross floorspace (GFS), type of media used, consumption and costs for heat, electricity, water over the last three years Climactic factors, i. e. degree days, information on floorspace changes Analysis of reference ratios (ages, BMVBS, eea)
Determine the baseline
Establish ratios
Assess starting situation Selection of priority buildings
Analysis of reference ratios 3
BMVBS: Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, ages: Gesellschaft für Energieplanung und Systemanalyse m. b. H., eea: European Energy Award.
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan
Recording the initial situation. When introducing energy management, it is important to acquire an overview of energy consumption and costs in all municipal properties as quickly as possible. The energy manager can only define priorities for all properties and make initial statements on potential savings once valid data have been acquired.
2.1 Identify the baseline and ratios.
Step 1: Collecting property data.
The collation of property data, the definition of an initial situation with baseline and the identification of ratios are among the indispensable steps.
It is recommended to produce central documentation of all municipal properties in a property list. The following property data should be recorded for each facility:
Tool SAENA property list. SAENA offers an Excel tool – the SAENA property list – to help in this process of recording and assessing the initial situation. This permits the: registration of property data adjustment for weather data identification of the baseline definition of ratios analysis of reference ratios specification of savings targets
property name (e.g. Sunshine Primary School) type of use (e.g. school and daycare facility) reference surface: gross floorspace type of media used (natural gas, heating oil, pellets, etc.) consumption and costs for heat, electricity ad water over the last three years (baseline) information on planned refurbishment – time and type (building shell, technical systems)
Excerpt from the SAENA property list to record property data.
Step 2: Determine the baseline.
Step 3: Identifying ratios.
The baseline describes the initial energetic situation within municipal properties at a defined moment in time. It is used as a reference factor for savings targets and as a starting point for assessments of optimisation measures – and is therefore a fundamental element in the initial energy report.
A parameter is a specific value based on a reference factor (e. g. a surface). Consumption ratios are generally used in energy management. Here, a ‘typical’ parameter would include the energy consumption per square metre and year (kWh/(m² x a)). The initial situation is assessed based on ratios:
The baseline covers averaged, historical consumption values and costs for heat, electricity and water. The process of averaging helps compensate any atypical developments in consumption. The adjusted consumption values over the last three years, checked for plausibility, are used in this process. Adjustment for weather is necessary to introduce comparability to the annual heat consumption in any property.
Adjustment for weather data. The climate factor and the degree days are used to adjust the consumer values for weather data. The use of regional degree days, i. e. heating days, is sensible in order to compare annual or monthly consumption values relating to a property. The climate factor is used to produce specific ratios. This permits a nationwide comparison with buildings used for the same purpose. Sources climate factor/degree days. Weather data from German Weather Service, IWU table of degree days; sources reference ratios: EnEV, AMEV, BMVBS
Assistance in adjustment for weather data in heating energy and consumption data
A similar principle is applied to the property surfaces. This factor permits a comparison of consumption and cost data from previous years – even if the surfaces have since changed. Excerpt from the SAENA property list: adjusted, baseline heat.
estimates of potential savings prioritising required action in the stock of properties comparisons with other buildings used for identical purposes (internal /external) monitoring of operations verification of success (implementation of measures)
Reference surface. Selecting the reference surface is a crucial factor in ensuring parameter comparability. DIN 277 defines surface types. There should be a compromise between precision and comparability in the selection of a reference surface. The gross floorspace (GFS), so the sum of all space across all storeys within a building, is sufficiently accurate to enable an initial assessment of potential. The heated gross floorspace (HFGS) – meaning all areas in the GS that are heated – is suitable for a more differentiated analysis over the course of the project.
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan
Assessing the starting situation. The stock of property is prioritised for further analysis based on the energetic ratios and specific energy costs. This selection enables the energy manager to deploy the limited resources as efficiently as possible. He/she concentrates on the buildings that promise the maximum savings at the lowest possible cost.
2.2 Selection of priority buildings.
The diagram delivers the following statements:
Necessary steps:
Quadrant I (top right): This details the main consumers with high specific consumption and substantial costs. It is extremely likely that savings can be generated here. These properties should be earmarked for further analysis. Summary: urgent call for action
Identify the main consumers (using the cost-consumption portfolio) Estimate possible savings (based on the reference value analysis) Select priority buildings (with consideration of secondary conditions) Step 1: Identify the main consumers.
Quadrant II (top left): Although these properties generate high annual costs for energy supply, their low consumption ratios do not indicate any likelihood of significant savings potential. Summary: moderate call for action
Initially, the cost-consumption portfolio is used to identify the main municipal consumers. The consumption ratios identified and the absolute annual costs are transferred to a diagram for each municipal property.
Quadrant III (bottom left): The costs and specific consumption are low. Initially, these properties can be excluded from further consideration. Summary: low call for action
The axes consisting of the respective averages assign the data points to quadrants, based on required action. This allocation is automatic in the ‘SAENA property list’ tool.
Quadrant IV (bottom right): Despite their high specific consumption and hence the apparent likelihood of substantial relative savings potential, these properties are initially irrelevant for further analysis as the costs of their supply are, in an overall comparison, relatively low. Summary: moderate call for action
Cost-consumption portfolio for heating. 25
Annual costs in TEUR
All of these results must be verified in the next stage. 20
Step 2: Estimating the potential savings.
Once the main consumers have been identified, the reference ratios are used to estimate the specific savings potential in each building. To do this, the ratios identified for the municipal properties are compared with similar ratios for buildings used for the same purposes. The percentage deviations permit initial conclusions on the extent of potential savings available. Empirical analyses are used to produce reference ratios.
(Sources: BMVBS / EnEV, ages, European Energy Award (eea)). 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 Specific consumption in kWh/m2
Now the comparison of ratios enables the production of a list detailing the respective amounts of potential savings.
The cost-consumption portfolio for heat is a convenient tool used to define priorities. The background colour shows the call for action (dark = high).
2.3 Preparing and conducting on-site inspections. The building shell, technical systems, conditions of use and weak points must be identified and analysed in preparation for the optimisation measures (phase 3).
Registration of priority buildings
Registration of stock data
Step 3: Selection of priority buildings. The prioritised action in the building stock is primarily based on the potential savings. There are additional criteria that are relevant to the further registration and optimisation: Number of selected buildings – a selection of between two and no more than five buildings is recommended. Refurbishment planning – are there short or medium-term plans to refurbish the building shell or technical systems? If so, it is wise to consider whether and which energy management measures are sensible. The areas in which energy management can deliver important information include the dimensions of new technical systems. Complexity of the technical systems – in many cases the main consumers will have extremely complex technical systems. An energy manager who is not an energy technician may find the technical complexity overwhelming. This is why less complex buildings should be selected initially. Building use – successful savings are often strongly dependent on the user behaviour. This is why it is recommended to select buildings in which local government is able to influence this aspect. In general, the influence in schools is limited and is reliant on cooperation on the part of the school director. Facility managers – it is easier to implement optimisation measures if there are full-time staff members familiar with the building, its forms of use and the system behaviour (e. g. the caretaker). Implementation of measures is frequently complicated if the facility is not managed, or is managed by external firms. 20
Folder remains with energy manager Energy accounts (at least three years) Energy supply and maintenance contracts Energy reports/analyses Action plans Internal instruction for energy (organisational section) Surveys, measurement reports Energy certificates Refurbishment history, funding applications (investments) Contact persons (property managers, maintenance firms)
Folders in the property
On-site registration by inspections
Stock-taking of technical systems System schematics, layout /floor plans Operating instructions Maintenance logs Use/event schedules System ledger with set values Regulations for operating staff Internal instruction for energy (guideline; technical section) Site plans with locations of metres List of metre readings
Create folders for the energy manager and the properties.
It takes place by reviewing the property documents in combination with an inspection of the prioritised buildings. It is advisable to immediately take metre readings to prepare for consumption controlling. Collation of the property documents. A distinction is made between inter-property and propertyrelated documents when collecting and collating the property documents. It is advisable to prepare two folders: The first one remains with the energy manager, while the second is kept in the property itself.
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan
Inform the caretaker, record the metre structure.
Registration sheet template for metres.
The caretakers are informed of the purpose and aims of energy management, and corresponding deadlines are discussed, before the inspection. It is advisable to produce an inspection plan for the property scheduled for inspection. The metre structure is also recorded during the inspections in preparation for the introduction of monthly consumption controlling. The energy accounts can be used to produce an outline in the draft, which is then completed during the inspection. On-site registration and check of weak points. The purpose of the inspection is to complete the stock documents, to check for weak points and to prepare for consumption controlling. It is obligatory for the facility manager, i. e. caretaker, to attend. It is advisable for the energy coach to provide support during the first three inspections. What is registered?
How is it registered?
What needs to be done?
- Technical systems (see registration list) - Control settings - Times of use
- Registration list System data - Registration sheet - Use profile
- Check control settings for plausibility
- Metres (see registration sheet)
- Metre registration sheet
- Production of metre tree and reading list (see chapter 2.5 Consumption and invoice controlling)
- Weak points
- Check list Inspections
- Document weak points
Metre reading sheet
The inspections are also used to identify weak points and to record them in the action plan. Immediate measures should be initiated if severe deficiencies are identified.
Inspection with the caretaker. Make sure you benefit from the expertise of the facility manager, who in most cases will be extremely familiar with ‘his /her’ building. Positive side effect: The facility manager feels appreciated. Collaboration can only benefit from this.
The inspections round off the analysis of the initial situation and help in the production of realistic savings targets in priority buildings. 21
Define savings targets. Savings targets for individual properties are more immediately accessible than global savings targets. They are useful in helping actors and users of the respective buildings to sense identification and to strengthen a common goal. They are also useful as a basis for argumentation in the initiation of measures for a certain building. This is why savings targets should be defined for each prioritised building.
2.4 Defining savings targets for specific buildings. It is important to define targets as precisely as possible when planning and monitoring the success of MEM. This is the only way to ensure that achievements can be reviewed later on. The SMART method is an established system used to define targets. Example: Town hall in Model Town: Savings in electricity consumption amounting to 10 percent (13,688 kWh) of the 2013 baseline in the period from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014.
Define savings targets for priority buildings.
Define smart targets. Targets should be as SMART as possible: specific measurable attainable relevant time-bound
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan
Set up energy controlling. Energy controlling includes consumption and invoice controlling and is among the most important underlying principles within energy management. Therefore, it is the first and most significant measure, the basis for a whole series of other activities within energy management.
2.5 Consumption and invoice controlling. Energy controlling applies regular registration and control of consumption and costs for the following purposes: to introduce transparent structures to consumption and costs for energy and water, and to allocate these aspects according to responsibility to raise alarms in the event of system malfunctions and to take immediate measures to identify potential savings and ensure technical optimisation to monitor the success of optimisation measures to collect and prepare information as feedback to actors and users in the energy report to control invoices (suppliers) to indicate whether follow-up services are required to help dimension new systems Measurement factors that must be registered:
Measurement factors that should be registered:
- main and sub-metres for electricity, gas, heat volumes and water - consumption invoices from providers
- operating current for the heating system - outside temperatures - storage temperatures for domestic hot water (hygiene) - advance /return temperatures - heat distribution - district heating heat exchanger
Introduce consumption controlling. Consumption controlling involves the monthly or daily registration and control of energy and water consumption. Responsibilities and interfaces must be defined in order to set up consumption controlling. Selected measurement points may permanently or temporarily require substantially shorter measurement intervals in order to register load cycles or to improve accuracy in the allocation of consumption.
The following items require specification when setting up consumption controlling: preliminary considerations on manual or automatic registration? creation of tools to read metres – e. g. metre reading lists /vine diagrams, location of the metres specification of reading schedules – when? reading the metres – who? instruction of persons involved – how? means of transmitting metre readings – how? import of reading data to the software – who? monitoring of consumption development – who? feedback on consumption development to the system users in the monthly energy report feedback on consumption and cost development to relevant actors in the annual energy report – e. g. town / local council, mayor, school directors
Introduce invoice controlling. Invoice controlling registers and controls accounts received from providers. Plausibility checks help identify irregularities and incorrect amounts, and therefore cut costs. Also, regular registration and review of the rates often provide indications of where there is room for improvement in existing energy supply contracts.
Unlike in the simple import of invoice data in the software, checking these factors requires a greater degree of experience and technical background. Energy accounts are frequently complex and lacking in comprehensibility, which makes their analysis more difficult. Possible sources of errors in accounts are: erroneous metre accounts due to mistaken identity, double counts, mistakes (e.g. double billing for water metres) special rates /discounts were not considered incorrect reading by the customer price increases failure to consider metre replacements consumption estimates by the provider: § 11 StromGVV (German ordinance on the basic provision of electricity) specifies that grid operators are entitled to estimate consumption if the grid operator does not have access to the metre and the customer does not read the metre. failure to consider reimbursements of waste water charges 23
Energy costs at a glance. Successful energy management is characterised by savings in energy consumption and energy costs. A double-pronged strategy is advisable in order to achieve rapid results. The existing terms of supply and their potential savings should be reviewed early on in the project.
2.6 Review of energy supply contracts.
Comparison: Energy procurement costs for Model School.
Streamlining supply contracts is a good opportunity to boost acceptance of the energy management process – especially in the Treasury – and to provide the mayor with effective arguments in favour of establishing energy management.
14000 12000
17% 33%
Internet comparison portals are a useful means of reviewing existing rates. The German Association of Cities also publishes reference values that can help indicate potential savings. At least in this way it is possible to estimate savings potential. The results should then be submitted to the executive level to enable initiation of additional measures. Comparative values from the German Association of Cities.
8000 6000 4000 2000 0
Electricity Building pricing formula gross
Electricity street lighting pricing formula gross
Natural gas Pricing formula gross
Heating oil Gross price
17.80 ct /kWh
16.14 ct /kWh
4.81 ct /kWh
72.60 ct //l
22.02 ct /kWh
20.26 ct /kWh
6.52 ct /kWh
83.70 ct //l
27.63 ct /kWh
26.26 ct /kWh
8.29 ct /kWh
89.30 ct /l
Source: German Association of Cities energy price comparison 2013.
It is highly likely that the current energy supply contracts do not offer ideal rates if until now there has been no central responsibility defined for energy procurement. SAENA conducted a survey of existing supply contracts in several
local government districts of Saxony in June 2014. The following diagram compares the procurement costs for a model school. The reference value represents the average electricity price recorded in the survey. 24
Average SAENA Survey June 2014 for 44 buildings
Highest value Average Lowest value German Association German Association German Association of Cities – of Cities – of Cities – Comparison of Comparison of Comparison of energy prices 2013 energy prices 2013 energy prices 2013
Savings compared with initial situation Electricity costs(euro p. a.)
The diagram shows that the potential savings are high. Although a tender procedure involves a lot of work, it can be simplified significantly by selecting a service provider or by establishing a good data foundation.
Switching to green electricity and biomethane. It is possible that the rates for green electricity or biomethane may be better than the existing prices for energy produced by conventional means. This is particularly true of old contracts that have been in place for several years. Additionally, switching to a greener option improves the climate balance, irrespective of whether it also cuts back on costs.
Process phase 2: Record, assess and plan
Present the initial situation. 2.7 Create the initial energy report. The initial energy report is used to inform everyone involved in energy management, and is used as a control instrument for the energy manager and executives. It summarises the results of the initial situation analysis, defines the baseline before the start of optimisation measures, specifies savings targets and provides information on the first savings and optimisation measures. Chapter 4 describes the structure and procedure. The action plan complements the initial energy report.
Complete property list, create baseline
Ms Heldt
Produce HR and time plan for monthly reading of the metres, prepare vine training sheets for planned buildings
Mr Macher
Monthly reading of the metres
Mr Macher
Continually from August
Information event MEM (internal meeting)
Mr Starke
Registration and initial inspection of the town hall
Ms Heldt, Mr Macher
2.8 Defining and communicating an action plan. The action plan is a part of the energy report, and describes definite stages of implementation to support its targets. Initially, it mainly consists of measures requiring low, or no, investment that produce rapid savings.
The priority, responsibility and schedule must be defined for each measure. An interdepartmental work group should be tasked with drafting the action plan; this helps ensure acceptance and minimise friction. This procedure also improves the flow of information.
Examples for the results of an initial action plan.
The action plan represents the work plan within energy management. It should be presented regularly together with the energy report (e. g. annually) to the committee, i. e. the town /local council, where it must be debated and ratified.
The project schedule is an advanced form of the action plan; it simplifies management processes as the project becomes increasingly complex over time. It complements the action plan and visualises the agenda with integrated milestones.
Template for a model action plan
Optimisation and awareness. Optimisation measures and behavioural changes achieve cost savings in the area of energy. Now, following systematic preparations involving the initiation of measures and the registration of priority buildings, it is time to progress to targeted optimisation measures. The optimisation of organisational procedure, structures of use, energy supply contracts, the operation of existing systems and above all the influencing of user behaviour are the main focuses here.
3.2 Use structures. Check list phase 3: organisational procedure use structures awareness among building users system operation integration of caretakers and technical staff energy procurement street lighting
3.1 Organisational procedure. Optimising the organisational structure is aimed at functionality and efficiency. Responsibilities, division of labour and interfaces in administration must be clearly defined. It is important to carry out regular reviews of the organisation structure; it must be assessed and optimised in cooperation with everyone involved. Besides personal discussions, work meetings and other means of communication, there are other standardised tools such as internal instructions and energy guidelines. You will find information on internal instructions in chapter 1.5 Introducing the internal instruction for energy.
Energy guideline. Successful energy management needs administrative staff who tailor their behaviour to the goal of saving energy and ensuring energy efficiency. An energy guideline can be helpful here by providing a central reference point, listing the energy principles applied in the planning, operation, procurement and management of energy. Here, a resolution passed by the town /local council underpins the importance of this rulebook. Existing guidelines in cities and local government districts, also model energy guidelines, can provide orientation in the preparation of an energy guideline. Model energy guidelines
Minimising energy consumption in a manner that suits the use of the facility is only possible with intelligent space and occupation management. In this, the temporal and spatial concentration of building use, also the consideration of existing technical and building-specific conditions, take priority over other optimisation measures when planning occupancy. In many cases, users are unaware of the allocation of the areas within buildings in which heating is used to the specific technical systems. Cooperating with the heads of the various facilities, it is now possible to discuss how best to group the forms of building use in a temporal and spatial sense. In some cases the analysis of capacity utilisation in public buildings reveals that entire sections of the building can be vacated and cut off from the supply. A substantial number of measures can be completed without much effort and without proving all that much of a burden to the building users themselves: Preparation and updating of an occupancy plan for the regular use of all building sections, divided where possible according to supply areas. An occupancy plan will include the following, at least: the time and type of use, the start and end of use, and all interruptions lasting over two hours. Special uses, for instance training events, parent-teacher meetings and such like, should be held in the rooms within the tightest possible schedule if the rooms are connected to the same heating circuit. When possible, individual events in one building section should be held at the same time, i. e. on the same day. It is important to review whether it is necessary to use the buildings at weekends or during holidays, and the schedules must be amended accordingly. It is conceivable to heat the rooms on the first and last days of the holidays for teachers wishing to prepare their schedules. Clubs looking to hold training should meet in one gymnasium. In order to ensure an effective lowering of the temperature, certain work, for instance basic cleaning, should not be conducted in longer periods of non-use.
Process phase 3: Optimise
3.3 Establishing awareness among building users.
User behaviour is of pivotal importance if one wishes to achieve sustainable savings in the consumption of energy and water. This is why it is essential for energy management to raise awareness among building users. The purpose here is to alter the mindset among users of municipal buildings to prompt behaviour more likely to produce economical use of energy.
There is a large number of motivational reasons that may influence user behaviour, among them economic motives on the part of the user, expected efficiency, the costs of behaviour, social motives, a healthy workplace and the desire to save money.
This is frequently a laborious process, as it will not be possible to convince all users right from the start. Many people have negative associations – among them the loss of comfort or restrictions on use – when it comes to saving energy. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to be somewhat tenacious here, as savings of between five and ten percent are feasible in the long term. Decisive factors when it comes to boosting user awareness include: vigorous and continuous inclusion of the top admin levels communication of the targets and the guideline by the top levels of administration staff motivation publication of monthly consumption figures and the building energy reports consideration of insight acquired in environmental psychology a conclusive campaign concept made up of tailored modules sustained permeation of the organisation by means of training and the use of role models measures to secure continuity internal and external public relations It is only possible to achieve the entire savings potential found in technical optimisation measures through the use of suitable methods to boost awareness and acceptance. Although campaigns aimed at training and awareness are not free of charge, they do not cost much and are therefore extremely cost-effective.
Providing incentives as rewards for agreed savings has proven an effective means of creating motivation. The appreciation may be financial or intangible, and can prompt a permanent rise in motivation (changes in habits /self-evidence). Buildings with high energy consumption, including schools and kindergartens, are suitable here. A 50 / 50 project means that 50 percent of the savings in energy costs are paid directly to the school. Find out more at:
Incentive levels in a 50 /50 project at a school:
Start phase: Rewards based on the amount saved – drawbacks: the calculation takes time and rewards inefficient schools. Alternative: lump sum reward – e. g. introduction of an energy journal, lump sum rewards for actions such as voluntary participation, establishment of an energy team, advertising, kick-off event, etc. Continuation phase: Intangible rewards – e. g. the mayor cleans the solar power system at the school. A sense of self-evidence develops as the project progresses, which means that fewer incentives will be necessary.
There are three central approaches in encouraging building users to save energy and water: motivation, knowledge and habits 27
3.4 System operation.
In many cases, ignorance of the interrelated topics relevant to energy can produce uncertainty and scepticism. This may get in the way of a change in behaviour and therefore prevent savings. For instance, if it is assumed that switching on a fluorescent lamp costs more energy than one hour in operation, the lamp will no longer be switched off. This is why it is important to communicate purposeful knowledge, especially in the following areas:
The fact is: Energy is frequently wasted in the operation of systems providing heating, hot water preparation, ventilation and lighting. This results in unnecessary costs.
Knowledge of climate issues, energy costs, energy scarcity Knowledge of personal behaviour and how much personal consumption is in relation to other people Practical knowledge: Which alternative actions exist and which savings will they achieve? Expected efficiency: Which changes in behaviour will produce which results? It takes some time for changes in user behaviour to produce savings.
Savings are possible in the operation of technical systems in almost every municipal building. Whether it is a failure to lower the room temperature at the end of school or at weekends, running the ventilation system during gymnastics in the sports hall or excessive provision of hot water at individual dispensing points in administrative buildings – in many cases the operation and size of systems in existing buildings do not, or no longer, suit the actual needs and the current uses. Even ideally planned and constructed buildings and systems may produce inadequate results in operation if they are not run in a manner that suits demand. Here are some of the most frequent reasons why energy is wasted in the operation of existing systems:
Habits. Existing habits can get in the way of putting intentions into practice, even if there is sufficient motivation. Many of our behavioural patterns are automatic, which is why it is important to condition new routines. Here, certain mnemonic aids such as door signs, posters, thermometers on the wall, stickers and table displays can be helpful. At least two to three actions should be planned each year to target the permanent topic of user awareness. Suitable measures include action weeks, 50/50 projects at schools, exhibitions on climate protection, information meetings,‘open office’ to present energy consumption at the workplace, ideas competitions and such like.
Losses incurred by the systems in the generation, distribution and transfer of heat Control parameters are not, or insufficiently, adjusted to the weather conditions, structural circumstances or conditions of use The size of the system does not suit the demand Measures designed to achieve savings will only be successful if users can be convinced to adapt their habits and their comfort levels. Hence, raising awareness among users is a building block in the success of technical optimisation measures and will increase their effectiveness.
Process phase 3: Optimise 3
The following principles must be taken into consideration during optimisation measures: Heat, light, electricity, air and water should be provided in the required quality, at the required time and with the use of as little energy as possible. This requires a critical review of needs. Energy savings without a loss in comfort: Initially, optimisation focuses on potential that will not lead to a loss in comfort (e.g. lowering the temperature at the weekends or after work). This principle is a good strategy in communicating with building users, as it will successfully reduce fears and reservations with respect to energy management. In the long term, compromises (e.g. with regard to the room temperature) are more effective than instructions. Optimisation with expertise. It is important to bring the staff expertise into the equation of preliminary considerations. In most cases the energy manager will not be an energy technician, and will hence require the assistance of an expert when faced with optimisation measures involving greater technical complexity. In the event that the local government district can in-source suitable qualified staff, their training and installation as energy technicians to support the energy manager should take precedence over outsourcing to external specialists. The energy coach should be able to provide organisational and technical assistance here. External service providers can also be commissioned with optimising the systems. Here, the local government district must draft a clear tender specification. It is also necessary to consider the cost involved in supporting and controlling external service providers. It is important at this point to contractually agree the transfer of knowledge into the local government district, thus ensuring that energy consumption does not rise again once the service period is over.
Maintenance and inspection. The maintenance firm is responsible for service, inspections and therefore for minor repair work on systems and installations. The maintenance includes “measures intended to delay deterioration of the existing wear margins.” Inspections include “measures intended to ascertain and assess the current condition”, and are therefore primarily designed to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation. When commissioned, maintenance work does not necessarily involve the assessment and improvement of energy efficiency in the overall system.
The annual exhaust gas measurements on the boiler only involve analysis of the effectiveness of firing provided by the heat generator and the adherence to minimum technological requirements. Here, only exhaust gas emissions under full load operation are noted in the balance. Energy losses that are relevant to the system effectiveness as a whole are not included. Among others, this relates to energy losses during part load operation, standby and distribution losses, also necessary ancillary energies for heat transport and control. Depending on the complexity of the system technology and in order to acquire a rough estimate of operating behaviour and how it should be modified, it may be sensible to commission additional services to be included in maintenance. This may involve the control, adjustment and logging of operating parameters such as:
use and reduction time, weekly programme heating curve (nadir and gradient) threshold heating temperatures pump settings (volume flow and displacement height) temperatures for advance and return
Optimisation of heating operations.
Implementation of central temperature reduction and measurement of the heating procedure in selected areas Evaluation of the measurement data – starting points (as examples): user behaviour, system control behaviour, size of systems, system hydraulics
The following steps must be taken into consideration in the preparation and implementation of operational optimisation of the heating systems: Step 1: Stock-taking.
The following mobile measurement resources are recommended for the initial diagnosis:
Review of the current technical documents (schematics, operating instructions, revision documents, logs) and addition of missing instructions Inspection: Stock-taking of current conditions of use, building shell, technical systems, including all parameter settings on the control systems, on-site with the facility manager /caretaker and check of weak points (see chapter 2.3 Preparing and conducting on-site inspections) Plausibility check of control settings Creation of a caretaker system journal detailing measures carried out on the system, with date and signature, to ensure archiving of historical values for the purpose of optimisation. Step 2: Energy diagnosis. Measurement of system operating behaviour using data loggers or existing facility management technology (FMT) during the heating period, lasting for a period of one week to one month (room temperature, advance/return temperature in the heating circuits and pre-control circuits, outside temperature, possibly capacity, daily consumption readings for heat usage, consumption readings for cold water if there is a hot water preparation system fitted)
Measurement factor
Mobile measurement equipment
Conclusions concerning
Inside temperature reference rooms
Data loggers for temperature and humidity
Operating behaviour for heating system, ventilation
Outside temperature
Data logger for temperature
Heating temperature threshold
Advance /return temperature in the heating circuits
Data logger for temperature, at least 2 external channels
Operating behaviour for heating system
Insert /IR thermometer
Temperature control for contact sensor
Electricity consumption
Data logger consumption, power for socket
Identification of auxiliary energy consumption
Lighting intensity (ArbStättV)
Carbon dioxide as applicable (CO 2)
CO 2 data logger
Temperature distribution diagram for selected heating circuits in the town hall of Model Town. 80 Friday
Temperature in °C
60 50 40 30
Boiler circuit DG New build DG New build RG New build room 1.12 Outside temperature (technical room 2nd floor)
20 10
13.02.2014 8 am
13.02.2014 2 am
12.02.2014 8 pm
12.02.2014 8 am
12.02.2014 2 pm
12.02.2014 2 am
11.02.2014 8 pm
11.02.2014 2 pm
11.02.2014 8 am
11.02.2014 2 am
10.02.2014 8 pm
10.02.2014 8 am
Time frame
10.02.2014 2 pm
10.02.2014 2 am
09.02.2014 8 pm
09.02.2014 8 am
09.02.2014 2 pm
09.02.2014 2 am
08.02.2014 8 pm
08.02.2014 2 pm
08.02.2014 8 am
08.02.2014 2 am
07.02.2014 8 pm
07.02.2014 8 am
07.02.2014 2 pm
07.02.2014 2 am
06.02.2014 8 pm
06.02.2014 2 pm
Process phase 3: Optimise
Besides the price and functions of the measurement resources, the scope of functions and user friendliness of the accompanying software are crucial in the selection of mobile measurement resources. It is recommended to install fixed measurement resources for permanent monitoring of the operating behaviour, depending on the capacity and size of the system. There are recommendations for measurement resources and suggested sizes contained in AMEV EnMess 2001. Step 3: Optimising operation. A rushed, disorganised procedure during optimisation may impact negatively on the image of energy management, especially if the users experience a drop in comfort. This is why optimisation is conducted step-by-step through the systematic modification of control parameters (e. g. temperatures, heating schedules) within a continuous process that also considers the changes in weather conditions and circumstances of use. It is sensible to keep documentation in a system journal, as this helps archiving and provides justification in response to any complaints. Optimisation of hot water preparation. Energy is wasted in many cases during the preparation of hot water, as existing heating and hot water supply systems are not tailored to meet demand. In some cases even, boilers remain in operation in municipal facilities outside of the heating period, although they are designed to supply entire buildings during the winter months. This leads to low system utilisation levels that may be as little as 15 percent in the summer. These figures are due to the standby losses in the heat generator, also storage and circulation losses. They are further compounded by high consumption values for ancillary electrical energy (e. g. to operate the pumps).
Statutory requirements concerning the hygiene of drinking water (TrinkWVO, DVGW W551) place restrictions on the range of optimisation measures that can be used for hot water. The following applies here: Hygiene regulations always take precedence over energy efficiency, as the operator would otherwise be liable in the event of any damage to personal health. Hence, the approach here is to achieve a lean system size in newly constructed or refurbished facilities to meet the needs of users.
Hot water with lean dimensioning: critical operation analysis: Where is hot water needed? realistic demand profile: calculation of requirements, i. e. measurements in comparable buildings low dimensioning of pipe cross-sections and storage volumes, i. e. decommissioning dimensioning for standard use and not for occasional special uses short grids with few branches and dispensing points close to generators avoidance /decommissioning of peripheral dispensing points with low needs redesign of peripheral dispensing points with central supply to non-central systems
The optimisation of other technical systems can be carried out in an iterative process, based on the steps and approaches described above. Recommendations for optimisation measures are found in the appendix to AMEV Energie 2010. There is additional information on the optimisation of heating systems and lighting under and in the SAENA brochures on the topic of heating systems, system efficiency and efficient lighting systems. 31
Caretaker – a partner in saving energy. Regular consumption measurements, the control and optimisation of technical systems and efficient surface and occupation management are elementary aspects in ensuring the success of energy management. The inclusion of facility managers, also their training, are crucial aspects in the implementation of measures on the ground.
3.5 Integration of caretakers and technical staff. Caretakers occupy a key role in the introduction and maintenance of well-functioning energy management. This is why it is imperative to include them in the topics of registration and optimisation. Chapters 3.2 to 3.4 described the main areas of energy management involving improvements in surface and occupancy management, user awareness and optimisation of system operation. The tasks assigned to caretakers intersect and overlap here, which is why their support helps simplify the implementation of these measures and contributes to their measurable success. The work of caretakers and the optimisation measures intersect at the following points: control and adjustment of operation schedules and temperatures control and optimisation of the technical systems operational behaviour user support and control with regard to behaviour that helps save energy support in the planning and occupation of surface management organisation and control in the implementation of maintenance (relevant to energy) The active contribution that a caretaker can make to the upcoming measures is dependant on the circumstances in the local government district and their personal aptitude. 32
These factors include the form of building use and the system complexity, also the technical qualification, motivation and the disposable time budget available. Here it is important to define a range of differentiated tasks, based on technical suitability, previous tasks and possible areas of deployment. The caretaker can attend training courses to improve qualification levels. It may be necessary to reassign tasks in order to free up work time. Equally, it may be worthwhile to consider specialisation (e.g. training as an energy technician) within the framework of an existing staff pool. The caretaker may require additional authorisation, depending on the area of responsibility. Besides training, a facility to enable networking between caretakers and, above all, with colleagues in other local government districts on specific topics, may be a suitable means of raising motivation.
Install an energy technician. It is worthwhile considering the installation of an energy technician in larger local government districts and when dealing with more complex technical systems. This technician partners with the energy manager, providing engineering expertise in the energy management process. As a qualified specialist, the energy technician is the contact person for caretakers and technical staff. He /she coordinates the actors during technical registration and optimisation.
Process phase 3: Optimise
3.6 Procuring energy. Establish a caretaker pool. The caretaker pool is the organisational association of yard employees and caretakers. The caretaker acts as the factotum for the energy manager. Caretakers are familiar with the buildings and users and are therefore in a position to operate the technical systems to meet requirements. In contrast, yard employees generally possess profound technical expertise in handling the existing technical systems. In many cases, yard employees and caretakers are assigned to different administrative units. But in terms of tasks relating to energy management, the two specialist areas are complementary in their support of the energy manager. Assigning the two employee groups to one organisational unit enables the energy manager to focus technical expertise and increase flexibility in the delegation of tasks.
Here are some ways of helping caretakers play a more active role: timely project information concerning content, methods, targets presentation of the initial situation and estimate of potential for specific properties detailed induction in the operation of technical systems (operation schedules, requirement profiles) optimisation of operating behaviour, evaluation and fine adjustment feedback with consumption development and coordination of measures
Besides reducing the consumption of energy, the procurement of energy itself is an important method in minimising the energy costs. Optimisation should take place if the review of energy supply contracts (cf. chapter 2.6) indicates substantial potential for savings. Public sector principals are required by law under VOL /A to introduce bidding procedures relating to the procurement of electricity and natural gas. In the event that there are framework agreements for several municipal properties that extend for a number of years, it is most usually necessary to organise Europe-wide tender procedures, as the value of delivery will frequently exceed the threshold value defined in § 2 VgV. The technical rules governing budgets, combined with the provisions defined in VOL, apply to values below the thresholds. In these cases there may be an exemption from compulsory tendering. This can apply if the local energy supply company that operates predominantly on behalf of the principal is owned and controlled by the local government district. Other important theoretical principles and helpful instructions on energy procurement are found in chapter 3 Energy procurement in AMEV Energie 2010, among others. Tender procedures require substantial resources and suitable expertise. It is therefore important to check whether an external service provider could be tasked with procuring energy. It is advisable to conduct thorough research before commissioning a service provider. In this, references on fulfilment, cost for the local government district and savings achieved in relation to the exchange price are the crucial factors in particular.
3.7 Street lighting. Besides potential savings in the supply of energy and water in municipal properties, street lighting in particular can prove a particularly fruitful area in raising efficiency. Some local government districts use over 30 percent of the energy they require to provide street lighting. It follows, therefore, that this area accounts for a substantial portion of the municipal energy costs. Street lighting: share in municipal electricity consumption.
5% 6%
36% 26%
Share of municipal electricity consumption attributable to street lighting.
12% 7%
In some cases the electricity consumption is due to obsolete lighting systems. A survey * revealed that almost 50 percent of the local government districts investigated believe that their street lighting systems require modernisation. Analyses conducted by ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie e. V.) indicate that roughly one third of the street lights in Germany are still fitted with technology dating back to the 1960s. Here, only around three percent of the lamps are replaced each year. In many communities around Saxony, also, public lighting remains in a poor condition despite a large number of refurbishment projects that have been completed. This means that significant potential to achieve savings remains untapped. Although between 40 and 70 percent of the street lights in local government districts in Saxony were replaced after 1990, it remains true that: The energy consumption for street light is still 34
Street lighting in local government districts Administration Other buildings Schools Kindergartens (public) Higher education facilities Sport centres (public) Swimming pools (public)
excessive, and the number of lights replaced to preserve the facilities currently installed is too low. Moreover, most lighting systems were erected in the 1970s, and their service lives have since come to an end. Even systems refurbished in the 1990s will, in the medium-term, reach the end of their service lives and will require replacement. New and more efficient technologies promise progress in many different areas: more environmental and climate protection, greater safety, improved lighting quality and better efficiency. Furthermore, the lamps help improve protection against insects and reduce unwanted light emission to a minimum. Intelligently invested, many modernisation measures pay their own way in just a few years. They can also be completed quickly. * Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena): Survey on the condition of street lighting systems in German local government districts and obstructions preventing their modernisation, 2012.
Process phase 3: Optimise
Example: Possible fields of action in modernising street lighting. Current lamps Older than 25 years
Younger than 25 years
R educe energ y costs
Lamps should be replaced
Rated according to ME5, for instance
Rated according to S5, for instance
New lamp HST/HIT with CEB
New lamp HST/HIT with CEB
e. g. 70W without control facility, Lamp colour 3000 /4000K
e. g. 50W without control facility, Lamp colour 3000 /4000K
New lamp HST/HIT with EB
New lamp TC-DEL with EB
e. g. 70W control 100/50%, Lamp colour 3000 /4000K
e. g. 39W without control facility, Lamp colour 3000 /4000K
New lamp LED with EB
New lamp HST/HIT with EB
e. g. 47W control 100 /50%, Lamp colour 4000K
e. g. 50W control 100 /50%, Lamp colour 3000 /4000K
New lamp LED with EB
New lamp LED with EB
e. g. 47W control 100 /50 /25%, Lamp colour 4000K
e. g. 28W without control facility, Lamp colour 4000K
New lamp LED with EB
New lamp LED with EB
e. g. 47W control 100 /25 %+ Sensor control, lamp colour 4000K
e. g. 28W control 100 /50%, Lamp colour 4000K
Check suitability for continued use: Electrical aspects, Mechanics (housing/mirror), Cover (glass) yes
Reattach ballast
Exchange Electrobloc
Additional impedance
Reduction circuit
New lamp LED with EB e. g. 28W control 100 /50 /25%, Lamp colour 4000K
New lamp LED with EB e.g. 47W control 100 /25 %+ Sensor control, lamp colour 4000K
Here it is necessary to render transparent the relationship between required investments and the expected savings in energy and operating costs in the area of street lighting.
EB = electric ballast CEB = choke electric ballast
You will find additional information on efficient lighting under The planning guideline is available online under
Planning guideline for street lighting. The aim is clear: energy and cost-efficient street lighting in the long term. The systematic approach to modernisation is explained step-by-step. It also provides practical tips. The topics: foundations in law and standards stock-taking methodology technical options for optimisation measures instructions for contracting and financing
Process phase 4: Documentation and communication
Create interim report, publish results. This phase involves the preparation of an interim report on target achievement within the energy management process. It charts progress and achievements and is used to keep all actors within energy management (property owners, users, executives and others) up to date. The annual energy report is the main instrument here.
Check list phase 4: Prepare the annual energy report Prepare the monthly energy report Present and disseminate the reports
The energy report is an information instrument in the work of the energy manager. It is sensible to produce reports containing different scopes and depth of contrasted detail for the various target groups. The structure and scope are dependent on the project progress, size of the local government district and the intended purpose: annual energy report – detailed report: e. g. for the Land Office or experts on the town / local council annual energy report – summary: e. g. for the town /local council monthly energy reports for individual properties: e. g. for building users, caretakers statistics with development in consumption and definition of targets: e. g. for the mayor The use of energy management software with reporting function and standard templates is sensible for the areas of controlling and documentation. Regular evaluation and publication of actual figures are important factors in communicating energy management. Here, it is important to present the results in a clear and comprehensible form.
Contents of a standard energy report. The following standard elements should be integral parts of the annual energy report: Section A: Individual report for each property: monthly values of energy consumption for heat, electricity and water compared to the previous year development in energy consumption, energy costs and emissions compared to previous years assessment of energy efficiency (among others comparison of ratios) action plan detailing measures requiring no, or low, investments recommended investment measures with calculations of economic efficiency definition of targets Section B: Summarised report – local government: energy consumption for heat, electricity and water development in energy consumption, energy costs and emissions compared to previous years list of buildings with energetic assessment of refurbishment potential action plan detailing measures requiring no, or low, investments (inter-property measures) recommended investment measures with calculations of economic efficiency summary for executives
It is necessary to consider, and detail separately, changes in framework conditions when presenting the development in consumption and costs, for instance in: rises in energy prices changes in surfaces and uses Model scenarios can be presented as examples to elucidate the framework conditions. In this, the cost savings achievable by energy management measures are compared with (fictitious) reference costs without these measures.
Examples of standard energy reports
Process phase 5: Updating targets and planning 5
Updating targets and planning. Updating targets and planning is the final stage in the management cycle. Proposed measures must be considered, and decisions need to be reached on modifications. This leads into the planning of measures and the deduction of feasible targets. Resolutions must on all accounts be well-planned.
Check list phase 5: Structural and energy policy decisions Proposals and resolutions for measures requiring low, or no, investments Update action plans and targets Include the energy manager in construction measures
The proposed measures are derived from the results of stock analysis and consumption evaluation. The implementation of measures requiring no investment can begin immediately in most cases. By contrast, measures that require low, or more substantial, investments must first be approved by the municipal executives. Hence, the following fundamental and structural measures relating to energy policies are only feasible if there is active support from the mayor and the council: introduction of a binding energy guideline user motivation, creation of incentive systems establishment of a fund for reserves – using energy cost savings resolution to optimise energy procurement
It is necessary to develop recommendations detailing potential savings and economic efficiency for measures that require investments.
Proposals for resolution. It is advisable to collate a list of recommendations put forward within energy management to produce a catalogue of proposals. This is used to summarise and prioritise measures and as a means of preparing resolutions on a municipal level. It provides municipal executives with an overview of where energy management believes that action is needed. Presentation of the catalogue during sessions of the town or local council, also combined with the annual energy report, is a favourable method of prompting resolutions designed to implement the measures. The catalogue of proposals should contain the following information: name of the property brief description of the measure potential savings in energy costs per year potential savings in CO 2 per year investment required term of use and amortisation current funding options
Process phase 5: Updating targets and planning
Planning measures and updating targets.
Include the energy manager in construction measures.
The action plans are updated by integration of approved measures, detailing their priority, milestones, responsibilities and corresponding time frames. Implementation of measures must be considered in the targets relating to each individual property.
Construction measures influence the operating costs in municipal properties in the long term. The energy manager possesses detailed knowledge of the structural energetic conditions of buildings and technical systems. Hence, he/she should be included in advance whenever there are plans to introduce construction measures involving investment:
It is advisable to collate these data in a digital form. Here, the energy manager can present his or her catalogue of measures, including a scale of prioritisation, to the municipal executives. The priorities consider factors such as disposable financial resources, maximum cost reduction or CO 2 avoidance and the current funding situation. Further, it is possible to provide a presentation for each individual property as input for the planning of complex refurbishment measures.
For new builds: inclusion in preliminary and draft planning (e. g. comparisons of options, full cost calculation), construction monitoring, acceptance, documentation, property management The following preliminary measures are also needed for refurbishment and modernisation: proposals for measures with details of potential savings and economic efficiency commissioning of detailed analyses as preparation for investment decisions refurbishment roadmap, with consideration of energetic and economic correlations
Stabilising municipal energy management 5
Stabilisation and networking. Building municipal energy management is a long-term process. After all, it takes time to produce the necessary structures and procedures. But once the initial phase is complete, it is possible to proceed to the stabilisation period of energy management, which involves constant motivation and education of the actors, also networking with suitable partners.
Experience has shown that, depending on continuity and the system itself, it takes roughly three years to establish municipal energy management. By then, the structures and processes should be in place, the relevant actors installed, and administrative support must be ensured. But even once the phase of establishment is complete, it will take ongoing commitment to expand and stabilise the savings levels compared with the reference scenario without energy management. Saving energy costs and preventing CO 2 emissions are the best means of achieving stabilisation. Easing the strain on public coffers or providing over-compensation for rises in energy prices are convincing and unbeatable arguments in favour of stabilization. Measures that produce tangible results in a relatively short period must always take precedence. But additional savings can only be generated if everyone involved remains motivated, and if there is an input of new ideas and increased inclusiveness for building users. This may involve: presentation of the energy management results as an achievement attributable to everyone involved publication of municipal energy and cost balance sheets evaluation of each property together with the users further training and regular networking of experience between the actors information events for building managers and users
Cooperation within a regional association does not require much expenditure or effort, and provides the opportunity for regular meetings designed to pool information, also to train and motivate the persons involved. Smaller local government districts in particular have limited resources when it comes to highly qualified staff. However, a policy in which several local government districts situated in the same region group their human resources to provide central energy management may produce greater efficiency and quality in this field. National networks focus expertise and help spread the word. They are therefore a good means of improving energy efficiency in towns and cities. The aim must be to introduce and stabilise a structured system of energy management in smaller and medium-sized local government districts, also. SAENA supports the establishment of networks in Saxony. When
it comes to energy management, established networks, for instance the eea local government districts or SAENA events on municipal energy management and specialist conferences on specific fields of action within MEM, provide suitable platforms here. You will find current information on municipal energy management, information on events and a broad selection of free, technical information on the SAENA website under:
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