CFS sufferer recovers 75% within just 3 months through Chronic Fatigue Specialist
Dr. Alexsander Strande has over twenty years of experience as a Naturopath. With the majority of his training and experience in Europe and Australia, this gives him an exceptional edge over American Naturopaths. Furthermore, Dr. Strande’s PH.DDissertation is about “Effective Naturopathic Treatment in Post Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. Chronic Fatigue Specialist Dr. Strande approach is not to treat CFS,but to get rid of it. At least half of the patients suffering from CFSdon’t need more than 6 months to recover through his effective approach. “ Chronic fatigue syndrome, often thought to be a condition that only afflicts adults, affects adolescents as well but is often overlooked”, according to a new Dutch report in Pediatrics. CFSis the descriptive name of a syndrome characterized by a myriad of symptoms involving many body symptoms. It is also known by descriptions such as: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Mononucleosis, Yuppie Flu, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFADS)and Glandular Fever. Chronic Fatigue Specialist will be capable of identifying the intensity of the patient from the markings or signs of the iris, the conditions of various organs and systems of the body. Major criteria used to distinguish CFSare: - Persistent fatigue that does not resolve with bed rest and that is severe enough to reduce average daily activity by at least fifty percent for at least six months. - The presence of other chronic clinical conditions, including psychiatric disorders can be ruled out. - Antibodies to certain viruses may be present. A virus may or may not be active by the time the symptoms develop. The virus tends to hype up the immune system and deregulates other body systems and the effect is similar to symptoms of various autoimmune diseases. Chronic Fatigue Remedies are provided by Dr. Strande in an effective manner. Naturopathic medicine is a healing art of assisting a person in recovery from ill health and maintaining well-being through stimulation, enhancement and support of the inherent healing capacity of his or her body by using natural means. Pain Alternative Therapy is an effective way of treating health problems without pain and through natural herbs. So, get rid of CFScompletely through Dr. Strande approach as soon as possible. provides faster and complete recovery from CFSusing Chronic Fatigue Specialist Dr. Strande approach. Furthermore, Pain Alternative Therapy and Herbal Treatment for Depression are also provided in an effective way. For more details, log on to: