Advance c programming

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SWITCH CASE / SELECT CASE • These statements are used with the

replacement of if-else and these statements are used when we have multiple options or choices.

• These choices can be limited and when we use switch case we can use only integer or character variable as expression.

• Syntax: switch( expression) { case value-1: block-1; break; case value-2: block-2; break; ---default: default-block; break; } statement -X;

LOOPING • These statements are used to control the flow of the program and repeat any process multiple times according to user’s requirement. • We can have three types of looping control statements. • while • do-while

• for

While • It is an entry control loop statement, because it checks the condition first and then if the condition is true the statements given in while loop will be executed. • SYNTAX:Initialization;

while (condition) { Statements;

Incremental / decrement; }

Do-while • Do-while loop is also called exit control loop.

• It is different from while loop because in this loop the portion of the loop is executed minimum once and then at the end of the loop the condition is being checked and if the value of any given condition is true or false the structure of the loop is executed and the condition is checked after the completion of true body part of the loop.

• SYNTAX:Initialization do

{ Statement; Increment / decrement;

} while (condition)

For loop • It is another looping statement or construct used to repeat any process according to user requirement but it is different from while and do-while loop because in this loop all the three steps of constructions of a loop are contained in single statement. • It is also an entry control loop.

• We can have three syntaxes to create for loop:-

for (initialization; decrement)





Statement; } ……………………………………. for (; test condition; increment / decrement) { Statement; } ………………………………………


for (; test condition;) { Statement; Increment / decrement }

JUMPS STATEMENTS • These are also called as branching statements. • These statements transfer control to another part of the program. When we want to break any loop condition or to continue any loop with skipping any values then we use these statements. There are three types of jumps statements. • Continue • Break • Goto

• Continue This statement is used within the body of the loop. The continue statement moves control in the beginning of the loop means to say that is used to skip any particular output.

• WAP to print series from 1 to 10 and skip only 5 and 7. #include

void main ( ) { int a;

clrscr ( ); for (a=1; a<=10; a++) { if (a= =5 | | a= = 7) continue;

printf (“%d \n”,a); } getch ( );



• This statement is used to terminate any sequence or sequence of statement in switch statement. This statement enforce indicate termination. In a loop when a break statement is in computer the loop is terminated and a cursor moves to the next statement or block; • Example: • WAP to print series from 1 to 10 and break on 5 #include void main ( ) {

int a; clrscr ( ); for (a=1; a<=10; a++) { if (a= =5)

break; printf (“%d \n”,a); }

getch ( ); }

Goto statement • It is used to alter or modify the normal sequence of program execution by transferring the control to some other parts of the program. the control may be move or transferred to any part of the program when we use goto statement we have to use a label. • Syntax: • Forward Loop: goto label; …. …. label: statement;

• Backward Loop: label: statement …. ….

goto label;

CALL BY VALUE IN C LANGUAGE:In call by value, value being passed to the

function is locally stored by the function parameter in stack memory location. If you change the value of

function parameter, it is changed for the current function only. It will not change the value of variable inside the caller method such as main().

Example of call by value:#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h>

void change(int num) { printf("Before adding value inside function num=%d \n",num); num=num+100;

printf("After adding value inside function num=%d \n", num); } int main() { int x=100; clrscr(); printf("Before function call x=%d \n", x); change(x);//passing value in function

printf("After function call x=%d \n", x); getch(); return 0; }


Before function call x=100 Before adding value inside function num=100 After adding value inside function num=200

After function call x=100

CALL BY REFERENCE IN C:ďƒ˜In call by reference, original value is modified because we pass reference (address). Example of call by Reference:#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void change(int *num) { printf("Before adding value inside function num=%d \n",*num); (*num) += 100; printf("After adding value inside function num=%d \n", *num); }

int main() {

int x=100; clrscr();

printf("Before function call x=%d \n", x); change(&x);//passing reference in function printf("After function call x=%d \n", x); getch(); return 0;


Output:Before function call x=100 Before adding value inside function num=100

After adding value inside function num=200 After function call x=200

RECURSION IN C:A function that calls itself, and doen't perform any task after function call, is know as tail recursion. In tail recursion, we generally call the same function with return statement. Syntax:recursionfunction(){ recursionfunction();//calling self function }

ARRAY IN C:ďƒ˜Array in C language is a collection or group of elements (data). All the elements of array are homogeneous(similar). It has contiguous memory location. Declaration of array:data_type array_name[array_size]; Eg:int marks[7]; • Types of array:1) 1-D Array 2) 2-D Array

ADVANTAGE OF ARRAY:1) Code Optimization

2) Easy to traverse data 3) Easy to sort data 4) Random Access

2-D Array in C:ďƒ˜2-d Array is represented in the form of rows and columns, also known as matrix. It is also known as array of arrays or list of arrays.

Declaration of 2-d array:data_type array_name[size1][size2];

Initialization of 2-d array:-

ďƒ˜int arr[3][4]={{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,5},{3,4,5,6}};

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