I am Sterlite

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I AM STERLITE Sterlite’s house magazine

CLIENT FOCUS Vox helps Sterlite Technologies build more valuable customer rela8onships HUMAN CAPITAL The Sterlite Heros

A showcase of individual, team and the Company’s efforts towards its core value of ‘EXCELLENCE’.

Actual site pic of OPGW installa3on in J&K

In this issue

NEWSROOM Sterlite and Tongguang joint venture in China starts produc<on of op<cal fiber

STERLITE NEWS ROOM ................................................. 1 BUSINESS UPDATE Sterlite has robust revenue growth of 30% Y-­‐O-­‐Y .......... 2 Event Calendar 2013-­‐14 ................................................. 3 TECHNOLOGY High performance conductors -­‐ Boos8ng efficiency, capacity & reliability ....................................................... 4 VIEWPOINT Working Together: The Synergies of Fibre and Wireless Networks ........................................................................ 8

Sterlite Roll of Honor .................................................... 18 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Case study: Women Empowerment -­‐ Voca8onal Training in Nursing & Tailoring ................................................... 20 Case study: Model Village Development Project .......... 22 STERLITE DIARY ............................................................ 26 STERLITE FAMILY .......................................................... 31 FOR YOUR BOOK SHELF How Will You Measure Your Life .................................. 32

CLIENT FOCUS Case study: Vox helps Sterlite Technologies build more valuable customer rela8onships ................................... 14 HUMAN CAPITAL The Sterlite Heros ......................................................... 16

Disclaimer: This news magazine is intended solely for internal circula<on within Sterlite Technologies and to specific stakeholders. The magazine may confiden<al informa<on, hence sharing of the contents of this document is strictly prohibited. Please print this document only if you need to. Help save our planet


STERLITE NEWS ROOM JTCL completes installaLon of first

boklenecks in harnessing genera8ng

765kV double circuit transmission


tower February 13, 2013: Jabalpur Transmission Company Limited (JTCL), a fully owned subsidiary of Sterlite Grid Limited, has successfully completed installa8on of the first 765kV double circuit transmission line tower for its Dharamjaygarh (Korba)-­‐Jabalpur project.

Interconnec8on of these highways from different parts of the country will ul8mately lead to forma8on of a high-­‐capacity na8onal power grid,” says Ajay Bhardwaj, COO, Sterlite Grid Limited.

Sterlite receives Amity Top Telecom Cable Company of the

The transmission scheme 8tled “System Strengthening common for Western & Northern Region” involves segng up a 765kV double circuit line from Dharamjaygarh to Jabalpur (385 km) and a 765kV single circuit line from Jabalpur to Bina (250 km). The project has been awarded on a 'Build, Own, Operate and Maintain' (BOOM) basis, wherein the transmission lines would be commissioned within 3 years and the Company would operate and maintain the same for a minimum tenure of 35 years

Year award February 5, 2013: Sterlite received the "Top Telecom Cable Company of the Year" award from Amity Ins8tute of Telecom Technology & Management. The award was presented to Prashant Nazare, Head -­‐ Sales & Marke8ng, India, SEA & SAARC, Sterlite Technologies Limited during the 9th Annual Na8onal Telecom Seminar ‘ Telefocus’ held at Amity University Campus. During the Seminar, Amity presented ‘Amity Telecom Awards for Excellence’ in 17 categories to telecom organiza8ons.


Sterlite and Tongguang joint venture in China starts producLon of opLcal fiber February 18, 2013: Jiangsu Sterlite Tongguang Fiber Co. Ltd. (JSTFCL), the joint venture (JV) company formed between Sterlite Technologies Limited (Sterlite) and Jiangsu Tongguang Communica8on Co Ltd (TGCl), have commenced produc8on of op8cal fiber at their new facility located in Haimen, Jiangsu Province, China. The green field factory has been set up with an investment of around US $ 25 Mn. “This joint venture leverages the strengths of two great companies to offer high-­‐quality and compe88ve op8cal fiber to our China customers,” said Pravin Agarwal, Whole-­‐8me Director, Sterlite Technologies Limited. “Addi8onally, it strategically posi8ons both companies for global growth in the telecommunica8ons segment.” “This partnership combines the exper8se of both companies to become a technology leader for

Says KS Rao, COO (Telecom & Power

the global market,” said Tang

JTCL project highlights:

Conductors Business), Sterlite, “We

Jinming, Chairman of Jiangsu

• Length of the tower: 377 km • Number of towers: 980

con8nue to consolidate our posi8on

Tongguang Communica8on. "We

and provide a range of solu8ons

look forward to con8nued

• Minimum height of tower: 73 m • Minimum weight of tower: 35

taking into account the current network needs. The Indian telecom

coopera8on and innova8on with Sterlite to provide our customers

tonne • Target comple8on: March 2014

industry is expected to register

the best in class products at

significant growth and the demand

compe88ve prices.”

for fibre in the network will rise due “Many inter regional schemes have

The first phase of the project, which

been planned for the phased

to increasing thrust on providing high-­‐bandwidth connec8vity

development of the Na8onal Grid.

including Government spending on

installed capacity of 5 mn-­‐km op8cal

We believe that transmission super

crea8ng Na8onal Defence and

fiber annually and the state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐

highways are the solu8on for right of

Broadband networks.”

art facility today provides direct

way concerns, as they do not cause MARCH 2013

has started opera8ons, has an

employment to over 90 people. 1


Sterlite Technologies posts Sterlite has sales of Rs. nine months robust 2,537Crores

revenue ... Robust revenue growth of 30% Y-O-Y growth of 30% Y-­‐O-­‐Y NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION Pune, India – January 28, 2013:

Financial highlights: Limited (“Sterlite”) Sterlite Technologies Sterlite closed Q3 FSTRTECH], Y13 with a 532374, NSE: •[BSE: leading global connectivity revenues of provider Rs 829 Cof rore, which is a and infrastructure solutions for the growth of 25% over the Q3 FY12 power and telecom industries today revenue oits f Rresults s 664 cfor rore. announced the quarter EBITDA a nd n et p rofit f or the •ended December 31, 2012.

EBITDA and net profit for the quarter were Rs 60 crore and Rs 10 crore respectively.

• PowerHighlights: business revenue of Rs. Business

574 Crores and telecom business posi8ve trends were • Notable revenue of Rs. 242 Crores.

La8n positive America & Europe • East, Notable trends wereand

quarter were Rs 60 crore and Rs 10 crore respec8vely. Volume growth

Products ivision for the third Europe dand sustainability of

Middle East, Latin America &

• year on year in aQ3 ll core businesses. Sterlite closed FY13 with

operationalqEBITDA consecu8ve uarter. margins in the

revenues of Rsrevenue 829 Crore, business of Rwhich s. 574 is • Power a growth of 25% over the Q3 FY12 Crores and oftelecom usiness revenue Rs 664 bcrore.

received the EMC2 AWARD • Sterlite third consecutive quarter • 2012 Sterlite receivedIT the EMC2 AWARD (Transform +Business).The

revenue of Rs. 242 Crores.

Standalone financials

strengthening of South East Asian

Business market, sHighlights: table order flow Middle strengthening ofof South East Asian the sustainability opera8onal market, stable order flow from EBITDA margins in the Power

Financial highlights:

award recognizes innovative solutions in IT, product integrations and applications, which create business value and agility.

Power Products division for the

2012 (Transform IT +Business).The

Quarter ended

award recognizes innova8ve

Launch of a new product – 96F/ 288F dry core Ribbon cables in the and applica8ons, which create telecom segment.

solu8ons in IT, product integra8ons business value and agility

During the quarter, Sterlite’s Grid

of acommenced new product – 96F/ of • Launch business stringing 765dKV circuit clines inin the 288F ry csingle ore Ribbon ables BDTCL & JTCL. Also, the first line telecom segment. amongst the two for the first

the quarter, Sterlite’s rid • During project, ENCIL is on track toGbe commissioned in Q1 sFY14 andowill business commenced tringing f start generating revenues.

765 KV single circuit lines in BDTCL Commissioning of the second line thisAproject is the & for JTCL. lso, the which first line amongst

Nine Months Dec 31

Year ended March

Dec 12

Sep 12

Dec 11




Net Revenues (Rs Crore)







Net Revenues (US$ Mn)







EBITDA (Rs Crore)














PAT (Rs Crore)







PAT (US$ Mn)













Diluted EPS (Rs.)

Assumption US$ = Rs 55




the two for the first project, ENCIL

electricity consump8on, which is a

emerging markets, and the growing

is on track to be commissioned in

key driver of demand for the

demand for more efficient and

Q1 FY14 and will start genera8ng

company’s power transmission

reliable,telecommunica8ons and

revenues. Commissioning of the

businesses. Sterlite is also taking key

power transmission solu8ons

second line or this project which is

ini8a8ves in facilita8ng the transi8on

the Bongaigaon -­‐ Siliguri line will follow subsequently.

of the power transmission industry towards high-­‐end new age

Commen8ng on future outlook and company’s strategy Pravin Agarwal,

conductors that offer beker

Whole-­‐8me Director, Sterlite


opera8onal efficiencies by enhancing

Technologies Limited, said, "We

At the start of Q4 FY13, Sterlite has a

ampacity (power carrying capability)

remain focused on advancing our

strong order book of about Rs. 2000

& reducing transmission losses. The

posi8on in the higher value, higher

Crores (-­‐US$ 360 Million) and a bulk

order wins in this quarter with some

growth segments of the business

of this would be executed during FY

of the export customers in this

market. We are confident of our


segment is an important milestone in

compe88ve strategy and will

the company’s journey.

con8nue to closely monitor the

Developments to watch in coming 8mes include na8onwide broadband

The longer-­‐term outlook in Sterlite’s

challenging demand environment and adapt towards it as we move through

projects and Fiber-­‐to-­‐the-­‐home

major end markets remains favorable,

the year."

(FTTH) as a concept being established

driven by megatrends such as the

across many na8ons of the world.

need for greater resource efficiency,

This is besides the growth in

increasing urbaniza8on in the

EVENT CALENDAR Grid Tech 2013 New Delhi, India Apr. 03 - 05, 2013 Hannover Messe 2013 Germany Apr. 08 - 12, 2013

Sterlite’s stall at FTTH Europe 2013, London

MARCH 2013



High performance conductors Boos<ng efficiency, capacity & reliability For over one-­‐hundred years,

However, certain aluminum alloys can

Indian scenario : A great opportunity

electricity has been delivered to

operate at higher temperatures and

to reduce line losses by using Low

consumers using bare overhead

offer higher strength, but these

Loss HPC

conductors that were made up of

generally increase their electrical

The transmission & distribu8on

conduc8ve aluminum strands oien

resistance and thus reduce their

sector has been the weakest link in

wrapped around a core that consisted of steel wires, popularly known as

efficiency. New genera8on conductors using carbon composite

the country’s power value chain. India’s aggregate technical and


cores have been developed to

commercial losses in the power

upgrade transmission & distribu8on

sector is approximately 28%, one of

As demand for electricity grew and

corridors incorpora8ng highly evolved

the highest in the world.

new sources of genera8on were

aerospace technology and materials

brought on line, many transmission

science. These new genera8on

On the other hand, power

and distribu8on lines became

conductors or High Performance

consump8on in the domes8c and

thermally constrained.

Conductors (HPC) have higher-­‐

industrial market is expected to surge

strength, lighter-­‐weight core that

exponen8ally with popula8on

This is due to the fact that, as electrical current increases, the

enable addi8onal conduc8ve aluminum without a weight or

explosion and growing industrializa8on and in India we have

temperature of the conductor rises.

diameter penalty, and can be u8lized

an ambi8ous target to meet. It is also

The increase in conductor

to reduce thermal sag, increase spans

becoming increasingly difficult to site

temperature is a func8on of the

between fewer structures, carry more

new conven8onal overhead

electrical resistance of the materials

current, and reduce line losses.

transmission lines, par8cularly in

u8lized. Unfortunately, as aluminum

urban and suburban areas

wires are heated above 95 C, they

These HPC are being used in a

experiencing the greatest load

begin to anneal which causes a

significant way in the advanced


substan8al loss of strength.

countries because of the numerous benefits they provide.



Therefore, it is becoming essen8al to

U8li8es would help them reduce their

new conductors can also be designed

upgrade the exis8ng network with

financial losses. Also as a Na8on,

to operate at higher temperatures,

op8mized solu8ons and/or to expand

reducing line losses would conserve

thus allowing temporary or

it with new lines to improve the

our limited fuel sources which would

permanent increases in capacity, and

reliability of the grid while respec8ng

have obvious economic, social, and

strengthening the reliability of the

the design criteria and assuring sustainable energy supply far into the

poli8cal advantages. Saving energy would conserve money that would

network. With the inherent increased capacity to double the


otherwise be spent in developing new

power, the fresh lines would not be

sources of genera8on. A Mega-­‐Wak

required to install a parallel line thus

The new genera8on conductors can

saved is a lot less expensive than a

significantly saving ROW issues &

help modernize and expand the

Mega-­‐Wak produced. So profound is

capital cost.

Na8on’s electric delivery system,

this fact that many U8li8es and

relieve transmission conges8on, and

regulators world-­‐wide are now

For op8mizing power transfer per

address other problems in system

referring to a saved “Mega-­‐Wak” as a

unit ROW, the Ampacity of

planning and opera8ons. To achieve


conductors used in the transmission

higher capacity with reduced capital investment, it is now feasible to use

Another major issue faced by the

lines has to be raised by technological development. This calls for new

fewer towers and longer conductor

Indian Transmission & Distribu8on

genera8on conductors, which can

spans. Low loss, high capacity, low sag

sector is the problem of Right of Way

deliver large quantum of power

conductors are becoming more

(ROW). It is increasingly becoming

without any change in the exis8ng

important in the energy distribu8on

difficult to buy the ROW for pugng

tower/founda8on designs or minor

field because of the growing need for

up the towers for the line. High

modifica8ons therein. The solu8on,

electricity and the difficulty of

performance conductors (HPC) using

therefore, lies in the usage of HPCs

building new lines.

carbon composites are lighter, offer

that have Low Loss High Temperature

higher mechanical strength, and

Low Sag Capabili8es.

Latest genera8on conductors that use carbon core helps us to meet the

improve thermal stability enabling longer spans between fewer and/or

How does the technology work?

challenge of reducing the line losses

shorter structures on new

Even with adequate electric

op8mally. These type of conductors

transmission corridors – which

genera8on, boklenecks in the

can reduce the I2R (major por8on of

reduces ROW & capital cost. These

transmission system interfere with

technical) line losses by 25 to 40% compared to conven8onal type of conductors for the same diameter and weight, under equal load condi8ons. The pay back for the investment in this new technology is very akrac8ve between 2 – 8 years, considering the life of the conductor is usually at least 35 years. Reduced line losses can offer a wonderful solu8on to the Na8on. Not only can fuel consump8on be reduced, but also drama8cally reduce greenhouse gas and other emissions. Increasing the revenues of the State MARCH 2013


the reliable, efficient, and affordable

thermal expansion (CTE) that virtually

maximum sag at maximum

delivery of electric power.

eliminates thermal sag.

temperature, maximum tension at minimum temperature and 36% wind


The use of Low Loss High

The composite core is a hybrid of

and maximum tension at every day

Temperature and Low Sag proper8es

carbon & glass fiber. It is

temperature and 100% wind, almost

of HPC is an akrac8ve method of increasing transmission line thermal

manufactured through a con8nuous produc8on process of pultru8on. The

comparable to the values of exis8ng conductors. This will ensure the

ra8ng. The conven8onal ACSR

glass fiber that surround the HPC’s

safety of towers and the founda8ons

Conductors are able to withstand a

carbon fiber core are designed to

of the exis8ng line.

con8nuous temperature of 75 deg C

increase the core’s flexibility and

to 85 deg C. In case of emergency, for

prevent galvanic corrosion. The

It may be important to note that use

a short dura8on (up to 1hour) the

carbon hybrid composite provides

of high temperature conductors

conductors can work up to 125 deg C

improved strength to weight

including HPC would allow greater

without any sign of deforma8on. In

characteris8cs and corrosion

current and greater power flow but

order to increase the thermal ra8ng

resistance, but also res8stance to

voltage regula8on may suffer if the

of exis8ng lines, one method involves replacing ACSR conductors with

cyclic load fa8gue. Resistance to cyclic load fa8gue is cri8cal with bare

length of the line is more than 100 km. However, there are ways and

special “Low Loss high-­‐temperature

overhead conductors, because

means to maintain the voltage level

low-­‐sag” HPCs having approximately

everything is cyclic including

at sending end as well as at receiving

the same diameter as the original

vibra8on, tension, and temperature

end. This can be achieved by

ACSR but being capable of opera8on

varia8on. On the other hand, these

providing suitable voltage segngs on

at temperatures as high as 180 deg C,

new genera8on conductors have

the power transformers. The majority

with less thermal elonga8on than

increased longevity due to their

of the lines of the u8li8es are more or

ACSR. Ideally, these special HPCs can

superior resistance to fa8gue.

less in the range of 100 km, and

be installed and operated without the

therefore the voltage regula8on will

need for extensive modifica8on of the exis8ng structures and

Re-­‐conductoring SoluLons The idea of re-­‐conductoring with

not maker much even if HPCs are used.

founda8ons. As with ACSR, HPC

HPCs is to transfer a large block of

conductors typically consist of

power with same right of way (ROW).

Line Material Aspects

aluminum wires helically stranded

There is also a need to augment the

If the conductor is operated at high

over a reinforcing core. Most of the

capacity of the exis8ng transmission

temperature, the ampacity will

electrical current flows in the high

lines. Installa8on of new power lines

definitely increase. However, the

conduc8vity, low-­‐density aluminum

is very costly and 8me consuming. It

u8li8es and other power developers

strand layers. Most of the tension

is also difficult to acquire right of way

would come out with an

load is in the reinforcing carbon

and there is resistance against

apprehension regarding the change in

composite core at high temperature and under high loads. The

construc8on of overhead EHV lines in urban and suburban areas. The best

line material to be used to carry the conductor on tower.

compara8ve performance of the HPC

solu8on, therefore, is re-­‐conductoring

conductors depends on the degree to

of exis8ng lines with HPCs. The re-­‐

The insulators & insulator hardware

which the aluminum strand and

conductoring can be achieved by

as well as conductor accessories are

reinforcing core’s physical proper8es

designing a special conductor that has

the most important components of

are stable at high temperature and on

mechanical proper8es iden8cal to the

the transmission line. It has to be

the elas8c, plas8c and thermal

exis8ng conductor but delivers high

ensured that they do not deform at

elonga8on of the combined HPC

ampacity at high temperature. To be

the high temperature at which the

conductor. The carbon composite

precise, the new genera8on

new genera8on conductor has to

core has much lower co-­‐efficient of

conductors should have the values of

operate. It may be indicated that the I AM STERLITE

hardware figngs and conductor

current handled by the clamps/

are able to increase the capacity of

accessories that are suitable to ACSR

connectors per unit cross sec8on is

their transmission and distribu8on

family of conductors, can be safely

much less compared to the

networks without the need to modify

used up to the con8nuous

conductor. Besides, due to bigger

the structure and/or founda8on of

temperature of 150 degC without any

surface area, the heat gained by the

exis8ng towers.

deforma8on, with slight modifica8ons. This is subject to the

clamp connectors through conduc8on is much less compared to the heat

Today, Indian conductor

condi8on that the physical

dissipated by the clamps / connectors

manufacturers are significant

dimensions of the ACSR conductor

in the air.

contributor to the global power

and the new genera8on conductor

sector through indigenous

are almost iden8cal.

If mechanical strength is a criterion,

manufacture of a complete range of High Performance Conductors at

It will be a worthwhile exercise to

the material used in the manufacture of the conductor can also be used in

carry out type tests on such

the clamp connector. As far as ferrous

high voltages (66kV to 220kV) and

conductors along with the hardware

hardware components are

power distribu8on conductors (11kV-­‐

and conductor accessories. This will ensure the suitability of hardware

concerned, no change is necessary in them unless mechanical strength

33kV). As industry leaders, Indian conductor manufacturers are

available in the market for deploying

requires reconsidera8on. If the

commiked to research and product

them on the new genera8on

configura8on of line insulators is

development. They ac8vely explore

conductor. If the conductor is to be

changed, there will be a

the latest technologies to develop

operated at temperatures beyond

corresponding change in hardware.

conductors that have an ability to

150 degC, temperature rise test on

For example, use of long rod insulators, polymeric insulators etc.

increase the current carrying capacity

clamp connectors may be a beker op8on. It may be very important to

extra high voltages (400kV to 800kV),

of exis8ng lines and to significantly improve the overall economics on

know that the surface temperature of

Indian conductor manufacturers have

new lines.

the clamp connector is never equal to the surface temperature of the

been in the forefront of developing and offering this technology to its

This ar3cle has been published in

conductor. This is because of the

customers, as a result of which they

IEEMA Journal.

simple reason that the amount of

MARCH 2013



Working Together: The Synergies of Fibre and Wireless Networks This paper considers op3cal fibre as

IP traffic growth puts pressure on

Operators’ networks are already

an enabler for wireless systems,

mobile networks

being pushed to the limits by mobile

ensuring they can deliver the

Global Internet Protocol (IP) traffic is

data usage. One way that operators

necessary data rates to meet the

soaring as consumers and businesses

can reduce the pressure on network

an3cipated growth in data

embrace bandwidth-­‐hungry services

capacity is to encourage their

consump3on by mobile devices. The benefits of fibre for wireline access

such as video streaming, gaming and cloud-­‐based soiware. This increase in

customers to offload mobile data traffic onto exis8ng wireline access

networks are well documented; fibre

data traffic is enabled by the

networks using Wi-­‐Fi or femtocells. As

provides significantly beIer

deployment of faster broadband

a large propor8on of mobile data

performance for broadband services

networks, both fixed and mobile.

traffic is being consumed in the

than copper networks s3ll used widely

Mobile data usage is projected to

subscriber’s home or workplace, this

today. However, wireless technologies

grow three 8mes faster than IP traffic

approach is compelling for operators.

are improving in terms of

from fixed lines. According to Cisco’s

The use of complementary network

performance; they also look to

Visual Networking Index, mobile data

technologies for delivering mobile

address a different challenge to

traffic worldwide will increase 18-­‐fold

network data has created a new

wireline networks, that of delivering mobile data and voice requirements.

in the period 2011—2016. The demand for video content is expected

market sector. Roughly one third of mobile data traffic was offloaded in

As wireless and wireline technologies

to be a significant driver for this

2011, according to Cisco.

converge and the dividing lines

growth. The increase in the number

become less clear, the common

and sophis8ca8on of mobile devices,

The increasing demand for data

denominator will be op3cal fibre.

such as smartphones, tablets and

capacity in mobile networks raises

Whether considering fibre-­‐to-­‐the-­‐x

dongles, is also driving mobile data

interes8ng ques8ons: can or should

(FTTx), WiMAX or LTE, future access

growth. Indeed, laptops with dongles

fibre and wireless coexist, or are they

networks will include fibre as an

generate 450 8mes more data traffic

ul8mately compe8ng technologies?

essen3al part of the network

than handsets.

infrastructure. 8


Wireless speeds in the real world

Furthermore, for MIMO approaches

wireless signal becomes weaker as it

As we saw in the previous sec8on,

to be viable the antennae have to be

gets further away from the

wireless technologies are con8nually

posi8oned at least half a wavelength

transmiker. If the wireless signal

improving and today they are

( ) apart. At 2 GHz half a wavelength

between two connected wireless

theore8cally capable of speeds that

corresponds to 7.5 cm. At least in

devices is not strong enough, the

rival and some8mes even exceed those achievable in fixed access

small handsets such an antenna distance is hard to achieve.

wireless protocol reduces its transmission speed, using a more

networks, even fibre to the home (FTTH).

robust but slower protocol in order to Protocol overhead: The theore8cal

maintain the connec8on. Once set,

maximum speed includes a significant

the new lower value becomes the

However, the theore8cal speeds of

overhead from network protocol data

new maximum speed for that

wireless networks are never achieved

that wireless connec8ons must


in prac8ce. There are a number of

exchange for security and reliability

reasons for this:

purposes. The useful data exchanged

Interference: Fast moving vehicles,

will always occur at lower data rates.

solid walls and buildings, and bad

Technical design: The highest data rates can only be achieved when the

Wi-­‐Fi overheads in par8cular can occupy a significant por8on of

weather can hinder the transmission of wireless signals in the outdoor

highest specifica8on equipment is

transmissions, especially in situa8ons

environment. The reduced signal

used, both on the user’s equipment

where there are mul8ple overlapping

strength will reduce system

and at the access point or base

networks, such as an apartment

performance, as the wireless system

sta8on connected to the network.


lowers the transmission speed in

Wireless is equipment will always fall

order to maintain the connec8on.

back to the lowest common

Range adjustment: Wireless

denominator; both the network and

networks can support their maximum

MulLple users: Wireless is

the user’s equipment must be

speed or their maximum range but

fundamentally a shared medium

capable of suppor8ng the speed.

not both at the same 8me. The

(through the air). The total bandwidth

Figure: Cisco’s Visual Networking Index predicts that mobile data traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 78% between 2011 and 2016. Source: Cisco, Visual Networking Index (2012) MARCH 2013


Figure 3: Theoretical maximum speeds for various wireless technologies *

Standard GSM EDGE Evolution CDMA Ev-DO Rev B. Wi-Fi 802.11b UMTS/W-CDMA (3G) HSPA UMTS/W-CDMA (3G) HSPA+ Wi-Fi 802.11g WiMAX 802.16e Wi-Fi 802.11n LTE (3GPP Rel 8.) WiMAX 2 LTE-Advanced (3GPP Rel. 10) Wi-Fi: 802.11ac

Peak downlink rate (Mbps) 1.89 * 4.9 11 7.2, 14.4 * 21.6, 28, 42 *

Peak uplink bit rate (Mbps) 0.947 * 1.8 11 5.7 11.5, 11.5, 22 *

54 46 * 288, 600 * 300 * 365 * 1200 *

54 4* 288, 600 * 75 * 376 * 568 *

1730 *

1730 *

Figure: Theoretical maximum speeds for various wireless technologies (Depending on standards version and/ or equipment configuration) Source: Wireless Gigabit Alliance and FTTH Council Europe

*Depending on standards version and/or equipment configuration

Gigabit Alliance Council between and base FTTH sta8ons and the Europe geographic cSource: overage. LWireless TE networks nearest point of aggrega8on, typically base sta8on must be shared among have mainly been deployed in However, the theoretical speeds of wireless networks are never achieved in practice. There are a number a radio network controller. mul8ple users afor nd this: as a consequence selected major ci8es; even though of reasons available from a single access point or

yields lower speeds in prac8ce. In deployment started 10 years ago, the Technical design: The highest data only when specification As mobile the data highest rates increase, it busy areas such as a city centre or roll out rates of 3G ncan etworks has be yet tachieved o equipment is used, both on the user’s equipment and at the access point or base station connected to in the requires a corresponding increase football stadium, network capacity reach many rural areas. network. denominator; both the mobile backhaul capacity. As snetwork een in can easily be Wireless swamped is by equipment the sheer will always fall back to the lowest common and the user’s equipment must be capable of supporting the speed. the table below, a cell site carrying number of users unless the operator In some countries LTE deployment GSM voice would atrequire installs more mobile to has to been to get underway Furthermore, fortransmikers MIMO approaches beslow viable the antennae have only to be positioned least ahalf a typical bandwidth of ahandsets bout 1.3 Msuch bps. cope with the excep8onal emand. wavelength ( ) apart. dAt 2 GHz halfbecause a wavelength tobe 7.5 cm. At least in small suitable scorresponds pectrum has to an antenna distance is hard to achieve. Bandwidth requirements for a cell allocated first. Spectrum is a scarce site based on the 2.75G EDGE In spite of their limita8ons, wireless resource (a single op8cal fibre has Protocol overhead: The theoretical maximum speed includes a significant overhead from network architecture would increase to about networks have become an essen8al more capacity than the en8re radio protocol data that wireless connections must exchange for security and reliability purposes. The useful 6 Mbps, 3G requires about 21 Mbps, part of mexchanged odern communica8ons. spectrum), na8onal regulators data will always occur at lowerand data rates. Wi-Fi overheads in particular can occupy a and L TE ould multiple necessitate as much as They h ave r evolu8onised t he w ay w e oien h ave t o c lear r egions o f t he significant portion of transmissions, especially in situations where there ware overlapping 80 Mbps. If a mobile operator has can use computers nd an mobile spectrum in order to make way for networks, suchaas apartment block. more spectrum at its disposal, or devices, both in the home and office, new technologies and services. Range adjustment: Wireless networks can support their maximum speed their maximum range makes or uses of M IMO antennae to but and when we are out and about. not both at the same time. The wireless signal becomes weaker as it gets further away from the increase capacity, then backhaul The challenge of mobile backhaul transmitter. If the wireless signal between two connected wireless devices is not strong enough, the requirements would increase further. However, we believe that wireless A wireless network is only wireless at wireless protocol reduces its transmission speed, using a more robust but slower protocol in order to networks should be promoted mainly its edges. Tradi8onally, base sta8ons were for their strengths – the ability to linked to their core networks with T1/ provide Internet connec8vity on the Backhaul refers to the ac8on of


move – rather than as a direct

transpor8ng communica8ons traffic

E1 leased lines (the North American

subs8tute for fixed access networks.

from a distributed node, such as a Wi-­‐

T1 rate is equivalent to 1.544 Mbps

These comments also assume that fast networks are available, which

Fi access point or mobile base sta8on, to a more centralized node. In the

and the European E1 rate to 2.048 Mbps). For many years, when an

may not always be the case. The

mobile space, backhaul corresponds

operator needed more capacity it

fastest mobile networks have limited

to the por8on of the network

simply provisioned more leased lines. I AM STERLITE

With LTE this approach will no longer

PON1 is also available, delivering 10

RoF is fundamentally an analogue

be sufficient.

Gbps of downstream bandwidth and

transmission system because it

2.488 Gbps of upstream bandwidth

distributes the radio waveform,

Mobile network operators are already

over the same configura8on. Future

directly at the radio carrier frequency,

under financial pressure. Over the

standards will take the capacity of

from a central unit to a radio access

last 10 years, they have invested heavily in 3G network deployment. It

these systems to 40 Gbps.

point. RoF supports wideband signals like UMTS and WiMAX. (Note that

is natural that they will be looking to

Op8cal fibre also supports Radio over

although this transmission system is

minimize any addi8onal investments

Fiber (RoF) technology, which enables

analogue, the radio signals are s8ll

as they deploy LTE networks to meet

the use of small, low-­‐cost base


the escala8ng demand for mobile

sta8ons in cellular systems. RoF

bandwidth. Therefore mobile

systems are now being used

The role of Wi-­‐Fi in this new world

operators will look to exploit exis8ng

extensively for enhanced cellular

Up to now, we have been discussing

infrastructure where possible.

coverage inside buildings such as

mobile communica8ons and in

office blocks, shopping malls and

par8cular the growth of the mobile

The lowest cost op8on would be to use their own installed connec8ons

airport terminals.

network; so what is the role of Wi-­‐Fi in this new world?

but, as we have seen, the drama8c

In RoF systems, wireless signals are

increase in backhaul requirements

transported in op8cal form between

It is clear that Wi-­‐Fi has a significant

generated by LTE makes such a policy

the central sta8on and the base

role to play, especially in buildings


sta8on before being radiated through

where it is used to distribute

the air. Light is directly modulated by

residen8al and business broadband

Some operators are already using

a radio signal and then transmiked

signals around the home or office.

op8cal fibre to connect mobile base

over the op8cal fibre. (Although radio

sta8ons. Where a new connec8on is

transmission over fibre can be used

Studies on mobile data usage show

required, it makes sense to install op8cal fibre. Op8cal fibre has virtually

for other purposes, such as in cable television networks, the term RoF is

that a large number of people use their phones at home. Therefore, the

unlimited capacity, and can support

usually applied when this technique is

industry has been developing

future upgrades without requiring

applied to wireless access.)

soiware that allows the user to swap

new cables.

from mobile networks to Wi-­‐Fi in a

Op8cal fibre networks employ one of

The RoF architecture uses a radio

seamless manner, allowing the

two basic architectures: point-­‐to-­‐

frequency (RF) signal with a high

consumer to benefit from the low

point (P2P) systems or point-­‐to-­‐mul8-­‐

frequency (usually greater than 10

cost data usage, whilst also reducing

point (P2MP) systems usually referred

GHz), which is imposed on a light

the load on the mobile network.

to as passive op8cal networks (PONs).

wave. In this way, wireless signals can

P2P networks are usually Ethernet-­‐ based networks with 100 Mbps or 1

be op8cally distributed to base sta8ons directly at high frequencies

The other in-­‐building benefit is to the user, who effec8vely has mobile

Gbps of bi-­‐direc8onal capacity.

and converted from the op8cal to

access within the range of the

electrical domain at the base sta8ons

building, rather than being restricted

There are a number of different PON

before being amplified and radiated

by fixed cabling systems. As more and

standards. The primary choice around

by an antenna. No frequency up/

more devices, such as smartphones

the world is Gigabit Passive Op8cal

down conversion is required at the

and tablets, only have wireless

Network (GPON) offering 2.488 Gbps

various base sta8ons, resul8ng in

interfaces, the op8on to connect

of downstream bandwidth, and 1.244

simple and cost-­‐effec8ve

directly to a wireline network isn’t

Gbps of upstream bandwidth. A 10-­‐

implementa8on at the base sta8ons.

available and hence wireless becomes

Gbps upgrade to GPON, called XG-­‐

the only choice. 11

Wi-­‐Fi networks will also require

exis8ng infrastructure will struggle to

Mobile operators can also extend in-­‐

op8cal fibre-­‐based backhaul to keep

meet demand.

building coverage with femtocells –

up with the growth in consumer

8ny base sta8ons that can

demand for data.

communicate with a mobile device

The answer lies in network upgrades and exploi8ng fibre infrastructure for

over a range of up to 10 metres, with the home broadband network

Conclusions Mobile service providers are seeing

wireless backhaul, which can provide the very high bandwidth capacity

providing backhaul. A hybrid device

an upsurge of data traffic across their

necessary to meet ongoing growth,

combining both Wi-­‐Fi and femtocell

networks by users who increasingly

making it an ideal medium for a

technologies gives the best of both

expect ready access to online services

robust and future proof network.


that consume large amounts of data

Obvious synergies exist in the build-­‐

without being limited to a fixed

out of fibre-­‐based access networks

Wi-­‐Fi is also becoming more popular

loca8on. Improved availability of

for wireline access and wireless

outside of the building, in par8cular

mobile broadband services,

backhaul. A case in point is the

in areas where there is high demand

combined with the prolifera8on of

Swedish city of Stockholm, which

for mobile services. Wireless networks are appearing in many of

dual-­‐mode 3G and Wi-­‐Fi smartphones, affordably priced data

already supports two LTE mobile operators and has a third on the way,

the major ci8es, offering users the

plans, and new online services, has

believed to be a direct result of the

opportunity to drop from their

s8mulated the growth in data traffic

citywide availability of op8cal fibre.

mobile networks for cheaper and

from wireless users.

faster download capability.

Contributors: For FTTH Council, Mobile broadband networks have

Europe: Stephen Hough – Sterlite

Other areas that are seeing the

evolved over 8me but they have now

Technologies Ltd José Salgado – PT

benefits of Wi-­‐Fi are rural loca8ons

reached satura8on point, requiring a

Inovação Jim Crowfoot – Senko

where the cost of building a FTTH/

major overhaul to make them robust

Advanced Components Didi

FTTB network can be prohibi8ve; whereas Wi-­‐Fi equipment is cheap

enough to withstand future demand. It is a dilemma; having invested so

Ivancovsky – Broadcom Wolfgang Fischer – Cisco Pauline Rigby –

and rela8vely easy to install.

heavily in the past, mobile network

freelance editor

However, as with any mobile

operators have likle impetus to go

communica8ons network, Wi-­‐Fi

through another round of heavy

networks s8ll needs to backhaul the

capital investment and yet, the

data to the primary or core network, and therefore the problem of

Stephen Hough speaking at the FTTH 2013 conference

providing adequate backhaul capacity s8ll applies. The capacity of Wi-­‐Fi networks will soon be diluted if copper-­‐based telephone networks are used to deliver the backhaul. A typical example of this would be a city-­‐based coffee house offering free internet service, where the Wi-­‐Fi network provides 54 Mbps, but the broadband connec8on in the building only connects at 24 Mbps (downstream). 12


MARCH 2013


Case study:

Vox helps Sterlite Technologies build more valuable customer rela<onships Vox helped Sterlite Technologies gain access to new markets and focus on the needs of these clients by providing access to customers, ge_ng Sterlite cables approved and offering assistance in delivering materials to the end customer. This helped Sterlite establish a closer collabora3ve rela3onship with its clients, leading to several new customers that are happy with the company’s product offerings and combined services. BUSINESS SCENARIO In today’s world of rapidly evolving customer expecta8ons and increasingly complex technologies, a deep understanding of customer needs and percep8ons enables stronger and more profitable customer rela8onships. This means building opera8ons and processes around what customers want, instead of legng products and services drive business development. This is why Vox partnered with Sterlite to adopt a core strategy focused on delivering a quality customer experience. Vox is an interna8onal supply chain 14

management company with clients in 30 countries focused on building global, collabora8ve networks between clients and suppliers. SOLUTIONS & SCOPE OF SERVICES The customer’s experience of the services is one of the most important factors for the success of any solu8ons provider. The scope of this allows the provider to differen8ate his offerings from those of others. In order to achieve the levels of product installa8on and con8nuous improvement that the customer required, Vox ensured a high level of interac8on in terms of understanding the challenges and needs of the client, par8cularly while delivering a high quality consumer experience. Vox uses an outsourced supply-­‐chain-­‐ as-­‐a-­‐service delivery model, offering clients full visibility across their supply chain while building trus8ng, and long-­‐term partnerships. IMPACT ON CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS Client rela8onships have been much more transparent because Vox

understands the challenges and future requirements of its clientele. The Project Managers at Vox provide Sterlite with valid input, genuine thoughts, and relevant details. All rela8onships have been very professional and con8nue to grow. Furthermore, this has helped Sterlite successfully expanded its market reach. IMPACT ON LOGISTICS Vox has made the logis8cs process very simple for Sterlite. Since Vox’s Freight Forwarders know the clients’ markets beker than Sterlite does and have experience supplying to their territories, this model works well. KEY BENEFITS Vox has helped provide necessary support to customers and connect these regions with the rest of the world. It has helped Sterlite understand customer needs & suitable requirements and provide them with quality solu8ons.




All ‘Complaints’ under this policy should be reported to the Director -­‐ Management Assurance, who is

independent of opera8ng management and businesses. The contact details are as follows: Director – Management Assurance Vedanta, 75 Nehru Road Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400 099 Tel No. +91 -­‐ 22 -­‐ 66461000 Fax No. +91 -­‐ 22 -­‐ 66461450 ‘Complaints’ can also be sent to the designated E-­‐Mail ID: stl.whistleblower@vedanta.co.in The custodian of the E-­‐Mail ID will be Director – Management Assurance. If a ‘Complaint’ is received by any other execu8ve of the Company, the same should be forwarded to the Director –

Management Assurance at the above address. Sterlite is commiked to ensure that individuals would not be at risk of repercussions (retribu8on, loss of job, vic8miza8on, harassment) as a result of repor8ng. If an employee or stakeholder believes that he/she has been retaliated against on account of a report filed, he/she may email the Director – Management Assurance. STERLITE CORPCOMM/MAR-11

Sterlite’s WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY has been framed to enable employees and stakeholders to report their concerns about any malpracLce, impropriety, abuse and wrongdoings that they may have discovered.


trolley enables a single person to do

to tackle problem areas with

all loading, unloading and

con8nuous focus always yield

transporta8on efficiently. This has

success. I have worked in MCVD,

reduced the need for addi8onal

core, SOC and now in process

personnel and eliminated all safety

engineering team.

risks even though the weight of the preform has increased by 50%. This

IAS: How do you keep pace with cugng-­‐edge technologies?

innova8on had earlier fetched us an

SN: Over the years, reading patents

award and now we have been

and published papers has helped.

granted a patent as well. The

Knowledge sharing is also important

innova8ve design and execu8on for

as it enhances your thought process.

hot changeover trolley increases the

IAS: Any words of wisdom for your

produc8vity of each sinter machine


and also causes the total safety while

SN: Never give up; a simple solu8on

loading and unloading of the op8cal

can be possible for a cri8cal problem.

“Knowledge sharing

fiber preforms. IAS: Could you throw light on the

helps enhance your

SN: Major concerns were safety and

The Sterlite Heros thought process”

tangible results? 8me loss which are overcome by this trolley. This trolley has also reduced

“Be proacLve and acLon-­‐oriented”

changeover 8me between two cycles by 60 minutes. It has increased the produc8vity by 12.5 % and eliminated the need of a personnel for changeover. IAS: How did you face the challenge of the new focus areas? SN: To tackle safety and 8me loss concerns, several designs were proposed. It took around a month to get the final design which was simple … says Sham Nagarkar, OF (Waluj,

to operate for all func8ons, keeping


in mind that the opera8on had to be

done by a single person instead of

IAS: Congratula8ons on your success,

two people. Simple ideas have paid us. We did several modifica8ons in

tell us more about this achievement. SN: The patent which we received is


the trolley and the evolved version

for hot preform change-­‐over trolley.

which we now use has motor for

Earlier loading, unloading and

mo8on, interlocks, horn and more

transporta8on of hot preform was

compact in size.

done manually. This was a laborious

IAS: Could you tell us about the

ac8vity involving risk and safety

professional exper8se that you have

concerns. The design to overcome

gained over the years?

this concern was a simple innova8ve

SN: Trea8ng every problem

idea. The mul8purpose change-­‐over

differently, team-­‐work and the spirit

…says Anita Kulkarni, Sales & MarkeLng, Dadra IAS: Congratula8ons on your success, tell us more about this achievement. AK: I have been proac8vely handling sales in line with the set target… Also, there has been stringent follow up on collec8on which is almost 100% now. Further, we have been managing dispatches efficiently on 8me, conduc8ng customer’s feedback diligently and suppor8ng the func8oning between plant and customer effec8vely. The objec8ve I AM STERLITE

was to achieve internal and external

exchange rate and based on this the

IAS: What was the objec8ve of the

customer sa8sfac8on.

price of crude oil would also


IAS: How did you achieve this and

fluctuate. PSU companies would thus

TEAM: The ul8mate aim was scrap

what has been the outcome?

define the final rate of furnace oil.

reduc8on and material savings.

AK: Proac8ve ini8a8ve and

This informa8on can be gathered

How did you achieve it?

dedica8on towards achieving the common goal of the organiza8on has

from the market, and based on the data captured one can plan the

This work requires us to be alert all the 8me. We track material

led to Internal and external customer

inventory in the plant.

movement everyday and do the SAP


IAS: What was the impetus that led

transac8ons online. Each and every

IAS: Any tangible results and returns

you to achieve results?

bobbin is verified well in advance and

in monetary terms?

NK: We had ordered for stock from a

all the permuta8ons and

AK: Borrowing and fund involvement

u8lity during the period when prices

combina8ons are also well thought

has been op8mized due to 8mely

were on the higher side and it was

of. One of the most important

collec8on and dispatch.

expected to be down in the first half

ac8vi8es is that we worked on

of the following month. However, we

machine’s regular scrap. As per the

aligned our needs and planned our inventory in such a way that the

set example, tubular machine plan requires 40 meter extra for startup

orders were received when the cost

scrap. We undertook some trials/lay

was low, which in turn resulted in

length, and aier a point in 8me we

cost savings for us.

were able to improve the startup

IAS: Any words of wisdom for your

scrap reduc8on to 20 meter from 40


meter (almost 50% improvement). All

NK: I think we should all try new

of us now firmly believe that hard

things that are not in our regular

work and perseverance pays.

prac8ce, and can give some value

What has been the outcome?

addi8on to the company not only monetary wise but also in terms of

We have benchmarked this process as the first step towards scrap

automa8on, beker processes,

reduc8on. This has resulted in scrap

alterna8ve materials, etc. Risk can be

reduc8on and helped us save

taken by everyone but the back up

approximately Rs 2 lakh per month.

“Learn to take risks and overcome challenges”

… says Nikhil Kumar, Purchase, Haridwar

and preven8ve mechanism should be ready with you to avoid any kind of hurdles and losses to the company.

IAS: Congratula8ons on your success, tell us more about this achievement. NK: First of all thank you so much for sending me such communica8on, it’s

“There is no subsLtute for hard work”

really encouraging to take on more

…says the team of Upendra Singh,

challenges and to try new things which can give some value addi8on

Jaydip Lakkad & Shyam H from OPGW ProducLon, Rakholi whose

to the organiza8on. The idea comes

efforts have led to improvement of

with the fluctuated rate of crude oil

mismatch scrap reducLon in

in the interna8onal market. The cost

stranding process from 1.6 % to

of Furnace oil used to change twice in


a month depending upon the $ MARCH 2013



Sterlite roll of honor

Preetal Gujrathi

Ashutosh Pathak

Quadri Sayed Hasan

Babu Anthony


C Babu Pranesh

Rajesh Goyal


Ramraja Singh Tomar

Dhananjay Tripathy

Rohan Vijay Belwalkar

Dharmendra Yadav

Sachdev D.Khedkar

E Vikram

Sachin Shelke

Gautam Kumar Mahato

Sanjay K. Phapale

Gautam Shantaram


Sashanka Some

Gautam Singh


Sa8shkumar J.Patel

Hemantkumar M. Patel


Shekhar Muley

Hemsingh Hansawat


Shivabhai Navaji Prajapa8

Hitesh Patel

Akash Chakaraj

Shyam H

Im8az Alam

Alpeshkumar Lad

Suhas Kulkarni

Kanu P. Patel

Anita Kulkarni

Sunil Kumar Senapa8

Kapil Tuteja

Arun Mathias

Suresh Palla

Kishor Mate

B Vijaya Kumar

Thunga Shivsankar

Lalit Punde

Balu Kedare

U Anandaperiyadurai

Manomaya Pant

Bharat Pagare

Umair Ansari

Mansuri Mohammedamin

Chandrapal Singh Gour

Upendra Singh


Daku Bhikaji Pund

Vishnu R

Mayur Ramesh Thakar

Deepak Shrikant

Vivek A Kankani

Mukesh Ashok Thakare

Ganesh Devidas Pandure

Narender Singh

Ganesh Kshirsagar

Niharika Baruah

Ganesh Vingkar


Nilesh Z. Pa8l

Gaurav Mahajan


Nishant Tyagi

Jaikant Dadhich

A. Naga Praveen kumar

Nishi Bhusal

Jaydip Lakkad

Aaditya Hamine

Prakash Suryavanshi

Kailash Ekhande

Abasaheb Waghmare

Pravin Wadile

Kishore Amitraj

Abasaheb Waghmare

Rahul Bhadoria


Abhijeet Deshmukh

Raju Patel

Lahu Ram Lohar

Abhisek Singhania

Ranadip Bhaumik

Lalit Sirwani

Ahmed Ullah Khan

Rupesh Kumar Badgujar

Madhav Paluspure

Ajay Badhe

Sanjeev Dwivedi

Madhusudhan Reddy

Amitesh Dubey

Saurabh Mahajan

Mahesh Raotole

Anil Annarao Kale

Shivanand Warang

Nandkishor Damodhar Paturkar

Ankit Gandhi

Suman Singh

Nikhil Kumar

Anup Srivastava

Sumit Jhamb

Pankaj Momale

Ashfaq Shari€hai Bhag

Sunil Ghariya

Prasad Dahibhate

Ashish Dashore

Vinod Kumar Sahu



Case study: Women Empowerment -­‐ Voca<onal Training in Nursing & Tailoring IntroducLon

produc8ve and community

The economic empowerment of

ar8cula8ng its efforts to specific

management. Women should be

women has become a major

stakeholder groups, in a legit,

organized and strengthened at the

development priority. Giving women

transparent and persuasive manner.

grass root level to end their

more opportuni8es to earn an

subordina8on. Sterlite Technologies

income has been shown to make a significant contribu8on to the

Sterlite’s responsibility towards

Limited (Sterlite) is making an akempt in that direc8on to make

achievement of development

women empowerment With the progress of communi8es

women self sufficient through various


being dependent on the working

skill training programmes. The

genera8on, Sterlite focused its

company has a strong belief that Yet amidst the push to get more

ini8a8ves on the welfare and well-­‐

communi8es can develop and

women into work and s8mulate

being of women from the sec8ons of

sustain, if their ci8zens are

women’s income earning capaci8es,

underprivileged society. The

adequately empowered with

less aken8on has been focused on

underlying objec8ve was to give them

knowledge and skill sets.

the opportunity of a beker standard

what would make working more


of living for themselves and their

empowering for women. The key lies in women empowerment through

In line with this, Sterlite is now engaged in several CSR ini8a8ves,


economic self-­‐sufficiency and higher

expressed through various

awareness levels on social, poli8cal

Sterlite con8nues to support a

communica8on tools and NGOs.

and legal issues through mobiliza8on.

voca8onal training course in nursing

Through the Sterlite Founda8on, the

There is also a need to recognize and

as well as tailoring to promote self-­‐

organisa8on has adopted a mul8-­‐

emphasize the diverse roles of

sufficiency amongst underprivileged

pronged strategy to address the many

women such as reproduc8ve,

women, especially girl student

aspects of sustainable and

dropouts and women from BPL

responsible business, thereby

segment in Pune. I AM STERLITE

Skill training programme The main aim of this programme is to enhance the quality of life of women

• Inability of the women to run the family on their own due to lack of sufficient educa8on.

through increased knowledge and

• Every month they earn around Rs 4500. • The course has also mo8vated them to form ‘self help’ groups.

skills. The Founda8on also realized

Taking into considera8ons, all these

that merely impar8ng literacy would not be sufficient. The women need

aspects, Wardhinee started voca8onal Training courses for

With the commitment of giving back the society, a felicita8on and

voca8onal training or skills also to

women, including Tailoring.

cer8ficate distribu8on program for

uplii their status. They should be

nursing aid and tailoring course was

able to stand on their feet and

The Tailoring course has brought forth

organized on 22nd February at Swa’-­‐

provide for their families.

the following benefits:

Roop Wardhinee, Pune. Further, all students were given cer8ficates and

The discussions with women revealed

• Number of beneficiaries: More than 650; of which nearly 30%-­‐40% are

that they are also interested in learning some skill to supplement their household income. They showed interest in learning s8tching and tailoring. To facilitate these kinds of voca8onal training, Sterlite has

wrist watches.

divorcees. • A group of 11 women trained at the centre was successfully mo8vated to start business.

In Conclusion

• One of the students from the centre has started a fashion

beneficiaries. By providing the

Sterlite’s ini8a8ves have had a holis8c impact on the well-­‐being of the necessary support via non-­‐profit

joined hands with Swa’-­‐Roop

designing course, and has trained

organiza8ons that focus on women’s

Wardhinee, a registered charitable

100 needy ladies.

welfare and empowerment, Sterlite

trust in Pune. Since 1979, the trust is

has helped to provide several

working mainly for children and

Those who akended the Nursing

hundred underprivileged women with

women from economically/socially

Programme too have benefiked

the opportunity of a beker life and

down trodden strata of the society,


equip them with the relevant skills for

through various informal educa8onal ac8vi8es. Through various projects,

• From one batch, 4 women have been employed by Tarachand

a beker future.

Sterlite reaches to the door step of


needy people in the society. Impact of Sterlite’s intervenLon Through Wardhinee, Sterlite has ini8ated ac8vi8es for students as well as women belonging to the lower income group who expressed their expecta8ons from Wardhinee. Typically, the women in such areas prefer to be self-­‐sufficient due to the following reasons: • Insufficient income of the family • Discouraging educa8onal background of the family • Family head addicted to bad habits

MARCH 2013



Case study: Model Village Development Project Over the past several decades, the

expressed through various

Sterlite Tech Founda8on’s ac8vi8es

corporate world has experienced a

communica8on tools and NGOs. In

primarily focus on educa8on, health,

pronounced increase in focus on

line with this, Sterlite Tech

empowerment, social infrastructure

organiza8ons’ ethical behaviours and

Founda8on – the CSR arm of Sterlite

and environment and are based on

responsibili8es towards their

– has been set up. This latest ini8a8ve

the principles of good governance


focusses on crea8ng sustainable livelihoods for local communi8es, as

and equity.

This is evident in the shii in focus

well as those who belong to under

Further, the approach of Sterlite

from shareholder value (i.e.

privileged sec8on of the society.

towards Corporate Social

maximizing profit) to stakeholder

Responsibility is oriented to iden8fy

value, where companies are striving

The concept of the project is to build

and formulate projects in response to

at balancing people, planet and

communi8es that are more skilled

felt societal needs in diverse areas

profit. The new tendency is a

and capable of sustaining themselves

and to implement them with full

consequence of the fact that

independently by capitalizing on the

involvement and commitment in a

progressively more power rely with

company's exper8se, knowledge and

8me bound manner. It is a process of

stakeholders, who demand transparency in organiza8onal

competencies, rather than merely providing con8nued financial support.

con8nuous improvement which begins small, grows and expands over

communica8on and expect

It directly provides solu8ons to the

a period of 8me. Besides, the CSR

companies to acknowledge their

cri8cal community problem of

team comprises volunteers from

impact on their surroundings.

unemployment, through a method,

various units within the firm.

which is "development" oriented and


As a responsible corporate, Sterlite

lays the founda8on for long term

Further, the Working Model for CSR

Technologies Limited (Sterlite) too is

success of the society.

comprises the following:

engaged in several CSR ini8a8ves,

ImplementaLon of CSR acLviLes

• Jurisdic8on I AM STERLITE

• Social Impact Assessment / Baseline study

• Adopt standard Sanita8on & Hygiene prac8ces by the village.

• Community Need assessment • Priority

• Achieve 100 percent literacy amongst below 40 age group

The project also envisages treatment

• Design the ac8vi8es • Village wise planning • Annual Opera8ng Plan (AOP)

popula8on and zero ‘primary

to the land to improve ground water

• AOP approval • Implementa8on of plan • Selec8on of Partner • Monitoring & Evalua8on • Tracking Progress • Documents • Reports

school dropout’ in the village. • Ensure women empowerment • Make Primary Healthcare facili8es

research ins8tute, among other ac8vi8es.

table (CCTs on the adjacent Hills, Terracing of Farms, Digging & construc8on of Well, Expanding well

available along with village level

storage capacity, Ma8 Nala Bands,

Maternal & Child Healthcare.

Excava8on of silt from the main Ma8

• Reduce Malnutri8on in 0 to 6 year children and adolescent girls. • Adopt Healthy Animal Husbandry Prac8ces by the village.

Nala Band, Farm Ponds, Well Recharging, etc). As on date, the following measures

• Promote High School Educa8on in students by providing Free Tui8ons.

have been undertaken:

energy and ideas, thereby ensuring

This mission is likely to witness at

that there is no hindrance to the

least 30% increase in average income

• Making check dams • Making ponds that can store the

developmental efforts and a beker

of the farmers of village in 3 years,

understanding of the implica8ons of

planta8on of 20000 trees in the

CSR emerges for the firm.

vicinity of the village, 100 percent

In short, employees at all levels are encouraged to contribute their 8me,

households with toilets in 3 years, Model Village Development Project

increase in Ground water status of

Sterlite Tech Founda8on has adopted

the village through water shed

a village (Pophala) in Aurangabad district to provide holis8c support

development ac8vi8es, forma8on of Kisan Mandal & ‘Krishi Kanya’

aimed at uplii and general welfare.

Mandals and study tour to

Titled “Gram Samruddhi” – the

progressive farmers & agricultural

• Making CCT (Contours for water harves8ng)

water • De -­‐ sil8ng and using the good soil in the fields. • We have installed solar street lights • Given them a flour mill as they had to walk atleast 8 -­‐ 10 km to get it processed. • Introducing alterna8ve means of income.

Pophala Village project started in May 2012. A remote 8ny village, Pophala is located on a hill top, about 33 km

Agri resource mapping

from Aurangabad and 735 m from MSL, making it drought prone, and registers a popula8on of around 350 villagers. The project aims to: • Increase income of the farmers with introduc8on of agro technology for effec8ve management of local resources and assistance to avail the technology. • Maintain Ecological Balance of the village.

MARCH 2013


Says Shweta Agarwal, “Being a global

Basic needs assessment: Water

player in the telecom & power sector and a vision to “Connect Every Home on the Planet’, we are pleased to partner with villages like Pophala. With this we aim to play a small but significant role in the inclusive growth story of an emerging India. We extend a warm welcome to the people of Pophala into the Sterlite family.” Ongoing projects Health and hygiene awareness is extremely low among the village popula8on. The water resources are limited and are unhealthy for SPMESM, the team held several

More than 70 per cent of India’s

rounds of discussions with key

popula8on resides in rural villages

external stakeholders. This helped in

scakered over large geographic areas

terms of mapping the interests and

with very low per capita consump8on

concerns of stakeholders against

ac8vi8es, sustainable agro-­‐based and

rates. However, development issues are all tangled up with each other and

those of the firm, which in turn revealed both opportuni8es and

water resource improvement

organisa8ons oien feel that they

poten8al problem areas.

can’t gain trac8on in their par8cular area of concern because of barriers

Accordingly, Sterlite and SPMESM

and problems in other areas.

have chalked out a plan to deal with problems like health and hygiene,

improper, with a limited number of toilets. The programme will cover aspects such as community building livestock development ac8vi8es, ini8a8ves and health improvement ac8vi8es. Under the community building ini8a8ve, Sterlite has organised PRA, study visits and micro-­‐planning

So, how did Model Village address

water scarcity, low produc8vity,

this concern? Sterlite believed that

obsolete farming methods, lack of

goals can be achieved by bundling

awareness, unemployment,

women, a village development

vital yet straigh‚orward solu8ons into a comprehensive programme. The

malnutri8on, etc. due to the absence of sustainable livelihoods, basic

forums and other community-­‐based

other important element is that the

ameni8es and infrastructure.

project works directly with the poorest of the poor.

The purpose of the project is to enrich small-­‐holder farmers through a


consump8on. The drainage system is

The Challenge

ac8vi8es, formed self-­‐help groups for commikee, a farmers group, youth organisa8ons. They have also planned to organise awareness campaigns and other ini8a8ves such as development of a primary school and a knowledge centre.

Project implementaLon partner

more holis8c and self-­‐reliant method

Sterlite roped in Savitribai Phule

not only in terms of improvement of

Mahila Ekatma Samaj Mandal

income, employment and nutri8onal

(SPMESM – an NGO) from

status but also in terms of fostering

livestock development ini8a8ve,

Aurangabad, who has been an important partner in the Model

community development, gender empowerment, protec8on of

conven8onal energy source (biogas),

Village Project. Before zeroing in on

environment and health awareness.

Under the sustainable agro-­‐based and ac8vi8es such as segng up a non-­‐ crossbreeding, kitchen garden development, cow dung-­‐and-­‐urine I AM STERLITE

collec8on system, compost pit

Besides, if any specific ac8vi8es need

the eve of Sankrant. Also the floor

development, development of bio-­‐

to be added during stages as per the

mill is run by tribal family and giving

pes8cides, fungicides, fer8lisers and

community needs or demands it is

addi8onal income to the family.

growth promoters and hor8culture

supported by addi8onal alloca8on by

development. In addi8on to this, new

Project monitoring commikee

Future outlook

methods of farming and backyard poultry will be endorsed.

mee8ng. Further, a formal inaugura8on func8on was arranged in

By inves8ng in health, food produc8on, educa8on, access to

the village to have interac8on and

clean water, and essen8al

Under water resource improvement

sharing of informa8on with the

infrastructure at the same 8me these

ini8a8ve, ac8vi8es like construc8on


community-­‐led interven8ons enable

of new bunds, repairs of the bore-­‐

villages to escape extreme poverty

well and rainwater harves8ng by

Women Empowerment

once and for all. Once these

developing recharge pit close to the

Sterlite Ladies Club regularly visits the

communi8es get a foothold on the

bore-­‐well will be undertaken.

village, spends 8me with the villagers

bokom rung of the development

Under health improvement ini8a8ve,

and makes value addi8ons as per the

ladder they propel themselves on a

ac8vi8es like organising health camps, training on prepara8on of

genuine needs of the villagers. As a result of review mee8ng and


nutri8ous food via indigenous

discussion with village women,

The model village development is not

methods, training on the use of first

Sterlite responded to the needs of

only benefigng the village

aid, crea8ng awareness of

women by providing flour mill, solar

community but also increasing their

waterborne diseases and wrong

chulas, nutri8onal supplement to

par8cipa8on physically and financially

habits affec8ng health, and

children (Vi8ngo sachets) and three

in each ac8vity. The main aim behind

construc8on of low-­‐cost toilets. In

solar street lights. The team also

the holis8c development was making

addi8on to this, deworming of the

mo8vated women for Income

sustainable change which is now

popula8on and all livestock will be

genera8on ac8vi8es. As a result

giving the result in that direc8on

done twice in a year.

women started making Til laddus, Till packets of 1 kg, Till chutney, ground

which is the biggest success of the project.

Sterlite will be closely monitoring this

nut chutney and started selling before

extensive and comprehensive three-­‐ year plan with an internal audit team with a view to duplica8ng the model in other villages in the country. Planning & Measuring EffecLveness The Model Village Project is a combina8on of almost all the basic needs of community that include Educa8on, Health, Empowerment and Natural Resource management. The ac8vi8es are conducted in regular intervals by SPMESM and the progress is registered in a quarterly report format submiked regularly to the Sterlite. The model village development is based on the above

Shweta addressing women on Savitribai Phule JayanL

ac8vi8es allocated specific budget. MARCH 2013


Sterlite Diary

All hands meet - TEAM AURANGABAD

Aurangabad Premier League TEAM AURANGABAD



Cooking lesson - TEAM AURANGABAD


PEP Program - TEAM



Finance Meet - TEAM DELHI

GET’s Valedictory -

Ganesh Pooja - TEAM DELHI Marathon - TEAM DELHI

MARCH 2013


New Year Celebration -

Knowledge Sharing -




Xmas and New Year - TEAM MUMBAI Sports - TEAM MUMBAI

Red Carpet Party - TEAM MUMBAI



Cricket - TEAM NOIDA




MARCH 2013




Joy of Giving -

Celebration - TEAM


Blood Donation Camp TEAM SILVASSA

Cricket Winners & Runners up - TEAM SILVASSA

Chinese New Year Celebrations - TEAM CHINA Chinese New Year, or Chinese Spring Fes8val, holds the most significant posi8on among all Chinese holidays. Tradi8onally the fes8val was 8me to honor their die8es and ancestors. The Chinese New Year is accompanied by a belief in good fortune, and there are many red color decora8ons around to herald the new year. Sterlite’s office in Jiangsu, China ushered in the Chinese New Year with a team dinner. The atmosphere was charged with new friendships toas8ng to each on the start of a new year and a new factory being commissioned. The 8ming was perfect! As the spring set in China


the fresh faces in our office were also blooming.

The entertainment performances were of a high standard. From all the dances, to the lovely singing, to namchak (Chinese weapons) dancing! The best was when the Chinese boys performed to Indian bhangra music! That was a true

indica8on of cross culture collabora8on and celebra8on. Overall even though everyone had met each other recently there was already a family bond.

With a fantas8c team which has set the right tone, we will achieve a lot of success as we enter new




November 16, 2012, Baby Boy, Vishnu to Nityanand Sharma & Rekha Sharma

February 1, 2013, Baby Boys, Roshan & Rakshan to S.Krishnan & M.Sridevi

September 18, 2012, Baby Girl Tithee to SaLshkumar J.Patel & Sumitraben S Patel

December 23, 2012, Baby Boy to Saket Kandharkar & Vaishali Kandharkar

September 9, 2012, Baby Boy Vrishank to Vikas Songara & Deep< Songara

Wedding Bells • • • • • • • • • • • • •

December 26, 2012; Akshay weds Rutuja December 23, 2012; Sandip G Sonar weds Namrata December 18, 2012; Yogesh Navandar weds Nilam December 10, 2012; Marimuthu P weds Latha December 8, 2012; T.V Sudhakara Rao weds Anusha December 7, 2012; Upendra Singh weds Neelam December 7, 2012; Rajendra weds Rohini December 5, 2012; Shiv Kumar Baghele weds Rashmi November 30, 2012; Gaurav Porwal weds SwaL November 30, 2012; Alkesh Gadhvi weds PreeL November 18, 2012; U Anandaperiyadurai weds Chellaturaichi November 18, 2012; Ratul Chowdhury weds Momita November 7, 2012; Aman Arora weds Priyanka 31


In 2010, Clayton Christensen

For instance, to highlight the

your rela8onships, and in your

delivered a powerful speech to

difference between marginal

career through the moral

Harvard Business School‘s

thinking and full thinking, he uses

decisions you make.

gradua8ng class.

the example of Blockbuster and Ne‚lix, both video rental

Much in the same vein as Steve

This was not on his usual subject, innova8on. Instead this speech

companies. Blockbuster was huge, they were well established with a

Jobs’ epic address at Stanford’s 2005 commencement and Randy

dealt with personal happiness and

huge collec8on of DVDs and a

Pausch’s “ The Last Lecture”, this

fulfillment. That was a difficult

broad customer base. They lent

will inspire and cause readers to

period in Christensen’s life. He

DVDs to customers, and charged

pause to answer one of life’s most

had suffered a heart akack and a

late fees if the DVDs were not

pressing ques8ons: What exactly

stroke, and had been diagnosed

returned on 8me.

is a well-­‐lived life?

killed his father. It led him to

In “How Will You Measure Your

This book addresses economy-­‐

examine his own life, and he

Life,” Christensen takes his

fueled changes in the workplace

shared his experiences and insights with the young graduates.

readers on a journey to make the case that the path to one’s

that put the focus on a results-­‐ driven strategy that actually boils

professional and personal success

down to doing less work and

The speech was published as an

starts with this profound

reducing hours. By doing less, not

ar8cle in HBR. Later, along with

ques8on: “How do you lead a

more, workers can do beker,

James Allworth and Karen Dillon,

fulfilling life?”

more focused, strategic work, and

with a form of cancer that had

he expanded the ar8cle into a


shave 90 minutes off the work day

book, explaining his guidelines for

Through a series of ques8ons and

in the process.

living a meaningful life. He

models that have been used

interes8ngly draws lessons from

successfully in the world of

This "Work Less, More Success"

the business field to highlight simple life lessons.

business, Christensen reveals how to find happiness in your life, in

guide to 8me management on the market today focuses on I AM STERLITE

techniques for priori8zing work

Through this book, How Will You

Christensen. He is a fellow at the

requirements and conscien8ously

Measure Your Life?, Christensen

Forum For Growth and

reducing 8me sinks. The value of

explores various aspects of

Innova8on. He regularly

an employee isn't the number of

people’s lives like integrity,

contributes to Harvard Business

hours spent at work but the value

happiness, family rela8onship etc

Review, and his work has also

created with knowledge.

and shows the readers how they can deal with all these aspects to

been featured in other publica8ons like Bloomberg,

"Reduce, reduce, reduce," is the

ensure a happy and meaningful

Business Insider etc.

mantra throughout this book. The


author focuses on efficiency

Karen Dillon is a journalist. She is

techniques to reduce hours—to

About the authors

a graduate of Cornell University,

the tune of an extra day a week—

Clayton M. Christensen is a world

and Northwestern University

and increase produc8ve habits at

renowned expert on leadership

Medill School of Journalism. She

work. Readers reap the benefits

and innova8on. His books,

has served as the editor of the

through beker job performance

including “ The Innovator’s

highly acclaimed American Lawyer

and more 8me for family and personal goals.

Dilemma” (considered one of the most influen8al business books of

magazine. Till 2011, she served as Editor of Harvard Business Review.

all 8me), are best-­‐sellers and have "Cro-­‐Magnon bosses should stop

transformed many execu8ves and

Title: How Will You Measure Your

valuing an employee who works

saved countless businesses.


60 hours over one who works 40,

Clayton is the Kim B. Clark

Authors: Clayton Christensen,

if the 40-­‐hour-­‐a-­‐week employee is

Professor of Business

James Allworth and Karen Dillon

producing greater value. In

Administra8on at Harvard


today's 8ght economy where

Business School.

Pages: 256

employment is at a premium,

Publisher: HarperBusiness

supervisors are looking at results when determining value in their

James Allworth is also an innova8ons expert and has

staff members. The employee

worked closely with Professor

Publica3on Date: May 2012 Price: Rs 995

who is s8ll in the office at 7 p.m. every night is no longer the respected "workaholic" of the past, but someone whose 8me management skills are ques8onable," says the author. She points to studies that have repeatedly shown that 60-­‐hour workweeks result in a decrease in


produc8vity. Exhaus8on erodes judgment and performance, and there's nothing produc8ve about correc8ng mistakes later on.

MARCH 2013


Connecting every home on the planet

Sterlite Technologies makes it easier, faster and more cost-effective for service providers to build telecom & power infrastructures. communications@sterlite.com


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