1. Design Proposal 1a. Finished design 1b. Design Variations 1c. Design Element 1d. Colour usage
2. Colour & Typography 2a. Colour Palette 2b. Typography
3. Pictograms
3a. Pictogram Design 3b. Variation Design
4. Promotional Design 4a. Poster Design 4b. Program 4c. Brand Identity Mockup 4d. Olympic Bus 4e. Olympic car
5. Merchandising
5a. Hand Sanitiser 5b. Mask 5c. Phone Case 5d. Bag For Life 5e. Reusable Cup 5f. T-shirt Design 5g. Women‘s T-shirt Design 5h. Hoddie Design 5i. Japanese Culture 5e. Reusable Cup
6. Olympic wayfinding 6a. Direction Monolith 6b. Map Monolith 6c. Direction Post 6d. Map Leaflet 5e. Reusable Cup
7. Safety Signage
7a. Safety Poster 7b. Newspaper Safety Design 7c. Hanging Poster 7d. Wall Design 7e. Floor Spray Paint 7f. Sticker
8. Olympic App
8a. Loading Page 8b. Interests Page 8c. Map Page 8d. Highlights Page 8e. Highlight Article Page 8f. Covid Rules Page
Design Proposal
Finished Design
The visual identity for the upcoming Olympic games is strongly based around the red sun and the mount fuji, just outside of Tokyo. The mount fuji illustration resides inside the red sun resembling a sun rise appearing over the mountain. The circles surrounding this design are also reflective of the Japanese flag and red sun, and how the flag is a prominent red circle. The pattern in this design is also a basic version of the prominent shape in Japanese culture. 01
Researching Japanese culture showed that the circle shape is a main stay in everyday Japan. Striping down the complex culture reveals circles and in this design, we wanted to incorporate this into the design. So circles where a strong figure in the design development and the end design incorporated the cultures and visuals of japan on a very striped back, intricate level.
Design Variations
TOKYO Japan 21
TOKYO Japan 21
These are design variations of the final designs to feature in different promotional campaigns and Olympic related signage and banners. These designs are a considerably basic layout to the main design, the colours, specifically the typeface and rings have been softened and are more of a background noise to the main design. these variations are made to not take away from the main focus of the brand and designs. 02
Design Proposal
Design Elements
The graphic element here is that the designs have experimented with different elements in terms of outlines and shades. These experiments are designed to see different examples of the design and to see what would work as a new variation, but these variations are far from the normal of these designs, they still show the main message of the design but over a new take and perspective. 03
Colour Usage
Playing with colour, these designs are using colour as a way to express the design, in a new way to previous variations. These type of designs can work over multiple graphic channels and colour specific media platforms.
Design Proposal
Colour & Typography
Colour Palette
The colours used int this design are related to the colours used in the japan flag and basic colours of mount fuji. the texture used is an old paper texture which is blended over the design and set on Multiply to get the best outcome and visuals. 05
Optimus Princeps
When choosing a font, it was clear that the font Optimus Princeps was a clear fit. The font looks similar to Japan style typeface. The serif typeface has similar visuals to Japan styled fonts used in promotional design, or as far as I have seen in research.
Colour & Typography
When illustrating the pictograms, the method used was following a basic form of the human body from athletes in motion in their respective sports. To simplify the design, the designs only used the arms, heads, and legs, missing the chest and stomach. So, it only focus’ on the moving parts of the athletes. The designs also have a rough brush stroke to make the designs look similar to calligraphy style art. 07
the final designs for the pictograms have the pictograms inside a variation of the brand logo that has been filled in all one colour. With the names and illustrations of the events inside the circle.
Promotional design
Poster Design
Using the circle theme from earlier designs, the aim with this promotional design was to promote the athletes for who they are and their accomplishments. With this design of Mo Farah the quick design was focusing on him, to express the standards of being beaten when he races.
Using mockups to display the work in the real world, this gives the viewer a new sense of the what the designs would look like and how they work.
Promotional Design
Poster Design
Similar to the first design poster, the circle design surrounds the athlete and is coming off of the athlete almost as if he’s projecting the circles off of him.
Poster Design
The mockup of this outcome gives us a sense of its possible effect on the public and how this promotional campaign and its message is a step forward in a ‘keeping fit’ mentality.
Promotional Design
Poster Design
Do attract multiple different types of viewers to these designs it needed to have different sports and typeface to engage all kinds of people. The type used in this design had a repetitive effect which was used in hopes of drawing in more attention.
The BMX promotional poster mock-up works because the typeface fits in with the sport and it adds to the design, which helps draw in an audience. Making the design known.
Promotional Design
Poster Design
This design focus’ on the bar and how the athlete is aiming to jump over it or beating the bar. The bar being the standard, and we aim to beat it, in this case by jumping over the ‘standard’.
This mock-up fits well, and the design stands out in the real life situation. It feels natural in this surrounding.
Promotional Design
Poster Design
this design is more focused on the shapes and type of the other designs. And features the main brand design in the centre of the design which links it to the cause of the proposal.
To design a program for this sports event we chose to use the same design for the cover as the proposed poster on the previous page. Also including more of the athlete poster designs and brand designs. this would be at all events and Olympic related shops.
Promotional Design
Brand Identity Mockup
Also in promotional design the branding would be used to promote the event, so these are proposed designs of the branding on a larger scale to reach a wider audience.
Brand Identity Mockup
Using a different variation of the design that incorporates the Olympic rings, this would easily be recognisable and understood due to the rings and would help to turn the heads of viewers and it is such a global event.
Promotional Design
Olympic Bus
In an attempt to further promote the event a proposed coach to and from stadiums and arenas has been developed and has the common theme of most, if not all the other designs.
Olympic Car
An event car was also generated, that has could be used to engage fans and viewers in a event competition somehow and be placed in and around different stadiums and arenas.
Promotional Design
Hand Sanitiser
As this Olympics is happening at the end of a global pandemic there is a new addition to the merchandise for this Olympic, one being hand sanitiser which would be a mandatory item for all entering the stadiums and arenas.
Another mandatory item would be a mask, to be warn in and around the Olympic arenas and stadiums. The proposed designs for this mask has a simple design that uses the typeface from the final branding design that links it to the event.
Phone Case
Phones being a prominent item to carry, we designed a Olympic style phone case, one being more designed around the final branding, using the same textures. And one just focusing on the Olympic relatability.
Bag for life
Design a bag for life it had several types of designs, these two are not as branding focused, as the first focus’ on the rings and the other focus’ on the pattern that has been carried out through designs.
Bag For Life
This bag for life’s design involves the Olympic rings but also displays the branding for this Olympics, which would be very recognisable during this Olympics.
Bag For Life
This bag for life focus’ more on the branding that has been designed. But tries something different having the logo design in the bottom left of the bag. This is an edgier look at the design for this bag and would be just as recognisable to the spectators.
Reusable Cup
The idea for this is to have a reusable, biodegradable cup, which would be beneficial to the environment and be a positive aspect of the Olympic games. The design of this cup is a simple design, using the pattern carried through other designs.
T-shirt Design
This is a ringer tee that would be presented at the Olympic event, the main design is based on most sports T-shirts, as the name of the games acts as the sponsor, with the brand design acting as the team's crest.
T-shirt Design
These are different colour variations of the T-shirt design, this would make the t-shirt designs more exciting to spectators of the games and draw in more viewers to buy the merchandise.
T-shirt Design
This is another look at the white T-shirt design, that is more basic than the first white T-shirt but still represents the brand ideas.
Womens T-shirt Design
These are designs for a female cropped T-shirt, this version is a simple design, where the brand logo is in the centre of the shirt. The cropped T-shirt design leaves little room for design so in efforts to create this we went with filling the front of the T-shirt with the designs.
Womens T-shirt Design
This design is a more simplified version of the previous design but still is resembling the brand identity.
Hoodie Design
Using the design from one of the cropped T-shirt we followed that through to the hoodie design and went with a basic design and layout to display this merchandise.
Japanese Culture
As the games take place in Japan, we aimed to incorporate the culture of Japan into the merchandising. These are Olympic styled fans and umbrellas, which is synonymous with the geisha culture in Japan.
Olympic Wayfinding
Direction Monolith
The wayfinding monolith was designed to made of Perspex plastic, and would be thick to maintain stability. The colour used was a reflection on the texture used for the promotional design. using a sandy yellow to make the monolith look slightly like old Japanese paper.
Direction Monolith
To understand the wayfinding monolith, and what is working, it was placed in a real picture from japan and this gave a real life render of the monolith and to see what kind of space is needed and wanted to create this design.
Olympic Wayfinding
Map Monolith
Similar to the wayfinding monolith, this map monolith is a different variation of the first but this featured a map view of Tokyo, with the Olympic rings featured at the top of the monolith. It would still be thick and be made of Perspex material, with the same colour based on old Japanese paper.
Map Monolith
Using the same techniques as the first monolith, using a picture in japan to see what this monolith would look like in a real life setting.
Olympic Wayfinding
Direction Post
To reduce space and material this post monolith was generated where it would be a simple post with directions to the nearest Olympic related locations. The colour of the information board is the same as the previous monoliths but the stand is new and different from the previous.
Direction Post
Using the same techniques as the two previous pages, the post was tried and tested on a picture from Tokyo to see what it looks like and whether it looks normal and fits well.
Olympic Wayfinding
Map Leaflet
To adapt the wayfinding design, these are leaflets for the spectators to help themselves around Tokyo and the stadiums. This design is a portrait map that has aspects of the common theme throughout other designs and makes the viewer think when looking at this map, it isn’t just a basic simple design piece.
Map Leaflet
To make things more accessible, a landscape version of the design was created to give the public different variations of the same map.
Wayfinding & safety signange
safety signange
Safety Poster
this is the design for the Covid-19 safety rules, listing all the rules for the event spectators to follow. The basic design here focus’ on the two colours of red and white, and uses the pattern that links all the previous designs together.
Safety Poster
this is one variation of the safety poster in the real world. with this variations being a poster glued onto the wall. This is too see the poster in a new setting that wouldn’t necessarily be inside stadiums or arenas.
safety signange
Safety Poster
this is a more professional look at where the poster would be, in a park or centre. This would be seen by the masses and help the spectators walking through a park understand the rules in an area that would need to adhere to these rules
Newspaper Safety
Using this a a medium to get the rules and safety guidelines to people outside the centre and that could be seen by people on public transport or entering the country and need to see the rules to make sure they can follow then clearly
safety signange
Hanging Poster
using hanging banners to show the safety guidelines and wayfinding is a good way to display design. as there is a large amount of areas for these to hang on and they are out of reach from spectators but still view-able.
Hanging Poster
The idea for these hanging banners were to be placed inside the arenas or stadiums to give the spectators a reminder of the guidelines to follow. They resemble the previous patterns from throughout the designs for this brand identity.
safety signange
Hanging Poster
This is a similar version of the previous hanging banner but features less illustrative noise and focus’ more on the message of the design.
Wall design
Following on with leaving a message inside the stadiums and arenas, this design is an idea of the guidelines and directions plastered onto the wall to create more space and less waste.
safety signange
Floor Spray paint
This idea came from the previous wall paint design, looking at ways to avoid taking up space and still managing to get the viewers to take notice. This floor spray paint design takes this idea and makes the viewer look down and shows them the guidelines they need to follow.
These are sticker designs for the rules and guidelines. A way to display them without taking up any space but still grabs the viewers attention.
Wayfinding & safety signange
This is one of the stickers in a real world setting and how it would appear to the spectators. This would be a good way to display these guidelines and still leave space for people to walk through.
This is another variation of the sticker being in a real-world version. This design works because it doesn’t take away any space in the centre but still makes the viewer look and doesn’t make them have to avoid walking over it and having to walk around it.
safety signange
Olympic App
load Page
To assist the spectators of the event with the wayfinding aspect, an app was developed that helps with wayfinding, Olympic Highlights and rules to follow during Covid. With developing this app, it had to be recognisable to the brand identity of these Olympic games. using the circle pattern throughout the designs. and also using the same colour of red, to relate to the current brand identity. 68
Interests Page
To give the user an easier experience, they are asked to press the events they are interested in. this feature would help focus the wayfinding to best fit with the users’ interests. With this feature the map feature can have less traffic and can be easily visible, being better followed by the user.
Olympic App
Map page
Using Olympic related colours to display the directions, accompanied by a small key, is a helpful and simple method to display a wayfinding section while also keeping the relevancy of the common theme throughout these designs.
Highlights page
As this app is to help during the Olympics, it needs to include a highlights page, to help the users get to see things that might not be there interests and might not have known about. The layout of this page is a simple scroll page similar to that of most social media apps, which would also be common knowledge to users an easy to follow.
Olympic App
Highlights Article Page
This is the layout of one of the highlight pages, the aim is to have short pages, so it doesn’t cause the user to get bored. All the pages are short to minimize the time spent trying to read the pages.
Covid Rules Page
Similar to the base highlights page, this Covid-19 rule page is a scroll page. This is a simple page that is meant to keep the user focused on the page and isn’t too busy to distract the user.
Olympic App