RCMP says cold season may bring rise in break and enters, urge vigilance
The 8500 block of Ash Street, Richmond; one recent residential break and enter occurred here.
Fall has arrived and it will not be long before winter and the holiday season begin. While it means a time of family and celebration, the cold season also brings with it the possibility of a rise in residential break and enters.
“Sometimes we see numbers increase during the Christmas season or fall season,� says Richmond RCMP Media Liaison Officer Cpl. Dennis Hwang.
Hwang adds that it all depends, as sometimes rises in incidents can occur when recently released criminals with a history of property related crimes reoffend and drops can occur when people are incarcerated. Some also grow desperate during the cold season, and offend to satisfy a need, often for money. As crimes of opportunity, it is very hard to predict exactly when, where and how many times it will happen.