Beef Jerky Recipes

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Table of Contents Safety

........................................................ 3

Meat Selection

........................................................ 4


........................................................ 5


........................................................ 9


........................................................ 11

Beef Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 13-44

Venison Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 45-55

Turkey Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 56-64

Fish Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 65-68

Elk Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 69-71

Buffalo Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 72-80

Ostrich Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 81-84

Alligator Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 85-87

Chicken Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 88-94

Duck Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 95-97

Lamb Jerky Recipes

........................................................ 98-101

Rabbit Jerky Recipes


Tofu Jerky Recipes


Fruit Jerky Recipes



Safety The handling and consumption of any raw meat carries with it certain risks, we highly recommend that anyone who attempts to make jerky at home first review the U.S.D.A guidelines below before you do so. You should familiarize yourself with some of the inherent risks of attempting to make homemade jerky. * Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water before beginning to work and after changing tasks or after doing anything that could contaminate your hands, such as sneezing or using the bathroom. * Start with clean equipment and clean it thoroughly after using. Be sure all surfaces that come into contact with meat are clean. * Sanitize surfaces with a solution of 1 tablespoon chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Allow to air dry. * Keep meat and poultry refrigerated at 40 °F or slightly below. Use or freeze ground beef and poultry within 2 days; whole red meats, within 3 to 5 days. * Defrost frozen meat in the refrigerator, not on the kitchen counter. Keep raw meat separate from other foods. * Marinate meat in the refrigerator. Don’t save marinade to reuse (this could cause cross-contamination). Marinades are used to tenderize and flavor the jerky before dehydrating it. * Steam or roast meat to 160 °F and poultry to 165 °F as measured with a food thermometer before dehydrating it in order to destroy pathogenic micro-organisms. * Dry meats in a food dehydrator that has an adjustable temperature dial and will maintain a temperature of at least 130 to 140 °F throughout the drying process. * For ground beef jerky prepared at home, safety concerns related to E coli are minimized if the meat is precooked to 160 °F prior to drying. Meat cooking temperatures are very important so pay close attention to them if at all possible. * Homemade jerky can only be stored for one to two months, while commercially produced jerky can last a year. * Most salted jerky can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for two to three months. Any longer and it deteriorates. Unsalted jerky should be refrigerated and used within two weeks.


Meat Selection The secret to making good jerky is starting with good quality meat. Quality meat means quality jerky. When headed to the supermarket to buy your meat keep in mind the following 3 tips. LEAN MEAT - An easy and common cut is flank steak. If beef flank steak is unavailable, other good candidates would include: round steak, rump roast and brisket flats. London broil cuts are good as well and organic is always great! Remember, the less marbling and fat, the better because fat will turn rancid very quickly and ruin your jerky in a matter of days! FRESH MEAT - Fresh beef should be a nice ruddy red. Pork should be a healthy light pink (that is, if you’re wanting bacon) and chicken should be a flesh tone shade. Dark spots or old smells are bad so make sure the meat you pick is fresh. QUANTITY - It requires about 3 to 5 pounds of meat to produce one 1 pound of jerky. Therefore, to get more for your money, range fed, 100% premium, visually lean, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected, flank steak is your best buy. There is no waste with this type of meat because it is all lean, pure red meat with consistent straight grain making it easy to prepare. If you do happen to get meat that you have to trim, use those trimmings to make ground beef! ** Note: Have the butcher cut long, ¼” strips either across or with the grain. If you are trimming your own, put the meat in the freezer for no more than 30 minutes to firm up but DO NOT LET HARDEN.

BUYING ON A BUDGET Just some quick tips to keep in mind when headed to the supermarket: * Check first what type of meat it is. Learn cuts of meat and which are cheaper and of coarse which have a higher fat content. (80% lean ground beef is obviously a better choice and lower in fat than meat that is only 60% lean.) * Check the weight, the price per pound, total price and sell date. Make sure the package of meat has not passed that date and plan to use or freeze the meat within two days of purchase, sooner if the sell-by date is up. * If your meat is packaged in white butcher paper, be sure to repackage the meat for the freezer in plastic wrap, foil or plastic bags and label.


Preparation The key to a safe and healthy work environment is attention to detail and excellent preparation habits. We understand the importance of safe kitchen habits and we would like to take the time to give you some helpful tips in preparing to make the best jerky possible. *Familiarize yourself with the USDA Fact Sheet before embarking on your jerky making journey. Ensure your hands and all items that will come into contact with your jerky are clean and sanitary. CUT Have your butcher cut the meat into ¼” thick strips with a width of 1”-1 ½” and length of 4”-10”. Whether the butcher cuts it or you do at home, cut with the grain for chewy jerky and across the grain for more of a tender, brittle jerky but be sure and keep the trimmings if you would like to make ground beef later. UTENSILS: * 6”-8” knife * Cutting board * Measuring equipment * Mixing utensil * Mixing bowl (glass or ceramic, not metal) * 2+ pans * Paper towels * Storage container * Collect all your utensils and wash everything including your hands. Have no other food products in the area and keep raw meat away from cooked meat. MARINADE Use glass or ceramic containers when working with marinades, as many will react with metal. Allow roughly ½ cup of marinade for each pound of meat. Dip each piece of meat into marinade, coating well. Place in shallow glass dish. Pour remaining marinade over top, cover and refrigerate for anywhere between 8-36 hours. The marinade process time span is up to you but the longer, the better. Remember to “overhaul” the meat every few hours if you can so it will cure evenly. Since cure is mostly salt and sugar, replace 1ts of cure for 1ts of salt in your recipe for every five pounds of meat. When the meat is ready, remove it from the marinade and pat dry with paper towels.


A basic marinade (for 2lbs of meat): * * * * * * * *

½ c Worcestershire sauce ½ c Soy Sauce 3 T Catsup 2 T Brown Sugar ½ t Onion Powder 1 ½ t Salt 1 Clove of garlic, minced well Pinch of Pepper

CURING Curing is completely optional however, if you’re going to dry or smoke something at or below 150 degrees for any length of time, you need to cure it! Curing meat just involves adding “curing salts” (Tender quick, Instacure, or Prague Powder) to the meat and giving the “cure” time to work (about 12 hours). The “curing salt” consists of a mix of salt, sugar and sodium nitrite. The main purpose of the cure is to protect against bad bacteria like botulism, which thrives in low cooking temps, no oxygen or warm meat. Meat is cured by the use of sodium nitrite. Never use more jerky seasoning and cure mix than a recipe calls for. However, feel free to add and adjust any other spices, herbs or flavorings to suit your own taste. The curing process used to make jerky will greatly reduce the gamy flavor of wild meats. Prepare deer and rabbit as described for beef. Game birds should be treated like chicken. TYPES OF CURES Morton makes three meat cures: * Morton® Tender Quick® Mix * Morton® Sugar Cure® Plain * Morton® Sugar Cure® Smoke Flavored **Only Morton® Tender Quick® and Morton® Sugar Cure® PLAIN are interchangeable measure for measure. **Morton® Sugar Cure® Smoke Flavored is used for DRY curing ham and bacon only. **Table salt or canning salt cannot be used in place of curing salt. If used, you will get salted meat but the color and flavor of the meat will not be properly developed.


SEASONING Some people chose to add their spices and marinade all together and make it one step. However, if you would like to marinade and then season your meat, you will need to drain or pat dry and lay out to season. Basic Spices: * * * * *

Salt Black Pepper Soy Sauce Worcestershire Sauce Brown Sugar/Honey

Other spices that are commonly used: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Garlic Powder Onion Powder White Pepper Chile Powder Cayenne Powder Fresh Chiles Hot Sauce (my favorite) Garam Masala (Indian spice, mostly ground coriander, cumin, and cardamom) Cumin Lemon Pepper Sesame Oil Sesame Seeds Ground Ginger Fresh Ginger Green Onions Fresh Onion Dry Sherry Bourbon

Worst-case scenario, it’ll probably still taste good. However, if you can’t taste it in the jerky, it’s probably not a necessity next time but be sure and make note of what you used during your process. FRUIT LEATHER Ingredients: Fresh fruit, water, lemon juice, sugar and optional spices – cinnamon and nutmeg. (4 cups of fruit yield about one baking sheet of fruit leather) 1. Rinse, remove blemishes, peel skin, pit, core, deseed and/or hull if needed. Cut fruit into chunks. Test a piece of the fruit and if it’s very sweet you will not need to add any sugar. If it’s still a little tart, you may need to add some sugar in the next step.


2. Place fruit in a large saucepan. Add a half-cup of water for every 4 cups of chopped fruit. Bring to a simmer, cover and let cook on a low heat for 10-15 minutes, or until the fruit is cooked through. Uncover and stir. Use a potato masher to mash up the fruit in the pan. Taste the fruit and determine what and how much sugar, lemon juice, or spices to add. Add sugar in small amounts (1 Tbsp at a time if working with 4 cups of fruit), to desired level of sweetness. Add lemon juice one teaspoon at a time to help brighten the flavor of the fruit. Add a pinch or two of cinnamon, nutmeg, or other spices to augment the flavor. 3. Continue to simmer and stir until any added sugar is completely dissolved and the fruit purée has thickened, another 5 or 10 minutes (or more). 4. Put the purée through a food mill or chinoise. Alternatively purée it thoroughly in a blender or food processor. Taste again and adjust sugar/lemon/spices if necessary. The purée should be very smooth. 5. Line a rimmed baking sheet with sturdy plastic wrap (the kind that is microwave safe). Pour out the purée into the lined baking sheet to about an 1/8 to 1/4 inch thickness. 6. Place the baking sheet in the oven; try to keep any plastic wrap from touch the sides of the oven or the oven racks. Also try to make sure that the plastic wrap hasn’t folded back over on top of the purée. If this happens, the purée won’t dry out. Heat the oven to a low 140°F. If you have a convection setting, use it, it will speed up the process and help dry out the purée. Let dry in the oven like this for as long as it takes for the purée to dry out and form fruit leather, about 8-12 hours. The fruit leather is ready when it is no longer sticky, but has a smooth surface. Alternatives to the oven: food dehydratorWhen the fruit leather is ready, you can easily peel it up from the plastic wrap. To store it, roll it in its plastic wrap, put it in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator or freezer.


Dehydration A cooking technique that has been around for hundreds of years is now an art form perfected by amateur and professional chefs everywhere. This section will explain to you exactly what dehydration is and how it pertains to preparing the best possible jerky, as well as all the modern day dehydration techniques and there functions. Food Dehydration: is the process of removing water from food (usually through evaporation), which in turns prevents the growth of microorganisms and bacteria. **If using dehydrator or oven, pre-heat to 145 degrees for 15-30 minutes prior. **Be sure to check your jerky often. Do not rely on the times given. Oven – lay out the strips on a cookie sheet lined with foil, in rows and a single layer. The pieces in the middle will dry slower and you will also need to turn the pieces over at the end and dry a while longer to ensure the bottoms get dry. Cook at 140-170 degrees anywhere from 10-14 hours propping open the door to allow moisture to escape and to lower the oven temperature when necessary. Grill – Lay the meat slices on a grill or grate that allows air to reach both sides and to flow around each piece. You can also place a couple pieces of meat on a took pick and hang the meat from the grate allowing the smoke to flow up the strips. However, any way you do it, the meat will drip so place a stray or aluminum foil under the meat. Space it as far underneath the meat as possible to avoid restricting the airflow. Cook at 200 degrees for 1 hour with indirect heat. If your grill cannot be held at this low temperature, cook for smoke flavor for about 20 minutes and then finish in the oven. Dehydrator – Use a dehydrator with a built-in electric heater and fat. This allows fast, even drying with little risk of food spoilage. Look for a unit with a fan and a thermostat for best results. Cook at 140 degrees anywhere from 6-18 hours rotating trays every hour. Smoker – Smokers provides a more natural flavored jerky. The heat to cook the meat is provided by the use of either an electric heating element or charcoal. Because of the difficulties associated with keeping charcoal at a consistent burning rate for the 10 hours required, electricity as a fuel source would be the best option. About 30 minutes before you start the smoke, light your briquettes in your chimney lighter, about 8 pieces aught to be about right, 9

depending on the weather. Then, when the coals are almost ready, put them in the fire pan and start hanging your jerky. Save one or two hot briquettes in the chimney to light new ones as we go. You’ll need to add 2-3 hot briquettes about ever 45 minutes. Now, cover it up and add your soaked wood or foil packets. Use any hardwood for smoking (hickory or mesquite are the most common and one with a pecan base makes the best combo of smoky tasting without ashy tasting), alder chips or apple wood are excellent choices for wild game and never use pine, fir or conifers. Go ahead and smoke heavily for about 3 hours, then stop the smoke and continue drying for another 2 hours. Maintain 150 degrees for the entire cook. At about 4 hours you can start sampling. Somewhere between 4 and 6 hours, depending on taste, pull them off. Cook at 150 degrees for approximately 10 hours. Microwave – While microwaving jerky is not a common method, it is still doable. However, be aware that it may cook the meat more than it may dry it out. Place the meat strips in a microwave roasting rack. Set the microwave on high for 4 to 6 minutes. After 4 minutes add time in 30-second increments until desired consistency. Traditionally, the idea is to have a dried jerky. This means a color change from brown to dark brown, and a consistency in the meat that has changed from supple to leathery in its texture. Sun Drying – While sun drying has been around for a long time, it is not a good method for jerky today. However, if you are an experienced jerky maker, a PROFESSIONAL, and truly understand what is required, lean beef, young lamb or venison are able to be sun-dried. Fish should not be unless it is heavily salted, although without proper experience, this can still be very risky and poultry should NEVER be sun-dried. To successfully sun dry meats, you should live in an arid, hot, sunny and windy area, optimal conditions that are hard to find. Please remember, when sun-drying, you put yourself at risk for food poisoning. **Whatever method you chose, do not place your racks so that one layer can drip on another. The time it takes to dry the meat will depend on the thickness, as well as, the temperature at which the meat is being dried. When you think your jerky is done, it should bend but not break and be a much darker color.


Storing Although it might be the most important step in making homemade jerky, the storing process is one that is often neglected and misunderstood. The following information are excellent guidelines in helping you to properly store jerky after the cooking process to ensure a quality snack for the longest time possible. MEAT Before you store your jerky, always make sure that it has completely cooled. If you do not do this it will sweat and mold will set in. The following are ways you may preserve your jerky: * Shrink wrap – a material made up of plastic film. When heat is applied to this material it shrinks tightly over whatever it was covering. * Skin Pack – a type of carded packaging where a product is placed on a piece of paperboard, and a thin sheet of transparent plastic is placed over the product and paperboard. * Plastic wrap – a thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to keep them fresh. Plastic wrap, typically sold on rolls in boxes with a cutting edge, clings to many smooth surfaces and can thus remain tight over the opening of a container with no adhesive or other device. * Vacuum packing – a method of storing food and presenting it for sale. Appropriate types of food are stored in an airless environment, usually in an airtight pack or bottle to prevent the growth of microorganisms. The vacuum environment removes atmospheric oxygen, protecting the food from spoiling. Vacuum packaging products using plastic bags, canisters, bottles, or mason jars are available for home use. * Vacuum pouches are used in conjunction with vacuum packaging equipment to reduce the atmosphere in a package to protect and preserve the freshness of food products, such as meat and poultry, seafood, produce and cheese. Vacuum pouches are also used to keep other non-food products (e.g. medical and pharmaceutical items) sterile and to prevent oxidation.


The benefits of vacuum packaging in vacuum pouches include: * * * * * * * * * *

Increased shelf-life of food products: Prevention of product degradation and protection from oxidation: Protection against contact and contamination: Various types of vacuum pouches include: Side-seal Vacuum Pouches Zipper/Resealable Vacuum Pouches Metalized Vacuum Pouches Stand-up Vacuum Pouches (Boil-in-Bags) Vacuum Pouches Safe Handling Vacuum Pouches

If you know you are not going to eat your jerky for several months up to a year or plus, you will want to package it very tightly and place in the freezer. Commercially packaged jerky can be kept 12 months out of freezer. Home-dried jerky can be stored 1 to 2 months out of freezer. Unsalted jerky should be refrigerated and used within two weeks. FRUIT Roll it up in its plastic wrap, put it in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator or freezer.



Holiday Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * *


1 lb. beef (or any meat type) 1/2 c. apple cider 1/3 tsp. white pepper 1/5 tsp. nutmeg 1 Tb. corn syrup cinnamon salt curing salt

Directions: 1. To make the cutting process easier, try freezing your meat no longer than 30 minutes prior. Either way, you will want to slice your meat into strips about 1/4″ thick (or get creative and try Christmas shaped cookie cutters!). 2. Combine the salt and curing salt with your meat and let sit. Some people let their meat cure in the fridge an hour and some do it for 2 days, it’s your preference. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, the measurements are your preference but try not to use more than just a pinch of cinnamon on each side of your jerky strips, cinnamon can be very strong! After mixing all of your ingredients into your meat, you can either let it marinate for a while in the fridge again or go straight to your dehydrating method. 4. If using a dehydrator, lay out your strips onto the racks, without touching and dehydrate on the lowest temperature anywhere from 12-24 hours. Be sure and check periodically so you can have your jerky just the way you want it! If you’re using an oven, set it to the lowest temperature, foil line a cookie sheet and lay out your strips without touching and stick it in the oven. Keep the oven door propped open for ventilation and let dehydrate anywhere from 3-9 hours. Remember, the longer you dry out your meat the harder it gets and you don’t want to cook it so, check often if using the oven method. Have fun, enjoy and happy holidays!! Beef

Jimmie’s Zippy Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* salt * pepper * chili powder * cayenne pepper * Jimmie’s Zippy Meat Rub * 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type)

1. Prior to seasoning and slicing, freeze your meat for no more than 30 minutes to making cutting easier. Once you’ve done that, go ahead and dash on your salt, pepper, chili powder, cayenne pepper and REALLY get that spicy flavor you’re looking for by adding Jimmie’s Zippy Meat Rub! If this is too hot for you, cut out the chili powder and cayenne pepper, it’s all up to you. Also, if you’re not a spicy type of person, check out Jimmie’s other meat rubs! 2. After you have seasoned your meat just right, go ahead and slice it into strips about 1/4″ thick and lay out on the dehydrator’s racks, without touching, on the lowest temperature for about 12-24 hours, time preference is up to you. If you rather do the oven, line a cookie sheet with foil and place your meat strips on that, without touching, on the oven’s lowest temperature, as well, for about 6-12 hours, leaving the door propped open for ventilation. Remember, your jerky should bend but not snap or be too chewy but your drying time is up to you, just have fun with it! Enjoy!



Moroccan Twist Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds beef – flank or steak (or any meat type) * Moroccan Twist Rub * 2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce * 1/2 cup of brown sugar * 1 teaspoon of onion powder * salt * pepper

1. Go ahead and rub on your Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, brown sugar and onion powder evenly on both sides. Do not use too much because you do not want to over power the taste of your Moroccan Twist Rub. Once you sprinkle on and rub in those ingredients, go for your Moroccan Twist Rub and coat the meat with a medium to thick layer til you’re sure you will be able to taste that amazing flavor! 2. Now that your meat is good and seasoned, go ahead and cut it into about 1/4″ thick strips. Freezing for 30 minutes prior to slicing may make this task easier. 3. Line a cookie sheet with foil and place your strips, without touching, onto the pan and into the oven on the lowest temp. with the door propped open for about 4-8 hours. If you want to use a dehydrator, layer the racks with your strips, also without touching, on the lowest temp. for about 12-20 hours. Be sure and check up on your jerky periodically. Length of time varies so, dry to your preference. Enjoy!



BBQ 3000 Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * *


2 Tb. brown sugar 2 Tb. Worcestershire 2/3 c. ketchup onion salt pepper garlic BBQ 3000 Seasoning 1 lb. beef (or any meat type)

Directions: 1. If you’d like, freeze your meat for half an hour prior to cutting to make this task a lil easier. Slice your meat into strips about 1/4″ thick and slice up your garlic and onion as well. 2. Go ahead and sprinkle on your salt, pepper, and BBQ 3000, heavy on the BBQ seasoning! Now, add as much Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar as you’d like. However, keep in mind that we are going for a BBQ flavor so, the BBQ Seasoning will be used more than any other ingredient and the others are just there to add a little bit of sweetness. 3. Now decide which cooking method you want to use. Which ever one you choose, set it on the lowest temp. and lay out your meat strips without touching or overlapping one another. If you’re using the oven, keep the door propped open for ventilation and if you’re using a smoker, you might want to use non-seasoned chips to lock in that BBQ taste you’ll get with the BBQ 3000. Which ever method you decide to use, the length of time you dry your meat out is up to you so check it periodically. Typically jerky is dried out anywhere from 6-20 hours. Enjoy!


Insanely Hot Beef Jerky Ingredients:


* 3 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * Insanity sauce * Meat Tenderizer * Table salt (or curing salt) * Pepper

1. You can either season your meat before you cut it or go ahead and cut it into strips and then season. Either way, poke some holes into your meat and pour on the Insanity Sauce to get that spicy flavor all the way into the middle of your meat! Also sprinkle on your meat tenderizer, salt and pepper. You wont need any other hot/spicy ingredients because the Insanity Sauce will definitely take care of that! 2. If you’re going with the dehydrator method, go ahead and set it on it’s lowest temp. and set out your strips on the racks, without touching. The length of time is up to you but typically it’s anywhere between 12-20 hours. 3. Oven Method – set your oven on its lowest temp. as well and cover a cookie sheet with foil and lay out your strips, without touching and pop into the oven! Remember, leave the oven door propped open for proper ventilation and dry out for about 6-10 hours but check periodically. 4. Smoker – have your chips picked out ahead of time, the flavor is up to you, and lay out your strips, without touching, on the racks with the temp. set to the lowest possible. Check occasionally anywhere after the first couple of hours. Should be done after around 5-8. Enjoy!



Bacon Flavored Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds beef (or any meat type) * Ground Black Pepper * Bacon Salt (Original, Hickory or Peppered) * curing salt

1. Slice your meat into strips about 1/4″ thicks. (freezing for 30 mins. prior may help with this) 2. Cure your meat over night. 3. Not a lot of ingredients are included in this recipe so you do not cover up your bacon flavor! Go ahead and pepper your meat and dash on as much of the Bacon Salt as you’d like. (The Bacon Salt comes in 3 flavors to choose from; Hickory, Peppered or Original) 4. If you chose the Hickory flavored Bacon Salt you might want to dehydrate your meat in the oven or dehydrator instead of a smoker so you do not mix flavors. If you chose to do so, go ahead and set the temperature to the lowest temp. on both machines, but leave the oven door propped open for ventilation. Lay out your meat on the racks, without touching. (You might want to foil line a cookie sheet if using the oven so the meat doesn’t stick or make a mess) If you chose to use a smoker or grill go ahead and slap those puppies right on the racks, without touching, and dry out on the lowest temp., as well, checking ever so often. The length of time for which ever method you chose is up to you and how dry or chew you like your jerky! Add as much Bacon Salt as you like. It’s great stuff! Enjoy!



Island Cowboy Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pounds beef (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoons soy sauce * 1 tablespoon grated ginger * 1/4 teaspoon black pepper * 1/4 cups lime juice * 2 tablespoons Worcestershire * 1 teaspoon red pepper – crushed * 1/8 teaspoon liquid smoke * cooking spray

1. Cut your meat into 1/8″ to 1/4″ thick slices. (It may help to slightly freeze before hand) 2. Mix lime juice, soy sauce, Worcestershire, ginger, both types of pepper and liquid smoke. 3. Add meat and coat. 4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. 5. Dry meat according to your dehydrator.

Teriyaki Beef Sticks Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 teaspoon of salt * 1 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1/2 cup of salad oil * 1 cup of vinegar * 1/3 cups of chopped ginger or 5 tablespoons of ground ginger * 1 cup of water * 1 cup of brown sugar * 1 large chopped onion * 5 minced garlic cloves * 3 pounds of beef (or any meat type)

1. Mix all ingredients to make the marinade. 2. Slice meat into 1″ strips that are 1/8″ thick. 3. Place meat strips on a stick, like an accordion, using 4″ of meat/stick. 4. Marinate for 4 hours per stick. 5. Grill about 15 minutes, turning ever so often.



Bacon Flavored Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 1 cup of water * 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder * 1 teaspoon of liquid smoke * 2 teaspoon of mustard seed * 4 teaspoons of curing salt

1. Combine all ingredients and let sit in fridge for 24 hours. 2. Form into rolls, about 3, and wrap up in foil. 3. Make a bunch of tiny holes in the foil with a fork. 4. Put directly on rack to allow the grease to drain/drip off. 5. Bake it at 300 degrees for a little over an hour, cool and enjoy!

Pepper’s Pepperoni Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pounds of ground beef (or any meat type) * 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of paprika * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Morton’s Tender quick salt * 1 tablespoon of fennel seed * 1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper

1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. (recipe will make about 4 sticks) 2. Form your sticks and put in the fridge, uncovered, for about 24 hours. 3. Bake on wire rack for 60 minutes at 300 degrees. Enjoy!



Beef Sticks Recipe Ingredients


* 3 pounds of ground beef (or any meat type) * 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder * 2 tablespoons of liquid smoke * 3 tablespoons of tenderizer

1. Mix all ingredients together. 2. Form into 4 sticks and place in refrigerator, uncovered, for 24 hours. 3. Bake on wire rack so grease can drip down, for 60 minutes at 300 degrees.

Greatest Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 5 ounces of liquid smoke * 15 ounces of Lea & Perrins OR Worcestershire * 15 - 20 ounces of teriyaki sauce * 15 - 20 ounces of soy sauce * 2 - 4 Tb. of garlic powder * 2 - 4 Tb. of dark brown sugar * 2 - 4 Tb. of onion powder * 2 - 4 ounces of molasses OR dark corn syrup * 2 - 4 tsp. of cayenne pepper

1. Cut meat and mix ingredients for marinade. 2. Cover and put meat in the refrigerate and let marinate for 24 hours. 3. Cover oven rack with foil and place the meat across racks. 4. Set oven 160 - 180 degrees. After the meat has stopped dripping, turn each piece over. 5. Cook for about 4-6 hours depend on what you like and remember to leave the oven door slightly open for ventilation. Enjoy!



Condiment Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pressed garlic clove * Chili powder - to taste (optional) * 1/4 cup of butter (1/2 stick) * 1/2 cup of ketchup * 3/4 cup of honey * 1 tablespoons of soy sauce * 1 tablespoon of vinegar * 2 tablespoons of brown sugar * 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard * 1 pound of beef (or any meat type)

1. Cut meat into 1/4” thick strips or you can have your butcher do it for you. Freezing for half an hour may make this task a little easier. 2. Combine ingredients and marinate strips. 3. Cover and marinate 6-12 hours, or as long as you’d like, in the refrigerator. 4. Dehydrate 24 to 36 hours until jerky is bendable but not too chewy and won’t snap.

Garlic Pepper Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef (or any type of meat) * 2 minced garlic cloves * 5/8 c. of soy sauce * 1/2 c. of honey * 1/2 tsp. of black pepper * 1/2 tsp. of salt * 1 tsp. of liquid smoke * 5 Tb. of lemon juice

1. Partially freeze meat for about 30 minutes or so, and cut into slices. 2. Combine ingredients and marinate for 12 - 24 hours, your choice. 3. Cover oven rack in foil and place meat on top on oven’s lowest setting with door propped open for ventilation. 4. Bake anywhere from 3-6 hours depending on how chewy or hard you like it but jerky should not break when bended.



Ragin’ Cajun Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper * 1/2 c. Tabasco sauce * 1/2 c. dried parsley * 1/2 c. tiger sauce * 1/2 c. Tony Chachere’s seasoning * 1 1/2 c. Worcestershire * 4 Tb. garlic powder * 4 Tb. onion powder * 4 Tb. black pepper

1. Cut meat into 1/4” thick strips 2. Combine ingredients for marinade. 3. Cover and let meat marinate in fridge to your preference. 4. Dehydrate 5+ hours. Check often and dry to your preference but jerky should not break when bended.

Cajun Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 10 lb beef - round steak (or any meat type) * 10 ounces of Worcestershire * 6 ounces of soy sauce * 1/2 small bottle of onion salt * 1/2 small bottle of liquid smoke * 1/2 of a small bottle of hot sauce * 1/8 cup of lemon juice * 1/8 cup of Cayenne pepper

1. Combine ingredients for your marinade 2. Cover and marinate overnight or to your preference. 3. Dehydrate in dehydrator according to manual or a 150-degree oven 4+ hours with door propped open.



Best Ever Made Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lb. of beef - round steak (or any meat type) * 1/4 c. soy sauce * 1 tsp. paprika * 1 tsp. black pepper * 1 tsp. onion powder * 1 tsp. garlic powder * 1 tsp. tenderizer * 2 tsp. curing salt * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 2 Tb. Worcestershire * 2 Tb. brown sugar

1. Combine ingredients and coat the meat thoroughly. 2. Cover the meat still marinating in the bowl and let sit in the fridge for as long as you prefer. 3. Take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels to get the excess off. 4. Dry out at least 4 hours or to your preference and enjoy!

Best Ever Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4 lb. meat - round steak (or any meat type) * 1 tsp. hot sauce * 1 tsp. Italian salad dressing (dry) * 1 1/3 tsp. garlic powder * 1 1/3 tsp. fresh ground black pepper * 1 c. Worcestershire * 1 c. soy sauce * 4 Tb. onion powder * 2 pinches of salt

1. Slice meat into about 1/4� thick strips (or have your butcher do it for you ahead of time) and trim all fat. 2. Combine all ingredients to make your marinade. 3. Marinade strips, leave in bowl, cover and let marinate in the fridge for as long as you prefer. 4. Bake at lowest oven temp. with the oven door propped open for ventilation. Check often and bake as long as you’d like. Jerky should bend but not break or be too chewy. Remember to place them on foil right on top of the oven racks because they will drip. (Turn once drippings stop)



Should’ve Had V8 Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of beef (or any meat type) * 1 garlic clove - crushed * 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 1 teaspoon of ground ginger * 1 teaspoon of curing salt * 1 tablespoon of brown sugar * 1/4 cup of soy sauce * 1/4 cup of V8 Tropical Blend Juice (your preference)

1. Cut meat about 1/4” thick. (you can freeze for about 30 mins. to make slicing easier) 2. Combine ingredients, mix thoroughly and add meat. 3. Leave meat in marinade, cover and let marinate in fridge as long as you’d like. 4. Lay on dehydrator trays for 24 - 35 hours but it could be sooner or more, check often. Jerky should bend but not break or be too chewy. Enjoy!

V8 Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 2 minced garlic cloves * 1 white medium minced onion * 1 1/2 tsp. of curing salt * 5 tsp. of canning salt * 1/2 c. of brown sugar * 1/2 c. of teriyaki sauce * 1 1/2 c. of V8 Tropical Blend Juice (your preference) * 1 Tb. ground black pepper

1. Combine the canning salt, meat and curing salt. Put the meat into a cake pan, cover and put in the fridge to cure for about 2 days. (Be sure and mix it up a couple times a day) 2. After 2 days, mix in the rest of the ingredients. 3. Place meat strips on dehydrator trays and dehydrate according to manual, or place meat strips on foil directly on the oven racks. Set oven at lowest temp., prop oven door open for ventilation and check periodically. Jerky should bend but not break or be too chewy. Enjoy!



Honey Peppered Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef - flank steak (or any meat type) * 1/2 cup of honey * 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper * 4 tablespoon of lemon juice * 1 minced garlic clove * 1 pinch of pepper and salt

1. Before slicing meat, you may want to put it in the freezer for about half an hour and then cut into 1/4” thick strips. 2. Mix ingredients, marinate, leave strips in the bowl, cover and refrigerate as long as you’d like. 3. Take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels. 4. Lay out on dehydrator trays and dehydrate according to your dehydrator instructions. Jerky should bend but not break or be too chewy. Enjoy!

Sweet Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 1 cinnamon stick * 5 crushed allspice berries * 1/4 c. of hot water (put in last to soften up honey) * 1/4 c. of apple cider vinegar * 1/4 c. of Worcestershire * 1/2 c. of fresh garlic - chopped * 3/4 c. of red hot sauce * 1 c. of brown sugar * 2 c. of honey * 3 c. of soy sauce * 1 Tb. of Kosher salt * 2 tsp. of habanero powder

1. Mix everything together until salt and sugar are dissolved. 2. Cover and marinate meat for 24 hours in the fridge, stirring occasionally. 3. Dehydrate in dehydrator or lowest temperature of oven, with the door propped, to your preference until jerky cracks went bent but doesn’t break.



Burger Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 10 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 3/4 bottle of liquid smoke * 1/3 c. salt * 1 Tb. cardamon * 1 Tb. MSG * 1 Tb. marjoram * 1 1/2 Tb. pepper * 4 Tb. curing salt * 1 tsp. red pepper * 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1. Slice meat into 1/4” thick strips. 2. Combine ingredients and let meat marinate in it in the fridge to your preference. 3. Take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels. 4. Place on dehydrator trays and dehydrate to dehydrator’s directions OR place on foil on oven racks on lowest temp. with oven door propped open for ventilation. Cook to preference. Jerky should bend but not snap or be too chewy. Enjoy!

Colt’s BBQ Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds beef - flank or steak (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce * 1/2 cup of red wine vinegar * 1/4 cup of brown sugar * 1 cup of ketchup * 1/4 teaspoon of cracked black pepper * 1 teaspoon of onion powder * 1 teaspoon of salt * 2 teaspoon of dry mustard * A dash of hot pepper sauce

1. Slice beef 1/4” thick. 2. Mix ingredients to make the marinade. 3. Add beef, coat thoroughly, cover and marinate in fridge to your preference. 4. Rinse meat slices and pat dry with paper towel. 5. Dry in an electric dehydrator at 145 until pliable.



BBQ Smokehouse Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb Beef - brisket, loin tip or tenderloin * Garlic & Onion salt - to taste * BBQ sauce (without sugar)

1. Slice meat in about 1/4” thick strips. 2. Set oven at about 215 and put down foil over the racks. 3. Brush meat with sauce and sprinkle on the garlic and onion salt. 4. Layout the meat strips but don’t stack or let them touch. 5. Cook for about 7-8 hours, turning and brushing on more sauce as desired. 6. Keep oven door propped open for ventilation and jerky should bend but not snap or be too chewy. Enjoy!

Best BBQ Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 tablespoons of oil * 2 tablespoons of white sugar * 2 tablespoons of brown sugar * 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire * 2 tablespoons of ground ginger * 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar * 1/4 cup of onion - minced * 2/3 cup of ketchup * 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper * 1 teaspoon of garlic - minced * 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard * 1 teaspoon of liquid smoke * Dash of cayenne * 1 cup of beer (your preference) * 1 packet of Nesco/American Harvest jerky cure mix * 1 pound of beef

1. Freeze beef for 30 minutes and slice into 1/4” thick strips. 2. Mix together the sugars, oil, and onion in a hot pan, stir, reduce heat, and cook until onions caramelize. Add beer, simmer, cool and mix remaining ingredients together. Once thoroughly mixed or grinded, add meat. 3. Marinate to your preference covered in the refrigerator. 4. Remove and place in your dehydrator. Dry about 6-12 hours or to your preference. 5. Check jerky regularly, it should bend but not break or be too chewy. Enjoy!



BBQ Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 lb. beef - round or flank (or any meat type) * 1/3 c. red wine vinegar * 1/4 c. brown sugar * 1/2 c. ketchup * 1/4 tsp. red cayenne pepper * 1 tsp. salt * 1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard * 1 1/2 tsp. onion powder * 1/2 tsp. garlic powder * Vegetable cooking spray

1. Trim fat and cut meat into 1/4” thick strips. 2. Combine ingredients together in a large bowl and coat each strip. 3. Cover and place in refrigerator to marinate as long as you’d like. 4. Take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels. 5. Lay out foil on top of the oven racks and set oven on lowest temp. 6. When oven is ready, place meat strips right on top of the foil, keep oven door propped open and turn meat over after a couple of hours. Cook meat to your preference, check often and cook til pliable. Enjoy!

Beef Jerky A La Kenny Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of beef (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoon of brown sugar * 1/3 cup of Worcestershire * 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder * 2 1/3 teaspoon of ground black pepper * Liquid mesquite smoke

1. Slice meat and mix ingredients for marinade. 2. Combine thoroughly, cover and marinate in the fridge as long as you’d like. 3. Set oven to 200, layer racks with foil and lay strips on top of foil without touching. 4. Keep oven door propped open and let cook til pliable turning once. Enjoy!



Cranberry Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * *

2 lb. beef (or any meat type) 1 c. of light brown sugar 1 c. of cranberries - dried 1 c. of teriyaki marinade 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 1 tsp. white wine vinegar 2 tsp. of red pepper - crushed 2 tsp. of garlic granules

Directions: 1. Add all ingredients, except meat, into a bowl and mix well. 2. Cut meat into 1/4” thick slices and coat evenly in marinade. 3. Cover bowl and let sit in fridge to your preference. 4. Dehydrate on dehydrator or in oven at 200 degrees with door propped open. Check often and turn once. 5. Jerky is done when snaps back from bend without breaking. Enjoy!

Oriental Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1 1/2 tablespoons of fresh, minced ginger * 1 1/2 tablespoons of crushed red pepper * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Sesame oil * 4 1/2 tablespoons of honey * 4 1/2 tablespoons of dry sherry * 6 large minced garlic cloves

1. Cut meat anywhere between 1/8” - 1/4” thick strips. 2. Combine ingredients above and coat strips and leave in bowl, covered, over night in fridge. 3. Preheat over to lowest temp., line racks with foil and place strips on foil without touching. 4. Bake to your preference keeping the door open for ventilation. Enjoy!



Hawaiian Islands Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Sugar * 2 tablespoons of Hawaiian salt * 3/4 cups of Soy sauce * 1 piece of crushed ginger * 1 minced garlic clove * 1 crushed red chili pepper (optional)

1. Slice beef into 1/4 inch strips. 2. Combine ingredients for marinade. 3. Coat strips in marinade and let set in the marinade over night in the fridge, covered. 4. Set oven to lowest temp., and place meat on top of foil directly on top of the racks. Keep oven door ajar for ventilation and cook to preference. Enjoy!

Lemon Honey Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 1 minced garlic clove * 1 pinch of salt * 1 pinch of fresh ground black pepper * 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1/2 cup of honey * 4 tablespoons of lemon juice

1. Freeze meat for 30 minutes while you mix all the ingredients to make your marinade. Mix well. 2. Cut meat about 1/4 inches thick and coat in marinade. 3. Cover and let sit in fridge until desired marination has been reached. 4. Set oven to lowest temperature, cover racks in foil and place meat onto foil without touching. Be sure and keep the oven door ajar just a little bit for ventilation. Cook until jerky is pliable and enjoy!



Butter Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of beef (or any meat type) * 1/2 a stick of butter * 1/2 cup of catsup * 3/4 cup of honey * 1 tablespoon of vinegar * 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard * 2 tablespoons of brown sugar * 1 tablespoon of soy sauce * 1 pressed garlic clove * Dash of chili powder - to taste

1. Slice meat into strips of about 1/4” thick. 2. Mix ingredients and coat meat. 3. Let meat marinate in bowl, cover and refrigerate as long as you’d like. 4. Take out, rinse off thoroughly and pat dry with a couple of paper towels. 5. Lay out onto trays of dehydrator and dehydrate according to your dehydrator’s manual. Enjoy!

Honolulu Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of lean beef (or any meat type) * 1 garlic clove - crushed * 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 1 teaspoon of ground ginger * 1 teaspoon of salt * 1/4 cup of soy sauce * 1/4 cup of pineapple juice * 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

1. Cut meat up into slices about 1/4” - 1/8” thick. 2. Mix ingredients in a large bowl and thoroughly coat meat strips. 3. Leave in bowl, cover and let marinate in refrigerator to your own desired preference. 4. Take out, rinse off and pat dry. 5. Lay out on dehydrator trays, without touching, and dehydrate according to dehydrator’s instructions or until jerky is pliable. Enjoy!



Thai Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 1/2 pounds of beef - sirloin or round (or any meat type) * 1 1/2 cups of oil * 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds * 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar * 3 teaspoons of coriander seeds * 4 teaspoons of Thai light soy sauce (Aew Sai)

1. Cut meat 1/4 inches thick across the grain. 2. Roast the coriander and cumin seeds in a fry pan over low heat until fragrant, cool, and grind coarsely. 3. Mix up the ingredients and marinade the strips to desired preference in the fridge, covered. 4. Take out, rinse off (optional) and pat dry with a paper towel. 5. Line oven racks with foil, place meat on top of foil and set oven to lowest temp. with the door propped open for ventilation. 6. Cook to desired preference. Jerky should bend back if bent but not snap nor be too chewy. Enjoy!

Orange Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of beef (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon of brown sugar * 1 tablespoon of corn syrup * 1/4 cup of water * 1/2 cup of pulp-free orange juice * 2/3 cup bottled teriyaki marinade * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of liquid smoke * 1 teaspoon of salt/pound of meat * 1 teaspoon of onion powder * 1 teaspoon of soy sauce

1. Optional - freeze meat for 30 minutes to help with the slicing process. Cut meat into 1/4� thick strips. 2. Mix ingredients, coat strips, let stand in marinade, cover and refrigerate to desired preference. 3. Optional - take out, rinse off and pat dry with paper towels. 4. Lay out on dehydrator racks, without touching, and dehydrate according to manual. Enjoy!



Texas BBQ Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4 teaspoons of salt * 1 teaspoons of pepper * 1 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of onion powder * 3 drops liquid smoke * 1/2 cup of water * Texas BBQ Rub * 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type)

1. Freeze meat for 30 minutes but no more than that and slice into 1/8” thick strips. 2. Combine ingredients sprinkling on a good helping of Texas BBQ Rub, marinate strips of meat, cover and refrigerate over night. 3. Take out and wipe excess marinade off. 4. Let’s go ahead and use a smoker for this recipe. Have your wood chips bought ahead of time and set your smoker to the lowest temp. or around 200 keeping in mind you want to dry the meat, not cook it. You can either lay out your strips over the racks or stick toothpicks through one end and hang them, just depends on what type of smoker you have. Go ahead and smoke your meat for about 3-9 hours, checking periodically. You may want to cut that time short if you’re satisfied with your meat or have your temperature set higher, or you may want to dehydrate your strips a little longer than that, it’s your preference! Enjoy!



Spicy Thai Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 8 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 1 c. of beef stock * 4 Tb. of lime juice * 4 Tb. of fish sauce (nam pla) * 4 tsp. sugar * 1/2 c. of mint leaves (loosely packed) * 1/2 c. of shallots - thinly sliced * 4 Scallions; sliced in half lengthwise and cut into 1/4″ lengths * 2 fresh hot chili peppers seeded and chopped * 4 tsp. of pepper * 1 tsp. of cayenne pepper * 4 tsp. of liquid smoke * 1/2 c. of soy sauce

1. Trim fat and cut strips into 1/4 inch strips. 2. Bring sugar, lime juice, beef stock, and fish sauce to a boil over high heat. 3. Once to a boil, add mint, shallots, scallions and peppers. Cool and strain. 4. Combine the beef stock, other ingredients, meat and cover. Marinade overnight, turning meat periodically. 5. Line oven racks with foil, place meat on top, without touching, prop open oven door for ventilation and dry according to preference. Enjoy!



Caliente Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 8 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 2 tsp. of Cayenne pepper * 2 tsp. of Liquid smoke * 4 tsp. of Pepper * 4 tsp. of Chili powder * 4 tsp. of Garlic powder * 4 tsp. of Onion powder * 6 tsp. of Salt * 1/2 c. of Worcestershire * 3/4 c. of Soy sauce * 1 c. of Water

1. Trim all fat and cut into 1/4 inch slices. 2. Combine ingredients, add meat and cover. 3. Marinade in fridge overnight. 4. Remove from marinade, line a cookie sheet with foil and lay meat without touching. 5. Dry for 6 or more hours at 175 degrees making sure to turn after 3 hours and keeping oven door propped open for ventilation.

Caribbean Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 Tb. of Caribbean Jerk Seasoning * 1/4 c. of Soy Sauce * 3/4 c. of Worcestershire * 1/2 tsp. of Ground Black Pepper * 1/2 tbsp. of Crushed Red Pepper * 1/2 tsp. of Garlic Powder

1. Cut meat, trimming all fat, into about 1/4 inch strips. 2. Mix ingredients to make marinade, coat meat, cover and stick in the fridge for 5 hours. 3. Remove, rinse and pat dry with paper towels (optional). 4. Lay out on dehydrator racks and dry out according to dehydrator’s manual. Enjoy!



A-1 Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * *

3 pounds of Rump Roast Liquid Smoke A-1 Steak Sauce 2 quarts of Water 1 cup of Vinegar 2 cups of Salt 2 tablespoons of Pepper

Directions: 1. Slice roast as thin as possible removing all fat. 2. Boil about 6 minutes and roll out moisture. 3. Put on a cookie sheet in the oven on the lowest temp. (200) for about an hour or 2, check periodically. Prop open oven door for ventilation. 4. Coat meat with A-1 and Liquid Smoke and enjoy!

Kelly’s Surprise Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * *


1/4 c. of Cayenne pepper 1/4 c. of Water 1 c. of Soy sauce 4 oz. of Mesquite smoke 2-3 lb. of rump roast

Directions: 1. Have your butcher cut a 2 or 3 pound roast into strips as thin as bacon, trimming all fat. 2. Combine soy sauce, mesquite smoke & pepper in a gallon size Ziploc bag and let sit for about 2 hours. 3. Add meat and let sit for 5 - 10 mins. 4. Remove and lay out on dehydrator trays, without touching. 5. Open dehydrator vents 1/2 way and dehydrate according to instructions. Enjoy!


Bonfire Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 lb. beef (or any meat type) * 1/2 tsp. garlic powder * 1/2 tsp. onion powder * 1/2 tsp. pepper * 1/2 tsp. salt * 1 tsp. liquid smoke * 1/4 c. soy sauce * 1 Tb. A-1 Steak Sauce * 1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce

1. Be sure and trim all fat from meat when cutting into strips. 2. Marinate in mixture of ingredients, cover and let marinate in the fridge over night or to desired preference. 3. Line cookie sheet with foil and place strips out without touching each other. 4. Oven should be set on lowest temp., keeping the door propped open for ventilation. Check meat periodically turning once during process. Cook til pliable. Enjoy!

My Biltong Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/4 c. of Worcestershire * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1 c. of salt * 2 oz. of brown sugar * black pepper * chili spices or hot pepper flakes

1. Cut strips 2� wide & 1� thick. 2. Rub in salt with hand and let sit overnight. Dip a cloth in vinegar, wring dry and whip the meat. 3. You can either dehydrate the meat or hang the meat in a well ventilated and dry area or place in the oven on foil on the lowest temp. with the door propped open til jerky is pliable or to your liking. Enjoy!



Sweet & Spicy Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. beef (or any type of meat) * 1 Tb. of onion powder * 1 Tb. of garlic powder * 5 Tb. liquid smoke flavoring * 1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce * 1/4 c. teriyaki sauce * 1/3 c. balsamic vinegar * 1/2 c. pineapple juice * 1/2 c. brown sugar * 2/3 c. soy sauce * 1 tsp. red pepper flakes * 2 tsp. pepper

1. Season the meat with just a little of the garlic powder, pepper and onion powder. Reserve the remaining spices. 2. Cover and refrigerate. 3. Over medium heat, combine the soy, teriyaki and Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, liquid smoke & pineapple juice. Heat until the brown sugar dissolves completely. 4. Coat meat. Recover and refrigerate for another 3 hours. 5. Place meat on dehydrator racks, and sprinkle with rest of spices (and red pepper flakes if using). Dry for 5 hours, or to your desired dryness. Enjoy!

Organic Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds organic beef (or any other organic meat type) * 2 sliced garlic cloves * 2 tablespoons Soy sauce * 1 tablespoons Salt * 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce * 1 cup Water * 1 cup Corn whiskey * 1 teaspoon Ground red pepper

1. Cut meat into strips, trimming all fat. 2. Mix ingredients. 3. Coat meat, cover and refrigerate. 4. Place on foil on oven racks on 200 degrees with door propped open, turning once, until pliable. Enjoy!



Homestyle Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound beef (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce * 1/4 teaspoon Hickory salt * 1/4 cup Soy sauce * 1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder * 1/2 teaspoon Onion salt * 1 teaspoon Hot sauce * 1 teaspoon Black pepper

1. Cut meat into strips. 2. Combine ingredients, coat meat, cover and refrigerate to desired length of time. 3. Line oven racks with foil placing the strips on top of the foil, without touching, keeping the door propped open for ventilation on lowest temp. Cook until pliable or desired texture and taste. Enjoy!

Low Plains Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * *


1 lb. beef (or any meat type) 4 garlic cloves 1/4 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. soy sauce 1/2 c. Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon onion powder 2 tsp. ground dried red chile 2 tsp. pepper

Directions: 1. About an hour before you smoke your jerky, place the meat in the freezer for about half an hour to make cutting easier. 2. Cut into thin strips and marinade in your mixture of ingredients for as long as you’d like. 3. Prepare the smoker bringing the temperature to 200-220 degrees. 4. After marinating, put the meat on foil and place in the coolest part of smoker. 5. Cook 30- 45 minutes keeping a close watch. 6. Wrap the foil loosely over the meat and continue smoking for another 1 or so. Enjoy!


Modern Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef - round (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoons of parsley flakes * 1/2 cup of Worcestershire sauce * 1/4 teaspoon of Garlic powder * 1 teasoon of pepper and salt or to taste

1. Preheat oven to 200 and begin to cut your meat, whatever type of meat you decide to use, about 1/4 inches thick. 2. Next, combine your ingredients together to make the marinade for your strips. 3. Then you will want to coat each strip evenly and let all the strips sit in the bowl, covered, over night in the fridge. 4. The next day, remove and it’s optional but you can rinse and pat dry the excess marinade. 5. After, you will then want to either line your oven racks or a cookie sheet with foil and lay your strips down side by side without touching. 6. Oven should be on lowest temperature, turn meat once during your process, check periodically and cook til pliable. Enjoy!



1st Place Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/2 cup of dark soy * 1/4 teaspoon of powdered ginger * 1/4 teaspoon of Chinese fivespice powder * 1/2 teaspoon of Onion powder * 1/2 teaspoon of Garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of MSG (optional) * 3 lb of beef (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce

1. Trim fat and cut meat into slices of about 1/4” - 1/8” thick. 2. Mix ingredients, coat meat, leave in bowl, cover and refrigerate over night. 3. Remove, rinse, dry. 4. Oven - set oven on lowest temp., line cookie sheet with foil, place strips without touching, keep door propped open for ventilation and cook til pliable. 5. Dehydrator - line racks with meat, without touching, and dry according to dehydrator’s instructions. Enjoy!

Homemade Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of beef (or any meat type) * 1/2 teaspoon of sausage seasoning * 1/2 teaspoon of Salt * 1/2 teaspoon of Marjoram * 1/2 teaspoon of garlic salt * 1/2 teaspoon of Thyme * 1/2 teaspoon of lemon pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of Oregano * 1/2 teaspoon of Basil * 1 teaspoon of onion salt

1. Trim all fat and cut meat into strips of your liking. 2. Season both sides of meat, well, and let marinate for your desired length of preference. 3. Set oven on lowest temp., line racks or pan/cookie sheet with foil, lay meat, without touching and cook to your preference. Remember - keep oven door propped open for ventilation. Enjoy!



Original Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/2 lb. of beef (or any meat type) * 6 drops Liquid Smoke * 1/4 tsp. of Salt * 1/4 tsp. of Black Pepper * 1/3 tsp. of Garlic Powder * 1 tsp. of Accent * 1/4 c. of Worcestershire Sauce * 1/4 cup Water * 1/4 c. of Soy Sauce

1. Freeze meat for about 30 minutes to make slicing easier. Cut into 1/8� strips. 2. Mix ingredients, marinate, cover and place in fridge overnight or to desired length of time. 3. Place strips in a microwave roasting rack. Set microwave on high for 4 - 6 mins. After 4, add time in 30 second increments until desired consistency. Enjoy!

Original Smoked Beef Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


*1 *4 *1 *1 *1 *2 type)

1. After trimming all the fat, cut your meat into thin slices about 1/8� thick. 2. Combine ingredients and marinate meat. 3. Cover and keep the meat marinating in the fridge over night or til your desired time. 4. Loosely wrap the meat in foil and smoke until pliable. Enjoy!


Tb. cider vinegar Tb. pepper dash Worcestershire sauce dash hot sauce c. soy lb. of beef (or any meat



Super Scorchin’ Sticks Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 lbs. venison (or any meat type) * curing salt * salt * 1 Tb. cider vinegar * 1/4 c. red wine * 2 tsp. powdered red pepper * 1 tsp. chili powder * 2 tsp. black pepper * 1 tsp. red pepper flakes

1. Combine all ingredients and let sit in fridge for 24 hours. 2. Form into rolls by hand or with a jerky shooter and wrap up in foil. 3. Make a bunch of tiny holes in the foil with a fork and put sticks directly on rack to allow the grease to drain/ drip off. Remember to put something under the rack to catch the grease so you won’t have a mess! 4. Bake at 300 degrees for a little over an hour, cool and enjoy!

Salami Sticks Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pounds of ground meat * 1/4 cup of brown sugar * 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Morton’s Tender quick salt * 3/4 tablespoon of liquid smoke * A dash of red pepper

1. Mix all ingredients together, thoroughly. (Will make about 4 sticks) 2. Form your sticks and put in the fridge, uncovered, for about 24 hours. 3. Bake on wire rack for 60 minutes at 300 degrees. Enjoy!



Hawaiian Ground Deer Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 pounds ground venison * 5 teaspoons canning salt * 1 1/2 teaspoons Tender Quick® curing mix * 1/2 cup brown sugar * 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice * 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce * 2 cloves garlic, minced * 1 medium white onion, minced * 1 tablespoon black pepper

1. Combine the ground venison, canning salt and Tender Quick®, mixing thoroughly. Press the meat into a large cake pan, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Let the ground venison cure in the fridge for two more days, mixing twice a day. 2. When the venison is mixed for the last time, add the remaining ingredients, making sure that everything is completely mixed together. The best tools to do the mixing with are a pair of hands. Squishing, kneading and pressing do a better job than any spoon can. 3. To form it, the easiest way is to use a jerky shooter. Form it onto the racks of a dehydrator, or onto cookie sheets if you’re drying the meat in the oven. Set the oven to 155-160 degrees Fahrenheit, or as close as you can get. It will take four to six hours to dry the cured venison jerky.



Ground Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 pounds of ground venison * 2 tablespoons canning salt * 1 1/2 teaspoons of Tender Quick® curing mix * 1 large white onion, or 2 medium onions, minced finely * 1 clove garlic, finely minced * 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce * 1/4 cup corn syrup * 1 tablespoon black pepper

1. Combine the ground venison, canning salt and Tender Quick®, mixing thoroughly. Press the meat into a large cake pan, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Let the ground venison cure in the fridge for two more days, mixing twice a day. 2. When the venison is mixed for the last time, add the remaining ingredients, making sure that everything is completely mixed together. The best tools to do the mixing with are a pair of hands. Squishing, kneading and pressing do a better job than any spoon can. 3. To form it, the easiest way is to use a jerky shooter. Form it onto the racks of a dehydrator, or onto cookie sheets if you’re drying the meat in the oven. Set the oven to 155-160 degrees Fahrenheit, or as close as you can get. It will take four to six hours to dry the cured venison jerky.



Teriyaki Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 10 ounces of Soy Sauce * 1 cup of Brown Sugar * 1 cup of Burgundy Wine * 1/2 teaspoon of Garlic Powder * 1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of Onion Powder * 1 teaspoon of Salt * 1 teaspoon of Pepper * 2 teaspoons of Liquid Smoke (use 2 if Dehydrator/ 1 if smoking)

1. Cut meat into strips. 2. Make marinade. 3. Coat meat, cover and let sit in fridge. 4. Smoke meat anyway you like, in or out of foil, until pliable or to your liking. Enjoy!

Volcanic Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 lb. of venison (or any meat type) * 1/2 tsp. of garlic powder * 1/2 tsp. of pepper * 1/2 tsp. of salt * 1/2 tsp. of onion powder * 1 tsp. of liquid smoke * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1 Tb. of A-1 * 1 Tb. of Worcestershire sauce

1. Before cutting meat, you may want to freeze for about 30 minutes to make slicing easier. 2. Go ahead and cut your meat into strips about 1/4� - 1/8� thick strips or to your liking. 3. Combine ingredients for marinade, soak meat, cover and let marinade in the fridge. 4. Remove, lay strips out on foil, put in the oven which should be set on the lowest temp., with the door propped open until pliable. Enjoy!



Traditional Native Venison Jerky Ingredients:


* 1 lb. of venison (or any meat type) * pepper & salt to taste

1. Salt and pepper the meat and hang over peeled willow poles to dry in the sun. 2. Make a small chip fire far below the hanging meat and leave it for a day or two, checking periodically. 3. Remember, you’re not cooking the meat, you’re just dehydrating it. Cook to your liking. Enjoy!

Spicy Deer Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of venison (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce * 2 tablespoons of Vinegar * 1 tablespoon of Salt * 1 teaspoon of red pepper * 2 sliced cloves of garlic * 2 teaspoons of Cayenne pepper * 1 cup of Water

1. Cut meat intro strips. 2. Mix ingredients. 3. Marinade meat, covered, in fridge over night. 4. Place on foil in 200 degree oven with the door propped open until pliable. Enjoy!



Smokerless Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of venison (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon of pepper * 1/4 cup of Soy sauce * 1/3 cup of Lea & Perrins * 1 teaspoon of Onion powder * 1 teaspoon of Salt * 1 teaspoon of Garlic powder

1. Slice your strips. 2. Mix ingredients. 3. If marinating for over an hour, cover and stick in the fridge. 4. Set oven to lowest temperature and line racks or pan with foil. 5. Lay out meat, without touching, and stick in the oven leaving the door propped open for ventilation. 6. Dry meat until pliable. Enjoy!

Vacation Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4 pounds of venison (or any meat type) * 1 cup of Barbecue sauce * 2 tablespoon of Liquid smoke * 1 teaspoon of Chili powder * 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce * And just a few grains of cayenne pepper

1. Cut meat into strips of your liking. 2. Combine ingredients and marinate meat in the fridge over night. 3. Dehydrator - go accordingly to your dehydrator’s manual. 4. Oven: Set oven to lowest temp., lay out on foil over racks and keep door propped open for ventilation.



Deer Burger Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of ground venison (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoons of sugar * 2 tablespoons of curing salt * 2 tablespoons of Liquid Smoke * 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper * 1/4 teaspoon of celery salt * 1/2 teaspoon of mustard powder * 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder * 1/2 teaspoon of ground oregano * 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of pepper

1. Preheat oven to lowest temperature and cut your meat into slices. 2. Mix ingredients and marinate meat for an hour or longer, covered, in the fridge if you’d like. 3. Lay the strips out on foil over the oven racks, keep the the door propped open, and cook til pliable. Enjoy!

Doug & Angie’s Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 lb. of venison (or any meat type) * 1 bottle of Liquid Smoke * 1/4 c. of seasoned salt * 1/3 c. of dry onion powder * 1/2 c. of pepper * 2 Tb. of garlic powder * 1 dash of lemon pepper * 1 dash of cayenne pepper * 1 dash of paprika

1. After cutting meat into strips, mix ingredients thoroughly. 2. Marinate meat for an hour, covered in liquid smoke, or cover and stick in fridge if you want to marinate longer than an hour. 3. Lay meat out on racks, without touching, and cook to your dehydrator’s instructions. Enjoy!



White-Tail Deer Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * *

6 1 1 1 2 2 3 8 2

lbs ground venison tsp. cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom 1/2 tsp. curing salt tsp. garlic powder tsp. pepper tsp. accent seasoning tsp. salt Tb. liquid smoke

Directions: 1. Make your meat strips. 2. Combine ingredients. 3. Marinate, covered, in fridge for 3 days. 4. Place in dehydrator and enjoy!

Chinese Water Deer Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 1/2 pounds of venison (or any meat type) * 1/2 teaspoon of pepper * 1 tablespoon of salt * 1 tablespoon of onion powder * 1 tablespoon of sugar

1. Set oven on lowest temp. while you cut your meat into strips. 2. Combine ingredients for marinade and coat your strips. 3. If marinating for over an hour, cover and let sit in the fridge. 4. Lay out on foil and set on top of oven rack without touching and cook til pliable. Enjoy! **Keep oven door propped open for ventilation



Santa’s Reindeer Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* * * *

1 teaspoon of liquid smoke 1 tablespoon of brown sugar 3/4 cup of soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon of ginger - grat-

* 1/2 teaspoon of garlic minced * 1/2 teaspoon of pepper * 1 teaspoon of salt * 1 pound of venison (or any meat type)

Directions: 1. Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak across grain, about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Mix all ingredients together with the exception of the strips. Allow the ingredients at least 15 minutes for flavors to blend. 3. Add strips. Marinate at least one hour. For longer time, place in the refrigerator in a covered container or an air-tight plastic bag. Remove from marinade and place in your dehydrator until dry. 4. Refrigerate for long-term storage.

Vanishing Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. venison roast (or any meat type) * 1 Tb. ketchup * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 4 Tb. Worcestershire sauce * 4 Tb. soy sauce * 1/4 tsp. pepper * 1/4 tsp. onion salt * 1/4 tsp. garlic powder * 1/2 tsp. salt

1. Cutting the meat into 1” wide and 1/8” thick strips, be sure and trim all fat. 2. In a ziploc, mix ingredients. 3. Dump in the meat, close and shake up coating each piece. 4. Refrigerate overnight but move the bag/marinade around occasionally. 5. Preheat oven to 160 degrees and lay out strips on foil without touching and dry out anywhere from 6-8 hours, or to your preference, with the oven door propped open for ventilation. Enjoy!



Original Venison Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lb. venison (or any meat type) * 1/2 tsp. pepper * 1 tsp. hot pepper sauce * 1 1/2 tsp. barbeque seasoning * 2 tsp. MSG * 2 tsp. hickory liquid smoke * 2 tsp. water * 2 tsp. curing salt * 2 tsp. garlic powder * 2 1/2 tsp. salt

1. Slice meat and mix ingredients. 2. Coat meat, cover and let sit in the fridge over night. 3. Remove and blot off excess marinade. 4. Line dehydrator racks with meat, without touching, and dry jerky to your preference or, if you need help, according to your dehydrator’s instructions. Enjoy!




Cranberry Thanksgiving Turkey Jerky Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of turkey (or any meat type) * fresh cranberries * brown sugar or regular sugar * an orange * water * salt & pepper (optional)

1. Before you touch your ingredients, go ahead and cut your meat into slices about 1/4” thicks. 2. Next, you can either chop up your cranberries in a blender or food processor to make more juice or line the bottom of a cake pan with the cranberries and smash them with a fork adding just a little water. 3. After you have done that, lay your strips on top of the cranberry juice and salt and pepper both sides, if you like, you do not have to season at all if you’d like to maintain more of the sweet taste. 4. Go ahead and sprinkle on your sugar but not too much if you don’t have much of a sweet tooth and squeeze that orange to zest your meat strips with a light orange flavor. Turn strips over if you’d like to zest both sides. 5. Let marinate in the fridge for as long as you’d like, flipping the meat strips ever so often to soak in that juicy cranberry flavor! 6. Once you have let it sit to your preference, set your oven on the lowest temperature and transfer that cake pan from the fridge to the oven, leaving the door propped open for ventilation. Dehydration takes anywhere from 3-9 hours in an oven but check periodically. Take out if you like it more chewy or leave in longer if you like it more crispy! Hope you enjoy this great Thanksgiving appetizer!



Allegro Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 bottle of Allegro Marinade Original * 1 bottle of Szechuan Hot & Spicy * 1 Tb. crushed red pepper * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 1/4 c. Worcestershire * 1/4 c. soy * 1/2 tsp. pepper blend * 1/2 tsp. cumin * 1/2 tsp. black pepper * 1/2 tsp. onion salt

1. Mix ingredients to make your marinade and let sit until everything dissolves. 2. While your marinade is sitting, go ahead and cut up your meat into strips. If you’re having a hard time, freeze your meet for about 30 minutes and try again. 3. Go ahead and marinate your meat and let it marinate as long as you prefer. 4. Place on your dehydrator racks, without touching, for about 5-9 hours at about 140 degrees. Be sure and check periodically. Everyone likes their jerky differently so, length of dry time is up to you. Enjoy!

Twisted Teriyaki Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 tsp. of spice powder * 1/4 c. of rice wine OR semi-dry sherry * 1/2 c. brown sugar * 1 c. of soy sauce * 2 Tb. minced garlic * 3 Tb. chopped green onion * 3 Tb. of fresh minced ginger

1. Combine all ingredients together and heat on low until the sugar is completely dissolved. 2. Once cool, marinate your meat, cover and place in the fridge for up to 4 hours. If you’re doing shrimp, you only have to allow about 30 minutes. 3. Dehydrate accordingly to dehydrator instructions. Enjoy!



Thunder Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lb. of turkey (or any meat type) * 1 crushed garlic clove * 1 tsp. of honey * 1 tsp. of ground black pepper * 2 tsp. of onion powder * 2 tsp. of salt * ½ c. of juice - pineapple * ¼ c. of juice - orange * ½ c. of wine - red * 1 Tb. of ground ginger * 2 Tb. of soy sauce * 5 Tb. of brown sugar

1. Mix ingredients and add meat. 2. Cover and refrigerate for approximately 12 - 18 hours. 3. Uncover, take out and pat dry with paper towels. 4. Cook at 175 degrees, turn meat after 3 hours and take out anywhere from 5 - 6 hours.

Turkey Burger Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of whole breast turkey (or any meat type) * 2 tablespoon of tomato paste * 1 teaspoon of garlic powder * 2 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast

1. Preheat oven to lowest temp. then proceed to slice the turkey into uniform strips (1/4 inch thickness). 2. Mix ingredients, marinade meat making sure to coat both sides evenly and stick in the fridge to marinate as long as you’d like, turning or stirring occasionally. 3. Remove and you can decide to either rinse and pat dry the excess marinade or leave it on there and go straight to the foil. 4. Line a cookie sheet with foil and place the strips without touching. Stick in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees, leaving the door propped open for ventilation, to your preference. Dehydrate for 8 to 10 hours and Enjoy!



Ground Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* Salt to sprinkle * 1 tablespoon of white sugar * 1 tablespoon of grated lemon peel * 1 tablespoon of olive oil * 2 tablespoons of lemon juice * 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce * 2 tablespoons of grated onion * 1/2 teaspoon of liquid smoke * 1/4 teaspoon of Tabasco * 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic * 1 teaspoon of pepper * 1 teaspoon of salt * 2 teaspoons of paprika * 1 pound of ground turkey (or any meat type)

1. Cut meat into 1/8� strips or a little bigger. 2. Mix ingredients for marinade. 3. Coat meat and let sit for an hour. Anything over an hour needs to be covered and put in the fridge to your desired length of time. 4. Remove and lay on dehydrator racks without touching and dry to dehydrator’s instructions. Enjoy!



Combo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. of turkey, chicken breast and fish * Salt and pepper - your preference * 1 minced onion * 1 minced clove of garlic * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1 Tb. of Dijonnaise * 1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce * 1 Tb. of Louisiana hot sauce * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 3 Tb. of brown sugar * 3 Tb. of catsup

1. Cut meat into strips. (freeze for 30 mins. before to make slicing easier if necessary). 2. Mix ingredients and coat meat evenly. If you’d like to marinate over an hour, you will need to either leave the meat in or out of the marinade but cover it and stick the strips in the fridge for however long you’d like. 3. Oven - foil a cookie sheet and lay down strips, without touching each other, keeping the door propped open for ventilation cook until desired preference. 4. Dehydrator - lay out strips onto racks, without touching, and dry for as long as your dehydrator’s instructions advise or to your own preference. Enjoy!



Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 Tb. of liquid smoke * 4 Tb. of sugar * 1/2 c. of soy sauce * 2 tsp. of grated ginger * 1 minced clove of garlic * 2 lb. of turkey (or any meat type)

1. Mix together the marinade and coat each piece of thinly sliced turkey strips. 2. Let sit in marinade for 6-12 hours, or to your preference, covered in the fridge. 3. Lay out strips on racks of dehydrator and dry to preference flipping once and checking occasionally. Enjoy!

Texas Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 turkey breast (or any meat type) * 2 Tb. of brown sugar * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1/2 c. of water * 1/2 tsp. of onion powder * 1/2 tsp. of garlic powder * 1 tsp. of black pepper * 2 tsp. of Worcestershire sauce

1. Remove the fat and skin, place in freezer for half an hour, remove and slice into strips. 2. Combine ingredients, coat strips, cover and let marinate in fridge to your preference. 3. Place the marinade and meat into a pot, and let simmer until 160 degrees is reached and preheat the oven to 150. 4. Drain, pat dry and lay the slices out on the oven racks. 5. Cook for 3-6 hours leaving the oven door propped open for ventilation. 6. After about a couple of hours, check a piece. Jerky should bend but not snap but not be too chewy. Enjoy!



12th Man Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pound of turkey breast (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon of lemon juice * 1/4 cup of Soy sauce * 1/8 teaspoon of ginger * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 1/4 teaspoon of dried garlic powder

1. Cutting into strips of about 1/8 1/4 inches thick, be sure and trim all fat. 2. After combining ingredients, coat strips thoroughly and evenly on both sides. 3. Let marinate, if marinating over an hour, cover the strips and place in the fridge. 4. Remove and you can rinse and pat dry excess marinade or go straight to the racks, your choice. 5. Lay out the strips, without having them touch and set dehydrator and dry according to your the instructions from your dehydrator. Enjoy!

Tasteful Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 6 Tb. of teriyaki sauce * 1 Tb. of brown sugar * 1 tsp. of hickory salt * 1 lb. skinless, boneless turkey breast (or any meat type)

1. Combine ingredients in a bag, shake to mix up, add meat and shake again. 2. Let meat sit to marinate to your preference. 3. Lay out the meat on your dehydrator racks and let dry for about 7-9 hours. Enjoy!



Original Turkey Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 Tb. liquid smoke * 1 Tb. onion powder * 2 Tb. soy sauce * 1/3 c. Worcestershire sauce * 1/4 tsp. Tabasco * 1 tsp. kosher salt * 1 1/2 tsp. mesquite flavored liquid * 2 tsp. garlic powder * 2 tsp. brown sugar * 1 lb. turkey (or any meat type)

1. In a ziploc bag, combine ingredients and shake well before adding meat. 2. Add meat and let sit in the frige for 12-20 hours or overnight. 3. Remove and pat off excess marinade. 4. Place strips on dehydrator racks. Dehydrate until jerky is leathery but won’t snap went bent. Enjoy!




Teriyaki Tuna Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * *

2 teaspoons of grated ginger 1/2 cup of soy sauce 3/4 cup of teriyaki sauce 1 minced garlic clove 4 tablespoons of sugar 2 pounds of fresh, raw tuna

Directions: 1. Cut strips about 1/8” thick, 1” wide, and about 3”+ long. 2. Marinate for about 5 hours. 3. Dry for 2 hours at 145 then down to 130 until jerky texture is to your preference. (Be sure to soak up the oil that will come out of the fish so it can dry properly)

Combo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. of turkey, chicken breast and fish * Salt and pepper - your preference * 1 minced onion * 1 minced clove of garlic * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1 Tb. of Dijonnaise * 1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce * 1 Tb. of Louisiana hot sauce * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 3 Tb. of brown sugar * 3 Tb. of catsup

1. Cut meat into strips. (freeze for 30 mins. before to make slicing easier if necessary). 2. Mix ingredients and coat meat evenly. If you’d like to marinate over an hour, you will need to either leave the meat in or out of the marinade but cover it and stick the strips in the fridge for however long you’d like. 3. Oven - foil a cookie sheet and lay down strips, without touching each other, keeping the door propped open for ventilation cook until desired preference. 4. Dehydrator - lay out strips onto racks, without touching, and dry for as long as your dehydrator’s instructions advise or to your own preference. Enjoy!



Salmon Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * *

1 c. beer 1 tsp. garlic salt 1 tsp. soy sauce 1 tsp. salt Tabasco (optional) 1 Tb. pepper 1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce

Directions: 1. Cut meat about an inch wide. 2. Marinate for 3 hours, covered in the fridge. 3. Place on smoker in or out of foil to your preference. Enjoy!

Flavorful Fish Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * 3/4 c. salt * 1 1/2 qt. water * curing salt


Directions: 1. Slice fish into strips. 2. Let marinate and cure for an hour. 3. Lay out in dehydrator racks or on top of foil in the oven on the lowest temperature. Check periodically and cook to preference. Enjoy!


Original Fish Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* Fish with skin * 16 ounces Yoshida’s Gourmet Sauce * 16 ounces beer - your preference

1. After making strips, make your marinade. 2. Let marinate as long as you’d like. 3. Place fillets skin-side down on smoker (If 3/8’ thick, smoke for 6-8 hours. If thinner, smoke less, if thicker, smoke more.)




Super Spicy Elk Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 lbs of Trimmed Elk Meat * 20 shakes Worcestershire sauce * 20 shakes Frank’s red hot sauce * 20 shakes teriyaki sauce * 1 tablespoon of mint sauce * 2 tablespoons of steak sauce (Lea & Perrins) * 2 tablespoons of seasoned meat tenderizer * 2 tablespoons of molasses * 3 tablespoons of brown sugar * 3 tablespoons of Caribbean jerk seasoning * 1/8 cup of garlic salt * 1/8 cup of onion salt * 1/4 cup of ground cayenne pepper * 1 teaspoon of dried mint crushed * 1 bottle Allegro hot & spicy marinade

1. Cut meat into strips. 2. Combine ingredients and coat strips evenly. 3. Let marinade to your preference over overnight to a sure bet! 4. Oven roast for 6-8 hours with the oven door cracked open to let moisture out. 5. Place on dehydrator racks, without touching, on the lowest temp. for 5 hours or to your preference. Jerky should be bendable but shouldn’t snap or be too chewy. Enjoy!



Nebraska Elk Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 chopped onion * 1/3 cup of Worcestershire * 5 teaspoons of ground black pepper * 5 teaspoons of salt

1. Slice meat into 1/4� thick strips. 2. Combine all ingredients together. 3. Marinade strips for 12-24 hrs, covered up in your fridge. 4. Dry in the oven at at 125 to 135 degrees for 6 - 10 hours, remembering to leave the open door open a bit to release moisture. Enjoy!

EZ Elk Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 teaspoons of ground black pepper * 5 teaspoons of salt * 1/4 cup of brown sugar * 1 cup of red wine vinegar * 1 1/2 cup of soy sauce

1. Cut meat into 1/8� thick strips. 2. Mix ingredients to make your marinade and let marinade in the fridge, covered, over night or to your own preference. 3. Set oven at 120 to 130 degrees for 7 to 9 hours, or to preference, leaving oven door ajar just a little bit for ventilation. Enjoy!




Mrs. Butterworth’s Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 pounds of buffalo (or any meat type) * 1 teaspoon of liquid garlic * 2 quarts of water * 1 cup of curing salt * 2 cups of Mrs. Butterworth’s (your choice) * 4 tablespoons of pepper

1. Trim fat and cut into strips. 2. Make marinade and let meat marinade for 6 - 12 hours, or to your preference. 3. Rinse off and pat dry with paper towels. 4. Sprinkle on more seasonings. 5. Smoke on lowest temp. for 6 - 10 hours or to your preference. Enjoy!

Patriot’s Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds of meat * 3 bay leaves, broken into piec* * * * * *


2 teaspoons of liquid smoke 1/4 teaspoon of pepper 1 Tablespoon of seasoned salt 1/2 cup of lemon juice 1/4 cup of drained onions 1/4 cup of brown sugar

Directions: 1. Combine ingredients and pour over meat strips. 2. Cover and refrigerate overnight. 3. Remove and pat dry on paper towels. 4. Place in a 150 degree oven for at least 12 hours. 5. Turn over once during the drying. 6. The oven door should be left open just a little to allow the moisture to flow freely.


5 Gold Stars Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of meat * 1/4 cup of honey * 1/2 cup of soy sauce * 1 tablespoon of grated ginger * 1 1/2 tablespoons of red pepper flakes * 6 minced garlic clove

1. Slightly freeze and then cut meat into 1/4” thick strips, trimming all fat as you go. 2. Mix ingredients and let meat marinate overnight. 3. Dry according to your dehydrator’s instructions or in oven on lowest temperature with the door slightly open for ventilation.

OR * 30 grinds of freshly ground black pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of liquid smoke * 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire * 1 teaspoon of sesame oil * 1 teaspoon of onion powder

Kenny’s Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * *


1 pound of meat 1/4 cup of lemon juice 1/2 cup of soy sauce 1/2 cup of honey 1 teaspoon of onion powder 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper 2 large garlic cloves - crushed

Directions: 1. After firming meat in the freezer for about half an hour, trim fat and slice into strips about 1/4” - 1/8” thick. 2. Mix ingredients and let meat marinate in fridge for a few hours. 3. Bake at 180 degrees for 12 hours or until jerky is bendable without breaking but being too chewy. Enjoy!


Angie’s Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


*5 *1 *1 mon *1 *1 *1 *2 *3 fresh *1 *3

1. Slice meat into 1/4� thick strips. 2. Mix ingredients and marinate strips for as long as you want in the fridge. 3. Put in oven on warmest temp. for about 11 - 12 hour. Remember to leave the oven door slightly open for ventilation.

pounds meat ounce liquid smoke teaspoon cardamon - cinnateaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon

Marjoram cayenne pepper garlic powder accent a.k.a. fruit

tablespoon curing salt tablespoons salt

Caribbean Buffalo Jerky Recipe Directions: Ingredients: * * * * * * * * * * * * *


3 lbs. of lean meat 1/4 c. of scallions - chopped 1/4 c. of juice - pineapple 1/4 c. of vinegar - white 1/2 c. of water 1/2 tsp of onion powder 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper 1 tsp of mustard 1 tsp. dried thyme 1 tsp of black pepper 1 tsp. dried basil 1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. of hot sauce - Caribbean

1. Mix ingredients for the marinade and begin to add your meat. 2. Cover and let the meat marinate in the frige for 12 - 17 hours. 3. Pat dry with paper towels and cook meat at 175 degrees. 4. Turn meat after 2 hours or once the meat stops dripping and take out anywhere from 4 - 6 hours.


Buffalo Cider Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 cups salt * 1 cup brown sugar * 1 cup cider (if you can’t get cider, cut back to half cup of sugar and use apple juice) * 1 teaspoon cloves * 1 teaspoon black pepper * ½ teaspoon garlic powder * 2 quarts water

1. Mix it all in a large pot and bring to rolling boil. Don’t overload the pot. Make two or three batches if needed. 2. Leave the meat in until about one minute after the rolling boil returns. 3. Pat dry and dry according to your dehydrator’s instructions.

Low Sodium Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lb. of buffalo (or any meat type) * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 3 peeled and smashed garlic clove * 1 tsp. of curing salt * 1 tsp. of black pepper * 2 tsp. of red pepper flakes * 2 tsp. of onion powder * 2 tsp. of chili powder * 3 tsp. of brown sugar * 1 Tb. of liquid smoke * 2 Tb. of Worcestershire

1. Slice the meat about 1/4” thick up to 1/8”. Freezing before for about 30 mins may make cutting easier. 2. Mix ingredients for marinade and let the meat marinate for as long as you want, the longer the better. 3. Bake strips on the lowest temperature on top of a big piece of foil directly on top of the oven rack. 4. Once meat stops dripping, turn over, but don’t allow the strips to touch. 5. Let cook for a good 10 hours or until you think the jerky is done which would be bendable but won’t snap. Enjoy!



Kid’s Favorite Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * *


5 tsp. salt 3 tsp. curry powder 5 tsp. black pepper 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 3 tsp. ground ginger 1/4 tsp. ground cloves 1/2 tsp. cumin 4 cloves pressed garlic 1 cup cream sherry

Directions: 1. Mix all of the ingredients together that are listed in the recipes and then marinade for 12-24 hrs. 2. All the ingredients can be adjusted to taste. 3. Cover tightly and marinate in refrigerator overnight or from 6 to 12 hours. 4. Remove from marinade and let dry on a rack. Line a cookie sheet with foil and arrange meat on it in a single layer. Or place meat directly on oven racks, line bottom of oven with foil. Or on rack in shallow pan Dry for 6 or more hours at 175, turning after 3 hours. Continue to dry in warm oven if necessary. Gas ovens with pilot lights work especially well. Cool and bag it.


Southern BBQ Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound very lean round or flank steak * 4 tablespoons soy sauce * 4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce * 1 tablespoon ketchup * 1/4 teaspoon pepper (more pepper for hotter jerky) * 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder * 1/4 teaspoon onion salt * 1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak across grain, about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Combine everything in large bowl. Marinate meat 1 hour with sauce in refrigerator, then drain in colander. Place meat on cookie sheets to dry. 3. For fastest drying do not overlap meat and turn at least once during drying. Dry in 145C-degree oven for 8 to 10 hours on cookie sheets. It is ready when it bends like a green willow without breaking. 4. Refrigerate for long-term storage.

Badgirl BBQ Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound Tenderloin; 1/8� to 1/4� * Barbecue sauce without sugar * Onion salt; to taste * Garlic salt; to taste

1. Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak across grain, about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Set oven at 220 and line cookie sheets with foil. 3. Brush one side of meat with sauce. Put slices on cookie sheet; DO NOT STACK. Sprinkle lightly with onion and garlic salts. Cook for 8-9 hours. 4. Turn meat after six hours of cooking and brush with sauce. Cool and store in a tightly covered jar or sealed in a plastic bag.



Classic Hawaiian Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * *

1 lb Lean meat, thinly sliced 1 ts Salt 1 ts Ground ginger 1 Tb Brown sugar 1/4 ts Pepper 1/8 ts Cayenne pepper 1 Crushed garlic clove 1/4 c Pineapple juice 1/4 c Soy sauce

Directions: 1. Slice meat to be 3/16-1/4 in thick. 2. In a small glass bowl, combine all ingredients except meat. Stir to mix well. 3. Place meat 3-4 layers deep in a container, spooning sauce mixture over each layer. Cover tightly and marinate 6-12 hours in the refrigerator stirring occasionally. 4. Layout on trays and put the trays in a dehydrator for 24 to 36 hours.

Hot Teriyaki Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lbs Buffalo Sirloin * 6 tablespoons of course rock salt * 3 tablespoons of black pepper * 1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper * 1 teaspoon garlic powder * 1 teaspoon onion powder * 6 oz. molasses * 6 oz. teriyaki sauce * 6 oz. soy sauce * 3 oz. A1 Bold and Spicy * a few dash’s of your favorite hot sauce

1. Trim and slice the meet to your liking and set aside. 2. Mix all remaining ingredients in a large plastic bowl. 3. The mixture will be a little gritty, but keep mixing until you’re satisfied that all of the dry ingredients (except the rock salt) are being absorbed. 4. Add the meat and mix until all meet is at least glazed over. 5. Top with water until all meat is completely submerged. 6. Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours, but no longer than 18 hours. Conventional Oven @ 175 degrees for 6 hours, turn meat over every three hours.



Bumpin’ Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * *

3 lb raw meat 2 ts Ground oregano 2 ts Salt 3/4 c Vinegar 2 lg Onions,finely chopped 2 Cloves garlic, mashed 1/2 ts Course black pepper 1 t Liquid Smoke

Directions: 1. Mix all ingredients to make marinade. 2. Soak meat in marinade 24 hours. 3. Remove meat from marinade and place in oven or smoker for 7-8 hours at about 150- 200 4. degrees. It’s done when meat has turned brown, feels hard and is dry to the touch.

Blaine’s Buffalo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 lbs. Buffalo Sirloin Tip Roast * 1 tsp liquid smoke * 1/3 tsp garlic powder * 1/4 C soy sauce * 1/2 tsp pepper * 1 tsp onion powder * 1/4 C Worcestershire sauce

1. Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak across grain, about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Combine ingredients and marinate overnight in refrigerator. Turn occasionally. 3. Drain well on paper towels, pat dry. Lay on an oven rack. Do NOT overlap. Place a cookie sheet on lower oven rack to catch drips. 4. Roast at 125 to 140 degrees for 8 to 10 hours. Leave oven door slightly ajar. Let cool down.




So Spicy Ostrich Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


*6 type) *1 *1 *1 *2 *2 *8 *3 *2

1. Cut meat into strips of about 1/4 inches thick. They can be thicker or thinner, your preference and as long as you want. Meat tends to shrink just a little when heated. 2. Mix all ingredients and marinate meat in the fridge, covered, for 2 days or to your preference, mixing around periodically. 3. Lay out on dehydrator racks on lowest temperature and cook anywhere from half a day to an entire day. It’s all up to you and how you prefer your jerky! Enjoy!

lb. ostrich (or any meat tsp. cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom 1/2 tsp. curing salt tsp. garlic powder tsp. pepper tsp. table salt tsp. Accent seasoning Tb. liquid smoke

Too Good 2B True Teriyaki Ostrich Jerky Ingredients:


* * * * * per * * * *

1. Slice meat into 3/8� strips, trimming all fat. 2. Combine ingredients for marinade and coat meat thoroughly. 3. Dehydrate or smoke on lowest temp. for anywhere between 6-12 hours, depending how you like your jerky. Jerky should be bendable but not snap or be too chewy/crispy, unless you like it like that, of coarse! Enjoy!


10 ounce bottle of Soy Sauce 1 cup of Brown Sugar 1 cup of Burgundy Wine 1/2 teaspoon of Garlic Powder 1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pep1/2 teaspoon of Onion Powder 1 teaspoon of Salt 1 teaspoon of Pepper 2 teaspoon of Liquid Smoke


Old Ostrich Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 10-15 lbs. of ostrich (or any meat) * 1 tsp. garlic powder1 tsp. pepper * 1 tsp. ginger * 1 tsp. liquid smoke * 1 tsp. Cajun ( luzianne or creole ) * 1.5 tsp. Tabasco * 2 tsp. onion powder * 1/2 c. soy sauce * 1/2 c. Worcestershire * 1/2 c. teriyaki * 1/2 c. hot water * 1 c. dry red wine * 1 c. salt * 2 c. brown sugar * Dash of orange juice

1. Combine ingredients and put in your meat, slice into strips and let set in brine for 1 or 2 days. 2. Use 2 pans of apple or cherry chips and smoke for 8 hours, check and turn after 5 hours. Smoke longer if you’d like.

Only Ostrich Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds of ostrich (or any meat) * 5 teaspoons of salt * 20 teaspoons of pepper * 4 cubes of beef bullion

1. Combine your 3 ingredients. 2. Marinade your meat anywhere from 12-24 hours. It’s to your preference. 3. Set oven to a temp. of about 125 to 135 degrees for 6 to 10 hours, or to your preference. Keep oven door ajar for ventilation and cook jerky until it is bendable but doesn’t snap or is too chewy/crispy. Enjoy!



Oh My Ostrich Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* * * * * ger * *

1. Mix your ingredients and marinade your meat strips at least 2 hours, covered, in the fridge. 2. Dry in oven at 125 degrees for 6 to 8 hours, or to your preference. Remember to keep the oven door cracked to release moisture. Enjoy!


4 teaspoons of pepper 4 teaspoons of salt 1.5 teaspoons of chili powder 1.5 teaspoons of turmeric 1.5 teaspoons of ground gin1.5 teaspoons of ground cumin 2 tablespoons of coriander



On the Bayou Alligator Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 10 lbs. of alligator (or any meat type) * 1/2 sm. bottle onion salt * 1/2 sm. bottle hot sauce * 1/2 sm. bottle liquid smoke * 1/8 c. lemon juice * 1/8 c. Cayenne pepper * 6 oz. Soy sauce * 10 oz. Worcestershire sauce

1. Cut strips and mix ingredients. 2. Marinade meat as long as you’d like. If over an hour, cover the meat and put it in the fridge. 3. Dehydrate according to instructions. Enjoy!

Sweet & Sticky Alligator Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 5 lb. Alligator (or any meat type) * 1/2 c. molasses or brown sugar * 1 c. curing salt * 2 qt. water * 1 tsp. liquid garlic * 4 Tb. pepper

1. After trimming all the fat, cut into strips. 2. Marinate overnight in the fridge, covered up. 3. Smoke anyway you want on your smoker/grill to your preference. Enjoy!



Aggie Alligator Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* alligator tail/meat (or any meat type) * garlic salt - to taste * black pepper - to taste

1. Cut into strips. 2. Sprinkle each side of strips of with salt and pepper. 3. Dangle or lay strips over oven racks or grill/smoker and cook to preference. Enjoy!




Salami Sticks Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pounds of ground meat * 1/4 cup of brown sugar * 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Morton’s Tender quick salt * 3/4 tablespoon of liquid smoke * A dash of red pepper

1. Mix all ingredients together, thoroughly. (Will make about 4 sticks) 2. Form your sticks and put in the fridge, uncovered, for about 24 hours. 3. Bake on wire rack for 60 minutes at 300 degrees. Enjoy!

Filipino Chicken Adobo Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * *


1 whole chicken 1 Tb. pepper 1/2 c. sesame oil 1 c. vinegar 1 c. soy sauce 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 garlic clove - minced 3/4 bottle liquid smoke

Directions: 1. Cut meat into strips. 2. Mix ingredients for your marinade and let marinade as long as you’d like. If you decide to marinate over an hour, cover your meat and put it in the fridge. 3. Lay out strips on your dehydrator racks, without touching, set to lowest temp. and dry out anywhere from 1224 hours depending on your preference. Enjoy!


T-Camp Teriyaki Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 lbs. chicken (or any meat type) * 6 Tb. rock salt * 1/4 tsp. pepper * 1 tsp. garlic powder * 1 tsp. salt/pound * 1 tsp. onion powder * 6 oz. molasses * 6 oz. soy sauce * 6 oz. teriyaki sauce

1. Make your marinade and then set aside to let sit while you cut your meat into strips. 2. Once done making your strips, add them to the marinade. Don’t worry if the marinade is gritty and the rock salt didn’t absorb all the way. 3. Top with water until all meat is completely submerged. 4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 10 hours, but no longer than 16 hours. 5. Dry in the oven at 170 degrees for 5 hours, turning meat over half way through. Enjoy!

Dixie Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * * *


1.5 oz. Soy Sauce 1.5 oz. teriyaki sauce 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp. pepper 1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce 1 Tb. Old Bay Seasoning 1 Tb. honey 1 Tb. of your favorite sauce 2 Tb. dark brown sugar 2 Tb. liquid smoke

Directions: 1. Slice meat into strips of desired length and thickness. (1/4” is recommended thickness) 2. Marinade meat, adding water or beer, your preference. 3. Let sit in fridge overnight or up to 18 hours. 4. Dehydrate on lowest temperature anywhere from 12-24 hours, your preference. Enjoy!


Ginger Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger * 1/2 teaspoon pepper * 1/4 cup sugar * 1/2 cup soy sauce * 1 tablespoon fresh ginger * 1 large clove garlic - minced * 2 pounds chicken (or any meat type)

1. Cut your meat into slices of about 1/4� thick. 2. Combine ingredients. 3. Pour marinade over meat, cover and let sit in the fridge overnight or for about 5-10 hours, mixing periodically. 4. Lay out on dehydrator racks, without touching or overlapping, and dry out on lowest temp. for about 10-20 hours, or to your preference. Enjoy!

Jack Daniels Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


1 c. Jack Daniels 1 c. brown sugar 1 c. ketchup 1/2 c. onion 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar 3 Tb. chili powder 3 Tb. Chipotle-Rasberry sauce 2 Tb. olive oil 2 Tb. Worcestershire sauce 2 Tb. Tony’s Creole seasoning 2 Tb. lime juice 1 tsp. thyme 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. sage Pepper to taste

Directions: 1. Slice meat into strips. 2. Make marinade and let meat sit in the marinade, covered, in the fridge overnight. 3. Set oven at 125 to 140 degrees and dry for 8 - 10 hours. Leave oven door slightly open for ventilation and check periodically. Enjoy!


Apple Cider Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * *

2-3 c. apple cider 1 Tb. smoke flavoring 1/4 c. brown sugar 1 Cinnamon stick

Directions: 1. Cut meat into strips about 1/8� thick or so. 2. Make marinade and let sit for either an hour outside of fridge and uncovered or covered, in the fridge, to your preference. 3. Dehydrate in dehydrator, on racks without touching, on lowest temp. for anywhere between 12 and 24 hours or to your preference. Enjoy!

Intoxicated Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. chicken (or any meat type) * 1/4 c. beer * 1/4 c. teriyaki * 1/4 c. tequila * 1/4 c. soy * 1/2 c. wine * 1 Tb. smoke flavoring * Salt and pepper * Hot sauce

1. Cut your jerky strips and let meat soak in marinade overnight, covered in the fridge, or to your preference. 2. Remove and either rinse and pat dry or go straight to your dehydrator. 3. Dry at lowest temp. anywhere from 12 hours to an entire day or to your preference. Enjoy!



Sandi’s Spicy Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. boneless chicken breast (or any meat type) * 1/8 tsp. garlic powder * 1/8 tsp. onion powder * 1/4 tsp. white pepper * 1/4 tsp. black pepper * 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper * 1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes * 2 1/4 tsp. curing salt * 2 1/4 tsp. pickling salt

1. Season meat and preheat oven to lowest temp. 2. Cut meat into strips and reseason if you feel the need. 3. Layout strips on foil covered cookie sheet, without touching, in oven for about 5 hours according to preference. Enjoy!

Combo Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 lb. of turkey, chicken breast and fish * Salt and pepper - your preference * 1 minced onion * 1 minced clove of garlic * 1/4 c. of soy sauce * 1 Tb. of Dijonnaise * 1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce * 1 Tb. of Louisiana hot sauce * 2 Tb. liquid smoke * 3 Tb. of brown sugar * 3 Tb. of catsup

1. Cut meat into strips. (freeze for 30 mins. before to make slicing easier if necessary). 2. Mix ingredients and coat meat evenly. If you’d like to marinate over an hour, you will need to either leave the meat in or out of the marinade but cover it and stick the strips in the fridge for however long you’d like. 3. Oven - foil a cookie sheet and lay down strips, without touching each other, keeping the door propped open for ventilation cook until desired preference. 4. Dehydrator - lay out strips onto racks, without touching, and dry for as long as your dehydrator’s instructions advise or to your own preference. Enjoy!



College Station Chicken Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce * 1 tablespoon minced onion * 2 tablespoon olive oil * 1/2 teaspoon pepper * 1/4 cup pineapple juice * 1 packet jerky cure mix * 1 bay leaf * 1 pound chicken (or any meat type)

1. Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak across grain, about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Mix all ingredients together and marinate strips at least one hour. For longer marinating time, place in the refrigerator in a covered container. 3. Remove from marinade and place in your dehydrator until properly dry and chewy, normally 6-12 hours. Enjoy!




Secret Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of meat * Lemon Juice * Dash of cumin * Dash of Lowery’s * 2 tablespoon of pepper * 2 tablespoon of meat tenderizer * 2 tablespoon of curing salt * 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire

1. Let meat freeze for about half an hour, take out and slice into 1/4� strips. 2. Cure meat and preheat oven to 200 3. Take ingredients and evenly coat each side of the strips by rubbing it in with your fingers or poking holes in the meat. 4. Let thoroughly marinate in the fridge for a couple of hours. 5. Line a cookie sheet with foil and lay out the strips on the sheet, without touching each other. When the oven is ready, insert and leave the door propped open for ventilation. Dry for 2-8 hours, to your preference, flipping once. Enjoy!

Giddy Up Goose Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4-5 Pounds of goose meat * 2 cups teriyaki sauce * 2 tbs black pepper * 2 tbs Tabasco sauce * 2 tbs garlic powder * 2 tbs red pepper * 1 tbs liquid smoke * 1 tbs meat tenderizer * 1 tbs Mrs. Dash spicy seasoning * 2 cans of diced jalapenos (hot), one if you do not want it real spicy and three if you want to burn your taste buds.

1. Marinade overnight in covered glass bowl. 2. Dehydrate until bendable but will not break.



Goose Jerky Recipe Directions: Ingredients *4 sliced *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *1 *1 *1

lbs goose breast, thinly c. teriyaki sauce Tbsp Tabasco sauce Tbsp liquid smoke Tbsp black pepper Tbsp garlic powder Tbsp meat tenderizer Tbsp Mrs. Dash Tbsp Red Pepper

1. Mix everything together in a large covered bowl, making sure all the goose is submerged. 2. Put in fridge overnight. 3. The next day, remove goose and put in dehydrator or smoker. 4. Cook on medium until jerky is dry, but not crispy.

Duncan’s Duck Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 4 pounds of duck (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon of Meat tenderizer * 1 tablespoon of Liquid smoke * 2 tablespoons of Brown Sugar * 1/4 teaspoon of Ground ginger OR 2 tablespoons of teriyaki OR soy sauce * 1 teaspoon of Tabasco * 2 teaspoons of Onion Powder * 2 teaspoons of Cracked black pepper * 2 teaspoons of Garlic Powder * Vegetable oil cooking spray

1. After trimming the fat off your meat, you may freeze for up to 30 minutes to make slicing easier, optional. 2. Cut meat into strips. 3. Mix ingredients and marinade strips, in the fridge, covered up, to your preference. 4. Set oven or dehydrator to lowest temperature, normally 150, lay out on on foil on racks if using oven, lay out on racks without foil if using dehydrator and dry for about 6-12 hours, it’s to your preference. Enjoy!




Salami Sticks Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pounds of ground meat * 1/4 cup of brown sugar * 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Morton’s Tender quick salt * 3/4 tablespoon of liquid smoke * A dash of red pepper

1. Mix all ingredients together, thoroughly. (Will make about 4 sticks) 2. Form your sticks and put in the fridge, uncovered, for about 24 hours. 3. Bake on wire rack for 60 minutes at 300 degrees. Enjoy!

Lamb Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 1/2 pound of lamb (or any meat type) * 1/2 cup of Worcestershire Sauce * 1/2 cup of soy * 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of Salt * 1/2 teaspoon of Garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of Onion powder * 2 teaspoons of Armagnac or Cognac * Vegetable oil cooking spray

1. Slice meat 1/4 inch thick, ridding all fat. 2. After mixing all of your ingredients together, coat meat strips evenly and thoroughly and let sit in the fridge over night, or to your preference. 3. Once you have lightly sprayed your racks, lay out the strips but do not touch or overlap one another. 4. Let meat dry at 140 for 5-10 hours, or to your preference. Jerky should be bendable without snapping or being too chewy. Enjoy!



BBQ Lamb Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of lamb (or any meat type) * 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder * 1 teaspoon of onion powder * 1 teaspoon of salt * 1 teaspoon of dry mustard * 3 tablespoon of brown sugar * 1/3 cup of ketchup * 1/3 cup of Red wine vinegar

1. You may freeze meat for 30 minutes to make slicing easier. Cut meat into 1/4” strips, trimming all fat. 2. Mix together your marinade and coat strips. 3. Set up your smoker on the lowest temperature, remember you want to dry out your meat, not exactly cook it. You can decide to either loosely wrap your meat in foil and place on the grill/racks or stick a tooth pick through the strips and HANG your strips from the racks. Which every you decide, let dry for a couple of hours, checking on periodically and smoke to your preference. Can take anywhere from 3 -7 hours. Enjoy!

Hawaiian Lamb Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 2 pounds of lamb (or any meat type) * 1 Red Chili Pepper - crushed * 1 garlic clove - minced * Ginger - crushed * 3/4 cups of Soy Sauce * 1 1/2 tablespoons of Sugar * 2 tablespoons of Hawaiian Salt

1. Cut meet into strips about 1” wide and 1/4” thick. 2. Mix the above ingredients and let marinate over night to let those spices really soak in. Be sure and remember to cover up the meat and let marinate in the fridge and not out in room temperature. 3. Set your oven to the lowest temperature (150-200) and lay strips on a foil lined cookie sheet for about 5-7 hours, or to your preference. Jerky should bend without snapping and not be too chewy, unless you like it like that, of coarse. Enjoy!



Just Lamb Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of lamb (or any meat type) * 1 tablespoon of Onion salt * 2 tablespoons of Liquid smoke * 4 tablespoons of Soy Sauce * 1/3 cup of Worcestershire sauce * 1 1/2 teaspoons of Hickory seasoning liquid * 5 drops of Tabasco sauce

1. Removing all fat, cut strips anywhere between 1/4” thick and 1/8”. 2. Combine ingredients and let sit in the fridge, covered, marinating for 8-10 hours, or over night, whatever you prefer. 3. Remove and place on dehydrator racks. (you may want to spray the racks so they don’t stick). 4. Set dehydrator at it’s lowest temperature and let meat dry anywhere from 12-24 hours depending on your preference. Enjoy!




Reed’s Rabbit Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * * * * * * * * * * * *


1 lb. rabbit (or any meat type) 1 tsp. red pepper flakes 2 tsp. pepper 1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 c. teriyaki sauce 1/3 c. balsamic vinegar 1/2 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. pineapple juice 2/3 c. soy sauce 1 Tb. onion powder 1 Tb. garlic powder 5 Tb. liquid smoke flavoring

Directions: 1. Cut into strips and dust on the pepper, onion and garlic powder. 2. Set aside and heat up the Worcestershire, soy and teriyaki sauce, sugar, vinegar, liquid smoke and pineapple juice until everything has dissolved but do not scorch. 3. Pour marinade over the meat on both sides making sure to coat evenly and thoroughly. Being sure to seal up the bowl or plate your meat is lying in, place in the refrigerator to marinate at least 2 hours. 4. After arranging your strips on the dehydrator racks, without touching or overlapping, you can dust on more of the spices if you’d like. Otherwise put the lid on and let dry at the lowest temperature anywhere from 5-12 hours depending on preference. Enjoy!


Tasty Teriyaki Rabbit Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1/2 cup of seasoned rice vinegar * 1 cup of dark japanese soy sauce - Shoyu * 2 tablespoons of sugar * 2 tablespoons of oil * 1 medium chopped onion * 2 pressed cloves of garlic * 1 grated ginger root - 1”

1. Get off as much meat as you can off the bone, lay out flat and cut into 1/4” thick strips with zero fat, if possible. 2. The above ingredients will make a nice marinade for you. Let marinade in fridge, covered, for at least 2 hours or more depending on your preference. 3. Start up your smoker/cooker on lowest heat and let meat cook for at least 24 hours but check and turn periodically. 4. Once you get the desired smoke taste and don’t want to finish up on the smoker, you can move to your oven, on the lowest temp. and cook for another 4 hours or so depending on your desired taste, just remember to leave the open door propped open for ventilation. Enjoy!



Peter Rabbit Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 whole rabbit * 1/4 teaspoon of pepper * 2 teaspoons of Buffalo chipotle sauce * 1/2 cup of vinegar * 1 tablespoon of oregano * 1 tablespoon of salt * juice of 1 lime + water to make 1/2 C * 2 pressed cloves of garlic * 1 shake of red pepper flakes

1. Once you debone the rabbit, cut meat into desired strips, trimming all fat. (note - you may want to cut the rib meat 1/2” and leg meat 1/4”) 2. Combine your ingredients and coat your meat strips thoroughly. 3. Once you have let your meat marinate, covered up in the fridge for at least 2 hours, remove and heat smoker to lowest temp. 4. Cook on your smoker for at least a day. You may finish up on the smoker or you can finish your jerky in your oven (with the door ajar) on the lowest temp. for another 3-9 hours depending on you and your preference. Enjoy!

Bugs Bunny Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 3 pounds of Rabbit (or any meat type) * 1/2 cup of Worcestershire sauce * 1/2 cup of Soy sauce * 2/3 teaspoon of pepper * 2/3 teaspoon of garlic powder * 2 teaspoons of Accent * 2 teaspoons of onion powder * 2 teaspoons of seasoned salt

1. Debone and cut meat into strips, trimming as much fat as you can. 2. Combine ingredients to make your marinade. 3. Cover meat and let marinate overnight in the fridge, covered up, turning if necessary. 4. Lay strips on oven rack (with or without foil) at 150 degrees for 5-10 hours depending on your preference. **Remember, you’ll need something to catch the drippings off the meat and leave the door ajar for ventilation. Enjoy!



Rudder’s Rabbit Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pound of rabbit (or any meat type) * 1/4 teaspoon of powdered onion * 1 teaspoon of nutmeg * 5 teaspoon of pepper * 5 teaspoon of dried crushed peppers * 10 teaspoon of liquid smoke * 1 1/2 cups of soy sauce * 5 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce * 4 pressed garlic cloves

1. Once you have deboned your rabbit to the best of your ability, cut into strips ridding all fat. 2. Mix together all of your ingredients and marinate strips on both sides. 3. Marinate for at least an hour. Anything past that needs to be covered and placed in the fridge. 4. Set cooker to lowest temp. and you can either wrap your strips in foil and cook over the racks or hang them from the racks with toothpicks for at least 24 hours. 5. Once you get the desired smoke flavor you’re looking for, you can finish up your jerky in your oven. Set to 150 and lay strips out on foil on the racks for another 4-9 hours depending on your preference. Enjoy!




Spam Jerky Recipe Ingredients: * 1 can Spam (12 oz.) * Pepper * Tabasco sauce

Directions: 1. Cut Spam into strips, and cover both sides with pepper and Tabasco sauce. 2. Place in a pan and dehydrate in oven for about 20 hours at 170 degrees. Enjoy!

Vegetarian Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 pk (1.5 ounces) instant oatmeal * 1/4 cup Water * 1/2 cup Applesauce * 1/2 cup Teriyaki sauce * 2 tablespoon Olive oil * 1 teaspoon liquid smoke * 1 teaspoon minced garlic * 1 teaspoon pepper * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 lb Soy protein

1. Mix water and oatmeal together. 2. Add all remaining ingredients, except soy protein. Stir. 3. Let sit for 10-20 minutes and add soy. 4. Marinate at least one hour. For longer marinating time, place in the refrigerator in a covered container. 5. Place in blender and puree. Its color will change from brown to light cream. Form into shapes and place in dehydrator. It dries very fast, so check it often. Enjoy!



Tofu Jerky Recipe Ingredients:


* 1 Tb. pepper * 1 Tb. onion powder * 3 Tb. liquid smoke * 1/8 c. water * 1/2 c. soy sauce * 1 tsp. garlic powder OR 1 crushed garlic clove * 1 tsp. honey * 1 lb extra firm tofu (not silken type)

1. Slice tofu horizontally into 4 pieces, and then cut into strips (can make up to 12). The strips should be about 4 millimeters in thickness. They’re going to shrink a lot in the oven, so they should start out pretty thick. 2. Mix all the other ingredients together. 3. Arrange the tofu in a single layer in a shallow baking pan or cookie sheet and pour the marinade over it. 4. Let it soak for several hours or overnight. 5. Drain excess liquid and dry tofu in food dehydrator or 200 F oven. This will take 4 - 8 hours. 6. Flip the tofu over hourly so it dries evenly and dry until it is very chewy, but not crispy. Enjoy!



Original Tofu Jerky Recipe Ingredients;


* 1 (14 ounce) package firm tofu, drained * 3 Tb. barbecue sauce * 3 Tb. soy sauce * 1/4 tsp. liquid smoke flavoring * 1/2 tsp. pepper * 1 tsp. garlic powder * 2 tsp. maple syrup * 2 tsp. brown sugar

1. Place tofu block between paper towels on a plate. Set another plate on top, and put a weight on top of the plate such as a can to press the water from the block of tofu while you prepare the sauce. 2. In a medium bowl, stir together the soy sauce, maple syrup, liquid smoke, garlic powder, black pepper, barbeque sauce and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Slice tofu into 1/4 inch thick slices, and dip them in the sauce to coat. Place in a tightly sealed container. Place in the refrigerator, and let marinate for one to two hours. 4. Preheat the oven to the lowest temperature, around 200 degrees F (95 degrees C). Line the oven rack with heavy duty aluminum foil, and place in the lowest position of the oven. Place the tofu slices on the foil. 5. Bake for about 8 hours, checking and turning over tofu slices every few hours. Tofu jerky is done when it is hard and uniformly dark in color.




Fruit Jerky Sticks Ingredients: * Fresh Fruit * Lemon or Lime Juice * Artificial Sweetner

Directions: 1. Buy fruit that is ripe or over-ripe for the best flavor or buy fresh fruit and let it set out for a few days. 2. Remove all pits, seeds & stones. Grapes and berries do not need seed removal. 3. Slice fruit into chunks and puree in a food processor or blender. 4. If using yellow or light-colored fruit, add 1 Tb. of lime or lemon juice for each quart of fruit. 5. If using orange or pineapple pulp, add artificial sweetener . 6. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and pour the puree onto the sheet (about 1/4-inch deep). Distribute evenly by tilting the sheet. Do not use a spatula or knife. The cookie sheet should be completely covered. 7. Set oven at 140 degrees and place in the oven leaving the oven door cracked open 2 to 6 inches. The fruit jerky will be dried in about 4 hours. Storage: After loosening the edge and peeling it back about an inch, roll the waxed paper and the dried leather in one piece into a loose roll. The dried fruit roll can be stored for years in the freezer, for months in the refrigerator, and many weeks at room temperature (70 degrees Fahrenheit or less).



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