2011 - 2012 Annual Report
President’s Letter
Scott Rich
The 2011-2012 academic year for Sterling College was a time of strengthening and vision-casting. The Board of Trustees, Cabinet, staff and faculty are using this time of transition to focus on the strategic plan before us: strengthening our academic core, enriching the student academic experience and developing an infrastructure to adequately support these improvements. A strategic plan was formed by a taskforce of individuals and approved by the Board of Trustees to focus the efforts of the College. Our offices and departments are working together to make Sterling College the finest Christ-centered, servant leadership development-focused liberal arts experience in the Great Plains.
Interim President
Sterling College is a Christ-centered, fouryear college located in Sterling, Kansas, with a mission “to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith.�
Our faculty are driven to continually make their academic departments stronger and more accessible. New majors and concentrations were proposed and added to broaden the options available to our students and to strengthen the education they are receiving at Sterling College in existing majors. Sterling College Online broadened its class offering as well, making our online program appeal to a new group of prospective students. Throughout this time of transition, the College has continued to make great strides in moving forward. I am thankful for the leadership our Cabinet members have provided in the day-to-day running of the College as we continue making strides to fulfill our strategic plan. I ask that you continue to pray for Sterling College as we work to fulfill the strategic plan and work toward an even stronger Sterling College. Please also join me in thanking the Lord for the many friends and alumni who tirelessly support this institution through financial contributions, student referrals and many prayers.
Scott Rich Interim President
Sterling College 2011-2012 Highlights
• A 25-member strategic plan taskforce met for nine sessions to review data and discuss priorities for the next three to five years. This taskforce included members of the Sterling community, trustees, alumni, faculty, staff, students and senior administrators. The Board of Trustees endorsed the proposed plan in October 2012. • The cafeteria was fully renovated in partnership with Chartwells Dining Services in the summer of 2012. The renovations allow students a wider variety of choices and less waiting in line. • Chandler Boardroom was renovated through a gift from the Jerome Chandler Family in Jerome’s memory. Jerome served on the Board of Trustees for 24 years and was chair of the Board for much of this time. • The golf center was renovated through the generosity of Tim and Barbara O’Brien. The Board approved naming the center the Thompson-O’Brien Golf Center. This now gives golf a solid identity on campus. • First Bank Family Pavilion was added to the Smisor Stadium area through the generosity of First Bank in Sterling. We are grateful for the leadership of Carl Dudrey and Jeff Laudermilk in this gift.
• Sterling College Debate team ranked 12th in the National Parliamentary Debate tournament among U.S. colleges and universities for the 2011-2012 academic year. • In May, members of the Sterling College Chorale and Highland Singers sang in Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall in the concert “The Music of Joseph Martin.”
• Theatre professors Gordon Kling and Diane DeFranco-Kling retired after 44 and 41 years respectively. They were honored with faculty emeritus status and through the naming of the Gordon Kling and Diane DeFranco-Kling Stage in Culbertson Auditorium. We are grateful for their distinguished service over their tenure leading the theatre program at Sterling College. • The baseball team ended the regular season with a 40-12 record, breaking the 2003 record of regular season wins. They continued their season by winning the KCAC Conference Championship and competing in the opening round of the AVISTA NAIA World Series. They finished with a 45-14 record and ranked 20 in the Postseason NAIA Top 25 Coaches’ Poll. • Heather McCreery ’90 was elected chair of the Board of Trustees in March. Heather has served on the Board since 2002. She is the granddaughter of Dr. William McCreery who served as the fourth president of Sterling College from 1946-1973. • The mysterious Christmas gift of the Sword in the Stone appeared on campus. The stone, inscribed with “SC Warriors,” sits directly in front of Cooper Hall and is perfectly placed to sit in front of the commencement stage. The donor of this gift is still anonymous. • Sterling College Online, in partnership with the Associated Colleges of Central Kansas, is now offering a special education add-on endorsement. Sterling is the only institution in Kansas to offer this adaptive special education endorsement in an online format. • The Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics acquired new equipment through a generous foundation grant of $55,000. The new equipment allows the department to remain competitive to current and prospective students.
Sterling College Annual Report
• Due to the generosity of JACAM and First Bank, Sterling College was able to purchase two new basketball and volleyball scoreboards for the Gleason Center.
• Seven new faculty members joined Sterling College, of which, six have terminal degrees.
Reflections from the Sterling Teacher Education Program
Terri Gaeddert
As I complete my 11th year at Sterling College, I continue to be grateful for God’s numerous blessings and want to share some changes and exciting events from the past year. The first major change came in May as I transitioned to the director of teacher education. Dr. Gladys Ritterhouse retired after leading the department for 11 years. She provided a solid foundation for the department and I was blessed by her leadership.
STEP Director and Licensure Officer; Associate Professor of Education; Chair of the Education Department
In January, the Kansas State Teacher of the Year team visited our campus. They spoke about the importance of reaching diverse students. Not only did this event align with our institutional learning objective that graduates will understand the relationship between their majors and world cultures, our students had the privilege of learning how to relate to diverse populations from excellent educators sharing their experiences with our candidates.
August brought good news from the state of Kansas for all 11 of our content programs in STEP. We received approval for all of the content programs, and our faculty from each discipline is to be commended for their diligent work on these reports. It is wonderful to work with supportive and qualified personnel.
We also had the privilege of naming two student candidates Teachers of Promise, a recognition awarded by the Kansas State Department of Education and Sterling College. This fall, Tillie Ehresman and Carly Cramton were selected for this honor. They attended a workshop and the Teacher of the Year Banquet in November. It is always fun to attend the banquet, as former STEP graduates are often in attendance. We continue to have excellent student candidates who represent Sterling College well. Finally, and most importantly, STEP is undergoing an accreditation visit this year. The offsite visit was conducted in November, and the onsite visit will occur in February 2013. We appreciate your prayers and continued support as we seek to provide excellent programs and develop servant-leader educators who will impact students for years to come.
Sterling College Annual Report
In the spring our department saw the generous support of alumni and friends. Nineteen deserving future teachers were awarded education scholarships to help them achieve their goal of becoming a teacher. We also offered a teaching position to Frank Leone who joined the Sterling Teacher Education Program faculty this fall. He has been a great addition to the Sterling College faculty. Frank’s background as a teacher and administrator allows him to share a variety of perspectives with our candidates as he teaches both elementary and professional education coursework.
Our students returned in the fall to some exciting opportunities around the state. In September, by special invitation, STEP candidates participated in a pilot event at the Kansas State Fair where they attended the fair from the perspective of a teacher. They experienced demonstrations with connections to different content areas, received sample lesson plans and exchanged ideas with other future teachers.
Annual Report
Dr. Gregory P. Kerr
Sterling College has had another year of demonstrable progress. We have advanced both the strength and accessibility of our academic programs through new majors, new faculty and new articulation agreements. Students now have more majors available to them. In the Department of Communications, Media and Theatre Arts, where we once had one combined major, we now offer two: communication and media arts or theatre arts. This change allows students more specialized study within communication and media arts because there are several concentrations from which students may choose. Dr. Raymond Anderson’s leadership and expertise in video communications has been crucial to this restructuring. Another major added by the College is writing and editing. This major draws on the existing strengths in our Department of Language and Literature to equip students with the knowledge and skills to write and edit for a variety of audiences and occasions.
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Another measure of academic progress relates to faculty. The percentage of faculty members with a terminal degree in their teaching field has grown dramatically. Let me point out several disciplines where we have made significant hires for fall 2012. Both of our new theatre arts faculty members and our new art and design faculty member earned the M.F.A., a terminal degree in those fields. Our new history, New Testament, and mathematics faculty members hold earned doctorates. Dr. Adebukola GbadeOyelakin, the new assistant professor of mathematics, is the first Sterling College faculty member with a Ph.D. in Mathematics and holds the Talmon Bell Chair in Mathematics. Dr. Talmon Bell was head of the mathematics department from 1895 to 1947 and was interim president from 1909 to 1910. Being named to the Talmon Bell Chair brings with it the mantle of promoting quantitative literacy on campus. All of these faculty hires bring to campus faculty with excellent academic credentials and a desire to integrate their Christian faith with their academic discipline. To make Sterling College more accessible, we have examined our relationships with two-year colleges. As a result, Sterling College now has articulation agreements with 18 Kansas community colleges and Hesston College. These agreements ease the transition into Sterling College for students holding an associate degree. During this last year, a strategic plan has been developed that puts the central focus for the next few years on strengthening Sterling College academics. The advances noted above are evidence that progress is indeed being made.
Financial Data
34% 49%
25% 4% 2%
$5,681,776 Net Tuition and Fees
$3,685,737 Instruction & Academic Support
$1,266,750 Private Gifts & Grants*
$2,894,784 Student Services $3,281,917 Institutional Support
$269,181 Investment Income
$3,213,684 Auxiliary Enterprises
$4,001,776 Auxiliary and Other Income *excludes endowment fund giving
Sterling College Annual Report
$491,883 Government Grants
Financial Data
Consolidated Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2012 Unrestricted REVENUES GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Tuition and Fees Less : Scholarships and Grants
$ 11,621,173 (5,939,397)
Net tuition and fees
Private gifts and grants Government grants and contracts Investment income on endowments Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on endowments Other Investment Income Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on other investments Net gain (loss) on sale of fixed assets Other Income Auxiliary enterprises
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 11,621,173 (5,939,397)
962,460 487,648 181,563 20,507 49,073 18,244 (206) 391,624 3,610,152
304,290 4,235 8 -
1,266,750 491,883 181,563 20,507 49,081 18,244 (206) 391,624 3,610,152
Net assets released from restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support
365,874 11,768,715
(365,874) (57,341)
EXPENSES Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises
2,877,816 807,921 2,894,784 3,281,917 3,213,684
2,877,816 807,921 2,894,784 3,281,917 3,213,684
Total Expenses
Private gifts and grants from endowments Net gain (loss) on beneficial interests in perpetual trusts Changes in value of split-interest agreements
203,903 (28,607) -
203,903 (28,607) 12,522
Change in net assets
NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year
256,159 $ (1,067,902)
744,077 $ 715,911
13,388,712 $ 13,564,008
14,388,948 $ 13,212,017
Financial Data
Consolidated Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2011 Unrestricted REVENUES GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Tuition and Fees Less : Scholarships and Grants
$ 11,741,790 (5,882,874)
Net tuition and fees
Private gifts and grants Government grants and contracts Investment income on endowments Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on endowments Other Investment Income Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on other investments Other Income Auxiliary enterprises
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total $ 11,741,790 (5,882,874)
1,216,831 621,720 178,436 710,237 17,547 (32,585) 439,959 3,606,751
715,402 1,506 7 -
1,932,233 623,226 178,436 710,237 17,554 (32,585) 439,959 3,606,751
Net assets released from restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support
267,762 12,885,575
(267,762) 449,154
EXPENSES Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises
2,762,970 765,889 2,873,837 2,733,709 3,149,073
2,762,970 765,889 2,873,837 2,733,709 3,149,073
Total Expenses
Private gifts and grants from endowments Net gain (loss) on beneficial interests in perpetual trusts Investment income in loan funds Changes in value of split-interest agreements Change in net assets
(14,035) 586,062
(2,220) 446,934
948,290 73,387 73 1,021,750
948,290 73,387 73 (16,255) 2,054,746
NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year
(329,903) $ 256,159
297,143 $ 744,077
12,366,962 $ 13,388,712
12,334,202 $ 14,388,948
Sterling College Annual Report
Annual Report
The following list recognizes those who contributed to the financial strength of Sterling College from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. These individuals came alongside students, enabling scholarships and more affordable tuition rates. Every gift was important and contributed to the mission of Sterling College. Thank you for choosing to contribute to Sterling College! Your giving provides for the ongoing legacy of the College and a new generation of leaders, which have been educated and shaped in a Christ-centered educational environment. (If we left out a name in the lists that follow, please notify us and we will print these names in the next Sterling Magazine.) The heritage of Sterling College continues, thanks to the generosity of these financial partners: * Deceased
Heritage Clan $25,000 and Above Anonymous Charitable Trust Mrs. Julia A. Dailey* First Bank & First Group Ins. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore Mrs. Ada Koop* Mrs. Eva E. Lewis* Mr. and Mrs. Willi Maier Joyce (White) Rocco Bert J. Stratmann Wichita Eastminster Presbyterian Church
McCreery Clan $10,000 - $24,999
Keith Adams Mr. and Mrs. James Brackensick Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bryant DeBoer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dudrey Mrs. Florence E. Hill Jacam Chemicals, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Maurer Miss Ruth E. McCreery* McVay Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim O’Brien Presbyterian Church (USA) Louisville, KY Dr. and Mrs. Mike Wiebe Mr. Samuel Parker Woolmington* YOT Full Circle Foundation, Tulsa, OK
Kelsey Clan $5,000 - $9,999 Alumni Anonymous Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Ayers Jack and Betty Bornhoeft Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Broky Mr. and Mrs. William J. Calderwood Rev. Robert R. Cunningham* Dr. and Mrs. Alan S. Cureton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Doane Dr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Fahrenholtz Mrs. Joneta Gaffin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grove Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Ms. Helen M. Larsen* Mrs. Donna G. McCreery Dr. Thomas O. McKown Mr. and Mrs. Boyd R. Orr Evelyn Phinney Estate Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royer Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Simpson Dr. Jim Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swihart Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Stutzman Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Dr. R.C. and Mary Trotter Tulsa Community Foundation E. Rose Eatinger-White Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Woodbury
Campbell Clan $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bender Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeWalt Dr. Marvin Dewey Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Downing Ellsworth First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Duane Frederick George W. Behnke Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Horton Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jaeger Don & Jill Jespersen Kansas Independent College Fund Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Lang Marathon Oil Company Rev. C. W. McConnelee Merklin Family Foundation Pinnacle Sports Medicine & Orthopedics, PA Mr. Clarence W. Pollock Dr. Ronald D. Rolfs* Myrt and Marlyn Shuttleworth Mr. and Mrs. Mark Spangler Mrs. Anne Stauffer Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Swanson Synod Of Mid-America Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tank Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Troy Mr. Michael J. Walcott
Spencer Clan $1,000 - $2,499 Karen Fly Achterberg Dr. and Mrs. Colin Bailey Baltimore Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Berry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Bettis Dr. and Mrs. Tom Billings Black Hills Energy Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bonnell Miss Barbara A. Borst Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brannan Mrs. Jean E. Brewer Ms. Katherine D. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Brownlee Judge and Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Miss Frances N. Calderwood Rev. and Mrs. Charles J. Carson Mr. D. Scott Carter & Mrs. Heather McCreery Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Cavanaugh, III Christ’s Church of Flagstaff Dr. and Mrs. John Nathan Clayton Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Coleman ConocoPhillips Company Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Copeland Dr. Susan B. Crowell Mr. James S. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Davidson Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ermal P. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Lauren D. DeBuhr Mr. and Mrs. Royden Derstein Vernon and Marian DeWerff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dillard Robert and Marjorie (Kensett) Dillon ‘52 Dr. Maurice L. Duggins Mr. and Dr. J.R. Elliott Ms. Beryl B. Elwood Emporia First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Evelyn Engelland* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Engelland Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon R. Federwisch Finney Estate Rev. Edward C. Fish Mr. Bob Foster Mr. Jeremy A. Frederick Friends of Golf, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Frisbee Garden City Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. James Urban Gathman Mr. Robert W. Gordon Miss Mary Beth Haan Carolyn (Hobbs) Haney ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Jim Head Mr. & Mrs. Willis G. Heck Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hindman Hutchinson First Presbyterian Church Shirley Megli Ingerly Rev. and Mrs. David P. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. William H. Irwin
Jetmore United Presbyterian Church Mrs. Jean F. Jones KAAPA Ethanol, LLC Kansas Ethanol, LLC Dr. C. Oliver Kenagy Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Kidd Mr. Kenneth D. Killian Mr. Gordon S. Kling & Mrs. Diane DeFrancoKling Dick Kneidl Mrs. Martha E. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lauer Mr. Paul Laughlin Dr. and Mrs. Henry Lederle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Lengel Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Lentz, Jr. Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Randall Magee Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Steven Marsh Mr. and Mrs. David G. Martin Mrs. Clarice Mathews Ms. Eileen Matthews Mr. Daryl F. McConnelee Dr.* and Mrs W. Joseph McFarland Miss Tamela D. McGlynn Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Mr. Howard K. Means Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Meester Mr. Nation Meyer Mt. Pleasant Evangelical Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Dustin W. Mullin New Covenant Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Daryl K. Nuss Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Oates Mr. and Mrs. William F. Oline Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Ms. Verne L. Oswald Otterbein United Methodist Church Pittsburg Presbyterian Church Dr. and Mrs. Ned S. Raun Rev. Donald L. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Terry Redmon Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Reed Mr. R. Maurice Reed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sankey Andrew and Jaime Schechter Rev. and Mrs. Richard R. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Ken L. Schroeder
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sickles Mrs. Lois M. Sieverling Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Skillen Dr. and Mrs. Ted C. Smythe South Central Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Pat Staton Mr. and Mrs. Chester O. Stephens Sterling United Presbyterian Women Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Stutzman Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Stylianou Mr. and Mrs. Josh Svaty Rev. and Mrs. Seth R. Svaty Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. and Mrs. James R. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Van Bebber Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Veitch Rev. & Mrs. James E. Vincent HR Mr. and Mrs. Adam Warner Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Whitman Wichita Trinity Presbyterian Church Dr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wood Annie & Dick Wyatt Mr. Duzel D. Yates Glenna Mae Yoakum Estate Zenith Community Presbyterian Church
Honor Roll of Donors
Irene and Rick Barkman Ms. Rebecca B. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Matt R. Barnett Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Barr Miss Mary B. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Barrett Mr. Louis J. Barscewski Mr. and Mrs. Benny Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bassett Dr. Laura F. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bateman Mr. and Mrs. James Bath Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bay Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bayack BCA Development Ms. Becky A. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beadle Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Beagley Mr. and Mrs. Daryel Beal Ms. Evelyn Beardmore Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Bechtold Mr. Myron Behnke* Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Mr. and Mrs. Jason Beilman Thaine and Edith Beitler Ms. Esther M. Bell Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Bell Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell Beloit First Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Benfield Mr. and Mrs. Virgul Bengston Miss Bertha B. Bennett Ms. Sheri Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Don Benson Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Berggreen Bernadette Feeney Mrs. Ruth M. Bernadt Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Berry Ms. Karen Best Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Best Mrs. Lorene Bethell Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Bettin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biernacki Mr. Donald Bigham Dr. William G. Billings Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Binder Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bircher Mr. and Mrs. Jon Birky Dr. Elmer Leroy Birney Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Birzer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Blaber Black Jack Bail Bonds Rev. Glenn T. Black Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Blackwood Miss Kyleen J. Blankenship Mrs. Twila Bleam Ms. Judith M. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Blodgett Mrs. Alma R. Blohm Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bloom Mrs. Edith Ann Blose Mr. and Mrs. Manuel H. Bocanegra Ms. Melissa S. Boeckman Boeing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Boeken Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Boeken Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Boen Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Boese Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Bogle Mr. and Mrs. Burl l. Bogle Mr. David A. Bonillas Mr. and Mrs. Clell E. Bontrager Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Bontrager Mr. and Ms. Zachary Boor Mr. Fred C. Boos Mr. and Mrs. Brett Borst Mr. John O. Borst Nancy Broadstreet Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. F L. BrandenBerger Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Braun Miss Sharon F. Breneman Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Briar Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bried Brock Geist Sales, LLC Mr. Ralph Brock Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown Rev. and Mrs. James R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Roger K. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Brown Larry and Amy Brownlee Mr. John W. Broyles
Rev. Patricia H. Buck Mr. Donald S. Buell Mr. and Mrs. James W. Buettgenbach Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Bunce Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Burbank Mrs. Betty J. Burgert Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burnett Mrs. Mary F. Burns Mary E. Burrichter Mrs. Beverly A. Bush Mrs. Letha A. Bush Ms. Jean Butcher Mr. and Mrs. Dustin W. Butler Mr. and Mrs. John J. Butler Dr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Byall Mr. Jaime Cabrera Miss Melissa S. Calderwood Callaghan Concrete Construction, Inc. Ms. Wilma Callen Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Camp Campbell Westminster United Presbyterian Church Ms. Dawn M. Campbell Ms. Shari Candon Mr. and Mrs. Stony Capehart Mr. and Mrs. James Capoot Mr. and Mrs. Gregory N. Capps Mr. and Mrs. Troy Carlgren Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Carson Mr. Dwight D. Case Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Case Dr. and Mrs. David Castrodale Caterpillar, Inc. Ms. Hazel Cates Mr. and Mrs. James K. Cates Mrs. Brandi L. Caywood Mr. and Mrs. Mason R. Caywood Mr. and Mrs. William D. Chadwick Dr. and Mrs. Jamie C. Chambers Champion Air Mr. Anderson Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Dick A. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman Ms. Mary Lou Chartrand Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chavez Mr. and Mrs. James Chedzoy ChevronTexaco Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cheyney Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Chilcott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Childs
Sterling College Annual Report
3 Boulders, Inc. Ms. Connie Achilles Mr. and Mrs. Norman Achilles Mr. and Mrs. Travis Achilles Mr. and Mrs. Darin E. Ackley Mrs. Martha C. Adair Mrs. Beryle I. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jay Adams Africa Inland Mission International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Agee Mr. Randy Agee Mr. Martin Albrecht Alden State Bank Mrs. Anna Mae Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Alexander Mr. Ken Alford Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alicea Ms. M. L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allen Allstate Foundation Mr. Danny Alsip Ms. Barbara B. Amsden Mr. Robert S. Amundson ANC, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Albert B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jared L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Anzalone Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Archer Architectural Cast Stone, Inc. Ark Church, Inc., Maize Ark Veterinary Clinic Mr. and Mrs. John E. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Nick Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Ashby Mr. Rueben Askew, III Mr. and Mrs. Keith Asmus Associated Imaging Services, Inc. AT&T Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John E. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Augspurger Mr. and Mrs. Brent Austin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Austin B & B Lumber Company, Inc. Mrs. Lisa E. Baalman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Bach Mrs. Jean H. Bachman Mr. Alex Bacon Ms. Elsie Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Trey M. Bagby Patricia M. Bahnsen Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Bail Mrs. Phyllis Bailey Mrs. Joyce S. Baker Kay and Robert Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bales Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ball Mr. Monte W. Ball Mr. Tommie G. Ball Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballor Dr. and Mrs. John V. Banta Mr. and Mrs. James Banwart Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Banz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barbo
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chirik Christ is Life Church Pastor and Mrs. L. Cecil Christian Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chroust Church Women’s Thrift Shop Mr. Walter C. Claassen Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Clanton Ms. Billye S. Clare Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark Mr. and Mrs. James Clark Mr. Robert N. Clark* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Claunch Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Claussen Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clingan Clinton Auto Auction, Inc. Mr. Todd A. Clover Cobano Lanscape & Irrigation, Inc. Mrs. Elaine Cobb Coeur D’Alene Grocery Outlet Mrs. Lois Colburn Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Cole Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collie Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins Ms. Jane G. Collins Mrs. Joyce Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Collins Mr. and Mrs. James Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Rod Compton Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Concannon Mr. Roy Conder Peg & Jettie Condray Mr. and Mrs. Don Conger Congregational UCC Church Endowment Fund Conklin Cars Mr. and Mrs. Delmar L. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Conrad Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc. Ms. Amanda Cook Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cook Mr. Malcolm L. Coomber Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Copeland Mr. Edwin H. Copley Mr. and Mrs. James C. Copley Mrs. Barbara A. Corby
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Coryea Mr. and Mrs. Joe Couch Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coulter Mr. and Mrs. David J. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Dana V. Cowger Jim and Sandy Cox Ms. Melissa A. Coy Miss Dena J. Coykendall Ms. Arleen Craig Ms. Christine S. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crandall Ms. Melissa M. Crawford Linda Criswell Mr. Robert B. Crook Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cropper Rev. and Mrs. Larry Cross Mrs. LaVeda Cross Crossroads Christian Church Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Miss Shirley F. Crouse Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crowe Mrs. Beverly Crump
Mr. and Mrs. David Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Robin L. Cuany Rev. and Mrs. Ernest J. Cubbon Mrs. Elaine Joyce Cunningham* Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Cunningham Mr. Gary Curmode Mrs. Bernice Curry Mr. and Mrs. Brent Curtis Ms. Miriam Curts Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cuthbertson Mrs. Dorothy I. Cutliff D.J. Kauffman Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dahl Mrs. Urve Daigle Al and Bernice Damon Daniel’s Electrical Construction Co., Inc. Mrs. Cheryl L. Danskin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Darnauer Mr. Robert G. Darow Mr. and Dr. Christian D. Dashiell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dauer Mr. and Mrs. David N. Dauer
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Dauer Ms. Tina K. Dauer Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Daugs Ms. Deanna D. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Davis Mrs. Cathy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Davis Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Davis Mr. Andrew T. De La Cruz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. de Rueda Delta Mu Sorority Mrs. Marilynne S. Denison Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dennis Mr. Johnnie Denton Desert Outdoors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Detmer Ms. Donna Deutscher Mr. Darren Devitt
Mr and Mrs. Raymond L. Deweber Mr. and Mrs. Don M. DeWerff Mr. and Mrs. John Dewerff Ms. Erica M. Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Dickson Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Dierksen Mrs. Elaine M. Dill Mr. John A. Dill Dr. Raymond E. Dill Robert and Gloria Dill Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dillon Mr. & Mrs. C Brian Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodgen Miss Charlene Dodson Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Chester R. Dorsey Dr. and Mrs. James E. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dowell Mr. Samuel J. Downe Ms. Margie N. Drake Mrs. Wanda Drake Mr. and Mrs. Terry Drouhard Mr. and Mrs. John Du Gay Mr. and Mrs. Romualdo Duarte Mr. and Mrs. Micheal W. Duell Mrs. Alice M. Dundas Mr. and Mrs. William G. Dunn Mr. Christopher D. Duskin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dutton Mrs. Ruth Ann Dutton E & P Plumbing, Inc. Eck & Eck Machine Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Edgar Ms. Kristina Ediger Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards Ms. Linda F. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Ehresman Ms. Karen Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Einspahr James Ekerberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Ekerberg Benny & Jolene Ekstrum Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eller Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellington Mr. Bruce Elliot Mr. and Mrs. David G. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engelbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Engelken
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Kevin J. Freeland Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frees Mr. and Mrs. James M. French Mr. and Mrs. David E. Frey Friends of the Helmerich Library Mrs. Carol A. Frisbie Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Froese Mr. Gary Frye Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frye Jr. Mr. Tanner Frye Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fryman Miss Heather I. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Fuller Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Fullinwider Mr. and Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Fulton Assembly of God Church Mr. Todd Fulton Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Fulton Mr. and Mrs. John E. Funaro Mr. and Mrs. David A. Funk Mr. and Mrs. Michael Funner Courtney & JoAnn Furman Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gaeddert Mr. David M. Gallivan Ms. Jean Galyon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gammel Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Gannon Mr. James M. Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Garcia Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Gardner Mrs. Ella Mae Garlick Mr. and Mrs. James E. Garrison Miss Britney M. Gasper Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Gates Mr. John R. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Gawith Gene Rogers Optical Generations West Construction Mr. Terry George Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gibson Miss Megan L. Gilbreath Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Gilbreath Mr. and Mrs. Stan Giles Mrs. Lorina M. Gillen Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gillespie Mary J. Gillis Gillispie Meats Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Gilmore
Dr. and Mrs. Milton D. Gilmore Mr and Mrs. Dennis J. Gindt Ginther Oil, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Girard Mr. and Mrs. Bret Givens Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glasscock Mr. Dwight M. Goering Mrs. Ruby Goering Mr. Galen Gose Mr. and Mrs. Clement Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goyen Mrs. Betty Graebner Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Grafel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham Mrs. Mary Ruth Graham Ms. Virginia M. Grant Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Steve Graydon Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Green Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Gregg Col. and Mrs. James Griffith Dr. J. T. Grimes, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Grimsley Mr. and Mrs. James Grimstad Mr. and Mrs. Joel Grizzle Mr. George T. Grove Ms. Jill J. Grove Ms. Dana I. Haan Mr. John A. Haase Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Hadley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hagerman Mr. and Mrs. David Hair Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Hall Drs. Charles and Robin Hall Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Mrs. Janet Halloran Doug & Jane Haltom Mrs. Patricia A. Haltom Ms. Connie S. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jared R. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Hamilton Mr. Roger D. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Hamm Calvin and Victoria Hammond Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hamp Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Han Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hankins Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hannaford Miss Joyce W. Hannah
Mr. Jeff A. Hansen Ms. Margaret S. Hansen Miss Margaret A. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Shane Harden Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean Harder Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hardesty Ms. Adrian F. Harding Mr. and Mrs. John Harding Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harding Rev. and Mrs. R. Wayne Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Harford Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Harrell Mr. Carlton P. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Harsha Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harwood Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Hasan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Haskell Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Haspels Ms. Joanna C. Haspels Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Hatfield Ms. Tamera Hatfield Haul or Nothing, LLC Mel and Charles Havener and Families Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Haxton Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Hedstrom Hegge Electrical Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Heil Mrs. Elizabeth Heinemann Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Heitschmidt Mr. and Mrs. David Helfrich Mr. and Mrs. James Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Henderson Mrs. Marissa L. Henley Henning Custom Swathing Mr. and Mrs. Brian Henning Arthur and Lucille Henry Mrs. Helen M. Henry Ms. Lana Henry Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hernandez Ms. Naiya Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Knute Hernas Mrs. Betty E. Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Ty A. Herrington Mr. and Mrs. William M. Herrington Ms. Becky Hertzog Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hess Hesse Petroleum Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hickel Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Hicks Mr. Rex Hicks Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Hiebert Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Hiebert Mr. Brent L. Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. E H. Hildebrandt Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hill Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hilst Mrs. Lois E. Himes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hines Ms. Debbie Hinnen Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Hinnen Dr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Hinshaw, DDS. Mrs. Sarah K. Hoard Mrs. Edith Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Hodgson Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hoekstra Mr. and Mrs. Irvin A. Hoffman Bill and Trudie Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Orbin Holle Miss Mildred Holmdahl Mr. Jim Holmes Mr. Merlin Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hookstra Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Hoopes Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Hoover Hopewell Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Hopping Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hoppock Mr. J. Eugene Horton* Mr. and Mrs. Monte C. Hostetler Mr. and Mrs. Randy Housewright Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Howe Ms. Brenda Howerton Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hoyt Ms. Rebah J. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hubbell Mrs. Vivian R. Hulsopple Mr. and Mrs. William Humphreys Mr and Mrs. John F. Huppenthal Dr. Rebecca F. Huselid Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Huston
Sterling College Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Engelland Rev. Arthur P. Enns Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ensz Mr. and Mrs. Orie A. Ensz Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Erickson Miss Elma L. Erickson Mrs. Joan E. Erickson Dr. Marianna Erickson Ms. Marilyn O. Erickson Jeff and Rhea ‘Stuart’ Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Ryan C. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Erickson Suzanne Estill Mr. and Mrs. Dale O. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Shawn D. Evans Excel Personnel Services Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fahrenholtz Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fair Ms. Norma Jean Fair Dr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Farag Mrs. Berta J. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Kent Farney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farney Mrs. Marian Farr Mr. Randy Feather Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Feight Mr. and Mrs. Travis Feil Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ferguson Mr. Keith B. Ferguson Dr. and Mrs. C. Lee Filker Mr. Dan Finney Mr. and Mrs. Gene Finney Mural E. Fisk Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fleener Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flickinger Ms. Molly C. Flickner Mr. Parker C. Folse, III Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ford Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Foree Mr. and Mrs. Budd Fountain Mr. Jerry R. Fox Ms. Vicki L. Frahm Mrs. Margaret D. Fraiser Mr. and Ms. Roger France Ms. Sharon B. Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frankenfield Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Drew W. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Frederick Dr. and Mrs. Warren S. Freeborn Jr.
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hutcheson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hutchison IBM Corporation Inman Elementary Activity Fund Inprov Kansas, LLC Mrs. Doris A. Iraca Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. David P. Irwin, II Dr. and Mrs. James R. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Iwashige Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jackson Ms. Lurene Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jaderston Ms. Christina L. Jagodzinski Janitorial Supply Mr. Arlen Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Janssen Mr. Richard Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Kent Janzen Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Janzen Mrs. Marjorie A. Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. George Jarvis Mr. Brian Jaworsky Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Jay Jayhawk Baseball Camp JD Mechanical Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Jeffery Rev. and Mrs. D. Gordon Jewett Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Johnson Miss Gwendolyn E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harve B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James D. Johnson Mrs. Joann Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jonas Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Jones Mr. and Mrs. Loren A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lowell G. Jones Ms. Marjory E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robin A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Joosse Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Juchmes Mr. and Mrs. James R. Judy Dr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Kaminska Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kammerzell Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kaup
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kearbey Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keener Ms. Bethel Keller Mr. Kevin L. Kellermann Mr. and Mrs. Bud J. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelly Kelma Hometown Market Mr. Donald R. Kelsey Mrs. Arlene Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kempf Ms. Shirley Kendig Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy Mrs. Mardelle Kenyon Ms. Eloise Kerbs Mr. Jacob Kern Mrs. Monica L. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kesteloot Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kidd Ms. Carol Kilburn Charles W. Kilpatrick Dr. and Mrs. James A. Kimble Mrs. Anna M. Kimple Mr. and Mrs. V. Keith Kimple Mr. Donald J. King Ms. Jan E. King Mr. Michael S. King Mr. and Mrs. William M. King Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kingsley, III Mr. Stevens P. Kinney, III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Kinsey Mr. Robert E. Kirchoff Miss Vicky Kirchoff Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kissman Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Kizziar Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Klaus Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klaus Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klein Mr. Martin F. Klein Mrs. Lola V. Klepper Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kleppinger Ms. Kay Klungland KMW Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Knecht, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Knox Mr. and Mrs. Loren R. Knox Mr. Kyle E. Kobe Midwest Trust Company of Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Ron Koehn Ms. Joellen Koerner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolinchak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kolling Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Konrade Ms. Eva I. Koontz Ms. Kathryn V. Korby Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Kottmann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kraushaar Mr. and Mrs. Tim Krehbiel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Krenzin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Krone Miss Frieda D. Kuepfer Dr. Rebecca D. Kuhn & Dr. Alan Newton Mr. and Mrs. Geraldine Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kvasnica Dr. and Mrs. Teow Hwa Kwa Ms. Eleanor F. Lacopulos Lakin First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lambert Ms. Catherine L. Lampe Mr. and Mrs. David Landis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Lanham Mrs. Frances M. Lanier Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Larsen Mrs. Helen H. Larsen* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lathrop Mr. William G. Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. Al Laurent Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Lay Mr. and Mrs. Mark Layng Ms. Millicent R. Leake Mr. and Mrs. Tavis D. Leake Mr. Charles A. Learned Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Learned Leawood Christ Community Evangelical Free Church Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Lebsack Ms. Concepcion Lecuna Mr. Pedro Lecuna Mr. Herbert S. Lee Mrs. Janice E. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lee Dr. and Mrs. Sang K. Lee Mr. and Mrs. David H. Leebrick Ms. Wendy D. Leleux Ms. Nancy Lenhert Leoti First Presbyterian Church Leoti Parks Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Leroux Mrs. Helen F. Leslie
Mrs. Jeanne K. Leutung Dr. and Mrs. Dale Levering Ms. Karen Lewis Liberal First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. John G. Liggett John and Rose Lindquist Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Lindshield Livengood Auto Glass Mr. Dave Long Rev. and Mrs. Earl T. Long Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Long L. Eileen Loomis Ms. Marie Lopez Mrs. Elda Ruth Lorah Ms. Gwen Lorenz Lila B. Lothson Ms. Whitney A. Love Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Loveless Ms. Jean A. Lucero Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Ludwig, II Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lujan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lundgren Mr. William G. Lupfer Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lutz Ms. Rachel Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lynn Lyons Federal Bank Mr. Robert J. Macek Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott MacLeod Richard A. Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Malette Mann and Company Ella Mae (Koontz) Mann ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Mark Manning Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mantz Maranatha Church of God Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Marrs Dr. and Mrs. Dean A. Marsh Marshall Publishing, INC. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Martin Rev. and Mrs. Melville W. Martin Mr. Robert M. Martin Ms. Anna Martorelli Mr. and Mrs. John H. Marye Ms. Aleta J. Matthews Mrs. Dorothy M. Maxwell Ms. Margaret R. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McAdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Stan McAdoo Mrs. Mildred M. McAllaster Mrs. Sue C. McAllaster Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McArthur Mrs. Carol S. McCallum Ms. Sheryll R. McClenny Ms. Rhonda McCollum Mr. Roger J. McConnell Ms. Heather E. McCormack Dr. Sandra L. McCreery Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. McCreight Juanita (Mrs. CW) McCreight Mr. Mark McCrory Mr. and Mrs. Braden McCurdy Robin D. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell Dr. and Mrs. Albert Dean McElroy Mr. John McFarland Mr. and Mrs. J N. McGilvra Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne H. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Peirce McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Walter McIver Ms. Mary M. McKemy Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McKey Mrs. Mary E. McKinley* Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin Ms. Jan McLees Ms. Christine McManus Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMillan Mr. and Mrs. James D. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Carol McNickle Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. McPhail Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Lanny McVey Mr. Louis E. Means Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mehl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Mehler Mr. and Mrs. Don Meiergerd Ms. Lois Melkonian Ms. Marie Melkonian Mr. and Mrs. David Melton Mr. Todd J. K. Melton MEM III, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. George Mendenhall Miss Helen E. Mendenhall Mr. Wayne Mendenhall Mennonite Press, Inc. Ms. Elvira Mercado Mr. and Mrs. Jim Merrick
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Kathy Mundorf Mr. and Mrs. William Munsey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murray Mr. and Mrs. David M. Musselmann Mr. and Mrs. Rod Musser Mr. Melvin L. Muxlow Mrs. Betty Myers Ms. Bernice A. Nance Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Napier Mr. Brian C. Nate Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Naughton Mr. Pedro Nava Mr. Tedd R. Nealey Mr. and Mrs. William R. Negrete NEI, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin Newton First Presbyterian Women Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Nichol Ms. Grace L. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nienke Mr. and Mrs. David B. Nilsen Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Nilsen Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Nilsen Ms. Anna G. Nininger Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nininger Mrs. L. E. Nininger Mr. Richard J. Nininger Miss Beulah Nisly Mr. and Mrs. Harley Nisly Mr. Samuel Nisly Mr. and Mrs. Patric E. Nissen Alfred H. and Margaret R. Noakes Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Nolte Rev. and Mrs. Denzel E. Nonhof Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nordberg Ms. Margaret M. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Pery Nowak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nowlin Ms. Patricia M. Nunley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Oard Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Oberg Mr. and Mrs. Austin D. Ochs Mrs. Janice L. Oden Ms. Dee O’Hair Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Hanlon Dr. and Mrs. Max Oldham
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Oliver Mr. Lindsay Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Keith O. Olson Mr. Kent G. Olson Mr. Michael Oneill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ontiveros Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ontjes Open Door Church of God in Christ Ms. Jo Ann Ordway Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Orr Ms. Katie G. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Owens Ms. Laura Pace Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Pacey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Paden Sarah Page Mr. Larry Palato Ms. Lucile Palmer Ms. Helen Pannbacker Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie R. Paramore Mr. Stephen C. Park Mr. and Mrs. Danny W. Parks Mr. and Mrs. David Parks Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Parks Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Erin Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Patrick Ms. Kimberly A. Patrick Rev. and Mrs. F. Edward Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Rex L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Pavinato Ms. Martha Payne Mr. William M. Payne Mrs. Winifred M. Pearsall Ms. Linda Pearson Mr. Michael Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Pease Mr. and Mrs. Kenny J. Peitz Mr. and Mrs. Shane Pelton Ms. Joann Pena Mr. Jim Pendarvis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Penner Mr. Donald E. Penner Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Penner Mr. and Mrs. William Peterman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peters Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Drew Petersen Mrs. Charlotte (Selleutin) Peterson Ernest W. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Torrey Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Peterson Mr. Jared Petit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petroski Ms. Rachel Pew Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Peyton Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Phelps Mrs. Eleanor Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Duane I. Pickett Picture Framing & More Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Piland Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pinon Mr. and Mrs. Steve Piper Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Pippin Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pitzer Jean Pitzer Mr. Thomas R. Plamer Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Ploutz Mrs. Karen Polchin Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Polgreen Mr. Destry A. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollock Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pomozzi Mr. and Mrs. James Poole Mrs. Mary M. Poole Mr. Robert V. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Posson Mrs. Marjorie A. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Prather Mr. and Mrs. James L. Prentice Presbyterian Women of Southern KS Mr. and Mrs. R K. Preston Ms. Patricia Proehl Mrs. Donna Proffitt Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Proffitt Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Proffitt Mr. and Mrs. Ramior A. Pruneda Mr. and Mrs. David Ptacek PW Trading, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Quarnstrom Isiah and Monica Quillian Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Quirk R.G.M. Construction Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rader Mr. and Mrs. David P. Ramer Dr. Debra A. Randolph-Zwick Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Ratekin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Rauk Ms. Frances M. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Mrs. Deidra Raymo Ms. Arlene Reed Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Shawn R. Reed Miss Susan M. Reed Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Reichel Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Reid Ms. Katherine M. Reid Ms. Clarice O. Reitz Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Renfro Mrs. Joy Renollet Gene and Alice Renollet Miss Ketty R. Reppert Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Reuther Ms. Maureem Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rhoads Mr. Kenneth Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Rice Ms. Marge R. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rich Mr. and Mrs. Eric Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Leo Richardson Mr. Gerald R. Richman Rickabaugh Motors Mr. Benjamin K. Rickett Ms. Shirley A. Rickett Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ridgley Mrs. Daisy E. Riedl Wayne and Jane Riedl Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Rife Mr. and Mrs. Brennan T. Riffel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Righettini Miss Glenda L. Riley Mr. Randy Rinker Dr. Gladys E. Ritterhouse Ms. Rebeca Riviera Mr. and Mrs. James Riviere RK Commercial, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Roadhouse Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roadhouse Ms. Mary Robbins Ms. Kheyla Roberts Mr. Rennis S. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Robinson Ms. Debra Robinson
Sterling College Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Messersmith Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Meyer Rev. and Mrs. John R. Meyer LeEllen “Lonni” Hoffmann Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Marc Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer Mr. Harry Mihas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Miletich Mrs. Rebecca Miller Mrs. Anne Miller Mr. and Mrs. Cody D. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Drew R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lance Miller Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Miller Mrs. Mildred E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Miller Mr. Rickey G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Shaun D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Todd Miller Wendell and Keri Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milleville Mrs. Maxine Millsap Miltonvale First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miskimon Mr. and Mrs. Alberto L. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Moberly Mr. Danny T. Mobray Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Molby Mr. Jon D. Mollhagen Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Mollhagen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Moore Ms. Lenore K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore Mr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Morrill Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Morris Mr. Robert R Morton* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Mosher Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moss MTC Mr. Dathel Mucklow Mr. and Mrs. Ronny P. Mudd Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Muilenburg Rev. and Mrs. William Mulford Mrs. Mary Mullis
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly T. Robson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Rodgers Mrs. Verda E. Roe Mr. and Mrs. James O. Rogers Mrs. Ruth Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Kyle R. Rogg Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rolfs Mr. Charles J. Roman Miss Regan Romero Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ronnei Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Ronnei Rose Hill Bank Rose Hill General and Cosmetic Dentistry, PA Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Rose Mr. Edgar A. Rose Ross Manufacturing, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roughan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rowh Mrs. Janiece D. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Todd Rowland Royer Brothers Tree Service, L.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Ruch Dr. and Mrs. James Ruhlmann Dr. and Mrs. Ray Rundus Mrs. Cheryl L. Runyan Russell St. John Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. David A. Russell Mr. Don Russell Ms. Karen J. Russell Mr. Donald C. Rutherford Dr. Mary E. Ruthi Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sager Mr. Nouman Saleem Mr. Virgil D. Salem Dr. and Mrs. William J. Salyers, Jr. Mr. William F. Sammons Anneva Sander Ms. Sandra Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sandusky Miss Shirley R. Saxton Mr. and Mrs. John Sayler Mrs. Olga E. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Scheer Mr. and Mrs. Jason Scheler Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Schenck
Mrs. Lucille M. Scheufler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schielack Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schirer Mr. Merle Schlehuber Mrs. Gwendolyn Schlender Ms. Paula Schlitter Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. David M. Schmidt Ms. Hildred D. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Josh L. Schmidt Ms. Sarah E. Schmidt Mr. Gary Schmidtberger Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Schmucker Mr. William M. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Schrag Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Schrock Ms. Tammy L. Schroden Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schutte Mr. and Mrs. Ty L. Schwertfeger Mrs. Mary Ellen Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ty Scott Mrs. Ruth P. Seim Mrs. G. Leroy Selby Ms. Judith A. Semenuk Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Severns Mr. and Mrs. Sid Shaffer Ms. Michelle J. Sharpe Mrs. Ruth D. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Yosi Shibberu Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shiblom Ms. Lindsey Shinpaugh Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sibley Dr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Siefe Sierra Broadcasting Corporation Miss Carol S. Sieverling Mr. James B. Silman, III Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Simon Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Simpson Ms. Tammy Siverson Mr. and Mrs. Monte Slaven Mr. James D. Sloan, III Mrs. Erma E. Smartt Smith Quality Enterprise, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Smith Mrs. Coral Smith-Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Smith Capt. & Mrs. Eugene A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lyle S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Theodoric Smith Rev. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Smothers Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Timothy N. Smythe Mr. and Mrs. Loran Sneath Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snell Mr. Robert A. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Steve Soliday Mrs. Julia C. Sorrentino South Central Kansas Economic Development District Aunt “Jeanie” Spann Ms. Deb Sparks Spates Fabricators, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Spear Dr. and Mrs. Gene W. Spear Mr. and Mrs. William A. Spears Ms. Nell Spence Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin L. Spencer Mr. O. E. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Sperduto Mr. and Mrs. L D. Spitler Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Splitter Mr. and Mrs. Matt Splitter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spohn Mr. Frank J. Spotts Mr. H. Barry Spraggins Mr. Dennis L. Spry Dr. Felicia S Squires & Prof. Charles Harding Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Staats Ms. Jerene A. Stadalman Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Staedtler Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stahl Mr. Randy L. Standeford Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Stange Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stansbury Star Auto Clinic, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Starkey Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Jude C. Stecklein Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Steele Steel-McGee Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Steinbacher Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Steinfath Mr. Robert M. Stelling Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stender Mr. and Mrs. David E. Stenson Sterling Farm Supply Sterling Presbyterian Manor Sterling Reformed Presbyterian Church Steve D. Aery Construction Amy ‘McCarty’ Stevens Ms. Donna M. Stewart Mrs. Doris M. Stewart Mr. Frank C. Stewart Mr. W. Gregory Stewart Stewart’s Ferrari of Denver Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Stickel Dr. and Mrs. George W. Stickel Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stieber Ms. Ginger Stiggins Mr. Junior L. Stimatze Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stinson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Storm Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stos Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Dr. Robert L. Strain Mrs. Lynn Strickler Ms. Elaine Stricklett and Mr. Peter Brownrigg Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stromberger Stronghold Counseling Services, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Mark Struck Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stuhlmiller Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stutzman Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Styles Ms. Donnetta Suchon Ms. Janice Suddock Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Suhler Ms. Rosy Suiter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan Sunset Equities, Inc. Ms. Janice F. Surface Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Surface Mr. and Mrs. Travis L. Surface Susanville Christian Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Gentry N. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Dave Svaty Mr. and Mrs. Donald Svaty Mr. and Mrs. David M. Swank Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Swank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swank Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Swartz Rev. Dawn E. Swartz Mr. and Mrs Brian Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Swihart Ms. Eleanor Swihart Swisher Hydro Excavating Miss Dena Jo Swisher Mr. and Mrs. M. William Syrios Ms. Anna Mae Tabor Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Tabor Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Taege Mr. and Mrs. Noah Tai Jack and Mary Talbott Ms. Deanna Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Teague Tedford Land and Cottages, Inc. Rev. and Mrs. J. Mark Tedford Miss M. Lynne Tedford Miss Pearl L. Tedford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tedford Mr. Ethan Temple Ms. Sandra L. TerMeer Miss Ruth Terrill Mr. & Mrs. William Teufel Ms. Linda Tezeno Mrs. Stacie J. Tharp The Home Lumber & Supply Co. The Lyons State Bank Mr. John L. Theisen* Ms. Marilyn M. Thies Mr. John C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Thomas Ms. Amy R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thompson Mrs. Jean Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Ms. Coralee Thornburg Ms. Jannine S. Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Argie Thrall Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Tillotson Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Timken Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Tinkel Ms. Jacci Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Tisdale Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Todd, Jr.
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wade Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wagley Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Mrs. Phyllis J. Wagoner Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Tony J. Walenz Ms. Megan L. L. Walker Rev. and Mrs. David Wallace Ms. Elaine Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Aaron S. Wallman Mrs. Florence Walter Dr. and Mrs. Carlo Walth Mr. Marvin H. Wambsganss Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Washam Mr. Klee R. Watchous Ms. Melody Waters Ms. CJ Watson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Watts Wayne’s Electric, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weaver Mr. Travis Weaver Mr. Everett Webb Mrs. Katherine A. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weber Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Weber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor B. Wedel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Weeldreyer Ms. Katy Weidner Ms. Tracy Weinhold Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Weir Pastor and Mrs. Theodore K. Weis Mr. Lee Weishiemer Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Welch Wellington Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. William Wenger
Miss Gail J. Wenos Wes Miller Contracting Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. West Mr. Nathaniel J. West Ms. Beverly Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westerman Rev. Louise F. Westfall Mr. and Mrs. David Westmoreland Mr. Daniel E. Whisler Mr. and Mrs. Bill White Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White Mr. and Mrs. Donald White Mr. Edgar W. White Mr. and Mrs. Hal N. White Ms. Joan M. White Ms. Marilyn G. White Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. White Mrs. Thelma White
Mr. and Mrs. Ted White Mr. and Mrs. William M. White White’s Steel Eldon & Alice Whitmer Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Whitmer Ms. Kendra R. Whittingham Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Wichert Wichita Bethel Presbyterian Wichita Calvary Presbyterian Church Wichita First Presbyterian Church Ms. Tara N. Widener Ms. Anastasia K. Widjaja Mr. and Mrs. Shawn A. Wiebe Mr. and Mrs. Lois J. Wiens Mr. Kirk D. Wiggins Ms. Janet S. Wilbeck Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wilbur Dr. and Mrs. H. Kendall Wilcox Mrs. Ruth Wilcox Ms. Vickie R. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wiles Mr. and Mrs. Steve D. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Lon A. Wilkens Ms. Margaret Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Wilkens Mr. Edgar L. Wilkey Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Wilkey Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams Dr. and Mrs. Lee E. Williford Dr. and Mrs. Mike Willome Mrs. Carol A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilson Herman Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George Winn, III Mr. Kevin Winter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winters Wirth Painting Services Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean Wise Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wolfe Mrs. Roselyn E. Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wollweber Mr. and Mrs. Jarod J. Wollweber Ms. Mariah M. Wollweber Wondertots, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Woodford Ms. Cynthia M. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Conard Woodson Ms. Frances Woodworth
Sterling College Annual Report
Mr. Anthony J. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Todd Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Toews Mr. George D. Tongring Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Toperzer Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Towns Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Tracy Miss Ethel M. Tramble Transformations Landscaping Mr. and Mrs. Mark Treaster Tribune Presbyterian Church Mrs. Ruth Gladys Trice* Ms. Kate M. Tripalin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudell Ms. Lila M. Truitt Ms. Ruth F. Trujillo Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Tuxhorn Ms. Lise M. Tyrrel Kenny and Shari Ubelaker Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Underhill, Jr. Ms. Kayla R. Unger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Unger Mr. Roy Unger United Presbyterian Women Mr. and Mrs. Troy Unruh Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Vaci Mr. Edelmiro R. Valdez Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Valdez Mrs. Ruth Van Arsdale Mr. Nelson Van Fleet Drs. Margaret & Paul VanHorn Mr. and Mrs. Max G. Van Horn* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Van Meter, Jr. Rev. Dr. Stan Vandersall Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vandeveer Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Vandevort Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Vannaman Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanOver Mrs. June Vasey Stan and Donna Versaw Ms. Mary L. VerSteeg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Viereck Ms. Delia N. Vierra Mr. Jose Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. William Vincent Dr. and Mrs. John E. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Vogts Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wade
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Woodyard Ms. Justine Woofter Dr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Work Mrs. Lois H. Wortman Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wurster Mr. Fred Wuthrich Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Wyatt Ms. Sheryl L. Wyatt-Fulton Mr. Michael J. Yagel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Yates Mr. and Mrs. David M. Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Yoder Dr. Donella S. Young and Mr. William J. Young Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young Dr. and Mrs. A. Zainali Ms. Elaine T. Zettas Mr. and Mrs. James K. Zielke Mrs. Venie Zier Greta J. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Zimmerman Mr. Dale Zuck
Kelsey Society Named after our third president, the Kelsey Society honors a special group of individuals who are partners with us in planning for a designated gift through their estate or have establish an a current endowment at the Sterling College. Mrs. Karen F. Achterberg Mrs. Beryle I. Adams Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith Adams Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Colin Bailey Miss Carol Bailey Mrs. Joyce Baker Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Mr. Omer C. Belden Miss Bertha B. Bennett Mrs. Rose I. Bennett* Mr. Donald K. Berblinger* Dr. and Mrs. Tom Billings Mrs. Edith Ann Blose Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bonnell Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Bornhoeft Mrs. Jean E. Brewer Rev. J. William Brewer*
Dr. Robert L. Brigden* Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown Mr. Ed Brumfield* Mr. W. Dave Bruner Judge and Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Mr. Alfred Burgert* Mrs. Betty J. Burgert Miss Mary R. Burgett Dr. Russell Deane Byall* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Calderwood Rev. and Mrs. Donald H. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Dr. J. Robert Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Carlisle Mr. D. Scott Carter & Mrs. Heather McCreery Mrs. Sandra L. Carter Miss Leora M. Channell* Mrs. Lois Colburn Dr. J. Oliver Collins* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Jan C. Commer Mrs. Wilma D. Corn Ms. Anne M. Cornell Mrs. Helen W. Crawford* Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Miss Shirley F. Crouse Mrs. Eileen Simerl Cure* Mr. Harry Cureton* Mr. and Mrs. Lauren D. DeBuhr Dr. Marvin Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dillon Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Chester R. Dorsey Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Mr. J. Lamar and Mildred Dunn* Mrs. Donna H. Dye Mrs. Arlene R. Ediger Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne E. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Trey Elrick Mr. George Eschbaugh* Ms. Elizabeth Eurich* Rev. Roberta A. Fall Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Farmer Mr. Donald C. Fee* Mr. and Mrs. Gene Finney Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frerks Mr. Mark E. Friess Mr. and Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Graves Mrs. Diana L. Gregory*
Mrs. Lucile G. Hamm* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haney Rev. Vernon K. Hanks* Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. William E. Harrington Mr. Dale Hazlett* Dr. and Mrs. Robert Neil Hazlett Mr. and Mrs. Jim Head Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Held Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Dorothy Heter* Mrs. Florence E. Hill Mrs. Karen S. Hite* Mrs. Doris A. Hodge* Betty G. Hodge Revocable Trust* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Howard Mrs. Alice Humphreys Miss Patricia E. Hunt Rev. and Mrs. David P. Irwin Rev. Harold F. Jensen* Rev. and Mrs. D. Gordon Jewett Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Mrs. Louise W. Judy* Miss Kathleen Kane* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keeling Rev. Alfred A. Kelsey* Mrs. Lois E. Kensett* Dr. J. W. Kensett* Mr. Leroy C. Klema* Mr. Marvin G. Koons* Mrs. Fern V. Koons* Ms. Eva I. Koontz Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Ms. Helen M. Larsen* Mrs. Patricia M. Laudermilk Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Mrs. Eva E. Lewis* Miss Carol E. Lex Miss C. Lucile Lukens* Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Rev. Richard A. Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Maier Ms. Aleta J. Matthews Mrs. Helen G. Mathews* Miss Marguerite M. McClellan* Miss Ruth E. McCreery* Mr. Robert W. McCrory* Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McElroy Mr. W. A. McFerrin* Mrs. M. Joanne McGregor Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Meanor
Mr. Louis E. Means Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Meester Mr. O. Wendell Mendenhall* Rev. and Mrs. John R. Meyer Miss Mamie Might* Mrs. Fern R. Milligan* Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Montgomery Mrs. Virginia B. Morrill Rev. Alfred H. and Margaret Noakes Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Mr. Lindsay Olsen Mr. Raymond Olson* Rev. and Mrs. Carl B. Orr Mr. Harold O. Patton* Mrs. Vera Pearson* Dr. Joseph Arden Pence* Rev. Ernest W. Peterson Mrs. Evelyn C. Peterson* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Piland Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Polgreen Ms. Janet A. Postier Rev. Roy Ray* Mr. John F. Reece* Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Reed Mrs. Ruth C. Rice* Mrs. Jennie L. Richardson Dr. C. Orvis Rupe Mrs. Doris Rupe* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sanders Dr. William H. Schechter* Mrs. Lucille M. Scheufler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schirer Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schoenherr Mrs. Doris B. Seyb* Ms. Clara M. Shackelford* Mrs. Ruth D. Sherman Mrs. Elizabeth A. Shipp* Mrs. Lois M. Sieverling Mrs. Letha Pearl Simpson* Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Skinner, Jr. Mr. Hiram F. Smith* Mrs. Anna Smith* Dr. and Mrs. Ted C. Smythe Dr. and Mrs. Dale N. Snyder Dr. Alfred L. Spotts, Sr. Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Stuewe Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Sutton Dr. Jim Sweeney Mr. James S. Tedford
Mrs. Jean Thompson Dr. Joseph K. Thompson* Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Mrs. Ruby Thompson* Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. W. Arlen Treaster* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Underwood Rev. and Mrs. H. Eldin Wells Miss Gail J. Wenos Mrs. Frances West* Mrs. Rose White Dr. Elizabeth L. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Wilhite Rev. Gardner L. Winn* Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Woodbury Ms. Nancy Woodbury* Miss Elizabeth P. Wright* Mr. Duzel D. Yates Mrs. Glenna M. Yoakum* Dr. Gordon G. Zimmerman*
In Memory of Ruth Lorimor Bunn and Paul Clay Bunn Mrs. Ruth P. Seim
In Memory of Bob and Bill Brewer Carol Cuany Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer
In Honor of Jean Brewer and Joyce Collins Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer
In Memory of Martha Jean Creswell Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Newton
In Memory of Robert Cunningham Mrs. Lois Colburn Mr. James S. Cunningham
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Marjorie M. Cunningham Friends of the Helmerich Library Rev. and Mrs. R. Wayne Hardy Mel & Charles Havener & Families Mrs. Florence E. Hill Mrs. Sheryl Y. Jaeger and Mr Timothy Jaeger Mr. William G. Lupfer Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Reid Tedford Land and Cottages Inc. Miss Pearl L. Tedford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tedford Mrs. Phyllis Tucker Mr. Everett Webb
In Memory of Don L Graebner Mrs. Betty Graebner
In Memory of Flos Bellina Griswald Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wade
In Memory of Gordon Kling Sr. Larry and Amy Brownlee Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Dierksen Mrs. Helen M. Henry Mr. H. Barry Spraggins
In Memory of Louise Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Svaty Miss Dena Jo Swisher Mr. and Mrs. Troy Unruh Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Vannaman Ms. Beverly Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Lois J. Wiens Ms. Margaret Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Wilkens Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Wyatt Ms. Sheryl L. Wyatt-Fulton
In Memory of Mary McKinley
In Memory of Joe McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Bail Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Clement Gowen Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Haspels Rev. and Mrs. Earl T. Long Mr. and Mrs. Marc Meyer Mr. Frank J. Spotts Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson
Mr. Keith Adams Mr. Martin Albrecht Mrs. Anna Mae Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown Judge and Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Calderwood Mr. and Mrs. Lauren DeBuhr Mrs. Elaine M. Dill Mr. John A. Dill Dr. Raymond E. Dill Robert and Gloria Dill Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore Ms. Connie S. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hankins Mrs. Helen M. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hutcheson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robin A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bud J. Kelley Mr. Donald J. King Ms. Rachel Lyle Mr. John McFarland Mrs. Mary E. McKinley* Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Paden Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Reed Sterling Reformed Presbyterian Church Ms. Marilyn M. Thies Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Tracy Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Troy Ms. Lila M. Truitt Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. and Mrs. Conard Woodson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gibson Mr. Donald R. Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Quarnstrom
In Memory of Doug Price Karen Fly Achterberg
In Memory of Jean C. Spotts
In Memory of Anabel Sterett Mr. and Mrs. J. David Fullinwider
In Memory of Joseph Thompson Mrs. Jean Thompson
In Memory of Marietta Vandersall Rev. Dr. Stan Vandersall
In Memory of Viola Shirer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schirer
Sterling College Annual Report
Ms. Connie Achilles Mr. and Mrs. Norman Achilles Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Alexander Alumni Anonymous Alumni Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Bach Ms. Evelyn Beardmore Mr. Myron Behnke* Mr. and Mrs. Virgul Bengston Ms. Sheri Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bishop Ms. Melissa S. Boeckman Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Boeken Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Case Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Christiansen Miss Dena J. Coykendall Ms. Arleen Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Crandall Mr. and Mrs. Brent Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dauer Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Davis Vernon and Marian DeWerff Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Ryan C. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Dale O. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frees Mr. Dwight M. Goering Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Heitschmidt Mrs. Helen M. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Henry Mr. Brent L. Hildebrand Inman Elementary Activity Fund Mr. Arlen Janssen Mr. Jerome G. Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Kent Janzen Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Janzen Ms. Karen Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mantz Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Mehler Mr. Jon D. Mollhagen Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Mollhagen Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nienke Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Oard Mrs. Janice L. Oden Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ontjes Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Pacey Ms. Lucile Palmer Mr. Donald E. Penner Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Pippin Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Proffitt Rev. Donald L. Ray Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Rife Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roadhouse Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Rolfs Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Rose Mr. Charles P. Rowland* Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Todd Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royer Geral & Margie Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Matt Splitter Ms. Donnetta Suchon Ms. Rosy Suiter Ms. Janice F. Surface
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Legacy A Great Way to Leave a
The scholarships established in honor of my father, Kenneth Ray White, to be awarded to a qualified student in the Department of Theology and Ministry, is intended to serve as a means to perpetuate the purpose and mission of Sterling College. My father quickly recognized the valuable faith principles and practices that the Sterling College experience infused into his two daughters who were students there and, therefore, readily accepted serving on the Board of Trustees. This service eventually spanned 32 years. My father loved Sterling College and what it represents; and with this legacy gift in his name he can perpetually share that with others.