- 1:Layout 1 CEA generale 2008
Pagina 3
s for the pharmaSolutions and system
ical industry s for the pharmaceut Solutions and system
By means of this option , each inspection devic e can operate 24 image standard technology emplo acquisitions on each objec ying cameras at 60 Fps t to be inspected. Comp (with acquisitions of 8 image ared with the allow to obtain an increa s for each object to be se in the capability to discrim inspected), High speed inate defects and a reduc Cameras by quadruplicating the overa tion of false reject rate. ll installed calculation capac Such a perfor manc ity, e was possible and by maintaining a “cold� with MTBF (Mean Time hardware technology, withou Between Failure) with a system exceeding the 60.00 t refrigerating devices The option has now been 0 hours (Bell Core 6.1). installed as part of the basic configuration of machine Benefits: more images K15/600. = more accuracy in defec ts detection and less false rejection rate = Higher Efficie ncy. This unit allows to meas ure the electrical condu ctivity of the system: conta typically due to cracks on iner + product and is an the containers or to sealin efficient method to inspe g defects. The syringe passe ct leakages, A high voltage source (10 s between two electrodes to 30 kV) is applied here. placed on the main turret. The system is capable to flows in the circuit. In case detect variations in condu of cracked syringe this ctivity by measuring the current will be higher than curren t which the current which flows in a good one.
Process Analytic al Technology
HGA works using a no-co ntact measurement metho d. For this reason it is suitab or freeze dried products. le for the inspection of conta HGA device measures iners filled with powder, oxygen concentration in (Tunable Diode Laser Absor liquid an optical path using the ption Spectroscopy). This TDLAS spectroscopic techn technology uses a VCSE ology of near infrared (NIR). This L diode to generate a laser particular light interacts beam with the same wavelength with oxygen particles and gives energy to them. ODMS device allows to discriminate the opacity or turbidity of a liquid produ of a suspension. It uses ct. It is mostly used to verify a non-invasive measureme the concentration of a vaccin nt method and can be used measures particles conce e or for ampoules, vials and ntration in an optical path pre-filled syringes. ODM based on the Beer-Lamb S sensor liquid is linearly proportiona ert law that determines l to the absorbance A=log how particles concentratio (I/I0) of transmitted light. n in wavelength modulated the This technology uses a in intensity, and a phase visible laser diode at a -sensitive detector to reduc 635 nm The laser has a stabilized e outside interferences temperature and output and electronic drifts. power and its power level ODMS operates in stand is continuously monitored ard optical configurations in order to grant a prope with transmission for turbid r work. ity between 200 and 4000 NTU. This instrument allows to verify the colour chara cteristics of a product allows to detect colou that represent in a way r changes (degradation its fingerprint. The use s) and to implement in of this instrument spectrum of light transm some cases anti-mix-up itted through the product functions. The sensor by means of a dispersion measures the generates a beam of contin spectrometer. This techn uous white light in the wave ique employs a halogen lengths of Visible and near source that giving energy to the same infrared (NIR). The light molecules. The decrease intera cts with of beam the product by intensity (absorption) is product. The absorption localized to the typical absor measure is also proportiona ption wave lengths of the l to the concentration of the active principle in the solution.
Brevetti - CEA Catalogo Generale Prodotti