Jobs in Chicago, Illinois help improve your social status Career is the major thing that concerns any person. Finding a job is not at all an easy thing until and unless you work hard at it. A wide variety of jobs are available in both Chicago and Illinois. The major categories of jobs in Chicago are, sales, insurance, computer/IT Services, banking, government/public, graphics/design, engineering/technology, law/legal, healthcare/medical, education/training, and others/media. Chicago jobs could be mainly of two types: Part-time jobs and Full-time jobs. Part-time jobs are the best for students, housewives and people who want some extra income in their spare time. There are a number of career guidance consultants in Chicago. They provide the guidance to get a job according to your qualifications. One of the most important industries in Chicago is insurance. The insurance industry has trained and qualified many professionals. The recruitment processin the insurance industry mainly includes the following, - Captive sales agencies - Independent insurance agents Captive sales agencies typically give training and licensing to employeeswho have been selected in the recruitment process. The trained professionals of captive sales agencies are known as captive sales force. They could work for one or more companies until they sign an agreement with them. After signing the agreement they should work only for that company. Independent insurance agents are those who work for many companies. There are more advantagesto being an independent broker than a captive sales agent. The independent brokers would not have to sign any agreement with one company. They just have the details about the available products in all companies. Theseindependent brokers are generally paid more than the captive sales agents. Chicago jobs are not abundant at this time. So people are struggling to get a job. To get jobs in Chicago and Illinois, individuals can register at the career consultant’s websites in the U.S.A., Chicago and Illinois. On those websites you would have to submit your resume. Basedon your qualification and experience, companies would shortlist for the interview process. jobs in Illinois are provided by government and private or non-government sectors. In Illinois, the public sector or government jobs are available in greater number than the private sector jobs. People of Illinois are attracted to public sector jobs. The human resource departments in Illinois government also help job seekers in getting a job. In private sector, people get job in industries like sales, IT and IT enabled services, Customer service and health care. Whereas, in public sector, you can get jobs in civil services. The job positions in Civil service could be clerical, professional, services or trades. One important factor that matters to get a job in public sector, Illinois is the employee must hold a citizenship in the state of Illinois. Finding Chicago jobs is easy, if you are aware of when and where to look for. The author has written several articles on Chicago jobs, jobs in Illinois and jobs in Chicago.