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Member news
Mesothelioma statistics
for Great Britain, 2021
Early in July 2021 HSE published provisional data on annual workplace fatality figures for 2020/21, including Mesothelioma statistics for Great Britain 2021.
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that takes many years to develop following the inhalation of asbestos fibres but is usually rapidly fatal following symptom onset.
Mesothelioma has a strong association with exposure to asbestos and current evidence suggests that around 85% of all male mesotheliomas are attributable to asbestos exposures that occurred in occupational settings. Most of the remainder of male deaths and a majority of female deaths are likely to have been caused by asbestos exposures but which were not due to the direct handling of asbestos materials.
The latest information shows there were 2,369 mesothelioma deaths in Great Britain in 2019, which is 7% lower than the annual average number of 2540 over the period 2012-2018.
There were 1,945 male deaths in 2019, which is 9% lower than the annual average number of 2,130 for males over the period 2012-2018. Deaths among females remained at a similar level to the last few years with 424 in 2019.
So, in-line with earlier predictions suggesting that annual mesothelioma deaths would gradually start to reduce by around year 2020.
Men who worked in the building industry continue to be most at risk of mesothelioma.
The full document is available at hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/ mesothelioma/mesothelioma.pdf
Learn how to obtain CITB funding
Some members, who pay the CITB levy,
have not applied for funding as they thought it would be complicated - it really isn’t.
Atfer having the process explained to them many members are now working with ARCA to apply. If you are not sure how to get funding or need help in making an application, ARCA is here to help you.
wTuesday 5 October 2021 at 10am wTuesday 2 November 2021 at 10am wWednesday 8 December 2021 at 10am
These 1 hour briefings are free, however you will need to register your place - just go to the events page at arca.org.uk
The Original and Best ‘Dead Man’s Handle’
Introducing the original and best Torbo ‘Dead Man’s Handle’ developed by the manufacturer. This enables all day dustless blasting or use intermittently without holding the handle down for ultra-comfort.
This also features a spring supported flexible cable for additional comfort, quick on and off button and fast release for extra safety.
Torbo define the standard of wet sandblasting equipment world-wide to offer versatile cleaning performance with precision and state-of-the-art technology. Torbo technology restores surfaces to their original condition with ease and impressive results every time.
ESL are proud to exclusively distribute Torbo dustless blasting machines in the UK and offer solutions for every asbestos and demolition requirement.