Terrier Winter 2013-2014

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T H E S T. F R A N C I S C O L L EG E M A G A Z I N E  |  W I N T ER 2013-2014 ; V O L U M E 77, N U M BER 2

St. Francis College 2013 Literary Prize

And the Winner is… Page 4

Also Inside: Campus News  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Four Year Nursing Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sara Sooy ’14—Balancing Work, Play, and Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Clare and St. Francis Week  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Center for Entrepreneurship is Open for All Businesses . . . . . . . . . . . Getting in Tune with History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2  2  3  6  8  9

Affinity Groups: New Ways to Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SFC Athletics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumni Events  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fashion Forward with Tabitha St. Bernard ’04  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Francis College 2012–2013 Annual Donor Report  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10   13   16   18   18   22


Winter 2013-2014 Vol. 77, Number 2 Terrier, the magazine of St. Francis College, is published by the Office of College Relations for alumni and friends of St. Francis College. Linda Werbel Dashefsky Vice President for Government and Community Relations Dennis J. McDermott ’74 Director of Alumni Relations Thomas F. Flood Vice President for Development EDITOR:

Richard Relkin Director of Media Relations PHOTO EDITOR:

Edwin Mathieu Webmaster COPY EDITOR:

Anne Silverstein CONTRIBUTORS:

Charlene St. Vil Director of Annual Giving Vanessa O. De Almeida ’00 Assistant Director of Alumni Relations David Gansell Director of Sports Information Alexandria Egler Professor of Religious Studies





John F. Tully ’67

Joseph M. Hemway ’8 4



Hector Batista ’8 4 Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70 Msgr. John J. Bracken John B. Clark, Ph.D. Edward N. Constantino ’6 8 Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 Orville W. Dale Kenneth Daly ’8 8 Mary Beth Dawson, Ph.D. William Dawson ’8 6 Brendan J. Dugan ’6 8** Catherine Greene Michael Henning ’61 Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. Barbara G. Koster ’76 Jesus F. Linares ’8 4 J. Christopher Mangan ’8 3 Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 Victor J. Masi, D.O. ’8 9 Gino P. Menchini Denis J. Salamone ’75 Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF, Ph.D. Thomas J. Volpe* Charles E. Williams III, Esq.

Robert L. Smith ’72 DIRECTORS

James Bozart ’8 6 Sarah Bratton ’07 Brendan J. Cahalan ’ 92 Rosmery Camilo ’0 6 John J. Casey ’70 Salvatore Demma ’0 9 Patrick Dugan ’01 John Kiely ’76 Mary Anne Killeen ’78 Alfonso Lopez ’0 6 Lorraine M. Lynch ’ 91 Michael A. MacIntyre ’ 97 James H. McDonald ’69 Patti Moffatt Lesser ’77 Kevin M. Nash ’78 Jonathan K. Ng ’07 Dyanne Marie Rosado ’95 Danielle Rouchon ’ 92 Theresa Spelman-Huzinec ’8 8 Peter F. Spiess ’75 Joseph Szkutnik ’71 Eugene J. Viti, Jr. ’85

* Emeritus and Non-Voting ** Not elected

Danielle Adone ’13 Writer Meghan Lewitt Writer Stef Morisi ’10 Writer

K E E P I N T O U C H W I T H S T. F R A N C I S O N L I N E

Chandra Persaud ’11 Writer

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Toni Rich ’09 Writer


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Richard Relkin Terrier Magazine St. Francis College 18 0 Remsen Street, Room 730 4 Brooklyn Heights, N Y 11201- 4305 OR VIA E-MAIL TO:


linkedin.com/company/ st.-francis-college

For more information, please contact Vanessa De Almeida ’00, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, at alumni@sfc.edu. Download a digital copy of Terrier or view multimedia related to articles found in Terrier at: www.sfc.edu/terrier. At the Terrier, we are always looking for new ideas for stories and spotlights. If there’s someone you’d like to read about, please send a note to Terrier@sfc.edu. The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Terrier are not necessarily those of St. Francis College, its trustees or administration. Designed by mNovakDesign and printed in NYC.

L E F T:

Phoebe Lee ’15 is one of several interns now at National Grid. R I G H T: Ginna Barrios ’13 is now enrolled at Brooklyn Law School on a scholarship.

M E S S A G E F R O M P R E S I D E N T B R E N D A N J . D U G A N ’68

Part of our mission at St. Francis College is to provide value in a number of ways. We want to ensure that all our students receive a quality education, of course, but we also strive to keep our tuition low while we make sure graduates have marketable skills. But, perhaps, the best values we offer are Franciscan in nature. No matter what else we teach, it’s vital that our students never lose sight of their moral compass. In this issue of Terrier you will find ways that we are working to meet each of these goals.


ur new Center for Entrepreneurship taps into an exciting energy building throughout Brooklyn (page 8). We know that many of our students, both past and present, are developing their own companies and our new Center is preparing students to meet the challenges ahead. Powered by the inexhaustible energy of Executive-in-Residence Mary Gelormino, the Center aims to become a one-stop shop to provide resources and access to information for our students, graduates, and already established entrepreneurs who just need a hand. We are already at work shoring up and building ties to organizations and companies across the borough. In addition, we are pleased to announce a new four year Nursing program that marks a major new chapter in the College’s history. We now have the opportunity to develop and educate students to become nurses from the very beginning of their higher education careers. Previously only students with an RN were able to attend our program (page 2). We’re delighted that we have been recognized for providing a big bang for the buck. Recently, multiple organizations, including Forbes.com and The College Database, have recognized SFC for our sound business practices as a college and for providing our students with the opportunity to earn high starting salaries in relation to a low tuition. St. Francis made it on other lists for academics and diversity as well (page 2). This year, the College made a strong effort to reinforce Franciscanism as a part of our daily lives. St. Clare and St. Francis Week was a huge success with a full slate of activities that focused on our patron saints and how their philosophies are still relevant today (page 6).

From collecting cans for a soup kitchen to a lecture on St. Francis’ time with a Muslim Sultan, from the Blessing of the Animals to an interdenominational prayer service, we enjoyed an inspiring series of events that will carry over in our minds and our hearts for many months to come. These values are being spread by our alumni through their own work. Tabitha St. Bernard ’04 is just one example. She’s designing high-end fashion but has the environment at the top of her list of concerns (page 18). We’re also working to help our alumni build better lives through new Affinity Groups. These networks give St. Francis graduates a chance to build relationships with old friends and fellow alumni to enhance their lives in many ways, all while supporting St. Francis (page 10). Obviously, we can never forget that all of these projects stem from one source, your support. The 2012-13 Donor Report (page 22) thanks each and every one of you for your generosity over the past year. Your contributions are the reason St. Francis generates so much good from our home on Remsen Street. Sincerely,

Brendan J. Dugan ’68 President

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Campus News Honors, Awards and Accolades

graduates is more than $45,0 0 0. The College Database also recognized St. Francis as a good place for Future Service Members.

It was a busy summer for St. Francis College when it came to collecting awards. U.S. News & World Report and Forbes.com, led the way with Communication Arts students now have an even their annual selection of St. Francis better place to learn and develop their TV production for their “best of” lists. SFC also skills. Over the summer, SFC completely rebuilt the made the lists of a new crop of HDTV studio, giving students access to state-of-theorganizations that are trying to art recording and production equipment. In addition, find better ways to match students the studio now allows students to record and stream with the right college. events from across campus, including performances U.S. News ranked St. Francis as a Best Regional in the Maroney Theater, special events in Founders College in the North, while also acknowledging Hall and games from the Daniel Lynch Gymnasium. SFC as one of the most Diverse Regional Colleges You’ll also see that six more classrooms have been in the North. updated while two of the older classrooms on the Forbes.com ranked St. Francis on its America’s sixth floor have been combined and will reopen as Best Colleges list for the sixth year in a row. a new student lounge. The website also looked at the business plans of colleges across the country and gave SFC one of the highest financial grades in New York for financial strength and operational soundness. Newer organizations including bestcolleges.com ranked St. Francis on their lists of Best Catholic Colleges while The College Database selected SFC for its list of Highest Starting Salary Colleges—that compares Lea McCarthy ’14 (right) and Damien Barriteau ’14 recording tuition costs with potential earnings. St. Francis Professor Steven Marino interviewing playwright SFC’s tuition is under $20,0 0 0 and David Hwang (M Butterfly) for the next issue of The Arthur an estimated starting salary for Miller Journal.

Lights, Camera, Action

SFC Goes Green St. Francis College is showing its commitment to the environment with a new Go Green campaign. New water bottle filling stations have replaced old fountains to promote the reuse of water bottles. The fountains Lyndsey Frank-Cutone ’14 fills up at one of feature a digital the four new fountains counter that keeps around campus track of the number of plastic water bottles that weren’t needed because bottles were reused. In just a few weeks, the College has already saved thousands of bottles from the waste stream. The next effort from the green team is to refocus on recycling with centralized recycling containers coming soon to each floor.

College Cash Students now have a quicker and easier way to buy food on campus as well as at a selection of restaurants in Brooklyn Heights. College Cash is a new program that lets students put money right on their St. Francis ID. They then just swipe the card at the cashier.

New Four Year Nursing Program Students looking to get in on the newest and best approaches to modern nursing need look no further than 180 Remsen Street and St. Francis College.


t. Francis is proud to now offer a new four year BSN program for undergraduates, which is fully accredited by CCNE, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, and is now looking for candidates who meet the undergraduate requirements. “In the past, we only were able to teach people who were already nurses,” said Susan Saladino, Chair of the Department of Nursing at the College. “With this program, we get to grow our own professional nurses from the start and instill in them the kind and caring values of our Franciscan Tradition. This allows us to offer high school graduates the same opportunity to become nurses that we have successfully offered to our registered nurse students in the past.”

Students at work on simulators, a major part of the new degree. Clinical coursework will begin in the fall of 2014 with prerequisites starting in January 2014 and running over the summer. “There are very few opportunities for people in New York City to get their RN and BSN as an undergrad,” said Dean for Academic Programs and Development Allen Burdowski who was instrumental in organizing the new program and

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developing the curriculum. “Our program will help institutionalize a modern approach to nursing that incorporates the latest technologies with informatics and simulators.” To enter the program students must first be accepted as undergraduates of the college. If they maintain a 3.0 GPA after two years they can then begin taking the Nursing courses. The program involves class work as well as opportunities to study at world renowned hospitals across New York City. The backbone of the program will be the new Nursing Lab on the fifth floor with state-of-the-art simulators (SimMan, SimBaby, SimMom) that mimic illnesses and medical conditions. A full one quarter of the BSN program will be spent using these simulators. “It’s important that our nurses be trained in the latest technology,” said Burdowski. “The field of nursing is changing fast and we are committed to educating at the forefront of the field and producing well-rounded graduates who can mix traditional practices with the cutting edge.” ●

Today’s Terriers

Sara Sooy ’14—A Woman of All Trades By Stef Morisi ’10


resident of the St. Francis College Economics Society, Vice President of the Finance Club, President of the Dorm Council, Resident Advisor, member of the Tennis Team, active in Campus Ministry: The list goes on and on for Sara Sooy ’14, an economics major with a minor in Spanish who works part-time in the SFC Athletics Department. Growing up in Bernardsville, NJ, Sooy enjoyed the life offered by a small, family-oriented community. So it was no surprise that on her first trip to SFC, she fell in love with the feel of a small college, its sense of community, and the opportunity to play NCAA Division I sports. Sooy was happy to pick up a tennis racquet and fight for the Terriers on the court. This is Sooy’s second year as a Resident Advisor, which is something she always wanted to be. As President of the Dorm Council, she oversees events at the dorm inside the St. George Residence Hall on Clark Street and works closely with Dean of Students Cheryl Howell and Director of Residence Life Jamaal Womack ’09. “Sara is a great example of student leadership here on campus. She embodies Franciscan values which are evident in her relationships with the students, faculty, and administration,” said Director Womack. “I am lucky to have her as an RA.” Even though Sooy has an incredibly busy schedule juggling jobs, volunteer work, sports, and academics she says, “academics are the first priority.”

Sara is also very connected to her faith. She invites people to go to Mass with her at Assumption Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn Heights where she teaches CCD with other SFC students. By incorporating the community into her daily life, Sara says she has truly turned Brooklyn Heights into her campus. It’s an idea she recommends to all St. Francis students: “Take every experience you can get. Get involved. It goes by so fast.” When asked if she would do anything differently if she could, Sara simply replied, ‘I wouldn’t change a thing, honestly.” Some of the biggest reasons for her good experiences at SFC are the people she has worked for, particularly Director of Alumni Relations Dennis McDermott ’74 and Vice President of Development Thomas F. Flood. Sooy also says that she’s very appreciative of the alumni who come back to speak to students at Economics Society events where she pays special attention to their career advice and offers of internships. The SFC community is “a hard-working family” and Sara feels that the philosophies that have been passed down to her are “perfect for a work environment.” But companies will have to wait a little longer before they can put Sara’s talents to use. Her plan right now is to apply to graduate schools, making sure she brings her Franciscan spirit with her. ●

Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Context of the Syria Crisis


nternational Cultural Studies student Kathryn Dwyer ’15 got some high level insight into the use and possible disarmament of chemical weapons in Syria from Dr. Randy Rydell, a senior political affairs officer in the UN’s Office of the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. As an intern with SUNSGLOW, an international non-governmental organization founded by St. Francis Professor Yassin El-Ayouty, Dwyer met with Dr. Rydell who explained how agreements like the Geneva Protocol and Chemical Weapons Convention govern and limit the use, development, and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction. Tying the issue to Syria, she also discussed how the motivations and geopolitics of outside countries dominated the response to the gas attacks on the Syrian people. “I learned that achieving peace in the world is even more complicated than it appears to be,” said Dwyer. “The crisis in Syria is just one of the many examples of a country harming itself and its people due to a conflict that could potentially be resolved through mediated discussion.” ●

Kathryn Dwyer ’15 with Dr. Randy Rydell outside the United Nations.

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St. Francis College 2013 Literary Prize

Digging Up a Winner: Dirt Lands David Vann $50,000 Literary Prize By Meghan Lewit

On the night of September 21, St. Francis

Tony D’Souza (Mule), and Christopher Tilghman (The Right-Hand

College found itself at the epicenter of

presented the award.

New York’s famed literary scene when

Shore)—were recognized at the gala, where Dean Allen Burdowski Burdowski noted that the prize is only part of the College’s mission to support writers in Brooklyn and beyond through readings and events

it hosted the opening night gala for the

like the Walt Whitman Writers Series, which have brought authors such

eighth annual Brooklyn Book Festival,

Nikki Giovanni to campus.

and awarded its biannual $50,000

Markowitz celebrated Brooklyn’s reputation as the “The Left Bank”

Literary Prize to author David Vann.

winners who call the borough home.


as E.L. Doctorow, Pete Hamill, Julie Orringer, Jonathan Lethem and At the opening of the event, Brooklyn Borough President Marty of New York City, noting the proliferation of authors and Pulitzer Prize “Whoever says print is dead clearly hasn’t been in Brooklyn,”

his is a wonderful gift,” Vann told the assembled authors,

Markowitz said. He also recognized the College’s contribution to the

publishers, agents, and guests who filled the College’s

festival and to supporting Brooklyn’s literary community.

Founders Hall to fete the nominees and kick off the largest

“Brooklyn is home to more college students than Cambridge, Mass.,”

book event in the Northeast. “I feel very honored to be on the shortlist

he said. “St. Francis is an important part of that higher education here

with these authors. I love all these books.”

in our borough.”

Vann’s novel, Dirt, was selected from among more than 170 submis-

The College has supported the festival since its inception, first as a

sions for the prize, one of the richest literary awards in the country.

host for author panels and more recently as a programming partner, said

The St. Francis College Literary Prize is open to mid-career authors

St. Francis Provost Timothy Houlihan, who also serves on the Brooklyn Literary Council. The Literary

who publish their third to fifth work of fiction within the two-year window for the prize. Vann and his fellow finalists— Carol Anshaw (Carry the One), Jami Attenberg (The Middlesteins),

“Whoever says print is dead clearly hasn’t been in Brooklyn… Brooklyn is home to more college students than Cambridge, Mass.,” he said. “St. Francis is an important part of that higher education here in our borough.” — Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President

English Professor Ian Maloney with Literary Prize winner David Vann and Dean Allen Burdowski

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Prize was born seven years ago from a donation to the College in support of Humanities programming. “After much thought, we decided a substantial award for a mid-career author

Member of the Literary Prize Jury Peter Cameron with short list members Jami Attenberg, David Vann, and Carol Anshaw.

would signal the College’s support for the growing literary community that surrounds St. Francis,” he said. “President Dugan,

“The best two functions of literary prizes are to publish a book that couldn’t get published otherwise, or to give a book a second life and bring it into visibility.”

and the entire faculty are

“For a mid-career author it makes me feel like I’m making progress,” she said. “I’m really honored to be in such good company.” The St. Francis College

— David Vann, St. Francis College 2013 Literary Prize Winner

proud of the leading role we

Literary Prize is unique

have taken…many of us feel

among literary awards.

the festival is a great example of the best

While many awards celebrate first-time

kind of partnership, bringing together

authors or the best books of the year,

educational and cultural institutions,

few recognize authors at a mid-point in

businesses, and local government to

their career, a time that can be “a very

produce a great community event.”

perilous place for a writer,” Cameron said.

The Brooklyn Book Festival took over

Houlihan noted that interest in

Borough Hall and Plaza on the Sunday

the award has grown substantially.

following the gala with rows of vendors,

The College received 4 0 submissions

publishers, and stages set up for author

for the first Literary Prize, which was

conversations. The event featured about

awarded to Aleksandar Hemon in 20 0 9

3 4 0 authors and 9 0 panel discussions

for his collection of short stories, Love

on topics ranging from coming of age tales,

and Obstacles. This year, Cameron and

the role of cartoonists, the urban land-

his fellow jurors, Jonathan Dee, winner

scape, and politics in fiction.

of the second Literary Prize for his novel

Three of the five finalists convened

The Privileges, and acclaimed author Kate

back at Founders Hall in the morning for

Christensen (The Epicure’s Lament, The

a panel led by New York-based novelist

Astral), spent about nine months culling

Peter Cameron, who served on the jury

through more than 170 submissions.

for the Literary Prize. He opened the

“There is a great deal of support for

discussion by asking the finalists what

new writers, and a lucky few are honored

it means to be a “mid-career” author.

late in their careers with major awards,

Vann discussed the progression of his

but there is no substantial award targeted

work, noting that many of his books have

specifically at writers in mid-career,”

incorporated aspects of his family history and childhood. Dirt, his fifth book and third

Houlihan said. “The award is much more Finalist Jami Attenberg and David Vann.

competitive, and much more widely

work of fiction, follows struggling 22-year-

known and recognized now, and we all

old Galen as he deals with his emotionally dependent mother, encroaching extended family, and his own manic binges. “I never write with a plan or outline, but there is a structure and a

owe a great debt of gratitude to our jurors.” Vann, an internationally-bestselling author whose earlier work has been prominently featured in The New York Times, spoke candidly

progression,” Vann said. “Now I can see the larger arc and write the

about the struggle to find an audience in the United States at this

stories I couldn’t before.”

point in his career.

Anshaw, whose fourth novel Carry the One tells the story of a group

“Mid-career for me in the U.S. just means silence,” he said. He also

of friends whose lives are altered by a fatal car accident, joked, “I felt

noted that the challenges he’s faced make the St. Francis Literary Prize

that so many more people would enjoy my books if they had known

even more significant.

they existed.”

“The best two functions of literary prizes are to publish a book

Williamsburg resident Attenberg said

that couldn’t get published otherwise,

her fourth book, The Middlesteins, which

or to give a book a second life and bring

focuses on a family splintering apart

it into visibility,” Vann said.

because of the matriarch’s obsession

“Even more [important] than the

with food, brought her to a much wider

money is the recognition that the book

audience than her previous novels.

is worthwhile,” he said. “I’m really

Addressing the changing publishing

grateful for a second chance.”

landscape, she also noted that she sold twice as many digital copies of the book as print.

St. Francis College Literary Prize Finalists: ( F R O M L E F T ) Carol Anshaw (Carry the One), Jami Attenberg (The Middlesteins), Tony D’Souza (Mule), and Christopher Tilghman (The Right-Hand Shore).

View David Vann’s talk at http://youtu.be/akUSFfPSzRU

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Franciscan Week

Who was St. Clare of Assisi? By Alexandria Egler

The founder of the “Poor Clares,” didn’t start off life that way. Chiara ‘Clare’ Offreduccio was born in 119 3 to Assisi nobility. At a young age, however, she aspired to a loftier calling than the luxurious one into which she had been born.


er transformation began after she most with a hierarchy that tried to impose rules Scholar Paul Moses discussed his book The likely had heard a young St. Francis similar to other monastic orders that were at Saint and the Sultan, about St. Francis’ historical preaching throughout the city of Assisi. odds with Francis’ austere and strict reliance meeting during the Crusades with Sultan Malik His words encouraged her to follow him to on alms and a life of poverty. al-Kamil of Egypt. A question and answer session was moderated by Ghazala Afzal, ESL the mendicant lifestyle. Clare fled from her Clare, however, worked tirelessly to change and Remediation Coordinator. family and comfortable home to join Francis the rules with a formidable and impressive and the friars. letter-writing campaign. She recruited other She traded her fine clothing for coarse woolen abbesses throughout Europe and sent letters garments with a rope as a belt. She cut her to church authorities including the Pope. hair as a symbol of her religious commitment. All of this was done while she labored alongside Francis took her to a nearby Benedictine her sisters at San Damiano and suffered from monastery where she hid from her family. poor health. (Days after Clare took her vows, she was joined She was victorious. Two days prior to Clare’s Director of Campus Ministry Fr. Brian Jordan with by her sister Agnes, who later was canonized death, Pope Innocent IV approved her rules as Maryam Alam ’16 who spoke on behalf of the Muslim Student Association and Paul Moses. as well.) Ultimately, her father and uncles the rules for the “Order of Poor Ladies.” discovered their hiding place but were unable Clare and Francis remained staunch and to convince or force the girls to return home. loving friends until his death in 1226. They did not have a physical or Clare and Agnes moved to a house of religious women, which sexual relationship, rather, the love they had for one another was a eventually established themselves at San Damiano, the church that manifestation of the deep and abiding shared love they had for God. Francis had rebuilt. (There, they were joined by the girls’ mother and No doubt if Facebook existed in the 12th century their relationship another sister, Beatrice.) status would likely have been “It’s Complicated.” The women of this order lived a humble and austere life, their days At age 59, Clare died on Aug. 11, 125 3. Three years later, Pope revolving around prayer and penitence, manual labor and charity while Alexander IV canonized her, and in 126 3, Pope Urban IV officially serving as comfort and inspiration to the people of Assisi. The power changed the name of the order to the “Order of St. Clare.” Unofficially, of their presence was credited for saving Assisi from invaders on more they are referred to as the Poor Clares. than one occasion. Clare and Francis lived the Gospel message of Jesus. They focused While Clare deliberately chose to live a quiet, contemplative life, on the poor, they focused on the moment, and they exhibited a care for it should not be mistaken for a passive one. She strove to imitate and creation and the earth all the while loving others with humility and joy. incorporate the values and lifestyle of Francis on a personal and comTogether they ignited a movement that celebrated and embraced women munity level. She became Abbess at San Damiano in 1216 and struggled and men in a manner that, until then, was sorely missing in the church. Learn more about St. Clare and St. Francis on the SFC website at sfc.edu/clareandfrancis ● The week was tied together with an exhibition featuring Franciscan images as well as pictures of Assisi and the surrounding area. Posters depicting famous Franciscans through the years were also sprinkled around campus. B O T T O M - L E F T:

A bird and dog were among the dozens of animals who came for the first annual Blessing of the Animals at St. Francis. Fr. Brian Jordan was joined by Rev. Edward Doran of St. Charles Borromeo Church for the event. BELOW:

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Assistant Director of Student Activities Ruben Gonzalez ’04 with students putting together bags for the Blessing of the Animals and for Halloween. B A C K R O W : Marko Dzigurski ’14, Bryan Bornschein ’17, Maximillien Prophile ’17, Aaron Amoros ’18, Vinod Maharaj ’16. F R O N T R O W : Michelle Gubitosi ’18, Victoria Lantieri ’16, Joanna Garcia ’16, Diamond Holmes ’14. ABOVE:

Campus Events Intuition, Denial, and Survival

St. Clare and St. Francis Week

S E P T E M B E R 17

S E P T E M B E R 30– O C T O B E R 5 In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis College reaffirmed its belief in the ideals and values of the College’s patron saint; respect for others, service to the community, social justice and care for the environment. St. Clare and St. Francis Week recognized the life and legacy of the two people who served as living models to others and inspired a worldwide movement for good that continues to thrive more than 8 0 0 years later. The College hosted a number of events during the week, including an interdenominational prayer service, a screening of An Inconvenient Truth, and a Mass for the Feast of St. Francis. In addition, students, faculty and staff collected canned goods for a food drive to benefit the C.H.I.P.S. Soup Kitchen in Park Slope.

Gavin de Becker, a leading expert on predicting and managing violence and author of The Gift of Fear, spoke to a standing room only audience about the importance of intuition, the danger of denial, and how the battle between these two impulses lies at the root of our survival.

Constitution Day

Communication Arts Professor Scott Weiss with Filmmaker Jim Finn.

S E P T E M B E R 19 Steven Dean, Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School had an open discussion with St. Francis College Accounting and Business Law Professor Miriam Salholz about The Supreme Court and Marriage Equality. The event which featured an introduction by Rafael Caban ’14, President of the St. Thomas More Pre-Law Society celebrated the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.

Sahadi’s Kicks Off Entrepreneurship Center Series S E P T E M B E R 24 Christine Whelan, a third generation member of the Sahadi family which runs the Brooklyn landmark Sahadi’s store on Atlantic Avenue helped kick off the opening of the St. Francis Center for Entrepreneurship. Whelan spoke about the challenges of growing a business across generations and the importance of being part of the community. (Read More about the Center on the next page.)

St. Francis Executive in Residence Mary Gelormino, Executive Director of the Atlantic Avenue BID Josef Szende, Executive Chair of the Center for Entrepreneurship Dennis Anderson with Christine Whelan.

The Juche Idea S E P T E M B E R 25 Avant garde filmmaker Jim Finn presented and discussed his award winning film, The Juche Idea, which is inspired by the real-life story of a South Korean director kidnapped by North Korea in an attempt to invigorate the film industry in the North.

Thomas J. Volpe Lecture Series Presents: Neil deGrasse Tyson S E P T E M B E R 30


ounders Hall was bursting at the seams while dozens more people watched on closed circuit in Callahan Center as Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium delivered the 2013 Thomas J. Volpe Lecture. The astrophysicist spoke openly about the challenges and possibilities we face as a society. He urged a rededication to science in the United States, seeing a turnaround in attitudes and a more favorable opinion of science than in past years. DeGrasse Tyson pointed out that The Big Bang Theory is the most popular show on TV, “and the equations on the board are always correct.” He also pointed to the upcoming series Cosmos, which he will be hosting and will be on in prime time on Fox. After the talk, deGrasse Tyson gamely signed books and posed for dozens of selfies with students and members of the community. The lecture series is funded through a generous gift from Thomas J. Volpe, Chairman Emeritus of the St. Francis College Board of Trustees and a former Senior Vice President of Financial Operations for The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.

Honors Student Katherine Hickman ’16 with Neil deGrasse Tyson. A B O V E : Thomas J. Volpe, Cyril D. Tyson ’53, President Brendan J. Dugan ’68 with Neil deGrasse Tyson. T O P - L E F T:

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Building Your Own Business

The Center for Entrepreneurship is Open for All Businesses Brooklyn Partnership as well as many of the 22,0 0 0 small businesses located in the borough. “The importance of entrepreneurship is particularly apparent in a market like New York, where immigrant and minority entrepreneurship drive job creation and community economic vitality at a rate higher than most other cities,” said Management Professor Patrice Perry-Rivers, the Assistant Director of the Center. “Our center is poised to help fuel the economic vitality created by our region’s melting pot of entrepreneurs by training and educating future t should be no surprise that a reinvigorated Brooklyn has now entrepreneurship leaders,” she said. become a hotbed for entrepreneurs. Recognizing the importance Academics are the core of the Center with a minor in entrepreneurship of this moment in time, St. Francis College is proud to announce well on its way to completion. The first class on Entrepreneurship and the formation of the Center for Entrepreneurship. Innovation was offered in the fall and filled up immediately. The second “We want to be the clearing house for small- and medium-sized course will be offered in the spring with the rest of the courses for the businesses in Brooklyn,” said Dennis Anderson, Chair of the minor quickly ramping up. Department of Business Management and Information Technology “There was huge demand for the first class,” said Gelormino, who and Executive Chair of the new Center. “Anyone looking to start a has more than 25 years of experience in business and has worked with business or who already has one will be able to come to us to get the a number of entrepreneurs and business incubators. “Our students tools they need to be successful. They’ll learn things like which banks know that a program like this is not limited to business majors. We want provide funding and who to contact, where to get legal advice, and to teach the skills of creativity and inspire people to follow purpose and how to take advantage of pro-bono services.” passion. It can be taught to anyone.” In turn, students at St. Francis College will have the opportunity Future courses will deal with a variety of aspects in becoming an to gain real-world experience entrepreneur: legal issues, through internships, as well as finance, human resources, part-time and full-time jobs with marketing, and social media. the companies and entrepreneurs Students will also have access associated with the Center. to a number of networking The Center for Entrepreneurship has already welcomed an “External relationships are functions so they can build their impressive schedule of business leaders and entrepreneurs to key,” said Mary Gelormino, the own connections. speak at the College. You can watch videos of many of these talks Center’s Executive in Residence. Professor Anderson’s plan is on the College’s website at sfc.edu/entrepreneur. “By bringing in professionals, we for the minor to grow to become give students the value of meeting a major and ultimately become SFC Alumni—if you’d like to offer a guest lecture or mentor students people who are successful in part of a Management Graduate please contact Mary Gelormino at mgelormino@sfc.edu. unique areas. Each speaker we Program at the College. At the bring to St. Francis will focus on a core, though, sits the idea of social different area of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and the so over the course of a semester, Franciscan ideal of making a our students will develop a difference in people’s lives. comprehensive foundation to “St. Francis of Assisi was the start their own business.” epitome of a social entrepreneur,” The Center also helps to said Dr. Anderson. “We want to formalize the already existing follow his lead and help create partnerships St. Francis has with entrepreneurs who make giving business promoting organizations back part of their mission.” ● such as the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown

One of the most important areas of the U.S. economy is the vibrant collection of entrepreneurs who work long hours to build small, medium and even large businesses.


Guest Lectures

Mary Gelormino with Dennis Anderson and Patrice Perry-Rivers.

8  |  S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER  |  W IN T ER 2013-2014

Faculty Spotlight

Getting in Tune with History By Meghan Lewit

Assistant Professors of History Sara Haviland and Eric Platt have a message for the college community: history can make a difference in your future.


s the College’s two full-time historians, Platt and Haviland also emphasize the value they are both participants in the of studying in the middle of history-rich “ I had a student who told me that American Historical Association’s she now looks at all the historical Brooklyn. Platt has led programs in collaboraTuning Project. The three-year program— tion with the Brooklyn Historical Society and markers on the buildings she funded through a grant from the Lumina has taken classes on walking tours of New passes… There is such a wealth of Amsterdam—the colonial settlement at the Foundation—brings together approximately 6 0 educators from research universities and southern tip of Manhattan that later became history right around the corner.” colleges around the country to meet and New York—for a course focusing on early —Sara Haviland collaborate on standards and goals for students New York history and the Dutch influence. studying history. Haviland has brought her students to visit a The overarching goal of the Tuning Project is to better define and historic African burial ground in lower Manhattan. communicate the skills that students gain from completing a history “I had a student who told me that she now looks at all the historical major. The professors say these are the same skills that companies look markers on the buildings she passes,” she said. “There is such a wealth for in new employees. And Professor Haviland wants undergraduates of history right around the corner.” pursuing or considering a history degree to talk about their experiences Platt said his own interest in history developed from a course he took after they graduate. in the second semester of his freshman year of college. He completed a “We want to give students the tools to explain the value and what double major in history and communication, but realized that history was they’re actually learning to prospective employers,” she said. his passion and decided to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin. History majors, the professors noted, learn the critical thinking, Platt came to St. Francis in 20 0 9, drawn by the small class sizes and communication, writing, and research skills that are necessary in a the ability to work directly with students. Much of his work is focused on wide range of professions. the history of early modern Europe and the Atlantic World, particularly “History is more than just a series of events,” Platt said. “I think the Dutch Republic. history does better than any other major in [teaching these skills].” “I enjoy the research, but the interaction with the students is something While a degree in history can be a conduit to teaching, it also provides that you just don’t get at a major research institution,” he said. a foundation in civic engagement and cultural understanding that Haviland didn’t initially set out to study history. After transferring prepares students for careers in law, government, business or diplofrom a large state school to a small liberal arts college, conversations macy. But because a number of students at St. Francis are the first in she had with her professors steered her toward that field. She went on their families to attend college, they may face pressure to choose majors to get her Ph.D. in U.S. History at Rutgers University then completed with what appear to be more direct career paths, he noted. Platt added a post-doctorate study on the papers of women’s rights luminaries that it’s important for undergraduates to understand the benefits of a Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Haviland joined the well-rounded liberal arts education. College in 2011, and now teaches courses on American History, The professors will take the lessons learned from the Tuning Project the 196 0s, and African American History. and apply it to the curriculum at St. Francis with the introduction of new “At 18, I think it’s very valuable to learn a whole skill set rather than courses and new standards in existing courses. History has enjoyed a to focus on just one career path,” she said. “If you had told me then that recent increase in the I would be teaching number of majors at history, I wouldn’t St. Francis with about have believed you.” 4 0 students now in “That’s where the the program. Each one revolution needs to has to write a senior happen, in the arts,” thesis that puts all of added Platt. “It can their acquired skills liberate you, but it into practice. can also liberate the audience.” ● Assistant Professors of History Sara Haviland and Eric Platt

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Alumni News

Affinity Groups New Ways to Connect with SFC and Fellow Alumni St. Francis College is proud to announce the formation of a variety of Alumni Affinity Groups. Alumni and faculty have put together these groups to enable people to reconnect according to current career areas as well as the activities in which they were involved when they attended St. Francis.


o many alumni only come back for their big reunion years, but with affinity groups, we can get together on a regular basis across generations,” said Joseph Mingrone ’76, who is heading up the Troupers affinity group. “I have such fond memories of the people I spent time with at College and as head of the Troupers for many years. This is a great way to see more of them.” Affinity groups for Accounting, Education, Health Care/Science and Alumni Service are already up and running. The first Health Care/Science event was held November 1 and featured Dr. Angel R. Colon, Jr., MD ’62. St. Francis is also creating groups interested in psychology and for those alumni who are college employees.

R.J. Hinners ’94, Sal Demma ’09, Geoffrey Horlick, President Brendan J. Dugan ’68, and Susan Miano (Casaregola) ’83.

where everyone pulls together in the same direction for our students,” said Dr. Leibman. “It’s important for our graduates to point out new areas for us to focus our efforts.” Education Chair Richard Giaquinto and Professors Gerard Shaw and Marina Gair also spoke to the audience. They shared information about the recent, successful reaccreditation of the department as well as the plans to develop a master’s degree program in education over the next few years. Psychology Professor Marisa Cohen, a member of Kappa Delta Pi, (the International Honor Society in Education,) is leading the campaign to start both an undergraduate and graduate chapter at the College.



On June 5, the Accounting and Business Law Department brought together graduates from the past 30 years to talk about their experiences and to network with recent and past alumni. All current faculty members attended including Professor Geoffrey Horlick, director of the two master’s degree programs in accounting, and Chairman Carmine Nogara of the Accounting and Business Law Department. “It was great for our alumni to get together with people from their class years, but also for them to meet people from across the spectrum,” said Dr. Horlick. “There was an impressive collection of experience in that room and bringing them together can only lead to more success for our alumni.” Those who attended work at regional and national firms and companies including National Grid, JP Morgan Chase, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Grant Thornton LLP, Knight Capital Group LLC and Publisher’s Clearing House. “The network of St. Francis graduates gets stronger every year,” said Dr. Nogara. “We are so proud of our alumni and the amazing path they have laid down for future Accounting students.”

More than 75 graduates from the Education Created to help St. Francis students and alumni Department after Hurricane Sandy, the Alumni Service Group came to St. is continuing the tradition of helping others in Francis College, the Franciscan spirit. The group met on Oct. 5 May 30, as part at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in the St. Joseph— of an effort to David Gardella ’97 with St. Thomas Parish on Staten Island to help clean up Ricardo Maxwell Ordain ’04. build a stronger the area. The cemetery dates back to the early network of alumni 18 5 0s and is where many veterans, going as far which will benefit past, present and future students. back as the Civil War, are buried. ● The graduates and professors came together with the goals of developing school partnerships, creating a graduate honor society chapter, and building a job bank. The professors, including Peter Leibman ’71 who organized the event, also wanted to hear from the graduates about how the College can help enhance their (From left) Joe Hemway ’84, Denis McGowan ’83, Robert Smith ’72, Cathy professional careers. McDermott’74, Director of Alumni Relations Dennis McDermott ’74, Kevin “We are truly a Nash ’78, Father Robert Dillon, Theresa Spelman-Huzinec ’88 and Glenn Huzinec ’84 with future Terriers, Monica and Colleen Huzinec. community school

See the Affinity Group list on the following page or email development@sfc.edu for more information!

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Alumni Service Group

Gene ’79 and Ginna Donnelly—Giving at the Heart By Danielle Adone ’13

Born and raised in Brooklyn, Eugene “Gene” E. Donnelly ’79 was the first in his family to attend college. After receiving a scholarship to St. Francis College, thanks to his academic success at St. Francis Preparatory School, Donnelly quickly became a part of the SFC family. From the moment Donnelly entered the College, he was on the fast track to success, graduating summa cum laude with a degree in Accounting. He received the top accounting award at graduation and completed the rigorous accounting workload in only three years.


y education taught me that it is both merit and need. important to have a point of view and This new level of scholarship is important to be articulate and passionate about because in past years, the College has supplethat point of view and to also recognize you can’t mented endowed scholarships to make up for lead if others don’t follow,” said Donnelly as he higher tuition and lower returns on investment. recalled his years at St. Francis. While the Donnellys are the first to fully endow a Donnelly says he still vividly remembers his scholarship at this level, in an amazing outpouring accounting professors. During Donnelly’s first of Franciscanism, other supporters of St. Francis accounting class, Professor William Yellin, who have also pledged to meet this new standard. taught at St. Francis for 39 years, said, “You can A majority of SFC students receive academic Eugene “Gene” E. ’79 and Ginna Donnelly. do it the right way, the wrong way or you can do it scholarships, making financial aid a vital element my way and I am going to teach you my way.” in allowing these young adults to attend college. Donnelly has carried these words with him as he pursued his career. Donnelly wanted to give future Terriers the education opportunities After graduation, Donnelly began working and later that year married he received. “This is something my wife and I have wanted for a while. his high school sweetheart, Ginna. She kept telling me, ‘You should give something back to the college. Donnelly currently works at Convergence LLC, a financial services Look at all the things they did for you,’ ” said Donnelly. firm that he co-founded. Prior to that, he was the CFO at Apollo Global In the past, the Donnellys have provided the resources for many of Management, and also spent 25 years at PricewaterhouseCoopers in their nieces and nephews to attend college. Now, they are extending that a variety of leadership and client service roles. generosity to their St. Francis family. This year, the Donnellys created the first permanently endowed, Donnelly will participate in other ways as well since he is also a new full scholarship with a donation of about $350,0 0 0 to SFC. “As you grow member of the College’s Board of Trustees. older, you start to think back on the influences on your life and I slowly “I am excited about becoming a trustee. President [Brendan J.] came to realize how much the Franciscan brothers had an impact on Dugan and his team are outstanding and the college continues to me,” said Donnelly. progress and grow. It is very gratifying to be able to contribute to lead The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student based on an ongoing mission to offer others what they provided to me.” ●

Join an Affinity Group Today Accounting Dr. Geoffrey Horlick ghorlick@sfc.edu Alumni Service Group Joseph Hemway ’84 jhemway@pratt.edu Duns Scotus development@sfc.edu Education Dr. Peter Leibman ’71 pleibman@sfc.edu

Entrepreneurship development@sfc.edu Golden Terriers development@sfc.edu Health Care/Science development@sfc.edu History/Political Science Robert Oliva ’04 roliva@sfc.edu Psychology Dr. Jennifer Lancaster jlancaster@sfc.edu

Troupers Joe Mingrone ’76 Min713@aol.com

OTHER AFFINITY GROUPS Other groups are forming now. Get involved from the beginning by emailing development@sfc.edu:

Eugene Viti ’85 eviti@msn.com

Alpha Kappa Psi

Pi Alpha

Kevin Nash ’78 knash55@verizon.net

Alpha Phi Delta

Student Government

Communications and Media


Law Enforcement

Voice/SFC Today


Water Polo

Young Alumni Patrick Dugan ’01 patrick.dugan@cbre.com


Phi Rho Pi

S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER | W IN T ER 2013-2014 | 11

Faculty Notes Uwe P. Gielen (Psychology) and Jeannette Raymond ’14 discussed “The Birth of Psychological Healing: From Exorcism to Animal Magnetism to Artificial Somnambulism (1775 -1825)” at a conference of the International Council of Psychologists in Honolulu, HI. At the 121st annual meeting of the American Psychological Association the two presented the paper, “Mesmer and the Marquis de Puységur: The Power of Magnetic Rapport,” and participated in a roundtable discussion focusing on “Pioneers of International Psychology.” At the same conference, Dr. Gielen also presented “Barack H. Obama Jr.’s Hybrid Identity and the Global 21st Century” and “Information Age Publishing.” Uwe P. Gielen and Dinesh Sharma, from the St. Francis College Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Psychology, presented the Inaugural Michael Flynn Memorial Lecture at York College, CUNY. Their September 25th presentation entitled, “The Global Obama: Leadership in the 21st century,” samples work from their new book, The Global Obama: Crossroads of Leadership in the 21st Century.

The St. Francis College Department of Biology and Health Promotions had three short papers published in Volume 3 4 of Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, a publication put out by the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). ABLE promotes information exchange among university and college educators actively concerned with teaching biology in a laboratory setting. In one paper, Biology Professors Kathleen Nolan, Steven Lipson, Alex Braun, and Marlon Joseph ’05 discussed a regional laboratory workshop that was hosted at St. Francis. The second paper, which studied whether natural substances like tree oils have antibiotic properties, was conducted by Dr. Joseph and Dr. Nolan with students Victoria Pierre-Louis ’13, Hannah Singer, and Aleeza Wachs. The third paper, on studying Horseshoe Crab biology, was researched by Dr. Nolan with students Mamuna Faizi ’14, Alina Zhyvotovska ’15, Lauren Clark ’12, and James Foo ’13.

Fr. Brian Jordan, Professor Francis Greene, Jeffrey Sachs with Director of the Honors Program John Dilyard. F R O M L E F T:

Olympic Gold Medalist Dan O’Brien (left) and SFC’s John McNamara. John McNamara (Physical Education) attended the National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference (July 2013), he met and discussed training methods with Olympic Gold Medalist Dan O’Brien, NHL Pittsburgh Penguins Trainer Mike Kadar, and MMA Trainer Joel Jamieson. SFC Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Yuki Miyazawa also attended. Nickie Phillips (Sociology and Criminal Justice), with Staci Strobl (Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice), wrote Comic Book Crime: Truth, Justice, and the American Way (NYUPress), a look at how comic books reflect and provoke feelings on crime and punishment in modern day society. “We noticed that comic books have long been bypassed as a legitimate avenue for criminological inquiry,” said Professor Phillips. “It’s our hope to show how stories in comic books frequently explore ideas of authority and power post-9/11 as well as how cultural notions of retributive justice resonate in the books.”

Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute and leading advocate on ending global poverty was the guest speaker for the second Dr. Francis J. Greene Honors Lecture on October 20. Sachs offered a three-pronged approach to help elevate poor populations. He said that fighting for social equality and environmental sustainability are just as important as developing new economies; warning that all of this must be carried out under a decent government. Sachs also spoke fondly of a recent meeting he had with Pope Francis, saying that the Pope’s appeal goes far beyond the followers of the Catholic Church. Sachs urged that, “We need moral leadership. If we can find it, we will find our way to sustainable development.” The talk was organized by the Director of the Honors Program John Dilyard. Jennifer Wingate (Fine Arts) published the book, Sculpting Doughboys: Memory, Gender, and Taste in America’s World War I Memorials (Ashgate), which examines the unique position memorials of WWI soldiers hold in the social, cultural and artistic history of the United States. “Several of the sculptures I write about are right here in Brooklyn,” said Professor Wingate. “Some have been forgotten or destroyed over the years, but some are still the focus of neighborhood ceremonies and remembrances.”

Artist Before the Court


he verdict is in for Fine Arts Professor Scheherazade Garcia, and its good news. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently purchased two of Garcia’s paintings from the group, “Tales of Freedom” (19 97). Sotomayor saw the paintings in 2012 when they were on display at the U.S. Embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay. Check out her work at www.scherezade.net

Fine Arts Professor Scheherazade Garcia with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

12  |  S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER  |  W IN T ER 2013-2014

Terrier Sports

Athletics Men’s Soccer Begins New Era at Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn Bridge Park played host to the first-ever NCAA Division I men’s soccer contest when the St. Francis Brooklyn Terriers defeated the Saint Peter’s Peacocks, 3 –1, on September 10.


O P E N I N G N I G H T: he opening night experience was great. real home field advantage,” said Head Coach T O P : The Terriers Dance Squad under the It was under the lights and we had a lot of Tom Giovatto. “Our students and the entire lights. L O W E R - L E F T: Richie Arkoi ’14 fights for people there. We were glad that we could Brooklyn community can now walk just a few the ball. L O W E R - R I G H T: John Johansson ’14 put on a show for our home crowd,” said Andy blocks from campus to watch us play.” with Gabriel Bagot ’14 after one of Gabriel’s two goals. Cormack ’15, a junior midfielder from Plymouth, “Having this world-class field as our home England. “It’s a pretty amazing view to have it right as well as for soccer clinics for children in the there on the water. Honestly it’s one of the most beautiful fields in the community helps to further strengthen the bond between the College country, if not around the world.” and our Brooklyn Heights neighbors,” said President Dugan. “We Prior to the game, there was a short ceremony to commemorate this applaud the hard work and efforts of everyone involved who made event. Brooklyn Bridge Park President Regina Myer and Borough this dream a reality.” President Marty Markowitz along with St. Francis President Brendan J. “I can’t think of a better way to kick-off a new year of Terrier Athletics,” Dugan ’68, and Terriers’ Athletic Director Irma Garcia ’80 were on hand Garcia stated. “Brooklyn Bridge Park is a huge step for our men’s soccer to celebrate the Terriers’ new home field. program and I’m looking forward to watching our team compete at such “The field has to be one of the most unique settings in all of college a beautiful facility. I hope our students and the Brooklyn Heights sports, but most importantly, it gives us an opportunity to finally have a community continue to come support our team.” ●

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Volleyball Team Off To Nice Start

Men’s Water Polo



ome early season success has the Terriers poised to challenge for a playoff berth in the 2013 Northeast Conference Tournament. Micah Acoba’s squad has already collected victories over teams including: Delaware State, NJIT, Quinnipiac, and Providence. Sophomore Maggie Niu ’16, freshman Domenique Gerard ’17, and senior Slavica Stefanovic ’14 have made an impressive offensive trio thus far. Niu and Gerard were both among the conference leaders in kills per game and Stefanovic was among the team-leaders in a variety of statistical categories. Gerard and Stefanovic were both named to the All-Tournament Team at the Providence Invitational. “We are going to work hard and try to improve every day, every touch, every practice,” declared Coach Acoba. “We need to establish a good mindset. For the last couple of seasons, we had talented players, but we struggled to get on the same page.” ●

Senior Slavica Stefanovic ’14 has watched the team turn its fortunes around over the past three years.

Former Players Sign Professional Contracts


pair of recent St. Francis Brooklyn graduates, Akeem Johnson ’13 and Stefan Perunicic ’12, inked professional basketball contracts and are now playing in Europe. Johnson is suiting up for Karhu Kauhajoki in Finland. The team competes in the highest tier of Finnish basketball. Perunicic takes the court with Aries Trikala B.C. in Greece, which competes in the top Greek division. Last season, Johnson became the 28th player in Terriers’ men’s basketball history to reach the 1,0 0 0 point plateau. He averaged 10.0 and 5.8 rebounds per contest in his final

Akeem Johnson ’13 takes his talents to Finland. R I G H T: Stefan Perunicic ’12 is a starter for his new team. L E F T:

season. Perunicic is the 16th leading-scorer in Terrier history with 1,14 4 points and is also seventh for three-point field goals with 224. “This is a great opportunity for me to continue to play basketball for one of the top teams in Finland,” Johnson stated. “Not too many college players have a chance to play professionally so I’m very excited about it. I have never been to Europe so I’m a bit nervous about adjusting to a new culture.” “The coaching staff has told me that I need to come in and work very hard every day in practice,” Johnson added. “As long as I do that, I will have an opportunity to prove myself on the court once the season begins.” “It’s the greatest feeling to know that with hard work and dedication, this dream came true,” said Perunicic. “I am just so happy to be playing in one of the top five leagues in the world. It’s a once in a lifetime experience.” “We’re thrilled Akeem and Stefan will have an opportunity to continue their basketball careers,” said St. Francis Brooklyn Head Coach Glenn Braica. “Both guys have worked extremely hard to get to this point and we wish them the best of luck as they begin their professional careers.” ●

14  |  S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER  |  W IN T ER 2013-2014

ast season was a banner one for Men’s Water Polo as they defeated Air Force 14-8 to capture third-place at the NCAA Final Four. This was the first ever win for the Terriers at the tournament and showed how far the program has come. This season, the Terriers have lost some terrific student athletes to graduation but an infusion of new talent led by freshmen Lazar Komadinic ’17 and Ilija Djuretic ’17 and junior Nathan Kotylaka ’15, will help keep the momentum going. A core of returning players, including senior All-American goalie Igor Mladenovic ’14, senior center Bosko Stankovic ’14, and junior defenseman Vuk Vujosevic ’15, make St. Francis a favorite to again capture the Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA) championship and advance to the Final Four for a fourth time. New Terrier head coach Srdjan Mihaljevic ’01, who has been continuously involved with St. Francis since his arrival in 19 97 from Croatia as a freshman water polo player, is no stranger to the expectations placed on the Terriers. “Sure, we are one of the favorite teams to win but so are Princeton, Brown, Navy, Bucknell and others,” he said. “What you need to find is a way to stay hungry,” continued Mihaljevic. “That hunger will get you ready, will allow you to demonstrate your talent and I hope will prepare us for the CWPA Men’s Championships.” ●

Serbian freshman Ilija Djuretic ’17 adapted to playing in the U.S., quickly earning CWPA Northern Division Rookie of the Week honors.

Men’s Basketball


he 2013-14 men’s basketball squad will not lack for talent as Coach Glenn Braica welcomes back four starters and has added several talented newcomers to the mix. “I really like the composition of this team and I think the guys are hungry,” Braica stated. “Our returning players have all worked very hard over the summer to become better players, and I think the new guys are talented and are excited about being here. I also think that our exhibition trip to Canada this past summer was very helpful in our preparation for the upcoming season.” Junior forward Jalen Cannon ’15 is widely regarded as one of the top returning players on the circuit after earning Second Team All Northeast Conference honors last season. The bruising power forward paced the Terriers in scoring (14.7 ppg.), rebounding (8.8 rpg.), and field goal

percentage (0.556) after earning All-Rookie Team honors as a freshman in 2011-2012. The front portion of the schedule is always tough on the Terriers with eight of their first nine contests away from Remsen Street. This year, the opening-night tilt was at Miami on Nov. 8. The team then took part in the EA Sports Maui Invitational Mainland Bracket (at Coastal Carolina) with road games against Syracuse, Dayton, Stony Brook, and Army. The Terriers first home game is Nov. 27 against Mount St. Vincent. It’s a very challenging schedule,” Braica admitted. “We have numerous games on the road to start the season against very good teams. However, if we are tough and can learn from it then we will. We will see different styles of play in difficult environments that can really prepare us for the conference season.” ●

Letter to the Editor

P.J. Santavenere ’15, Sheldon Hagigal ’17, Ben Mockford ’14, Edon Molic ’16, Brent Jones ’15, Yunus Hopkinson ’17. B A C K R O W ( L - R ) : Assistant Coach Danny Nigro, Assistant Coach Clive Bentick, Lowell Ulmer ’15, Amdy Fall ’16, Jalen Cannon ’15, Matt Milk ’14, Wayne Martin ’17, Kevin Douglas ’15, Alex Isailovic ’14, Head Coach Glenn Braica, Assistant Coach Ron Ganulin. FRONT ROW (L-R):

Robert Minion ’54 writes, “I enjoyed reading the article lauding the accomplishments of the 1964 SFC basketball team… However, I should like to point out a team and a season, which, in my view, wholly surpassed the concededly fine performance of the 1964 team… I refer to the 1953-54 Terriers… a nearly unbeatable team that won everything in sight.” Minion points out that this team went 23-4 and upset the perennial powerhouse Louisville in the NIT before losing in the quarterfinals to eventual champions, Holy Cross. Let the debate continue…

Women’s Basketball


he Terriers will look to build upon their success from a season ago, both on and off the court. In the classroom, the Terriers finished with the second-highest Division I team grade-point average out of 3 45 schools in the WBCA Academic Top 25 Team Honor Roll. On the hardwood, the Terriers far surpassed expectations by qualifying for their first Northeast Conference Tournament appearance in almost five years. First-year head coach John Thurston credits juniors Sarah Benedetti ’15, Jaymee Veney ’15 and sophomore Leah Fechko ’16 for much of the turnaround. Benedetti is widely regarded as a top three-point shooter after earning Third Team All Northeast Conference honors last season. The sharp-shooting guard paced the team in scoring (11.6 ppg.) and

three-point field goal percentage (0.393). Veney (7.8 ppg, 4.8 rpg) has become a versatile option for St. Francis Brooklyn while Fechko (6.6 ppg, 5.4 rpg.) became just the 10 th Terrier in program history to be selected to the Northeast Conference All-Rookie squad. The Twinsburg, Ohio native was the Choice Hotels Northeast Conference Rookie of the Week on three occasions. During conference play, she netted 8.7 points per game along with 6.3 rebounds per contest, which led all newcomers last season. The team played their home-opener on Nov. 11 against Army, and faces a major early season challenge when they take on the University of Miami on Nov. 29. ●

Rachel Iozzia ’17, Eilidh Simpson ’15, Taylor Watson ’17, Jasmin Robinson ’14, Katie Fox ’15, Alexandra Ionescu ’16, Leah Fechko ’16, Ozana Marginean ’14. B A C K R O W ( L - R ) : Assistant Coach Dionne Dodson, Head Coach John Thurston, Assistant Coach Kaitlyn Vican, Kelly Myers ’15, Sarah Benedetti ’15, Jaymee Veney ’15, Casey Cummings ’16, Kiley Grabbe ’14, Colette Hounshell ’15, Jessica Kaufman ’15, Olivia Levey ’17, Trainer Justine Stevenson, Team Manager Adam Maldonado, Assistant Coach Nettie Respondek. FRONT ROW (L-R):

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Alumni Events Staten Island Yankees On Wednesday, July 17, our alumni cheered on the Staten Island Yankees as they took on the Batavia Muckdogs.

Angela ’01 and Will Manekas with their children, Peter and Michaela.

(L-R) James E. Vincent ’61, Associate Director of Individual Giving Paulette Gonzalez and Director of Alumni Relations Dennis McDermott ’74.

Our Alumni.

Brooklyn Cyclones On Tuesday, August 6 our alumni cheered on the Brooklyn Cyclones as they took on the Connecticut Tigers.

Director of Community Partnerships and Special Events Robert Oliva ’04 with Brooklyn Cyclones mascot, Sandy the Seagull.

(L-R) Michael A. MacIntyre ’97, Patrick J. Dugan ’01 and Berk Saka.

(L-R) Catherine T. Howley ’79 and Patti Moffatt Lesser ’77.

Brother Urban Gonnoud, OSF Memorial Golf Classic On Tuesday, September 17, our annual Brother Urban Gonnoud, OSF Memorial Golf Classic was held at the Dyker Beach Golf Course. Following a day on the links, the golfers enjoyed a buffet dinner at Sirico’s Caterers. (L-R) Kevin J. Redden ’78, Sean P. Redden ’04 and Clifford B. Redden ’69.

(L-R) John W. Sheedy, Sr. ’71, Robert N. Sheedy ’73, Michael E. Salogub ’72 and Alfonso G. Figliolia ’72.

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Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 (Center) and guests.

(L-R) John E. Klemm ’77, Ed Fogarty, James J. McHugh and President Brendan J. Dugan ’68.

Class Notes 1940s John J. O’Neill ’42 continues to be a strong supporter of the College and recently celebrated 6 0 years as a member of the American Chemical Society. He continues to have many fond memories of his alma mater. Philip R. Harris ’48 announces the publication of his 5 3rd and final book, Developing High Performance Leaders (Routledge). The book covers five aspect of the leadership process; human behavior and performance, communications, cultural influences, organizational relations, and change management.

1950s Philip A. Buttling ’59 met with his former classmates this past summer for an informal reunion. He is happy to be able to stay in touch with great friends.

1960s Bro. Emmett Corry, OSF ’60 recently celebrated 6 0 years as a Franciscan Brother. John O’Rourke ’65 was appointed President-Elect by the American Medical Association. O’Rourke has spent more than 4 0 years in the health care industry. Among his jobs before retiring were president of the central region for WellPoint Health Networks, deputy director of the Federal HMO program and a senior policy analyst for the U.S. Surgeon General.

Golden Jubilee celebrants Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70, Superior General of the Franciscan Brothers, Bro. Norman Smercak, OS ’66, Bro. Xavier Castaldo, OSF ’72, Bro. Michel Bettigole, OSF, Bro. Franciscus Rowles, OSF, Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF, and Bro. Patrick Murphy, OSF ’68, and Bro. Joseph Gallagher, OSF ’68.

Edwin R. Westley ’65 is head of the Jackson Heights Beautification Group, an all-volunteer organization that sponsors street cleanups and orchestral concerts in addition to creating more green spaces and preserving the Jackson Heights historic district. Mary E. Hines ’67 has retired as president of Carlow University, and currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA. Bro. Joseph Gallagher, OSF ’68 celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a Franciscan Brother last year. Bro. Joseph is pictured here on the right with fellow Jubilee celebrants Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70, Superior General of the Franciscan Brothers, Bro. Norman Smercak, OS ’66, Bro. Xavier Castaldo, OSF ’72, Bro. Michel Bettigole, OSF, Bro. Franciscus Rowles, OSF, Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF, and Bro. Patrick Murphy, OSF ’68.

Bro. Lawrence Boyle, OSF ’69 recently celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a Franciscan Brother.

1970s Bro. Padraic G. Campbell, OSF ’71 recently celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a Franciscan Brother. Steven Morisi ’75 worked with fellow St. Francis alumni Stef Morisi ’10, Richard Weyhausen ’72, and Paul Morisi ’06 on a community theater production of Play On! this summer in Forest Hills at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

Bro. Edward Wesley, OSF ’68 recently celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a Franciscan Brother. Bro. Edward is a Professor of English at St. Francis College.

Philip A. Buttling ’59 and former classmates.

Richard J. Collins ’68 and Thomas J. Conlon ’70 organized a Pi Alpha reunion this past summer in Glen Cove, NY bringing together many of the brothers.

The cast of Play On! Francis P. Tricamo, Sr. ’77 is now head of a new Construction Property Risks Division for HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. Tricamo has more than 35 years of property insurance and reinsurance experience, including 10 years in loss control.

Richard J. Collins ’68 and Thomas J. Conlon ’70 and the Pi Alpha reunion.

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Class Notes Al DiGuido ’78 and Joseph Hemway ’84 raised $10,0 0 0 and collected 2,0 0 0 stuffed teddy bears and furniture for the victims of the tornados that struck Moore, OK on May 20, 2013. The two loaded a truck and delivered everything during the July 4th holiday. “It was an amazing experience for us to witness both the incredible destruction and meet the genuinely good people who are trying not to lose hope,” said Hemway.

Joseph Ferrari ’78 was ordained as a Permanent Deacon within the Roman Catholic Church serving the Diocese of Joliet, IL, on Aug. 17. Ferrari is professor of psychology at DePaul University. Thomas G. Pellinger ’74 (Swimming and Water Polo), John E. Klemm ’77 (Administration) and Corey A. Thomas ’08 (Track) were recently inducted into the St. James / Bishop Loughlin Athletic Hall of Fame. SFC Alumni John Klemm ’77 (left), Corey Thomas ’08 (second from left) and Tom Pellinger ’74 (right). Robert L. Sena ’76 is now the Director of Security at The Fieldston School, in Manhattan.

Joseph Hemway ’84 (left) with Al DiGuido ’78 with members of the Southmore High School Volleyball Team.

Christopher Reidy ’78 was appointed CFO and Executive vice president of administration at BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), a global technology company. He previously worked at ADP as corporate vice president and CFO, NBA Properties, Inc. as CFO, as well as at AT&T and Deloitte & Touche.

Zeroing In On The Environment: Tabitha St. Bernard By Toni Rich ’09


magine a world where women feel great about themselves simply because they are comfortable in their own skin. Size, shape and height don’t matter and when they walk into a room, they have confidence and poise because they know they are beautiful. That’s the world Tabitha St. Bernard ’04 is working to create. The co-founder of the Tabii Just clothing line, St. Bernard’s designs aim to make women of every body type feel sexy, chic, sophisticated, flirty and fun. “When you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing, you’re more likely to feel good about yourself,” says the now New York-based fashion designer. The native Trinidadian draws on her Caribbean heritage to bring a vibrant feel to all of her designs. With patterns and materials that are unique in all of her pieces, the clothes, says St. Bernard, help women express their own style. But Tabii Just is about more than just clothes. St. Bernard is committed to zero fabric waste fashion design. “I was curious about a more eco-conscious approach to fashion. I started doing research and stumbled upon a New York Times article that highlighted the work of Timo Rissanen, who is a professor at Parsons [The New School for Design]. He had done work in zero-waste design. It resonated with me in a way that nothing else had.” In any fashion house, St. Bernard says, an average “15 percent of fabric is usually thrown out during the garment manufacturing process. We use that excess fabric to make shopping bags, makeup bags or travel bags, depending on the amount of extras.” Any leftovers from the smaller products are used to make stuffed animals that are donated to charity.

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Tabitha is also committed to producing her clothing locally. “We believe in empowering the local fashion industry and bringing jobs back to the United States where they are so needed. Producing goods locally also allows me to keep a sharper eye on quality and the working conditions of the sewing room.” Knowing how far she’s come, it’s easy to see why St. Bernard so eagerly embraced zero-waste design. “I’ve always wanted to be a designer, but I never thought it was a possibility growing up.” As a kid, Tabitha thought that artistic inclinations were hobbies, not career options but she never missed an opportunity to pursue her passion, “I was always stitching and re-making my clothing.” Tabitha recalls how St. Francis helped give her the confidence and knowledge to pursue those dreams, “My degree from St. Francis College really prepared me for a career in fashion. So much of fashion is about consumer behavior and understanding why people respond to certain trends, colors and designs. My time at SFC allowed me to see this very early on.” “SFC also taught me so much about diversity and embracing differences. It is such a cosmopolitan college with people from all over the world. I learned valuable lessons about appreciating culture and working with different personality types.” St. Bernard decided to turn her goals into actions and began to take steps towards become a fashion designer in New York City. “I realized I would not be happy until I at least gave fashion design a shot,” and it’s been nothing but hard work and smiles for Tabitha ever since. Take a look at her collections at www.tabiijust.com ●

Class Notes 1980s Minerva Garcia ’84, and her husband, Jose ’81, are extremely proud of their son James ’13 who recently graduated from St. Francis College and is now attending Dominica College in the pursuit of becoming a doctor of physical therapy. Minerva is a microbiology administrator at Flushing Hospital Medical Center in New York while her husband, Jose, is an assessment director for the NYC Department of Education. James J. Paguaga ’86 is happy to announce that he recently wed Diane Vivolo this past June.

Peter Mills ’87 joins Endurance Specialty Holdings as Executive Vice President and head of specialty reinsurance. Mills, who has almost 30 years of experience in underwriting, will focus on international expansion for Endurance. Sean P. Sheridan ’88 recently wed Maureen Patricia Ingram at Fort Hamilton Officer’s Club this past August. The father of the bride, Supreme Court Justice John Ingram, walked Maureen down the aisle and officiated at the wedding.

1900s Caroline Liljencrantz ’93 was named client services assistant and administrative coordinator for Suncoast Advisory Group in Sarasota, FL. She will be responsible for all client and strategic alliance administrative opportunities and projects. Eric Serrano ’96 is the director of strategic partnerships for The MJS Agency, which focuses on non-traditional marketing and branding for recording artists and studios. He works on product placement in music videos, film, and TV. Serrano also represents a resource publication for families that have children on the autism spectrum or other special needs.

Tamas Bakacs ’99 is now a member of the advisory board of Alliance Mining Corp., which focuses on acquiring and delineating highly prospective gold and silver mineral properties in Arizona’s most prolific gold producing area—Yavapai County, located in central Arizona.

2010s Javier A. Gonzalez ’10 is now a member of Atlético Venezuela, a professional soccer team based in Caracas, Venezuela. This is his fourth year playing in Venezuela’s top league. Gonzalez was also called up to play for the Venezuelan national team. (Photo credit: Atlético Venezuela)

2000s Antonevia A. Ocho-Coultes ’04 has established a new Caribbean theatre company called MA’s Playhouse, where she serves as the artistic director. The company, which aims to give voice to Caribbean and Caribbean American, actors, poets and playwrights, recently had its first performance entitled “Nostalgia: Memories of a Tropical Past.” Kimberly L. Bennett ’05 now works at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a program manager in the content and community department.

Shawn Buckley ’12 is now working at IBM in Raleigh, NC. Harold Edmunds ’12 published his new book, How to Be a Man, which offers lessons for men on topics including how to succeed in school, find the right woman, and handle a divorce.

Erin Golembiewski ’07 married Jeremy Rubin at Good Shepherd Church in Brooklyn, NY in August. They are both teachers at Edward R. Murrow High School. Sisters Megan Golembiewski ’14 and Caitlin Golembiewski served as maids of honor.

Marisa Bernard ’13 is now working full time at IBM, where she interned as an undergraduate.

Brendan Forray ’07 currently works as a Publishing Administrator at Warner Music Group in Burbank, CA. He has resided in Los Angeles, CA since 2011. Laurie Blaske ’08 graduated from St. John’s University with a master’s degree in childhood education with a middle school extension in health education. Karim Badawy ’09 was valedictorian of the Class of 2013 at the NY College of Podiatric Medicine and was matched for his residency to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Births Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 and her husband Arthur are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Keira Margaret, who now joins her big brother, John. Jennifer Manukian (Graziano) ’02, her husband Christopher Manukian ’01 and daughter Hailey welcomed baby boy, Matthew, on May 17. He was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 20 inches long. Vanessa C. Rivera ’06 is proud to announce the birth of her son, Derek Alexander. Vanessa is the registrar services manager at the College. ●

Salvatore P. Demma ’09 is happy to announce his engagement to Melissa Crivelli. Sal is an Account Executive for J.P. Morgan, and is a member of the College’s Alumni Board of Directors.

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A Family That Learns Together, Stays Together By Chandra Persaud ’11

Suzanne Forsberg Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, and International Cultural Studies, has an infectious love for music and teaching—so infectious that four of the Salameh sisters decided there was no one better to guide them through the musical world of composers such as Bach and Beethoven.


andy and Jakleen style. For example, Salameh ’06 with the help of the were the first of Faculty Development the sisters to witness Committee at Forsberg’s passion St. Francis, she has for teaching. After complemented her taking Music of the Music of the Western Western World, part World course with of the core curriculum several research at St. Francis College, trips to Europe to The Salameh sisters Jakleen ’06, Candy ’06, Rosaleen ’13, Joanne ’10, and Karoleen ’02 the girls’ mutual study the music of with Professor Suzanne Forsberg. enjoyment of the course composers such as compelled them to Bach, Handel, Mozart, encourage their younger sisters and Beethoven. After hearing about the positive to follow suit. Every educator desires to touch Without hesitation, Joanne at least one student in a meaningful experiences a friend had at St. Francis, Salameh ’10 and Rosaleen Salameh way, but to leave a mark on an entire Karoleen decided there was no better place family brings a sense of inexplicable ’13 took their older sisters’ advice and both separately fulfilled the to receive a college education. Her unique satisfaction. Recalling her memories music component of their education with each of the Salameh girls, experiences there prompted her younger Dr. Forsberg shares, “The sisters with Dr. Forsberg. It was a choice that neither sister regrets. “Suzanne were always polite and eager to sisters to follow in her footsteps. Forsberg made the course all the learn. Each one has a unique and more interesting with not only her engaging personality, and each teaching methods, but her passion for the subject. What made her contributed to the class in a distinctive and valuable way. Above all, course special was Dr. Forsberg herself. She has the aura to make their loyalty to me as one of their teachers has meant a great deal one want to learn,” says Rosaleen. over the years.” The youngest of her sisters, Rosaleen admits that she was the most It must be noted that this loyalty started with the oldest of the nervous to embark on her college education. Struggling with the Salameh sisters, Karoleen ’02, a child psychologist who never even remnants of a learning disability left undetected until middle school, took a class with Dr. Forsberg. After hearing about the positive Rosaleen was skeptical about her future at St. Francis. experiences a friend had at St. Francis, Karoleen decided there was Taking Dr. Forsberg’s class during her first semester provided the no better place to receive a college education. Her unique experikind of motivation Rosaleen needed. “It was as if her class presented ences there prompted her younger sisters to follow in her footsteps. itself as an example of what was to come and I remember thinking For a family of sisters on different career paths, it’s noteworthy that if there are more classes like this one, my college experience that they found a common love in Dr. Forsberg’s class. Candy and should be great! Dr. Forsberg was kind-hearted, understanding, and Jakleen majored in History and currently work as paralegals at patient. She was always willing to offer help if I was confused or separate law firms. Joanne received her degree in Communication stressed,” Rosaleen recalls. Arts, while Rosaleen majored in English. Yet, they were each Dr. Forsberg decided that she wanted to teach on the college level captivated by Dr. Forsberg’s exuberance for her work. while in college herself. “I value the opportunity for lifelong learning The Salameh sisters are proof that St. Francis College is a place and the chance to pass it on to my students,” she says. To keep her where individuals come for lifelong experiences, but always leave classes interesting and unique, she constantly enhances her teaching as a family. ●

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In Memoriam We Remember The following alumni and friends of St. Francis College recently passed away. We pray for the repose of their souls. Requiescant in Pacem.

Richard Berleth, Ph.D.


ommunication Arts Professor and long-time chair of the Department, Richard Berleth, Ph.D. passed away on October 12. Berleth worked widely in print media companies, advertising, and marketing. He held positions in marketing management for Time Inc., McGraw-Hill, Simon & Schuster, Dun & Bradstreet and directed his own small advertising firm with a specialty in direct response selling. He wrote the best-selling childrens book, Samuels Choice, and a best-selling adult popular history, The Twilight Lords. He also wrote the highly acclaimed history book, The Bloody Mohawk: War and Survival 1718–1794. Berleth came to St. Francis College in 198 6 and taught until 2012. He helped design the advertising and public relations track of the Communication Arts department and served as Chair of the Department for many years. Richard Berleth was 73. ●

Bro. Robert Smith, OSF


fter graduating from St. Francis Preparatory School in 1947, Brother Robert entered the Franciscan Brothers and made final profession in 1951. He has devoted his entire life to Franciscan education. This included his long years of service on the Boards of Trustees for St. Francis College (1961-20 05), St. Francis Prep and St. Anthony’s High School. Bro. Robert was elected to the Superior General’s Council of the Franciscan Brothers and also served as the community’s Treasurer General, Director of the Franciscan Brothers Guild and Secretary General. Bro. Robert passed away June 10, 2013. He was 8 4. ●

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E A L U M N I

F R I E N D S O F S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E

Eugene P. Alfonsin ’56

John Archer

George C. Davey ’61

Mary Bochniak

Douglas P. DeChillo ’80

Eugene Brennan, Brother of George ’70

William R. Donaldson ’62 Peter Ferrara ’55 Thomas J. Gallagher ’49 Janet M. Ceglecki ’90

John ‘Jack’ McCarthy ’51


hen John ‘Jack’ McCarthy ’51 received the St. Clare Medal of Service from the College in 20 0 8, Jack told the audience, “Please Jack McCarthy accepting believe me, you can the St. Clare Medal of do anything you Service at the 20 0 8 can dream,” and Charter Day Convocation. he recounted how he got his first job. Not letting up on a Citibank manager, McCarthy told the boss that if he wasn’t better than every one of the workers already there in just three years the manager could throw him out of the building. More than 30 years later McCarthy retired as co-managing partner of Lord Abbett and Co. Jack and his wife Mary were always very generous to his alma mater, endowing 12 scholarships and donating large sums of money to replenish others. Jack McCarthy died January 23, 2013. He was 85. ●

William Kevin Kane, Brother of Dan ’67

Domenick Cama, Grandfather of Victoria ’12 and Michael ’10 Johnnie Cheatham

Rita Keating, Mother of Dennis ’74 and Mother-in-law to Elizabeth ’74 Sara Margotta, Mother-in-law to Dr. Joseph Marino ’68

Vincent Dima, Grandfather of Michael Rossomando ’11

Charles G. O’Brien, Father of Barbara Koster ’76

Patricia Donohue, Mother of Martin ’53, Catherine ’78 and Mary Elizabeth ’86, Mother-in-law to Kevin Donohue ’79, and Grandmother of Brian Nersten ’13

Laura Saporito, Mother of Joanna Saporito ’05 Michael Silvestri, Nephew to Frank ’53, Cousin to Robert’ 81 and Teresa ’87


Ann Giordano, Sister of Joseph ’79

Bishop Joseph Sullivan

Bro. Armand Duerr, OSF ’65

Thomas Greene

Frank P. Giordano ’65 Ruth M. Haskell ’80 James D. Healy ’60 Frank A. Jurek, Jr. ’52 Peter J. Owens ’59

Bro. Benilde Montgomery, OSF ’64 Bro. Robert Smith, OSF FAC U LT Y Dr. Murray J. Diamond

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St. Francis College 2012–2013

Annual Donor Report A Message from Denis J. Salamone ’75 Development Thomas F. Flood Committee Chairman Vice President for Development


his is the perfect season to share thanks for what we have received. As a member of the Board of Trustees and as the Development Committee Chairman, it is an honor to write this note of acknowledgment on behalf of the College and all the students whose lives are being changed thanks to your generosity. As an alumnus, I am Denis J. Salamone ’75 inspired by the helping hands that choose to share their blessings with the St. Francis College Community; so many work hard and give tirelessly to dreams and futures. The number of times we say thank you is never enough. The sacrifices don’t go unnoticed. This section of The Terrier magazine is another way we communicate our gratitude and celebrate the Franciscan spirit that is ever-present at SFC. It is dedicated to alumni, parents and friends who value a St. Francis College education and want to see that gift get passed on from Terrier to Terrier, from generation to generation. The student testimonials tell the story. The Terriers of today are so touched that people they may not know would invest in their education. Your genuine, supportive gestures breed an attitude of gratitude and breathe life into the words of our patron. Take a moment to reflect and revel on what you have done to make SFC what it is today. Then kindly consider what you could do to make SFC what it should be tomorrow. The Terriers of today and tomorrow are counting on each and every one of us. No words could accurately describe the gratefulness that we have for all that you give. Please accept these two simple yet powerful words to understand what your support means to the life and future of the Small College of Big Dreams: T H A N K YO U.


he last year has been quite a journey for our College Community. We said good-bye to our Chancellor, Dr. Frank Macchiarola, while celebrating his life and promising him that we would continue his ministry of caring for Terriers who need a helping hand. We confronted Sandy head-on and established our Terriers for Terriers Disaster Relief Fund providing Thomas F. Flood comfort, hospitality, muscle and financial assistance to those devastated by the storm. The Small College of Big Dreams welcomed its largest Class ever in the fall of 2012. Our Water Polo team made it to the Final Four telling all across the nation that St. Francis matters. A Cardinal from Argentina was named Pope and chose the name Francis asking all to live a life of charity, humility and service. It has been the year of “Francis” for many reasons. In the spirit of “it is in giving that we receive”, we had record-breaking support of the Annual Fund, Reunion Class Giving, Charter Award Dinner, Meadow Brook Golf Outing and Scholarship efforts. St. Clare membership has grown exponentially with alumni, parents and friends giving indication that they want to perpetuate this great place with a legacy gift through their estate plans. Our volunteerism is up as is alumni participation. Everyone wants to be like Francis, everyone needs to be like Francis. We need to embrace the call to be instruments of peace, to sow love, to grow hope, to turn darkness into light. Through the incredible gifts of time, talent and treasure shared with and through the College we do that and more for the Terriers of today and tomorrow. We are very grateful to all who sacrificed and gave selflessly of their energy and resources throughout fiscal year 2012–13. Through this thanksgiving report, we thank and recognize our alumni and friends for being Franciscan each and every day. And, we invite others to join the “Francis” movement and let us bring charity, humility and service to St. Francis College, the communities we live in and the world.

Fundraising Results FY 2012–2013: $3,563,941 SOURCES OF FUNDING

S F C T O P 10 C L A S S Y E A R

46% 39% 15%




196 8 $ 394,112. 45

1957 46. 55%

1975 $178, 490. 0 0

196 3 45. 45%

196 4 $152, 855. 0 0

1951 39.73%

198 6 $151, 340. 0 0

195 4 38.10%

1972 $130, 250. 05

19 49 37. 93%

1967 $ 98,731. 25

1952 36. 8 4%


196 3 $76, 015. 0 0

195 8 36. 05%


196 6 $71, 297. 0 0

1961 32. 41%


1976 $ 69, 355. 0 0

1959 31. 46%

1961 $ 65, 825. 0 0

195 3 31. 03%

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Honor Roll of Donors The following pages list alumni, friends, faculty, parents, grandparents, staff, corporate and foundation donors in the 2012–2013 fiscal year. The generous gifts listed throughout the report represent support to all areas of St. Francis College, including the Annual Fund for scholarships, library and athletics.

Leadership Gifts While gifts of all sizes are gratefully received and carefully expended, St. Francis College extends a special thank you to donors listed below for their leadership gifts and for helping to secure leadership donations of $2,50 0 to $50,0 0 0 or more. F OUND E R ’S CIR C L E ($50,000 and above) Edward N. ’68 BT and Jo-Ann Constantino William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Meredith R. Dawson V Brendan J. ’68 BT and Barbara A. Dugan XV General Atlantic Corporation Gerard C. ’68 and Mary Jane Keegan XV Barbara G. ’76 BT and Robert Koster V Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 + and Mary T. Macchiarola Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello X Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone XV David D. ’6 4 and Ann Smith John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan V

DeSales Media Group, Inc. Arthur Dignam Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro Robert and Christina Dow ExxonMobil Foundation V Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Philip and Evelyn Stenger Structure Tone, Inc. V Sullivan & Cromwell Dawn Taylor TD Bank Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 XV Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti V

Frederick D. ’6 4 and Catherine Furman XV Gary Giordano

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Catherine Greene BT Michael A. ’61 BT and Catherine J. Henning

Waldorf Family Foundation, Inc.

John F. ’67 BT and Maureen Tully XV

William J. Hogan Salvatore ’75 and Barbara ’75 Iannuzzi

P R E SID EN T ’S CIR C L E Alltype Printing

CH A R T E R S O CIE T Y ($25,000 to $49,999) Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia XV

ISS Facility Services V JPMorgan Chase

Anthony E. ’65 and Rosemarie Amodeo XV James Austin

Thomas J., Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen XV Edward A. & Lucille Kimmel Foundation

Ayco Charitable Foundation BD Development, LLC

KPMG Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn

Faye Bean Michael J. Beaury ’80 XV

Mary A. Ledermann XV Liberty Warehouse

Stephen and Cynthia Berger BNY Mellon

William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Meridian Capital Group

James F. Bozart ’86 and Donald B. Winston XV Wayne E. Bright

John P. Monaghan ’57 XV Monster Worldwide Mulvaney Family Foundation The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. The New York Community Trust Michael O’Keeffe Lester Owens Raymond Pitek PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. V POM Recoveries, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Prudential Insurance Company V May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation Ron Robbins Vincent Rohan Paul J. Rowley RTP Technology George J. Scott John Simmons John P. ’6 4 and Janice Smircich XV

Frank Califano Peter J. Callahan ’63 XV Candid Litho Printing, Ltd. Robert B. and Joan Catell Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens Daniel J. ’6 4 and Carol F. Cavanagh X CDHM Frank and Anita Ciolli Community Foundation of the Florida Keys Con Edison Company XV James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 XV Orville W. Dale BT XV Vincent A. ’65 and Marie D’Angelo V Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo XV Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D. Diocesan Food Services John M. Downing ’59 XV Dr. Harry Dunn Eagle Interiors, Inc. Michael J. Eble

James and Wendy Argutto Astoria Federal Savings XV Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball XV Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly V Brown Brothers Harriman V Educational Housing Services, Inc. David E. Haverty ’81 XV Hudson City Savings Bank X Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Ann Mattone V National Grid XV Monte Redman Richard ’6 4 and Jane Silverman XV Leighton Waters V P R E SID EN T ’S C OUN CIL ($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous Admore Air Conditioning Corp. Arnold & Porter, LLP Bank of America V The Brightwater Fund Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne V Mark H. Burton Nicholas R. Caiazzo, Esq. Capital One N.A. Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. V Joseph P. ’63 and Joan Coppotelli V Cullen & Dykman V The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

($5,000 to $9,999)

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    2 3


Equinox Financial Solutions Farrell Fritz, PC

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC John B. ’63 and Eileen Zurell V

Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich X Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 and Arthur Swaine, Jr. V

Fast Track Construction FJC Security Services, Inc.

P R E SID EN T ’S C L UB The 6 Group Rob Arning

Maria F. Laezza-Moggioli X Allan Lowenkron

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Daria L. Foster Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons V Rev. Msgr. Jamie R. Gigantiello Maggi Heath Alber ’8 4 and Laura Hot Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D. V Investors Bank J.M.S. Foundation V Margaret J. Kane ’95 and Daniel Kane, Jr. DJ Ketchabaw James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 XV Thomas M. Laquercia, Esq. ’66 V Laquercia and Klein, LLP Walter R. Leong ’81 XV John A. Loconsolo Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis X Frank J., Jr. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Joseph C. ’8 3 BT and Carol Mangan V Robert C. and Ann Mangone XV Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 XV Martin P. McNally ’63 XV Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher XV Peter J. Michel ’63 XV New York Community Bank Foundation John E. ’67 and Mary E. O’Connor X Christopher M. Ortiz ’96 Walter A. and Kathleen Probst PSAL Wingate Memorial Fund Steven and Linda Quadrino V The Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund Rivkin Radler, LLP Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn Josephine ’87 and Richard Savastano V Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane X Bro. Robert Smith, OSF BT + Sovereign Bank David P. and Catherine Steinmann Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF, Ph.D. ’79 Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo Nicholas L. ’68 and Susan Trivisonno Vanguard Charitable Endowment Kenneth L. ’63 and Eunice Vellon Clare Walker John Walker

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

($2,500 to $4,999)

Best Choice Staffing William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black Matthew J. and Michele Brunton Domenick and Wendy Cama Frank P. ’67 and Mary Cannistra V Robert Catalano Center for Integrated Teacher Education Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. John B. Clark BT Coca-Cola Bottling Co. V

Edward Mafoud Kevin M. Maroney ’82 V Irene Marullo ’02 James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue V Ronald H. ’80 and June A. ’76 McGrisken X Mercury Public Affairs, LLC Merrill Lynch Brian P. Mooney Bernard P., CPA ’61 and Jane G. Morgan XV Thomas P. ’63 and Marion Napier XV

Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole X

Newmark, Grubb, Knight, Frank Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata XV

Collins Building Services, Inc Community Counselling Service Thomas E. Constance, Esq. Michael ’79 and Carolyn Courtien Nancy Cozzens Cumberland Packing Corp. John P. Daley ’67 V Damascus Bakery, Inc. Joseph F. BT and Marcia D’Angelo V Nathan S. Dee William L. ’63 and Beverly Dempsey X Dominick P., DDS ’6 4 + and Rosemary DePaola V Agnello Devincenzo DF Restoration, Inc. John J. Dietl ’58 V Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan V Albert G. Doumar ’57 XV Empire Office The Ergonomics Group Patrick J. ’71 and Diana M. Fallon First National Bank of New York FIS Client Management Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini X Garry Goodall Dr. Donald H. and Jean W. Haider Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood XV Cheryl A. Howell, Ed.D. V IABS Charities, Inc. J.N. Savasta Corp. John Henry’s HVAC Kam Contracting of New York Thomas Kissane KPMG Foundation Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP

Martin P. ’61 and Catherine O’Donnell XV O’Reilly, Marsh & Corteselli, PC Louis G. ’79 and Kathleen Pastina V Albert A., MD ’58 and Barbara Pineda Vincent F., Esq. ’72 and Antoinette Pitta XV Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin, LLC Project Management Institute Michael and Paula Rantz V Christopher R. Reidy ’78 and Kathleen Galasso-Reidy Edward J. Ryan ’75 and Mary Browne-Ryan ’76 V Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro Joseph Savasta Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 XV Gary J. Schneider ’6 4 XV Louis J. ’71 and Geraldine Scotto Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith XV Peter J. and Carol Striano Student Government Association Gary Sumple Emmlynn L. Taylor and Jules Taylor, Jr. Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 X Transfirst William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully United Management Corporation Unity Electric Company Charles F., Jr. ’68 and Maureen M. Vadala XV George ’87 and Elizabeth Vogel Anthony and Marlene Volpe Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC X Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward Arthur Wiener Charles E., III, Esq. BT and Margaret E. Williams V Cheryle E. Williams Andre Zmurek ’63 and Barbara Barlow V

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

2 4   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

St. Clare Society The St. Clare Society honors those visionary alumni and friends of St. Francis College who have provided for the future of the College through bequests or planned gifts including charitable trusts, retirement plan benefits, or life insurance. The following members of the Society are recognized for their generosity and foresight: Anonymous Hector Batista ’8 4 BT

James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 Charles P. Kowalski ’72

John J. ’65 and Maria G. McCabe John B. ’58 and Julie A. McCarthy

George C. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner Anthony ’54 and Kathleen Bertuglia

Gerald A. Largo, Ph.D. James P. Lawler ’71

Rev. James J. McConnell ’50 + Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott

Madelyn O. Biggs Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken BT

Charlotte T. Lowit + Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 + and Mary T. Macchiarola

James A. Gibson, Ph.D. ’63 + and Patricia Brozinsky, Ph.D. Daniel M. ’40 + and Adele V. + Burns

Joseph ’79 and Patricia B. Malewich Francis P. Mandina +

Lt. Col. Walter V. McIntyre, USAF (Ret.) ’50 + and Joan P. McIntyre + Peter J. Michel ’63

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’66 Virginia E. Cooke +

J. Christopher ’8 3 BT and Carol Mangan Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello

Johanna M. O’Boyle + William C. O’Connell ’87 Rev. William D. O’Rourke, Ph.D. ’51 Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60

Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly

John J. Dietl ’58 John M. Downing ’59 Brendan J. ’68 BT and Barbara A. Dugan Joseph J. ’61 + and Mary Joan Egan, Ph.D. Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin Bernard A. + and Virginia C. + Femminella Robert A. ’65 and Marianne Ficarra Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini Frederick D. ’6 4 and Catherine Furman J. Vincent Gallagher ’41 + Craig and Paulette B. Gonzalez Philip R. Harris, Ph.D. ’48 and Janet Belport David E. Haverty ’81 Michael J. Holmes + Richard C. ’70 and Frances Jewell John J. Jordan ’59

Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo Terese M. Rouge ’71 and Patrick Dolan Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Peter Schleipman ’86 Robert W. ’63 and Patricia M. Sheehan John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 Nicholas L. ’68 and Susan Trivisonno John F. ’67 BT and Maureen Tully Paul Urso, Ph.D. ’50 + Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF (Ret.) ’50 and Joan Valenti + Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D. Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe Francis E., Ph.D. ’65 and Patricia M. Wakely

JOIN THE ST. CLARE SOCIETY Planned Giving at St. Francis College Planned giving allows you to build charitable opportunities into your overall financial, tax and estate planning goals. Anyone can make a planned gift regardless of current assets or income. Creating a planned gift to St. Francis College guarantees to honor the present by making a commitment to the future.

• Gifts from a Retirement Plan • Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets • Gifts of Life Insurance • Gifts of Real Estate • Gifts of Personal Property

Learn more about the St. Clare Society: call (718) 489-5361 email: plannedgiving@sfc.edu website: sfc.edu/plannedgiving

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    2 5

Class Year Giving Francis X. ’51 and Margaret V. McCormack V



D O L L A R S R A I S E D $125 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 25. 0 0 %

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1, 565 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 37. 9 3%



Zachary, OD ’38 and Judith G. Ephraim X

James R. ’49 and Delores Brannigan XV

Hugh T., DDS ’49 and Alice McGowan XV Alexander J. ’49 and Stella Vogeley

1940 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1, 0 0 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 20. 0 0 % REMSEN STREET CLUB Francis P. Roland ’40 XV

1942 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 675 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 26. 67% RED & BLUE CLUB

Anthony P. Braginetz ’42 X John J., Ph.D. ’42 O’Neill


Alfonse P. Acciani, DDS ’49 XV Joseph F. ’49 and Rosaleen Byrne Gilbert D. Gingold ’49 Dr. Frank J. Kerins ’49 William ’49 and Jean Tursellino FR ANCISCANS

Anthony J. ’49 and Lillian Agoglia John E. ’49 and Georgine Hennessy X Thomas C. ’49 and Marion Reed XV



James F., MD ’42 and Margaret Farrell

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 4, 560 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 30. 8 6%



William ’50 and Gertrude Horohoe Vincent M. ’50 and Lydia Sclafani X

Alphonse Popolato ’42



Daniel J. Golden ’50 XV Rev. James J. McConnell ’50 William R. ’50 and Veronica Schroeder XV

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $10 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 56% ASSISI SOCIET Y

Xavier J., Ph.D. ’43 and Betty Musacchia X


1945 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $10 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 20. 0 0 % ASSISI SOCIET Y

Rev. Thomas J. Colgan, PE ’45 X

1946 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 30 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 10 0. 0 0 % RED & BLUE CLUB

Blair ’46 and Dorothea A. Allen XV

Rocco A. ’50 and Zdenka Agoglia V Daniel ’50 and Carline D’Errico George Hearn ’50 X Eugene F. ’50 and Rita Kelly Edward C. ’50 and Rosemarie Kennedy Raymond Kilanowski, Esq. ’50 V Michael J., MD ’50 and Roseanne Monaco The Honorable John R. ’50 and Ann O’Connor XV John W. Olsen ’50 Angelo M. ’50 and Dorothy Patrissi XV

John P. ’50 and Margaret Schofield Thomas F. ’50 and Peg Sharkey FR ANCISCANS

1947 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $10 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 8. 33%

Thomas F. ’50 and Josephine Cacciola V Martin ’50 and Sara Fazio V Peter Hlinka ’50 V Edward J. ’50 and Carleen Lynch Michael J. ’50 and Mary Mulroy V Charles G. ’50 and Eileen Parrelli Francis V. ’50 and Doris Reilly X Francis J. ’50 and Irene Sortino



Matthew A. ’47 and Edna Shannon V

1948 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 210 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 17. 39 % ASSISI SOCIET Y

Leonard ’4 8 and Anne Rose X FR ANCISCANS

Philip R., Ph.D. ’4 8 and Janet B. Harris Thomas S. Nardo ’4 8 Edward J. ’4 8 and Helen Ritter XV

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /


1951 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 9,19 5 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 39.73% REMSEN STREET CLUB Roy F. Bonner ’51 X

John A. ’51 and Margaret M. ’78 Costa



Robert S. ’51 and Joan Hathaway XV

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3,775 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 31. 0 3%



Joseph E. ’51 and Marilynn Castana XV Anthony ’51 and Margaret Caulfield X Paul H. ’51 and Barbara Ducharme XV Dr. Joseph ’51 and Anita Frey V Frederick J. ’51 and Marilyn C. Herrmann V Anthony J. ’51 and Louise Mercogliano X John P. Rowley, Jr. ’51 XV John J. ’51 and Margaret T. Scibelli XV Dr. William H., Jr. and Ruth Weir ASSISI SOCIET Y

Joseph L. ’51 and Mary Aiello William J. ’51 and Maxine Brooks V Francis H. Dowd ’51 John F. ’51 and Patricia McCormack Raymond J. ’51 and Grace McGorry XV John J. ’51 and Patricia McGrath V Dr. Thomas P. ’51 and Emily McHugh XV Rev. William D. O’Rourke ’51 John A., Ph.D. ’51 and Joan Pankavich Dr. Simeon ’51 and Frances Ryan Ludwig V. ’51 and Anna M. Sabatino XV Robert A. Walters ’51 FR ANCISCANS

George D. Balduzy ’51 V William F. ’51 and Dolores Casey V John R. ’51 and Ursula Corbett X William F. Moncrieff ’51

Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Joseph A., Ph.D. ’53 Gannon and Helena Lacey-Gannon XV Frank J. ’53 and Theodora Silvestri V RED & BLUE CLUB

Cyril D. ’53 and Sunchita F. Tyson

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3 4, 99 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 36. 8 4% CHARTER SOCIET Y

Robert W. ’53 and Eleanor Chambers XV Robert M. ’53 and Jeanne Nevin XV

1954 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 525 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 38.10 % REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert C. ’5 4 and Maureen Minion X B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pfeiffer ’5 4 RED & BLUE CLUB

Gerard E. ’5 4 and Ann M. Lenze XV John R. ’5 4 and Theresa Lenze X ASSISI SOCIET Y

Anthony ’5 4 and Kathleen Bertuglia X Thomas D. ’5 4 and Eleanor Lynch John J. ’5 4 and Lois McDonald XV Dr. Daniel J. ’5 4 and Lynda Paulo

Robert F. ’52 and Judith Lee XV Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons X Dr. Thomas J. ’52 and Mary C. Quigley XV Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela ’52 XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

Vincent C. Bracco ’52 X Joseph A., Ed.D. ’52 and Joan De Oliveira X George H. ’52 and Edith Rouillard Patrick A. ’52 and Eleanor Tolve XV FR ANCISCANS

Wladyslaw J. ’52 and Obdulia Cieslewicz Carmelo ’52 and Anna Colombo Frank A. Jurek, Jr. ’52


P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L John P. Monaghan ’57 XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Albert G. Doumar ’57 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Lt. Cmdr. Donald L. ’57 and Marcella Raymond V RED & BLUE CLUB

Joseph H. ’57 and Jane E. Lynch Frank V. ’57 and Domenica Miniaci William ’57 and Louise K. Proefriedt Robert F. ’57 and Virginia Thompson X ASSISI SOCIET Y


John J., Esq. ’55 and Theresa Hearn


D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3, 9 0 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 27. 0 3% REMSEN STREET CLUB

John DeRiso ’55


Joseph W. ’55 and Eileen Goodey X Leo M. ’55 and Joan Keegan Arthur ’55 and Theresa Maddaloni William ’55 and Janet Stearns FR ANCISCANS

John F. Curry ’55 James F. Foster ’55

1956 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3, 4 0 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 25. 4 9 % REMSEN STREET CLUB

John F. ’56 and Patricia Roache XV Thomas J., Ph.D. ’56 and Ann Wallace X

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

2 6   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 27, 20 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4 6. 55%

Nunzio D. ’57 and Rose Cazzetta John F. ’57 and Barbara Goydas XV Vincent Guadagno ’57 George F. Kehm, Esq. ’57 Michael J. McPartland ’57 XV Ralph A. ’57 and Mildred Pascucci John S. ’57 and Mary Ann Quirke V John J., MD ’57 and Theresa A. Rush V Stephen J. ’57 and Lorraine Travers X Anthony ’57 and Mary Wuestman







Roger J. ’52 and Jane Daly XV

Neil F., Jr. ’56 and Eileen Brogan XV Leo P. Callahan ’56 X Raymond G. ’56 and Rosaria Dawid XV Joseph Ferris ’56 XV Harold F. ’56 and Loretta McLeer V Eugene T. ’56 and Lorraine Moran XV Jerome R. ’56 and Lois H. Swietnicki

Dr. Dino A. ’53 and Karen Belletti Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood ’53 X Thomas J. ’53 and Joan Pellegrino V

Robert A. ’55 and Margaret Miniter Richard T. Nolan, Esq. ’55 XV



John C. ’56 and Rosalie Devir Donald A. ’56 and Elizabeth Trizzino

Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia XV Ralph L., MD ’52 and Teresa Gentile X

Joseph P. Kramer ’56 V William R. ’56 and Rose Mary Travers





Ronald F. ’57 and Katherine Cunningham XV William Doherty ’57 Rev. Kieran Fergus, OP ’57 XV Joseph M. ’57 and Marieanne Keane X Thomas H. ’57 and Ellen Maher V Timothy D. ’57 and Carol Mahoney XV Paul S. Minetti ’57 Edward C. O’Brien ’57 V

1958 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $16, 475 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 36. 0 5% P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B John J. Dietl ’58 V

Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata XV


Albert A., MD ’58 and Barbara Pineda

Vincent A. ’59 and Iris Sena Lawrence T. ’59 and Catherine Sweeney

REMSEN STREET CLUB William F. Morgan ’58 XV



William D. ’58 and Jean Feimer V William G. ’58 and Grace Hudson XV Peter J. ’58 and Catherine Purpura Herbert V. ’58 and Mary Ryan XV John P. ’58 and Susan Sheehy XV RED & BLUE CLUB

Robert C. ’59 and Elaine Braver F. Peter ’59 and Valerie Foti V Thomas J. ’59 and Veronica Holland Dr. Francis T. Lang ’59 X Sr. Jacqueline McDermott, CSJ ’59 Thomas F. ’59 and Madeline Tierney Sr. Mary Tropeano, CSJ ’59

Jonathan F. ’58 and Margaret Greene Francis J. ’58 and Marion McCluskey Thomas F. ’58 and Dorothy D O L L A R S R A I S E D $14, 30 0 O’Sullivan XV C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 21. 25% Joseph F. ’58 and Caroline Wahl V


P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E


Joseph C., MD ’58 and Joanna Asta Connell J. ’58 and Claire Boyle XV Dr. Frank N. D’Ambra ’58 V Paul J., Ph.D. ’58 Dolan and Kathleen Breidenbach Peter P., OD ’58 and Lillian M. Frisko James G. Keller ’58 Charles A. ’58 and Marie Ludlow John B. ’58 and Julie A. McCarthy John J. ’58 and Cecilia Reilly Dr. William I. Waithe ’58 and Dr. Christiane Dauphinais Bernard J. ’58 and Patricia Welsh XV William A. Whelan ’58 FR ANCISCANS

Walter E. Ennis ’58 John C. ’58 and Barbara Gordon X David A. ’58 and Mary E. Mathis X Joseph S. ’58 and Kathleen Randazzo V Francis J. Saia ’58 Lawrence Sullivan ’58 V

1959 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $10, 5 4 9 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 31. 4 6%

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’6 0 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

John V. ’6 0 and Anne Brull Gerard H. ’6 0 and Charline Gannon XV Vincent J. ’6 0 and Janice Polito B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Charles V. ’6 0 and Eileen Austin Joseph E. ’6 0 McLaughlin XV RED & BLUE CLUB

Donald B. ’6 0 and Arlene Grennon John A. Pellegrino ’6 0 XV Peter J. Schweitzer ’6 0 ASSISI SOCIET Y

John J. ’6 0 and Dorothy Finan X John M. ’6 0 and Carol Fitzgerald X Dermot A. ’6 0 and Margaret Flynn Frederick E. ’6 0 and Jacqueline Schneider X FR ANCISCANS

Edward P. ’6 0 and Carmen Aquilone XV Joseph J., CPCU ’6 0 and Eleanor Chianese Michael ’6 0 and Jacquelyn Gray XV Sr. Mary K. Lane, CSJ ’6 0 X

P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E John M. Downing ’59 XV



D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 65, 825 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 32. 41%



Ralph ’59 and Sheila Cloppse V John J. ’59 and Ann Curley Mark W. Mooney ’59 Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney XV

Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L


P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

George C., Jr. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner XV Timothy P. ’59 and Jane Davey XV Paul ’59 and Marie A. Gale X Edward J. ’59 and Gabrielle McDonough XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

John F. ’59 and Annette Astarita Philip A. Buttling ’59 XV Charles J. ’59 and Mary Cain X James V. ’59 and Suzanne T. Chatfield Gerard J. ’59 and Beverly Gillia James A. ’59 and Marilyn Hynes John J. Lane ’59 V Hugh A. ’59 and Catherine McCloskey Dr. Robert J. ’59 and Althea S. Nolan Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo X

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Michael A. ’61 BT and Catherine J. Henning Bernard P., CPA ’61 and Jane G. Morgan XV Martin P. ’61 and Catherine O’Donnell XV Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Richard J. ’61 and Barbara J. Thornton V James E. Vincent, MD ’61 V B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Richard A. ’61 and Elizabeth Dreyer James S. ’61 and Kathryn M. O’Kelly RED & BLUE CLUB


Arthur E. ’61 and Eleanor Beyer V Timothy J. ’61 and Carol Courtney V Francis J. Fallon ’61 Francis P. ’61 and Joyce Kehoe Thomas F. ’61 and Mary McCarty

Joseph P., LCSW ’61 and Camille Murphy Dr. Daniel C. ’61 and Carol Noonan X Neil J. O’Carroll ’61 V John R., CPA ’61 and Mary Wagnes XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

Benedict A. ’61 and Lois Carrozza Vincent J. ’61 and J. Susan Emilio Theodore T., Sr. ’61 and Marguerita Fletcher Thomas ’61 and Rosalind Hassett V Robert ’61 and Cecilia Lambiase V Thomas J. Mason, Esq. ’61 XV Deacon John J. McCormick ’61 V Dominic J. ’61 and Mary Molignano XV Francis M. ’61 and Mary Scahill XV William K. ’61 and Mary A. Storey V William J., Jr. ’61 and Jane S. Walsh V Michael A. Zufolo ’61 FR ANCISCANS

Brendan J. ’61 and Maeve Casey Kathleen Kane, CSJ ’61 V John F. ’61 and Dianne Longo John F. ’61 and Veronica Maguire XV Anthony ’61 and Judith Pantano


1962 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 62, 218 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 24.17% CHARTER SOCIET Y

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 Macchiarola XV

+ and Mary T.

P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons V P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Donald J., MSW ’62 and Patricia Young


Bruce A. ’6 3 and Raffaela Buckheit V Anthony J. ’6 3 and Phyllis Cali XV Joseph ’6 3 and Mary A. Casalino Vincent J. ’6 3 and Jacqueline R. D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 76, 015 Conlon C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4 5. 4 5% Thomas J. ’6 3 and Joan Conroy Edward J., Jr. ’6 3 and Maureen P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L Dougherty XV Joseph P. ’6 3 and Joan Coppotelli V Thomas J. ’6 3 and Kathleen Hamm V P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E Joseph ’6 3 and Angela Lamarca Peter J. Callahan ’6 3 XV Andrew S. Lippai ’6 3 Martin P. McNally ’6 3 XV Michael E. ’6 3 and Mary Martini Peter J. Michel ’6 3 XV Dennis J. ’6 3 and Clare Murphy Kenneth L. ’6 3 and Eunice Vellon John J. Poy-Ju ’6 3 John B. ’6 3 and Eileen Zurell V James Reilly ’6 3 P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B Michael P. ’6 3 and Rose Savino William L. ’6 3 and Beverly Dempsey X Paul ’6 3 and Patricia Spinelli Thomas P. ’6 3 and Marion Napier XV James M. Tharrington ’6 3 Andre Zmurek ’6 3 and Barbara Joseph R. ’6 3 and Carol Torpey V Barlow V



Richard E. Cashin ’6 3 Anthony J. ’6 3 and Leslie Embriano XV Francis A. ’6 3 and Lillian Loughlin X John R. ’6 3 and Mary Mathis XV Charles L. ’6 3 and Alice Novak XV Joseph A. ’6 3 and Jennifer Sclafani Robert W. ’6 3 and Patricia M. Sheehan Patrick W. Sullivan ’6 3 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

William P. ’6 3 and Elizabeth Casey X Thomas T. ’6 3 and Penelope Meyer XV James J. Raftery ’6 3 XV John P. ’6 3 and Margaret Toner X RED & BLUE CLUB

Joseph C. ’6 3 and Della Dettling XV Charles H. ’6 3 and Dorianne Harris V REMSEN STREET CLUB James P. ’6 3 and Peggy Healy Joseph ’62 and Helen Cangelosi William P. ’6 3 and Judy Kinane Angel R., Jr., MD ’62 and Patricia Brendan T. ’6 3 and Mary Mahon Colon James G. Mannix ’6 3 James E. ’62 and Kathleen Dwane XV Dr. Donald A. ’6 3 and Susanne Thomas J. ’62 and Adrienne Keller XV McQuade Thomas J. ’62 and Carol David C. ’6 3 and Nancy Moriarty X McCormack XV Raymond P. Nash ’6 3 V Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien X Gerard J. Olexson ’6 3 Vincent E. ’6 3 and Amelia B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Rapacciuolo William T. ’62 and Lois Barnewold X William E. ’6 3 and Sara Spencer XV Donald J. ’62 and Jane Esters V Thomas ’6 3 and Martha Swanzey James P. ’62 and Eleanor Hudson Bro. Jeremy Sztabnik, OSF ’6 3 X Michael V. ’62 and Theresa Nastri V Francis J. ’62 and Frances Ryan Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward


John W. Boyle ’6 3 Michael ’6 3 and Helen J. Brongo Daniel E. Bryan ’6 3 Anthony J. Cali ’6 3 John M. ’6 3 and Maureen Dalton Frank ’6 3 and Ednamae Dambeck XV Vincent ’6 3 and Carol DeClementi ASSISI SOCIET Y Thomas P. ’62 and Louise Gilhooley X George P. DeGeorge ’6 3 V Eugene J. Feldhaus ’6 3 X Dr. David F. Lopez ’62 William J. ’6 3 and Anne M. Higgins X Dr. James M. ’62 and Margaret Gerard R. ’6 3 and June Kelly XV O’Kane XV John M. ’62 and Mary Prenderville XV Andrew J. ’6 3 and Rosemary Lentini James J. ’6 3 and Elaine McCormack Francis J. ’62 and Patricia Ryan Hugh J., Sr. ’6 3 and June FR ANCISCANS McMenamin XV John A. ’62 and Judy Ferguson Bro. Roman Morris, OSF ’6 3 V Lester L. ’62 and Gloria Grimmell William E. ’6 3 and Marjory O’Connor Harold F. Kelly, Jr. ’62 V Martin A. Pasquale ’6 3 X John J. ’62 and Constance O’Brien Santo ’6 3 and Agatha C. Tantillo

1964 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $152, 8 55 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 22. 87% F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

David D. ’6 4 and Ann Smith CHARTER SOCIET Y

Richard ’6 4 and Jane Silverman XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

Frederick D. ’6 4 and Catherine Furman XV John P. ’6 4 and Janice Smircich XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Daniel J. ’6 4 and Carol F. Cavanagh X P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B


Dominick P., DDS ’6 4 and Rosemary DePaola V Gary J. Schneider ’6 4 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Bernard J. ’6 4 and Eileen Casserly X Robert ’6 4 and Barbara de Zorzi Edward J. ’6 4 and Kathleen Hart XV Kevin J. ’6 4 and Joanne Lyons Charles L. ’6 4 and Barbara Measter James F. ’6 4 and Eileen D. O’Dea XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Joseph J. Buonomo ’6 4 E. J. ’6 4 and Frances Greiner XV John J. ’6 4 and Mary O’Boyle X John J. ’6 4 and Ann Sceppa V



$50,0 0 0 and above

Michael E. ’62 and Mary Browne V John J. Gallagher ’62 XV Thomas J. ’62 and Donna O’Mara X Conrad W. Reitz, Jr. ’62 X Joseph P. ’62 and Jane Toto V


$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999 PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

$5,0 0 0 to $9,999 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

$2,50 0 to $ 4,999 REMSEN STREET CLUB

$1,0 0 0 to $2,499 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

$50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

$10 0 to $249 FR ANCISCANS

Gifts to $99

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    2 7


Dr. Stephen Wilantewicz ’6 4 V




Kenneth R. ’65 and Joyce Allex X William J., Esq. ’65 and Elizabeth Bielefeld Leonard N. ’65 and Angela Florio XV Thomas J. ’65 and Valerie Foley X Gerard K. ’65 and Joy O. Hannon Charles C. Lo Re, Jr. ’65 Edward T. ’65 and Laura Murphy X Leonard E. Olen ’65 Samuel A. ’65 and Diane M. Ramirez Anthony J. ’65 and Dorothy Witt X

Richard M. ’66 and Linda Bourne X Theodore Bruccoleri ’66 Anthony S. ’66 and Patricia Cassino Arthur, Ph.D. ’66 and Paula S. DiClementi V William A. ’66 and Maureen Jandovitz XV Edward J. ’66 and Kathleen Jaworski XV Robert J. Rafferty, CPA ’66 XV Bro. Norman Smercak, OSF ’66 XV



John K. ’6 4 and Carol Carney Michael A. ’6 4 and Rose Graziano Michael C. Healy ’6 4 V Colonel John H. ’6 4 and Pamela Morris V Dr. Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr. ’6 4 XV Peter M. ’6 4 and Ann Swist Joseph M. Vislocky ’6 4 XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

John F. ’6 4 and Catherine Bartley V Michael R. ’6 4 and Rhonda Canarozzi Orazio A. ’6 4 and Margaret Ciccarelli Bro. Gary Gaynor, OSF ’6 4 Richard J. Golden ’6 4 Thomas J. ’6 4 and Anne Hoban XV Dennis M. ’6 4 and Ann Kennedy Bro. Campion Lally, OSF ’6 4 V Donald A. Lomangino ’6 4 John D. ’6 4 and Maureen Looney V James R., CPA ’6 4 and Leticia Mazzeo V Christopher T. ’6 4 and Ingrid Muller Francis ’6 4 and Marian Myskowsky X Thomas J. Nicastro ’6 4 Edward J. ’6 4 and Michelle Powers X Richard ’6 4 and Judy Randall John P., Jr. ’6 4 and Dorothy Rooney XV Joseph E. Scalia ’6 4 Joseph F. ’6 4 and Paula Sheridan Timothy F. Stafford, Sr. ’6 4 Eugene L. Swann ’6 4 Arthur W. ’6 4 and Margaret Toohig Patrick F. Walsh ’6 4 XV FR ANCISCANS

Raymond L. ’6 4 and Barbara Bendici V Rudolph A. ’6 4 and Mary Brabender Edward J. ’6 4 and Evelyn M. Fusaiotti Stephen P. ’6 4 and Mary Keller Charles P. La Cagnina, CPA ’6 4 Raymond C. ’6 4 and Nancy Makofske XV Edward J. ’6 4 and Jean Peters Ivy ’6 4 and Frantz B. Pierre-Louis ’82 Hugh W. ’6 4 and Frances Rogan Robert M. ’6 4 and Helen K. Suzansky V Douglas G. ’6 4 and Patricia Thomson

1965 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 21, 375 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 25. 23% P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Vincent A. ’65 and Marie D’Angelo V REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert A. and Marianne Ficarra V Anthony ’65 and Arlene Miserandino V James J., Ph.D. ’65 and Mary L. O’Connell V John A. ’65 and Denise O’Rourke William J. ’65 and Marguerite Ryan


Robert J. Bousquet ’65 Walter G. Eggmann ’65 XV Thomas M. ’65 and Georgia Fasano V Edward T. ’65 and Bonnie Joyce Salvatore J. La Porta ’65 Joseph A. Lavezzo ’65 V James J. ’65 and Francine Maloney Blaise ’65 and Ruth Marchese X John P. ’65 and Margaret McCadden Thomas A. ’65 and Claire McLellan John H. ’65 and Eileen Peters Bruce A. ’65 and Concetta Pizzimenti X Francis E., Ph.D. ’65 and Patricia M. Wakely John F. Witkowski ’65 and Minerva Moises-Witkowski

1966 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 71, 297 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 20. 87% F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan V P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Thomas M. Laquercia, Esq. ’66 V Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane X REMSEN STREET CLUB


Edward B. ’65 and Elfriede M. Lein George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer X Lawrence J. ’65 and Mary Mulcahy V Edwin R. Westley ’65 and Janet Kelly

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

James M. ’65 and Irene A. Barling XV Richard, Ph.D. ’65 and Monica Bonnabeau James R. ’65 and Linda Borut Thomas J. ’65 and Eileen Callaghan XV Thomas F. ’65 and Sandra Clougher XV Walter J. ’65 and Linda L. Conklin Rev. Christopher G. ’65 and Barbara Duffy Robert K. ’65 and Joan Johnson X Edward F. ’65 and Monica McCabe X Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella Philip D. Murray ’65 X Charles F. ’65 and Nohemi Noselli Michael J. ’65 and Maura O’Connor X Frank J. ’65 and Anne Pascuzzi Hugh T., Ph.D. ’65 and Madalene Potter V Ernest T. Rossiello, Esq. ’65 Sherwood A. Salvan, Esq. ’65 William ’66 and Joan Schildwachter V Francis P. ’65 and Maureen Smith Ralph ’65 and Diana Stinebrickner Joseph J. ’6 8 and Frances Svirida XV

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’66 V James D. ’66 and Susan Egan X Sean A., Ph.D. ’66 and Marion Fanelli X Albert J. ’66 and Connie Kleinberg Richard J. ’66 and Maria Krauland X

Anthony A. ’66 and Jill A. Alvarez Frank J. ’66 and Barbara A. Barkocy Sr. Barbara Buckbee, CSJ ’66 V Robert J. ’66 and Anne Corsano Edmond P. ’66 and Maria Cremin John J. ’66 and Barbara Dwyer Dr. Robert E. ’66 and Judith L. Judge V James D. ’66 and Vivian McCann James G. McGuire ’66 Sr. Alice L. McVey, CSJ ’66 XV William A. ’66 and Barbara Meyer X Bro. Antonio Montera, OSF ’66 Thomas P. ’66 and Patricia Murphy Peter C. ’66 and Patricia Nies V John S. Pereira ’66 V George J. ’66 and Frances Pipino George T. ’66 and Linda K. Steinmann FR ANCISCANS

Anthony C. Alaimo ’66 X Arthur M. ’66 and Mary Forster Sr. Lois J. Keller, RSM ’66 William W. ’66 and Susan T. Koscinski William I. ’66 and Carolyn ’93 Meehan Dr. Jerome F. ’66 and Doreen Megna David J. ’66 and Arlene Nolan Sr. Mary I. O’Donnell ’66 Gerald J. ’66 and Joann Radioli William J. Walker Sr. ’66 XV

1967 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 9 8,731 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 19. 55% F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

John F. ’67 BT and Maureen Tully XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

John E. ’67 and Mary E. O’Connor X P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Frank P. ’67 and Mary Cannistra V John P. Daley ’67 V REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert A. ’67 and Mary Alessandro XV

Anthony C., Sr. ’67 and Frances Providenti Robert J. ’67 and Cindy L. Snyder Michael T., Esq., ’67 and Bernadette Sullivan XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Joseph M. ’67 and Joelle DiTommaso V John C. ’67 and Anne Donahue Edward J. ’67 and Patricia Duer V Raymond M. Feeney ’67 and Judy Latta XV George W. Gaffney ’67 V Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould V

Paul G. Henning ’67 X William P. Tyson ’67 V RED & BLUE CLUB

James F. ’67 and Patricia Darcy Kevin J. ’67 and Penelope Holland George J. Pasquale ’67 William T., Jr. ’67 and Maureen R. Quinlan Jerold ’67 and Lilo Rowan ASSISI SOCIET Y

James R. Barra ’67 Frank W. Calamusa, Ph.D. ’67 Eileen A. Corrado ’67 Thomas P. Crotty ’67 Leonard D’Ambrosia ’67 Frank ’67 and Maria Del Maestro Louis J. ’67 and Grisell Dinnella Thomas D. ’67 and Linda Downes David ’67 and Susan Fallon William E., Jr. ’67 and Nancy Giegerich Herbert J. Hogan ’67 Louis J., MD ’67 and Marge Imbriano Cirino T. ’67 and Rochelle Lombard V Michael V. ’67 and Marie Luciano Joseph J. Marino ’67 Richard D. ’67 and Ann May Joseph M. Mruczek ’67 Edmond J. O’Connor ’67 V Vincent P. ’67 and Veronica Pagano James A. ’67 and Kathleen Palmer X Joseph J. ’67 and Geraldine Riley John P. ’67 and Jane H. Russell Albert J. Ryczak ’67 Robert S. ’67 and Kathleen Sarli X Thomas A. Simonetti ’67 John W. Wetzel ’67 FR ANCISCANS

Sr. Grace A. Baran, CSJ ’67 V Joseph C. ’67 and Antoinette Carona John A. ’67 and Marietta Corrigan Michael T. ’67 and Maria DeZego Bro. Adrian Fannon, OSF ’67 Paul T. ’67 and Carol A. Kennedy Alfred N. ’67 and Kathryn Martorano Patricia K. McGowran ’67 Thomas L. Miskel ’67 Patrick ’67 and Sheila Rooney X Sr. Marie T. Scanlon, CSJ ’67 Raymond F. Schmitt ’67 Harry P. ’67 and Kathleen Singleton James M. ’67 and Patricia Theisen V


Richard J. ’6 8 and Mary Collins XV Rev. John D. Gilmartin ’6 8 Ronald F. ’6 8 and Beverly Gori John V. ’6 8 and Ann Griffin Joseph F., Ph.D. ’6 8 and Jane M. Marino V RED & BLUE CLUB

Robert T. ’6 8 and Patricia Barlow XV William T. Donley ’6 8 Franey M., Jr. ’6 8 and Barbara Donovan Rev. Randolph J. ’6 8 and Donna Geminder X Donald N. ’6 8 and May Hayward XV John A. ’6 8 and Eileen C. Leone XV Michael G. ’6 8 and Dolores McMahon V Edward A. ’6 8 and Dorette Putonti V John P. Raftery ’6 8 Patrick J. ’6 8 and Jeanne Reavey X Donald E. Temple ’6 8 XV Theodore J. ’6 8 and Arlene Timmins Dr. John P. ’6 8 and Rosanne Travers Norman A. Wagner ’6 8 Bro. Edward Wesley, OSF, Ph.D. ’6 8 XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

Vincent J. ’6 8 and Diane Ambrosio V Thomas J. ’6 8 and Alicia Bannon Albert O. Benkert ’6 8 Edward J. ’6 8 and Geraldine Bligh Peter D., MD ’6 8 and Sharon L. Bruno Michael G. ’6 8 and Pamela Burke X Dennis T. ’6 8 and Margaret Christy Thomas J. Cusack ’6 8 Sr. Kathleen Geaney, RSM ’6 8 X John T. ’6 8 and Camille Gerace X Walter E. ’6 8 and Eileen Gilpin Bro. Thomas Grady, OSF ’6 8 X Charles T. ’6 8 and Phyllis Gusman XV Francis J. ’6 8 and Marylyn E. Harvey Dr. John J. Koster ’6 8 XV John T. ’6 8 and Gail Matranga Kevin M. ’6 8 and Maryjane McQuade Dennis E. McSorley ’6 8 Michael T. Ridge, Esq. ’6 8 V Patrick T. ’6 8 and Susan A. Sullivan FR ANCISCANS

John I. ’6 8 and Maureen C. Creegan Sr. Nancy Edwards ’6 8 John H. Field ’6 8 V D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 39 4,112 Robert P. ’6 8 and Kathleen Ford C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 18. 57% Michael A. ’6 8 and Patricia Graham XV F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E Joseph P. ’6 8 and Mary A. Gribbin V Edward N. ’6 8 BT and Jo-Ann Philip A. ’6 8 and Grace Hoerter Constantino Anthony P. ’6 8 and Diane Iannuzzi Brendan J. ’6 8 BT and Barbara A. William T. ’6 8 and Annette Dugan XV Knipfing XV Gerard C. ’6 8 and Mary Jane Joseph A. Lentini ’6 8 Keegan XV Stephen M. ’6 8 and Laura Lukasik P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L Sr. Helen Lyons, RSM ’6 8 Joseph T. ’6 8 and Karyn Browne V Nicholas L. ’6 8 and Susan Trivisonno Michael J. Mahoney ’6 8 Kevin J. McNamara ’6 8 P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B Sr. Mary O’Connor ’6 8 Daniel P. ’6 8 and Maureen Donovan V Charles ’6 8 and Ticia Parente Charles F., Jr. ’6 8 and Maureen M. Dennis M., LCSW ’6 8 and Marie Vadala XV Reilly XV REMSEN STREET CLUB Anthony M. Santoro ’6 8 Robert G., Esq. ’6 8 and Margaret Carmine J. ’6 8 and Victoria Zummo X Bombara V


+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

2 8   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Vincent J. Dougherty ’6 8 XV Thomas A. ’6 8 and Nancy J. Dunne Raphael, Esq. ’6 8 and Mary Scotto X


1969 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 39, 28 3 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 19. 56% P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

Thomas J., Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen XV


P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Anthony E. ’65 and Rosemarie Amodeo XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro REMSEN STREET CLUB

Joseph P. Forte, Esq. ’69 and Dorothy Vance-Forte XV Bro. Owen J. Sadlier, OSF ’69 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Raul P. Arroyo ’69 Brian M. Cashin ’69 Richard M. ’69 and Judy Giammarco X John R. Jacques ’69 V Michael C. ’69 and Danute Korb Dr. Charles J. ’69 and Diane McAllister James H. ’69 and Frances McDonald XV Frederick L. ’69 and Anne I. Michaels V Thomas P. Reilly ’69

James E. Bergen ’69 Benet E. ’69 and Susan Bridgeman Kevin J. Delgardio ’69 Dennis J. ’69 and Bernadette Fallon Peter A. Feeney ’69 Sr. Kathleen Hennessy, RSM ’69 Thomas F. ’69 and Margaret McGarrity V Thomas P. ’69 and Josephine Mione XV James J. Mulhearn ’69 Philip E. ’69 and Lorraine Nespeca Patrick J. ’69 and Elizabeth O’Mara XV Richard R. ’69 and Margret-Rose Orlando Charles J. ’69 and Rose M. Pergola X Michael J. Quinn ’69 John T. ’69 and Joan Sundermier

1970 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 58, 29 3 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 17. 89 %


Edward J. ’69 and Eileen Anderson X John J. ’69 and Barbara Buckley John B. ’69 and Elaine Conroy Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran XV Dr. Frank R. ’69 and Diane DelGiudice V James F. ’69 and Kathleen DeVarso X Peter N. ’69 and Patricia A. Ferrarotto Francis J. ’69 and Ellen Giammona Edward J. ’69 and Patricia Groarke XV Ronald S. ’69 and Peggy Jendras XV Patrick J. ’69 and Linda Kiernan Anthony A. Lombardo ’69 and Tina Kellner V Paul A., Esq. ’69 Murphy Clifford B. ’69 and Doris Redden XV Guy L. ’69 and Margaret Rossiello V Kevin W. ’69 and Saraann Schultz X James A. Thamm ’69 and Barbara Lack Anthony ’69 and Elaine Viola V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Dave H. Bacchioni ’69 V Daniel F. ’69 and Maria Barry X Edward D. Bova ’69 XV James A. ’69 and Sheila Byrne V Joseph A. ’69 and Linda Ciardiello George D. Collins ’69 Robert L. Conway ’69 X Joseph P. Dunne ’69 Andrew J. Habermann ’69 V Stephen J. Hayden ’69 XV Charles J. ’69 and Noreen Kelly X Patrick J. Kelly ’69 X Michael J. ’69 and Joan Legge Patrick L. ’69 and Elise Marano John, Jr. ’69 and Caron Martinez Henry ’69 and Jeannette C. Matuszewski Joseph P. McCarthy, MD ’69 D. K. ’69 and Kathleen McQuade V

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Martin J. ’69 and Peggy M. Michlik John F. ’69 and Denise Nash Anthony Santorufo ’69 Donald T. ’69 and Anne Siemer Salvatore P. ’69 and Marina Trentacoste Richard J. ’69 and Mary Wendt XV

P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti V P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher XV Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo REMSEN STREET CLUB

Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70 BT X Kevin J. ’70 and Teresa Burke Leonard J. ’70 and Concetta Cutrone XV John F. Darnowski ’70 Richard C. ’70 and Frances Jewell V Michael J. ’70 and Maureen F. McInerney V Robert P. ’70 and Patrice Moore XV Gerard V. ’70 and Margaret Vaccacio B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey XV Mark, Ph.D. ’70 and Lori J. Failla V Salvatore P. ’70 and Marysue Stallone John A. ’70 and Mary Wezwick RED & BLUE CLUB

George ’70 and Deborah Brennan X Richard J. ’70 and Patricia ’81 Clancy Thomas J. Conlon ’70 William ’70 and Mary Ellen Costello Theodore ’70 and Pamela Dymczynski X Rolf B. ’70 and Judith Friedmann V George M., CPA ’70 and Suzanne Gillan V Michael J. Henchy ’70 William T. ’70 and Maureen Hentrich X Alan H. ’70 and Theresa Hoffman George J. ’70 and Gail H. Johansen V Robert C. ’70 and Lucy Labriola Francis A. ’70 and Victoria Lofaso V Vito J. ’70 and Carol Loiacono XV Daniel G. Lynch ’70 Edward G. ’70 and Angela M. McKenna Bro. Louis T. Miritello, OSF ’70 V George H. ’70 and Joan Morrissey Edward P. Morrissey ’70 X Peter E. ’70 and Lorraine Provenzale V Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. ’70 Rizzi Dr. Kenneth T. ’70 and Ellen Smith John C. Smith ’70 James J. ’70 and Schery Sullivan Daniel J. ’70 and Kathleen Trucano V Richard P. ’70 and Beverly Wagner XV Richard J. Zink ’70


Michael Barra ’71 Robert J. Bridgeman ’71 John P. ’71 and Kathleen P. Brolly V Philip A. ’71 and Joann M. Caserta X Patrick W. Condren ’71 X Francis H. ’71 and Alice DeMartino Patrick A. Hanley ’71 and Patricia Glynn Hanley Francis X. ’71 and Deborah A. Holt ’97 CDR Robert D. Hopping ’71 V Peter P. ’71 and Theresa Mancuso John M. ’71 and Sally A. McGrath Raymond J. ’71 and Nora McKeough X Brian C. ’71 and Linda McMahon John K. Molen ’71 Michael G. ’71 and Stephanie FR ANCISCANS Morahan Herman M. ’70 and Charlene A. Chin William D. ’70 and Carmela Chomin V Robert J. Murphy ’71 XV Bro. Dominic F. Quigley, OSF ’71 Gregory F. Dean ’70 Rory J. ’71 and Jane Quinn Dorothy Flynn, RSM ’70 Luis J. ’71 and Georgina Robert F. ’70 and Arlene Flynn Rodriguez XV Rev. Philip F. ’70 and Lorraine Peter J. Scarlato ’71 Giardino Joseph C. ’71 and Elaine Joseph J. Giovaniello ’70 V Trentacoste X Ann, Ph.D. ’70 and Robert W. Hartle Sr. Theresa Kelly, RSM ’70 XV FR ANCISCANS James R. ’71 and Marie Barnett John A. ’70 and Lorraine Krizel XV Richard C. ’71 and Alvira Baron John R. Murphy ’70 George C. ’71 and Mary Blanchard Thomas P. ’70 and Elizabeth O’Brien V Raymond A. ’71 and Patricia Convoy Thomas J. ’70 and Patricia A. O’Brien Angela Della Croce ’71 John A. ’70 and Felicia Serrao Joseph A. ’71 and Ann M. DiBlasi ’75 James W. ’71 and Diane Egan X James R. ’71 and Ann Farrell Sr. Elizabeth Gnam, OP ’71 Richard J. ’71 and Marion Illich D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 22,755 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 14. 42% Joanne Kelly ’71 Shirley Kennedy ’71 P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B Sr. Loretta A. Maggio, OP ’71 Patrick J. ’71 and Diana M. Fallon Lothar K. ’71 and Marie Maier Louis J. ’71 and Geraldine Scotto John M. Murphy ’71 REMSEN STREET CLUB Sr. Frances Picone ’71 Dennis J. Burke ’71 and Martha L. William P. ’71 and Aida Smith Mackey V Arthur R. Venezia ’71 Stephen P. Chiarini ’71 V


Louis A. ’71 and Pauline Esposito X Robert S. ’71 and Lori Shanley Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 XV

Michael A. Bianco ’70 Kenneth P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown Dr. Brian J. Butler ’70 Anthony F. ’70 and Jane Criscuola Harry E. ’70 and Ida Macri XV William M. Mancini ’70 XV Thomas B. McManus ’70 X Thomas G. Oldis ’70 X Edward J. Ormond ’70 V Christopher S. ’70 and Paula Ruisi

Daniel J. ’71 and Mary Brouder X Edward R. ’71 and Angela F. Curty V James J. Daw, Jr. ’71 John C. ’71 and Eileen Ferraro X Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan XV Louis H. ’71 and Mary Roller V



Edgar A. ’70 and Mary Adamson V Vincent C. ’70 and Mary Bonica

James P. Lawler ’71 V Thomas B. ’71 and Patricia Losquadro Patrick B. ’71 and Patricia McGovern V James H. Murphy, Jr. ’71 and Gretchen Menn XV James F. ’71 and Patricia O’Sullivan XV Terese M. Rouge ’71 and Patrick Dolan XV Michael G. ’71 and Carolyn Shannon Kenneth J. Tom ’71 Anthony P. ’71 and Regina Valenti V


REMSEN STREET CLUB Charles P. Kowalski ’72 XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Robert M. ’72 and Eileen Damante X Carl M. Fiorillo ’72 James T. McAuliffe ’72 Michael J. ’72 and Joyce Ranieri V Andrew F. ’72 and Judith A. Virga RED & BLUE CLUB

Donald V. ’72 and Rosemary Bavuso Kathleen B. ’72 and Robert Bolz Edward J. ’72 and Lois Machinski V Paul L. Magnano, CLU, CHFC ’72 XV Robert ’72 and Karen C. Scharbach ’74 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Vincent R. ’72 and Dorothy Aperawic X Robert S. Burns ’72 Thomas J. Burns ’72 Ronald A. Cox ’72 Ron F. Darcy ’72 Ernest V. ’72 and Ann DiFranchi XV Joseph A. ’72 and Carollee Donnelly V Alfonso G. ’72 and Roseann Figliolia X Richard M. ’72 and Susan Greiner Brian W. ’72 and Mary Kenny V Nicholas A. ’72 and Jean D. Marano V Edmond ’72 and Gail McTigue XV Austin V., CPA ’72 and Mary Murphy XV Anthony F. ’72 and Elaine Nicodemo XV Jacqueline M. ’72 and John W. Power Ellen M. Raspitha ’72 Pauline ’72 and Adolfo Reid Robert D. ’72 and Barbara Terry Joseph A. ’72 and Pamela Turzo Dr. Chun K. ’72 and Joanne Yip FR ANCISCANS

William J. ’72 and Maureen Biesty Edward Clinton ’72 John C. Codd ’72 V Bart A. D’Ambra ’72 XV Sr. Ann E. Diliberti, OP ’72 Bruce C. Egloff ’72 Richard M. ’72 and Antoinette Greene V Kenneth B. ’72 and Margaret Lam


$50,0 0 0 and above CHARTER SOCIET Y

$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999 PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999



D O L L A R S R A I S E D $130, 250 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 11. 36%


F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E


Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello X


P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 BT V Joseph M. ’71 and Mary Ann Elhilow V

Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 X William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully

Vincent F., Esq. ’72 and Antoinette Pitta XV Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith XV

$5,0 0 0 to $9,999 $2,50 0 to $ 4,999 $1,0 0 0 to $2,499 $50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

$10 0 to $249 FR ANCISCANS

Gifts to $99

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    2 9


William A., Ph.D. ’72 and Vivian K. Maltese V Salvatore A. ’72 and Faye Marino Robert F. Maureau ’72 Francis P. Messano ’72 Kathryn A. Meyers ’72 Captain Robert T. ’72 and Donna A. ’73 Murphy Walter D. Peyton ’72 V Michael A. ’72 and Kathleen D. Polito Mervyn ’72 and Aleitha Punnett Michael E. ’72 and Michelle Salogub XV John A. ’72 and Clara Santoro V Peter J. ’72 Yovine

1973 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $15, 9 6 4 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 10. 53%

Frank E. Scott ’73 XV William J. ’73 and Janice Stein Lelyn K. Williams ’73 and Edna Andrews-Williams

1974 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $13, 28 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 12. 27% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Michael V. Gilmartin ’74 and Ann Munkenbeck V The Honorable Joseph J. Hennessy ’74 Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott XV Mary Ann ’74 and John A. ’73 Rowinski RED & BLUE CLUB

John J. ’74 and Kathy Barry Fulvia M. Forbes ’74 V Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich X Joseph A. ’74 and Darlene Foulke V John F. ’74 and Elizabeth McCue V REMSEN STREET CLUB Martin J., Jr. ’74 and Marilyn Mark C. ’73 and Marsha L. Clark O’Reilly XV Pasquale C. ’73 and Joann M. Brian J. ’74 and Mary-Frances DePalma X Reavey Dr. Vincent A. Kucich ’73 and Karen C. ’74 and Robert ’72 Marleta Reynolds Scharbach X John A. ’73 and Mary Ann ’74 Rowinski ASSISI SOCIET Y P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

John B. Adesalu ’74 Patrick Barone ’74 Thomas ’73 and Marilyn Raleigh V John Burke ’74 V RED & BLUE CLUB Kevin ’74 and Marina W. Callaghan Michael J. ’73 and Joanne Ahearn Paul V. ’74 and Maryjo Cucarese Desmond E. Blaine ’73 Dominick J. Delsante ’74 Gerard P. ’73 and Anne T. ’76 Nicholas J. DeMeo ’74 Conlon V Edward G. Dunn, Jr. ’74 V Giro S. ’73 and Madelyn DeRosa Albert T. ’73 and Carol A. Jaronczyk V Ralph J. Gargiulo ’74 Peggy Harewood ’74 Thomas F. McDonough ’73 XV James F. ’73 and Theresa McKenna Bro. Richard J. James, OFM ’74 Dennis P. ’74 and Elizabeth A. ’74 Joseph T. ’73 and Debra Penzone Keating James J. ’73 and Diana Petruzzi V Francis W. ’73 and Geraldine Ryan XV Stephen W. Lipka ’74 Thomas S. ’74 and Maureen ASSISI SOCIET Y McCabe XV Joseph R. ’73 and Patricia Assortato Thomas G. ’74 and Margaret Pellinger RoseAnn V. ’73 and Wayne Citron James C. ’74 and Barbara M. Petrillo Robert C. DiBenedetto ’73 Dennis G. ’74 and Rita Riehman X Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin XV Alice Smiertka ’74 V Thomas F. ’73 and Patricia M. Furey Randolph W. ’74 and Viola Titus V Theresa A. Loughran ’73 FR ANCISCANS Timothy J. ’73 and Nelly Marco Frank A. ’74 and Rosalie Calvosa Richard J. ’73 and Mimi Martin Robert J., CPA ’74 and Lorraine P. Nicholas J. ’73 and Loretta Clark McCauley V Joseph J. Cunningham ’74 Michael S. ’73 and Mary A. McGowan Angela A. ’74 and Joseph Downes XV Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73 Doreen S. ’74 and Richard ’73 Faga FR ANCISCANS Antonio, Jr. ’74 and Carmen Farina Helen E. Campbell ’73 Bro. Gerald P. Hedrick ’74 Richard ’73 and Doreen S. ’74 Faga Samuel H. Livingston ’74 Joseph T. Freisen ’73 V Norma R. ’74 and Walter Mackie John D. ’73 and Gail Ghigliotti Mary E. McKenna ’74 Frank G. Krasevec ’73 Benjamin D. Pride ’74 Eileen Lennon ’73 Robert, CPA ’74 and Elena Nicholas J. ’73 and Cynthia Lupo Quartuccio V Stephen J. ’73 and Lois Maltese George D. ’74 and Barbara Wolf Leroy P. McKeever ’73 and Elvira Ortiz Humbert F. ’73 and Catherine Miglino Donna A. ’73 and Captain Robert T. D O L L A R S R A I S E D $178, 4 9 0 ’72 Murphy C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 12. 3 4% William ’73 and Joann O’Brien V F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E Thomas F. ’73 and Suzanne Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Oftring XV Salamone XV Anthony C. ’73 and Ann Schiano B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B


Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B


Salvatore ’75 and Barbara ’75 Iannuzzi William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy

Mary Browne-Ryan ’76 and Edward J. Ryan ’75 V June A. ’76 and Ronald H. ’8 0 McGrisken X

John E. ’77 and Susan Kiely V

REMSEN STREET CLUB Lynn A. Archiopoli ’76 X


P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Edward J. Ryan ’75 and Mary Browne-Ryan ’76 V

Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’8 3 REMSEN STREET CLUB Williams Peter F. ’75 and Mary K. ’77 Spiess V Diane M. ’75 and Robert J. ’77 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Trapp V Joseph C. ’76 and Janet Caldarella XV James J. ’76 and Catherine Collins B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Robert J. ’76 and Karin Genalo Michael L. Andreola ’75 Paul A. Marino ’76 Joseph E. ’75 and Margaret Kelly Michael P. Morris ’76 and John A. ’75 and Mary E. McAuliffe Mary McGovern-Morris ’76 V Harry W. ’75 and Marion A. Whelpley RED & BLUE CLUB

Salvatore V. ’75 and Serena Barbuzza XV Peter Brigando ’75 Frank D. ’75 and Michele Petrizzo V Carl P. ’75 and Christabel A. ’75 Quigley X ASSISI SOCIET Y

Myrna H. Belgrave-Sigua ’75 Joseph T. ’75 and Grace Brady V Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen X Donato A. ’75 and Joanne DeSantis Clint Ebanks ’75 Eileen E. Gittens ’75 Gary S. ’75 and Joanne M. Jendras XV Antoinette M. Lauletta ’75 Gerard J. Matarazzo ’75 Mary D. Maynard ’75 X Renee M. Miscione ’75 Steven A. ’75 and Rita M. Orlando Thomas J. Randazzo ’75 Mary Ellen ’75 and Anthony Scala V Thomas ’75 and Linda Schaefer Barbara Slattery ’75 William E. Ulrich ’75 V John F. ’75 and Rosa Wall V FR ANCISCANS

Julia B. Arcadipane Carlos Avendano ’75 Veronica A. Blake ’75 Barbara H. Booker ’75 Kathleen M. Borok ’75 David C. ’75 and Madeline Byrne V Michael J. ’75 and Linda Carvalhido Paul P. Chadason ’75 V Neil J. ’75 and Elizabeth Connolly Mario R. ’75 and Febronia DeLuca Ann M. ’75 and Joseph A. DiBlasi ’71 Claudette P. Glasgow ’75 X Gregory N. Gray ’75 Michael J. Jesencky ’75 Robert R. ’75 and Maria Johnson John M. Killeen ’75 Anthony J. ’75 and Rose Lauriano V Bro. Victor A. Magramm ’75 Owen P. ’75 and Colleen McKenna James ’75 and Debbie Quackenbush Ann S. Samuels ’75 Faith C. Saume-Berges ’75 Virginia I. Tipaldo ’75

1976 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 69, 355 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 9. 52% F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

Barbara G. ’76 BT and Robert Koster V


Brian J. Campbell ’76 V Anne T. ’76 and Gerard P. Conlon ’73 V Anne C. ’76 and Victor Dagenais XV James P. ’76 and Margaret Gildea XV Margaret A., CPA ’76 and Thomas M. Horan V Peter E. ’76 and Susan W. Maloney X Jean ’76 and Michael O’Leary John L. ’76 and Debra Owens Richard J. Piccininni ’76 V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Clarence, Ph.D. ’76 and Annye Brown V Margaret M. Casey ’76 XV Johnny F. ’76 and Regine Charles Joycelyn Y. Collymore ’76 Dominic A. Cusimano ’76 and Barbara Ewens-Cusimano Joseph ’76 and Bernadette De Falco V Peter ’76 and Patricia English Joseph A. Fiorentino, RN ’76 Marie ’76 and Martin A. Geisel V Kevin J. ’76 and Kelly A. Kelleher V Philip ’76 and Alida LaSpisa George M. ’76 and Maureen R. Lovaglio XV Harry C. ’76 and Rosemary Norum Robert L. ’76 and Rose Sena John M. ’76 and Mary G. Thompson Salvatore A. ’76 and Karel Vitale FR ANCISCANS

Rosemary Canterna ’76 Anthony G. Carty ’76 Joann ’76 and Gary Damiano John J. ’76 and Arlene C. Ferrante XV Joseph ’76 and Mary Filippazzo Christopher E. ’76 and Miyoko Forte Dr. Robert D. ’76 and Rita Hannafin Odilon G. Jean ’76 Gabriel O. ’76 and Christiana Kassim Patricia C. Kerner ’76 V Michael J. ’76 and Dianne Mandel X Eleanor F. McCabe ’76 Janet ’76 and Henry McCollin William H. Wojcik ’76 V

1977 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 8, 4 8 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5.75% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Patricia M. Moffatt-Lesser ’77 and Jeffrey Lesser X Glen Anderson ’77 and Diane Kavanaugh-Anderson Claire J. ’77 Baker X Frances Bruns-Barlow ’77 and Joel Barlow Joseph M. ’77 and Mary T. ’78 Buercke Thomas J. ’77 and Lynn Cassidy V Lucy Curci-Gonzalez ’77 and Arturo Gonzalez-Alfonso Inezeta Dike ’77 James F., Jr. ’77 and Joan McElroy XV Katherine R. Russell ’77 V Richard ’77 and Mary Sparno FR ANCISCANS

Maria T. Auletta, MD ’77 Satya ’77 and Tanima Bagchee Eileen Boucher ’77 Pearl L. Branch ’77 Urma O. Callender ’77 Regina S. Dowuona-Lutterodt ’77 Patricia Dray ’77 V Jayne B. Godlewski ’77 Kofi Hormeku ’77 Rosario E. Intravaia ’77 Victoria ’77 and Vernon Jones-Simon Darlene Kenty-Jefferson ’77 and Theodore Jefferson Carmelo P. ’77 and Darlene Lisotta John ’77 and Theresa Pastore Deborah T. Smith ’77 Elaine M. ’77 and Thomas E. Smith V Alice Timbers, RN ’77

1978 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 24, 09 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 7.78% P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole X Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini X James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue V Christopher R. Reidy ’78 and Kathleen Galasso-Reidy REMSEN STREET CLUB

Margaret M. ’78 and John A. ’51 Costa Raymond ’78 and Joan K. Dowling Marjorie ’78 and Joseph E. Drennan V Leonard G. ’78 and Maryjane Lubrano X B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Al ’78 and Chris DiGuido V Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 X Kathleen M. King ’78 X Patricia A. Logan, CPCU ’78 V RED & BLUE CLUB

Edward C. McGarrity, Jr. ’78 Kevin M. ’78 and Laura Nash Patricia M. Ola-Chukwu ’78 and Uche O. Ola V Anthony J. ’78 and Maryellen Orlando Gerard ’78 and Patricia A. ’78 Trapp Marion D. ’78 and Bernard ’79 White Albert C. Wiltshire ’78

John E. ’77 and Kathleen Klemm V Mary K. ’77 and Peter F. Spiess ’75 V ASSISI SOCIET Y Robert J. ’77 and Diane M. ’75 Karl T. Bednarek, MD ’78 and Trapp V Sue Robichek V James M. ’77 and Janet M. Walsh

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

3 0   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T



Mary T. ’78 and Joseph M. ’77 Buercke Joseph A. ’78 and Maryann Cacchioli XV Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78 X Jeanmarie Costello ’78 and Dennis Quinn Vincent F., CPA ’78 and Phyllis R. DePaola Lt. Col. Frank R. Dukes ’78 Thomas ’78 and Mary Anne ’79 Early V Richard A. Greene ’78 XV Margaret Guthrie ’78 and John Boudreau Loretta A. Lawrence-Keane ’78 and Robert Keane Maureen T. ’78 and Donald R. Leo X Maureen A. Meehan ’78 Kevin J. ’78 and Maureen Redden X Cynthia R. Smith, RN ’78 Patricia E. ’78 and Richard Yates FR ANCISCANS

Virginia K. Bolton ’78 Etta R. Brooks-Smith ’78 Kathleen Corrigan ’78 and Mathew W. Sanderleaf Geraldine ’78 and Joseph S. Dasaro Patricia ’78 and James J. ’79 Dunleavy Vincenza L. ’78 and Al Ierardi McLean Ivy ’78 Barbara Khoury ’78 Grace Maresca ’78 Steven J., Sr. ’78 and Barbara Mauceri Robert E. ’78 and Claudia Moran Joseph ’78 and Rose Morangelli XV Mary Ann E. ’78 and Nicholas Nagy Anne M. ’78 and Herman M. ’79 Petsche Maria E. ’78 and Frank Sidoti Rev. Michael Tedone ’78 Marietta D. Yankton ’78

Theodore Heinrich ’79 and Laura Reitter V Mary P. Hume ’79 Dr. Jean A. King ’79 Nancy A. Lento-Misseri ’79 and Vincent Misseri V Joseph ’79 and Patricia B. Malewich V James E. ’79 and Antoinette O’Brien Michael Palmiotto ’79 Judy A. ’79 and Robert Rice Myrtle Smith ’79 Patrick ’79 and Patricia M. Timlin Eileen M. Ulmer ’79 Muriel A. Wilkinson ’79 FR ANCISCANS

Rosaline M. Archer ’79 Donald Buckley ’79 Barbara A. Cullen ’79 Gloria A. ’79 and Frank DeCrescenzo XV James J. ’79 and Patricia ’78 Dunleavy Christophine ’79 and Patrick Henry Michael F. ’79 and Ann Laffey V Sr. M. Kevin Patricia Lynch, OCARM ’79 Michael W. Marchese ’79 Cecille M. McKesey-Braxton ’79 and Rodney Braxton Ann E. Neverett ’79 John J. ’79 and Louise P. O’Sullivan Theodora S. Parker, RN ’79 Herman M. ’79 and Anne M. ’78 Petsche Joyce A. ’79 and Paul E. Reynolds V Mary C. ’79 and Al Romeo William R. ’79 and Janet Ryan Ann M. Sauter ’79 Roseanne ’79 and Gregory Seminara Annabel C., RN ’79 and Michael Tan V


Frank M. Bertone ’8 0 Mary E. Callahan ’8 0 V Pat M. ’8 0 and Thomas McVeigh Karen Nash-Quinn ’8 0 Peter ’8 0 and Maria Paguaga XV Laura J. ’8 0 and Thomas R. Pietro X Patricia A. Radigan ’8 0 Anne ’8 0 and Robert Reilly John ’8 0 and Joyce Sheehan Albert Tannis ’8 0 V Thomas ’8 0 and Deborah A. ’81 Ugalde

1981 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 4 4, 8 55 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 9. 09 %



P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

Michael J. Beaury ’8 0 XV

Oswald C., Jr. ’81 and Phyllis Boyce Angela Caracciolo-Keenan ’81 and Michael ’79 and Carolyn Courtien Frank Keenan V Ronald H. ’8 0 and June A. ’76 Louis G. ’79 and Kathleen Pastina V Patricia ’81 and Richard J. ’70 McGrisken X Clancy REMSEN STREET CLUB REMSEN STREET CLUB Kevin B. ’81 and Nora Crumlish William C. ’79 and Rebecca B. Rebecca B. ’8 0 and William C. ’79 Armstrong ’8 0 X Michael P. ’81 and Hanne Donovan Armstrong X Edmund J. Greco ’79 V Jeanette Dowdell ’81 John J. ’8 0 and Mary Frawley X Marion ’81 and Maggie Fazio B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Irma Garcia ’8 0 XV Ingrid M. Flamme ’81 Robert J. ’79 and Marguerite Edward J. ’8 0 and Madalyn M. ’8 0 Alexander ’81 and Virginia Havriliak Lindsay X Hanley X Christopher L. ’81 and Theresa A. Pat A. ’79 and Veronica A. ’82 Michael J. ’8 0 and Donna Regan Hyland Mallozzi XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Eileen R. Lian ’81 RED & BLUE CLUB Mary P. Byrnes ’8 0 William J. Mulrooney, CPA ’81 V George E. Ebert ’79 RED & BLUE CLUB William P. ’81 and Kathleen Muzyka V Dorothy E. ’79 and Gary J. Gurreri X Eugene C. Assencao-Sanchez ’8 0 V Julia A. O’Connell ’81 Anne M. Kelly ’79 XV Maureen F. ’8 0 and John T. Connell V Martin P. ’81 and Eileen K. Regan X Julie F. Kelly ’79 XV Marjorie Driscoll ’8 0 Stephen ’81 and Barbara R. Risley Bernard ’79 and Marion D. ’78 White Daniel B. McManus ’8 0 V Mary J. ’81 and Robert Stark ASSISI SOCIET Y Robert H. ’8 0 and Alicia Mulvena V Michael J. ’81 and Toniann Taunton Stephen E. ’79 and Joan S. Albright X Robert S. ’81 and Michele Vaters ASSISI SOCIET Y James F. ’79 and Geraldine Cosgrove Gloria E. Best ’8 0 FR ANCISCANS Mary Anne ’79 and Thomas ’78 Janet T. Brooks ’8 0 John ’81 and Barbara Derrico Early V Joseph ’8 0 and Filomena Carlino Denise M. Fina ’81 Mario P. ’8 0 and Margaret ’8 0 Conde P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

1982 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 6, 0 60 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 65% P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Kevin M. Maroney ’82 V B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Joseph M. ’82 and Mary A. Erlanger Veronica A. ’82 and Pat A. ’79 Mallozzi XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

E. K. ’82 and Dianne Agoglia V Eileen M. Daly ’82 David E. Haverty ’81 XV Ione E. ’82 and Randolph Ives P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E Elia G. ’82 and Kathleen M. ’8 3 Walter R. Leong ’81 XV Malara X Mary E. ’82 and George McCarthy REMSEN STREET CLUB Margherita R. Monck ’82 Phyllis C. O’Neill ’81 XV Neil C. O’Donnell ’82 V Joan E. ’81 Regan Michael J. ’82 and Patricia Orlay Deacon Anthony ’81 and Marianna F. Panetta ’82 Tina Stucchio Ingrid Seunarine ’82 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Louise M. Verdemare ’82 Andrew V., CPA ’81 and Angela C. ’81 Victor E. ’82 and Donna P. ’82 Vindigni X Vientos

P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 22, 0 60 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 8. 81%

Dr. Maryirene I. ’81 and Anthony Flynn Harold ’81 and Miriam Haber Lee Anne Infantino ’81 XV Halina J. ’81 and Jack Jankowski Paul T. ’81 and Anne Kawas Grace McEvoy ’81 Alice M. McTague ’81 XV Kevin M. ’81 and Mary O’Brein Julia A. O’Connell ’81 Andrew S. Poulos ’81 James P. ’81 and Joanne D. Shea V Deborah A. ’81 and Thomas ’8 0 Ugalde Lilia V. Vaz ’81 Joseph F. ’81 and Carol Wendling Rita Zehnter ’81


Anthony S. Tortorelli ’8 0 XV

1979 Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF, Ph.D. ’79


Ralph C. ’81 and Lorraine Baione Bruce T. Casino ’81 Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81 X Susan E. ’81 and Michael P. Sheehan Robert B. ’81 and Nicole Silvestri

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 33, 39 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 8. 53%

P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Pat J. Faiella, Ph.D. ’8 0 Patricia B. Fallon ’8 0 V Claudia A. Gilchriest ’8 0 XV Angelo ’8 0 and Vincenza Guerriero Brian ’8 0 and Mae McKeon X Maria Naccarato ’8 0 and David Stevens Armand M., Jr. ’8 0 and Jeanne M. Patella XV Katherine M. ’8 0 and Bruno Schettini V Finola ’8 0 and James J. Schmidt


Kathleen M. Joyce ’8 3 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Brian Cosgrove ’8 3 John J. ’8 3 and Joan Ferro V Patricia A. Figueroa ’8 3 Virginia ’8 3 and Thomas F. Flahive X Frank ’8 3 and Gloria Leggio Evelyn Magdaleno ’8 3 Kathleen M. ’8 3 and Elia G. ’82 Malara X Janet M. ’8 3 and Joseph Meany Nicole Pluviose ’8 3 V Barry S. Rohrssen ’8 3 Deborah A. ’8 3 and Brendan Strack-Cregan X FR ANCISCANS

Lisa M. Andersen-Yurman ’8 3 and Joseph L. Yurman V Anne Marie Brancella ’8 3 John D. Coakley ’8 3 and Grace Z. Machuca-Coakley George N. Coultman ’8 3 Kathleen A. Donoghue ’8 3 Julia Guzzino ’8 3 Roseann V. Henry ’8 3 XV Kevin G. ’8 3 and Catherine Henry Kathleen M. Kelly ’8 3 Margaret G. Kermee ’8 3 Susan V. Miano ’8 3 Steven J. Mullins V Jacqueline S. ’8 3 and John J. ’82 Paguaga X Michael J. ’8 3 and Susan Virgadamo Rose K. ’8 3 and Milton L. Williams Kevin M. ’8 3 and Mary Ann Worth

1984 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $16,14 5 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 6.12% P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Alber ’8 4 and Laura Hot



Gary S. ’82 and Mary L. Ahern Christine A. Cirillo ’82 Maureen A. Finnerty ’82 Lucille M. Incontrera ’82 John J. ’82 and Jacqueline S. ’8 3 Paguaga X Frantz B. ’82 and Ivy ’6 4 Pierre-Louis Beverly E. Schroeter-Asante ’82 V John D. ’82 and Irene Serrapica Janet M. Tabone ’82 Steven P. Vince ’82 and Mimi Lee-Vince

Dr. Charles G. ’8 4 and Ann M. ’8 4 Garlisi X Joseph M. Hemway ’8 4 X Patricia M. Manieri-Viti ’8 4 and Eugene J. Viti ’85 Carol A. ’8 4 and Gino BT Menchini B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Hector Batista ’8 4 BT V


$50,0 0 0 and above CHARTER SOCIET Y


$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $14, 537 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 8.12%

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999


P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

$5,0 0 0 to $9,999

Joseph C. ’8 3 BT and Carol Mangan V




Dolores ’8 3 and Mark Ferro XV Gayle A. Lombardi ’8 3 V Jean Glanzman O’Brien ’8 3 and Gregory O’Brien V Patricia A. ’8 3 and Jerome ’76 Williams

$1,0 0 0 to $2,499


$10 0 to $249

Patricia K. ’8 3 and Howard Cassidy XV


$2,50 0 to $ 4,999


$50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Gifts to $99

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    3 1



Jesus F. ’8 4 BT and Noreen M. ’8 4 Linares XV Jo Ann C. Stonier ’8 4 ASSISI SOCIET Y

James J. ’8 4 Archer Joseph Crifasi ’8 4 Vivian G. ’8 4 and Rigoberto Pabon Kathleen M. ’8 4 and Mike Purdy Guillermo R., Jr. ’8 4 and Barbara Quinones Julie ’8 4 and Philip Spinelli V FR ANCISCANS

Elizabeth Cammarosano, RN ’8 4 X Sebastian J. ’8 4 and Carol DiBella Robert L. Jackson ’8 4 Salvatore D. Lentinello ’8 4 Desiree L. Mapp-Odom ’8 4 and Russell Odom Rosemary D. ’8 4 and Frank McCullagh James P. ’8 4 and Deirdre C. ’87 Meindl


Jennie Hom-Spencer ’86 Laurel Ann Lewis-Brockman ’86 and Donald Brockman David M. ’86 and Scarlet Monroe V Robert C. ’86 and Jeannette Salerno V Nicos S. ’86 and Kalina Tziazas FR ANCISCANS

Mary E. Donohue-Flannery ’86 Patricia J. ’86 and Richard W. Ekelund X James E. Harrington ’86 Kathleen Lekadou ’86 Anita L. Smith ’86 William M. ’86 and Frances Sullivan Mark ’86 and Carey Urbach Dianne F. Veling ’86

1987 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $14, 4 42 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5.15% P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Jana, CPA ’87 and John Dickerson B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Barbara Salerno ’87

Liliana A. Arias ’85 Theresa A. Crivelli ’85 Maria ’85 and Louis Faicco Thomas J. ’85 and Carol Giglio Mary V. Hamilton ’85 Vincent Iacono ’85


Robert J. ’87 and Lisa Wisniewski V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Eileen M. ’87 and Albert Bartha Brian Lagrua ’87 and Debra Lagrua Kevin ’87 and Margaret Z. ’91 Woods V FR ANCISCANS

Margaret M. and Steven Alaimo XV Loretta Conyers ’87 Andrew ’87 and Stacey Economos Edwin ’87 and Kelly Gonzalez Nancy E. ’87 and David Manigault Deirdre C. ’87 and James P. ’8 4 Meindl Gregory W. ’87 and Dorothy E. Taylor Lorraine C. Washington ’87



D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 24, 581 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 7. 42%

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $151, 3 4 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 6. 92%


F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E


William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Meredith R. Dawson V

Pamela M. ’8 8 and Gary Klivan

P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Joseph M. Annarumma ’8 8 Joseph J. Belmonte ’8 8 V Margo K. Brodie ’8 8 Rodrigue Domingue ’8 8 V Irene A. Feldman ’8 8 and Paul Polik Janet ’8 8 and Robert Hopkins V Theresa E. Spelman-Huzinec ’8 8 and Glenn M. Huzinec ’85 XV Joyce Wierzbowski ’8 8 John E. Wynter ’8 8

Kenneth D. ’8 8 BT and Laurie Daly V

James F. Bozart ’86 and Donald B. Winston XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Gail C. Clinton ’86 Maria Donini ’86 V Robert ’86 and Joan Mazzella V RED & BLUE CLUB

Damiano Mazzone ’86 V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Paul M. ’86 and Catherine Brin Noreen A. Collins ’86 Colonel and Mrs. Edward Daily, Jr. ’86 V

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 XV B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Catherine L. ’89 and Thomas Wornom XV ASSISI SOCIET Y




P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E


Sallyann G. ’85 and Richard Bartels V Mary Ann Byrnes ’85 X Michael ’85 and Lisa Curti X Murielle Desir ’85 Harold Feinberg ’85 Glenn M. Huzinec ’85 and Theresa E. Spelman-Huzinec ’8 8 XV Pauline Mason ’85 Dr. Laura Mieszerski ’85 Frank A. ’85 and Lucille Plantemoli Rosaleen C. ’85 and Robert Shea Maria Ventura ’85

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $11, 350 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 2. 01%

Josephine ’87 and Richard Savastano V George ’87 and Elizabeth Vogel



Carl Mariano, USN ’89 Christopher R. ’89 and Nenette Palermo

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3,10 0 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 28%

Eugene J. Viti, Jr. ’85 and Patricia M. Manieri-Viti ’8 4

Eloise Gales-Abdullah ’8 8 Richard A. ’8 8 and Patricia John Christine M. Pardi ’8 8 Diane L. Patton ’8 8 Albina J. Raziano ’8 8 Loretta A. Sayegh ’8 8 and Eric Synder John H. Spina, DPM ’8 8 Josephine Zakaria ’8 8 Toby L. Zimmerman ’8 8 V



Lawrence R. ’8 8 and Patricia Carlucci V Ingrid Celms ’8 8 Joseph DiStefano ’8 8

Mary B. ’89 and Frank Baldizzi Monica M. ’89 and Elmer Berry

1990 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 8 37 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 6. 51% ASSISI SOCIET Y

Brian M. Duffy ’90 Ellen A. ’90 and Brian Kinnane Samuel J. Zalowitz ’90 FR ANCISCANS

Robert G. ’90 and Lisa Amenta Anthony ’90 and Linda Baranello Kristen A. ’90 and Matthew G. Deodato Henry A. Giron ’90 and Elizabeth Diaz de Giron V Cleon T. Hardy ’90 Daniel B. ’90 and Ann Maloney Thomas ’90 and Kathleen Marzella Neal M. ’90 and Eleanora McGarrity Manuel A. Nunez ’90 Jennie Ramos ’90 Chiara T. ’90 and Frank A. Rotondi Kathleen C. Tomaszewski ’90 Joseph A. Wheeler ’90 Lorraine F., RN ’90 and Ira Zapin X

1991 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 4 4, 638 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5.73% P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 and Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 X PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 and Arthur Swaine, Jr. V



Janet M. Dawson ’91 and James P. Vafeas James P. ’91 and Virginia C. McDade Margaret Z. ’91 and Kevin ’87 Woods

Josephine V. Baldwin ’94 William Beuther, Jr. ’94 Stephanie R. ’94 Ganley Nancy Giordani ’94 Ian G. Williams ’94


Anthony P. Degiarde ’91 Elizabeth G. ’91 and C. Harkin Dickens K. Malave ’91 Ann M. ’91 and Michael O’Meara Matthew J. Sheridan ’91 Gabriel St. Louis ’91 Carmen J. Torres Cotto ’91 V

1995 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1, 265 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4. 9 4% ASSISI SOCIET Y

Eileen M. Long-Chelales ’92

Maryanne F. ’95 and Anthony A. Alfano Christine M. Azzolini-Occhipinti ’95 V Daria E. ’95 and Matthew Connolly Ian J. Goodwin ’95 V Margaret M. ’95 and Anthony Sogluizzo Marie F. Zangari ’95 V



1992 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3, 8 57 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 6. 31% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Cleone Adonis ’95 Jasmine Delgado ’95 Alan C. Little ’95 Kwadwo N. Asare ’92 Daniel ’95 and Annamaria S. ’96 Brendan J. ’92 and Virginia Cahalan V Nigro Annie Eng-Sanchez ’92 Patrick S., USAF ’95 and Theresa Joseph J. ’92 and Katherine D. ’92 O’Hara Paolo X Steven A. Rohde ’95 and ASSISI SOCIET Y Rita Sansotta-Rohde ’95 Ionie L. James ’92 Arline M. Scotto ’95 Honey Marie E. ’92 and Michael ’94 Jennifer A. ’95 and Dwayne Valentine Theogene XV Daniel R. Woods ’95 Noelle E. ’92 and James C. Abrams RED & BLUE CLUB


William R. ’92 and Ann Baumann Patricia E. Betz ’92 Rachele A. Bucchieri ’92 Kenneth J. ’92 and Joann M. Coffin V Jennifer ’92 and Charles Flynn Pedro R. Guillermo ’92 Gweneth E. Munroe ’92 Aida Nazario ’92 Antoinette Palazzi ’92 V Danielle K. Rouchon ’92

1993 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 715 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4.15% ASSISI SOCIET Y

Serafin ’93 and Blanca R. Ayllon Paul F. Cosgrove, DDS ’93 Shernette C. Walters ’93 Betty L. Williams ’93 FR ANCISCANS

Vivian ’93 and Nicholas Fiscina Carolyn ’93 and William I. ’66 Meehan Carolyn R. Oscar ’93 Paul R. Puttlitz ’93 Lynn P. Robertson ’93 Mary T. ’93 and Dennis M. Ross Alison P. Stitt ’93

1996 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 6, 58 3 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3. 27% P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

Christopher M. Ortiz ’96 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B James G. Quigley ’96 V RED & BLUE CLUB

Joseph J., Esq. ’96 and Marianna Bruno John N. McPadden ’96 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Patricia A. Morrissey ’96 Gail A. O’Donnell ’96 FR ANCISCANS

Robert M. Harte ’96 Helen F. Iaria ’96 Annamaria S. ’96 and Daniel ’95 Nigro Angelo J. Perrone ’96 Daisy P. ’96 and Irwin Weinstein

1997 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 3, 610 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3.75% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 V



Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 XV

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 772 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3.17%





Mary C., CPA ’91 and Edward B. Shaw RED & BLUE CLUB

Joseph A. ’91 and Sharon Raftery XV

John F. ’97 and Julia Emilio Kathleen B. Fraser ’97 V Jean S. ’94 and Melissa Desravines Deborah A. ’97 and Francis X. ’71 Richard C., Jr. ’94 and Maria Hinners Holt Michael ’94 and Honey Marie E. ’92 Natalia ’97 and Daniel P. Murphy V Theogene XV Erez, Ph.D. ’97 and Rosalin Erica M. ’94 and Raymond Schochat V Zawrotniak

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

3 2   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

William K. Mach ’97





Rachel Cotto-Berrios ’97 David B. Gardella ’97 Gary A. Gooden ’97 Madeline, Ph.D Perez ’97 Parkinson T., Jr. ’97 and Tracianne Small Benjamin L. ’97 and Debra Stoner

Anthony J. Adams ’0 0 Robert J. ’0 0 and Anne Marie Currie Vanessa O. De Almeida ’0 0 Vivian Mazzella ’0 0 Maritza Navarro ’0 0 Christina M. ’0 0 and Anthony Portello Anthony C. Tomasulo ’0 0 X Eulene A. ’0 0 and Ira Workman X

Julio A. Agosto ’02 and Aura N. Miranda-Agosto X Chad V. Davis ’02 Ricardo Dominguez ’02 James W. Keating ’02 Hakim A. Williams ’02


D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 420 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3. 28%

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 4, 979 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5.11%

REMSEN STREET CLUB Borislav G. Guenov ’03 X



1998 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1,775 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4. 68% RED & BLUE CLUB

Danielle Santucci-Gracchi ’98 and Salvatore Gracchi John N. ’98 and Mary E. Wlaysewski V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Douglas J. Donahue ’01 and Elizabeth J. Galante ’01 Matthew P. Dory ’01 V Christopher G. ’01 and Jennifer ’02 Manukian ASSISI SOCIET Y


Freda M. Antoine ’98 Mary Beth ’98 and John W. Carroll Debra Edmundson ’98 Mary Ellen ’98 and Cesare Mannino Vincent and Carol Matteo Margaret A. Pawelkiewicz ’98 Alessandro C. Romano ’98 Richard J. Sheeler, Jr. ’98 Miyoshi F. Vital ’98

1999 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1, 0 35 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3. 81% RED & BLUE CLUB

Christopher R. Long ’99 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Danielle T. Battista ’99 Nicholas A. Gaus ’99 Joy A. ’99 and Michael Iburg Antonino Maneri ’99 Timothy M. Rail ’99

Christopher J. Bozzolo ’01 Robert M. Cruz ’01 and Jo-Anneyre McNeil-Cruz ’02 Carolina C. Donahue ’01 and Timothy J. Donahue ’02 Matthew C. Hogan ’01 X Olga M. Macolino ’01 V Monica Michalski ’01 Lauren K. Alleyne ’01 Nicole L. Finetti ’01 Mary E. Geissler-Willson ’01 Justin J. Haynes ’01 Angela K. ’01 and William F. Manekas V Alice M. Salome-Patton ’01 and Douglas H. Patton Renea Sutton ’01

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 7, 276 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4. 33% P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Irene Marullo ’02

Salvatore G. Cantarella ’99 Andrew Chmiel ’99 Petra R. Diaz ’99 and Fernando Rivera Joanne Philippe ’99 Bernard Szeneitas, Jr. ’99 Gladstone S. Williams ’99

REMSEN STREET CLUB Anthony H. Zalak ’02 X B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Sonia Caiazza ’02 X

Anthony ’02 and Rosanna Candela Yadira M. Moran-Ulrich ’02 and Eric A. Ulrich ’07



Ryan P. Clark ’02 Jennifer, CPA ’02 and Christopher G. ’01 Manukian

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 0 30 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3. 92% B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B


Nicholas Rodriguez ’0 0 RED & BLUE CLUB

John J. Hayes ’0 0 Anthony J. ’0 0 and Laureen Kurtin

Peter E. Felvegi ’03 X Serghei I. Vaculeac ’03 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Earl J. Brewster ’03 George Cataudella ’03 Melissa A. Duron ’03 Tessa P. Mathurin-Barthelmy ’03 Kristofor W. ’03 and Mary T. Nelson Thomas M. Rivera, Jr. ’03 Sean B. Rooney ’03 FR ANCISCANS

Roseline Cuevas ’03 Dillon C. Jodhan ’03 Bekim Kalicovic ’03 Suzanne E. Lewis ’03 Joseph C. Librera ’03 Katarina Zubovic-Donadic ’03 and Josip Donadic




Laura L. Eisenzopf ’0 0 V Lisa M. Gambardella ’0 0 Dr. Anna Y. Len ’0 0 James Potes ’0 0

B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Srdjan Mihaljevic ’01 V RED & BLUE CLUB

Nyieta L. ’98 and Joseph Charlot Richard T. Finger, Jr. ’98 Rev. Josephjude C. Gannon ’98 Virginia L. Hanson, RN ’98 V Mark S. Nurse ’98 Kesha D. Thomas ’98


Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan V


Jamila A. Alkaifi-Hercules ’02 Tracy M. DeMarco ’02 Timothy J., CPA ’02 and Carolina C. ’01 Donahue Nigel L. Edwards ’02 Jo-Anneyre McNeil-Cruz ’02 and Robert M. Cruz ’01 Yadira A. Ramos-Herbert ’02 X Anne E. ’02 and Kevin J. Rhatigan

2004 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 879 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3.13% B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Charles A. Giardino ’0 4 V Jose A. Marengo ’0 4 RED & BLUE CLUB

Robert A. Oliva ’0 4 X

Joseph M. De Siena ’05 Glenn R. McCartney ’05 Gerard McEntee ’05 V Sean M. Miller ’05 Darien Papando, DDS ’05 Jose M. Ramos ’05 Belinda R. Thomas ’05

Anthony J. Mosco ’07 Sean A. Nicholson ’07 Joseph B. Pantaleo ’07 Daniel J. Toca ’07 Arthur Velnik ’07 Lynson L. Willis ’07



Ronnie T. Arnold ’05 Safiya N. Boucaud-Robinson ’05 Michelle A. Brucella ’05 Andrew M. El-kadi ’05 Carl P. Esposito ’05 V Marlon D. Joseph ’05 Tiffany A. Livingstone ’05 V Danny A. ’05 and Ivette Plaza V Joseph Rodriguez ’05 Abu B. Saka ’05

2006 DOL L A RS R A ISED $ 985 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 5 4% ASSISI SOCIET Y

Elizabeth T. Khalevich ’0 6 Alfonso Lopez ’0 6 Jennifer Matteo-Acosta ’0 6 V Adam Valentin ’0 6 Bryan M. Wierzbicki ’0 6 FR ANCISCANS

Jason V. Attard ’0 6 Rosmery C. Camilo ’0 6 William J. ’0 6 and Patricia Cruz Erin S. Golembiewski ’0 6 V Latoya Henry ’0 6 Janelle G. Joseph ’0 6 Maciej Krupa ’0 6 Shaneera R. Lewis ’0 6 Anica C. Mulzac ’0 6 Christine C. Pigott ’0 6 Diane C. Pizzariello ’0 6 Chrystal K. Ross ’0 6 Jennifer L. Travers ’0 6 Anthony J. Trimboli ’0 6 V


Rosemary Brybag ’0 4 Ruben N. Gonzalez ’0 4 Natasha Green ’0 4 Jillian C. Montalbano ’0 4 Lisa M. Randazzo ’0 4 Raymond J. Ridore ’0 4




D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 4, 60 5 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 21% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Sarah M. Bratton ’07

Jennifer L. Bachmann ’0 4 Gabrielle M. Barrow ’0 4 Natasha Boban ’0 4 Andrea S. Browne ’0 4 Robert J. Dillon ’0 4 John R. Grossman ’0 4 Melanie S. Martindale ’0 4 Patrick Notaro ’0 4 Chanardai Ramjattan ’0 4 Albana Zegullaj-Theka ’0 4 and Gjergji Theka

2005 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 310 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4. 69 % REMSEN STREET CLUB Michael A. Correra ’05 V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Deana M. Agostino ’05 Jessica C. Baeza-Boiardi ’05

Jonathan K. Ng ’07 Eric A. Ulrich ’07 and Yadira M. Moran-Ulrich ’02 RED & BLUE CLUB

Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 V Andrija Vrdoljak ’07

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $1, 247 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 3. 01% RED & BLUE CLUB

Cora D. ’0 8 and David Clark V ASSISI SOCIET Y

Matthew G. Bertolotti ’0 8 Bianca P. Irwin ’0 8 Christina M. Lindsay ’0 8 Brian D. Morales ’0 8 Botond Szalma ’0 8 FR ANCISCANS

Benjamin K. Barnett ’0 8 Peter J. Bockmeyer ’0 8 Natasha M. Derrick-Franco ’0 8 William T. Hanauer ’0 8 V Megan E. Husak ’0 8 Willy A. Orantes ’0 8 Leighton M. Smith ’0 8

2009 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 0 37 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 4. 36% B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Salvatore P. Demma ’0 9 V Jamaal G. Womack ’0 9 RED & BLUE CLUB

Laura M. Fodera ’0 9 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Thomas J. Fiorella ’0 9 Laura R. Mulcahey ’0 9 FR ANCISCANS

Kara C. Ayers ’0 9 Joseph J. ’0 9 Buccheri Martina Cziraky ’0 9 Sonia Gutkin ’0 9 William Jimenez ’0 9 Edith S. McKenzie ’0 9 Stela V. Mihneva ’0 9 John P. Montes ’0 9 Nicholas C. Pomo ’0 9 Loriann R. Principe ’0 9


$50,0 0 0 and above CHARTER SOCIET Y

$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999



Tara M. Flood ’07 V Jeffery E. Ford ’07 Chad A. Lectura ’07 Robert T. Shea ’07 V Nadia Veliz-Mugan ’07 and James Mugan

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999


$1,0 0 0 to $2,499

Catrina E. Avvento ’07 V Jenelle M. Buccheri ’07 Christopher A. Canovan ’07 Harriet Dunn ’07 David A. Frey ’07 Melissa R. Garry ’07



$5,0 0 0 to $9,999 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

$2,50 0 to $ 4,999 REMSEN STREET CLUB

$50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

$10 0 to $249 FR ANCISCANS

Gifts to $99 Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    3 3


Jennie A. Rota ’0 9 Elizabeth Seemungal ’0 9 Jack J. Velez ’0 9


Claudette S. Calder ’12 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Elisha P. Ferrell ’12 Georgette A. Loutfi ’12



D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2,173 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 41% RED & BLUE CLUB

Frank Argento ’10 Christopher L. Barajas ’10 Richard E. Loutfi ’10 Edward R. ’10 and Susan O’Malley Angelica Padalino ’10 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Cynthia V. Emiliano ’10 FR ANCISCANS

Robert A. Adams ’10 Horace A. Baker ’10 Nicole T. Buccheri ’10 Stephanie D’Agostino ’10 Sanaa Farran ’10 Robert J. Gildersleeve ’10 Gary C. Gurreri ’10 Maribel M. Herrera ’10 Antoinette V. LaFemina ’10 Christopher B. LaSalle ’10 Joseph J. Leone ’10 Matthew A. Linkus ’10 Jaclyn P. Mistretta ’10 David R. Pisani ’10 and Jennifer R. Corzine-Pisani Brittany D. Smith ’10 Ivon M. Vazquez ’10

2013 Senior Class Gifts


D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 424 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 20. 30 %

D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 8 50 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 6. 50 %


Cindy L. Hernandez ’13


Dolores Kenan ’11


Gabriella Carbonaro ’13 Gabriella A. Deluca ’13 Adolfo Lara ’13 Rabbi Alexander A. Tokarz ’13 Robert A. Vega ’13


Kevin T. Conlon ’11 ASSISI SOCIET Y

Victoria M. Bombe ’11 Romona Caramico ’11 Bono H. Lee ’11



Max Barnhart ’11 Nicholas J. Baum ’11 Thomas J. D’Esposito ’11 Jose L. Diaz ’11 Sanel Feratovic ’11 Michelle Franco ’11 Tara A. Garone ’11 Anthony R. ’11 and Denise Giannone Andrew J. Lasky ’11 Valerie L. Lombardi ’11 Nicole M. Montoro ’11 V Kristen F. Morale ’11 Kevin Y. Nolasco ’11 Francis M. B. O’Neill ’11 Thalita L. Paladino ’11 Liliana Rodriguez ’11 Vera Y. Scott ’11 Loretta Vignapiano ’11

2012 D O L L A R S R A I S E D $ 2, 426 C L A S S P A R T I C I P AT I O N 5. 51% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Morgan M. Iburg ’12

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Ramon M. Abreu ’12 Samantha M. Bisbal ’12 Diana M. Borrometi ’12 Hadar Burger ’12 Brian C. Condon ’12 Andrew P. Davids ’12 Alanna B. De Quatro ’12 Alexandra J. Delacruz ’12 Joseph S. Di Lorenzo ’12 Tsveta M. Kaleynska ’12 Keri Leistman ’12 Jenny Louissaint ’12 Christina F. Monteau ’12 John X. Morocho ’12 Carol A. Oliveri ’12 Jenny G. Perez ’12 Minerva Rolon ’12 Filip Sasic ’12 Karol A. Sullivan ’12 Nathalie Taveras ’12 Tamas Toth ’12 Carla P. Uchuya ’12 Lauren E. Ventrone ’12 Robbie J. Weir ’12 John F. Whelan ’12

Danielle N. Adone ’13 John W. Ahlemeyer ’13 Ella Aiwohi ’13 John Amorello ’13 Dolores Anastasio ’13 Sarah Anwar ’13 Richard E. Arkoi ’13 Kepler B. Auguste ’13 Savanna R. Bailey ’13 Marsha Bernard ’13 Farzan Bigdeli ’13 Stefanie J. Bingham ’13 Jessica Blain ’13 Judy E. Blakey ’13 Vlademar Brekhounets ’13 Dominique Burrus ’13 Dre Calloway ’13 Kaitlin A. Caspar ’13 Tyler W. Clarhaut ’13 Donavon Cross ’13 Neather L. Darroux ’13 Kacie K. Davis ’13 Thainah P. Delisca ’13 Rasheeda Deverteuil ’13 Joseph M. Drivas ’13 Szabolcz Z. Erdei ’13 Giorgio A. Ferrara ’13

Naomi P. Flinders ’13 William Flood, III ’13 Victoria Flowers ’13 James F. Foo ’13 Sachel E. French ’13 Mary E. Gallagher ’13 Marissa L. Gargiulo ’13 Patrick M. Garvey-Mitchell ’13 Marko Gencic ’13 Marina P. Georgieva ’13 Ahmad Ghrouf ’13 Klement Gjushi ’13 Darrin W. Glen ’13 Ben W. Graver ’13 Martin Grunin ’13 Justine Guimento ’13 David E. Gurreri ’13 Alyssa A. Guttadaro ’13 Nofar Hagag ’13 Paige V. Hardy ’13 Brett E. Harkins ’13 Erin M. Hughes ’13 Yuyin Jiang ’13 Akeem A. Johnson ’13 Nicholas R. Johnson ’13 Kitty Lin ’13 Rosa E. Lorenzo ’13 David B. Loutfi ’13 Thomas P. Lynch ’13 Adam Maabdi ’13 Matthew A. Manzi ’13 Marc A. Manzo ’13 Vanessa Mateo ’13 Tita N. Mba ’13 Angela Mendes ’13 Anthony M. Morales ’13 Brian M. Nersten ’13 Travis A. Nichols ’13 Guram Nozadze ’13 Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 Christina G. Palacios ’13 Alyson M. Piergiovanni ’13 Andrew P. Pynn ’13 Christine M. Quigley ’13 Chandradath Ramotar ’13 Kyle S. Rivadeneyra ’13 Jose L. Rodriguez ’13 Amanda M. Rojas ’13 Tara D. Santos ’13 Tiffany R. Sirico ’13 Jamal Stevenson ’13 Ryan S. Sullivan ’13 Kristina Terpo ’13 James M. Theodorou ’13 Alexander A. Tokarz ’13 Amelia R. Tonyes ’13 Salvador Torres ’13 Milos Trivic ’13 Bryant A. Vargas ’13 Chelsea A. Washington ’13 Syndi K. Webster ’13 Justin T. Worsley ’13 Simon E. Ytterbom ’13 Jamie S. Zheng ’13

Current Student Giving Aaron A. Agun Shermaine D. Andrew Zoe Aston-Korn Gabriel J. Bagot Viktor Bakkioui Jacob Barashick

Sarah G. Benedetti Veronica M. Benitez Chantalle Blundell Lindsay Bochia Bartosz M. Boryszewski Akeem K. A. Brooks Rene Brown Hadiisha N. Butts James Caicedo Jalen A. Cannon Christian F. Cardy Shawn Carrington Shanna L. Chepelsky Jakob Christerson James Chung Jovana Ciric Charisma N. Clerk Keila K. Clifton Cyril Coisne Patrick Collins Andrew D. Cormack Casey Cummings Olakunle S. Davies Inelsi E. Diaz Danielle N. Diniro Kevin K. Douglas Leonardo P. Dupres Dragana Dzigurski Marko Dzigurski Akuila Edwards Natasha O. Edwards Adian Ewart Leah Fechko Michelle Flores Katie A. Fox Lyndsey M. Frank-Cutone Michael A. Gale Ricardo G. Garcia Joseph A. Gilhuley Paul M. Gilhuley Nicole Glaz Kiley G. Grabbe Avyay Gujral Cole Hamre Palmer Hardy Johnathan F. Harrison Justina A. Hay Alana N. Hernandez Colette A. Hounshell Nicholas D. Ingram Aleksandar Isailovic Aleksandar Jakovljevic John Johansson Brent C. Jones Jessica L. Kaufman Manpreet Kaur Thomas C. Kelly Sherwayne K. Kenton Rebecca N. Kerry Juliette Khalil Samantha Khalil Cory B. Klingener Erica Lakata Bernadett Laszlo Mia R. Lentinello Kristoffer M. Lindfors Luda Lisovska Nikki Liucci Gareth J. Livingstone Alexandra A. Long David Lonnberg Larry Lopez Rebecca Mares Ozana Marginean Saleesha Matthews Timothy P. McCormick

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

3 4   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Maya McDuffie Riccardo G. Milano Matthew J. Milk Igor Z. Mladenovic Benjamin J. Mockford Stephanie M. Morales Kelly J. Myers Katie Nardiello Anastasia M. Nicholson Kelly Nicosia Maggie Niu Layla M. Nunez Harry Odell Rachael O’Donoghue Kelly O’Halloran Francis O’Sullivan Fadil Paljevic Jon Pepaj Tyler J. Perkins Camille Petrizzo Rosemarie Petrizzo Andrea Proto Michelle Provenghi Christina Quirk Luka Raic Feliz E. Ramirez Andrew J. Reed Jasmin L. Robinson Krisztina Rudinszki Kristina A. Rudko Francesco C. Sacchetti Nikol Santana Phillip P. Santavenere Stephanie E. Semon Quesnel Senatus Drewanne Shubeck Pathwahandi K. Silva Eilidh L. Simpson Christina Somma Sara M. Sooy Gabrielle Spinelli Sylie St. Fort Bosko Stankovic Jason W. Stapleton Slavica Stefanovic Lataza Stephens Lauren G. Suarez Brooke Sweeney Jessica Taitt Teresa R. Terenzi Fransece Terns-Campius Taia K. Thomas Balint Toth Regina Toth Jillian L. Tracy Lowell T. Ulmer Dilek Unay Matthew Varela Liam Veazey Jaymee L. Veney Gloria A. Ventura Jasmin Viera Grace M. Vixama Jacchione Volpe Evan Vrsaljko Vuk Vujosevic Luka Vukomanovic Taylor Watson Anthony White Jetiea Williams Krystal A. Williams John Wisniewski Demi K. Wood Wesley H. Woodley Leah Zitting


Parents F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

Brendan J. ’6 8 BT and Barbara A. Dugan XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L

Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Ronald H. ’8 0 and June A. ’76 McGrisken X REMSEN STREET CLUB

Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’8 3 Williams Thomas and Patricia L. Alberto Gerard H. ’6 0 and Charline Gannon XV Morris A. and Kathleen A. Chin Michael E. and Marija F. Wierzbicki B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B


Patrick B. ’71 and Patricia McGovern V Michele and Frank D. Petrizzo ’75 V Edward R. and Alice A. James Robert and Daisy Kreppein Brian and Maria McAvoy ASSISI SOCIET Y

Glen Anderson ’77 and Diane Kavanaugh-Anderson Celerin R. and Marie C. Francoeur Vincent M. Barranco Mathew J. Mari Arthur E. Anderson Teresa Anderson Kathleen Bellew Elizabeth Budig Andrew P. and Janet Cahalan Joseph and Teresa Carbonaro John and Deborah J. Cisek John and Allison B. De Quatro Paul and Doris Derosa John F. and Myrna Donodeo Thomas Ferris Marianna Gaus Angela and Anthony Guida Silvernee C. and Eliaza Harris Noreen Heaphy Charles W. Hogan Dennis M. ’6 4 and Ann Kennedy Rosary Lui Keith C. and Patricia C. MacDonald James and Melissa McQuade William J. and Jane B. Murdoch Robert J. Murphy ’71 XV George and Michele L. Noulas Mariann O’Donnell Bogdan Rak and Galina Chved Charles V. and Mary L. Rivas James A. and Veronica M. Rooney Robert and Cheryl Siemer Honey Marie E. ’92 and Michael ’94 Theogene XV Antoni and Diane Tokarz Theresa Armento Virginia Avvento Irene Baerga Anthony and Elizabeth Bello Hubert and Mary Brybag Salvatore G. Cantarella ’99 Jo Anne M. Cummings Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /


John T. and Patricia A. Comer Ella and Ronald Nigro


Martin F. and Darlene Cziraky Robert J. Dillon ’0 4 James and Bernadette Geissler X Janelle G. Joseph ’0 6 Rufo Leon Brian and Maureen McCarthy George J. and Helen Miseo Frank and Margaret M. Montoro Julia A. Nobile-Bologna Joseph and Carol J. Olgiati Louis A. Pastina John ’77 and Theresa Pastore Joseph Pedicino Laura A. and Mel A. Pynn Richard T. Schmucker and Donna T. Shoemaker Thomas and Kathleen P. Treacy Anthony F. Trimboli

James and Wendy Argutto Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Ann Mattone V Monte Redman Leighton Waters V

Robert Catalano John B. Clark BT Thomas E. Constance, Esq. Nancy Cozzens Joseph F. BT and Marcia D’Angelo V Nathan S. Dee Agnello Devincenzo Garry Goodall Dr. Donald H. and Jean W. Haider Maria F. Laezza-Moggioli X Allan Lowenkron Edward Mafoud Robert C. and Ann Mangone XV Brian P. Mooney Michael and Paula Rantz V Joseph Savasta Peter J. and Carol Striano Gary Sumple Anthony and Marlene Volpe Arthur Wiener Charles E., lll, Esq. BT and Margaret E. Williams V Cheryle E. Williams REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert Babaian The Honorable Michael A. Balboni John F. and Ann Marie Bills Stephen M. and Kim Bogart XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L Thomas W. Bogue Mark H. Burton Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken BT Nicholas R. Caiazzo, Esq. Richard and Cam Buchanan Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. V Thomas Burke The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Carolyn Callahan Arthur Dignam Bruce and Susan Carusi Robert and Christina Dow Brian Cutrone Gary Giordano Carlos R. de Quesada Catherine Greene BT Tracey Dedrick William J. Hogan William Q. Derrough Mary A. Ledermann XV Timothy J. and Mary B. Doheny Michael O’Keeffe Antonia Dougherty Lester Owens Jane C. Duggan Raymond Pitek Paul Eibeler Ron Robbins David L. and Cindy Eigen Vincent Rohan Hany Farag Paul J. Rowley Robert S. Feit George J. Scott John J. Ferguson John Simmons Domenico Flavoni Philip and Evelyn Stenger Kevin Flood Dawn Taylor Lars Folke P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E Joseph Franklin James Austin Sean Franklin Faye Bean Manuel Franquinha V Stephen and Cynthia Berger Frank and Maria Fusco Wayne E. Bright Robert F. and Margaret P. Gartland Frank Califano Artie Godsell Robert B. and Joan Catell John M. Graham Frank and Anita Ciolli Karl Haden Orville W. Dale BT XV William Haller Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., Jeremiah Healey D.D. Mike Healy Dr. Harry Dunn Bernard Heeran Michael J. Eble George Henry Daria L. Foster Karen E. Heyman Rev. Msgr. Jamie R. Gigantiello David J. Howell DJ Ketchabaw Susan L. Huff BT and John A. Loconsolo John F. Gibbons XV Frank J., Jr. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Leslie S. Jacobson Ph.D. BT Walter A. and Kathleen Probst William LaCalamito Steven and Linda Quadrino V Thomas Lally Bro. Robert Smith, OSF BT Keith Longacre David P. and Catherine Steinmann Ronald A. Lopez John Walker Kevin W. Lynch P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B Susan E. Lynch Rob Arning Henry J. and Susan T. Macchiarola William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black Dana Markiewicz Domenick and Wendy Cama Frank H. McCracken


Anthony McCrimlisk Brendan McGovern Katherine M. McGrath Peter McMahon Gerard McNamara Thomas J. McQuaid Michael Murphy Elaine Neenan Kathleen O’Loughlin John E. Pallat, III Lynn Parkerson Yvonne Riley-Tepie Angela Rosania V Martin P. Russo Bro. Becket Ryan, OSF Cosmo Saginario William and Barbara Serpe Joseph C. Stuto, DPM V Bruce Sullivan Peter C. and Judith K. Valente Ronald E. and Carolyn Vioni Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe XV David N. Weinraub Howard and Joan Weinstein John and Stephanie Whittier Robert J. Zak, CPA B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

John Ambrose Karen Barr Anthony Belluzzi Mary E. Bickford Scott Bojer Marion D. Boteju Marsilia Boyle Gunner and Paula Broadwick Cynthia A. Brown Mary D. Burke Alice A. Callaghan V Francesco and Concetta Candela Joseph Cantone Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi Frank Codey Martin F. Collins John T. and Patricia A. Comer John Curran Mary B. Dawson, Ph.D. BT Jim Deliteris Dr. Cosmo and Marilyn DeSteno David S. Dexter Nicholas J. and Lucille Domini Edward Duncan Rose F. Dunn V Alan Eggleston Gerard Eizaman Anthony Fabiano J.G. and Lesley A. Ferris Alan H. and Judith R. Fishman Edmond and Barbara Flood Sean and Nicole Foye Martin Galak Thomas and Kathleen Gallagher Raul Garcia Anthony J. Genovesi Joseph G. and Maria E. Genovesi Jennifer Goodman Billy Goodspeed Richard F., Ph.D. and Helen O. Halverson William J. and Deborah Hanley V Thomas S. Henderson Robert Herz David R. Jones Kenneth Kalkwarf Karen Keogh Dan Kerning Daniel P. Klein

Barbara Lechtanski David and Denise Levine Christina Macchiarola Laura Macchiarola Nicole Makea Philip and Maureen P. Maldari Shelia Martin Stefano Masi Jesse A. Masyr and Joanne Jarett-Masyr Nikiforos and Lambrina Mathews Joseph C. Marino and Coleen McGrath Rosemarie McLaughlin Charles and Mary McQuade Michael G. Mehary and Coleen Ceriello-Mehary James Merriman Alex Meshechok Dan and Cindy Mishael Bil Mulrow Louis J. and Rose Ann Mustacchio X Ronald and Ella Nigro Michelle D. Novak Daniel O’Toole Fotinos Panagakos Robert Pearson Robert and Maryann Rice Andrew S. Roffe Jim Ryan Jeff Schwartz Melanie Severo Bill Shields Tom Slevin Chris Snavely Frank and Caron Sonnenberg Louis V. Sorgi George M. Spankos Craig Staub Jeff S. Zeigler and Elizabeth Stuart-Zeigler Daniel J. and Brooke F. Studer John Brennan and Frances A. Sullivan Most Rev. Joseph M. Sullivan, DD Michael Taccetta Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Barbara Tuck Justin Tuck Stanley Varon Jed Walentas Michael and Laura Webb Michael A. and Ella J. Weiss



$50,0 0 0 and above CHARTER SOCIET Y

$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999 PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

$5,0 0 0 to $9,999 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

$2,50 0 to $ 4,999 REMSEN STREET CLUB

$1,0 0 0 to $2,499 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

$50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

$10 0 to $249 FR ANCISCANS

Gifts to $99

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    3 5


Charles S. Whelan, Jr. Margaret White Andrew Wiener Barry Winograd Joseph and Sheila Yallowitz RED & BLUE CLUB

Michael C. Alfano Rich Amblen Paul Bardo Louis and Carol Beierle Celia Bellinger Hernan Benitez and Paola Mejia Madelyn O. Biggs Sean and Jennifer Bookstaver Mark and Diane Brown Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato Nathan J. Celauro Dr. and Mrs. William R. Cinotti Alyson Clark Brian and Gina E. Collins X Maureen Connelly John and Sheila Costello Michael P. Daly Jack Davis Lynda de Zorzi Mr. Eugene T. Devine Scott Dexter John J. and Lynn R. Dillon Karen A. Disanto-Grassotti Robert and Linda Doherty Edward Drayton V Bernard J. and Kathryn M. Duffy Justin Esposito Richard Esposito Joseph A. Faraldo, Esq. Paula Fichtner V Joan A. Fogarty V Frank Franzino Dolores Fredrich Robert A. Friedlander Gary Friedman William D. Friel Thomas J. Gaffney Robert Garrett Randolph J. ’6 8 and Donna Geminder V Joyce Genovesi Virginia P. Gliedman Jason Golden Maureen Moore and Robert C. Golden Thomas J. Gosdeck Larry Graham Martha Graham George Greco Bryan X. and Suzanne Grimaldi Dennis Harrington Robert Hebron Joel S., Esq. and Nancy I. Hirschtritt Ralph Ianuzzi, Jr. Thomas Jones Craig and Laurie Katinas Col. Robert M. ’53 and Patricia Keith XV Timothy L. and Hayley M. Kelch Donald E. Kent V Eugene and Maureen Keogh J. William King Gerard Koehn and Katheryn Koehn Jtwros James and Kathy Kranz Thomas Leonardi Tommy Leong V Sylvia Lin Michael C. and Jennifer P. Macchiarola Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

David Maher Claire H. McCarthy Catherine McDonough Michael McKenna Sonal Mehta Salvatore and Maureen Monaco Lou Mustacchio, Jr. Frank and Nancy Nemeth Brian O’Connor Thomas and Laurie O’Donoghue David Offensend Janet Offensend Veronica Olszewski Michele and Peter Oppermann Michael Orban Kevin Painting Rocco and Danielle Papandrea The Honorable Edward M. Rappaport James Reddy John Regan Drew Reid Chris Richey Glenn T. Riddell Keith R. Rubinstein Jean Ryan Arthur J. Saladino Steven Salamone Thomas Salamone Gary Sapphire Thomas F. Schutte Daniel and Lisa Schwartz Thomas P. and Dorothy A. Seery Mark and Daria Sidlauskas Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith Joseph Spinnato Judy Stanton Candice Stark Jean M. Stonier V Dr. Supoj Tanchajja V Joie Tavernise Kevin W. and Patricia K. Thomas Andres Tola Sr. Marilyn Trowbridge, SFP BT Richard Valachovic Nicholas B. Valastro Jaime Vanbramer William Waldorf Dr. Richard Wall Abraham Weinstock John Welch X Stephen K. Werbel Lloyd Williams Deena Wolfson ASSISI SOCIET Y

Jennifer Abbott Louis Acerra Nikolai Acevedo Rosario Acquista V Anthony and Elise Albanese Andrew Alia Emmanuel Alia Don Ameroso Dominick and Maryann Amorosa Paul F. Amoruso Ray Anthony Andrea Arcarola Maria Archer George Arzt Oleg Babekov Theodore Bajo Leonard Baker V Daniel and Suzanne Bautch Barry Berman Alex Bernardi Otto Bezler

John A. and Theresa Bianchi Jean Bickley Robert K. and Dianne P. Bitting Erenestine Blake Marilyn Blanchette Mark Boccia Neil E. Botwinoff Colleen E. Bowerman Stanley Brettschneider Therese Brinken Michael Brodie Martin Brophy William R. Brown Frank A. Bruni Mike Brunton Kathleen Bryan Mary Louise Bulger Ralph Bumbaca Kevin and Margaret Burke Thomas and Mary Burke John Burnham Mary Cahalan V Richard Calcaterra V Thomas Calfa Mary Campagnano James and Patricia Cannon Frank Carroll Michael Carroll Frank and Jane Catalanotto John and Catherine Caufield Lawrence Cenatiempo X Valerio Cervi Frank and Rita Chiachiere Jack and Maria Chiparo Glenn Chiuchiolo David L. Cohen Chris Connell Hermione Connelly-Landau V Laurie Connors Margina Conroy James P. Conway Rev. Coleman Costello Stephen and Elaine Crane Anna Crifasi Anthony Crowell Nancy Cummings Rev. James Cunningham Francis Cusack Thomas A. Cutrone Carl Dalba, Jr. Rita Damato Andrew M. Darcy Lea Davies Florence V. Dean Craig Dee Mary Kathleen Deloge Michael Den Dekker Alexis DePaola Frank and Liliane DeRosa Paul, DMD and Catherine Desjardins Mary DeStefano Blaise Didio X Marcella DiFilippo James J. Digilio Matthew Diller Diane M. DiMauro Stephen Dolan Lawrence J. Donnelly Vivian R. Dulberg Brian and JoAnn Edwards Steven Edwards and Robin Randall-Edwards Stephen E. Einson X Joseph H. and Lisa Esselborn Ed Evans Stephen Fabrizio

Max Fennimore Dr. Patrick Ferrillo, Jr. Connie Finch Sarah Fincke Stephanie Fiorenza Christopher M. Fitzpatrick Eileen M. Flood Ed Fogarty V Kelly Forman William Forman Allan J. Formicola, DDS John Forster Dall W. and Ana M. Forsythe Dominic Forte Charles and Carol B. Francescani Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Adelino R. Franquinha Alexander Friedman Thomas Friemel Albert Gabrielli Pamela Galligan-Stierle Rev. Msgr. Otto L. Garcia William C., Jr. and Ann Gartner Leonard Gaynor Lara J. Genovesi Dom Gervasi Joseph Gileno Anne M. Giudice Samuel B. and Sharyn H. Gold Ethan M. Goodman Kathleen A. Gormaley Joseph T. Gravini Terry and Kerry A. Greene V Thomas F. and Linda Guinan John Hammond Paula Harney Marc E. and Yvette S. Harris Rev. Msgr. Robert M. Harris Richard and Deborah Heffernan Damany Henry George Henry Reginald Henry James T. Higgins Charisse S. Hiigel Eli Hoffman Nancy Hopping V John and Mary A. Howell James J. Huberty Dr. Arthur J. and Irene Hughes Hugh T. Hurley Sheldon and Florence Hyman Ann Marie Iburg Bruce and Roberta Irushalmi Dr. Florence A. Jackson Sharon Jaycox Daitz Andrew W. Johnston, Jr. Jerry Jordan Mitchell Kapnick Dr. Saul Katz Louis G. and Ensi Kaufman Dr. Peter and Barbara Keller Robert K. Kelly Thomas E. Kelly Bro. Robert Kent Dan Kime Maria King Margaret M. Kirwin Harry and Beatrice S. Klug Glenn Kolonics Odette A. Konop Jill Krieger David and Lisa Kuehn Donald J. LaGrega Thomas and Carol Laird Rev. Mark J. Lane V Charlie Langalis

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

3 6   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Dr. Nino F. and Elizabeth Langiulli XV Louise Latty Harold Laubscher Domenick Laurendi Thomas P. Leahy and Guillermina Gomez-Leahy Michael and Tara Leary Marie Letteri Bobye G. List J. F. Long Henry Lorch Nicholas S. Lorch Robert Lozzi Norman E. and Phyllis Lubin Daniel F. and Catherine T. Lynch John J. Lynch Allison Lyon Camille Lyons Frank R. Macchiarola Joseph and Michaela Macchiarola David Major Rich Manion Andrew and Jodi Marcis Sisto Martello Harry J. Martin Linda Masi Daniel Maunz Anna L. McAleese Alison McCabe Adele McConnell Patrick McDonnell Paul V. and Katherine M. McDonough Elizabeth McLoughlin Francis McLoughlin Martin and Francine McManus James and Melissa McQuade Kevin McVeigh Peter Messana Matthew A. and Marykate Meyer Joan L. Millman James Minogue Joseph E. Mitchell Patrica Moden Steve Monahan Frank Motley, Esq. John Mravcak Margaret T. Mullany V Erik Muller William J. and Jane B. Murdoch Paul Murphy Brian Nash Domenick Neglia Steven A. Neil Ronald S. Newbower Ralph M. Nigro Steven J. O’Loughlin, Jr. Dennis C. O’Rourke Michael Oster Christopher J. Papa Zane Watkins, II and Lydia Parris Michael C. Pawlus, II and Sheila A. Newton-Pawlus Anthony and Maria Pecorale Brenda and Robert R. Pepper Anne Perzeszty Bobby Pet Kenneth H. and Judith A. Pforr V Thomas Pfundstein Msgr. Michael J. Phillips Marissa K. Plaia Philip R. Poh Douglas P. Posluszny Nellie Purefoy Jessica Pyle Sarah J. Quigley V Terrence K. Quinn


Thomas Raleigh Dr. Richard P. Ranney Peter Rayder Peter Reda Dr. Spencer and Judy Redding Pat Reddy Diane Relyea Linda Renner Joon Rhee Edward Rissland Adam Rodabaugh Jeffrey and Robin L. Rodus Guy Rosiello Julie Rothstein James T. Ryan John Ryan The Honorable John D. Sabini Charles and Audrey Sahadi Berk Saka Mike Sammut Charles W. Schroeder V Dorothy M. Schroeder X Jason A. Schwartzenberg Laura Schwarz Joseph Sciame Carlo and Teresa Scissura Natalie Scolamiero Suzanne Seery Dr. Joseph D. Severino Richard Shanley Ashley Sharp Joseph Sheridan Jay Sheth Timothy J. and Kathleen R. Shine Ann M. Shurgin Gene Sicignano Barry Silverberg Elena M. Sirota Debra Sito Diana Skurka Elnora Smith-Watson Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF, Ph.D. BT X Veronica P. Smith Karen Spillaine Walter Springer Scott A. Stanilious Dennis Sullivan Herminia Sullivan X Suzanne Sullivan Patricia Sweeney James G. Taylor Marcello Testa Agnes Tomaselli Joe Tompkins Danilo Tramontozzi Vincenzo Tramontozzi Mary C. Tucker Mark and Jennifer M. Turner Giacomo Turone Dr. Robert A. and Marlebe N. Uchin Phyllis Valentino Dominick F. and Andriana Valletta V Steven J. Vallo Peter J. Venaglia Nick Vendikos Edward J. Vierling V Richard Vierling John Vogel Richard Vogel William J. Vogel and Joanne M. Simeone-Vogel Elena R. Wahlert Margaret Waldmann David and Jane L. Walentas John J. Walsh Alan Walters Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Steven J. Walters Cheryl Washington Michele Weber Alan Weisberg Mr. Marvin A. Welsch Toby and Lynda Wertheim Nils Wessell James and Gail Whelan Delora V. Williams V Joyce T. Williams Mary Woehrle Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff XV Joni Yoswein and Glenn Van Bramer X Andrew and Barbara G. Zambelli Simone Zappa FR ANCISCANS

Brooke Affleck John L. Afton, Esq. V Anthony Anglade David Arias Vaneshran Arumugam Isabel R. Ayers Joyce A. Ayoub Eunice Baptiste Lillian Belcher Marie R. Beneduce Oscar B. and Camille Bering Steven Berliner Dr. Dennis J. and Lois Bird Jean C. Black Thomas A. Blumenthal Eileen A. Bohn Diane Bosse Mary Bostou Leon and Elsie Brazel Judith Brewer Rita Bryant Stephen F. Burke Anthony and Sophie Burns Laura Bycroft Marie Calder Lawrence and Grace Calia V Agnes Caminiti V Charles and Dena Capetanakis Joseph and Kathleen Carpenter Daniel Carroll Bartolomeo and Evelyn Castellano Joanne Cavanaugh Ellen R. Cherrick Greg Chertoff Judge Jerome D. Cohen Thomas Concannon Dr. Michael R. Condon Jean M. Cooke Joseph V. and Rosemary Cordella Alice Corti John D. and Eileen M. Cosgrove Mary R. Coughlin Marguerite Cunningham Maria DeBlasio Michael DeCenzo Louis Di Meglio Michael E. DiGiacomo Kathleen A. Dimmler William Dobranski Joseph and Eileen Dorinson John E. Dougherty Michael Dougherty and Antonia Merzon Jeffrey Douglas Paul Drazen Burton and Linda Edelstein Stella Eng John F. and Kim Esposito V Peter and Barbara Farrell

Richard Ferraiolo Ronald J. and Patricia D. Ferreri Barbara Field Stephen Fishler Edward Fitzgerald Meghan Fitzgerald John J. Foley Nora Fox Joy A. Frazier Pinhas and Doris Friedenberg James Gambino John Ganley Nicholas Geale James and Bernadette Geissler Robert and Frances Genco Anita Gerasimchik Christina Giunta Gerald Glickman, DDS The Honorable Martin Golden Mary Ellen Golden Joseph M. Gonzales Evelyn Gordon Lydia M. Gordon S. Alonzo, Jr. and Diane R. Graves Alice Greenwald Janet Griffith Nicholas Guido Luz M. Gutierrez Judith S. Harvey William R. Haynes Marc Heft Denise E. Higgins Dr. Rowland and Kay Hutchinson Edmund H. Immergut X Barbara Jacobson X S. and Eva Jakuba William J. and Dorothy Jesinkey Eric Johnson Nadine Johnson Patricia Johnson William E. and Mary Kay Kahaly John and Michele Kelly Patrick Kenny and Maureen Kenny Cynthia Kerr Lars Loman and Sharon Kerrigan Loman Francis X. and Marjorie B. King Michele Kirsh Sydelle Knepper Noelle Kocot-Tomblin Dr. Kenneth and Bonnie Kornman Henrik and Elaine T. Krogius Marina La Cagnina Andrew and Catherine Lapierre John and Carol Larsen Timothy Leary John J. Lenzo Dr. and Mrs. Carmine LoMonaco Joseph V. Lopez Carol Lorente Elena M. Lovell Lesley A. Lull Michael and Pauline Macchiarola Robert N. and Cecelia Macchiarola Philip J. and Lillian Maida Jill and Lauren Mandel Ellie Mandell Sidney Mann Louis and Theresa Maresco Joseph B. and Carolyn E. Marvel Vincent Mazzone Frances McCann Karen L. McCann Sean and Stephanie McDade Brien McDonald Hector and Roberta Medal

Nancy A. Miller Nicholas J. Miraglia Helen and George J. Miseo Michael Mondschein and Lois Turetsky-Mondschein Ann Monroe-Ballargeon Evelyn Moore Haruka Mori Alice Murray Martin Needelman Jack O’Malley Christina Ostran Ronald Palastro James Pantzis Anna Pascale Helen Pearlstein Barbara Pitkowsky Margaret Pleasants Patricia B. Power Mel A. and Laura A. Pynn James J. Quackenbush George and Diane Rhodes Ronald G. Rice John Riley Bishop Maurice Robert J. Milo and Jo Ann Robinson Sarah A. Rodgers Thomas P. and Megan Mery Ryan Paul T. Salata Igor G. Samardzija Dominick and Elizabeth Santo Terry Schaffer V Edmund Scharpf Beverly Schnipper Fleetha Scott Bradford Seaman John Seminerio Stephen and Carmen Shappell William and Luz Maria Shearer Norma Sinckler Ronald and Dianne Somma Marvin Spieler V Robert St. Bernard Gaylene Tannis Cynthia Thomas Patricia Thomas Thomas V. Tuffey, Esq. Eileen Valenti Holly van Gulden Lucretia Vance The Honorable Albert Vann John and Ada Vapsva Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D. Connie Waterman Anita Weston Dr. Brook Wiers Elinor Wilder Betty J. Williams Amy Wink Sam Wojnilowon Ms. Martha Yoswein Joan Yovine Nevin and Barbara Zablotsky Andi Zhao Dr. Steven B. Zucker Mark Zulli

P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B

Michele Brunton Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. XV Cheryl A. Howell, Ed.D. V June A. McGrisken ’76 X Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 XV Emmlynn L. Taylor REMSEN STREET CLUB

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’66 V Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF Irma Garcia ’8 0 XV Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. X Ellen Glascock, Ph.D. Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 V Dennis J. McDermott ’74 XV Bro. Owen J. Sadlier, OSF ’69 Corinne Smolizza Linda Werbel Dashefsky Marija F. Wierzbicki Jerome Williams ’76 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Anne Bove, RN V

Glenn A. Braica Richard Coladarci Joseph Cummings Charles A. Giardino ’0 4 V Paulette B. Gonzalez Michele Hirsch, Ph.D. Joseph F. Marino, Ph.D. ’6 8 V Srdjan Mihaljevic ’01 V Danzil Monk Yadira M. Moran-Ulrich ’02 Kevin S. O’Rourke V John Ragno Richard Relkin V Susan L. Richards V James Skurka Charlene St.Vil John L. Thurston Jamaal G. Womack ’0 9 RED & BLUE CLUB

Robert Allende Guy Carlsen X Steven Catalano V Angel Devarez V Arthur DiClementi, Ph.D. ’66 V Alexandria M. Egler X Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. XV Anthony J. Kurtin ’0 0 Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. V Katherine O’Hagan


$50,0 0 0 and above CHARTER SOCIET Y

$25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999 PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL

$10,0 0 0 to $24,999 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

$5,0 0 0 to $9,999 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

$2,50 0 to $ 4,999 REMSEN STREET CLUB

Employee Giving F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

Brendan J. Dugan ’6 8 BT XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’6 0 XV Thomas F. Flood Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D. V Joseph S. Louzonis X

$1,0 0 0 to $2,499 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

$50 0 to $999 RED & BLUE CLUB

$250 to $ 499 ASSISI SOCIET Y

$10 0 to $249 FR ANCISCANS

Gifts to $99

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    3 7


Robert A. Oliva ’0 4 X Carl P. Quigley ’75 X Edward R. Stewart V Bro. Edward Wesley, OSF, Ph.D. ’6 8 XV ASSISI SOCIET Y

Micah A. Acoba Ghazala N. Afzal Deana M. Agostino ’05 Allen J. Burdowski, Ph.D. Romona Caramico ’11 Robert Charles, Ph.D. Jeffrey Clarke Donna M. DeSiena X Melissa A. Duron ’03 Irina Ellison, Ph.D. Ann Farrell V Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. Bro. Gary Gaynor, OSF ’6 4 Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. X Ruben N. Gonzalez ’0 4 Kathryn A. Grant Nurullah Hajra Matthew C. Hogan ’01 X Leonard Honig X Julio Huato, Ph.D. Rev. Brian J. Jordan, OFM Michael M. Kaune, Ph.D. Joseph V. Kelly Chad A. Lectura ’07 John Lombardo Evelyn Magdaleno ’8 3 Lloyd C. McNeil Monica Michalski ’01 Estelle Miller, Ph.D. Brian D. Morales ’0 8 Marianne Negri Carmine Nogara, Ph.D. Bro. Dominic F. Quigley, OSF ’71 Lisa M. Randazzo ’0 4 Marianne Roncoli, Ph.D. Miriam Salholz, Ph.D. V Erez Schochat, Ph.D. ’97 V Gerard Shaw, Ph.D. Fred Siegel, Ph.D. Frank Sorrentino, Ph.D. Behrouz H. Tabrizi, Ph.D. Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D. Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D. FR ANCISCANS

Ramy Abdalla Amir Ali Dennis S. Anderson, Ph.D. Catrina E. Avvento ’07 V Jeanette B. Baker XV Benjamin K. Barnett ’0 8 Max Barnhart ’11 Clive Bentick Edward J. Breslin Kyle S. Brown Julio Campuzano Jaime Chauca Tyler W. Clarhaut ’13 Andrew Cornicello Christian Cuba Chad V. Davis ’02 Miyo Y. Davis Vanessa O. De Almeida ’0 0 Athena Devlin, Ph.D. John R. Dilyard, Ph.D. V Dionne A. Dodson Christopher Driscoll Harriet Dunn ’07 Virginia A. Franklin, Ph.D. David Gansell David B. Gardella ’97 Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

David J. Gewirtz Thomas Giovatto Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. Richard R. Grasso Mary C. Guadagni Patricia Guadagni Dawn Gugliaro Brian Guidera Andrew Hartshorne Dexter Henry James W. Hoffman Elaine L. Hurst, Ph.D. Megan E. Husak ’0 8 Margaret A. Iacono Marlon D. Joseph ’05 Sofiya Kagan Maciej Krupa ’0 6 Alexander Kustanovich Mei W. Lam Andrew J. Lasky ’11 Mitchell Levenberg Matthew A. Linkus ’10 Valerie L. Lombardi ’11 Frederick A. Lopez Carolyn Madeo Eric Malijan Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Stephen Maresca John McNamara, Ph.D. V Yuki Miyazawa Steven J. Mullins V Margaret H. Murphy Daniel Nigro ’95 Meghan K. O’Brien Roxanne J. Persaud Nickie Phillips, Ph.D. Danny A. Plaza ’05 V Mary A. Pradt Nettie Respondek Armando D. J. Rodriguez Minerva Rolon ’12 Filip Sasic ’12 Sinan Selmani James P. Smith, Ph.D. Arnold J. Sparr, Ph.D. X Richard M. Squire Michelle P. Steven Justine R. Stevenson Celeste A. Van Nice Arthur Velnik ’07 Kaitlyn M. Vican Mona Wasserman Michael A. Watkins, Sr. Lindsay Weigle Susan Weisman V Scott Weiss, Ph.D. Lynson L. Willis ’07 Dr. Robert Wu Susan Young

Corporations & Foundations F O U N D E R ’S C I R C L E

General Atlantic Corporation CHARTER SOCIET Y

Astoria Federal Savings XV Brown Brothers Harriman V Educational Housing Services, Inc. Hudson City Savings Bank X National Grid XV P R E S I D E N T ’S C O U N C I L Anonymous V

Admore Air Conditioning Corp. Arnold & Porter, LLP

Bank of America V The Brightwater Fund Capital One Bank N.A. Cullen & Dykman V DeSales Media Group, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation V Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund ISS Facility Services V JP Morgan Chase Edward A. & Lucille Kimmel Foundation KPMG Liberty Warehouse Meridian Capital Group Monster Worldwide Mulvaney Family Foundation The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. The New York Community Trust Penske Automotive Group, Inc. V PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. V POM Recoveries, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Prudential Insurance Company V Ridgewood Savings Bank XV May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation RTP Technology Structure Tone, Inc. V Sullivan & Cromwell TD Bank United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Waldorf Family Foundation, Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottling Co. V Colgate-Palmolive Matching Gift Program Collins Building Services, Inc. Community Counseling Service Cumberland Packing Corp. Damascus Bakery, Inc. Deloitte Foundation V DF Restoration, Inc. Empire Office The Ergonomics Group First National Bank of New York FIS Client Management IABS Charities, Inc. International Union of Operating Engineers J.N. Savasta Corp. John Henry’s HVAC Kam Contracting of New York Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP The Henry Luce Foundation V Mercury Public Affairs, LLC Merrill Lynch Newmark, Grubb, Knight, Frank NYSE Euronext Foundation Matching Gifts Program O’Reilly, Marsh & Corteselli, PC Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin, LLC Project Management Institute Student Government Association Transfirst United Management Corporation Unity Electric Company Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC X REMSEN STREET CLUB

Academy For Academic Leadership ADP Foundation P R E S I D E N T ’S C I R C L E Alpine Trading, Inc. Alltype Printing American Dental Association Ayco Charitable Foundation Anchin, Block & Anchin, LLP BD Development, LLC Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. BNY Mellon Bank of America Charitable Candid Litho Printing, Ltd. Foundation V Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens Bethpage Federal Credit Union CDHM Big Guy Foundation Community Foundation of the Bishop Ford Central Catholic Florida Keys High School Con Edison Company XV Brooklyn Ballet Diocesan Food Services Brooklyn Chapter Jack and Jill of Eagle Interiors, Inc. American Charity Equinox Financial Solutions Brown & Weinraub, PLLC Ernst & Young Foundation Bulldog Graphic Solutions Farrell Fritz, PC Business Relocation Services Fast Track Construction Chevron Matching Gift Program FJC Security Services, Inc. ChevronTexaco Investors Bank Church of the Holy Child of Jesus J.M.S. Foundation V Council of School Supervisors and Administrators Laquercia and Klein, LLP County Wide Beverage Distributors Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn CTSI Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation New York Community Bank Foundation Diversified Valuation Group PSAL Wingate Memorial Fund East Coast Power and Gas The Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Fidelity National Title Group Rhodes Memorial Fund Figli di San Gennaro, Inc. Rivkin Radler, LLP The Forsyth Institute Shell Oil Company Gallagher Benefit Services Sovereign Bank Godsell Construction Corp. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Grant Thornton, LLP XV The Greater Cincinnati Foundation P R E S I D E N T ’S C L U B Greenberg Traurig, LLP The 6 Group The Haugland Family Foundation AIG Matching Grants Program Charles F. Heeran Foundation Best Choice Staffing Holtz Rubenstein Reminick Center for Integrated Teacher IBM Matching Grants Program XV Education Ingber Law Firm Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

3 8   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Interboro Surgical Associates KIME Distributing, Inc. Kings County Democratic County Committee La Bagel Delight V LandStar Title Agency Lassen & Hennigs V L’etoile Development, LLC Local 46 Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Iron Workers General LVC Interiors, Inc. Lynch Development Associates, Inc. MACRow Foundation Marks, Paneth & Shron, LLP Maxim Group, LLC McCracken Financial Solutions The Mechanic Group, Inc. Mercer Health & Benefits, LLC Middleton Environmental, Inc. Morgan Stanley Fund for Charitable Giving New York Marriott Marquis Times Square Park Strategies, LLC X Party Rental Ltd. Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program XV Pilo Arts Day Spa & Salon PJ’s Auto & Tire Center Proskauer Rose, LLP The River Café Samuel A. Ramirez & Co., Inc. Smith Party Rentals, LLC Spin Label St. Anthony’s Guild St. Francis College Faculty Housing Staples Staples Foundation for Learning, Inc. Sterling Affair Tannenbaum, Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt, LLP TD Bank Long Island Thomas & Graham, LLP Barbara and Donald Tober Foundation Total Fire Protection Triboro Elevator Consultants Corporation Stanley B. Tunick Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. Vantis Life Verizon Foundation V The Walt Disney Company Westermann Sheehy Keenan Samaan & Aydelott, LLP Ziff Bros. Investments B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B

Aristocrat Paint Contractors Bellevue Hospital Center Bogardt & Company, LLP Bristol-Myers Matching Gifts C. M. Richey Electrical Contractors Candela & Associates Catholic Cemeteries The College of Saint Rose Columbus Citizens Foundation Consolidated Edison, Inc. Cpex Real Estate Dan Kelly Memorial Gift Fund Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation Equinox Ferrilli Information Group Franciscan Brothers XV Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Gensler


Inter-County Bakers John Barrett Salon JP Morgan Chase Foundation V Karuna Acupuncture of Brooklyn Kaufman Realty Kaye Scholer, LLP Keystone Financial Solutions, LLC Kwittken & Company LPL Financial Resources Group Luman, Helfman, & Tucker Merck Partnership for Giving Merritt Environmental Consulting Corp. Millennium Valuations, Inc. mNovakDesign Mobil Oil Corporation New Horizon Communications O’Connor Davies, LLP Omgeo, LLC Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. O’Shea-Hoey Funeral Home, Inc. Personnel Consulting Associates Piper Jaffray Matching Gift Program Race, Inc. Rocklyn Asset Corp. RuffaloCODY Schroder Investment Management North America Snavely Associates Sorgi & Minichiello, LLP St. Edmund Preparatory High School TIAA-CREF Total Telecom Solutions, LLC Two Trees Management Co., LLC Tyrone Service Company, Inc. The Whelan Group Yorkshire Food RED & BLUE CLUB

Abigal Press Acquista Food Services V Apple Mortgage Baglivi & Cook Bamontes Restaurant Corp. V Barnes and Noble at St. Francis College Bergassi Group, LLC Biscuits and Bath Brooklyn Children’s Museum Brooklyn Heights Association Bruno’s Hardware The Business Council of New York State, Inc. Cactus Worldwide Cavalcante and Co. Chubb & Son Citiwide Auto Leasing, Inc. Clark Associates Friends of Steve Cohn CPEX Operations David Shannon Florist, Inc. Elegant Affairs Elhilow & Maiocchi, LLP Esposito & Sons, Inc. Fodera Guitar Partners, LLC Fordham University Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Futures in Education Foundation, Inc. General Electric Foundation Gereard Carelli Orchestra Giordano Studios, LLC Government and Community Relations Department Harlem Week, Inc. Heights Chateau V Hotel Association of NYC

ING Financial Services Corporation Institute of Design Madonna Arts Martin J. McLaughlin Communications, Inc. Metro Fire Safety Guards, Inc. Mindich Enterprises, Inc. Mother’s Club of St. Joseph School Nucor Construction Corp. NYPD Emerald Society Ocean Horizons Scuba Donna and James O’Meara Charitable Foundation, Inc. Optec Communications, Inc. Otterstedt Agency Penzone & Company Personal Touch Caterers, LLC Poler Contracting, Inc. Port Authority PBA, Inc. Prime New York The Prudential Foundation QueBIT Consulting, LLC Sports Depot St. Athanasius Church St. Francis Monastery St. Francis Prep High School Sullivan & Kehoe Team Research Terrace Dance Studio Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club The Troupers of St. Francis College Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York United Way of New York City Wholesale Marble Distributors, Inc. Xaverian High School XV Yoswein New York YoungBiz ASSISI SOCIET Y

3rd Ave Rest Group, Ltd. A & L Cesspool Service Corp. A Slice of Brooklyn Adoptive Parents Committee, Inc. AFS International, Inc. Alfred University All In One Grad, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company American Express Gift Matching Program Armando’s Restaurant Auster Agency, Inc. Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership Campaign Benedetto For Assembly Bernardi Electric Bikram Yoga Bay Ridge Bishop Kearney High School BlackRock Matching Gift Program BPC Management Corp. Friends of Richard Brodsky Brooklyn Academy of Music Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Brooklyn Sports, Ltd. Buckley’s Restaurant & Catering Byrne Poh, LLP C & C Catering Service, Ltd. X Cadets Alumni Association Cafe Buon Gusto Capital One Matching Gifts Program Caterpillar Foundation Century Legend Management, Inc. Chadwick’s Restaurant Cintolo and McCarthy, CPAs Joseph P. Clavin Sons, Inc. Funeral Home V

CleanTech East Corp. Clearway Signage Associates Clinton Street Barber Shop Commencement Flowers Concordia University Chicago Court Order Court Street Office Supplies Crown Trophy & Sporting Goods Custom House Deluxe Corporation Design 2147, Ltd. Diebold, Inc. Law Offices of Lawrence F. DiGiovanna Dilan For New York Donorwall Design Group Down Under Education Society Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Inc. Exxon Mobil Corporation Faughnan Financial Group Fran Rogers Personnel Frank J. Silvestri, Inc. Gold’s Gym Grand Canyon Restaurant GTC Enterprises Ltd. Haitian American Student Association Harbor Fitness Heights Cafe Hidden Gems Solutions Holy Name Church Hunter’s Steak & Ale House, Gorm Rest., Inc. V Irwin Edwards Recruiters, Inc. Jem Service Center Jimco Associates, Inc. John Weir Flowers Corp. Kenneth Brown Latin American Society Leone Funeral Home Livingston Street Parking Lockheed Martin Corporation Made in Brooklyn Tours Mallozzi & Dwyer, PC Marco Polo Restaurant Mark Bruce International, Inc. Massey Knakal Realty McCabe & Associates MCR, Inc. Medtronic Foundation MFA Financial, Inc. Midhattan Woodworking Corporation Montyq’s Mount Snow Neglia Appraisals, Inc. New York Football Giants, Inc. Nick’s Fine Jewelry NYC Department of Commerce O’Keefe’s Bar OSAP Palm Bay International Peter Byros Enterprises, Inc. PinnacleCare PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Prospect Park Alliance Queen Marie Italian Restaurant, Inc. R. Christopher McCormack, Jr. PLLC Rogers and Taylor Appraisers, Inc. Root Realty, Inc. Satnik Jewelers Scotto Funeral Home Sky’s the Limit Advisors, LLC SoulCycle

SRV Bank St. Bernard’s Church St. Francis College Admissions Office Sterling Realty Group, LLC Superior Printing & Litho V T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. XV Tavella Plumbing & Heating Corp. Throggs Neck Halloween Parade Committee Toyota Motor Sales Use Tranz Met Group, Inc. Villa Mosconi Rest., Inc. The Vitaliano Foundation The Water Club Waterfront Ale House The Weeks Lerman Group Friends of Mark Weprin

Sarah Fincke Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Laura M. Fodera ’0 9 Fodera Guitar Partners, LLC Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Martin Galak Dom Gervasi Richard M. ’69 and Judy Giammarco Christina Giunta Gold’s Gym Catherine Greene BT Harbor Fitness William J. Hogan Ann Marie Iburg Morgan M. Iburg ’12 John Barrett Salon Karuna Acupuncture of Brooklyn Liberty Warehouse FR ANCISCANS Allan Lowenkron Berkshire Taconic Community Made in Brooklyn Tours Foundation Madonna Arts Brooklyn Museum David Maher Communications Honor Society Nicole Makea Davari Companies Joseph C. ’8 3 BT and Carol Mangan Dave and Busters Brian P. Mooney Dot’s Restaurant Mount Snow The Dover Forge Restaurant New York Football Giants, Inc. Guidance & Counseling New York Red Bulls Support Systems Ocean Horizons Scuba Mercy Home for Children Michael O’Keeffe Morgan Stanley Smith Barney National Grid Matching Gifts Program Palm Bay International Lynn Parkerson New York Red Bulls Pete’s Waterfront Ale House Pete’s Waterfront Ale House Pilo Arts Day Spa & Salon Public School 16 0 Prospect Park Alliance Quality Business Products The River Café RBS Citizens Financial Group Jean Ryan Scout by Bungalow Scout by Bungalow SFC Women’s Basketball Melanie Severo St. Bonaventure Friary Debra Sito St. Francis College Library SoulCycle St. Patrick’s Home Joie Tavernise Stamats Seminars Emmlynn L. Taylor and Jules Taylor, Jr. Terrace Dance Studio Justin Tuck A Slice of Brooklyn John F. ’67 BT and Maureen Tully Jennifer Abbott Giacomo Turone Brooke Affleck Eugene J. Viti, Jr. ’85 and Rich Amblen Patricia M. Manieri-Viti ’8 4 James and Wendy Argutto The Water Club Paul Bardo Barnes and Noble at St. Francis College Bikram Yoga Bay Ridge GIVING LEVELS Biscuits and Bath Brooklyn Ballet FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Brooklyn Botanical Gardens $50,0 0 0 and above Brooklyn Museum CHARTER SOCIET Y Matthew J. and Michele Brunton $25,0 0 0 to $ 49,999 Cactus Worldwide PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Frank and Anita Ciolli $10,0 0 0 to $24,999 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Columbus Citizens Foundation $5,0 0 0 to $9,999 Anna Crifasi PRESIDENT’S CLUB Nancy Cummings $2,50 0 to $ 4,999 John F. Darnowski ’70 REMSEN STREET CLUB Dave and Busters $1,0 0 0 to $2,499 Carlos R. de Quesada B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B Scott Dexter $50 0 to $999 Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine RED & BLUE CLUB DiMauro $250 to $ 499 Dot’s Restaurant ASSISI SOCIET Y The Dover Forge Restaurant $10 0 to $249 Equinox

In-Kind Donors


Gifts to $99 Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    3 9

In Honor of Honorary gifts can be made to the Annual Fund or to our scholarship program. By prescribing a name to the gift, the donation also serves as a tribute to an individual of personal significance. Below are the names of the individuals specially acknowledged and their donors: M I A A C O S TA

L U C I A P. C E L L I N I



Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF

Darrin W. Glen ’13

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood


B R O . G E O F F R E Y C L E M E N T, O S F


C A R L P. Q U I G L E Y ’75

John W. Ahlemeyer ’13

Stephen and Carmen Shappell

Darrin W. Glen ’13

Guram Nozadze ’13


S R . C O L L E E N C O L B E R T, O P

F R A N C I S J. G R E E N E , P H . D.


John Amorello ’13

Tara A. Garone ’11

Joseph M. Hemway ’8 4

Middleton Environmental, Inc.

E D WA R D P. A Q U I L O N E ’60


LY N N E K . J A C K S O N , P H . D.


Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers

Sachel E. French ’13

Erin M. Hughes ’13

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood




Y V O N N E S . A R M S T R O N G ’9 4

Florence V. Dean

Nathan J. Celauro Charles A. Giardino ’0 4

Judy E. Blakey ’13


Justin T. Worsley ’13

Michelle P. Steven

I R M A G A R C I A ’80

ALFREDA BARBER Neather L. Darroux ’13

MARINA BREKHOUNETS Vlademar Brekhounets ’13

VIRGINIA CARDELL A Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF

R E V. M I C H A E L A . C A R R A N O ’66 Anthony and Angela Guida


AIG Matching Grants Program Eunice Baptiste Glenn A. Braica James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’6 0 Irma Garcia ’8 0 Bro. Thomas Grady, OSF ’6 8 Thomas M. Rivera, Jr. ’03 Charlene St.Vil Emmlynn L. Taylor and Jules Taylor, Jr. Lucretia Vance Susan Weisman

Richard Shanley

John McNamara, Ph.D.

D R . P E T E R P. L E I B M A N ’71 Donavon Cross ’13

L AUR A MCCOMISKEY Nicholas R. Johnson ’13

ADRIENNE MENDES Angela Mendes ’13

J O S E P H A . M I N G R O N E ’76

H E AT H E R S L AV I N ADRIAN TORRES Salvador Torres ’13

R O B E R TA T O R R E S Salvador Torres ’13

LINDA WERBEL DASHEFSK Y Howard and Joan Weinstein

D R . E V E LY N A . W O L F E Syndi K. Webster ’13

Gail A. O’Donnell ’96

In Loving Memory of May They Rest In Peace Memorial gifts can be made to the Annual Fund or to our scholarship program. By prescribing a name to the gift, the donation also serves as a tribute to an individual of personal significance. Below are the names of the individuals specially acknowledged and their donors: PETER N. AQUILONE


Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood


M O S T R E V. I G N AT I U S C ATA N E L L O ’62

POM Recoveries, Inc.

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

T H O M A S J. A S H T O N

C E A S A R J. C E L L I N I

Joseph F. ’49 and Rosaleen Byrne

Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF

N E A L P. B E N N E T T ’69

M A R L O N A . C O L L I N S ’03

Verizon Foundation

Hakim A. Williams ’02

A R T H U R E . B E Y E R ’61

T H E O D O R E M . C O O K E ’57

Hector and Roberta Medal David C. ’6 3 and Nancy Moriarty

Jean M. Cooke


Dorothy Curriero

Marion D. Boteju Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

E D WA R D A . D A R N O W S K I

F R A N C I S C U R R I E R O ’57

John F. Darnowski ’70

J A M E S V. B U R N S ’50

J O S E P H I N E J. D A R N O W S K I

Anthony and Sophie Burns

D R . D O N A L D I . B U Z I N K A I ’60 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 Macchiarola

+ and Mary T.

URSUL A CALL AHAN Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

DOROTHY CARLUCCI Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Michael E. and Marija F. Wierzbicki

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

John F. Darnowski ’70

D O M I N I C K P. D E PA O L A , D D S ’6 4 Academy for Academic Leadership American Dental Association Dr. Dennis J. and Lois Bird Michael Brodie Richard and Cam Buchanan Frank and Jane Catalanotto Jack and Maria Chiparo Dr. and Mrs. William R. Cinotti

Michael DeCenzo Mary Kathleen Deloge Paul, DMD and Catherine Desjardins Mary DeStefano Dr. Cosmo and Marilyn DeSteno Robert and Linda Doherty Nicholas J. and Lucille Domini Dr. Patrick Ferrillo, Jr. Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Lars Folke Allan J. Formicola, DDS The Forsyth Institute Christopher Fox Gerald Glickman, DDS Marc Heft Mr. and Mrs. Jakuba Kenneth Kalkwarf Andrew and Catherine Lapierre Marie Letteri Carol Lorente Paul V. and Katherine M. McDonough Michael Moll Elaine Neenan Linda C. Niessen Steven J. O’Loughlin, Jr. OSAP Fotinos Panagakos Dr. Richard P. Ranney Dr. Spencer and Judy Redding George and Diane Rhodes

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

4 0   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Dr. Joseph D. Severino Ashley Sharp Kevin W. and Patricia K. Thomas Dr. Robert A. and Marlebe N. Uchin Richard Valachovic Richard Vogel Anthony and Marlene Volpe Nevin and Barbara Zablotsky Dr. Steven B. Zucker

MARCY DITOMMASO Joseph M. ’67 and Joelle DiTommaso

NANCY DITOMMASO Joseph M. ’67 and Joelle DiTommaso

S O P H I E D I PA S Q U A L E Evelyn Castellano

J A M E S F. D O U G H E R T Y, P H . D. ’66 Alfred University Joyce A. Ayoub Barry and Sharon Berman Robert K. and Dianne P. Bitting Kevin and Margaret Burke Mary D. Burke Thomas and Mary Burke Marie Calder Frank and Rita Chiachiere The College of Saint Rose Concordia University Chicago Joseph V. and Rosemary Cordella


Council of School Supervisors and Administrators Andrew M. Darcy James F. ’67 and Patricia Darcy John E. Dougherty Michael Dougherty and Antonia Merzon Paul Drazen Steven Edwards and Robin Randall-Edwards Stella Eng Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Kathleen A. Gormaley Guidance & Counseling Support Systems Richard and Deborah Heffernan Dr. Arthur J. and Irene Hughes Sheldon and Florence Hyman Patrick Kenny and Maureen Kenny Margaret M. Kirwin Gerard and Katheryn Koehn John and Carol Larsen John J. Lenzo Daniel F. and Catherine T. Lynch Jill and Lauren Mandel Daniel Maunz Frances McCann Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Ann Monroe-Ballargeon Zane Watkins, II and Lydia Parris Anthony and Maria Pecorale Public School 16 0 J. Milo and Jo Ann Robinson Root Realty, Inc. Bradford Seaman William and Luz Maria Shearer Ann M. Shurgin Karen Spillaine John and Ada Vapsva Verizon Foundation Cheryl Washington

B R O . L AW R E N C E D R O W N E , O S F Ellen M. Raspitha ’72

NEIL FELDMAN William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black

B E R N A R D F E R G U S O N ’22 John J. Ferguson

B R O . PA C I F I C U S F O R T U N E , O S F

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Daria L. Foster Denise E. Higgins Eli Hoffman Charlie Langalis Susan E. Lynch Anna L. McAleese Joseph E. Mitchell PinnacleCare Edmund Scharpf John J. Walsh Marvin A. Welsch Deena Wolfson

John J. O’Neill, Ph.D. ’42

T E R E N C E P. M C C O L L U M ’71

Joseph Sheridan

Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan

J O S E P H R O S A N I A ’50

Mary E. Bickford Barbara Tuck

M A R T I N T. M C N E I L L ’63

Angela Rosania

Verizon Foundation

D E B O R A H S E AT O N ’08


F R A N C I S P. M E S C A L L

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Valerie L. Lombardi ’11

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Alfonso Lopez ’0 6


B R O . J O S E P H M O L O N E Y, O S F ’62


Mitchell Kapnick

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 Macchiarola

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Joseph E. ’51 and Marilynn Castana

MANUEL GARCIA Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

T H E H O N O R A B L E A N T H O N Y J. GENOVESI Jose A. Marengo ’0 4

D O R O T H Y T H O M P S O N H A M I LT O N Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

PAT R I C I A H I L L E R Y Bro. Campion Lally, OSF ’6 4

M I C H A E L J. H O L M E S


+ and Mary T.

JOYCE M. RICHARDS Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Marie Zachary

R AY M O N D R I K E R John J. and Lynn R. Dillon Jean ’76 and Michael O’Leary

ROSEANNA RIKER John J. and Lynn R. Dillon Jean ’76 and Michael O’Leary

R O B E R T R . R O O N E Y ’75



Joseph J. Belmonte ’8 8

Mary E. McKenna ’74

R AY M O N D C . S U L L I VA N ’68

D R . F R A N C I S T. M U R R AY ’4 3

Herminia Sullivan

Alice Murray


R O B E R T C . N O L A N , E S Q . ’70

Ghazala N. Afzal

Alice A. Callaghan


CHARLES O’BRIEN Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black


D R . E D M U N D J. T O M A S E L L I ’47

NYSE Euronext Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Agnes Tomaselli


Anthony S. Tortorelli ’8 0


Ella and Ronald Nigro


Daniel B. ’90 and Ann Maloney


Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72

J O H N M . M C C A R T H Y ’51

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood


Jean Bickley Lea Davies Robert and Christina Dow

B R O . L E O Q U I N N , O S F ’26

Ella and Ronald Nigro

Patrick Barone ’74 Charles H. ’6 3 and Dorianne Harris

J O S E P H P. WA L K E R ’61

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

R O B E R T J. L A R I A ’65 John DeRiso ’55

B R O . G E O R G E L A R K I N , O S F ’60 Donald Buckley ’79 John N. McPadden ’96 Glenn M. Huzinec ’85 and Theresa E. Spelman-Huzinec ’8 8 Shernette C. Walters ’93

FLORS LINARES Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola



Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Dr. Frank J. Macchiarola ’62 and The Chancellor’s Fund The passing of Dr. Macchiarola led to a wellspring of support for The Chancellor’s Fund. Special thanks to the donors below for honoring his memory and ensuring that his legacy continues through the gift of education. Louis Acerra Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia Deana M. Agostino ’05 AIG Matching Grants Program Andrew Alia Edward J. ’69 and Eileen Anderson Anthony Anglade George Arzt Kepler B. Auguste ’13 Ayco Charitable Foundation Jeanette B. Baker James M. ’65 and Irene A. Barling Daniel and Suzanne Bautch

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

John A. Bianchi and Theresa Bianchi Bishop Kearney High School Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70 BT Diane Bosse Neil E. Botwinoff Anne Bove, RN Marsilia Boyle BPC Management Corp. John Brennan and Frances A. Sullivan Bristol-Myers Matching Gifts Brooklyn Childrens Museum Michelle A. Brucella ’05

Joseph J., Esq. ’96 and Marianna Bruno Matthew J. and Michele Brunton Mary Louise Bulger Cadets Alumni Association Joseph C. ’76 and Janet Caldarella Charles and Dena Capetanakis Romona Caramico ’11 Guy and Carol Carlsen Joseph and Kathleen Carpenter Daniel Carroll Brian M. Cashin ’69 Steven Catalano Joanne Cavanaugh

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    4 1

D R . F R A N K J . M A C C H I A R O L A ’62 A N D T H E C H A N C E L L O R ’ S F U N D ( C O N T I N U E D )

Ellen R. Cherrick John B. Clark BT Frank Codey Friends of Steve Cohn Colgate-Palmolive Matching Gift Program Martin F. Collins Thomas Concannon Walter J. ’65 and Linda L. Conklin Chris Connell Maureen Connelly Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 BT Stephen and Elaine Crane Anthony Crowell Jo Anne M. Cummings Marguerite Cunningham Edward R. ’71 and Angela F. Curty The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Lynda de Zorzi Robert ’6 4 and Barbara de Zorzi Salvatore P. Demma ’0 9 William Q. Derrough Donna M. DeSiena Matthew Diller Douglas J. Donahue ’01 and Elizabeth J. Galante ’01 Timothy J., CPA ’02 and Carolina C. ’01 Donahue John F. and Myrna Donodeo Joseph and Eileen Dorinson Matthew P. Dory ’01 Jeffrey Douglas Brendan J. ’6 8 BT and Barbara A. Dugan Alexandria M. Egler David L. and Cindy Eigen Equinox Financial Solutions Robert S. Feit Peter E. Felvegi ’03 Ronald J. and Patricia D. Ferreri Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Figli di San Gennaro, Inc. Connie Finch Thomas J. Fiorella ’0 9 Tara M. Flood ’07 Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Joan A. Fogarty

Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. Dall W. and Ana M. Forsythe Joseph P. Forte, Esq. ’69 and Dorothy Vance-Forte Charles and Carol B. Francescani Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Pinhas and Doris Friedenberg William C., Jr. and Ann Gartner Nicholas Geale Lisa K. Giovatto and Thomas Giovatto Virginia P. Gliedman Larry Graham Martha Graham Bryan X. and Suzanne Grimaldi Dr. Donald H. and Jean W. Haider Richard F., Ph.D. and Helen O. Halverson Gerard K. ’65 and Joy O. Hannon Michael C. Healy ’6 4 Cindy L. Hernandez ’13 Joel S., Esq. and Nancy I. Hirschtritt Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood James J. Huberty James P. ’62 and Eleanor Hudson Salvatore ’75 and Barbara ’75 Iannuzzi Institute of Design Bruce and Roberta Irushalmi Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. William J. and Dorothy Jesinkey Kathleen M. Joyce ’8 3 JP Morgan Chase Foundation Dr. Saul Katz John and Michele Kelly Joseph V. Kelly Eugene and Maureen Keogh Edward A. & Lucille Kimmel Foundation Sydelle Knepper Jill Krieger Charles P. La Cagnina, CPA ’6 4 Marina La Cagnina Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn Louise Latty Chad A. Lectura ’07 Bono H. Lee ’11 Thomas Leonardi Bobye G. List

Georgette A. Loutfi ’12 Richard E. Loutfi ’10 Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Norman E. Lubin and Phyllis Lubin Christina Macchiarola Frank J., Jr. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Frank R. Macchiarola Henry J. and Susan T. Macchiarola Laura Macchiarola Mary T. Macchiarola Michael and Pauline Macchiarola Robert N. and Cecelia Macchiarola Jose A. Marengo ’0 4 Louis and Theresa Maresco Shelia Martin Nikiforos and Lambrina Mathews Claire H. McCarthy Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Joan M. ’99 and Gerard McGowan Joseph C. Marino and Coleen McGrath Lloyd C. McNeil Charles and Mary McQuade Dr. Donald A. ’6 3 and Susanne McQuade James Merriman Joan L. Millman Monster Worldwide Maritza Navarro ’0 0 Marianne Negri Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. Patrick Notaro ’0 4 David Offensend Janet Offensend Michael Orban John E. Pallat, III Anthony ’61 and Judith Pantano Helen Pearlstein PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. Margaret Pleasants Walter A. and Kathleen Probst Bro. Dominic F. Quigley, OSF ’71 Terrence K. Quinn Patricia A. Radigan ’8 0 Lisa M. Randazzo ’0 4 Joan E. ’81 Regan Michael J. ’8 0 and Donna Regan Richard Relkin

Nicholas Rodriguez ’0 0 Thomas P. and Megan Mery Ryan Charles and Audrey Sahadi Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Tara D. Santos ’13 Joseph Sciame John Seminerio William and Barbara Serpe Gene Sicignano Richard ’6 4 and Jane Silverman Dr. Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr. ’6 4 Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Veronica P. Smith Ronald and Dianne Somma William E. ’6 3 and Sara Spencer St. Francis College St. Francis College Admissions Office Charlene St.Vil Craig Staub David P. and Catherine Steinmann Suzanne Sullivan Patricia Sweeney Botond Szalma ’0 8 Tannenbaum, Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt, LLP Emmlynn L. Taylor and Jules Taylor, Jr. The Vitaliano Foundation Patricia Thomas Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Mary C. Tucker John F. ’67 BT and Maureen Tully Serghei I. Vaculeac ’03 Peter C. and Judith K. Valente Vanguard Charitable Endowment Ronald E. and Carolyn Vioni Andrija Vrdoljak ’07 John Walker Henrietta P. Warmsley Nils Wessell Joni Yoswein and Glenn Van Bramer Martha Yoswein YoungBiz Marie Zachary Simone Zappa

Terriers for Terriers Disaster Relief Fund Special thanks to the contributors of the Terriers for Terriers Disaster Relief Fund below. Because of you, SFC has provided many students with a wide variety of support including housing, food, books, tuition remission and grants. Anonymous Micah A. Acoba Danielle N. Adone ’13 Adoptive Parents Committee, Inc. AIG Matching Grants Program Robert A. ’67 and Mary Alessandro Emmanuel Alia Robert Allende Robert G. ’90 and Lisa Amenta Dennis S. Anderson, Ph.D. Shermaine D. Andrew Kepler B. Auguste ’13 Auster Agency, Inc. Jeanette B. Baker Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball Louis and Carol Beierle Benedetto For Assembly

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Albert O. Benkert ’6 8 George C., Jr. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner John F. and Ann Marie Bills Marilyn Blanchette Thomas A. Blumenthal Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Bartosz M. Boryszewski Edward J. Breslin Stanley Brettschneider Friends of Richard Brodsky Kenneth P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown Cynthia A. Brown Brown & Weinraub, PLLC Michele and Matthew J. Brunton The Business Council of New York State, Inc. Philip A. Buttling ’59 Frank Califano

Mary Campagnano Guy and Carol Carlsen Steven Catalano Robert B. and Joan Catell Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF Paul P. Chadason ’75 Robert Charles, Ph.D. James V. ’59 and Suzanne T. Chatfield Greg Chertoff Church of the Holy Child of Jesus Frank and Anita Ciolli Citiwide Auto Leasing, Inc. Ralph ’59 and Sheila Cloppse David L. Cohen Friends of Steve Cohn Richard and Jenna Y. Coladarci Communications Honor Society

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

4 2   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Con Edison Company Gerard P. ’73 and Anne T. Conlon ’76 Kevin T. Conlon ’11 James P. Conway Alice Corti Lucy Curci-Gonzalez ’77 and Arturo Gonzalez-Alfonso Edward R. ’71 and Angela F. Curty Leonard J. ’70 and Concetta Cutrone Carl Dalba, Jr. Lowell Dashefsky and Linda Werbel Dashefsky Kacie K. Davis ’13 William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Meredith R. Dawson Ms. Tracey Dedrick Salvatore P. Demma ’0 9 William L. ’6 3 and Beverly Dempsey Michael Den Dekker


DeSales Media Group, Inc. Jean S. ’94 and Melissa Desravines Athena Devlin, Ph.D. David S. Dexter Dilan For New York Kathleen A. Dimmler Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan Brendan J. ’6 8 BT and Barbara A. Dugan Education Society Brian and JoAnn Edwards Alan Eggleston Alexandria M. Egler Irina Ellison, Ph.D. Anthony Fabiano Hany Farag Joseph A. Faraldo, Esq. Peter and Barbara Farrell Stephen Fishler Meghan Fitzgerald Edward Fitzgerald Thomas F. and Eileen Flood James F. Foo ’13 Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. John and Nam Forster Virginia A. Franklin, Ph.D. John J. ’8 0 and Mary Frawley Frederick D. ’6 4 and Catherine Furman Frank and Maria Fusco Pamela Galligan-Stierle David Gansell Irma Garcia ’8 0 Patrick M. Garvey-Mitchell ’13 Joyce Genovesi Lara J. Genovesi Anthony J. Genovesi Joseph G. and Maria E. Genovesi David J. Gewirtz Francis J. ’69 and Ellen Giammona Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. Ellen Glascock, Ph.D. Darrin W. Glen ’13 Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori Ethan M. Goodman Billy Goodspeed Thomas J. Gosdeck Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Bro. Thomas Grady, OSF ’6 8 Kathryn A. Grant Joseph T. Gravini Greenberg Traurig, LLP Dorothy E. ’79 and Gary J. Gurreri Luz M. Gutierrez Haitian American Student Association Edward J. ’8 0 and Madalyn M. Hanley ’8 0 David E. Haverty ’81 Stephen J. Hayden ’69 William R. Haynes Joseph M. Hemway ’8 4 Karen E. Heyman Michele Hirsch, Ph.D. Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D. John and Mary A. Howell James P. ’62 and Eleanor Hudson Elaine L. Hurst, Ph.D. Interboro Surgical Associates Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. Ronald S. ’69 and Peggy Jendras Jimco Associates, Inc. Marlon D. Joseph ’05 JP Morgan Chase Foundation Michael M. Kaune, Ph.D. Manpreet Kaur Gerard C. ’6 8 and Mary Jane Keegan Timothy L. and Hayley M. Kelch Joseph V. Kelly Kings County Democratic County Commitee Michele Kirsh James and Kathy Kranz William LaCalamito Thomas and Carol Laird Thomas Lally Adolfo Lara ’13 Andrew J. Lasky ’11 Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn Latin American Society Edward B. ’65 and Elfriede M. Lein Mia R. Lentinello Walter R. Leong ’81 Keith Longacre Alfonso Lopez ’0 6 Richard E. Loutfi ’10 David B. Loutfi ’13 Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Joseph and Michaela Macchiarola Edward J. ’72 and Lois Machinski Pat A. ’79 and Veronica A. Mallozzi ’82 Marc A. Manzo ’13 Martin J. Mclauglin Communications, Inc. Jesse A. Masyr and Joanne Jarett-Masyr Vanessa Mateo ’13 Karen L. McCann Sean and Stephanie McDade Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Patrick B. ’71 and Patricia McGovern Thomas A. ’65 and Claire McLellan John McNamara, Ph.D. Gino BT and Carol A. ’8 4 Menchini Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher Peter Messana Monica Michalski ’01 Middleton Environmental, Inc. Robert J. and Estelle Miller Dan and Cindy Mishael Michael Mondschein and Lois TuretskyMondschein Danzil Monk Brian P. Mooney William F. Morgan ’58 Haruka Mori

Michael P. Morris ’76 and Mary McGovernMorris ’76 Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 Edward T. ’65 and Laura Murphy Philip D. Murray ’65 John F. ’69 and Denise Nash Steven A. Neil Frank and Nancy Nemeth Mr. Richard T. Nolan ’55 Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. Nucor Construction Corp. Layla M. Nunez Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata James F. ’6 4 and Eileen D. O’Dea Rachael O’Donoghue Robert A. Oliva ’0 4 Veronica Olszewski Edward R. ’10 and Susan O’Malley Omgeo, LLC Willy A. Orantes ’0 8 Anthony J. ’78 and Maryellen Orlando Christina Ostran Joseph J. ’92 and Katherine D. Paolo ’92 Julie M. Pape Angelo J. Perrone ’96 Frank D. ’75 and Michele Petrizzo Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Joanne Philippe ’99 Nickie Phillips, Ph.D. Richard J. Piccininni ’76 Barbara Pitkowsky PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. Marissa K. Plaia Douglas P. Posluszny Mary A. Pradt Prime New York Jessica Pyle Steven and Linda Quadrino Christine M. Quigley ’13 R. Christopher McCormack, Jr. PLLC John Ragno Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73 Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 Barry D. and Susan L. Richards Glenn T. Riddell John Riley Jeffrey and Robin L. Rodus Andrew S. Roffe Minerva Rolon ’12 Marianne Roncoli, Ph.D. Christopher S. ’70 and Paula Ruisi Jim Ryan The Honorable John D. Sabini Berk Saka Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Steven Salamone Thomas Salamone Miriam Salholz, Ph.D. Steven A. Rohde ’95 and Rita Sansotta-Rohde ’95 Joseph Savasta

Mary Ellen ’75 and Anthony Scala Jason A. Schwartzenberg Carlo and Teresa Scissura SFC Womens Basketball Gerard Shaw, Ph.D. Robert W. ’6 3 and Patricia M. Sheehan Elena M. Sirota John P. ’6 4 and Janice Smircich Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Corinne Smolizza Robert J. ’67 and Cindy L. Snyder Christina Somma Frank and Caron Sonnenberg Peter F. ’75 and Mary K. ’77 Spiess Gabrielle Spinelli St. Francis College Library Charlene St.Vil Philip and Evelyn Stenger Student Government Association Joseph C. Stuto, DPM Patrick W. Sullivan ’6 3 Bro. Jeremy Sztabnik, OSF ’6 3 Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D. Jessica Taitt Emmlynn L. Taylor and Jules Taylor, Jr. Teresa R. Terenzi Marcello Testa Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club Throggs Neck Halloween Parade Committee John L. Thurston Daniel J. Toca ’07 James Toscano Nicholas L. ’6 8 and Susan Trivisonno The Troupers of St. Francis College Two Trees Management Co., LLC Dilek Unay Holly van Gulden Celeste A. Van Nice Peter J. Venaglia Gloria A. Ventura Richard Vierling Andrew F. ’72 and Judith A. Virga Andrija Vrdoljak ’07 David and Jane L. Walentas John Walker Connie Waterman Michael A. and Ella J. Weiss Friends of Mark Weprin Bro. Edward Wesley, OSF, Ph.D. ’6 8 James and Gail Whelan Stephanie and John Whittier Michael E. and Marija F. Wierzbicki Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’8 3 Williams Amy Wink Sam Wojnilowon Marie Zachary Andrew and Barbara G. Zambelli Jamie S. Zheng ’13

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    4 3

The 52nd Annual Charter Award Dinner Celebrating Monte N. Redman

Denis J. Salamone ’75


P R E S I D E N T A N D C H I E F O P E R AT I N G O F F I C E R , H U D S O N C I T Y B A N C O R P, I N C . A N D H U D S O N C I T Y S AV I N G S B A N K


Gerard C. Keegan ’6 8, Astoria Federal Savings Monte N. Redman, Astoria Federal Savings D INNER UND ERW RITERS

Denis J. Salamone ’75, Hudson City Bancorp, Inc. Denis J. ’75 and Joanne Salamone John F. ’67 and Maureen Tully Leighton K. Waters, Jr., Brown Brothers Harriman E V EN T BENEFAC T O RS

Educational Housing Services

Barbara G. Koster ’76, Prudential Financial, Inc.

Richard Silverman ’6 4, Bank of America


Arnold & Porter, LLP

Ernst & Young, LLP

Brian P. Mooney, Net App, Inc.

Mark H. Burton

Federal Home Loan Bank of NY

Lester Owens ’65, JP Morgan Chase

Thomas A. Conniff, Cullen & Dykman, LLP


Raymond Pitek, Price Waterhouse Coopers

Joseph P. Coppotelli ’6 3, Structure Tone, Inc.

Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

Vincent A. Rohan, May Ellen & Gerald Ritter Foundation

Kenneth D. Daly ’8 8, CFA, National Grid NY William ’86 and Meredith Dawson

William Hogan, Net App, Inc.

Philip Stenger, TD Bank

Joseph V. DiMauro ’70, Clark Dodge

Lorraine Lynch ’91, CTP, National Grid NY

Peter Striano, Unity International Group

Brendan J. ’6 8 and Barbara A. Dugan, St. Francis College

Mary T. Macchiarola

Waldorf & Associates

Meridian Capital Group



Sullivan & Cromwell

Arthur Dingham, DeSales Media Group, Inc.



BNY Mellon

Dominick Cama, Investors Bank

Ed Mafoud, Damascus Bakery, Inc.

W. Edward Bright

Cumberland Packaging Corp.

Joseph and Mary Mattone, Mattone Group


Marian Conway, New York Community Bank Foundation

Empire Office, Inc.

Yan Newenhouse, FIS Client Management

Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti

Jonathan Greenspun, Mercury Public Affairs, LLC

Newmark, Grubb, Knight, Frank

United Management Corporation

Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Michael Perotta, Eagle Interiors, Inc.

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel

Josephine Savastano ’87 and President Brendan J. Dugan ’68

Cosmo Saginaro, Grant Thornton

Steve Quadrino, Alltype Printing

L-R Monte N. Redman, Denis J. Salamone ’75, Mary Snow, and Gerard C. Keegan ’68

4 4   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

F ULL PAG E SP O NS O RS Alpine Trading James Austin, Diocesan Food Services Eileen Long, Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School Frank Califano, FJC Security Services, Inc. Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi, Big Guy Foundation Frank & Anita Ciolli, Grimaldi’s Con Edison

The Honorable Alfonse and Katuria D’Amato, Park Strategies, LLC Diversified Valuation Group Kevin Flood, Maxim Group, LLC Patrick Gallagher, PJ’s Auto & Tire Center John M. Graham, Thomas & Graham, LLP Ingber Law Firm International Union of Operating Engineers Jonathan Florist

Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation Robert B. Alesi, Xaverian High School Bob Bennardo, C.M. Richey Electrical Bogardt & Company, LLP Coleen Ceriello, Rocklyn Asset Corp.

David Crawford, kwittken + company Fontebonne Hall Academy Gensler Bill Haller, Bulldog Graphic Solutions, Inc. Ted Heim, Jr., Inter-County Bakers

John Kime, KIME Distributing, Inc. Thomas Kissane, Community Counselling Services Kevin W. Lynch, Lynch Development Associates, Inc. Marks Paneth & Shron Frank H. McCracken, McCracken Financial Solutions The Mechanic Group, Inc. Mercer

Alex Meshechok, CSG Partners, LLC PJ Callahan Foundation Proskauer Total Telecom Solutions, LLC Vantis Life Insurance Company of New York John Walker, CDHM, Inc. Westermann Sheehy Keenan Samaan & Aydelott, LLP

H A LF PAG E SP O NS O RS Lassen & Hennigs Merritt Environmental Consulting Corp. Michelle D. Novak, mNovakDesign Robert Regan, Aristocrat Paint Contractors St. Edmund Preparatory High School

Kathleen Wechter, Kaye Scholar, LLP Joan and Barry Winograd

D INNER C O MMIT TEE TI C K E T SU P P O R TERS Michael A. Balboni Marilyn Blanchette, L’Etoile Development Services, LLC Robert B. Catell Carlos de Quesada Theodore D. Gaeta, Fidelity National Title Group

Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. LandStar Title Agency June ’76 and Ronald ’8 0 McGrisken Alex Meshechok, CSG Partners, LLC Michael and Barbara Murphy

O’Reilly, Marsh & Corteselli, PC Steve Quadrino, Alltype Printing Sugar Foods Corporation Rivkin Radler, LLP Thomas J. Volpe

A DVO C ATE TI C K E T SU P P O R TERS Anchin, Block, & Anchin AKF Group, LLC Cynthia Brown, RuffaloCODY John B. Clarke, Ed.D. Brian Cutrone, Best Choice Staffing Orville Dale Mr. Hany Farag, UBS Financial Services

Joseph Franklin Theodore D. Gaeta, Fidelity National Title Group Edmund Greco ’79 Holtz Rubenstein Reminick Michael C. Lasky Allen Lowenkrown Coca Cola Bottling Co. Michael McKenna Staples

Alex Meshechok CSG Partners, LLC Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 Josephine Savastano ’87 Joseph Slater, Managing Principal, Personnel Consulting Associates Louis V. Sorgi, Jr., Sorgi & Minichiello, LLP John Walker, CDHM, Inc. Charles S. Whelan, Jr., The Whelan Group

BRO. G EO RG E TA BLE SU P P O R TERS Frank Califano, FJC Security Services, Inc.

Dr. Victor Masi ’89 and Theresa Stuto-Masi ’91

Dr. Joseph C. Stuto

BRO. G EO RG E P RO G R A M Bro. William Boslet, OSF ’70, Franciscan Brothers

James E. Corrigan ’6 0, Ph.D., St. Francis College

Eric C. Applebaum, President, Apple Mortgage John and Kathleen Barry Brooklyn Academy of Music Msgr. David L. Cassato, Pastor, St. Athanasius Church Richard Chiovarelli, Race, Inc. Glenn Chiuchiolo

Morris & Kathleen Chin, Deluxe Corporation DONORWALL Design Group & Clearway Signage Associates Environmental Affiliates La Bagel Delight Donald J. LaGrega, Attorney at Law Karen and Lawrence ’72 Marsiello Massey Knakal

Michael C. Lasky

Acquista Food Services, Inc.

MCR, Inc. Metro Fire Safety Guards, Inc. Sean Millette, Millennium Valuations, Inc. Domenick Neglia, Neglia Appraisals, Inc. Joseph A. ’58 & Ann Nunziata C. O’Connor, Prudential Financial, Inc. Queens County Savings Bank A Division of New York Community Bank

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61, Franciscan Brothers Thomas P. Seery James G. Taylor, Rogers and Taylor Appraisers, Inc. Jean M. Stonier Matt Sulzer Allen Walters, Fran Rodgers Personnel


John F. Tully ’67 and Mary T. Macchiarola

L-R Mary Snow, Monte N. Redman, President Brendan J. Dugan ’68, Denis J. Salamone ’75, Board of Trustees Chairman John F. Tully ’67, and Kaitlin Doyle ’14

S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    4 5

2013 Meadow Brook Club Golf Outing G ENER A L T O URN A MEN T S P O NS O RS Admore Air Conditioning Corp. Brendan J. ’6 8 and Barbara Dugan Richard W. Merzbacher ’70 Alfred Thoben ’70, D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP Joseph V. DiMauro ’70, Clark Dodge & Company The Macchiarola Family The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti



John F. Tully ’67

Investors Bank

P RIZ E SP O NS O RS Bravest Cigar



Educational Housing Services, Inc.

Alber Hot ’8 4, Fast Track Construction

Champion Vending CTSI Samuel A. Ramirez & Co., Inc. Total Fire Protection



Thomas J. Killeen ’69, Farrell Fritz, PC

Collins Building Services, Inc. KPMG



Astoria Federal Savings

BD Development, LLC

Patrick J. Dugan ’01

Robert B. Catell

Thomas Lawler, Kathie and Christopher Lawler Foundation for Senior Priests Dr. Victor Masi ’89 and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91

Denis J. Salamone ’75, Hudson City Bancorp. Inc



Michael Courtien ’79, National Grid


New York Marriott Marquis Times Square

Cullen & Dykman

DeSales Media Group, Inc.

Brian Cutrone

Diocesan Food Services

John Henry’s HVAC, Inc.

Frank Califano, FJC Security Services, Inc.


Kevin J. Rhatigan

Godsell Construction Company

Steve Quadrino, Alltype Printing, Inc.

Richard Silverman ’6 4

IABS Charities, Inc.

Jim Ryan, Merrill Lynch

George & Elizabeth Vogel

Joseph N. Savasta, J.N. Savasta Corp

In Memory of Chris Waldorf

Thomas Kissane, Community Counselling Service

TD Bank

2013 Meadow Brook Golf Outing SFC Student Volunteers 4 6   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

2013 Meadow Brook Golf Outing Photography Sponsor; Al Hot ’84 & Fast Track Construction

Bro. Urban Gonnoud, OSF Memorial Golf Classic On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 our annual Bro. Urban Gonnoud, OSF Memorial Golf Classic was held at the Dyker Beach Golf Course. Following a day on the links, the golfers enjoyed a buffet dinner at Sirico’s Caterers.

SP O NS O RS Billy Black ’70 James Bozart ’86 Ken Brown Domenick Cama Larry Cenatiempo CITE Kevin Cody Tim Cole ’78 Brian & Gina Collins

Gerard Conlon ’73 James Corrigan ’6 0 Blaise DiDio Marjorie Driscoll ’8 0 Patrick Dugan ’0 0 Lou Esposito ’71 Don Faughnan ’77 Mark Ferro ’8 3 Ed Fogarty

Bob Genalo ’76 Tim Horan Hugh & Bonnie Hurley Steven Jackson Tom Jones Mitch Kapnick John Kiely ’76 Brian Leary Robert Lindsay ’79

James Long Leonard Lubrano ’78 Michael MacIntyre ’97 Mike Magliano ’82 Dr. Victor Masi ’89 John Mathis ’6 3 Gerard McNamara Lou Mustacchio, Jr. Richard Nolan ’55

Steven Oliver Mike Palmiotto ’79 Joe Perrotta Kenneth & Judy Pforr James Quigley ’96 Sally Quigley Michael & Paula Rantz Raphael F. Scotto ’6 8 Robert L. Smith ’72

Michael Sullivan ’67 Ed Vierling Alan Weissberg John Welch Joe Wengler ’53 John Wezwick ’70 Kevin Woods ’87

2013 Annual Alumni Reunion Dinner Over 260 alumni and friends of St. Francis attended the 2013 Alumni Reunion Dinner, which took place on May 10, 2013. The event honored Thomas A. Dunne ’68 with the Alumni Achievement Award, while the Alumni Board of Directors Appreciation Award was presented to the Killeen Family as we honored Thomas ’69, John ’75, Joanne ’77 and Mary Anne ’78. Linda Werbel Dashefsky received the Distinguished Administrator Award. Sadly, honoree Dominick P. DePaola ’64 passed away shortly before the event. Dominick was also to be awarded an Alumni Achievement Award for his long and storied successes in the field of Dentistry. His wife, Rosemarie, accepted the award in his honor. Also honored at the event were the 50 th anniversary class of 196 3, the 25th anniversary class of 198 8 and 10 th anniversary class of 1993. Director of Community Partnership and Special Events Robert A. Oliva ’04 emceed the event.

SP O NS O RS Abigal Press, Inc. Acquista Food Svc. Stephen Albright ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alfano American Beer Andrea Arcarola Armando’s Bamonte’s Restaurant Bethpage Federal Credit Union Michael Bianco ’70 James Bozart ’86 Sarah Bratton ’07 Yorkshire Foods Bruno’s Hardward Buckley’s John Burke ’74 Dr. Brian Butler ’70 C&C Catering Café Buon Gusto Catholic Cemeteries CDHM Advertising CITE Clavin Funeral Home Clinton Street Barber

Kevin Coffey ’68 Richard Coladarci Con Edison Walter J. Cooke ’64 James Corrigan ’60 Court Order CPEX Crown Trophy The Custom House John Dalton ’63 William L. Dempsey ’63 Joseph C. Dettling ’63 Al DiGuido ’78 Dockers Waterside Mrs. Rose Dunn Paul and Mary Eibeler Steve and Patti Einson Elhilow & Maiocchi, LLP G. Esposito & Sons Louis Esposito ’71 Farrell Fritz, P.C. Ferrilli Information Group Fordham University Franciscan Brothers Kathleen Fraser Ed.D ’97

Dolores Fredrich and Jeff Keller Gary Freidman Michael J. Gibbons ’62 Jennifer and Ian Goodman Grand Canyon Heights Chateau Heights Café Joseph Hemway ’84 Michael Henning ’61 Paul Henning ’67 Herff Jones Hidden Gems Hunters Steak House Kaufman Organization Dennis ’74 and Elizabeth ’74 Keating Thomas Killeen ’69 Mary Anne Killeen ’78 James Konkel ’57 La Bagel Delight Thomas M. Laquercia ’66 Lassen & Hennig Leone Funeral Home Patricia Logan ’78 Mary Macchiarola

Our 2012 Bro. Urban Gonnoud, OSF Memorial Golf Classic golfers

Michael A. MacIntyre Mallozzi & Dwyer Marco Polo Dr. Victor Masi ’89 John Mathis ’63 McCabe Associates Joseph McCarthy, M.D. ’69 Jack McCue’74 Dennis ’74 and Cathy ’74 McDermott James McDonald ’69 McManus Funeral Home Midhattan Woodworking Jack Monaghan ’57 Monty Q’s My Little Pizzeria National Grid Anthony Nicodemo ’72 James O’Dea ’64 O’Keefe’s Optec Edward Ormond Parkway Florist Patcon Associates Angelo Patrissi ’50

Penzone & Company John Pereira ’66 Photoreal Pi Alpha Alumni PKF O’Connor Davies Byrne Poh Edward Powers ’64 Pratt Institute Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Queen Ristorante Quentin Travel Thomas Raleigh Samuel A. Ramirez & Co. Regan Family Richard Relkin Remsen Graphics Robert & Robert PLLC Guy Rossiello’69 RPT Physical Therapy Jewels by Satnick Laura Schwarz Scotto Funeral Home David Shannon Florist Frank Silvestri ’53

Robert Silvestri ’81 John P. Smircich’64 Robert L. Smith ’72 Peter ’74 and Mary ’77 Spiess St. Francis Bookstore St. Francis Prep Sterling Affair Sullivan & Kehoe Superior Printing Robert ’77 and Diane ’75 Trapp Tuscany Grill Underground Sounds Verizon Villa Mosconi Waterfront Ale House Weeks Lerman Group James Weir Florist Lettie and Steve Werbel Lowell Dashefsky Wholesale Marble Allyson Wiener Xaverian H.S. Yoswein New York

Our Golden Anniversary Class of 1963 S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    4 7

Endowed Scholarships We are pleased to share additional information on our Endowed Scholarships. By clicking any of the Funds listed in the Endowed Scholarships section (pages 48-49), you will be directed to a customized web page or a printable donation card for each Scholarship or Award. Academic Scholarship for Women* Rosario and Maria Acquista Scholarship* Dr. James Adams Scholarship* Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia Scholarship* Professor John Allegra Scholarship* Richie Allen ’96 Scholarship Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship* Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship* Honorable Francis X. Altimari ’50 Scholarship Anne Longo Amore Scholarship Dr. Ann Amore Scholarship Carmen and Edward ’60 Aquilone Scholarship

Bishop Ignatius Catanello ’62 Scholarship* Robert B. Catell Scholarship

Anne and Brian Dugan Scholarship

Dr. Francis Greene Scholarship

Honorable Eileen C. Dugan Scholarship

Thomas & Margaret Groarke Scholarship

Duns Scotus Scholarship

Helen and Richard Halverson Scholarship*

John and Margo Catsimatidis Scholarship*

Dr. Joseph A. Ellis Scholarship

Bro. Cecilian of Jesus, FSC Scholarship*

Edward Farrell ’52 Scholarship*

Right Rev. Msgr. Daniel A. Hanrahan Scholarship

Frank Celauro Scholarship

Pete P. Fazio ’60 Scholarship

Dr. Dorothy Lipp Harris Scholarship*

The Lucia P. Cellini Scholarship

Bernard Ferguson ’22 Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

The Bernard Haverty Scholarship

Derrick D. Cephas Scholarship Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. Scholarship (2 Scholarships) Class of 1938 Scholarship Dean John Clifford Scholarship Michael and Rita Collins Scholarship Jo Conway Scholarship

Professor Nicholas A. Fiorenza ’36 Scholarship Dr. James Flynn Scholarship Honorable Kevin Fogarty Scholarship Dr. Robert C. Fox Scholarship*

Elizabeth and Bernard Haverty Scholarship The Elizabeth Billingham Haverty Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship (3 Scholarships)

William F. Fox, Jr. ’49 Scholarship

Cornelius Heeney Memorial Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Peter N. Aquilone Scholarship

Joseph Coppotelli ’63 Scholarship*

Franciscan Brothers who resided at the College Friary Scholarship

Mary and Walter Henning Scholarship

Andrea and Margie Arcarola Scholarship*

Bro. Henry Cuddy, OSF ’40 Scholarship

Franciscan Brothers Scholarship*

Susan and Roger Hertog Scholarship

Arthur Curry Scholarship

Franciscan Institute Scholarship

Bro. John Hoffschmidt, OSF Scholarship

Curtin Family Scholarship

The Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular (2 Scholarships)

Bro. Edmund Holmes, OSF ’28 Scholarship

Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Scholarship I

Dr. Geoffrey Horlick Scholarship*

Robert McCarron (Bro. Isidore, OSF) Scholarship

Dr. Enildo Garcia Scholarship*

Joseph Murphy (Bro. Jarlath, OSF) Scholarship

Harold Geneen Scholarship

Dr. Clement Jedrzejewski Scholarship

Honorable Anthony J. Genovesi Scholarship

Cathleen and George Kane Scholarship

Frances C. and Joseph T. Keegan, Sr. Scholarship

The Bavetta Scholarship Right Rev. John J. Berkery ’38 Memorial Scholarship

Antoinette M. D’Amato Scholarship

Madeline and Stanley Bogart Scholarship

Kenneth D. Daly ’88 Presidential Scholarship*

Stephen M. Bogart Scholarship

Jack ’70 and Kathy Danaher Scholarship

Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Scholarship II*

Msgr. Paul Bradley ’37 Scholarship

Hans-Peter Dawson Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Gerald J. Galgan Scholarship*

Brooklyn Community Foundation Scholarship

Helen and Louis DeBlasio Scholarship

Gladys Brooks Foundation Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Dr. Francis Delaney Scholarship

Dr. Arthur Hughes Scholarship*

Joe Browne ’68 Scholarship

Dominick P. ’64 and Rosemary DePaola Scholarship*

Dr. John Burke ’40 Scholarship

John ’58 and Marge Dietl Scholarship

Kathleen Corrigan Giallanza ’90 Scholarship

John Daniel Callahan Memorial Scholarship

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Scholarship

Betty and Leo Giancola Scholarship

Ernest Kehr ’35 Memorial Scholarship

Gerard and Kathleen Dolan Scholarship*

Anna and Joseph Giaquinto Scholarship*

Frank M. Caputo ’74 Memorial Scholarship*

Bro. Pascal Kelly, OSF ’33 Scholarship

Senator Pete V. Domenici Scholarship

Julie ’79 and Anne ’79 Kelly Scholarship

William Donaldson Award

Dr. James Aloysius Gibson ’63 and Dr. Patricia Brozinsky Scholarship

The Gene ’79 and Ginna Donnelly Scholarship

Augustus E. Giegengack Memorial Scholarship

Michael P. Donovan ’81 and Kelly J. Quinn ’80 Scholarship

Dr. Uwe Gielen Scholarship*

Ronnie Murray Konkel ’57 Scholarship

Bro. Austin Gill, OSF Scholarship

Barbara G. Koster ’76 Scholarship*

James Dougherty ’66 Memorial Scholarship*

Bro. Urban Gonnoud, OSF Scholarship

Dr. Nino Langiulli Scholarship

Dr. Joseph Carpino Scholarship Philip Andrew Carrano ’70 Scholarship Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’66 Scholarship Bro. Camillus Casey, OSF Scholarship Dr. Michael Casey Scholarship

Malcolm W. Gordon Scholarship

* Once these scholarships reach their prescribed levels of funding, they will be awarded to deserving students. 4 8   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Msgr. John Kean Scholarship

James I. Konkel ’57 Scholarship* Mrs. Nora Konkel Scholarship

2012– 2013 S C H O L A R S H I P S ( C O N T I N U E D )

Robert ’50 and Mary Lanigan Scholarship

Mercorella Family Scholarship

Dr. Charles Savage Scholarship

Dr. Donald Metz ’47 Scholarship*

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF Scholarship

MHT Scholarship

Charles Schaem ’40 Scholarship

Thomas Michael Laquercia ’66 Scholarship

Joseph Mingrone ’76 Scholarship*

Dr. Scholl Foundation Scholarship*

Dr. John Motley Scholarship*

Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’60 Luminary Fund*

John Muscara Scholarship

Professor Edward Setrakian Scholarship*

17th of June (Evelyn Margaret Laquercia) Scholarship

Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’60 Scholarship Marie and Bill Ledermann Scholarship Rosa and Flores Linares Scholarship* The Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Scholarship* Daniel Lynch, Sr. ’38 Scholarship

Bro. Roger Nagle, OSF Scholarship Joseph Nicholson, Peter Spinelli, Catherine and David Stienmann Scholarship* Jonathan Nigro ’96 Scholarship* Joseph Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata Scholarship*

Sheeney Scholarship

Bro. Robert Smith, OSF Scholarship Dr. Frank Sorrentino Scholarship* St. Francis College Employee Scholarship St. Francis College Faculty Scholarship Timothy M. Stackpole ’01 Scholarship

Frank J. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Scholarship

John Cardinal O’Connor Scholarship*

Joseph and Michaela Macchiarola Scholarship

Hugh O’Neil ’37 and Josephine McTague Memorial Scholarship

Student Government Association/John F. Kennedy Scholarship*

Lucy and Joseph Macchiarola Scholarship

Bro. Thomas O’Neill, OSF ’68 Scholarship Christopher M. Ortiz ’96 Scholarship*

Bro. Austin Sullivan, OSF Memorial Scholarship

Mary and Frank J. ’62 Macchiarola Scholarship

Deloitte/William G. Parrett Accounting Masters Scholarship (4 Scholarships)

Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF Athletic Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Michael and Jennifer Macchiarola Scholarship

James Patranzino ’69 Scholarship

Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Bro. Alfonsus Maher, OSF Scholarship*

Professor Ernest Petrucelli Scholarship*

Peter J. Striano Scholarship

Student Solidarity Fund*

Joseph Supancich ’26/CAPP Scholarship

James Mangano Memorial Scholarship

Vincent ’72 and Antoinette Pitta Scholarship*

Grace I. Terry Scholarship

Joseph M. Mattone Scholarship

Dr. Carolyn Plonsky Scholarship*

Carlo Tramontozzi Scholarship*

Mary Ann Mattone Scholarship

Anthony C. ’67 and Frances Providenti Scholarship

Anne Trivisonno Scholarship

Providenti Family/Council of Regents Scholarship

Twomley Award

Margaret L. McArdle Scholarship Rose D. McArdle Memorial Scholarship Catherine McAuley High School Award

Dr. Thomas Quigley ’52 Scholarship*

Bro. Giles Turbee, OSF Scholarship

Paul Urso ’50 Scholarship*

Helen Quigley Scholarship

Louis Valentino, Jr. ’79 Scholarships & Stipends

Right Rev. Msgr. Joseph V. McClancey Memorial Scholarship

Bro. Leo Quinn, OSF ’26 Scholarship

Frank and Mary Walker Scholarship

Bro. Columba Reilly, OSF Scholarship*

Gerard Flanagan ’53 & Elizabeth McCloskey Flanagan Scholarship

John “Jay” Riddell ’66 Scholarship

The Joseph P. Walker ’61 Memorial Scholarship*

John ’51 and Mary McCarthy Scholarship (12 Scholarships)

Donald H. McCree, Jr. Scholarship Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Scholarship* Brigid T. and Patrick J. McTague Memorial Scholarship* Lois Melsha Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Bro. Jerome Roese, OSF Scholarship Susan Rohan Scholarship* Dr. Simeon Ryan Scholarship* Bro. Owen Sadlier, OSF Scholarship* Irene and Vincent Salamone Scholarship


Professor Francis Slade Scholarship*

John P. O’Boyle Scholarship (2 Scholarships)*

Philip and Rhena Lynch Scholarship

Scholarships by the Numbers

Rita-May and Thomas ’62 Ward Scholarship World Trade Center Victims Fund* Professor William Yellin Scholarship* Young Journalists in Training Scholarship

Dr. Aida Santiago Scholarship

{$7.66M} I N U N R E S T R I C T ED EN D O W ED S C H O L A R S H I P F U N D S A S OF J U N E 30, 2013

Do ut des I give so that you may give back

“ I feel honored to be the recipient of this scholarship. It has helped my family a great deal. I look forward to the day that I am settled in my career and can give back as generously as those who have supported me.” — Angela Capranzano ’14, Communication Arts, Public Relations and Advertising Major National Italian American Foundation Scholarship

* Once these scholarships reach their prescribed levels of funding, they will be awarded to deserving students. S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    4 9

Portrait Wall: Established Scholarships The following photographs appear on the Established Scholarship Wall in the DeBlasio Family Lobby on campus. Each portrait portrays the honoree(s) of an established scholarship at St. Francis College.

Richie Allen ’96

Hon. Francis X. Altimari ’50

Anne Longo Amore

Carmen and Edward ’6 0 Aquilone

Peter N. Aquilone

Right Rev. John J. Berkery ’38

Madeline and Stanley Bogart

Msgr. Paul Bradley ’37

Dr. John Burke ’4 0

John Daniel Callahan

Frank M. Caputo

Dr. Joseph Carpino

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’6 6

Philip Andrew Carrano ’70

Bro. Camillus Casey, OSF

Dr. Michael Casey

Robert B. Catell

Derrick D. Cephas

Class of 1938

Dean John Clifford

Rita and Michael Collins

Jo Conway

Joseph Coppotelli ’62

Bro. Henry Cuddy, OSF ’4 0

Arthur Curry

Antoinette M. D’Amato

Jack ’70 and Kathy Danaher

Hans-Peter Dawson

Helen and Louis DeBlasio

Professor Francis Delaney

Marge and John ’5 8 Dietl

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Hon. Eileen C. Dugan

Dr. Joseph A. Ellis

Pete P. Fazio ’6 0

Bernard Ferguson ’22 (2 Scholarships)

Professor Nicholas A. Fiorenza ’36

Gerard Flanagan ’5 3 and Elizabeth Flanagan McCloskey

Dr. James Flynn

Hon. Kevin Fogarty

William F. Fox, Jr. ’49

Frederick ’5 4 and Catherine Furman

Harold Geneen

Hon. Anthony J. Genovesi

Betty and Leo Giancola

Bro. Urban Gonnoud, OSF

Dr. Francis Greene

Msgr. Daniel A. Hanrahan

Cornelius Heeney (2 Scholarships)

Mary and Walter Henning

Susan and Roger Hertog

Cathleen and George Kane

Msgr. John Kean

Frances C. and Joseph T. Keegan, Sr.

Julie and Anne Kelly

Bro. Pascal Kelly, OSF ’33

Mrs. Nora Konkel

Augustus E. Giegengack Bro. Austin Gill, OSF ’62 Drs. James Aloysius Gibson ’6 3 and Patricia Brozinsky

Bro. John Hoffschmidt, OSF

Bro. Edmund Holmes, OSF ’28

Dr. Clement Jedrzejewski

5 0   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Ronnie Murray Konkel

Barbara G. Koster ’76

Dr. Nino Langiulli

17th of June (Evelyn Margaret Laquercia)

Thomas Michael Laquercia ’6 6

Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’6 0

Marie and Bill Ledermann

Daniel Lynch, Sr. ’38

Philip and Rhena Lynch

Lucy and Joseph Macchiarola

Mary and Frank J. ’62 Macchiarola

James Mangano

Joseph M. Mattone

Mary Ann Mattone

Margaret L. McArdle

Robert McCarron (Bro. Isidore, OSF)

John ’51 and Mary McCarthy (12 Scholarships)

Donald H. McCree, Jr.

Brigid T. and Patrick J. McTague

Hugh O’Neill ’37 and Josephine McTague

Joseph Murphy (Bro. Jarlath, OSF)

John Muscara

Bro. Roger Nagle, OSF

Bro. Thomas O’Neill, OSF ’6 8

Deloitte / William G. Parrett ’67 (4 Scholarships)

James Patranzino ’69

Vincent F. Pitta ’72

Frances and Anthony C. ’67 Providenti

Dr. Tom Quigley ’52

John “Jay” Riddell ’6 6 (4 Scholarships)

Bro. Jerome Roese, OSF

Irene and Vincent Salamone

Melissa Sanchez

Dr. Aida Santiago

Dr. Charles Savage

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61

Charles Schaem ’4 0

Bro. Robert Smith, OSF

Timothy M. Stackpole ’01

Peter J. Striano

Student Government Association John F. Kennedy

Grace I. Terry

Anne Trivisonno

Bro. Giles Turbee, OSF

Louis Valentino, Jr. ’79 (3 Scholarships and 4 Stipends)

Mary and Frank Walker

Rita-May and Thomas ’62 Ward

Bro. Leo Quinn, OSF ’26 Bro. Columba Reilly, OSF

Bro. Austin Sullivan, OSF Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF (4 Scholarships)

The following established scholarships are also represented on the Endowed Scholarship Wall but do not have a portrait. Joe Browne ’6 8 Scholarship

Franciscan Brothers Who Resided at the College Friary Scholarship

Frank Celauro Scholarship

Franciscan Institute Scholarship

Chase Manhattan Bank Scholarships

Gladys Brooks Foundation Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Joan and Thomas Meade Scholarship

Thomas & Margaret Groarke Scholarship

John P. O’Boyle Scholarship

Bernard Haverty Scholarship

Providenti Family / Council of Regents Scholarship

Anne and Brian Dugan Scholarship

Elizabeth and Bernard Haverty Scholarship

Helen Quigley Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Duns Scotus Scholarship

Elizabeth Billingham Haverty Scholarship

Dr. Scholl Foundation Scholarship

Employee Scholarship

William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship (3 Scholarships)

Sheeney Scholarship

Hon. Francis X. Altimari ’5 0 Scholarship

Chemical Bank Scholarship Michael P. Donovan ’81 and Kelly J. Quinn ’8 0 Scholarship

Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular Scholarship

Rose D. McArdle Scholarship Right Rev. Msgr. Joseph V. McClancy Memorial Scholarship Lois Melsha Scholarship (2 Scholarships)

Ernest Kehr ’35 Memorial Scholarship

Joseph Supancich ’26 / Child Abuse Prevention Program Scholarship

Robert ’5 0 and Mary Lanigan Scholarship

Joseph and Clare Walker Scholarship

S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    5 1

2012–2013 Scholarships The following donors are recognized for their generosity to the Endowment Funds at the College.

Academic Scholarship for Women

Dr. Joseph Carpino Scholarship

Lynn A. Archiopoli ’76 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Danielle N. Diniro

Joseph ’62 and Helen Cangelosi Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

Rosario and Maria Acquista Scholarship Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 Macchiarola

+ and Mary T.

Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia Scholarship Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia

Philip Andrew Carrano ’70 Scholarship Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78 Phyllis C. O’Neill ’81

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ’66 Scholarship Anthony and Angela Guida

Bro. Camillus Casey, OSF Scholarship William Beuther, Jr. ’94 Mark, Ph.D. ’70 and Lori J. Failla

Richie Allen ’96 Scholarship Bank of America Charitable Foundation Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons

Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship

Bishop Ignatius Catanello ’62 Scholarship Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Frank J. ’66 and Barbara A. Barkocy John B. ’69 and Elaine Conroy Robert A. and Marianne Ficarra Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Cirino T. ’67 and Rochelle Lombard Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro Robert J. ’67 and Cindy L. Snyder

Dr. Ann Amore Scholarship Jeanette B. Baker Mary A. Ledermann Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF, Ph.D. ’79

Derrick D. Cephas Scholarship Lawrence T. ’59 and Catherine Sweeney

Michael and Rita Collins Scholarship Martin F. Collins

Arthur Curry Scholarship Brien McDonald

Kenneth D. Daly ’88 CFA Presidential Scholarship

Carmen and Edward ’60 Aquilone Scholarship

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers Bernard J. ’58 and Patricia Welsh

Jack ’70 and Kathy Danaher Scholarship

Mary Kathleen Deloge Dominick P., DDS ’6 4 and Rosemary DePaola Paul, DMD and Catherine Desjardins Dr. Cosmo and Marilyn DeSteno Robert and Linda Doherty Nicholas J. and Lucille Domini Burton and Linda Edelstein Patrick Ferrillo, Jr., DDS Lars Folke Allan J. Formicola, DDS The Forsyth Institute Robert and Frances Genco Gerald Glickman, DDS Judith S. Harvey Marc Heft Dr. Rowland and Kay Hutchinson S. and Eva Jakuba Kenneth Kalkwarf Dr. Peter and Barbara Keller Dr. Kenneth and Bonnie Kornman David and Lisa Kuehn Andrew and Catherine LaPierre Marie Letteri Dr. Carmine and Mrs. LoMonaco Carol Lorente Paul V. and Katherine M. McDonough Patrica Moden Erik Muller Elaine Neenan Ronald S. Newbower Steven J. O’Loughlin, Jr. OSAP Fotinos Panagakos Dr. Richard P. Ranney Dr. Spencer and Judy Redding George and Diane Rhodes Dr. Joseph D. Severino Ashley Sharp Kevin W. and Patricia K. Thomas Dr. Robert A. and Marlebe N. Uchin Richard Valachovic Richard Vogel Anthony and Marlene Volpe Nevin and Barbara Zablotsky Dr. Steven B. Zucker

Thomas and Mary Burke Marie Calder Frank and Rita Chiachiere Concordia University Chicago Joseph V. and Rosemary Cordella Council of School Supervisors and Administrators Andrew M. Darcy James F. ’67 and Patricia Darcy John E. Dougherty Michael Dougherty and Antonia Merzon Paul Drazen Steven Edwards and Robin Randall-Edwards Stella Eng Kathleen A. Gormaley Guidance & Counseling Support Systems Richard and Deborah Heffernan Arthur J., Ph.D. and Irene Hughes Sheldon and Florence Hyman Patrick Kenny and Maureen Kenny Margaret M. Kirwin Gerard and Katheryn Koehn John and Carol Larsen John J. Lenzo Daniel F. and Catherine T. Lynch Jill and Lauren Mandel Daniel Maunz Frances McCann Ann Monroe-Ballargeon Zane Watkins, II and Lydia Parris Anthony and Maria Pecorale Public School 16 0 J. Milo and Jo Ann Robinson Root Realty, Inc. Bradford Seaman William and Luz Maria Shearer Ann M. Shurgin Karen Spillaine The College of Saint Rose John and Ada Vapsva Cheryl Washington

John ’58 and Marge Dietl Scholarship

Anne and Brian Dugan Scholarship

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Stanley B. Tunick Foundation


Myles ’48 and Marjorie ’80 Driscoll Support Fund

John T. and Patricia A. Comer Virginia ’8 3 and Thomas F. Flahive Frank J., Jr. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers

AIG Matching Grants Program John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey William P. ’6 3 and Elizabeth Casey Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran George J. ’70 and Gail H. Johansen Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith

Andrea and Margie Arcarola Scholarship

Dr. Francis Delaney Scholarship

Andrea Arcarola

Richard A. ’61 and Elizabeth Dreyer

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Scholarship

Honorable Eileen C. Dugan Scholarship

Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

William ’49 and Jean Tursellino

Stephen M. Bogart Student Support Fund

Dominick P. ’64 and Rosemary DePaola Scholarship

Senator Pete V. Domenici Scholarship

Duns Scotus Scholarship

The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato

Albert G. Doumar ’57 Peter Hlinka ’50 James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien

Peter N. Aquilone Scholarship

Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis

Joe Browne ’68 Scholarship Joseph T. ’6 8 and Karyn Browne

Professor Camillus Award Thomas M. Laquercia Esq. ’66

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Academy For Academic Leadership American Dental Association Celia Bellinger Dr. Dennis J. and Lois Bird Michael Brodie Richard and Cam Buchanan Frank and Jane Catalanotto Jack and Maria Chiparo Dr. and Mrs. William R. Cinotti Colgate-Palmolive Matching Gift Program Michael DeCenzo

James Dougherty ’66 Memorial Scholarship Alfred University Joyce A. Ayoub Barry and Sharon Berman Robert K. and Dianne P. Bitting Kevin and Margaret Burke Mary D. Burke

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

5 2   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Marjorie ’78 and Joseph E. Drennan

Dr. Joseph A. Ellis Scholarship Gerard K. ’65 and Joy O. Hannon William P. ’6 3 and Judy Kinane George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer Thomas J. Nicastro ’6 4

2012– 2013 S C H O L A R S H I P S ( C O N T I N U E D )

Edward Farrell ’52 Scholarship

Harold Geneen Scholarship

James F., MD ’42 and Margaret Farrell William E. and Mary Kay Kahaly Sports Depot

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Pete P. Fazio ’60 Scholarship Anonymous Sean and Jennifer Bookstaver Mark and Diane Brown Joseph Cantone Brian and Gina E. Collins John and Sheila Costello County Wide Beverage Distributors Jack Davis Gerard Eizaman Elegant Affairs Sean and Nicole Foye Albert Gabrielli Thomas J. Gaffney Thomas and Kathleen Gallagher Gereard Carelli Orchestra Giordano Studios, LLC George Greco The Haugland Family Foundation Ralph Ianuzzi, Jr. Keystone Financial Solutions, LLC LVC Interiors, Inc. Stefano Masi Anthony McCrimlisk Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott James F., Jr. ’77 and Joan McElroy Mindich Enterprises, Inc. Brian O’Connor Thomas and Laurie O’Donoghue Peter and Michele Oppermann Otterstedt Agency Kevin Painting Party Rental Ltd. Personal Touch Caterers, LLC Robert and Maryann Rice Dominick and Elizabeth Santo Daniel and Lisa Schwartz Mark and Daria Sidlauskas Smith Party Rentals, LLC SRV Bank Sterling Affair Bruce Sullivan Tranz Met Group, Inc. Stanley Varon Joseph and Sheila Yallowitz Robert J. Zak, CPA

Professor Nicholas A. Fiorenza ’36 Scholarship Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer

Honorable Kevin Fogarty Scholarship Robert A. Vega ’13

Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Scholarships Frederick D. ’6 4 and Catherine Furman Shell Oil Company

Dr. Gerald J. Galgan Scholarship Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher John P. ’58 and Susan Sheehy Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

Honorable Anthony J. Genovesi Scholarship John T. and Patricia A. Comer

NYSE Euronext Foundation Matching Gifts Program Louis G. ’79 and Kathleen Pastina Daisy P. ’96 and Irwin Weinstein

Robert McCarron (Bro. Isidore, OSF) Scholarship

Rosa and Flores Linares Scholarship

Carl Mariano, USN ’89

Anna and Joseph Giaquinto Scholarship Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D.

Joseph Murphy (Bro. Jarlath, OSF) Scholarship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 Macchiarola

+ and Mary T.

Daniel Lynch, Sr. ’38 Scholarship Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney John P. ’50 and Margaret Schofield

Evelyn Magdaleno ’8 3 Hakim A. Williams ’02

Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Martin J. ’69 and Peggy M. Michlik Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. Rizzi ’70 Thomas A. Simonetti ’67

Bro. Austin Gill, OSF Scholarship

Dr. Clement Jedrzejewski Scholarship

Marion D. Boteju Raymond J. ’71 and Nora McKeough

Peter C. ’66 and Patricia Nies

Mary and Frank J. ’62 Macchiarola Scholarship

Msgr. John Kean Scholarship

BlackRock Matching Gift Program James F. Bozart ’86 and Donald B. Winston Angel R. ’62 and Patricia Colon Peter E. Felvegi ’03 Richard C., Jr. ’94 and Maria Hinners JP Morgan Chase Lars Loman and Sharon Kerrigan Loman

Dr. Uwe Gielen Scholarship

Thomas & Margaret Groarke Scholarship Edward J. ’69 and Patricia Groarke

Dr. Dorothy Lipp Harris Scholarship

James I. Konkel ’57 Scholarship

Philip R., Ph.D. ’4 8 and Janet B. Harris

Deloitte Foundation James I. Konkel, CPA ’57

The Elizabeth Billingham Haverty Scholarship David E. Haverty ’81

Dr. William Heath ’57 Student Education Fund Maggi Heath

Mary and Walter Henning Scholarship Michael A. ’61 BT and Catherine J. Henning

Bro. John Hoffschmidt, OSF Scholarship Mary T. ’78 and Joseph M. Buercke ’77 James P. Lawler ’71 Frank ’8 3 and Gloria Leggio Kathryn A. Meyers ’72 Francis M. B. O’Neill ’11

Barbara G. Koster ’76 Scholarship Michael G. Mehary and Coleen CerielloMehary Patrick W. Condren ’71 William J. Hogan

Dr. Nino Langiulli Scholarship Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Renee M. Miscione ’75 Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

17th of June (Evelyn Margaret Laquercia) Scholarship Laquercia and Klein, LLP

Thomas Michael Laquercia ’66 Scholarship

Bro. Edmund Holmes, OSF ’28 Scholarship

Laquercia and Klein, LLP

Mary E. Bickford Barbara Tuck

Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’60 Luminary Fund

Dr. Geoffrey Horlick Scholarship Kwadwo N. Asare ’92 Jana, CPA ’87 and John Dickerson Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood David J. Howell Bono H. Lee ’11 David and Denise Levine Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Carmine Nogara, Ph.D. Julie Rothstein Miriam Salholz, Ph.D. Toby and Lynda Wertheim Dr. Robert Wu

Dr. Arthur Hughes Scholarship

Frank J. and Sarah B. Macchiarola Scholarship Frank J., Jr. and Sarah B. Macchiarola

Manuel Franquinha Ralph M. Nigro

Mary P. Byrnes ’8 0 Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Colgate-Palmolive Matching Gift Program Edward R. and Alice A. James Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff

Anonymous Rita Bryant Lydia M. Gordon Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Victor J. Masi, D.O. ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 Lou Mustacchio, Jr. Rita Scalzo Robert J. ’77 and Diane M. ’75 Trapp


Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’60 Scholarship Catrina E. Avvento ’07 Jaime Chauca John D. Coakley ’8 3 and Grace Z. Machuca-Coakley Valerie L. Lombardi ’11 Natalia ’97 and Daniel P. Murphy

Joseph M. Mattone Scholarship Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Ann Mattone

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Scholarship Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen Dorothy E. ’79 and Gary J. Gurreri Gary C. Gurreri ’10

Dr. Donald Metz ’47 Scholarship Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich Vincent A. Kucich ’73, MD and Marleta Reynolds David A. ’58 and Mary E. Mathis Dr. Thomas P. ’51 and Emily McHugh Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Thomas J., Ph.D. ’52 and Mary C. Quigley

Joseph Mingrone ’76 Scholarship Irene A. Feldman ’8 8 and Paul Polik Mel A. and Laura A. Pynn

Dr. John Motley Scholarship Bro. Thomas Grady, OSF ’6 8 S. Alonzo and Diane R. Graves Dr. Florence A. Jackson Frank Motley, Esq. Sarah A. Rodgers

Jonathan Nigro ’96 Scholarship Ronald and Ella Nigro Erica M. ’94 and Raymond Zawrotniak

Joseph Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata Scholarship Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+ S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    5 3

2012– 2013 S C H O L A R S H I P S ( C O N T I N U E D )

John N. ’98 and Mary E. Wlaysewski

William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black Karen A. DiSanto-Grassotti Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Christopher M. Ortiz ’96 Scholarship

Bro. Owen Sadlier, OSF Scholarship

Christopher M. Ortiz ’96

Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

Bro. Thomas O’Neill, OSF ’68 Scholarship


Professor Ernest Petrucelli Scholarship Sonia Caiazza ’02 Consolidated Edison, Inc. Angelica Padalino ’10

Dr. Charles Savage Scholarship

PSAL Wingate Memorial Award PSAL Wingate Memorial Fund

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF Scholarship

Dr. Thomas Quigley ’52 Scholarship AIG Matching Grants Program Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons Morgan Stanley James G. Quigley ’96 Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith

Bro. Leo Quinn, OSF ’26 Scholarship Sr. Barbara Buckbee, CSJ ’66 Robert F. ’52 and Judith Lee

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61

Charles Schaem ’40 Scholarship Richard T. Nolan, Esq. ’55

Professor Francis Slade Scholarship Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

Bro. Robert Smith, OSF Scholarship Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith Sr. Mary K. Lane, CSJ ’6 0

John “Jay” Riddell ’66 Scholarship Walter J. ’65 and Linda L. Conklin William T., Jr. ’67 and Maureen R. Quinlan

Susan Rohan Scholarship A & L Cesspool Service Corp. William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black

Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees  /

Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball KPMG Brendan T. ’6 3 and Mary Mahon

Bergassi Group, LLC Frank Carroll Michael Carroll Cintolo and McCarthy, CPAs Richard and Jenna Y. Coladarci Thomas J. Conroy ’6 3 and Joan Conroy Davari Companies Ellen Glascock, Ph.D. Craig and Paulette B. Gonzalez Alice Greenwald International Union of Operating Engineers International Union Operating Engineers Karen Keogh Law Offices of Lawrence F. DiGiovanna Local 46 Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Iron Workers General Mark Bruce International, Inc. Bil Mulrow Jack O’Malley Donna and James O’Meara Charitable Foundation, Inc. Daniel O’Toole Poler Contracting, Inc. Port Authority PBA, Inc. St. Anthony’s Guild St. Bonaventure Friary Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York

Timothy M. Stackpole ’01 Scholarship Charles F. Heeran Foundation Timothy J. and Kathleen R. Shine Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D.

Student Solidarity Fund

Bro. Donald Sullivan, OSF Scholarship George N. Coultman ’8 3

Carlo Tramontozzi Scholarship Valerio Cervi Marcella DiFilippo Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Danilo Tramontozzi Vincenzo Tramontozzi

Jeanette B. Baker

+ = Deceased  /  1859 Society—Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  /  X = 10 Years+  /  XV = 15 Years+

5 4   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

Anne Trivisonno Scholarship Community Foundation of the Florida Keys

Bro. Giles Turbee, OSF Scholarship Edward Clinton ’72

The Joseph P. Walker ’61 Memorial Scholarsip Fund Clare Walker

Professor William Yellin Scholarship Robert Babaian Francesco and Concetta Candela Candela & Associates Jana, CPA ’87 and John Dickerson Mary A. Ledermann Irene Marullo ’02 Ridgewood Savings Bank Michael J. ’8 3 and Susan Virgadamo

Young Journalists In Training Ernestine Blake Orville W. Dale BT Joy A. Frazier Robert A. Friedlander Janet Griffith Harlem Week, Inc. Nadine Johnson David R. Jones Candice Stark The Honorable Albert Vann Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe The Walt Disney Company Betty J. Williams Cheryle E. Williams



Bro. Camillus Casey Memorial Award for Excellence in International Cultural Studies

The following benefactors have been recognized for their many contributions to the Endowed Scholarship Program. In honor of their generosity and spirit, scholarship aid has been awarded to the following students:

Bro. Celestine McGarry Memorial Purse for Excellence in English Bro. Columba Reillet Memorial Medal for Scholastic Excellence Thomas J. Cuite Sr. ’35 Memorial Medal for Excellence in Communications Gerard F. Doyle Memorial Award in Economics Duns Scotus Award Medal for Excellence in Education Irving R. Gelfand Medal for Health Care Management

Benefactor Spotlight

Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship R E C I P I E N T:

Cristina Frisina ’13

Frank P. ’67 and Mary Cannistra Scholarship R E C I P I E N T:

Nikol Santana ’14

Harold Geneen Award John C. Gorman ’38 Medal for Excellence in History Award for Excellence in Information Technology Bro. Jerome Roese Memorial Medal for Excellence in Biology Latin American Award Mary A. Ledermann Purse Award for Excellence in Mathematics Archbishop Thomas E. Molloy Award Catholic Accountants Guild National Grid Accounting Scholarship Award National Italian American Foundation Scholarship Award New York State Society of CPAs Award for Superior Scholarship in Accounting Studies Nursing Leadership Award Medal for Excellence in Political Science Dr. Louis H. Primavera Medal in Psychology Melissa Sanchez Memorial Purse in Health Promotion The Francis X. Slade Medal for Excellence in Philosophy Vincent Toscano ’57 Chemistry Award Bro. Urban Gonnoud Memorial Business Management Dolly Williams Accounting Award Stanley Willing Award

Myles ’48 and Marjorie ’80 Driscoll Support Fund R E C I P I E N T:

Rosemarie Petrizzo ’14

Dr. William Heath ’57 Student Education Fund R E C I P I E N T:

Nelson Garro ’13

The Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Scholarship RECIPIENTS:

Skyler S. Hamilton ’14 Amanda D. Sullivan ’14

National Italian American Foundation Scholarship RECIPIENTS:

Angela Capranzano ’14 Carmine J. Giannotto ’13

National Grid Accounting Award RECIPIENTS:

Adam Bellew ’16 Tyla Burke ’15 Tan Cheung ’18

“ Looking back, I have come to realize how invaluable my experience was at St. Francis College. Being a student-athlete was demanding, but also rewarding. It taught me a sense of responsibility and helped me mature as a person. SFC played an integral role in shaping who I am today. I feel it is important for the next generation to experience this. Paying it forward should be a given. Establishing a scholarship is one way I know how to repay this generosity.” — Christopher M. Ortiz ’ 96, Benefactor, The Christopher M. Ortiz ’ 96 Scholarship, est. March 2013.

Chris is one of our most recent alumni to establish an endowed scholarship.

S T . F R AS NT C. IFSR CA ON LC LI ES G CEO  L| L  E2 G0 1E 2T–E2R0 R1 I3E AR N   |N UWAILN TD EO RN O2 R0 1R3E-P2 O0 R1 4T    |    5 5

St. Francis College

The Fund for St. Francis College

18 0 Remsen Street Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 718.4 89.5 361 development@sfc.edu

The Fund for St. Francis College is the lifeblood of the college—benefiting virtually every person, place and program at SFC. With the generosity of caring alumni, friends and supporters of the college, SFC remains steadfast in maintaining an affordable tuition for students while upholding a high-quality education.

The Office of Development

The Annual Fund also enables SFC to enhance student, faculty and campus-wide resources and distribute thousands of unrestricted dollars to deserving and/or disadvantaged students as needed.

Thomas F. Flood Vice President for Development Michele Brunton Donor Relations Assistant Paulette Gonzalez Associate Director of Individual Giving

On behalf of the thousands of students who benefit from your steadfast generosity, THANK YOU for playing a vital role in sustaining excellence at St. Francis College.

Is your name not listed?

Julie Pape Donor Relations Associate

It could be because: You made your gift after June 30, 2013, the end of the fiscal year. Gifts received after June 30 th will be recognized in the next annual donor report. You asked that your gift be anonymous. While every effort goes into the accuracy of this report, an error can occur. If we have made an error or omission please accept our sincerest apologies and notify us to ensure that our records are corrected.

James F. Skurka Associate Director of Individual Giving

Please call the Office of Development at 718.489.5361 or e-mail development@sfc.edu with any questions, comments or concerns.

Katherine O’Hagan Associate Director of Scholarship Giving

Charlene St.Vil Director of Annual Giving Emmlynn L. Taylor Donor Relations Associate Marija Wierzbicki Assistant to VP for Development

Office of Alumni Relations Dennis J. McDermott ’74 Director Vanessa DeAlmeida ’00 Assistant Director Donna DeSiena Secretary

Methods of Giving You may make a gift to St. Francis College by: Mail to the Office of Development Online at www.sfc.edu Wire Transfer Gifts of Stock Matching Gifts Gifts of Property Planned Gifts (bequest, trust, life insurance)

Kickstart a Dream! Support The St. Francis College Endowed Scholarship Program Today Since we first opened our doors in 1859, our mission has been to provide transformative education in the Franciscan tradition at an affordable cost. With the price of higher education rising, our Endowed Scholarship program has become increasingly important in bridging the gap between big dreams and reality for our future Terriers. Every contribution makes a difference, and there are a variety of ways to join us in sustaining this mission: Support an Existing Scholarship. Establish Your Own Scholarship with Champion a cause that is close to your a gift commitment of $10 0,0 0 0 over heart by supporting one or more of our a multi-year time horizon. scholarships. Each scholarship represents Consider Planned Gifts such as a legacy, memory or the spirit of a friend, bequests, lead trusts and gifts of family member, faculty/staff member, or insurance to endow a new Scholarship. alumni of SFC. A comprehensive list can be found in this stewardship report. You can also contact our Development Office for help selecting scholarship funds that align with your passions and interests. E-mail us at development@sfc.edu or call 718.489.5361

5 6   |   S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E   T| E  R2 R 0 1I E2 R–  2 |0  1 W3 I AN NT N E RU A2L0 1D 3O-N2O0R1 4R E P O R T

St. Francis College Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2013, with summarized totals for 2012







$  52,070,0 37

$      —

$      —

$  52,070,0 37

$   45,9 47,142

(16,6 8 4,475)

(16,6 8 4,475)

(12,59 4,45 0)

(316,0 41)

(316,0 41)

(319,6 32)




5 01,18 5

5 01,18 5

6 3 8 ,971

Gifts and private grants

1,955, 3 3 8

2 0 5,6 5 3

2,16 0,9 91

4,73 6,124

Investment return used for operations

3, 370,711

3, 370,711

3,718 ,5 0 5




1,611,0 0 0

8 9 8 , 32 2

(8 9 8 , 32 2)





17, 3 07,55 6

17, 3 07,55 6

16,5 8 0,0 3 0

4,59 8 ,911

4,59 8 ,911

4, 35 6,4 01

Student services

10,697,0 8 4

10,697,0 8 4

10,076, 3 6 4

Institutional support

11,9 95,626

11,9 95,626


Total operating expenses

4 4,599,177

4 4,599,177


Changes in net assets from operating activities





Gifts and private grants

1, 24 8 ,5 3 4

(210,6 8 8)

5 5 3, 2 07

1,591,0 5 3

93 3,69 9

Capital campaign expenses

(95 6,624)

(95 6,624)

(1, 24 3,723)

Capital project expenses

(26 0,4 4 3)

(26 0,4 4 3)

(3 3 0,555)

Investment return net of amounts in support of operations

2,921,6 81

1,76 0,4 87

4,6 8 2,16 8

(2,5 0 0,0 4 6)

Early retirement expense

(5 4 8 ,0 3 9)

(5 4 8 ,0 3 9)

(2 9 9, 873)

Changes in net assets from nonoperating activities





(3,4 40,498)

Changes in net assets











$  76,562,78 4

$  8,329,424

$ 10,830,058

$ 95,722,266

$ 93,095,197

O PER ATIN G RE V ENUE S A ND SUP P O RT Student tuition and fees College scholarships Federal financial assistance Net tuition and fees Government appropriations

Net assets released from restrictions Total operating revenues and support O P E R AT I N G E X P E N S E S Instruction Academic support


Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE  |  2012–2013 A NNUA L DONOR R EPOR T  |  57

Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Brooklyn, NY Permit #8 028

Terrier St. Francis College 180 Remsen Street Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201-4305 www.sfc.edu

Save the Date! Learn about more upcoming events at www.sfc.edu or call the Alumni Office at (718) 489-5471.

Alumni Memorial Mass Saturday, January 25, 2014 St. Francis College Join us as we remember our deceased alumni and friends. Mass at 11 a.m., Luncheon at 12 p.m. Please RSVP by January 22, 2014 with Donna DeSiena at (718) 4 8 9 -5 471.

16th Annual Eileen C. Dugan Run Saturday, April 5, 2014 Brooklyn Bridge Park

Alumni Reunion Receptions Please note, the Alumni Dinner this spring is being replaced by separate events for special graduating classes. In the fall, watch for Terrier Night, a cocktail reception for all alumni to get together.

Thursday, March 20, 2014 Golden Terrier Luncheon Saturday, April 12, 2014 Silver Class of 1989 Friday, May 9, 2014 Classes of 1969, 1974, 1979 and 1984 Friday, May 16, 2014 Classes of 1994, 1999 and 2004

2014 Charter Award Dinner Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Honoring Tom Brokaw, Special Correspondent, NBC News and Kenneth Daly ’88 President of National Grid, New York Marriott Marquis Times Square Cocktails at 6 p.m., Dinner at 7 p.m.

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