Steven & king - Unraveling the Mummy King

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Hi! This is where things get pretty dang intense, you seriously can’t even imagine how crazy it gets from here. For reals. We used to heed The Joker’s words: "If you’re good at something, never do it for free”. And since we’re not very good at this, we put it up for free. But you know what? We’re really proud of what we managed to do with our first try at this, and we spent a whole lot of time and money to get it done. It’s not perfect, but it’s our baby. And you don’t just give away your baby; you make sure you get paid for it! I’m sure a lot of you don’t feel the low-low price we’re asking for this is worth it, and that’s ok. This book is mainly for smart, progressive and beautiful people, not everyone falls into one or all of those categories. But if you do(or just like it anyways), head over to the store and get this in PDF or CBZ download. It’s fast, cheap and totally worth it. No joke.

Thanks for reading, Timmy and Jonny

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