Tasmanian Fishing and Boating News Issue 062 2006 June

Page 1

Print Post approved; PP 702512 00027

Issue 62 June - July 2006


A monster trout taken by stealth by Jamie Harris in his kayak. See page 12.

• Trophy Tamar bream • Winter trout options • Fishing around Devonport • Kayak fishing • Luderick • Boats • Sarah’s Kitchen • Jan’s flies

Everything for Winter Fishing Penn Applause

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Trophy Tamar River bream - Steve Robinson 4 Winter trout options - Andrew Richardson 6 Fishing around Devonport - Leroy Tirant 10 Jan’s flies - Jan Spencer 11 Kicking butt from a Kayak fishing - Jamie Harris


Boats and boating from page 14

Fishing and Boating Directory 18 Zebras and Luderick - Damon Sherriff 20 Sarah’s Kitchen - Sarah Sherriff 27 Classifieds and subscriptions 30

My Say

Why does everyone stop fishing? I know the trout season ‘proper’ stops and the rivers and most lakes close. And I suppose it is fair enough for trout fishing to stop. In fact I am a great advocate for a closed season. Not that I think the fish need to be protected, because the environmental factors generally look after that. Rain, floods, wind, frost and snow are usually enough to keep angler numbers limited. The best thing about a closed season is the build-up. You take a couple of months off, or some take a little longer - me included. But there is always anticipation about how good next season will be. And with all fishing, anticipation is the key. I was looking at an old book the other day for some information, an old book, Fish and Fisheries of Australia by T.C. Roughley. It was dedicated to ‘The Fish We Never Catch’. I think that explains it all. But do we need to stop fishing? I don’t think anyone wants to, and it was confirmed when my fly fishing club organised a winter fishing weekend. A few of us had decide to have a weekend at St Helens to see if there was any action. We could chase a few gars, some salmon and generally see what could be caught. So we thought we would announce

it during a meeting and see if anyone else was interested. The foursome turned into 24 people and these are mostly trout fishers. The results aren’t in as the weekend was for the end of June. One of the other interesting things I have noticed over the last few years is the move of trout anglers to try a bit more saltwater fishing. There are, in my opinion, a few reasons for this. Not the least being the huge increase in boat use. When I started fly fishing in the early 1970s a boat was not common. Then a few progressed to 12’ tinnies and 15 hp motors. Now it is unusual for someone not to have a boat. And now a boat of 5 metres, or 16’ or more with 100 or more horsepower is fairly common. So with all this investment anglers are trying a little further afield. Saltwater fly fishing is also on the increase and this has an affect on the numbers of people trying our estuaries around the state. You will notice boats take up a bit more space in this issue and this is the time of year all the boat shows are taking place around Australia. The new trout season will feture heavily in the next edition and August 5th will have trout fishers on the loose again. Mike Stevens

Tasmanian Fishing and Boating News

Published by Michael Stevens PO Box 7504, Launceston, 7250. Ph/fax; 6331 1278 Email; fishn@bigpond.net.au Advertising: Quenton Higgs - 0427 129 949 Stevens Publishing, ABN 79 095 217 299 All material is copyright and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the publisher.

Print Post approved; PP 702512 00027 Printed by Harris Print, 39 Alexander St, Burnie

Fishing News - Page 3

Six pound trophy bream Damon Sherriff is a great friend of mine. We often speak for hours about fishing. The moon, tide, the barometer, rigs, bait and water temperature. Our wives don’t understand and never will. He has a passion and dedication for snapper fishing that is unmatched. People follow him, pester him and even copy him, but no-one out fishes him on snapper. He was having another great season. He doesn’t tell many people about the fish he catches, but he catches a lot. I had spent my summer shark fishing. In 2004 I helped carry Andrew Hart’s 150 kg Mako that he had caught off Low Head and ever since, when I get a calm day, I spend it bobbing around in Bass Strait. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I love it. I’m addicted!! I had also had a good season but the weather had turned foul and with the water temperature plummeting, it was time to head back into the River. Damon was encouraging me to have a fish for his favourite snapper. There was still a good chance of catching a ‘Red Bream’ as he likes to call them. But on this day my gut feeling was to try something completely different and to go Black Bream fishing. West Arm, Long Reach and East Arm have all produced fish. I launched my kayak in a likely spot and fished with crabs that I had collected. Several good bream were caught by a professional fisherman last winter in his nets and Damon and I had both caught small bream in previous years, so my hopes were high. It was a fishy day. Four Gummy sharks hooked, and they released themselves, in the first hour. It never ceases to amaze me to the size and species of fish you can find in just a couple of metres of water.

Fishing News - Page 4

to my chest collecting a full set of dorsel fin spines into my hand and arm. Ouch, ####, but the fish was back into the net and safely back onto the floor of the kayak. I stared at it admiring the great colours. Black, silver, gold, copper, yellow and a big fat blue nose. The base of its tail was slightly worn and some fins damaged from years of fossicking around hard rugged bottom. Its mouth full of crushing teeth also showed signs of wear and tear but it was still a magnificent fish. Still shaking I call Damon on the phone. Of course he was out snapper fishing but, I spoke to his wife Sarah. ‘I’ve cracked it!’, ‘What?’, ‘How big?’, ‘Really!’, ‘He’ll want to see it.’ Damon called in on his way home. He too was in awe of the fish’s size. Apart from the colour, it could easily pass for one of his The Tamar River is not renowned for big ‘trophy’ bream. A four pounder is considered a magic mark for bream. This bream went ‘Red Bream’. ‘Too good to eat’, exactly six pounds and is proudly displayed by the author. he said. It was agreed that he would do a full mount. Damon’s taxidermy is brilliant. He spends pain staking Tap, tap, smack! Another hook up. Another Gummy, it had to be. Nothing else could pull this hard. A massive run hours hand painting detail onto each individual scale and his up into a couple of feet of water and then a full 360 degrees patience is evident in the final mount. He’s not quick, but he around the kayak, towing it as it went. But, unlike the gum- is one of the best! For the record the fish weighed 2.72 kg or exactly 6 lbs, was mies this fish didn’t surface, instead keeping its head down, 52 cm fork length and was aged at 24 years old. The Tamar continuing short runs. It wouldn’t come up. Finally I saw it; It was massive, a magnificent bream! My doesn’t have a big bream fishery like many other Tasmanian heart racing, and with my hands shaking, I slipped the net estuaries, but fish like this can be the reward for effort. This day was based on a gut feeling, a bit of luck and a under it and sat it on my lap in the kayak. I was struggling to magnificent fish. Now I have memories to keep forever. That’s believe just how big it was; A fish of a life-time. I lifted it out of the net and panicked! It started thrashing why I love fishing so much! around making one last effort to escape! I was going to lose Steve Robinson it over the side; maybe no-one would believe me? I clutched

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Winter trout options There was a time, not so long ago, that once the calendar ticked around to June trout fishing in Tasmania was shut down for several months. The brown trout fishing season has traditionally finished at the end of April, and for most this has spelt the end of trout fishing until it’s recommencement in August. Several locations around the state have been designated rainbow trout waters for quite some while. The rainbow season opens a month later than the brown trout season, and thus traditionally closes at the end of May. This being the case, anglers were previously forced to put their rods and reels into hibernation at this time, and were left awaiting an August dawn and a new trout season. Now while many of us will still be eagerly awaiting the start of this new season and all the great fishing opportunities that come with it, anyone who is suffering from trout fishing withdrawal symptoms these days need not despair! In 2006 there are now trout-fishing waterways that are open all year ‘round. They number seven, and they are all listed below in detail.

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1 - Craigbourne Dam

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Postto;TasmanianFishingandBoating News, PO Box 7504, Launceston, 7250 Fishing News - Page 6

One of the best winter trout fishing opportunities is to be found at Craigbourne dam. Situated just three quarters of an hour from Hobart, via Richmond in the Coal River Valley, Craigbourne is easily accessed and affords ample opportunity to catch fish over the winter months. Of course it is also an excellent fishey for the rest of the year too. The fishery has been regularly stocked with large Atlantic salmon over the past few years, plus brook, rainbow trout and brown trout as well. You can choose to fish lures, bait or flies in the waterway and all methods are easily accessed from the dam’s rolling grass banks. The dam is a lowland impoundment and thus likely to be conducive to kinder weather than many other locations. Many anglers are happy just to sit on the bank and dangle a bait and there is probably no easier place to do this in Tasmania.

2 - Great Lake An 80.5 kg southern bluefin tuna caught by Cameron Pincuis at Pedra Branca. on a Black Magic Saury.

Name .......................................... Address ....................................... ...................................................... Phone ............................................ Where caught ................................ Date .............................................. Tackle ...............................................

The majority of Tasmania’s magnificent Great Lake is now open for all-year-round fishing. The lakes main spawning ground, ‘Canal bay’ at Liawenee, remains closed to angling over winter, while the rest of the lake remains open. Water levels at Great Lake have been very low for the past few season, but this does not seem to have affected the fishing too dramatically. Shore based fishing locations are ample, with all bays providing opportunity for good bags of fish. Boating on Great Lake is productive over winter, but weather conditions do play a large part. Being a highland lake, weather conditions can be unpredictable during this time, so it is essential when boating on any lake during winter

to pay close attention to weather forecasts, and also to local climatic conditions in the region you choose to fish. A crisp sunny day can turn sour very quickly in our highlands, so be prepared and be cautious.

3 - Lake Pedder

Put simply, Lake Pedder is overstocked with trout. However, this did not used to be the case. In the nineteen-seventies the lake was renowned for it’s massive trout and many lucky anglers were able to take home trophy trout exceeding five-kilos. These days the fishing at Lake Pedder is somewhat different. The lake is literally teaming with feisty and well-conditioned brown trout, though few exceed the one-kilo mark To counter this over-abundance the lake is now open all year, and bag limits are set at 20 fish per angler per day. Shore based fishing can be a little awkward and is generally confined the areas around the boat launching facilities. Other clearings along the shoreline can be found though finding formed tracks to these is not always easy. Boating is the most accessible and productive way to catch fish at Lake Pedder, and all methods will practically guarantee success. The lake is in our states rugged south-west and thus is a reasonably long drive to get to, but is well worth the trip as the catch-rate of fish is excellent.

4 - Lake Gordon

Adjoining Lake Pedder is Lake Gordon. If access for shore-based angling is difficult at Lake Pedder, then it is almost impossible at Lake Gordon. Those with a boat, however, will find fishing similar to that at Lake Pedder. continued over....






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Fishing 31/5/06 News 8:41:24 - Page AM7

Smallish brown trout abound and bag limits are again set at twenty fish per day. The lake is large and drowned trees are a feature, so again care should be taken while boating as submerged logs can be a hazard.

5 - Lake King William

Lake King William is situated south of Lake St.Clair in Tasmania’s highlands. The most convenient access to the waters of Lake King William is at Butlers gorge at the southern end of the lake. Here boat-launching facilities and shore-based angling opportunities can be found. The northern end of the lake can also be accessed, via a four-wheel-drive track at Derwent Bridge. A two-wheel-drive track extends from the Lyell highway to Guelph Basin some ten kilometers further west from this track. Both brown and rainbow trout are present within the lake and numbers are again numerous. All methods of fishing are permitted at Lake King William and bag limits are once again set at twenty fish per angler per day.

6 - Lake Barrington

With the recent extensive stocking of large Atlantic salmon into this lake, the past several seasons has seen Lake Barrington receive a massive upsurge in popularity as a fishing destination. Once regarded as a world-class rowing lake that also held some trout, these days Lake Barrington can almost be regarded as a fishing destination of similar standard to its rowing reputation. The lake is situated in our states northwest along the road to Cradle Mountain, and is picturesque and sheltered – a great place for fishing during winter. Boating is again the most productive way to catch fish. Shore-based fishing is limited along this long and skinny impoundment, with ‘Kentish Park’ being probably the best place to try. Here you will also find barbecue and toilet facilities, making for a convenient place to take the family for a winter fishing excursion. If the water levels are high and the lake is spilling, then ‘Devils-gate dam’ makes for a spectacular sight and a fantastic photographic opportunity.

7 - Lake Burbury

On Tasmania’s west coast lies Lake Burbury and the lake is regarded as one of our states best for trout fishing. Wintertime

in our west can be cold and wet, but Lake Burbury is worth the trip if you are serious about catching a trout over this time. The lake is easily accessed; with probably the best shore based angling to be found at ‘Bradshaw’s Bridge’ on the Lyell highway. The bridge crosses the lake at its central point and good shore-based opportunities extend either side of the bridge. Boating is also popular and productive on this large lake. There are plenty of small to medium sized rainbow and brown trout contained within the lakes midst and all methods of fishing are permitted and productive.

Dress Appropriately

All highland lakes are most likely to be wet, windy, cold, and possibly even snowing at some point over winter. It Whilst places like Great Lake can be bitterly cold during winter it is therefore essential that appropriate also produces some superb fish. Dress appropriately and pick your clothing and footwear be worn at all days and you will be rewarded with some good fishing. times. I personally learned the hard way that fishing in the snow excellent fishing and at sea level the weather is often much with inappropriate footwear is a really stupid thing to do. kinder to anglers. A good idea is to pick a location where On this particular occasion I spent several hours tramping trout are farmed in cages, such as Strahan on our west coast around in the snow with wet and freezing feet and to say I or the Huon River in our south. Here escapees from the trout was a little uncomfortable is an understatement. It also an- cages can be caught on lures, salt-water flies or bait and the noyed my fishing companion no end when I was forced to fish are regularly quite large. However any location where a call an end to our fishing trip many hours sooner than was fresh water river runs to the sea, such as the Prosser River originally planned. at Orford, will often see trout venturing into the salty brine A warm and waterproof jacket, a pair of waterproof pants, chasing whitebait for dinner. It is well worth spending some a pair of gloves and waterproof boots truly are a necessity. time trying to catch them! ‘Sea-runners’ are also regarded as Neoprene waders can also be good insulation when fishing excellent eating. in winter though can be dangerous if worn while fishing from a boat. So if you are keen to catch a trout over the months that are traditionally closed to trout fishing, the above locations will Salt-water Opportunities afford you such opportunity. Dress sensibly, be prepared to get If venturing to one of the above destinations doesn’t ap- a little cold and a little wet and rewards will come your way. peal to you, then there are quite a few opportunities to catch trout from salt-water locations. These ‘sea-runners’ make for Andrew Richardson.

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Fishing News - Page 9

Fishing around Devonport Devonport offers a very diverse range of fishing opportunities for many species all year round, and winter can be a prime time for some excellent Sportsfishing.

1. The Bluff

One of the most popular land based locations that offers deepwater at your feet is a rocky headland, The Bluff, which is located behind the aptly named Bluff Caravan Park. Salmon, couta, garfish, mullet, flathead, squid and a variety of shark species can be caught here. Most anglers like to target fish on a rising tide and a simple paternoster rig will get you on to most species. Pre packed rigs will often suffice but I prefer to tie a rig with twisted dropper loops as shown in Geoff Wilson’s book of knots. Hook size will be dependant on the type of fish your trying to catch however a size 1 or 2 hook will suffice on most varieties. If you intend to target salmon in particular I prefer to fish half a pilchard on a 1/0 hook, half a rod length under an attractor float. Whilst casting a rig with a 4oz sinker towards the horizon is something we all do, don’t forget that many fish can be caught right at your feet. If fishing for Gummy sharks I prefer to use an Ezy-Rig sliding down to a swivel with sinker attatched and about 1-1.5mts of trace to the hook with a fresh cocky salmon fillet or a whole sand crab which is a favourite food of the gummy. A 12ft or greater surf rod rated to 10kg works well here. Remember this is a popular location and on some days there can be quite a few anglers. Have patience with others as there is usually enough room for everyone. It’s worth noting that regardless of how good weather conditions may be, always watch for waves as many Australian anglers are washed in every year whilst fishing from rock platforms.

2. Don Heads

The Don Heads would have to be the most under fished area of Devonport and most of the time you can have the place to yourself. Whilst the water here isn’t as deep as the bluff it does produce some good fishing. This would have to be one of my favourite spots for squid when they are running inshore. I prefer a 10ft rod with a light tip and 12lb line. The light tip aides in providing a shock cord effect to stop tentacles being pulled out and squid being lost. Any of the cloth covered jigs work well and color dosent seem really important. A rising tide late in the afternoon towards evening is perfect.

Devonport’s Bluff is a great fishing location. Deep water is available close to shore as well and sand flats.

This also a great spot to chase sea runners when the white bait start to run. If spinning, any lure that that represents a small baitfish can work however last season I had a lot of success with a Strike Pro Small Fry in colors 904 and 905. Flyfishing is another great option and a size 8-10 BMS in silver or olive is pretty hard to beat. You can also catch mullet, salmon and bream on this fly.

3. Mersey River mouth.

The mouth of the Mersey produces Salmon, Mullet and flat head all year round, with seasonal fish such as couta and trevally turning up at the right time of year and even Sea run trout and the odd snapper have been caught. There is a large rock breakwall on both sides however I prefer the wall on the Eastern shore. Spinning here with small metal lures is productive as is bait fishing on both sides of the wall. I prefer an 8-9 ft fast tapered rod rated 6-8kg with a 3500-4000 size reel and 10 kilo braid for spinning. Soft plastics are absolutely dynamite on all species and its not hard to catch 4-5 species in a session. A 7ft rod, designed for soft plastics is ideal and I prefer using braided line as the non-stretch characteristics imparts better action on the lures.

Devonport hosts plenty of nearby fishing spots that offer action over winter. On the Western shore the Devenport City Council has erected a purpose built fishing platform for anglers. This is a great spot for parents to take kids and although it is a decent height from the water it is safe and sturdy.

4. Mersey.

The upper tidal limits of the Mersey produces resident trout, sea runners, bream, mullet and cocky salmon. The area around Bells Parade is a favourite haunt of anglers targeting sea runners when the white bait run. Make sure you check the fishing regulations regarding inland/seward limits. The best method to catch these fish is to use live poddy mullet although lures and flies also work. There are some good bream and blackfish to be caught in this area but they are in small numbers, and because they are a great sport fish and I would encourage anglers to release them when possible.

5. Pardoe/Moorlands Beach

Located behind Devonport airport this beach provides ideal fishing for whiting, flathead, gummies and salmon. Areas of broken reef, weed and sand provide ideal habitat for fish to reside in this area year round. Whilst there aren’t any really defined gutters check the beach out at low tide as any small holes and depressions can hold fish on the high tide. Spinning dosent fair as well here as bait fishing, and pippies are by far my favourite bait. A surf rod that’s 12-14ft can help in casting to deeper water here as the beach is fairly flat for a fair way out. If you find a current running along the beach put on a ball sinker and let the water wash your bait around and along the beach. Keep a hold of your rod and just pick up any slack line to stay connected to your rig to feel the bites. The idea is to work the bait to find fish instead of anchoring your bait with a star or grapnel sinker and hoping a fish finds you! A specially constructed platform on the western shore of the Mersey is a greatplace to take kids. Fishing News - Page 10

Leroy Tirant

Jan’s Flies Jan Spencer Fly tyer for the World Champion 2000 Australian Team

Well that’s about it for another season, there are a few lakes still open through the cold months of winter for those hard enough to cope with the weather. Personally I will read a book or two, catch up with friends and have a trip north to a warmer climate and catch other species than trout. Also intended is some time spent on our lovely east coast so some beach fishing is intended. At the moment my fly tying consists of tying some very large saltwater flies for northern Australia and some small white clousers for Tasmania’s east coast. The more saltwater fishing I undertake it never ceases to amaze me how much these fish are like trout or vise versa. Look for structure, drains and drop offs. When exploring these areas it’s advisable to take note of the tides, as water depth does make a difference.

baitfish are schooling. Fish it like a wounded fish and hopefully a predator fish will snap it down. The popper can be tied in as many different colours you may wish to tie. Poppers can be made from anything foam. I find it easier to buy a packet of foam cylinders then there is no having to form shaped heads. One recent trip to my favourite fly tying shop saw me looking for foam heads on the shelf was Perfect Poppers by Wapsi. I am impressed with the many different colours and shapes. Also in the packet is a very useful instruction paper showing how to tie these heads. I also found something new and handy for the traveling fisherman who likes to take a little fly tying gear. I must admit in doing this on some occasions. A small plastic container with thirty different compartments each with a different colour of dubbing. The dubbing is a synthetic material and is exceptionally fine so it could be used for many uses in fly tying. On the side of the container the colours are numbered making it easy to identify what colour is in each individual section. This super little box is another Wapsi product and like the poppers heads are available at the Essential Fly Fisher in Launceston, Tasmania.

White Clouser.

Thread - Heavy White. Hook - Saltwater hooks sizes 1, 2, 1/0, 2/0 Eyes - Dumbell eyes. There are many different styles of eyes, choose what suits the water depth to be fished Body - White tying thread. Wing - White buck tail. Flash - Silver tinsel


1.Starttyingasnormalbytakingthethreadaroundtheshank,tiethe dumbbelleyesinslightlybackfromthehookeye,tiethesedumbbellsin veryfirmly,addalittleglueasyoudosothiswillkeepthemsolid. 2.Windthethreadalongtheshankandthencomebackalongtobehindthe eyes.Runadropofglueovertheshanktokeepthethreadtogether. 3.Turnthehookoversotheundersideisnowfacingupwards. 4.Placeabunchofbucktailhairintyinginfirmly;alsoaddadropofglue thiswillsoakthroughthehairkeepingitfirm.Cutawayanyexcesshair protruding over the hook eye. 5.Withasmallamountofsilvertinseltiethisinoverthetopofbucktail. 6.Againwithasmalleramountofbucktailtieinovethepreciouswing materials,cutawayexcesstinselandbucktail.Placeadropofglueover theheadareaandwiththethreadformanicelyshapedhead.Whip finish, cut thread away. 7. Theheadcannowbecoatedwithexposyorsoftdip,eitherisOK.

Shown is a very popular saltwater fly, a White Clouser, which is a baitfish imitation and can be tied in various sizes, depending on the size of the bait fish present. To fish the Clouser the retrieve will need to be carried greatly so some experimenting will need to be done. Add a foam head to this or any other flay and you have a popper. This style of fly is fished on top of the water. It is a floating fly, due to the foam head, again there are various methods one can fish this fly. Ideally fish the popper when

Winston Ascent

Sole Tasmanian Agent

Exceptionalperformanceatanaffordableprice.Smooth,fastaction8’3-weight to 9’ 8-weight. Unconditional lifetime warranty. All rods 4 piece - from $350

Winston Vapor

Truehighperformancefortheconfidentangler,thesefastactionrodsarelight, butveryresponsive.Whenyouneeddistancethisistherodtohaveinyour hand.7’6”3-weightto9’10-weight.Unconditionallifetimewarranty.Allrods 4 piece - from $550 Quality fishing equipment, licences, live bait, accessories, waders, flies, lures, clothing and more. Owners Allan and Sue Davey. Open 7 days a week during the fishing season

If you don’t tie flies buy Tasmania’s best

Gibson’s Fishing Flies Parachute Orange Spinner

Brown Parachute Emerger

Gibson Flies are tied in Tasmania with no compromise on workmanship or quality of materials. Every fly is individually tied to catch fish. Flies of this quality can’t ever be mass produced and therefore they may cost a little more. However, when you’re about to cast to that trophy fish you’ll be pleased you tied on a Gibson’s fly, or did you?

Bridges Bros, Hobart BronteParkHighlandVillage CircularHeadMarineServices CompleatAngler-Bentleigh CompleatFlyfisher,Melbourne Devonport Boat n Tackle DevonportMountainDesigns EasternShoreFishing,Hobart EssentialFlyFisher,Launceston Fishing Gear, Launceston SpotOnFishingTackle,Hobart TassieTackleandOutdoor,Burnie Fishing News - Page 11

Kicking butt from a kayak Some ten years ago I decided to purchase my first kayak. I really wanted a boat at the time, but couldn’t afford one so I went for the next best thing. At the time I already owned and was using a float tube and whilst it was great for a lot of fishing scenarios it still limited me by the amount of water I could cover. And usually the more water you can cover the more fish you may find and be able to fish to. In a kayak or canoe you can slip along quietly at a reasonable pace from spot to spot with surprisingly little effort. The first areas I fished were easily accessible estuaries along the NW coast. My favorites being the Inglis, Cam, Emu, and Blythe rivers. These relatively small and sheltered waters were a great place to start and get a hang of the kayak.

Trolling with the aid of a front mounted rod holder is a superb way to scope out a river.

I usually fish these estuaries by following the rising tide up the river, fishing to resident and sea run trout. I’m still trying to bag a trophy fish but I have caught my fair share of nice trout with my best topping the 6lb mark. These are fish that could not have been targeted by fishing from the bank or even a boat. Most of my success comes by paddling right up a river to the first weir where fish can gather especially when white bait are moving up with the tide. I cast lures towards the weir and the banks and fish all the way back down the river with the falling tide, concentrating on rock bars and snags. These are areas where fish can lie in ambush and wait for prey to swim past. Lures I like using are mainly smaller diving minnows such as River-2-Sea baitfish profiles that trout can’t say no to, Rapala Countdown 5s and Countdown 7s in brown trout colors and the faithful standby Strikepro Pygmies and Galaxia IIs

in natural colors. Your local tackle stores should stock these lures but if not, my favourite store, Bigfin Sportsfishing in East Devonport has one of the best selections I’ve seen. I try to concentrate my efforts from September to November when the whitebait are in force, however good resident fish can be taken all year round. Just be sure to check where the Inland Fisheries boundaries are during the closed season. In recent times I have begun to fish some of the west coast lakes such as MacIntosh, Roseberry and Plimsoll. These waters are under-fished and whilst not holding huge numbers of fish like nearby Lake Burbury the average size is outstanding. I have seen fish in Lake MacIntosh porpoise just metres from my kayak and they were easily over 5kg. It really gets the heart pumping let me tell you! The fish I catch in these lakes always have large galaxia in the stomachs and contined page 15....

theUltimate line "No other line is so perfectly tuned for classic dry fly presentations - but it's also a great taper for wet flies, nymphs, and streamers." ... Neil Grose [ TROUT GUIDE + AUTHOR ]


“ “

Huge trout like this are usually only accessible from the water, and there is no better way to sneak up on them than in a kayak.

This unique line is a specially designed trout taper with a midlength head and concave compound front taper for positive turnover while maintaining a delicate delivery. The convex compound rear taper maintains good mending and casting properties without adding extra weight. This allows you to handle a broader range of applications with the ideal balance of distance and control. It’s a high floating line with a supple coating and low memory, the ideal line for all serious trout fisherman. Available in Dark Willow >WF3F-WF7F-DT2-DT6F .


Fishing News - Page 12

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Fishing News - Page 13

Fishing News - Page 14

since joining the soft plastics revolution a few years back you would be hard pressed to find a lure that imitates a baitfish better. I like using Squidgy fish in 65mm to 100mm in Neon and Gary Glitter colors and Firebait longtail minnows in natural rigged with jigheads from 1-3gms. Fished slow and deep they are irresistible to a big fish. Lake Plimsoll has been the most challenging and whilst I have caught brook trout here from the bank I have yet to land one from my ‘yak. On the sea fishing front just pick a calm day and you find it no problems catching a feed of whiting and flathead not to mention blackback salmon. Some of the best fun I’ve had with my pants on is being towed around in my kayak by 2-3 kilo salmon at the mouth of the Forth river a few years ago. You’ll often see people in boats trying to get close to surface feeding salmon to only have the fish go down upon hearing the outboard, but not with a kayak, you can paddle right up to them in stealth mode and cast at them to your

Fishing calm inshore waters is also an option.

hearts content. Fishing this way the salmon will quite often stay on the surface for a long time. The same can be said for sneaking up to rising trout, nice and quiet with a low profile its surprising how close you can get. The kayak also lets you sneak around drowned timber and through weed etc. Other places I have yet to visit with the kayak but that would definitely be worthwhile would be the Derwent River with its big bream, rivers up the east coast like the Swan or Scamander or Georges Bay at St Helens with its abundance of species. We are so lucky in Tassie to have such awesome back drops and I’ve only recently learned to stop and smell the roses and take it all in. Catching fish is just a bonus. There are plenty of good kayaks and canoes on the market today some of which are purpose built for fishing with rod holders, electric motor mounts etc. they are made from strong plastics which are virtually unbreakable. They are also as light as a feather and last a lifetime. Some quality brands are Perception, Dagger, Old Town, and the new Hobie to name a few. They range in price from $600 to $2000+. The more serious Hobie has been specifically designed for the serious fisherman with foot pedals that propel the boat forward which allows both hands to continue fishing. So if you’re a keen angler and can’t afford a boat or want to fish skinny water and have a whole new range of options open up to you, throw a kayak on your roof racks and get out there. Don’t forget like all boating here in Tas, watch the weather, ALWAYS wear a quality PFD and I’d even recommend a personal EPIRB.

Bouncing a soft plastic along sandy in-shore waters will usually result in a good feed of flathead.

Safe Kayaking, Jamie Harris

MUSTAD’S ‘Deep V’ natural bait hook Mustad’s new Deep V is a big hook for natural baits. It is light enough to take quite delicate baits but still strong enough to handle hard pulling fish, so it is well suited to heavy fishing for mulloway, snapper, dhufish, reef species and the like. The Mustad Deep V achieves good strength without excessive wire thickness. This is due to Mustad’s state-of-the-art manufacturing including the latest heat treatment techniques, but also due to the narrow, V-shaped bend which enhances strength. This is based on a design successfully used in many commercial tuna hook patterns. Mustad’s Deep V features Ultra Point, Mustad’s unique process making chemically sharpened Needle Points more resistant to bending and breakage. It has a black nickel finish, turned-back eye and slightly offset point. It is sold as part of Mustad’s • Over 30 years experience on ‘Pro Select’ range of special sportfishing all types of motors • Approved hooks. insurance repairer to boats and The choice in chemically sharpened motors • Propellor rebuild and large bait fishing hooks is limited at present. refurbishing • Repairs of all types Mustad’s Deep V will greatly improve the choice for anglers as a step up from older - including skegs etc. style heavy suicide and kirby hooks. The • Contact: Cyril Stevens Mustad Deep V is sized from 10/0 down Phone 6431 3082 Fax 6431 1255 to 2/0 and sold in special box packs.


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SPINNING RODS, REELS & LURES • Hooks, sinkers, bait including mudeyes, scubworms •Excellentselectionlocallytiedflies • Fishing licences • Maps Petrol, diesel, air, ice, gas bottle refills. Full range groceries, magazines and papers.

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St Pauls River Cabins are nestled at the bottom of St Paul’s Dome. An ideal location. Magnificent views. A few metres walk to your own fishing spot. Break O’Day and South Esk rivers, great trout locations nearby. St Paul’s River Cabins, a great location on your next fishing trip to Tasmania. Rates for cabin: $150 per night. $250 for two nights. $115 per night for three nights. Email: saint146@pacific.net.au Phone: 03 6384 2211

Snowy Range Trout and Salmon Fishery

Salmon to 10 kg), rainbow and brown trout from pan to trophy size. Take home or BBQ for lunch. Fish packed to send interstate. Kids to experienced fly fishers. Catch and release in some waters. Located between Hobart and the air walk an hours drive from Hobart or 20 minutes from the air-walk. 62660243. A/H 62660245.

Choosing a (dive boat) Stabi-Craft 509


Stability under power or at rest, virtually unsinkable, superior rough water handling. If you want a safe, comfortable boat in virtually any configuration from, river, estuary, lake or serious offshore Stabicraft has a boat for you.

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By Simon Hartley I recently bought a Stabi-Craft 509 as a research and recreational dive platform, for water quality work and occasionally helping with whale and dolphin research and other projects on the north coast of New South Wales. Boating conditions locally are quite challenging with tricky bar conditions and moderate to fresh onshore winds common most of the year (particularly during the summer months). Also, while this is a private vessel for most of the time on the water I need to comply with university guidelines for conducting diving and boating (mostly good practice anyway – I should note however that I haven’t put the boat in survey (not required) and anyone requiring a surveyed vessel should look into the matter further).  I thought it might be informative to look at how I came to choose Stabicraft, why I consider the 509 to be the best small to medium size boat I’ve dived off, how I am fitting the boat out (choice of motor and other accessories) and my general impressions of the handling and performance. The choice I needed a boat that could take at least three people with, ideally, enough dive gear and safety equipment for everyone on board to do a couple of dives (up to 6 tanks, oxygen kit and other safety gear and various other equipment like underwater cameras and survey gear). Given vessel load restrictions and allowing for the fact the boat would be taken offshore in less than ideal conditions I felt that a boat with a 5-6 person capacity was the minimum size that would work.  Given questionable bar conditions and the availability of sites for beach launching I had initially consider a small inflatable. However, after considering the number of crew and equipment needed I decided that a vessel of this type would be unsuitable. Moving into larger rigid hull boats I initially considered rolled aluminium and fiberglass runabouts. A centre console design appealed at first, as I prefer a standing driving position and a central position for the helm was attractive. After some research and timely advice however I came to the conclusion that a

forward control with some sort of cab was a better choice where bar crossings are the norm. A forward control with cab provides protection from the elements (particularly for cold, wet divers in mid winter), brings weight forward (helping the boat get up on the plane quickly and keeping the bow down on the bar or in rough conditions) and helps deflect waves and prevent the boat flooding over the bow. A friend suggested looking at aluminium pontoon style boats.  I had been interested in this style of boat but didn’t initially want to push the budget that far. Stabi-Craft are a plate aluminium pontoon style vessel made on the south island of New Zealand. Stabicraft make a range of boats, from small open dinghies to 14 metre commercial vessels. With a wash deck design and at least four or five separate buoyancy cells Stabicraft instil confidence and as the name suggests the pontoons give them the stability of an inflatable boat. The pontoon design makes this style of boat ideal for diving application in my opinion. The D shaped pontoons leave plenty of room for equipment and passengers. A raised section on the pontoons provides additional storage space. All of the reviews I read on these boats were positive and I received positive commentary from a friend who had trialed a Stabicraft in Sydney with one of the dive clubs. I looked at some second hand and new Stabicraft with a colleague, who has more experience of boat design than I do, and we were both suitably impressed.  The boats also compare favorably in price to similar sized runabouts. After reviewing the range of models available I decided on a Stabicraft 509. At 5.2 metres the 509 has a rated carrying capacity of 5-6 persons and still fits in my garage.  A hull weight of 300 kilograms and 660 kilograms (not including motor) with trailer makes the setup light enough to easily tow with a 6 cylinder family car.  Kitting out The power plant of the boat is a 100hp four stroke carburettor engine. The manufacturer recommends between 50 and 100hp for the 509 with 70 the norm. I wanted to go for a four stroke to reduce emissions, noise and improve fuel efficiency for long runs. I felt a 60hp engine was insufficient given the need for challenging bar






































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crossings and heavy loads with dive gear and passengers. The 80hp was an option but given that this was the same weight as a 100 I decided to go for the more powerful engine. On a small boat it is important to make sure everything is stowed carefully to avoid cluttering the deck with gear. It is equally important to make sure heavy objects can’t come loose and cause injury during rough bar crossings. This is very simple with the 509 as there is plenty of storage space. There is ample room in the bow for wet or dry suits, weight belts, cameras and life jackets (I carry a large dive tub here for wetsuits, weight belts and cameras). There are narrow trays on either side of the cab where I store my inflatable life jacket, dive flag, antenna when not in use and other items (like a boat hook). The dash board has ample space for maps and paperwork, sounder and GPS on the driver side, hats and sunglasses. This area is well protected from spray or wind (I’m usually confident enough to keep dry cloths here).   The boat has a wash deck design but no scuppers. Instead there is a bilge pump. While the pump works fine when you get a bit of water over the stern I’d think that the optional scuppers would drain the deck quicker and more reliably should the boat be swamped on a bar. Handling and performance I have found the handling and performance of the boat in a range of sea conditions to be excellent. I was initially apprehensive about the driving position but find the forward control works fine in a standing or seated position. At rest the boat is stable and reasonably comfortable (still a small light weight boat obviously, so can get tossed around a bit by chop when there isn’t much weight on board). With three people on one side of the boat (including a diver fully kitted up) the boat doesn’t list significantly, the boat is more forgiving than larger aluminium boats I’ve dived off.  The provision of a forward control with windscreen and seating for four makes for a very comfortable refuge for divers while trav-

elling to and from the site and during surface intervals. Bringing weight forward makes for a more comfortable ride and reduces pounding while travelling in choppy conditions.  I find that when travelling in choppy conditions (as is the norm here) it is best to travel at

an angle across the chop. This approach keeps the boat flatter on the water, reducing pounding and making for a much more comfortable ride. A friend was somewhat surprised that this approach didn’t result in a lot of spray over the bow but the pontoons seem to minimize spray and even going at a fairly small angle to windward doesn’t seem to generate much spray. The pontoons also seem to cushion the blow and you can keep the pace up if you really need to get home quick.  With a following sea a 100 hp motor pays off with plenty of grunt to keep you tracking straight. The pontoons also seem to lift the bow (I’ve miss-timed the throttle a few times and nearly buried the nose in the next wave).  The boat is very forgiving (which is a good thing for me).  I generally use fixed moorings but when anchoring the anchor well is easy to access from inside the cab (through a split screen). The anchor well has ample space for my 150 metres of anchor line and either a reef pick or sand anchor.  All in all I’m a very happy Stabicraft owner. Getting to and from a dive site can be as much fun as the diving itself (even in bad weather). On a recent outing we out-ran a large storm front that devastated Lismore and on other days we’ve had big schools of bait fish jumping out of glass smooth water as we fly past. Very cool.  http://www.stabicraft.com/

Zebra or Luderick Over Ten years ago before I got married I lived at Georgetown with Sarah who is now my wife. I didn’t have a boat so most of my fishing was down land-based. One of the closest locations to my home was the Low Head break water. I mainly fished for calamari of this large man-made structure. It is situated at the mouth of the Tamar River. It is a short walk to the end of the break water which is where I fished for squid. Every now and then on the walk out I would spot a school of luderick or what I thought was luderick. I never actually bothered chasing these fish, as they never really interested me until recently. Occasionally I would spot a school of luderick which were larger and had fish in the pod up to around 1.5-2 kg. I ended up moving from the area and lost interest in the break water and I now concentrate on the middle reaches of the Tamar where I now live. A couple of years ago I meet a keen angler from Bridport who has moved to Tassie from New South Wales. He is an expert Luderick angler and asked if I knew of any good spots to target them in the Tamar area. I gave him a few spots to try and one of them being the Low Head break water. A few weeks later he came back into the store that I work in and told me that my Luderick spot was a dud for he caught plenty of stripey fish but they were definitely not Luderick they were in fact the close cousin the Zebra fish. He had caught about 20 of them and some of them were of good size. I said to him that I thought that Zebra fish didn’t grow to that big but he disagreed and said that they grow nearly as big as a Luderick. He also mentioned that they fight as hard if not harder than a Luderick of the same size,

and are not too bad on the table as long as they have been bled immediately. So I am know starting to think that the fish that I had seen many years before where in fact Zebra fish not Luderick.

Zebra fish (girella zebra)

The zebra is a small to medium sized member of the girella family. And is closely related to the Luderick. The colour is very similar to the Luderick and can vary immensely from area to area. It is typically purplish brown with 8 to 10 vertical bands of black to brown. The bands are wider at the top tapering towards the belly. The zebra’s fins are dusky to yellowish. The tail and petrels are tinged with yellow. Zebra’s average weight is around 400g to about 1.5 kg but can occasionally grow to around 3 kg. Some monsters have rarely approached 4 kg. This description really amazed me as I never knew that these fish grew that big.

Luderick (girella tricuspidata)

The Luderick is often confused with the black drummer and zebra fish. A small to medium omnivorous fish of the oceans and estuaries. The Ludericks colour varies with its habits the same as the zebra. Estuary fish are usually a dark to purplish brown, overlayed by 9 or more dark vertical stripes and the belly is a cream colour. Ocean fish take on a brassy or bronze hue, over a purple brown and may also be a light blue grey which shows up the stripes clearly. The Ludericks tail and fins are darker than its body. The Ludericks average weight is the same as the zebra, 500g to 1.5 kg, and can also reach 4 kg on the rare occasion.

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SURF and ROCK fishing specialists. Check out our range of rods, reels and tackle. PLUS we can advise you on some of the best fishing spots around. Rod building advice and supplies

Call in or phone us for whatever you need. We can do the the job or supply the gear.

Luderick, above, can vary in colour considerably, from silver to dark brown and the dark bars are usually much narrower than the interspaces.

Zebra fish, above right, have yellowish fins and dark bars are wider than interspaces

Fishing techniques

Zebras and Luderick are so closely related that the same tackle and outfits should be employed for both of these species. Northern anglers prefer a centre pin reel but I use a small thread line reel around the 2000 size, spooled up with 3-4kg line. I have found that gelspun line is very good to detect the small picky bites of the zebra. I use a long 8 ½ foot light nibble tip rod this is most suitable. It will help you to get your line and bait away from the rocks. Most Northern anglers use pencil floats to suspend there baits above the snaggy bottom and I have found that a lighty weighted bait with a small split shot sinker works well. Zebras and Ludericks will not eat fish fleshed baits. Sea cabbage, bread dough and peeled prawns all work well. Berley is a must. Stale bread, prawn heads and shells mixed up work really well. A small long shank gamakatsu hook around size 10-8 is a good place to start. Although not always easy to recognise zebra and Luderick are both great sport fish. They both fight very hard on a rod. I have only just started fishing for them but have found it very interesting learning from someone who knows what they are talking about. There is much to learn about these two fantastic little fish. I am sure that this type of fishing will take off when people learn a bit more about them. I know that I will. Damon Sherriff

Ben Sherriff wih a small zebra fish taken from the Low Head breakwall.

Trade enquiries Clarkson Imports: Phone 03 9758 7722 Fax 03 9758 7788 Email rod@piscesfishingtackle.com Fishing News - Page 21

Be the one that got away.

198 - 200 Campbell St. Hobart, 7000 Ph: 6234 7266 sales@lewismarine.com.au

Fishing News - Page 22 QX107TFN 375x255 FPC 1


Bass Highway, Somerset 7322 Ph: 6435 2200


The Quintrex Hornet Trophy is possibly the perfect fishing boat. No matter the conditions… smooth or choppy… the V Flared Eclipse Hull and the Maxi 2 Transom combine for stability and performance. With features like the rear live bait tank, the rear casting platform and the side sports console to name just a few, you’ll be trying to get away every weekend! FISHING MADE EASY. BOATING MADE EASY. QUINTREX. Find your nearest Quintrex dealer at www.quintrex.com.au

4/4/06 12:25:51 PM

Tasmania’s favourite Quintrex boats

Quintrex is the largest manufacturer of aluminium boats in Australia and at the forefront of aluminium boat design. The Quintrex range incorporates over 60 models including Open Boats, Travellers and Explorers, Hornets, Top Enders, Runabouts, Bowriders, Centre Consoles and Cabin Boats.

445 Hornet Trophy The Hornet range is unique to Quintrex and is specifically designed to provide dynamic performance. They are packed with fishing features to give a competitive edge when targeting bream, bass or barra. One of the sportiest in the range, the 445 Hornet Trophy, is a compact sized pro-angler and is suitably nicknamed “the sports car for the water”. This model skims over the water’s surface with its aerodynamic V-Flared Eclipse Hull which incorporates Quintrex’s unique ability to stretchform its bottom sheets creating a fine leading edge which carves through the water

The 445 Hornet Trophy’s standard features include a rear casting platform with 48L rear live bait tank, large forward casting platform with two underfloor storage bays, 70L and 115L, with allowance for either of these to be optioned into live wells. Measuring 4.5m overall, a beamy 2.05m and 0.91m depth, this boat is hot property!

420 Estuary Angler Moving into the Runabout range, the 420 Estuary Angler is easy to manoeuvre, perfect for exploring bays and river systems and is above all affordable. Compact in design this boat is ideally suited for two or a family of four and boasts a car-like layout and dash. Measuring 4.22 metres from bow to transom and 1.87 metres across the beam, the 420 Estuary Angler can be fitted with a maximum 40 horsepower and comes standard with anchor gusset, full carpeted floor, glove box and drink holders, rear bench seat and two pedestal seats.

Winter boat storage As the doom of gloom of winter makes it presence known thoughts turn to next season. To make ‘next year’ a more pleasant experience, boaties should use the quiet period to conduct regular boat and trailer maintenance. Of course this should be a constant thing with boats, but winter is a time to take a closer look and fix thos little things that you might have put off. The following is by no means a comprehensive list however it is suggested that these checks are conducted. Most of the following will only require a quick check while others can be time consuming and costly if left unattended. I have focused mainly on the trailer for this article which is often the part of your equipment which will can cause serious grief. The trailer is an often forgotten but major part of your rig and regular inspection and maintenance can either prevent, or at the very least inhibit problems. How many broken boat trailers have you seen on the side of the road? Too many, and if you have to leave your boat there is a fair chance you will have to leave gear with it that might not be there when you return. • Tyres – Ensure that tyre wear is even, replace worn or tyres with side wall defects. Ensure that the pressures are correct for the weight being carried. A simple check can be made with soapy water to verify the valve is sound. Simply place a small amount a mixture of dishwashing liquid and water onto the vale and if a bubble forms and breaks then the valve is leaky and requires replacement. Some boat trailers carry very heavy loads and light car tyres may not suit. Once the boat is full of fuel and gear it can change the weight substantially. Why not run your rig over a weighbridge. It will cost you around $10 or less and you will have a true indication of the total weight. • Wheels – Inspect for cracks/corrosion (for trailers where the wheel is the bearing carrier/hub). Inspect for missing wheel weights and rebalance when necessary. Smearing good quality grease into the wheel nut holes will stop salt build up and allow the wheel to be easily removed for maintenance. Another good product for wheel nuts and threads is Lanox or similar products using lanoline as a base. It doesn’t wash off easily and protects well. Some people use products such as CRC or RP7. These are usually designed more a water repellent and evaporate leaving metal susceptible to corrosion. • Hubs - Bearings and seals should be checked regularly this can be done by lifting the tyre free of the ground on a quarterly basis and spinning the wheel. If any growling or harshness is felt then the bearings will require urgent attention. It is not a big job. Most people can manage it easily if you are not in a hurry. Otherwise any mechanic can easily do the job for you. NOTE: When you jack up the boat trailer make sure you put supports under it. Don’t rely on the jack to support it.

460 Coast Runner Looking for a family boat? Look no further than Quintrex’s 460 Coast Runner. Quintrex is dedicated to delivering the highest safety standards and the 460 Coast Runner delivers with the inclusion of Level Flotation for peace of mind. In the event of the boat becoming fully swamped, Level Flotation will ensure the vessel remains level and upright in calm conditions. The 460 Coast Runner gives you all the features of a larger boat in a medium sized package. It features Quintrex’s new internal layout and the power packed combination of the Millennium Hull, Flared Bow and Maxi 2 Transom.

a) Remove the grease cap using a suitable screw driver. Remove the split pin, nut and washer and then slide the hub assembly from the stub axle, Clean the grease from the axle and inspect all surfaces for wear or damage. If the stub axle seal face is damaged, installation of a ‘speedy sleeve’ over liquid steel will usually be sufficient to keep the seal faces in good condition. If the wear is minor then installation of a 2 piece labyrinth seal will alleviate leakage as the seal faces spin within themselves without the need for a sealing surface on the axle. Any automotive spare parts place will help with parts. b) Remove the small outer bearing and inspect for wear which will be apparent as small scuffs of the roller faces. A good indication that the bearing requires replacement is if you can feel any of the scratches with your fingernail or you can see patches of discolouration from heat or rust. Then remove the large bearing the seal will have to be removed with a small punch and as such will require replacement. Repeat the process for the large bearing. c) The inner races (cup) of the bearing should also be inspected and if the outer cones or inner replacement as a set is both the cheapest option. The inner races can be punched out with a small punch from the opposite side of the hub via the small slots provided in the hub. d) When reassembling carefully tap the cones in until they are bottom out and fill the hub with lithium based marine grease. The best way to pre lubricate bearing cones is with the use of a bearing packer available at any cheap auto outlet. The use of this item is far easier and quicker than hand packing the bearings. e) Place the larger inner bearing into the cup in the hub and carefully tap in a new seal or labyrinth ring in using a punch or flat piece of wood or similar. Then turn the assembly over and slide it back onto the stub axle. Whilst holding the hub on slide in the small cone, washer and screw on the castellated nut. f) Spin the hub top ensure the seal face is seated correctly then tighten the nut about a full turn past the point of initial contact. This will seat all the items correctly. Then simply undo the nut to the point of initial contact and tighten gradually (about ¼ turn) until the bearings have some resistance which can be felt when turning the hub by hand. g) Fill the grease cap with grease and tap it back on with a hammer and punch or piece of water pipe etc contacting only the outer edges of the cap. Where ‘Bearing Buddies’ are installed, pump up the buddies until the spring becomes loaded. Then turn the hub to ensure that grease is purged into the bearing cavities to dispel any air. • Springs - Check U-bolts and springs for signs of rust/ corrosion. Clean with a wire brush and coat with grease or inhibitor (Fish oil, grease etc). To check the spring bushes use a pry bar the check for excessive movement against the bolts at the springs eye points. Any more than a millimetre movement will require the replacement of the bush. This can be done by jacking the axle and removing the bolt. The axle can then be let down and the bush punched out and replaced. • Coupling – Grease all lube points and movable shafts with a grease gun so that grease purges from either side of the

510 Spirit The 510 Spirit is the perfect choice for those that like to pack up for the weekend and search for new territories. Offering plenty of protection from the elements, due the to cuddy cabin, this boat is equally at home with serious anglers or fun family times on the water. The 510 Spirit features Quintrex’s unique Millennium Hull, Flared Bow, Maxi 2 Transom and Level Flotation and can carry up to five people while being powered by a maximum 100 horsepower. With a sleek injection moulded dash, multi function moulded internals and comfortable sheltered bunks the 510 Spirit really is boating made easy!

shaft when pumped into the grease nipples. Smear grease into the ball hole to prevent rust. • Electrics – Turn the battery off at the isolator, or remove the positive lead to the battery. Virtually all aluminium boats will have current ‘leakage’ and this can cause electrolysis. Check all boat and trailer lights function correctly. Repair or replace wiring/damaged globes or lights. Modern day L.E.D. trailer lights are excellent and are completely sealed. This allows them to operate normally even when mounted into a position which is immersed in water. Trailer plugs should be inspected. If frayed or loose it is not a bad idea to cut a few inches off the wire and redo the connection - if there is enough wire. Soldering (tinning) the wire prior to fitting in the plug will prevent corrosion. Check for corrosion or missing pins on the plug and replace if necessary. • Rollers / slides – Replace worn or broken slides. Check rollers are free and regrease shafts on a regular basis with good quality Lithium based grease. When replacing rollers be aware of the different kinds. Low priced rollers are usually soft and inferior. • Chassis – Wire brush and re touch with cold galvanising paint where rust or corrosion is detected. Consider sandblasting and re galvanising your trailer every 6 - 10 years. This is costly however much cheaper than replacing it and doing this will often make the trailer last significantly longer. • Boats – Boats take the rigours of towing, use and outside storage exceptionally well. However your hull should still be inspected yearly. • In aluminium boats check all visible welds including those under the floor if accessible. In fibreglass boats (GRP) any chips in the gel coat should be repaired to prevent water damage which long term will result in delamination. Wipe down paintwork with silicon polish to prevent mould. Check for stress cracks – seek professional advice if required. • Grease steering components prior to storage and inspect and replace worn or damaged cabling. • Remove gear which is susceptible to rotting or weather damage and store in a dry environment (ropes etc). • Check water levels and recharge batteries prior to use. • Check and test all instruments and electronics prior to re use. Remove where possible during the storage period. • Remove bungs to assist in the egress of rain water. This can be facilitated by parking the boat in a manner to allow water to escape, (i.e. use a hill or prop the draw bar up). • Check all bolts, nuts and screws for proper tensioning. • Fuel tank – fill it if it is an in floor tank. This reduces the condensation and the possibilty of water in the fuel. If it is a portable tank take it out of the boat and store somewhere warm, or at least where the temperature does not go up and down too much - such as in the workshop. It is suggested that fuel will become stale however modern fuels are extremely stable and contain agents that prevent corrosion. If moisture however is detected in the tank it should be cleaned completely out and dried. continued next page....

Fishing News - Page 23

• Drain float bowls, water traps and check for signs of water or foreign bodies. Check fuel lines for cracks and mechanical damage, replace all fuel filters and damaged items. • Replace spark plugs and check leads and electrical fittings. • Clean with warm water if salt build up is detected, dry off and then give the power head a liberal coating of ‘Corrosion inhibitor’. • Regrease any bolts removed during regular maintenance. • Touch up of any paint chips will prevent corrosion getting under the paint. If unsure of any maintenance issue or damaged component or you are unfamiliar with the mechanical workings or your engine, please seek advice from your local dealer or service agent. Tim Anderson.

Safety First NW33168

The engine is the most critical part of your rig and requires regular servicing. I strongly recommend the use of a reputable dealer or service agent however this is not always possible. Taking it for a service during winter will often be more beneficial than waiting until you want to use it. Then it is panic stations for you and the dealer to get everything done in time. So give yourself and them time by taking it in early. • Replace engine and gearbox oil. If the gearbox oil is white or grey seek advice to have the seals replaced. • Check the water pump and replace the impeller. • Remove the propeller and grease the shaft. Check and remove of weed or fishing line around the shaft. Replace the propeller if damaged or bent. • Grease all linkages, cable pivots, main pivot shaft and trim units, making sure all move freely.

TyphoonBoats.com.au 08 9593 7002

• Available soon 115, 135, 150, 175

BETTER THAN 4 STROKE - Contact us today on Evinrude E-TEC

Seaport Marine 391/1a Westbury Road, Prospect. Ph 6344 3311 Fishing News - Page 24

Honda introduce 5year warranty Honda Marine, has introduced Australia’s first five-year domestic warranty, available for a limited period across its extensive outboard range. Previously the most comprehensive factory warranty available to Australian boat users was three years. According to Honda Marine Manager, Tim Davies, ongoing customer research conducted by Honda revealed that there was demand in the Australian market for more comprehensive warranties. “Honda realised that warranty period was an important consideration for customers in the market for a new engine,” Mr Davies said. “When people are looking to purchase an outboard, they want the most superior product available, and they want to know that their investment will perform faultlessly for many years to come. “Honda’s four-stroke engines have always had an outstanding reputation for reliability and we are now backing this reputation with even greater commitment. “Providing a five-year warranty is a confirmation for consumers that they’ve chosen the best engine; Honda is prepared to stand by its products, by offering the most comprehensive back-up available in the industry.” Mr Davies said that earlier this year, Honda Marine ranked highest in customer satisfaction among EFI four-stroke outboard engine buyers in a US survey by global marketing company J.D. Power and Associates. “Honda’s strong performance in the competitive US market is a testament to Honda’s emphasis on customer satisfaction,” Mr Davies said.

Charging extra boat batteries made simple

One of the biggest concerns for boat owners is a flat battery. And with many boats having extra load placed on them with electronics and electric bow and transom motors the issue is now even more critical. Most boats run at least two batteries these days, but they do need to be isolated – especially if one does go flat. Having a spare battery is only good if it is charged.

Voltage sensitive relays, isolate extra batteries whilst still charging them from the charging circuit.

Ideal setup for trout and bream fishers.

“In Australia we provide comprehensive customer satisfaction surveys and value the responses received – we use this information to further improve our products and services.” Mr Davies said that since entering the marine industry in Australia about 10 years ago, Honda had quickly established itself as a premium brand. “Honda has become a major player in the marine outboard industry in a relatively short period of time; customer feedback tells us that reliability is paramount and this five year warranty will provide confidence like never before.” The industry-leading five year warranty applies to Honda’s entire marine outboard range from the portable BF2 through to the range topping BF225, and will give boaters added peace of mind when choosing their next power unit. Honda’s five year warranty is effective from June 1st. A 12 month warranty still applies for commercial applications. Honda Marine, the leader in advanced four-stroke outboard technology.

Many anglers that chase trout and bream use either bow or transom mounted electric motors. Generally anglers have these connected to batteries that are not part of the boat’s electrical system. At the end of the day they simply recharge the battery or batteries designated for In this setup two 12 volt batteries are connected in the electric motors from a 240/12 series for 24 volts to power a bow mount electric. volt battery charger. It is a messy The VSR pictured above isolates and charges them system which invariably means that separately whenever the engine is started. by the end of a hectic day the trolling motor might be running on half power due to the charged simultaneously. When the voltage drops heavy draw down from constant use. If used with below 12.8 volts (eg the engine is stopped), the a Voltage Sensitive Relay every time the outboard VSR disengages, separating the batteries. This is run the battery is receiving a top-up. system eliminates the possibility of draining the New Zealand company BEP has several wrong battery and protects sensitive electronic products that will ensure you always have a fully equipment powered from the house battery from charged starting battery whilst also keeping other harmful engine start up spikes. batteries fully charged without having to mess 24 volt trolling bank VSR operation around switching between them. This is done The Trolling Bank VSR (TBVSR) allows with Voltage Sensitive Relays – an automatic, charging of 24 V DC trolling motor battery electronically activated system. banks (2 in series 12 volt batteries) from 12 V

BEP's unique VSR

Modern charging systems must be able to safely charge two or more different types of batteries from one engine. With BEP's unique VSR (Voltage Sensitive Relay) boaters can enjoy the benefits of fully charged engine starting batteries and deep cycle house batteries with one easy-toinstall charging system. The 710-100A (single sense) VSR operation allows two batteries to be charged at the same time. When the engine is started and the start battery reaches 13.7 volts, the VSR engages, allowing two battery banks (start and house) to be

Peace of mind when boating

DC systems. When the engine is started and the start battery reaches 13.7 V DC, the TBVSR cuts in, charging Trolling battery (A) for one minute, then Trolling battery (B) for one minute. This continues as long as the engine is running and the voltage is over 12.8 V DC. When the boat has reached the fishing spot and the engine is switched off the battery voltage will drop below 12.8 V DC, at this time the TBVSR cuts out and stays disengaged. This completely isolates the 24 volt batteries from the starting circuit. It also means never having to plug a remote charger in again.

Honda 5 year warranty

For further details contact: • Lindsay Deegan Marine; 102 Eastland Drive, Ulverstone, Ph. 6425 2238 • Maynes Marine; 119 New Town Road, Hobart, Ph. 6228 3999 Or phone Honda, freecall 1800 80 75 90 Fishing News - Page 25

Sea Jay Boats

Sea Jay Aluminium Boats is a family company owned by Col and Janelle Glass, established in Bundaberg in 1989. Having been involved in boating from a young age as recreational fishermen, water skiers and boat racing, boating has certainly played a major part in developing Sea Jay our involvement in the boating industry. With the premises covering 7,000 m2 and with 2,280 m2 under cover this provides easy movement for products and supplies.

Sea Jay’s commitment

To present our boats to you with our personal pride and trust you will enjoy many memorable moments on some of the best waterways our country offers. The “Sea Jay” range features high sides and wide beams which provide excellent performance, stability and safety for the boat owner. Our company prides itself on meeting our customer’s individual needs by producing a wide range of models, together with various optional accessories and fittings available. The Sea Jay Range comprises of Open Standard Dinghies, V-Nose Punts, Console, Runabouts and Cabins. Also available in the Open Dinghy and V-Nose Punt range, are specific models with their own individual features. The Sea Jay models range in lengths from 2.45 m for small open models to 5.8 m for Console, Runabouts and Cabin models. Sea Jay also build vessels to survey requirements by following strict guidelines and testings, these models are required by government departments and private commercial operators.

Buying a Sea Jay boat

If you have been involved in boating for many years you will be familiar with the aspects of boating, however if choosing your first boat Sea Jay can assist you with some boating key points. Your authorised Sea Jay Dealer will be able to suggest the model you require by considering the following aspects.

Sea Jay make a wide range of boats that suit Tasmanian conditions The model you require will depend on your type of boating activity and the conditions of the waterways in your area. Models can vary in performance so you would need to consider the waterways you will use most frequently. From lakes and rivers to offshore the various boat models available enable you to make this decision. Your engine requirements also play an important part in your boat choice. You will need to consider the size and type of engine that fit your requirements. The boat model specifications show the recommended and maximum hp and motor weight applicable. The hull performance can be spoilt by an incorrectly fitted or trimmed engine. Therefore if you are new to boating and had little experience with outboard engines, your dealer will guide you with the correct engine transom position and explain about the correct motor trimming.

The loading of your boat hull is important when wanting the best ride. If you intend to carry a big load, the model size and engine hp need to be a factor, together with the position the load is carried in the boat. If these factors are considered your boat will move ‘on to the plane’ with ease. An incorrect trailer set up can damage your craft , so it is important when deciding on a trailer, to consider the distance you will be travelling, the launching variations and the type of road surface you will use. As with your boat, trailer options can vary so there is a trailer model to suit your needs. Make sure you also learn all there is to know about boating safety through your Marine and Safety Tasmania Safety Boating Handbook and play safe on our waterways. Eastern Shore Marine are Tasmanian agents for Sea Jay.

Sea Jay - Trailcraft - Haines Hunter - Allison Sea Jay Venture Cab 5, 5.35, 5.65

Sea Jay Wanderer

Aspaciouscabinandroomto move.The 5 metreVenture Cabisasuperbinshoremodel whilstthe535and565aretrue offshoremodelsandfeature solid 4mm plate bottom.

4.75, 5, 5.35

A bowrider style boat with featuresthatallowyoutoenjoy 4.15, 4.35, 4.55. skiingandwatersportsthen Agreatboatforestuary,bayandlakefishing.Awiderangeofoptions withinacoupleofminutesthe areavailableforthesesolidboatswithhighsidesandwidebeam. frontcushionscanbestowedyou haveacastingplatform.Agreat family fun boat.

Sea Jay Escape

Don’t miss our big boat show

8-9 July

Sea Jay Capri 4.55, 4.75, 5, 5.35, 5.65

TheCapriistheeliteoftherunaboutrange.Awalkthroughdashandscreenmakethisapopularchoice amongstfishersandboaties.Choosefromthesmalleasytohandle4.55metremodeluptotherobust5.65 modelthatwillhandlethewholefamilyforafundayorseriousfishing.Heapsoffeaturesmakethisan ideal runabout for Tasmania. Easily towed behind a family car. Fishing News - Page 26

Eastern Shore Marine

Now located at 14 McIntyre Street,

Mornington, Phone 6244 1163

Sarah’s Kitchen

This is a nice way of cooking fish in the colder weather. We all like something to keep us warm. Hope you enjoy them.

Braised Fish

1 small to medium sized fish (1/2 – 2 kg) 1 litre wine 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 carrot, finely chopped 1 stick celery, finely sliced 1 onion, finely chopped 1 bay leaf 2 sprigs thyme 2 sprigs parsley To make the seasoning, heat the oil in a pan until smoking hot. Toss in the carrot, celery, onion bay leaf, thyme and parsley. Remove from the heat and stir until the sizzling stops. Spoon the cooked herbs and the vegetables into the bottom of the dished being used to braise the fish. Lay the fish on the bed of vegetables and add enough of the wine to almost cover the fish. Seal with a lid and simmer gently for 1 hour. The longer and slower that you cook the fish, the more the vegetable flavours will enhance the flavour of the fish.

Steamed fish with vegetables

4 x 100g fish fillets or cutlets 300 ml fish stock 150 ml cream ½ teaspoon fresh chopped chives ½ teaspoon fresh chopped dill mixture of thinly sliced vegetables Quarter-fill a saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Place the fish fillets in a steamer over the saucepan. Fit the lid and steam for about 3 minutes for the fillets or 4-5 minutes for cutlets. The fish will cook thoroughly without having to turn it. When the fish is cooked the flesh should be firm to touch. Remove from the steamer. In a saucepan bring the fish stock to the boil. When hot add the vegetables and cook until still a bit crunchy. Remove the vegetables from

Lost Fish Mike, This may interest your readers. Monday 11.55 am. The Whitemark Wharf. Low Tide. Aboard Strait Lady loading for Deal Island. A fish spotted with polaroids, cruising between the fender piles. Fish not usual for Flinders Island. Quick dive for fly rod buried under Deal Island gear. Too hard to find and set up Plan B. 12 kg overhead with 20 kg braid and 1/0 jig hook. Bait? Only bait available is Fresh Multigrain from Whitemark Bakery. Free floating bread launched over mystery fish. Result 2.5 kg Atlantic Salmon. On arrival at Deal Island, fish pan fried with butter salt pepper, alas no hollandaise. Excellent. Moral - always watch the water around you and use good polaroids. All the best, James L. http://www.flindersisland.com.au

the stock and keep them warm. Continue to boil the stock for a few minutes to reduce it. Add the cream, chives an dill to the fish stock and stir. Place the fish on a plate and surround it with the vegetables. Spoon the sauce over the top.

Sarah Sherriff

Shimano TLDs Legendary game reels Superb performance 10 year warranty Squidgy Secrets - Part 3 This DVD opens up new horizons from bream to billfish. Pick one up at your tackle store.

Squidgy Catalogue All the new Squidgies and colours are in the catalogue. Free at good tackle stores.

Beastmaster Braid

Designed for soft plastic and Squidgy fishing.

How to Catch the BIG Ones! The Boat Shack has a full range of: • Boating accessories • Inflatable lifejackets • Safety equipment

• Stainless steel hardware • Marine paints and fibreglass • Specialising in nets, craypots and longline equipment


Wharf Access Rd, West Devonport. Ph: 6423 1676 Fishing News - Page 27

Introducing the NEW 2006 Stacer Range They’re bigger, bolder and very easy on the eye… For the first time in six years, the Stacer range of aluminium boats has undergone a total overhaul and now offers more features than ever before. All Stacer models from 4.5m and larger now feature the EVO Series II Hull. Stacer National Sales & Marketing Manager Damien Duncan said the 2006 Stacer range is setting new standards in design, safety and package inclusions in the trailer boat market. “The Stacer research and development team have revolutionised the Stacer range with the EVO Series II Hull,” Damien said. “These models now offer even greater stability, quicker planing, level flotation capabilities (excluding SVS models) and a spray deflector to push spray away from the boat at an early stage,” he said. The new Stacer Mod Pod models (4.5m and larger) also boast a new look, quieter transom with greater boarding area on the duck board. The previous transom motor cavity has been removed in the 2006 range and all cables now feed through the transom to free up the boarding area.

• Navman sounder & VHF radio • New dash • New side sheet pressing • 105L fuel tank (up from 75L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 90HP • Spray deck with scuppers (excluding SVS models) Other advancements across the range include larger anchor wells, new ladders, deck lights as standard, splash decks, a new dash design, bigger fuel tanks, new interior upholstery and masses of storage options – all without compromising any of Stacer’s generous cockpit space. All 619 and larger models have been redesigned as plate boats with thicker 4mm side sheets and 5mm bottom sheets. And the smaller models haven’t missed out as well….the Stacer open boat range now features a handy glove box and drink holder into the Stacer open boat range. The new range was launched this month at the annual Stacer Dealer Conference on the Gold Coast. To take the confusion out of buying the right boat, motor, trailer combination, Stacer offers all boats as a ‘Ready 2 Go’ package. The package comes complete with boat, Mariner outboard, Stacer trailer, bimini and envelope, registrations and a 3 year factory backed warranty.

519 models:

469 models:

• Wider beam • 2.5mm top side material • Level flotation (excluding SVS models) • Increased underfloor storage • New transom • New side sheet pressing • 105L fuel tank (up from 75L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 60hp • Spray deck with scuppers (excluding SVS models)

489 models:

• 2.5mm top side material • Level flotation (excluding SVS models) • Increased underfloor storage • New transom • New transom door optional

• 2.5mm top side material • 3mm bottom sheets • Level flotation (excluding SVS models) • Increased underfloor storage • New transom • New transom door optional • New dash • Navman sounder & VHF radio • New side sheet pressing • 118L fuel tank (up from 94L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 115hp • Spray deck with scuppers (excluding SVS models)

549 models:

• 2.5mm top side material • 4mm bottom sheets • Level flotation • Increased underfloor storage • New transom • New transom door optional • New dash


Available from all good tackle, sporting and marine outlets Manufactured by Fly-N-Dry, 10 Negara Crescent, Goodwood, Tas. 7010 Phone: 03 6273 0666 Fax: 03 6273 0692 Fishing News - Page 28

FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR ALL NEW, 84 page catalogue and guide to better fishing, simply fill out the coupon and send to: ALVEY REELS, P.O. BOX 105 GOODNA, QLD 4300 Name: Address: Postcode:


•No1choicefor90%ofTas.troutguides • Hand made in Tasmania •4mmdoublelinedRadialFlexneoprene • Individually leak tested prior to sale • Excellent buoyancy characteristics • Double sealed seams •DoublereinforcedK-Toughkneepads •Suitableforsaltandfreshwaterfishing •Largechestpocketwithhandwarmer • Suitable for aquaculture/commercial •TopqualityTasmanianBlundstoneboots fishing • Warm, comfortable and durable • 12 month guarantee

• Navman sounder & VHF radio • Internal lights • Auto bilge pump • New side sheet pressing • 118L fuel tank (up from 94L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 125hp • Spray deck with scuppers

Stacer 449 Estuary Master Sports

569 models:

• 4mm top side material • 4mm bottom sheets • Level flotation • Increased underfloor storage • New transom • New transom door optional • New dash • Navman sounder & VHF radio • Internal lights • Auto bilge pump • New side sheet pressing • 160L fuel tank (up from 115L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 140hp • Spray deck with scuppers

Stacer 519 Searunner Cuddy Cabin

619 models:

• 4mm top side material • 5mm bottom sheets • Level flotation • Under floor storage • New transom • New transom door optional • New dash • Navman sounder & VHF radio • Internal lights • Auto bilge pump • New side sheet pressing • 160L fuel tank (up from 115L) • Larger anchor wells • Moulded side pockets • Rated to 175hp • Spray deck with scuppers

Other interesting facts:

• Stacer Nomads are standard with a transom mounted live bait tank (an option on all models) • Nomads can be optioned with a centre console • The new side sheet pressing gives extra planning area on take off and also aids in spray deflection with extra load or at low speed • The new transom allows for all cables to run under the duck board for easy access onto and across the duck board • The new transom door allows for easier boarding into the cockpit • The walk through cabin aids in easy access for pulling up the anchor

Stacer 619 Oceanrunner Cuddy Cabin

Port Sorell Marine Phone 6428 7124 Shopping Centre Club Drive Shearwater

Open Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Sat: 9am to 12 noon Fishing News - Page 29

SAVAGE JABIRU 430 designed for Tasmania

Designed specifically for Tasmanian conditions, this is a serious fishing platform ideally suited to estuaries and lakes. A tiller control outboard allow for maximum floor space within the boat. Forward and aft hatches provide excellent storage for fuel tanks, batteries, live bait tanks (ideal for bream comps) etc. The Jabiru is a proven Savage hull design and offers and good compromise between stability at rest and a smooth ride in choppy water. At 4.3 metres in length fitted with a 30 hp motor it is easily towed - even by small family vehicles. Two pedestal seats and a forward lean seat are also fitted which gives excellent comfort

both travelling and fishing. Up front is a 55lb bow mount electric motor with electric steering to manouver the boat well in the tightest situations. Pushing the boat along is the superb 30 horsepower 4 stroke electronic fuel injected Mercury. This provides plenty of power for a load of up to 4 anglers and their gear. EFI technology gives instant starting hot or cold with no warm up needed. Smooth running is assured with EFI as these motors automatically adjust the mixtures to suit any altitude and other environmental conditions. Combine this with electric start, power tilt and easy manual starting if the battery is flat and you have a superb unit. Put all this on an easy loading Mackay trailer with alloy wheels, mudflaps,spare wheel and LED lights. Priced at $15 990 this package from Seaport Marine includes all registrations and onroad/ water costs.

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6hp Tohatsu New Never used 2006 6hp Tohatsu tiller steer, long shaft. $1350 Phone Nick 0400 026 688

30hp Tohatsu 2006 As new forward control 30hp 2 stroke long shaft Tohatsu. Complete with all controls. Suit new buyer at a huge discount. $2500. Phone Nick 0400 026 688

Wanted Old Japanese swords, WWII or older. Must be authentic. Phone 0417 543 815

Heading to Lakes? Stop in at Deloraine Pizza and Pasta, 53 Emu Bay Rd, Deloraine. Ph ahead 6362 2000 to have your delicious pizza or pasta waiting. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 5pm. Orders taken from 4 pm.

Coastal Marine SAVAGE GANNET Honda 20HP 4 stroke engine, great boat for the lakes or in shore fishing off the coast. $4,990

SAVAGE GANNET Johnson 35HP, Johnston 6HP Aux, forward controls, canopy, rod holders. Bargain at $5,990 BETRAM V15 Mercury 60 ELPTO (04 model, 40 hours). This boat is an Original 1 owner that is in superb condition, canopy with storm cover, fish finder. $5,990 STESSL 14ft ALUMINIUM Evinrude 40HP, power tilt, canopy. Get out there today for only $5,990 QUINTREX 420 DORY Johnson 30HP, boat and trailer 12 months old. Save on new $5,990 SAVAGE RANGER MK III Yamaha 50HP, fish finder, radio, canopy, rod holders, auxiliary motor bracket. Top order $8,990 QUINTREX 475 BAY RANGER Mercury 40HP, bimini canopy, fish finder, compass. Room boat for all the family. $12,990 STABI CRAFT 389 Tohatsu 40HP, bimini canopy fish diner, Macky trailer. Save dollars on new, only done approx. 30 hours. $17,990 HAINES SIGNATURE 1550LE Mercury 115, near new Dunbier multi roller tandem trailer, fish finer, GPS & canopy. Fantastic riding boat in any sea and is in great condition. Value at $19,990

COASTAL MARINE Cnr Fairlands Drive & Bass Highway Somerset Phone: 6435 2200

For Sale Savage Jabiru 3.55 metre, aluminium boat, trailer and Johnson 15hp motor

A super little boat ideal for fishing for bream and trout. Galvanised trailer and recently serviced Johnson motor. Flat floor, oars, brand new Humminbird fishfinder, front casting deck, motor support and spare wheel. All goes well. All registered. $1700. Contact; Mike Stevens 0418 129949.

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Subscriptions, ads and back issues Subscribing; Just fill in the form, or send your details as below. You can fax the subscription form to 03 6331 1278 or post to Stevens Publishing, PO Box 7504, Launceston, 7250. or email details to fishn@bigpond.net.au Name;__________________________________________________________Address;____________________________ __________________________________________________________Postcode;____________Phone________________ Advertising payment: ___ $11. Attach details by Fax, email or post. Subscriptions:___ $24; 1 year. ___ $48; 2 years. Back issues; $3.95 each - Issue No req’d.____________ Payment by; ____ Bankcard ____ MasterCard ____ Visa ____ Cheque ____ Money Order Credit Card __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Exp. date __ __/__ __ Total amount; ______ From issue no. ____ Fishing News - Page 30

Superior sportfisher Bar Crusher’s new 640HT Dreaming of charging the bar, arriving at the grounds and setting a spread just as the sun breaks the horizon? Do it in Bar Crusher’s new 640HT (Hard Top)! Constructed from pre-stressed 5mm (bottom sides) and 4mm (top sides) marine grade plate aluminium, Bar Crusher’s super-tough flagship model – with its high-tech Waveslicer™ non-pounding, deep-V hull and maximum-strength Rigideck™ sub-floor system – will have you safely across the bar while everyone else is still at the ramp.

Now Relax in style and comfort on the open 12 shores of Great Lake at Miena months of Central Highlands Lodge is the most central fishing lodge

the year to the famous fisheries of the Western Lakes, Arthurs Lake, Penstock and Little Pine lagoons. • Selection of guided tours available to surrounding areas. Evening eco-spotlighting tours. Experience the Tasmanian Highlands. • Licensed cafe, bar and restaurant with comfortable and affordable accommodation. Restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days per week. (Open for breakfast Sept till April only). We cater for in-house conferences and functions. • Brush up on your fishing skills with some advice from our experts. Private fishing lake. Hire one of our professional fishing guides, complete with equipment, transport and a picnic lunch. • Discounts for fishing club members - just present your membership card. We sell fishing licences, flies, maps, ice and gas. Under new ownership and management. Ph 03 62 598 179 Email: highlandslodge@bigpond.com www.centralhighlandslodge.com.au

Measuring 6.85m LOA, beam 2.47m, the 640HT’s toughened safety glass windscreen and all-weather hard top allows full standing room and an unobstructed 360° view from the helm to keep an eye on prevailing conditions, and search for working birds and feeding fish. If laying a berley trail for sharks or cubing for tuna, you’ll find the big Bar Crusher’s stability at rest is second to none – the result of the manufacturer’s exclusive Quickflow™ water ballast technology. A cavity that runs the full length of the keel quickly fills with water when stationary, which lowers the chines into the water for greater stability, and drains in seconds as the boat moves forward allowing it to leap effortlessly onto the plane to chase a rampaging fish. The spacious cockpit will also make tagging, gaffing and handling fish a breeze.

Rated to carry a 150-200hp outboard, the 640HT’s outstanding ocean-going capabilities, 300lt fuel capacity, comfortable driver and passenger seating, folding rear seat and spacious V-berth make it an ideal boat for anglers looking to venture further offshore in search of much bigger fish. A very impressive list of standard features includes hydraulic steering, self-draining deck with scuppers, step-through transom, marlin board / swim platform, rod holders, livebait tank, in-floor fish storage tank, large-volume storage pockets, dual battery system and much more. Turn your dreams into reality in a Bar Crusher boat today! Further information: Bar Crusher Boats – (03) 9702 8555 or visit: www.barcrusher.com.au

Smooth riding, super tough, sharp turning, light to tow, incredibly stable

640HT BarCrusherBoatsarewithoutadoubtthemostamazinghullsonthemarket.Head straightonintoroughseasandtheseboatswillamazeyouwithnobanging,jarringorslammingthatyougetwithmosthullsonthemarket.ToughplatealloyBar Crusherboatsusecuttingedgedesign,sotheyarehightechratherthanlowtech. Look at the features. Smootherridethananyaluminiumboatandcomparabletoglassboats. Strong plate aluminium construction ( 5mm & 4mm). Very low maintenance and incredibly durable. Hullconstructionuses6fullyweldedandfoldedstringersrunningforeandaftwhich arefullyweldedtothebottomplateprovidingincrediblestrengthandrigidity. Light to tow behind vehicle with low towing capacity. Innovativefoldinggasstrutroof,thatcanbefoldedintoboatforstorageinsheds with low height. Deeper“v”thananyotheraluminiumboatofitstypeinAustralia. Water ballast system provides exceptional stability at rest. Waterballastreducesincidenceofseasicknessduetoreducedpitchingandrolling. BarCrusherhullsturnsharpandhardwithlittleornoaerationtothepropellerideal for bar crossing situations. Superbfollowingseaperformance,theywillnotbroachandtrackstraightinanysea conditions.

Windscreensaretoughenedglassforlonglifeandgoodvisibility. Largefronthatchforeasyaccesstotheanchor,oppositionboatshaveverysmall hatches. Thedecktreadfloorisfullysealedtoprovideaneffectivesecondsealedbottomin theboat.Nounderfloorspacestotrapsmells,oldbaitandtackle. Batteries are set up off the on a shelf to keep the salt out. Theentireinsideoftheboatscanbehosedoutwithfreshwaterforeffectiveandfast cleaning. Allhullscomewithstandardfeatureslike.Largekilltanks,livebaittanks,solid rearaccessladder,dualbatterysystem,foldingrearseat,rodholders,stepthrough transom,swimplatform,navlights,anchorlight,burleybucket&muncher,storage pockets,clearbowlfuelfilter,plusahostofotherstandardfeaturesthatareoptions on most boats. Model range 530C cuddy 560C cuddy 560WR walk around 640C cuddy 640HT hardtop 640WR walk around


CallCoastalMarinetodaytobookyouradrenalinchargedtest ride, and we can prove to you just how good these boats are.

Bass highway Somerset Ph: 6435 2200 ‘Where life is better with a boat’ Fishing News - Page 31


The environmentally friendly E-TECs already meet 2006 EPA EU and 2008 CARB 3-Star emissions requirements. Every drop of the E-TEC engine oil is combusted and accounted for in it’s 3-Star rating. This is not the case with 4-strokes.


Thanks to stratified combustion E-TECs achieve fuel economy and efficiency only previously possible with 4-strokes. In fact, the new E-TEC 250HP is 36% more fuel efficient than the Mercury Verado 250HP at Wide Open Throttle.

Not only are E-TECs as quiet as 4-strokes, they produce a more pleasing, less obtrusive sound. In other words, the sound of your E-TEC engine will not interfere with the sound of your own voice.


Seaport Marine

✔ The new E-TEC 225HP is 54kg lighter than the Mercury Verado 225HP. Less weight means significantly better handling, improved out-of-the-hole performance, and optimised speed.


PN 99050

391/1a Westbury Road Prospect. Phone 6344 3311

E-TECs require no scheduled dealer maintenance for the first 3 years or 300 hours of normal recreational use. You’ll never have to change oil or oil filter – ever. Plus, no belts to change, carburetors to set or lifters to adjust. Compare that to a 4-stroke.




Data: Evinrude Performance Report PE126. Evinrude Testing @ RETC. Trailer Boat Magazine April 2004. U.S. EPA 2004 Database. Each manufacturer’s 2004 product brochure. PMA-ads.com 6173

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