Ease Your Back Pain with Stretching and Pilates

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There is no reason to suffer from back pain when there is a way to defeat it. Back pain can be a result of old age, a car acciden t, having children , workin g, or an athletic injury. By using Pilates in combin ation with a few stretchi ng techniq ues, your back pain will become a thing of the past. Anyone

can do Pilates, because it is that safe. The movem ents may be small and easy to do, but the results are everlast ing. Never underes timate the stress relievin g and pain relievin g effects that Pilates and stretchi ng can have on your body. Young children , teenage rs, adults, and seniors can enjoy the benefits of

Pilates and stretchi ng. There is nothing difficult about Pilates. The only thing that you need to watch out for is your form. Make sure that you do exactly as the instructi ons say when perform ing your movem ents. When you stretch, you need to make sure that you are stretchi ng both sides so that there is no injury. In case

you haven't noticed, most athletes will perform a series of simple stretche s before physica l activitie s in order to avoid injuries. How much more do you think that they can be used to prevent pain? You can bet on a lot. Tense ligamen ts and stiff joints can cause a pain that is unbeara ble, especial ly in your back. The

popping , crackin g, and strains need an outlet. You back needs a gentle release of it's stress and tension. If you do not release what has built up, then the pain will just continu e to persist, creating more cripplin g effects. When perform ing your stretche s, try to hold them for at least 20 to 30 seconds each. Holding your stretche s will

help your muscles and joints to become more flexible and release the tension, which will in turn, ease the pain. Never bounce or tense up when perform ing your exercise s and stretche s. Always make sure that you breathe. Breathi ng is quite possibl y one of the most importa nt things to rememb er to do when it comes

to any type of physica l activity. Not rememb ering to breathe can lead to high blood pressur e, dizzines s, and other dangero us things that are just too serious to tamper with. Breathi ng correctl y while perform ing your stretche s and Pilates techniq ues will help to increase blood flow to your back and speed up the amount of

nutrient s that travel to it, thus helping to further relieve the pain and enhance natural healing effects. An ideal Pilates regimen might include doing a set of exercise s for a short period in the mornin g, and then again at night before you go to bed. It does not take very long to start experie ncing the pain relievin g benefits that Pilates

and stretchi ng have to offer. The best part about it is that it is free. Once you learn the stretche s and the movem ents, you are all set to go. You can find literally thousan ds of pages of informa tion on how to perform Pilates and stretchi ng techniq ues over the web. With a little time and practice , you will be a pain

relievin g pro! There are a range of DVD's on sale at http://www.pilatesorstretchforbackpain.com which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath/Physiotherapist. Please visit my blog at http://stretchorpilatesforbackpain.com/wordpress/?feed=rss2

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