Everyo ne knows that exercisi ng is good for them. Not only does exercis e make you look better physica lly, but it also effects the way that you feel. But, those feelings are not just mental and emotio nal. There are certain types of exercis es that work to strengt hen your body and relieve your pain. Not all workou ts are the same, and
Pilates and stretchi ng exercis es are definite ly proof of that. If you are new to the concept of Pilates, then you should know that it is a set of stretchi ng and strengt hening moves that work to increas e your strengt h from the innerm ost core of your body outwar d. There is no other exercis e like it. The best part is that they are used for pain
relief and strengt h. Some people even perfor m Pilates movem ents and stretch es to lose weight. The movem ents work naturall y to align the body back to the way it should be. Those who experie nce chronic pain are highly recom mende d to take up a Pilates and stretchi ng routine. The movem ents are much easier
to perfor m than other exercis e movem ents you are probabl y more familiar with. When you are in pain, you certainl y do not want to do crunch es or squats! While those exercis es help to increas e strengt h as well, there is also a higher likeliho od for injury associa ted with them. Let's say for exampl e that you have issues with chronic back pain. Pilates
movem ents can be benefici al becaus e the movem ents are very short and easy to perfor m. When it comes to long term results, Pilates movem ents will actually allow for a fuller range of motion, which is someth ing that back pain sufferer 's tend to lack. Back pain also tends to put a damper on quality of life. Exercis e in any form is benefici al, but
it doesn't do any good if you are not able to perfor m the movem ents require d. All of the Pilates and stretchi ng exercis es have been made just for the back pain sufferer . With Pilates and stretchi ng, you are able to do the same exact movem ents that an athlete would, without strainin g or injuring any part on your body. Most exercis es come on DVD, and
there is no need for a physica l trainer. Your exercis es and stretch es can be done in the comfort of your own living room, and all the instruct ions are given on DVD. Anyone who is interest ed in core strengt h, more confide nce, a better body, and pain relief should think about the benefit s of Pilates and stretchi ng exercis es. They usually
take no more than 30 minute s each day to perfor m, and are fit for all levels of experti se. Just a small amount of Pilates and stretchi ng exercis e each day should be enough to make a really big differen ce in the way that you feel. You are going to notice a signific ant decreas e in pain, and you might even notice a couple of inches
drop from your waistlin e. The back and spine have a profoun d impact on the rest of the body. Once your pain levels decreas e, you will notice that your life is much better than you ever would have imagin ed. There are a range of DVD's on sale at http://www.pilatesorstretchforbackpain.com which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath/Physiotherapist. Please visit my blog at http://stretchorpilatesforbackpain.com/wordpress/?feed=rss2