Rising housing costs not just attributed to foreign buyers; effects felt at community level
A young Metro Vancouver resident on his commute. Residents aged 20 to 30 is one of the groups hardest hit by rising prices of housing.
There is no questioning that the rising housing costs in the Greater Vancouver area has made it extremely difficult for prospective home-buyers to purchase a house that suits them. However, in cities such as Richmond, the effects of rising housing costs include far more than a lack of affordable homes.
According to Affordable Housing Planner Joyce Rautenberg of the City of Richmond, it’s getting harder for residents to secure appropriate housing due to a number of different reasons, including fewer houses and rental spaces that are empty.
“Because the vacancy rate is quite low in Richmond, there are a lot of challenges for people to find accommodations that are suitable, that meets their needs and is something that they can afford,” Rautenberg says, “We’ve noticed that from different client groups like seniors and new immigrants, a lot of people are facing the same issues.”