Diversity - a digital story for teachers

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Some things Diversity

~ a digitalnot story forlike educators ~ are

the other By Steven Caldwell

By Steven Caldwell.

Some things look the same when they are arranged together.

But are they all the same?

Some things make large beautiful shapes when they are grouped together...


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Some leaves grow fast towards the light.

Some rest in shadows for a time.

All things grow at their own pace.

Don't they?

Some things are easy to stack and bend and fold and shape. That's true, isn't it?

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Some go the opposite way that you might think they will. Some things grow down.

Yet innovative teachers sit in straight rows all together.

We must all listen and follow along. Keep up with what the teacher says!

I don't learn this way.

Sometimes we need to remember diversity. Some things look the same, but aren't. Some grow and flow in their own way. Some learn by doing, not listening.

Are you prepared to...

Teach Differently?

Created with Book Creator on a new iPad All photos are by the author Cover image http://farm3.static.flickr.com/ 2422/4424308439_245634130f_o.jpg Apple Logo registered to Apple Computers Thanks to the team of passionate educators at the Apple Distinguished Educators Institute 2013 for their support and thoughtful provocations.

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