PPI Claims with Real Claims

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PPI Claims with Real Claims

Lancashire, none - 2010-09-15 - Debt is an unfortunate part of our everyday lives and can often cause a devastating strain on our daily existence. We read all too often about the tragic stories of ordinary people at breaking point when debt spirals out of control.

When the going is good, the lenders are bashing down the door with offers to lend and befriend and because these lenders are well known household institutions we naturally believe and trust in them. It is only when the tide turns that we realise just how wrong we were.

PPI (payment protection insurance) has been pushed mercilessly alongside loans for the past 15 years. The lenders often make as much, if not more from the sale of PPI as from the sale of the loan itself. ALL types of lenders have saddled their customers with this insurance to produce bumper profits.

The sale of these policies was finally banned in May 2009 following relentless pressure from consumer groups, the Citizens Advice Bureau, television gurus and mainstream media, forcing both the FSA and the government to review and eventually ban the practice.

This now means that consumers with one of these policies is entitled to reclaim their money in full with interest and often compensation added in too. The positive impact this can have on individuals or a family struggling or crippled with debt can often mean the difference between swimming and drowning.

Real Claims have been at the forefront of this industry for the past few years, not only by offering one of the most competitive NO WIN NO FEE packages on the market but also claiming back so much more for their consumers.

Real Claims offers a spectrum of advice for customers struggling with debt related issues and Real Claims aims to help consumers claim back money they didn’t know they were entitled to for a wide range of services.

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