my #adventwonder generosity plan
Let the Advent Star shine a light on your own generosity and your giving plans for the coming year. Allow God to speak to you through the questions. Use the space around it write down your immediate thoughts; don’t think about the specifics at this stage. Whether the answers to all the questions are clear fairly quickly or whether there are gaps to be filled in at a later stage, use the star as your reminder and revisit it as often as you need to on your generous journey.
Where are my eyes focused?
Our adventwonder journey may almost be over but your own story of generous wonder is just beginning.
the last 12 months… recipients
1. 2. 3. 4.
the next 12 months… gift amount
gift amount
My regular giving total £
My regular giving goal £
My one-off gift total £
My one-off gift goal £
List the charities that you give to regularly in the top left of this table. Next, think about memorable one-off gifts you’ve made in the last year. Pause a moment, reflect, pray and consider the questions. Now, start to think about your giving in the future. Should any be started, stopped, increased or decreased? 5. Finally, use the checklist on the following page to note any actions you should take to make these changes.
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Does my giving match my passions? Should some of my one-offs become regular? Am I stretching myself, or staying comfortable? What would hilarious, sacrificial giving look like for me in the next 12 months? Am I giving to the causes on my heart, or God’s heart?
ENERGY & TIME How will you give your energy, enthusiasm and time in the next 12 months? 1. Imagine a typical week. Fill in the time you have available to give (e.g. when you’re not working, sleeping, caring for family or other commitments) SUNDAY
06.00 07.00 08.00 09.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 2. 3. 4. 5.
How much time do you wish to commit to family, to your church, to your worship? What do you give already? Mark any regular ‘giving’ commitments on the table. What new time do you want to give this year? Can you block out some regular ‘gift’ hours? Are you allowing enough time to explore the passions that God has placed on your heart for the coming year?
‘…make the most of every opportunity.’ Colossians 4 v 5
ACTION PLAN What changes do you need to commit to now to make this generosity plan a reality? 1. Do you need to contact charities to change your giving? Or your bank? 2. What changes do you want to make to your Stewardship giving account? 3. If you don’t have your giving organised, is today the day to open an account? If so, head to to get started. Action
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