Non profit debt consolidation programs are intended for those of us who find ourselves so deep in debt there is plainly no other way out. You will either need to negotiate with your creditors yourself or use a company that appreciates the ins and outs of how credit works. It is important to realize that non profit does not always mean complimentary. Nearly all non profit debt consolidation packages look for a payment for their services. This is not a bad arrangement as long as you have a clear understanding of how much you will be coughing up to them in excess of the sum you will need to shell out on your debt. As soon as you first contact the non profit debt consolidation company, you will be speaking to a Certified Credit Counselor. The counselor will raise a few questions concerning your outstanding debt and your month to month income. After you have given the information, the counselor will put forward various plans with you for debt consolidation. Both of you will come to a decision on the best plan to match your particular circumstances. A straightforward contract will be drawn up and despatched to you. If you believe the conditions of the agreement are accurate, you will sign it and return it to the non profit debt consolidation company. You will then be enrolled in a non profit debt consolidation program. The credit counselor will work with your creditors to negotiate lowering or eliminating your late and over limit fees. They will also work to reduce the quantity of your debt by 50 to 80%. You will give one fee to the non profit debt consolidation program and they will disburse repayments to your creditors. Your creditors will be paid by the date agreed upon and you will see your debts melt away month by month. You will still receive monthly statements from your creditors, and a month to month statement from the debt consolidation company outlining the payments made that month. Before you send any money to a non profit debt consolidation program, make sure you are working with a respectable company. Just like every other business out there it is possible to come across some bad eggs. You ought to be clear on the exact sum they will charge you to perform this service. You also need to be sure they will have your payments in to the creditor in time. You are trying to mend your credit, not make it worse. Your monthly payment will continue the same throughout the course of your non profit consolidation program. When a debt is paid in full the extra funds will go on a different debt so that you will realize a much earlier payoff. Most non profit debt consolidation programs have educational materials to help you learn: - How to place, prepare and attain your objectives. - How to develop a plan you can live with. - How to Get more out of every buck by growing your spending power. - How to put aside more of your hard earned money. - How to sort out your financial records.
They have learning topics like these and countless more. For the most part if you find yourself deep in debt and need help it would pay for you to get in touch with a reputable non profit debt consolidation company and get your finances in shape. For 2 free e-books on this subject please click on the links below: Or for Bankruptcy the 64 page "The Bankruptcy Recovery Guide"