Panini Football 1988-1989

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This grid should help you keep track of your Football 89 stickers. Cross off the squares as you collect stickers and you will be able to tel1 at a glance just how far you have to go to complete Panini's Football .., 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457

2 26 50 74 98 122 146 170 194 218 242 266 290 314 338 362 386 410 434 458

3 27 51 75 99 123 147 171 195 219 243 267 291 315 339 363 387 411 435 459

4 28 52 76 100 124 148 172 196 220 244 268 292 316 340 364 388 412 436 460

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6 30 54 78 102 126 150 174 198 222 246 270 294 318 342 366 390 414 438 462

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8 32 56 80 104 128 152 176 200 224 248 272 296 320 344 368 392 416 440 464

9 33 57 81 105 129 153 177 201 225 249 273 291 321 345 369 393 417 441 465

10 34 58 82 106 130 154 178 202 226 250 274 298 322 346 370 394 418 442 466

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14 38 62 86 110 134 158 182 206 230 254 278 302 326 350 374 398 422 446 470

15 39 63 87 111 135 159 183 207 231 255 279 303 327 351 375 399 423 447 471

16 40 64 88 112 136 160 184 208 232 256 280 304 328 352 376 400 424 448 472

17 41 65 89 113 137 161 185 209 233 257 281 305 329 353 377 401 425 449 473

18 42 66 90 114 138 162 186 210 234 258 282 306 330 354 378 402 426 450 474

19 43 67 91 115 139 163 187 211 235 259 283 307 331 355 379 403 427 451 475

20 44 68 92 116 140 164 188 212 236 260 284 308 332 356 380 404 428 452 476

21 45 69 93 117 141 165 189 213 237 261 285 309 333 357 381 405 429 453 477


22 1 2 46 1 7 70 - 1 94 - 1 118 ,.. 142 166 5190 214 �238 -_ JII 262 JII 286 : JII Jaa 31011 311 33 Il 35: 3 383 ..,-. �--

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0 Address: Arsenal Stadium, High­ bury, London N5 lBU. e Chairman: Peter Hili-Wood. • Manager: George Graham. 0 Secretary/Managing Director: Ken-J.Friar. 8 Coach: Theo Foley. @Year Formed: 1886. @Ground Capacity: 57,000 . O Former Names: 1886 Dia! Square, 1886-91 Royal Arsenal, 1891-1914 WoolwichArsenal. -• Honours: Division 1 Champions:




1930-31, 1932-33, 1933-34, 1934-35, 1937-38, 1947-48, 1952-53, 1970-71. FA Cup winners: 1930, 1936, 1950, 1971, 1979. League Cup winners: 1987. European Fairs Cup· winners: 1970. 8 League History: 1893 Elected tóDivision 2. 1904-13Division 1, 1913-19Division 2, 1919-D1vision 1

(Arsenal hold the record for the longest unbroken run inDivision 1).

chester Uni ho took over at Hi ears in charge at Stroller" in his pla

orward. Bo

attacking miclf by the North B ighbury appren uil England hon

Midfield. Bom London 9.12.61. Cultured midfielder who made his League debut for Arsenal against Spurs in April 1980 and has since clocked up over 250 League appear­ ances. Widely tipped for a full England cap.


--- - - - - - - - - - -


• Address: Highfield Road Stadium, King Richard Street, Coventry CV2 4FW. f} Chairman: John Poynton. • Manager: John Sillett. • Secretary: Grahamriover. • Coach: John Sillett. 0 _ Y��-�rmed:--18a3.-•-__QroJ1I1d Cai>•" ··- acity.:;k:2- ,27-3. ...-Form er Names: -· --'--Si_�g-ti[s yc, - 1883-9�.- O Honours: - D1v1s10n 2 Champ10ns: 1966-67. Diyision . 3.-- Cha�J?îons: 1 -9 63-64. ·· --Division 3(8) Champ1ons: 1935-36. FA Cup winners: 1987. 0 Lea,!ue History: Elected to Division 2 19I9. 1925-26 Division 3(N), 1926-36 Division 3(8), 1936-52 D1vision 2, 1952-58 Divis1on 3(8), 1958-59 Division 4, 195Q:.64 .·� . D1vision 3,- 1964-67 DiYision 2, 1967División 1.

striker who joined WBA for from Hayes in 1977 and spent ei ere before his i:300,000 transfer in the autumn of 1984.

for C · g his reford. Has ad since June





1�6:Di:vis-ieI P-2;1953-55 Division ÎOil .Sien '3(N) -.=19-57--6 9-80 Division 1, 1980-84 Divisi 1984-86 Division 3, 1986·sion 2, 1987-Division 1.



ROB HINDMARCH Defender. Born Stannington 27.4.61. Was captain of Sunderland by age 19, but after seven seasons at Roker Park he had a short spell on loan to Portsmouth before moving to the Baseball Ground in 1984.


GARY MICKLEWHITE Midfield. BornSouthwark 21.3.61. Turned pro with Manchester United, but had moved to QPR before making his League debut against Old.ham in November 1980. Transferred to Derby during the 1984-85 season.



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__; _Q�d_dress: a-ifodison Pa111C Liverp1;1ol L4 4EL. 0 Chairman: Phili�_,,,Çarter CBE. <è Manager: Colin HarvtY: <à Sec­ retary/Chief Executive: Jim" Greenwq�d. •-e.i\SSÏJ_fflflt ;M-anager::-Terry=�_,ë - -:- Darracott. • Year Formed: 1878. 0 Ground Capacity: 52,691. • Names: St Domingo FC, 1878-79. O Honours: Diyision 1 Champions: , ;;, 1§_2�4_g:l4�pl 9�;7-28�19-3'l�2-,,,; = 70 -1984-1,' 5 - , 'c 1938-3�19o2-:S - 34969 "_,__ 1986-8:Vc"- Bï�i�il ::-2 -cii�J,'.Iipföns:.:�: 7 �� 1930�31.FACupwinners: 1906, 1933, ,1966, 1984-. Euroyean Cup-Winners' 'Cûp1vüméis:-T985. JCeägueHistory:_-:; -2f.iginà.1 Members of the Football League~ 1888. 1930:31 Dîvi.sion 2;-­ .'..l-9U�51 Dudsion. , 1951-54 Division . 2, ):!�li�

f:)��oxf:f· -

-- -�-::::.

• Address: Anfield Road, Liverpool L4 0TH. Chairman: J.W.Smith CBE, �D��an»ger: Kenny Dalglish MBE. 0 C�Ei:ecutive/General Secretary: Peter Robinson. • Coacli:-=--. Ronnie Moran. • Year Formed: 1892. • Ground capaclty: 45,600. O Former None. 0 Division 1 Champions: - 1900·01, 1905-06, 1921-22, 1922-23, 1946-47, 1963-64, 1965-66, 1972-73, 1975-76, 1976-77, -1�7-8-79, 1979-80, 1981-82, 1982·'83, 1983-84, 1985-8o,7:9'$7à'88 (These 11:"."". �� titles constitute a record). Division 2 Champions: 1893-94, 1895-96, 1904-05, 1961-62. FA Cup winners: 1965, 1974, 1986. League Cüp winners: 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984. European Cup winners: 1977, 1978, 1981, 1984. UEFA Cup winners: 1973, 1976. -European Super Cup winners: 1977. Football League Super Cup winners: 19-86�-League History: Elected to Division 2 1893. 1894-95 _ Div.:ision 1, 1895-96 Division 2, fs96-1904 Division 1, 1904-05 Division 2, ===:::,:=:===""""""""'""""""""'.,,,,,,,. i 4 ·Di.visfon -t-1., ·1905-> 1954-62 Division 1962· DivisionJ.


Defender. Bom Portsmouth 24.9.57. Started hls career with Portsmouth in 1975, later playing for Brighton and Aston Villa before transferring to Luton in November 1984. Capped three times by England.

ho joined Manch ¡ans in 1977 and al with Coventry befo 84.

0 Address: ·0_1d Trafford, Manchester Ml6 0RA. 9 Chairman: C.M.Edwards. • M anager: Alex Ferguson. • Secretary:.K.R.Merrett. 0 Asslstant Manager: ArchieK:nox. • Year �ed: 1878. Ground ..Ç aP-&city: 56,385. • Fonner Names: Newton Heath-1,; R 1878-1902. Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1907-08, 1910-11, 1951-52,1955-56, 1956-57,1964-65, 1966-67. Division 2 Champions: 1935-36. 1974-75. FA Cup winners: 1909,1948,1963,197�1983,1985. European Cup winners: 1968. (ID League Hlstory: Newton Heath electedtoDivision 1 1892.1894-1906 Division 2, 1906-22 Division 1, 1922-25 Division 2, 1925-31 Division 1, l9!if•3& Divi,sion-2,



1936-37Division 1, 1937-38Division

2, 1938-74 Division 1, 1974-75 �------ffivision-2, 197-5-Division 1.

Chairman: Manager:-B m Hughes. Year Form pacity: one. am io

He . O Secre : Colin- Todd. 6. • Ground . ·;-,,=,,_ W'S: Divi 6-287,

n 2 ,- 1 -86 Division 2, n 3, 19-87-8 ivis'

Everton and Torqu ger at Torquay an rough before takin

• Address: The Dén, Cold Blow Lane; London SE14 5RH. • Chairman: R.I.Burr. 0 Manager: John Docherty. • Secretary: G.I.S.Hortop. • Assistimt Manager: Frank M cLintock. • Year Formed: 1885. • Ground Capacity: 19,000. • Former Names: Millwall Rovers 1885�89, · wall Athleûc 1889. (8 H onours: Division -2 Champions: 1987-88. Division 4 Champions: 1961-62. Division 3(S) Champions: 1927-28, 1937-38. Associa:te Members' Cup winners: 1983. 0 League History: Original Menlbers of Division 3 1920. 1921-28 Division 3(S), 1928-34 Division 2, 1934-38 Div.ision 3(�). 1938 -48 Division 2, 1948-58 Division 3(S), 1958-62 Division 4, 1962-64 Division 3, 1964-65 Division 4, 1965-66 Division 3, 1966 -75 Division 2, -1975-76 Divtsion 3, 1976-79 Division 2, 1979 -85 -


ewcas e rom an for .t:1 million in 1987 after display against England at Wemble 1 League goals last season.


;r$T. e Chairmàn: W.G.McKeag. 0 Manager : Willie· McFaul. •-General Manager/ Secretary: R.Cushing. • Assistant Manager: Joe Hanr.ey�Year:-Forme-d: 18S2. • Ground Capac\t-y: 36,585. • Former Names: Newcastle East End 1882-92. 0 Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1904--,.05, -1-906-07, 1908-09, 1926-27. Division 2 Champions: 1964-65. FA Cup winners: 1910, 1924, 1932,1951,1952,1955.

European Fairs Cup winners: 1969. e League History: Elected toDivision 2 1893. 1898-1934 Division 1, 1934-48 Division - 2, 1948-61 Divisio 1961-65 Division 2, 1965-78 DivisiQn .1, 1978-84 Division- -2, 198�Divisiön 1. erienced Northern Jreland o made his debut for Manches 74 and later played for QP ughnecks beforejoiningNew

Forward. Born Portadown 5. 7.69. Signed by Newcastle from Coleraine in 1987, he made his League debut against Luton in November that year and went on to score 12 League goals in his first season.

nger Park ned him in 197 t Ham in M chalked up 272

1e an ewcastle t manager to Jack k. Took charge after


� -.-.....


• Address: Carrow Road, Norwich NRl lJE. � Chairman: Robert T.Chase JP: @ Manager: Dave Stringer. 0 Secretary: A.R.W. Neville. � Coach: . Dave Williams. t) Year Form.ed: 1905. •oroundCapacity: 26,812. • None.• Honours. Division 2 Champions: 1971-72, 1985-86. Division 3(S) Champions: 1933-34. League Cup winners: 1962, 1985. 01,eague History: Original Members of Division3 1920.1921-34Division3(S), 1934-39 Division 2, 1946-60 Division 3, 1960-72 Division 2, 1972-74 Division 1, 1974-75 Division 2, 1975-81 Division 1, 1981-82 Division 2, 1982-85 Division 1, 1985-86--Di:vision 1986- Division 1.

debutforH for Leeds and aries in March gue appearanc

m Hackney by England, ¡ceship at the City ue debut in 1984. ular for three seaso

Q Acldr�ss: Gity Grounu-;' Notfirigh�---NG2 - 5FJ.-.-chairman: Maurice Roworth. • Manager: Brian e Clough..__......-...-.:, • Secretary: Paul Wliir O Coaç_b,_; . = Liam O'Kane. • Year -Formed: 1865. • Ground Capacity: 35,417. • Former Names: None. 0 Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1977-78. Division 2 Champions: cfJ_06-0-'i', -92-1-22. Dwisitm 3-(S) Champions: 1950-51. FA Cup winners: 1898,_1959. League Cup winners: 1978, 1979. European Cup· winners:-l 9-79;-1980:-European SupeF-=-Cup winners: 1980. • League mfföry: Elected to Division 1 1892. - TifOS-07 Divis-ion ·2, 19(>'7-ll­ Division--l;---1911-22 ivision · 2, 1922-25 Division r, - -i-925-49 """"'r-,,=,-fi-i'vision 2, 1-949-5-1--: Division- 3(S), .9.5�..'7 Division 2, 1957-72 Division 1, 1972-77 Division ::;.::::z:z�-""' 1977-i>ivision 1. ✓


MARK STEIN Midfield. Born Capetown, South Africa 28.1.66. Former England Youth cap who made his League debut for Luton in 1984 and transferred to Rangers in the summer of 1988 with 56 League appearances bebind him.

r. Born Workington 3.1 nced keeper who joined the after docking up 548 Leag Workington, Blackpool, v¡ Wolves and Sheffield United.

80-81.FA 80.Europe

ers: 1965. tb Divisien 1, 1932-

1 '.Ol:lri-e--Stadi-u-m, 0 Address: Aberdeen AB2 lQH. e Chairman: Richard M.Donald. • Managers: Alex Secretary: Smith -/4 Jocky Scott. I.J.Tagg�. • Assistant Manager: i=c.=:---D-r�..w arvie._e_YeJU" Forme<i:,--1-903. • Ground Capacity: 22,568.• Former Names: None. • Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1954-55. Premier Division Champions: 1979-80, 1983-84 , 1984-85. Scottish Cup winners: 1947, 1970, 198 2, 1983, 1984, 1986 . Scottish League Cup winners: 1955-56, 1976-77, 1985-86. European Cup­ Winners' Cup winners: 1983. • League History: 1905-06 Division 2, 1906-75 -Division. 1-,--1915· Premier.Division.

CelticBoys' C debut against H ear, and has sin appearances.

65, 1967, 75, 1977, _:-:-Lt?Mue.


, 1968-69, 1974° 71$, European s: 1967.8 : Ori -

Year ap�ci�y: one: e:: hainpfons: Cham.pions: · ;Ch�pioll,s:· l94 ·

·wmners:-:1910. Sco winner_s: 1951-52,î.952-

. 0 League - ·History:

Division .1; - 1938-47 ·_ 1948-75 Divfsïön 1;=-1é'f.6Division, .1976-79 :Ffrs .1979-80 Premier Divisio First Division, 198 i- Premi

r Manager. A player with Burnley, Brighton and Bristol City, he later coached at Sheffield Wednesday, Newcastle and Arsenal, then managed Mansfield, Southend and Plymouth before joining Dundee in 1988.

nal who joine 1979 and mad later. He is a fo r-21 cap.

Midfield. Bom Aberdeen 7.2.64. Signed in 1987 from junior side Keitli, he made his League debut against Rangers in August that year and clocked up 20 League appearances in his first season.

Midfield. Bom Glasgow 22.4.69. Promising youngster who joined United in 1985 from Hamilton Thistle and started to establish himself in the first team in 1987-88, when he made 12 League appearances.

� C L U J3,., F A C î

• Address: Trumadice Park, Tannadice Street, Dundee DD3 7 Jw. � Chairman: George F. Fox CA. • Manager: Jim McLean. � Secretary: Ann Diamond. • Assistant Manager: James. Bone. � Year Formed: 1909. • Ground � Capacity: 22,310. • Former Names: Dundee- Hibernian '1909-23A 0 Honours: PremierDivision Champions: 1982-83. Division 2 Champions! 1924-25, 1928-29. Scottish League Cup winners: 1979-80, 1980-81. OLeagueHistory: 1911-15Division2, 1921-22 Division 2, 1923-25 Division 2, 1925-27 Division 1, 1927 -29 Division 2, 1929-30 Division l; 1930-31 Dfvision 2, 1931-32 Division 1, l-932-SO Division 2,. 1960-75 Division l. 1975�Premier Di ·sion.

Forward.Bom Clydebank 23.11.66. Signed by UnitedfromDuntocherBoys' Club in 1983, he made his debut against Rangers two years later and has naw clocked up 93 League appearances

Forward.Bom Helsinki 3.2.67. Formerly with top Finnish club Valkeakosken Haka, he signedforUnited in 1987 and went on to make 19 League appearances last season, scoring nine times.

Manager. One of the longest-serving managers in Britain, he was a player with Hamilton, Clyde, Dundee and Kilmarnock and was then assistant manager atDundee before - taking over atUnited in 1971.

♦ ♦-­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦



. ess: oug as ar , rk Lane, Hamilton ML3 Chai rman: James W. w Manager: JohnLam an G. Biek: 8 :Ässi esDempsey. e:Year rme : Ground Ca acit : 14,50.5.--• Honours: 198 . .ampiohs ·on- 2 -m 15"é'ag Hi g ",5ion 1 897-19 Divtsion 1. 1947-53 ision 953-54 Division 1, 1954Division 2, 1965-66 Division 1966-75 Division 2, 1975-86 Fi Division, 1986-87 Premier Divisio 198 7-88 First Division, 1988- Premi Division.

y from Ruther his League debut September 1986 es in February 1988. -

- ------ - - -- - -


HENRY SMITH Goal.keeper. Born Lanark 10.3.56. Joined Leeds straight from school but made his League debut for Hearts against Dunfermline in August 1981 and has since chalked up 267 League appearances.

e Address:

om Edinbur first club, H rin 1977. Hasals st notably, Dund

Tynecastle Park, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EHll 2Nb. • Chairman: A. Wallace Mercer. • Managers: Alex MacDonald & Sandy Jardine. • Secretary: L.W.Porteous. • Year Formed: 1874. • Ground Capacity: 29,000. • Former Names: None. 0 Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1894-95, 1896-97, 1957-58, 1959-60. First Division Champions: 1979-80. Scottish Cup winners: 1891, 1896, 1901, 1906, 1956. Scottish League Cup winners: 1954-55, 1958-59, 1959-60, 1962-63. O League History: Original Member of Division 1 1890. 1890-1975 Division 1, 1975-77 Premier Division, 1977-78 First Division, 1978-79 Premier Division, 1979-80 First Division, 1980-81 Premier Dîvisîon. 1981-83 First Division, 1983-Premier Division. riginally by Rang moved on to Moth earts a year later. gue games.


-�•mm• ■umm 1



er mternatio as a player. The pai rs of the club sine

• .Address: Easter Road Stadium, Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QG. Chairman: David F.Duff. 0 Manager: Alex Miller. • Secretary: C.F.Graham. • Assistant Manager: Peter _Cormack. ar Formed: 1875. • Gro �: 23,353. -'Drme Name • Honours: Division pion · - , 1947-4 5 1, st Divisio . Division pions. pions: .1893-�4, 1894-9 sh Cup winners: -1887, 190 ·shLeagueCuP,_�ers: 1972 -;J:3 e History: 1893-95 Division: 5-1931 Division 1, 193 1-3 vision 2, 1933-75 Division l 75-80 Premier Division, 1980-8 rst Division, 1981- Premier Division



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e Address: Fir Park, 41 Fir Park Street, Motherwell .·MLl 2~gN e Chairman: John C.Chapman. e Manager: Tommy

McLean. • Secretary: Ian Alexander QPM. � Assistant Manager: Tom Forsyth. • Year Formed: 1886. S Ground Capacity: 23,500. 4i Former Names: None. 0 }lonours· Division 1 Champi,_ons: 1931-32. First Division Champfons: 198 1-82, 1984-85. _ Division 2 Champions: 1953-54, 1968-69. Scotti:sn-Cup winners: · 52-"";' ..-.:.�� Scottish League Cup winners:·1950-51. 0 League History: 1893-1903 Division 2, 1903-53 Division 1, 1953-54 Division 2, 1954-68 Division 1, . 96.8.=.6.9 Division. 2:, 1969:•�:: �;:;::;;: -;.: ':!!:;; =n1vis1on 1, 197o-79t>rermer 1vis1on, 1979-82 First Division, 1982-84 P remier Division, 1984-85 First Division, 1985· P remier Division.

Forward. Bom Paisley 17.2.63. Was once on St Mirren's books, but made bis League debut for Aberdeen against St Mirren in 1980. Spent three years at Hibs before joining Motherwell in 1987.

Forward. Bom Glasgow 11.11.66. Originally a Norwich apprentice, he made bis League debutfor Dundee United against Clydebank in October 1986 and transferred to Motherwell inMarch 1988.

• Address: Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow

G51 2XD. 8, Chairman/Chief Execu­ tive: David S. Holmes. • Manager: Graeme Souness O Secretary: R. Campbell Ogilvy,- • Assistant Mán­ agu� Wal.te Smith,.,• :Y� Formèd; 187�. - Gt'ountfeápacft-yrifl ,.5QO, • Fbrmer Names: None. • Honours: Division 1 Champions: 1890·9 (shared with Dumbat1on), 1898-9

IS99-fg()1 0:-01, 90-1�0 1910-U 19 • , 1912-13", 1917-r 1919-20, 1920-21, 1922-23, 1923-2 1924-25, 1926-27, 1927-28, 1928-2 1929-30, 1930-31, 1932-33, 1933934-3S, l9a6-a,:7, i938•3,9t 194&, !14�4fL1949-ct0�2� $, HJ�5-

9 ·-

. .




S ot-



9-4_ 9�




91 -




.. · 1 19






'iJ7 . -82 .., 8 8 88. European Cup-WinWffi1lers: ners'

197 Hi

Manager. Former Spurs apprentice who played for Middlesbrough, Liverpool and Sampdoria before taltlng over at Ibrox Park in June 1986. Also won 54 Scottish caps and is still registered as a player.

Midfield. Born Stirling 26.1.62. Joined Hamilton originally from Blantyre Welfare in 1979, moved to Dundee in 1984 and transferred to Rangers in January 1988. Career total of 256 League games.


goalscorer [31 in 40 Le season) who started out with 1979, moved to Sunderlan arrived at Ibrox Park in 1983

dee United from niversity in 1980, mo 986, but returned to gers in October 1987.

y forms in 1983 t against Dun ear, since when

gue appearances.

ei Address: St Mirren Park, Love Street, Paisley PA3 2FJ. 0 Chairman: Lewis Kane. e-Manager: Tony Fitzpatrick. _ 8 Secretary: Allan w.�Marshall. · • A ssistant Manager: Frank McGarvey. O Yèar Formed: 1877. • Ground Capacity: 25,344.8 Former Names: None. • Honours: First Division Champions: 1976-77. Division 2 Champions: 1967-68. Scottish Cup winners: 1926, 1959, 1987. 0 League History: Original Member of Division 1 ��-1890.1890-1935 Division 1, 1935-36 Division 2, 1936-67 Division 1967-68 Division 2;1968-71 Division 1, 1971:--75 Division 2, 197.5-77 First· . ·:·_ I9'2 . - Premiér Division:"'<

.. .

igned from Pollok United and made his League d een in March 1986. Has pi uegames.


1966 �.J ENGLAND


-As every football fan knows, the next World Cup is in 1990 and to help you of the progress of the European teams in the qualifying competitions we've included a fixtures list for · the results as the competition proceeds and you'll be able to follow the progress of your favourite teams.

20.9.89 Iceland vTurkey ............................... D D

ark:............................ D Rumania......................... D D

7/8.10.89 East Germany v USSR ...................... 0

25.10.89 Turkey v Austria .............................. D D

· v Greece............................ D D � VBulgaria......................... 0 0




8.11.89 USSR v Turkey .................................

Rumania............................ D D V Denmark.........................


-5 9 • V Bulgaria......................... 0 0 :lc'.:::na.-k vGreece............................ D D 0.89 - · vGreece ............................. D D :::>&=:nark V Rumania........................


9 -.,.--eec,e VBulgaria............................. 0 0 v Denmark........................D D



•- 4..89 England v Albania............................ 0 0 -- 9 Sllreden V Poland..............................


.8.88 lccland v USSR ................................ 0


.2.10.88 -t:rlrey v lceland............................... 0


31.8.88 Finland vWestGermany................... O


26.4.89 Netherlands vWest Germany ............ D D


6.9.89 Finland vWales................................D D 4.10.89 WestGenilany v Finland................... D D

28.5.89 Rep. of lreland v Malta...................... 0

11.10.89 Wales v Netherlands ......................... D D

4.6.89 Rep. of Ireland v Hungary.................D D 6.9.89 N. lreland v Hungary........................ 0 0

28.9.88 France v Norway .............................. D D 19.10.88 Scotland v Yugoslavia...................... D D 22.10.88 Cyprus v France ............................... D D 2.11.88 Cyprus v Norway .............................. D D 19.11.88 Yugoslavia v France......................... D D 11.12.88 Yugoslavia v Cyprus......................... D D 8.2.89 Cyprus v Scotland ............................ D



29.4.89 France v Yugoslavia ......................... D D


14.6.89 Norway v Yugoslavia........................ D D 5.9.89 Norway v France..............................


6.9.89 Yugoslavia v Scotland...................... D D

11.10.89 Yugoslavia v Norway........................ D D France v Scotland............................ D D An.stria.............................. D D

28.10.89 Cyprus v Yugoslavia......................... D D

lreland.............................. 0 0

15.11.89 Scotland v Norway ........................... D D 18.11.89 France v Cyprus............................... D D

□□ □□ 0

11.10.89 Hungary v Spain .............................. D Rep. of lreland v N. Ireland................ 0 0

15.11.89 Spain v Hungary.............................. 0 0 Malta v Rep. of lreland ...................... 0 0

14.9.88 Norway v Scotland ........................... D D

16.5.89 Norway v Cyprus.............................. D


12.4.89 Hungary v Malta.............................. 0 26.4.89 Malta VN. Ireland............................. Rep. of Ireland VSpain......................

25.4.89 Scotland v Cyprus ............................



□□ □0 8.3.89 Hungary VRep. of Ireland................. □ □ 22.3.89 Spain V Malta ................................... □ □


•.11.88 tria v Turkey..............................

CSSR................................ -r=zsi:Germany . .................. 0

16.11.88 Spain v Rep. of Ireland...................... 0 0

8.2.89 N. Ireland v Spain.............................

19.10.88 Wales VFinland................................ West Germany v Netherlands............ D D

8.3.89 Scotland v France ............................ D D


19.10.88 Hungary v . Ireland........................ 0 0

22.1.89 Malta V Spain...................................

14.9.88 Netherlands v Wales......................... D D

·9.10.88 �SSR v Austria................................ 0 0 East Germany v lceland.................... 0 0

30.11.88 -=key v East Germany.................... D D


14.9.88 �. Ireland v Rep. of Ireland ................ 0 0

21.12.88 Spain V • Ireland .............................



21.5.88 N. Ireland v Malta.............................

11.12.88 Malta v Hungary.............................. 0 0

15.11.89 WestGermany vWales...................... D D Netherlands v Finland ...................... D D




31.5.89 Wales vWestGermany...................... D D Finland v Netherlands ...................... D D

"3 9 ·a v England............................ O D





8 �v Sweden ............................. D D

5.11.89 Aihania v Poland .............................. 0 0


15.11.89 Austria v East Germany ................... D

0.88 d v Sweden............................ D D • - d v Albania .............................. 0 0

□□ 6. 9 England V Poland............................. □ □






21.9.88 Luxembourg v Switzerland ............... D D 19.10.88 Belgium v Switzerland ..................... 0 0 Luxembourg v Czechoslovak:ia.......... D D 16.11.88 Czechoslovakia v Belgium ................ D D Portugal v Luxembourg .................... D D 15.2.89 Portugal v Belgium........................... D D 26.4.89 Portugal v Switzerland..................... 0 0 29.4.89 Belgium v Czechoslovakia................D


10.5.89 Czechoslovak:ia v Luxembourg .......... D D 31.5/1.6.89 Luxembourg v Belgium..................... D D 7.6.89 Switzerland v Czechoslovakia........... D D 6.9.89 Belgium v Portugal 20.9.89 Switzerland v Portugal.....................


6.10.89 Czechoslovakia v Portugal................ D D 11.10.89 Luxembourg v Portugal .................... D D Switzerland v Belgium..................... 0 0 25.10.89 Czechoslovakia v Swit zerland .......... D D Belgium v Luxembourg..................... D D 15.11.89 Portugal v Czechoslovakia ................ D D Switzerland v Luxembourg............... D D



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� . . � .. � You can take 1t for granted you'II have lots of fun and improve your game at the same time. Amongst the players that have helped Bobby in his courses are Bryan Robson, lan Rush, Craig Johnston, Mark Hughes, Graeme Souness, Frank Stapleton, Kevin Moran, Gordon Strachan, Peter Barnes, Brian McClair, lan Scott, Kevin Radcliffe, Steve Redmond, Gary Stevens, Trevor Steven, Gary Mabbutt, Mark Lawrenson, Ronnie Whelan, Kevin Sheedy, as well as Alex Ferguson, Howard Kendall and Billy McNeill. Goalkeepers are well catered for and their course features people like Jim Leighton, Gordon Banks, Eric Nixon, Perry Suckling, Alan Hodgkinson, Alex Williams, Gary Walsh and Chris Turner. A Bobby Charlton Sports holiday will be the holiday of a lifetime and if you are aged between 6 and 20 years you are very welcome to participate. 34 other sports are also available so why not make it a family occasion at the Bobby Charlton Sports School?

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.:::::: )f

Bobby Charlton Sports holidays are one of the biggest and the best in the world. They have been established tor nine years and are visited by youngsters trom all over the world. Whatever ability, a Bobby Charlton Sports holiday is intended for bo s and iris who just love playing sport.

4. Panini Sweat Shirt size 30"-32" î8.00 5. ADIDAS sky/navy rain jacket 5'1", 5' 4", 5' 6 ", 5'9", 5'11" 6.

19. Synthetic Matchball . 10. Top Team Board Game (not illustrated) 11. Bobby Charlton Sports Shoe Bag (not illustrated)

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î6.00 7. Bobby Charlton Sports School Bag 8. Bobby Charlton Sports School Towel (not illustrated) î3.00

Replica kits England home/away Man City home/away Everton home/away

- Shirts 22/24,26/28,30/32 î17.99 34,36,38,40/42 î20.99

Shorts 24,26,28 f:8.49 30,32,34,36 f:10.49

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22/24,26/28,30/32 î14.99 34,36,38,40/42 î20.99

24,26,28 f:8".49 30,32,34,36 f:10.49

Boys f:3.95 Mens f:4.95

BOBBY ENTER THE 1989 COMPETITION CHARLTON Predict the winners of the English and Scottish Leagues and you could win one of these fabuleus prizes ...

All you have to do is write and tel1 us who you think will win League Division One, Two, Three and Four in England and the Premier and First divisions in Scotland. For details of how to enter turn to our insert inside this album.



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