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Through the evolution of our experiements, we landed on a branching column system that is based on a hexagonal plan offset by diamonds. We produced various versions of this: 1A and 2A based on this pattern, and 1B and 2B based on tessellating hexagons without diamond infill. In both cases, version 1 is a ‘pure’ interpretation of the pattern, while version 2 is reinforced with additional orthogonal elements which we determined could be reduced to cable ties holding the wood elements in compression.

The tectonic and spatial similarities between a branching gridded column and a spaceframe mean that the transition between the two, as well as the full use of their strengths, can be accomplished with the simple addition or subtraction of cable and cable and columns respectively. On account of this, various programs can be accommodated by creating variety in the section or plan of the aggregation. We provide some examples of possible uses on the following pages.

What results from the hybridization is a flexible system that capitalizes on the vertical character of the branching column bay and the lateral space frame bay to produce a spectrum of spatial and structural dynamism that can accommodate diverse programmatic functions.
Details of the model show how our module prevents the overarching monotony of repetition through the unduluating profile of the branches as well as the lithe elegance of the cables keeping suspended frame elements in tension.