Plan Bee
Location: Shanxi, China
Year: 2019
Location: Australia, China, Europe Year: 2016-2020
Year: 2017
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Key Words: Hand drawing
Year: 2014
Location: Preston, Melbourne, Australia
Key Words: Anthropocene; Grasshopper; Ecosystem
Key Words: Residential Landscape; Ubran Ecology; Streetscape;
Location: Reservoir, Melbourne, Australia Year: 2020
Key Words: Post-covid;Self-constructing Landscape; Public Initiatives
Key Words: Ecological Rehabilitation; Traditional Village Protection
Key Words: Connectivity Improvement; Infrastructure Renewal
Key Words: Documentation works; Industrial experience
Content Work Experience
The AnthropogeneicUndulance
Location: Xi'an, China
Location: Parkville, Melbourne, Australia Year: 2020
Year: 2020-2022
Year: 2022 4
Year: 2020
Year: 2020
H.L.T. Oulton Reserve (Normative park)
-To blur the boundary between private and public spaces.
-Alternating the users of parks,non-human organism now is the primary users.
PLAN BEE EVOLUTION Plan Bee was shortlisted and honourable mentioned by The Future Park Competion held by The University of Melbourne and AILA in Oct, 2019. OVERALL MASTERPLAN SECTION AA’ SECTION20592049203420242019 BB’ 6m 1:600 Streetscape
Post-industrial Site (10 years temporary park)
-To vastly increase landscape diversity for life, with less budget allocation.
triandra Kangaroo Grass Poaceae Secondary
Key Species: Same with the streetscape
-For those people who have a strong interest in bees protection and want cooperate to create a bees habitat.KeySpecies:-Salviasclarea-Abeliaxgrandiflora-Westringiafruticosa-Lavandulaxallardii-Pelargoniumpeltatum-Convolvulussabatius
Plan A Plan B
Themeda species:
to the streetscapes. The maintenance will be taken charge by the local city council.
-No maintenance, for residents who lack of management ability.
-For those people want to maintain their current garden situation, but have some interest in bees protection.
Hardenbergia violacea Mini Ha Ha Fabaceae Convolvulus sabatius no common name Convolvulaceae Callistemon citrinus Crimson Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Banksia marginata Silver Banksia Proteaceae Trees Melaleuca linariifolia Snow in Summer Myrtaceae
-For people who do not want their garden spaces, but want to pay less residential
maintenance, for residents who can do average maintenance for plants.
salignus Willow Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia Proteaceae
Rates Reduction:-Medium6.25%
Plan CreatingC
a bee’s habitat. Including bee’s nest area, bee’s friendly plants and clear water sources. The total fees will be half shared by the local council.
Planting some bee’s friendly species for bees. The slected plants will be offered by local city council.
MASTERPLAN OF STREETSCAPE Streetscape Comparison 2049 2059Amegilla cingulata Blue-banded bee Apidae 10
Key -Convolvulus-LavandulaSpecies:xallardiisabatius
-High maintenance, residents who have the ability to do maintenance for plants.
'A reorientation towards nature amplifies how parks are often framed in anthropocentric ways, but can parks be just for insects? Plan Bee (Honourable Mention) develops an incremental strategy for bee-friendly spaces in residential gardens and presents a challenging “messy” aesthetic for spaces in the city. Suburban gardens are also components of the humorously presented Meta Homes and Gardens, a rethinking of relationships between wilderness, city and gardens that challenges conceptions of land ownership and the divisions of space.'
-Landscape Architecture Australia. Jan 01, 2020 (165):17-25
5%Programmes Follow and explore Environmental experiences Express
How to use users embodied cognitions as a driven factor to organise a design that is mainly consist by landscape languages.
How to enhance the organism-environment interaction, as a main programme, but also as a catalyst point to start an iteration process of users modifying the landscape initiatively.
THE UNDULANCE 1. The Material Farm 2. The Undulance 3. The Bunker 4. The Corrugation 5. The Heathland Corridor 6. The Hinge 7. The Grassland 8. The Forest
Speculate how people could possibly get connected or influenced by the initiative self-design and self-constructing process. What scene can be unfolded in the future, with a interlaced situation of a new way of maintenance regime that is working between autonomy and authority. feelings emotions Create your own path
The initiative path is such strong evidence that is showing many people have awakened toward initiatives in the public realm and express it through the common knowledge of life and astonishing individual creativity.
Claiming back initiatives and autonomous rights in urban public spaces to frame a self-governing future. DESIGNMASTERPLANSTRATEGY 12
1. The Bunker 2. The Raise 3. Catalyst Points 4. Puddles 5. Hummocks 6. The Corrugation 7. MuckExisistingCreekMucksHeaps Paths Primary TrailsSteppingPavedSandSecondaryPathsPathsPathsStones 1:800@A1 Section AA Section BB Section CC THE UNDULANCE THE BUNKER PUDDLES 13
Today, after decades of vast human activities and urbanization process, Galapagos Island has gradually transformed into anthropogenic island ecosystems these days and it will possibly complete this transformation soon. Some of the transformations are visible and sensible, such as deforestation, water pollution, and soil degradation, these variations can be summarized as phenomenons that we can express about them. However, a certain amount of transformations are essentially complex and intricate, and the performances for themselves are recessive and implicit. The complexity of our urban system and all the impacts caused by it are sometimes beyond our scope of understanding. Also, it is the complexity make us restrictedly focus on the superficial phenomenons rather than giving a whole picture of the impacts and circumstances to the environment in this anthropogenic age.
The Galapagos Islands inspired the most notorious theory on Nature, Darwin's evolution by natural selection. Darwin's had the radical intuition that Nature's "intelligence" is not its own, and while nature's designs are brilliant, the "designers" are as uncomprehending as nature itself.
By taking advantage of new technology and the development of computation, we can turn the archipelago into an open-air laboratory to study what we call evolution by the anthropogenic selection, recognizing that even a remote archipelago is not immune to the forces of global urbanisation. Moreover, it is worth to frame the whole picture of the significant impact that the urban system brought to Galapagos islands.
Based on this concept, a square, 2400 by 2400 pixels drawing has been made to illustrate the distribution, dynamics, sources and speculations of ubiquitous human waste, in a 10000m by 10000m portion of San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Archipelago. As the massive drawing is shown, clues such as connections, nodes, distance, patterns can be found within the data-based, massive computation drawing. Meanings of wastefulness and mindlessness can be explored in this conceptual framework, which will lead to the prelude of the following design iteration sequences.
area of San Cristobal Island is largely occupied by agricultural lands and villages. The waste management system there is less sufficient than areas, hence, illegal dumping and burning is commonly occurring in rural Pointsareas. here represented the possible illegal dumping spots, and the lines imitated the distribution of waste particles.
the forest, vallies between hills and mountains are the highly accumulated areas where the plastic particles densely distributing in. Plastic particles with varities of sources will be carried by rainwater, and flush them to each low lands and seep into the
Red line simulated the movement of ocean currents, blew by the prevailing wind which represented by arrows in the map.
area is one of the most seriously waste occupied area on the island. It is currently being exposed to ocean and inland waste.
is the main inhabited area in San Cristobal Island., which is also the main waste management system located at. Each end point represents a building or a building cluster, they producing waste everyday and the lines represent numbers of waste collecting routes.
is an another factor that deeply affect the movement and distribution of waste. Prevailing wind blowing ocean currents, helping to gather huge amount of plastic particles near the island, then hitting them to the coastal and inland areas of San Cristobal.
The pattern of city's waste collecting system showing how the human society gradually establishing this kind of selfcleanning sub-system embeded in our complex urban network.
approximately 65% of total land in San Cristobal Island. Most of them are undeveloped area but they have been significantly spread by different kinds of Thewaste.sources of the waste in forests are multipe and unpredictable
The map is showing marine wastes are carried by ocean currents, transporting them to the coastal areas of the island.
WEAVE 1 The Sky View Node 2 The Ground View Node 3 The Far View Node 4 The Near View Node 5 Sinking Green 6 Viewing Shed 7 Rest Node 8 Gazebo 9 Plants Path 10 Entrance Lounge 11 Viewing Desk 12 South Xi’yan Road Entrance of Pedestrian Bridge 13 West Xi’ying Road Entrance of Pedestrian Bridge 14 Elevation-green Stairs 15 CR Vanguard Supermarket Entrance of Pedestrian Bridge 16 North xi’yan Road Entrance of Pedestrian Bridge 17 Pocket Park Entrance of Pedestrian Bridge
Single structure, lack of landscape value and humanized design are the most common problems in today’s pedestrian bridge design. We are devoted to create a new type of versatile,environmental friendly pedestrian bridge.The location we choose is Beichitou Cross in Xi’an,which is a boundary between new town and old town.Based on its special surroundings in the location ,we choose “slow down your steps, feel the change of city” as our theme.In order to solve the conflict of the linear space of the ground and weave important elements such as ecological greening, urban culture into the pedestrian bridge,we use “weave” as our design concept.
Single Linear Space Flexibly Changeable Design Multiple Linear Spaces MODE OF WEAVING:CAT'S CRADLE DESIGN SeparationCoexistenceLOCATIONCONCEPTofPeopleandVehiclesofPeopleandVehicles CombinationSingleWeaveFunctionofFunctions Unify Innovative renewal strategy of the urban pedestrain bridge 17
The site Beichitou Cross is located at the cross of Xiying Road and Xiyan Road at Yanta District. At the southwest of Beichitou Cross is the Qujiang New District where a historical district Dayan Pagoda ,Tang Paradise are located .However,the southeast of Beichitou Cross is a chaos village surrounded by high-rise buildings. There is a huge gap between the two areas.
Vertical Planting Stair Space Design
Xiying Road Entrance Space
City Public Green Area Stair Space Design
East SouthElevationElevationWestElevationNorthElevation
1.Geographic Structure Molecular Chain MatrixPatchStringElectronNucleusAtom Molecular Decomposition 2.Agriculture Structure 3.Vitality Induced Point Structure 4.Ecologic Structure THE STRING DESIGN CONCEPT PLAN CONCEPTMASTERPLAN ElasticPatchDevice BufferActivityModuleSpace
TheTrail String
Drainage Module The renovation of traditional rural village and the protection of local ecosystem. 19
Spring Festival Landslide Area Plants Design Gully EcotoneAreaArea Residential Space Analysis RESIDENTIAL STRING GEOLOGICAL STRING AGRICULTURAL STRING
OtherJanuaryAprilSecenarios 20
Acativities Centre Space Perspective
Timeline Villiage Centre Perspective Villiage
Perspective Agriculture
Enframed Scenery: Views change from the window through moving in classic Chinese garden
Marker Pen Color Pencil
Graduate Landscape Architect Steve (Yi) Wang