Terrier - Fall 2019

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First Master of Fine Arts Degrees Awarded  201 9 SFC Literary Prize  Arts at SFC

The McGuire Scholars: First Class Graduates President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D., and McGuire Scholar Antonia Meditz ’ 1 9, the 2019 Spring Commencement

T H E S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E M A G A Z I N E   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , V O L U M E 8 3, N U M B E R 1




Fall 2019 Volume 83, Number 1 Terrier, the magazine of St. Francis College, is published by the Office of Marketing and Communications for alumni and friends of St. Francis College.



Denis Salamone ’75

Robert L. Smith ’72



Hector Batista ’84, P’17 Bro. William Boslet, OSF ’70 Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken Kate Cooney Burke Timothy Cecere P’20 William Cline Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 Edward N. Constantino ’68 Kenneth D. Daly ’88 Mary Beth Dawson, Ph.D. William F. Dawson, Jr. ’86 Jean S. Desravines ’94 Gene Donnelly ’79 Catherine Greene Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. Penelope Kokkinides Barbara G. Koster ’76 Jesus F. Linares ’84 Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 J. Christopher Mangan ’83 Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 Victor J. Masi, DO ’89, P’21, P’24 Gino P. Menchini Bro. Gabriel O’Brien, OSF Walton D. Pearson ’83 Judy A. Rice ’79 John F. Tully, Esq. ’67, P’12

Patricia Moffatt Lesser ’77

Linda Werbel Dashefsky Vice President for Government and Community Relations Thomas F. Flood Vice President for Advancement Tearanny Street Executive Director, Marketing and Communications E D I TO R

Leah Schmerl Director of Integrated Communications, Marketing and Communications CO N T R I B U TO R S

Rob DeVita ’15 Joey Jarzynka PLEASE ADDRESS ALL L E T T E R S TO T H E E D I TO R TO :

Editor Terrier Magazine St. Francis College 180 Remsen Street, Room 7304 Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201-4305 O R V I A E - M A I L TO :



Kevin T. Conlon ’11 D I R E C TO R S

Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 James Bozart ’86 John J. Casey ’70 Salvatore Demma ’09 and ’11 Joseph Hemway ’84 Dorothy Henigman-Gurreri ’79 Sarah Bratton Hughes ’07 Mary Anne Killeen ’78 Josephine B. Leone ’08 Alfonso Lopez ’06 James H. McDonald ’69 Kathleen A. Mills ’09 Jonathan K. Ng ’07 Antonevia Ocho-Coultes ’04 Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 Dyanne Marie Rosado ’95 Danielle Rouchon ’92 Theresa Spelman-Huzinec ’88 Joseph A. Stuto ’09

President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. (Ex Officio) Thomas J. Volpe (Emeritus and Non-Voting)



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At the Terrier, we are always looking for new ideas for stories and spotlights. If there’s someone you’d like to read about, please send a note to Terrier@sfc.edu.

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For more information, please contact the Office of Advancement at advancement@sfc.edu. Download a digital copy of Terrier or view multimedia related to articles found in Terrier at sfc.edu/alumni/alumnipublications.

The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Terrier are not necessarily those of St. Francis College, its trustees or administration. Designed in New York City by mnd.nyc.


To all in the St. Francis College family,


e had a great start to the 2019-20 academic year. Students, faculty and staff returned for TERRIER TUESDAY. With the cooperation of our neighbors and assistance of our local NYPD Community Affairs Bureau, we closed Remsen Street and hosted a Welcome Back Block Party: food, fun, and Franciscan hospitality at its best. On the first day of classes, we continued a relatively new tradition of serving the students a cultural meal—this year we featured African cuisine. The following day we hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for our brand new Troops to Teachers & Veterans Lounge (see page 14). I proudly share that SFC has bolstered its support of veteran students. We are now a designated Military Friendly School, a Yellow Ribbon Program participant, and home to New York State’s only chapter of Troops to Teachers, a federal program that helps military members and veterans transition to new careers in education. Needless to say, we kicked off the year with energy that comes from friends reconnecting, excitement about what is to come, and a refreshed community eager to make this another stellar year. We welcomed a returning student body that is diverse and high-achieving, and an incoming class that is the largest in recent times. So much credit goes to extraordinary faculty and staff who go above and beyond each and every day. Moreover, we thank our believers. It is our strong partnerships with alumni, parents, friends of the College, foundations, corporations, and elected officials from all levels of government that enable us to grow our academic programs, expand and upgrade our facilities, add endeavors like Troops to Teachers, Terriers Come Home, and SFC International, and ultimately earn national recognition. All of this and so much more fosters a great sense of pride of what we do together for those we serve, and gives clear indication that there is nothing small about the impact the Small College of Big Dreams is having. We need to pause and reflect on the great work being done, the incredible investment that our believers make through their time, talent and treasure, and the impact we are having locally, nationally and globally. It is an honor and privilege to share U.S. News ranked nearly 1,400 colleges and universities for the 35th edition of the rankings, and among 58 northern regional colleges ranked in the study, SFC came in 13th for overall academic quality and placed in the top 10 on the following lists: Top Performers on Social Mobility (#2): Demonstrating SFC’s success in enrolling and graduating large proportions of economically disadvantaged students. Best Colleges for Veterans (#5): Indicating SFC’s effective participation in federal initiatives that help veterans and active-duty service members pay for their degrees. Best Value Schools (#6): Reflecting SFC’s strong academics coupled with its modest average net cost per student.

Last academic year, my second anniversary at SFC, was a year of anniversaries to remember and celebrate: 160 years of St. Francis College, 50 years of educating lay women, 50 years of SFC soccer (and now a women’s team to “boot”), 50 years of Professor John McCabe lighting up a classroom with his abstract and practical wisdom, humor, and so much more. A highlight that is front and center is a moment at the 2019 Charter Award Dinner when seven of the first 12 lay women walked on stage to a standing ovation by event attendees, received flowers presented by seven current students, and were moved by the monumental moment for the ages. It was the yesterdays, todays and tomorrows right before us, a living documentary. It was powerful. We must never forget the impact that this special place has had on those that came before us, those who are present today, and the impact it will have and those that will follow. It is clearly evident through the rankings shared, the good work we do, and most importantly, the people we put out into the world. They are global citizens who carry and share their Franciscan values with all they come in contact with—through word and action. As we pause and reflect, we also share our heartfelt gratitude for “believing” in the SFC of today and the investment you are making in the SFC of tomorrow. We are proud to steward the mission entrusted to us by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, and it is a privilege to partner with each of you. We are all DRIVEN BY DREAMS ! In peace and friendship,

Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. President, St. Francis College

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…it is about constituting an act of ethical concern in an act of remembrance no less urgent… than the biblical commandment to remember. It is about preserving memory so that we can remain fully human beings.” Alice Greenwald, President & CEO of the 9/11 Museum and Memorial, delivering St. Francis College’s 2019 Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day) lecture; April 24, 201 9

I still battle the anxious thoughts in my brain every single day. But when I introduce myself, I am more than my illness. Your mental illness should not be the only thing that defines you. Once you realize that, you’re already on your way to recovery.” You have got to have grit. You have to have grit to find your mentors within your organization. You have to have grit to take chances…you have to have grit when you enter a company…and stomach the job you didn’t particularly like and have the grit to find the one that you really do…”

Gabriella Pagan delivering her first-place speech in the Delaney Speech contest. The annual contest, open to all SFC students, requires participants to deliver a three to four minute speech on any topic in front of a judging panel, to win prizes up to $500; April 29, 201 9.

Peggi Einhorn, one of three panelists in 2019 Kenneth D. Daly Lecture (see page 24), addressing St. Francis College students about what it takes to succeed professionally; April 1, 201 9


We are artists, so we are in service…I serve the misrepresented and the under-represented, and that’s who I’m telling stories about. So they will always come first.”

When all of a sudden I take a look at someone not as a problem to be solved, but as my brother or my sister who needs to be respected and loved, that changes the whole way we approach things.”

Dominique Morisseau, Tonynominated book writer of the Broadway musical Ain’t Too Proud, the inaugural guest for Write in Brooklyn, a discussion series with prominent writers, organized by the SFC MFA program; March 27, 201 9

Richard Slizeski, Catholic Charities’ Vice President for Mission, addressing how he believes we should approach immigration and immigrants, during his opening remarks for the SFC Forum on Migration: Global Migration Conference, the second of two Forum on Migration’s inaugural conferences; April 25, 201 9

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2019 Terriers hit the St. Francis College Class of 201 9 Graduates on Coney Island Boardwalk


Imploring graduates to never fear failure, CBS This Morning: Saturday co-host Michelle Miller urged the St. Francis College Class of 2019 to live a life of integrity and fidelity to one’s values and purpose. Miller, along with Bishop Octavio Cisneros, auxiliary bishop in the Diocese of Brooklyn, were presented honorary degrees during the ceremony. “A setback is nothing but a setup for a comeback,” said Miller, in her Commencement keynote address. “When you fall, you get back up. … You will need to stand by your deeds, because you will be held accountable to them. … You rent your title, you own your reputation.” In a year marking the 50th A setback anniversary of the first lay women is nothing but admitted into its student body, the majority of the nearly 350 diplomas a set-up for a St. Francis conferred at Coney comeback.” Island’s Ford Amphitheater on Michelle Miller, CBS May 23rd went to women. This Morning: Saturday co-host, in her keynote St. Francis President Miguel address at Spring 2019 Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. encouraged Commencement graduates to express gratitude

towards those who have supported them and to carve out a life of service after graduation. “We invested in you,” Martinez-Saenz told the graduates. “We’re hoping there’s a return on our investment and [that happens when] you reflect on what it means to be in service to others.” With passion matched only by his devotion to the borough he leads, Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams told graduates to embrace New York’s diverse culture. “You come from a city that’s full of rich diversity,” said Adams. “America belongs to all of us.” Continued

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A trio of exceptional women The spring graduates also included graduates also earned spots behind 17 McGuire scholars, the first such the Commencement podium. Amal cohort to earn St. Francis degrees. Hawari ’19, a DACA student who The College established the Robert J. transferred to St. Francis last year McGuire scholarship program in President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Bishop Octavio and earned a perfect 4.0 grade in her 2014, made possible by the generosity Cisneros, auxiliary bishop in the Diocese of Brooklyn, and Denis Salamone ’75 coursework, officially welcomed of Fred Wilpon, Chairman and CEO graduates and guests to the ceremony. of the NY Mets, his wife Judy, and “When I first arrived to this country, I didn’t speak a word other benefactors. The program has since provided more than of English and now I am speaking before you all. … Dreams $2.4 million in scholarships to more than 100 students. don’t have borders,” said the Communication Arts major Thomas Flood, St. Francis College’s Vice President for who emigrated from Venezuela at age four. “I am a dreamer, Advancement, announced from the stage that both Wilpon a DACA dreamer to be precise. … Today is proof to me that and McGuire, the former New York City Police Commissioner, I have broken many stereotypes: woman, Latina, Middle would receive honorary degrees from the College. Eastern, Muslim, and first-generation college graduate.” “It’s an incredible honor to be a McGuire scholar, and St. Francis’ two spring 2019 valedictorians, Dana DiRenzo I credit the program for opening so many doors of opportuni(BS/MS, Accounting) and Arianna Sartzetakis (BA, ties for me,” said Danielle Francavilla (BA, Communication Economics and Political Science), each completed their four Arts). “I became involved in journalism during my time at years at St. Francis with perfect GPAs. Their speeches expressed St. Francis, and that fueled my passion to pursue a career deep gratitude towards their families and the individuals at in broadcast journalism. It’s a dream I trace back to the St. Francis with whom they forged significant relationships. scholarship.” DiRenzo, a two-year captain of the women’s basketball Luis Pelaez (BA, Criminal Justice) collected his degree at team, singled out the College’s Franciscan values as particular- Thursday’s ceremony thanks to his participation in St. Francis ly meaningful to her. Post-Prison program, which helps formerly incarcerated “These values have taught us to be kind to others, to be women and men enroll in St. Francis and earn degrees. accepting, and to have respect for people of all backgrounds, “The Post-Prison Program means everything,” said Pelaez. ethnicities, and cultures,” DiRenzo told fellow graduates. “It gives a lot of opportunity for guys to move forward who “Let’s face it: St. Francis is like the ‘melting pot’ of schools. wouldn’t normally have that opportunity. I want to prove to It is so diverse and just teeming with individuals from all the people that believe in me that I’m able to make myself and over the country and the world.” others…better than we ever could have been.” Sartzetakis, who served as president of St. Francis’ Student Other notable participants in the ceremony include graduatGovernment Association and of the Duns Scotus Honor ing nursing major Nicole Madrazo, who performed the Society—the first woman to hold both titles in the same National Anthem, Sydney Bell (BA, Communications Arts), year—lauded the camaraderie St. Francis fosters. who introduced keynote speaker Miller, and Bob Smith ’72, “One thing that I am forever grateful for is the ability of President of St. Francis’ Alumni Board of Directors for the St. Francis to feel like home for so many people,” she said. Alumni Association, who provided concluding remarks. “We have been instilled with the Franciscan values of hospitality and servant leadership.”

If you go through life only knowing people that look like you, talk like you, walk like you, eat the same food, listen to the same music…you are living a Shakespearean tragedy… Don’t be a Metrocard graduate, be a passport graduate and conquer the globe.” Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams


S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1

More than 60 Graduate at 2019 Winter Commencement


ixty-two graduates from the St. Francis College Class of 2019 were joined by family and friends for the College’s winter 2019 Commencement ceremony at the St. Charles Borromeo Church in Brooklyn on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. A Baccalaureate Mass was held immediately before the Commencement ceremony. Diana Okon ’19, a Childhood Education major, who was born in Brooklyn and raised in New Jersey, was selected as valedictorian for the Winter 2019 graduating class. During her undergraduate years, Okon interned at P.S. 110 as a student-teacher and returned there in September to work as a first-grade teacher. “St. Francis has helped prepare me for life after graduation because this experience has given me the knowledge and compassion to become a great teacher,” said Okon. Dr. Frank Sorrentino, Professor of Political Science, offered the Winter Commencement Address. After serving SFC for the past 41 years, Sorrentino retired this year. “The most important thing I want to leave with students is that they should not only dream, but they should feel they have it within themselves to achieve,” said Sorrentino. “That greatness is only the beginning, life is a series of finding the work you love and doing it with all your passion and all your enthusiasm.”

Be a full-rounded human being. Learn as much as you can. Learn from mistakes. And always stay focused and determined.” Michael Quinn ’97, Owner of Feltman’s of Coney Island, in his speech as the Charter Day Entrepreneur Award Recipient

NYU’s Dr. John Sexton Delivers Keynote Speech at Charter Day Convocation

New York City is the first city in the world that has a neighborhood for every country in the world, inhabited by people born in that country…But the interesting thing is if you go to those neighborhoods, and…you say to people, ‘what are you?’ they’ll say ‘I’m a New Yorker’…they see themselves in a larger whole…the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” Dr. John Sexton, President Emeritus of New York University, delivering his keynote speech at 2019 Charter Day; April 26, 2019

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St. Francis College Awards Its First Master of Fine Arts Degrees

The world needs more readers. The world needs more people with imagination. So figure out a way to cultivate the imagination,” said St. Francis College President Miguel MartinezSaenz, Ph.D. In his address at the July 15, 2019 ceremony awarding diplomas to the first six students to complete the College’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, MartinezSaenz encouraged the graduates to connect their work with audiences who will find joy in reading it. “I urge you—as you think about developing your craft—to think about your audience,” said Martinez-Saenz to MFA graduates Noel Jones, Vincent Longobardi, Matt Marvilli, Steven Moller, Justin Reinsilber, and Adela Sinclair. “Reading is one of these art forms we’ve lost. We need to figure out how to reinvigorate it.” SFC launched its two-year MFA program in 2017 under the direction of English faculty member Theo Gangi, and it has since enrolled more than 25 writers. Graduating students completed their degrees on one of three tracks—poetry, fiction or dramatic screenwriting/playwriting—and worked remotely other than two 10-day, full-time residencies each year at SFC’s Brooklyn campus. During those residencies they took part in workshops, readings, and discussions. The six MFA graduates wrapped their final residency at St. Francis from July 5 to 15, 2019. “They trusted us as a program and a school with their livelihoods and futures,” said Gangi. “It’s really satisfying to see it working out for them and then moving onto the next stage. Some are writing professionally, some are teaching. So, we feel really good about the program’s success.” 6

Among those guiding the students included Man Booker Prize Winner Marlon James, named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People this year; National Book Award finalist Jamel Brinkley; Cave Canem poet Mahogany Browne, who serves as the program’s poetry coordinator; and playwright Ben Snyder, the program’s dramatic writing coordinator. “I got to work with Lincoln Michel and Jamel Brinkley and they’re both recognized as being great short story writers for good reason,” said Jones, who focused on short fiction. “I definitely have a better understanding of what the structure is of a short story as opposed to just a series of ideas. It’s more than just a series of, ‘and then.’ There’s a lot of that goes into it.” In 2019, the MFA program also launched Write in Brooklyn, a discussion series with prominent writers from a range of genres open to its students and the broader community. Guests in the series have included Dominique Morisseau, book writer for the Broadway musical Ain’t Too Proud, young adult novelist Jason Reynolds, poet/writer/actor Amber Tamblyn, and screenwriter/playwright Seth Zvi Rosenfeld. “It’s just the start for my career,” said Sinclair, who entered the program with a MA in teaching English as a second language from Hunter College. “My book is coming together. My thesis is my book that I hope to publish. I’ll teach and write books forever.” S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1


Mirror Mirror on the Wall…, Inaugural Exhibition from the Lise Curry Art Collection St. Francis College debuted curated works from the Lise Curry Art Collection in Mirror Mirror on the Wall…, an exhibition of contemporary portraiture, figure drawing, and sculpture by established and emerging artists. The show ran from September 19 to December 17, 2019. Acquired over the course of 30 years, New York City private collector Curry recently gifted more than 220 works to St. Francis that reflect, in many cases, deeply personal, global perspectives on humanity and culture. “Every artwork I’ve acquired was a result of a ‘coup de coeur’ (strike of the heart),’” said Curry. “If I didn’t have that ‘coup de coeur’ for an artwork, it didn’t come into my home. Every item in my collection is very precious to me.” Among the artists included in the Mirror Mirror on the Wall… are Béatrice Coron, whose paper cuttings are shown in a collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Lola Flash, whose photography explores gender, sexual, and racial norms and has been included in collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum (London); and Rebecca Morgan, whose paintings, drawing, and ceramics wittily challenge stereotypes about Appalachia and have been exhibited widely in New York City and across the country. “Each artwork in Mirror Mirror on the Wall… opens a window onto a world, experience, or perspective. Different works are sure to attract students in different ways,” said Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Fine Arts. “However they move members of the St. Francis community, the art will connect exhibition visitors with the real and imagined experiences of people outside themselves. That connection and inspiration is the real value of art.” SFC offers a scholarship in the name of Arthur Curry, Lise Curry’s son. “We’re thrilled that St. Francis College is now home to such a deep collection of contemporary works,” said Thomas Flood, Vice President of Advancement. “We hope our inaugural exhibit is the first of what will be many public displays of a collection well worth the attention of our students and the public.”

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Art Exhibit Explores Climate Change Through Art

A Tribute to Women in Jazz Jazz pianist and vocalist Rosalyn McClore, along with her trio, paid tribute to black women in jazz on February 15, 2019, with a concert in St. Francis College’s Founders Hall in celebration of Black History Month. A Tribute to Black Women in Jazz served as a chronological tribute to blues and jazz from the 1920s to the 1960s to present day featuring a selection of works by some America’s greatest jazz female artists, such Billie Holiday, Nancy Wilson, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, and Nina Simone.

Environmental Empathies, an interactive, multi-media exhibit, featured film, photography, and other works from 10 New York City-based artists that explored the connection between empathy and action around climate change. Running from February 6 to March 25, 2019, the show brought to life the current and anticipated effects of climate change on people, plants, and wildlife, and invited visitor participation in an effort to help counteract individual indifference, prompt dialogue, and enrich the artistic creations displayed. “One of our biggest challenges is the belief that the environmental crisis won’t affect us personally or there’s nothing we can do to stop it,” said show curator Katherine Gressel. “It’s been really rewarding to witness students connecting with the stories of people who are hardest hit by climate change and also having fun engaging creatively with ways to connect with nature, live more sustainably, and get involved in climate activism as an alternative to apathy or hopelessness.”

Fourth Annual Women’s Film Festival Honored Women’s Contributions to Cinema Forty-seven short films by women from 13 countries vied to be among the 1 1 winners of the St. Francis College’s 4th Annual Women’s Film Festival, a three-day event honoring women’s contributions to cinema and showcasing the work of emerging filmmakers from around the globe. More than 200 filmmakers from 35 countries entered films for the Festival’s consideration in 2019. The screenings of competing films—each no more than 15 minutes in length—occurred throughout the festival’s run from April 5 to 7, 2019, along with panel sessions in which established female film professionals discussed the art and business of filmmaking.


Concerts at Half-Past Twelve Begins Twentieth Season St. Francis College’s Concerts at Half-Past Twelve returned for the fall 2019 season with Art of the Keyboard, a three-concert series showcasing masterpieces written for harpsichord, piano, and organ from the 18th through the 20th century. Now in its twentieth year, Concerts at Half-Past Twelve has built a loyal following among St. Francis College and Brooklyn Heights communities, where it is considered a signature live lunchtime musical event. Each season focuses on a different genre or musical category, and features recitals by renowned musicians at the top of their craft. “We’re thrilled to welcome old and new friends for our fall 2019 season, which should be one of our most memorable,” said Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D., chair of the SFC Department of Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, and International Cultural Studies and the series’ organizer. “For 20 years we’ve invited our St. Francis College colleagues and Brooklyn neighbors to enjoy world-class musical entertainment right in our own backyard. Our doors remain open to music aficionados and everyone who appreciates a mid-day musical respite.”

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Samantha Hunt Wins 2019 SFC Literary Prize for The Dark Dark


was unbelievably surprised. It feels like a rainbow falling out of the sky and landing on my head.” That was Samantha Hunt’s reaction to learning she won the 2019 SFC Literary Prize for The Dark Dark, her short story collection that explores the wonders and terrors of human biology. Hunt’s work bested five other finalists from 184 entrants this year. The announcement came during the Brooklyn Book Festival’s gala celebration on September 21, 2019 at City Point in downtown Brooklyn. The biennial SFC Literary Prize began in 2009 and awards $50,000 to a writer’s third to fifth published work of fiction, once they have advanced beyond eligibility for awards for debut works. A three-member jury—writer Chris Abani, novelist Kate Christensen, and fiction writer Ron Currie—selected the winner, and along with Ian Maloney, Ph.D., SFC English Professor and Director of the Literary Prize, chose the finalists. “A small paperback collection of stories might not be the obvious choice for a major mid-career literary award, but we chose The Dark Dark…unanimously and without argument,” said Christensen. “Samantha Hunt is not an obvious writer. Her stories ring with startling sharpness, a deft knife’s-edge slicing into the fatless meat of her tales, then twisting unexpectedly. She has a singular vision with arresting power.” “Like any reader, I’m looking for prose that reaches out and grabs me by the collar or the throat from the very beginning,” said Currie. “The Dark Dark does that, but what’s more impressive is how it maintains its grip, something particularly impressive in a short story collection. It’s wry, wild, tender, and weird, yet still somehow balanced—equal

parts ecstatic vision and precision craft.” Hunt published three novels prior to The Dark Dark: Mr. Splitfoot, a ghost story; The Invention of Everything Else, about the life of inventor Nikola Tesla; and The Seas, her first novel, which was republished by Tin House Books in 2018. The recipient of a 2017 Guggenheim Fellowship, Hunt won the Bard Fiction Prize, the National Book Foundation’s 5 Under 35 Prize and she was a finalist for the Orange Prize and the PEN/Faulkner Prize. She has been published by The New Yorker, The New York Times, and a number of other publications. Hunt describes her approach to writing as processing and contemplating what she has observed and heard around her. “I come to a work with a question,” she said. “Writing is a way to consider my questions. I never know where a story or a book is heading until the end,” said Hunt, who teaches at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and lives in upstate New York. “The idea of The Dark Dark, the title, is an investigation of the things that frighten us, but not enough to hide from them,” she continued. “For example, looking out your back door at night and thinking, ’There’s something spooky out there,’ but rather than locking the door, I’m interested in our desire to walk out into the darkness because we are curious or because we know we are small.” The other five SFC Literary Prize finalists were: Gun Love by Jennifer Clement This Mournable Body by Tsitsi Dangarembga Where The Dead Sit Talking by Brandon Hobson The Line That Held Us by David Joy New People by Danzy Senna

St. Francis College is a Community Partner of the Brooklyn Book Festival, which is one of America’s premier book festivals and the largest free literary event in New York City. S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1


Photographic Installation Explores Age of the Image


n August 2019, interdisciplinary artist Juan Si González installed a series of digitally-manipulated photographs on bold, graphic wallpaper in a lounge area adjacent to St. Francis College’s Genovesi Athletic Center, creating an immersive visual environment intended to engage a younger generation that has grown up with a constant barrage of images. President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. “asked me to create something special for this space,” explained González. “Young people are on their phones all the time. We consume a lot of images everyday. Today is the day of the image.” González was born in Santiago de Cuba and has lived in Ohio since 2003, during which time he has been awarded three Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Artist Fellowships. His work has been exhibited around the globe. In an artist’s statement about the show, González said, “the photographs in this series register sudden glitches or gaps in transmission in the unrelenting traffic of media advertisements images during those intervals in which the signal is interrupted and the emitted image breaks up, fragmenting until nearly disintegrating.”

Juan Si González, Artist 10

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High School Students Participate in Summer Science Academy Two dozen area high school students immersed themselves in hands-on scientific learning at St. Francis College, thanks to the two-week Summer Science Academy organized by Kathleen Nolan, Ph.D., Chair of the Biology and Health Promotion Department, who started the annual program 19 years ago. From July 8 to July 19, 2019 participating students—all of whom just finished their freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior years of high school—completed projects on nutrition, which involved creating a wholesome three-day meal plan, and marine biodiversity, which required students kayak and seine (capture sea creatures with nets) in local waterways. Students also worked on DNA barcoding, a method of species identification, under the direction of Victoria Ruiz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology and Health Promotion. The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy has collaborated with SFC to create additional programs for the Summer Science Academy since 2011. This year, those included sessions to study sustainability through the Park’s solar-power system and to create homemade water filtration systems.

St. Francis College Science Students Monitor Local Water Quality When college students say they’re spending the summer at the shore, you think surfing or sunbathing. For a group of St. Francis College students; however, it meant conducting health-protecting biological research. Working in collaboration Victoria Ruiz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology and Health Promotion, a team of six

undergraduates and one recent grad signed on for a 20-week project to monitor the quality of local waterways weekly. SFC was one of 11 partner labs in the New York City Water Trail Association’s annual Citizens Water Quality Testing (CWQT) Program. St. Francis’ data was included in CWQT’s publicly-available document revealing of the relative hazards of local water sites. “These places are open to the community,” said Joshlyn Mensah ’22, one of the students conducting the research. “It’s very traumatic if there’s high levels of these bacteria because it’s very damaging to our health.” The students worked two days a week, spending one day in the field collecting samples and a second day performing analysis. They said the work not only helped the public, but prepared them for graduate school, a goal they all share. “The goal of this work is to expose students to research, both as scientists and stewards for the environment embracing social justice, while honing their analytical and critical thinking skills,” said Ruiz. “In addition to the water quality, our students are assessing the levels of enterococci and overall alterations in microbial communities in the water and assessing any potential antibiotic resistance genes present in the microbial community.”

Area Students Take Part in eCamp, St. Francis College’s Bootcamp for Budding Entrepreneurs Fifteen area high school and college students tested their business mettle at St. Francis College’s second annual eCamp, a five-day bootcamp that exposes budding entrepreneurs to the nuts and bolts of starting businesses. The week culminates with participants pitching their business ideas to SFC

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faculty and guests who vote on their favorites. Hosted by the SFC Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) from August 5 to 9, 2019, this year’s eCamp focused on social entrepreneurship. Students working in teams were tasked with developing proposals for viable businesses that would also have positive social impact. “Gen Z is very interested in being entrepreneurs and doing their own thing, whether it’s a side hustle or whether it’s something they plan on doing as their career,” said Eda Sanchez-Persampieri, CFE Director and founder of eCamp, which admitted students aged 16 to 19 this year.

St. Francis Hosts International Whitman Week Kick Off Walt Whitman scholars and enthusiasts from around the globe gathered at St. Francis College on May 27th to kick off International Whitman Week, an annual series of events commemorating the birth of the renowned 19th century poet who called Brooklyn home. St. Francis Professor of English Ian Maloney, Ph.D. was one of three board members of the Walt Whitman Initiative, a collective of academics and others interested in Whitman’s life and work, to address students and faculty from India, China, Germany, Scotland, England, Australia, Italy, Canada, and the United States at a seminar held in the College’s Founders Hall. Dr. Maloney spoke about work the initiative is doing to memorialize Whitman’s legacy as one of Brooklyn’s most important literary residents. “It was confounding to me that there’s not more public acknowledgment in Brooklyn about all that Whitman achieved while living here,” Maloney said of the poet, who resided in the borough for 28 years. 11


McGuire Scholarship Program Provides Landmark Support When St. Francis College graduated the Class of 2019, 17 of those students walking across the stage at Coney Island had a distinction that set them apart from the thousands of Terriers who preceded them.


hey collected their diplomas as McGuire Scholars. The Robert J. McGuire Scholarship program launched in 2015 to provide “last dollar” funding to students who exhibit high academic achievement and financial need. The four-year scholarship fills the gap between other financial support and St. Francis’ total tuition and fees, ensuring those selected into the program earn their degrees with limited financial burdens. Now a flagship scholarship program that has distributed more than $2.4 million to 103 students, the McGuire Scholarship started from the imagination and generosity of Fred Wilpon, Chairman and CEO of the New York Mets, his wife Judy, and Bob McGuire, the scholarship’s namesake and former commissioner of the New York City Police Department. Wilpon provides the program’s cornerstone funding that fuels the transformative opportunities the McGuire scholarship affords. Additional believers (benefactors) also contribute generously. Both Wilpon and McGuire credit Dr. Frank Macchiarola as the catalyst for the scholarship’s formation. Macchiarola was

President of St. Francis from 1996 to 2008 and then Chancellor until his death in 2012. After Macchiarola’s passing, Wilpon and McGuire worked closely with Thomas Flood, SFC Vice President of Advancement, to turn a dream of Macchiarola’s into reality. “He envisioned the College to be an entirely scholarship-based institution, serving first-generation, immigrant, and inner-city students,” said Flood. Wilpon’s vision for higher-education dovetails with Macchiarola’s. “Fred’s interest is to support first-generation, immigrant, and minority students who want to go to college, and he has done a great deal in that area over the years,” said McGuire. McGuire is quick to point out that Wilpon insisted on naming the scholarship after him, despite his initial hesitation. “Obviously, [having a scholarship program named after you] gives you more of a commitment to make sure this program is a success. So far, it’s been a resounding success.” Wilpon’s long-term commitment to creating pathways of opportunity to higher education was borne from the lessons of his parents and his own collegiate experience. He was a first-generation college student, something he holds dear. “As time went on and I got a job and advanced somewhat in business, it became evident to me that one of the things I would like to do with [my wife] Judy is to see that others could have the opportunity of education,” said Wilpon. The McGuire scholarship supplies more than financial support. The four-year program nurtures community and camaraderie among students and believers alike, with unique traditions that have emerged over the years. Wilpon hosts McGuire scholars at a Mets home game at Citi Field in Queens at the start of each school year. That’s followed by a ceremony in November, at which upperclass McGuire Scholars present their first-year counterparts a branded jacket. The McGuires—as they’re affectionately

The McGuire Scholarship has provided me with the opportunity to belong in a community and be a part of a family that’s giving, caring, and loving.” —Gladys Adusei ’19


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known—perform community service through the year. Each school-year concludes with a “family” dinner. Danielle Francavilla ’19, a first-generation college graduate who built her journalism portfolio with undergraduate internships at MLB and local NBC and PIX11 television stations, credits the McGuire scholarship with providing a launch pad to her career. “When somebody asks me what the McGuire Scholarship means, I always say opportunity, and I say that in every sense of the word,” said Francavilla. “It allowed me to not worry about tuition. It allowed me to have a small community of friends and really what I would consider family. It allowed me to become a better journalist and take classes to help me receive my degree on time. It allowed me to have the opportunity to do well in school and be confident in the person that I am.” Now enrolled in the New York City Police Academy, Nicolas Cava ’19 also sees the McGuire scholarship as foundational to his professional path. “One of the biggest opportunities it gave me was being able to attend St. Francis College,” said Cava. “It let me get my understanding of criminal justice and study criminal justice, which is going to lead to a career in law enforcement.” The scholarship program has also touched those who

interact with McGuire scholars at St. Francis College. Anthony Desiderio ’15 (MA, Psychology) works full-time as the McGuire Scholar Coordinator. “I get to experience what they get to experience in life because it’s not just academics: it’s emotional, it’s social, and it’s career-related,” said Desiderio. “Being able to see them pursue what they want to do and get this opportunity that not many students in New York City get is the most fulfilling thing.” Wilpon has found deep personal satisfaction in seeing promising young scholars achieve higher education. “You’re enabling someone who would not have had the opportunities to explore different things in their lives, to do just that,” he said. McGuire Scholars are chosen each year by a St. Francis College selection committee. To be considered, eligible students must complete an application, including a personal essay, have an 85 or above high school GPA, and a Family Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) below $125,000 (SFC Admissions Counselors help calculate AGIs). If you are interested in joining the team with Fred, Judy, Bob, and other believers to help McGuires “step up to the plate” of opportunity, call Thomas Flood at 718-489-5361 or email at advancement@sfc.edu.

My McGuire Scholarship allowed me to achieve four years at a private school that I never thought I’d achieve in the first place. What makes me most proud is becoming the first [college] grad in my family.” —Ebony Johnson ’19

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St. Francis College and NYC Department of Education Open First Troops to Teachers Office in New York State Thanks to a collaboration between St. Francis College and the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), St. Francis College houses the first Troops to Teachers (TTT) office in New York State.


TT is a nationwide program designed to help transition provide a home for New York’s first and only Troops to Teachers service members and veterans to new careers as certified office,” said Gale Gibson-Gayle, Ed.D., Assistant Vice President K-12 school teachers. NYCDOE and SFC jointly applied for of Online Learning, Post-Traditional and Program Development and were awarded a Department of Defense grant to launch with oversight for SFC’s TTT program. Peter Liebman, Ph.D., TTT in New York State. Currently, 31 states maintain TTT grant Education Professor, initiated the process to bring TTT to SFC offices, with no more than one designated office per state. several years ago, and Michelle Hirsh, Ph.D., Psychology SFC’s TTT Resource Lounge opened on September 4, 201 9. Professor and SFC Veteran Services Point of Contact, also The office provides counseling and referral services for TTT played a critical role in the process. participants to help them meet education and licensing requireAll current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces may ments to qualify for teaching jobs. apply to participate in TTT. Those who meet certain education, NYCDOE administers New York State TTT with SFC as the military service and application requirements may be eligible for higher education partner TTT financial assistance of up institution. NYCDOE’s primary to $10,000, GI Bill, NYCDOE, goal is helping TTT participants and SFC scholarships. find jobs in New York City’s “We want the veteran public schools. The participants community at St. Francis may also secure employment in and across the state to know other NY K-12 schools, charter that we’re here to help them schools or Indian Affairs embark on teaching careers,” schools. SFC focuses on said Luis Echevarria, NYCDOE connecting participants with Office of Scholarships, appropriate educational Incentives, and Speech programs and support services Programs. “We’re proud to to earn credentials for teaching be an ally to all those who careers. have served our country, “St. Francis College is deeply and who want to continue committed to serving the serving in the classroom.” Courtney Inniss, Assistant Director—Troops to Teachers; Luis Echevarria, military community, and we’re NYCDOE Office of Scholarships, Incentives and Speech Programs; President thrilled to collaborate with the Martinez-Saenz; and Dr. Gale Gibson-Gayle, AVP for Online Learning and Department of Education and Program Development 14

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SFC Around the World St. Francis College Students Participate in First Summer Exchange in Brazil


Students Travel to Havana to Take Part in College’s First Marine Biology Course Offered There


hirteen St. Francis College students traveled to Havana, Cuba from May 29 to June 4, 2019 to complete a spring semester Marine Biology course they took primarily online prior to that. Kristy Biolsi, Ph.D., Chair of the Psychology Department and Kathleen Nolan, Ph.D., Chair of the Biology and Health Promotion Department, organized the Cuban portion of the course in partnership with the University of Havana’s Center of Investigations of Marine Science (CIMS). SFC is currently the only higher-education institution in New York State to have such a relationship with CIMS. Under instruction of CIMS Director Dr. Patricia Gonzalez, the students conducted research to record the biodiversity of the reef and shells found on the shore, competition among the indigenous corals, and beach usage and cleanliness. Gonzalez is a specialist in local coral and has expertise in local fish and invertebrates. During their time there, students went on swimming excursions to picturesque pools, hikes and a snorkeling outing to the Bay of Pigs in southern Cuba, where they lived with residents of the local community in Playa Larga. The students also toured Fusterlandia, an artists’ neighborhood in Havana with mosaic tiling covering most walls and other public surfaces.

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ive St. Francis College students spent two weeks in Brazil studying that country’s economics, politics, and society, as part of a first-time study-abroad summer exchange between SFC and Faculdades de Campinas (FACAMP), a university near São Paulo. Organized by Olivia Bullio Mattos, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics and FACAMP graduate, St. Francis students lived adjacent to FACAMP’s campus in Campinas from August 12 to 24, 2019. They received daily classroom instruction from FACAMP faculty members and participated in excursions—to the São Paulo central market (below), the city’s stock exchange, a brokerage house, museums, and companies—to immerse themselves in the country’s culture and witness first-hand local businesses and economics at work. In June, six FACAMP students spent a week at SFC, pursuing a similar academic agenda with the United States as the focus. The FACAMP students’ week-long session included touring the United Nations General Assembly and Brazil’s Mission to the UN, meeting with UN official Carolina Vizcaino-Cevallos, and visiting the Brooklyn Navy Yard and Brooklyn’s Industry City, where they met with executives from Ikove Capital, the founding partner of SFC Innovate. “The Brazil study trip is an intensive introduction to the culture, history, and economy,” said SFC student Zane Drobenko. “The opportunity to meet and learn from engaging, world-class instructors, get to know local students, and tour local historical, financial, and industrial centers provides great perspective and accelerates every student’s goals of becoming a more informed global citizen. The study trip is also a lot of fun. I am grateful to Professor Mattos and SFC for expanding my world view.”

The visit opened our students’ eyes. They grew so much intellectually, personally, and professionally.” Olivia Bullio Mattos, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics and a graduate of Faculdades de Campinas (FACAMP), São Paulo, Brazil


Alumni Help College’s Overseas Recruitment Efforts


elping open doors for overseas students who want to study at their alma mater, St. Francis College alumni have been instrumental in a series of international trips for College leadership over the past year. These overseas efforts are aimed at cementing relationships with prospective students, their families, college advisors and educational institutions. On the heels of a successful excursion last October to Trinidad and Tobago in West Indies, organized in collaboration with the Carribbean Alumni Network, an SFC contingent headed to Puerto Rico in November 2018, to connect with students there. During its time on the island, the group visited about 10 primarily Catholic high schools, arranged by Dr. Juan F. Arratia, the Director and Principal Investigator for the Model Institutions for Excellence (MIE) project at Universidad Metropolitana in Puerto Rico. Overseas outreach picked up again 2019, beginning with a trip to the Dominican Republic (DR) in February. DR native Manuel Medrano ’16, a St. Francis College Management major who now serves as the International Exchange Programs & Dominican Outreach Assistant for the nonprofit Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, helped organize the four-day trip that included meeting with Alejandrina German, the DR Minister of Higher Education.

Back row: Cesar Rodrigues (father of Tadeu Rodrigues ’20), Rob Oliva ’04, Marianna Rodrigues (sister of Tadeu Rodrigues), Marli Rodrigues (mother of Tadeu Rodrigues); Front row: Gabriella Nobrega ’19

St. Francis College headed to Brazil this summer, taking part in EducationUSA, a U.S. State Department-organized college fair that introduces international students to opportunities to study in the United States. Brazil-native and SFC alumna Gabriella Nobrega ’19 joined the SFC team there to speak to her fellow countrymen and women about studying at St. Francis. A St. Francis team returned to Trinidad & Tobago and DR in fall 2019. According to Rob Oliva ’04, Director of Recruitment, a goal of traveling overseas is “to meet with any alumni who live in these countries that can further help with our outreach and relationship building…if you have that connector, that’s a big piece to it.”

Carlos Vargas-Ramos, Ph.D.; Jennifer Lancaster, Ph.D.; Mark Drucker, J.D.; David Brotherton, Ph.D.: Heath Brown, Ph.D.; Daniel Kaplin, Ph.D.; Halyna Lemekh, Ph.D.; Reza Fakhari, Ph.D.; Uwe Gielen, Ph.D.

SFC’s New Forum on Migration Sheds Light on Immigration Challenges The experiences of immigrants, refugees, and asylees—and the policies and services shaping their lives—serve as the basis for the Forum on Migration (FOM), St. Francis College’s new education center that promotes immigration research and provides tools and resources for the growing numbers of immigrants and refugees in the St. Francis community and beyond. In spring 2019, two day-long conferences with dozens of leading academics, mental-health clinicians, policy experts, and advocates officially kicked off FOM, which launched in January 2019. The first, Coming to America in the 21st Century, on March 29, shed light on often-overlooked daily challenges immigrants face and revealed treatments and programs that improve their mental health and well-being. “We hope this event contributed to the Forum on Migration’s three key goals,” said Daniel Kaplin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Co-Coordinator of the Forum and organizer of the event. “Those are to develop and showcase immigration-related scholarship, to improve the mental-health practice as it relates to immigrants’ needs, and to assemble and deploy resources that advocate for immigrants’ well-being.”


On April 25, the Forum hosted its second conference, organized by Halyna Lemekh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology and FOM’s Co-Director. The Inaugural Conference: Global Migration brought together scholars, law and policy professionals, advocates, and immigrants. “Immigration is one of the most charged issues facing policy makers, and the discourse around it is very often so seeped in divisive politics that it is unproductive,” said Lemekh. “Our intent is that the conference motivated meaningful scholarship, shed light on issues needing the most urgent change, and educated attendees about the resources available and work being done now to combat obstacles faced by those aiming to forge new lives across borders.”

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Men’s Track & Field Student-Athlete Romario Thomas ’20 Continues Pursuit of Dream in Harvard Stem Cell Research Institute Internship Program Romario Thomas ’20

By Rob DeVita ’15, Director of Athletic Communications

In February 201 9, St. Francis College’s men’s track and field student-athlete Romario Thomas was accepted into the highly competitive Harvard Stem Cell Research Institute (HSCI) Internship Program (HIP). During summer 201 9, Thomas joined the cutting-edge stem cell science lab, fulfilling a personal dream and enhancing his knowledge and skills with handson experience. “I can say with certainty that through the exposure to a wealth of scientific and professional knowledge, I’ve acquired such great clarity on the path that I want to pursue. This has increased my focus on conquering the challenges ahead and seizing other opportunities that may arise,” said Thomas, now in his senior year at St. Francis. Thomas had the unique opportunity of working at the Boston’s Children’s Hospital Department of Orthopedic Research. “I am very grateful for my mentors,” said Thomas. “The support that I’ve received working in the Craft Lab at the Boston’s Children’s Hospital Department of Orthopedic Research has been unparalleled. I’ve become a way better scientist thanks to Suyash Raj, April Craft, and the entire research team. In addition, my cohort has been extremely instrumental in fueling my burning passion for science. It’s great to be around so many other progressive young people working hard to achieve their goals. It reminds me of my purpose and makes me even more zealous.” Conducting stem cell research is a significant challenge, and Thomas said he felt completely supported through his trials in the program. He has been exposed to different fields of research in each class, and has learned about advancements in the area. “My favorite part is the support system of this program. Maureen Herrmann [program

and administrative director] and her team have been so supportive to all the ‘Hipsters,’ and they’ve made it such a great experience overall,” said Thomas. “The unwavering passion that they show for the development of budding scientists deserves to be lauded. “It has been rewarding to listen to how much is being done in the field of research, and it opens up my eyes to endless possibilities,” he continued. “I also enjoy being in Boston. I really enjoy jogging along the esplanade in the mornings.” As an intern, Thomas developed skills inside the lab and enjoyed doing stem cell culturing. “I believe that the connections that I’ve made are the true stepping stone towards the development of my future,” he explained. The summer also brought personal challenges for Thomas, whose his eldest brother was killed in his hometown in Jamaica, West Indies. He was given time off from the HSCI program to be with his family. His mother encouraged him to return to his internship in Cambridge to finish up strong. “Through the support of the HSCI program, Maureen Herrmann, and April Craft, I was given time off to see my mom to refocus,” Thomas said. “She encouraged me to go back and finish strong. To this very day, I am still torn; however, I decided to press on because I’m sure that’s what he would’ve wanted. I’m finishing up this wonderful experience in his memory. I dedicate my success to him.” Thomas spent time working on tendon development, an area that is meaningful to him because many athletes deal with tendon issues through their careers. “I’m working on tendon development using mouse embryonic stem cells,” Thomas explained. “Treatments for [tendon] issues are not up to par because there is not enough understanding of tendon biology. I speak from experience as an athlete who has had tendinitis for over two years. Clinicians are only able to prescribe what they think is the best possible treatment. “I’m hoping that I can get the opportunity to continue to work on tendon development post-internship because I really believe that I can actually contribute a lot to this field.”

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Memorable Moments—2018–19 By Joey Jarzynka, Athletic Communications Assistant

Terriers Unveil State of the Art Basketball Floor The historic Peter Aquilone Court in the Pope Physical Education Center received a significant upgrade for the 201 8-1 9 basketball season with the unveiling of a brand-new, state of the art playing floor. The new floor replaced the historic one that had been a staple on Remsen Street since 1969.

Men’s Golf Claims NEC Team GPA Award The NEC recognized the St. Francis men’s golf team as they achieved the highest cumulative grade-point average out of the 10 teams in the conference with 3.692. Nine members of the men’s golf team were named to the NEC Academic Honor Roll and five named to the NEC Commissioner’s Honor Roll.

prestigious accolade this year. DiRenzo was one of four females to accept the prestigious honor, while Nemergut was one of three males to take home the award.

Women’s Swimming and Diving and Men’s Basketball Earn NEC Sportsmanship Awards The NEC awarded the St. Francis men’s basketball and women’s swimming and diving teams with team sportsmanship awards. Women’s swimming and diving earned six dual meet victories, defeating Manhattan, Sacred Heart, Saint Peter’s, Monmouth, Stony Brook, and Queens in head-to-head action. The Terriers notched a fourth-place finish at the ECAC Winter Championships, and sophomore Ana Paula Montes de Oca took home the Swimmer of the Meet honor. The men’s basketball team concluded the 201 8-19 campaign (17-16, 9-9 NEC) and earned a berth into the CollegeInsider.com National Postseason Tournament for the first time in school history. It was the team’s first post-season action since 2015.

Women’s Basketball’s Amy O’Neill Named NCAA Statistical Champion

St. Francis Unveils Terrier Fueling Station In January 2019, St. Francis Athletics unveiled the Terrier Fueling Station, which is designed to assist student-athletes as they refuel and recover on a day-to-day basis. St. Francis College is the first institution in the Northeast Conference (NEC) to provide all of its student-athletes with access to breakfast and supplements to fuel them and improve performance. Additionally, the fueling station will be utilized as a student-athlete lounge, giving them a space for studying or team activities and a platform to host nutrition and wellness workshops. The key aspect for the fueling station to help student-athletes thrive in their education.

Nick Nemergut and Dana DiRenzo Collect NEC Scholar-Athlete of the Year Awards The NEC recognized Nick Nemergut and Dana DiRenzo with Scholar-Athlete of the Year Awards. DiRenzo and Nemergut were the only female/male duo from any institution in the league to take home the 18

Concluding the 201 8-19 season, averaging 8.6 assists per game, senior guard and co-captain Amy O’Neill became the first Terrier in women’s basketball program history to finish atop the nation’s leaderboard in assists per game. O’Neill also broke the program and conference record for most assists in a single-season and became the first Terrier ever to record a pair of triple-doubles.

Maria Palarino and Jade Johnson Eclipse 1,000-Point Mark On January 27, 2019, senior guard Maria Palarino became the 17th player in women’s basketball program history to eclipse the prestigious 1,000-point mark. On February 16, 2019, junior guard Jade Johnson became the 18th player to accomplish the feat, breaking the 1,000-point threshold against local rival LIU Brooklyn.

Glenn Sanabria Joins Men’s Basketball’s 1,000-Point Club On November 24, 201 8, graduate guard Glenn Sanabria became the 32nd player in men’s basketball program history to eclipse the 1,000-point plateau and the first since 2015.

Cemented in History On December 15, 2018, the second-leading scorer in Terriers women’s basketball history, Jeanne Zatorski, had her #15 rise to the rafters in Pope Physical Education Center during halftime of the women’s basketball contest vs. Albany. Zatorski is the first former women’s basketball player to have her number retired by St. Francis. On February 9, 2019, the legendary #40 Karen Erving (above), the program’s all-time leading scorer and rebounder, watched her number rise to the top of the Pope.

Women’s Bowling’s Taylor Waglione NEC Rookie of the Year Freshman bowler Taylor Waglione was the first Terrier to claim an NEC bowling major award as she was named the 2019 Rookie of the Year. The standout freshman was also selected to the All-NEC Second Team and All-Rookie Team following a memorable first year on Remsen Street.

Men’s Soccer Celebrated 50th Anniversary The 2018 men’s soccer season marked the 50th anniversary for the program in Brooklyn Heights. Since 1968, the program has graduated top-level student-athletes who continue to compete for the love of the game.

Director of Athletics Irma Garcia Announced Additions of Women’s Soccer and Men’s Volleyball On June 20, 201 8, Athletic Director Irma Garcia ’80 announced the addition of men’s volleyball as the Terriers’ 20th NCAA Division I program. The MotorMVB Foundation is providing a $100,000 grant to help establish the program. MotorMVB Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to stimulate the growth of boys’ and men’s volleyball at all levels in the United States. On June 24, 201 8, Garcia announced the formation of the women’s soccer program as SFC’s 21st NCAA Division I program.

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St. Francis College Launches John J. McCabe ’65 Lecture Series


n June 19, 2019, John J. full-time at SFC for thirteen years— McCabe ’65 delivered from 1968 to 1981—and then the inaugural address in transitioned to a part-time adjunct his new namesake lecture series professor here, a title he’s held at St. Francis College. The series ever since. exposes the St. Francis community McCabe’s essay (following page), to perspectives on financial topics Wealth Creation and Capital from leaders and innovators in the Formation, served as the basis for President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D.; John J. McCabe world of finance and economics. his Professor John J. McCabe ’65 ’65; John Buran, Flushing Bank; and Daniel Battista, Brown Brothers Harriman McCabe is one of the country’s Lecture Series address. foremost experts on corporate The Professor John J. McCabe ’65 governance, shareholder rights and their impact on the Lecture Series at St. Francis College will be an ongoing country’s wealth creation and capital formation process. teaching and networking forum—it will highlight not only His long career includes tenures at Bankers Trust, Sterling the career of John, but his friends from Remsen Street, Wall Manhattan Corp., Shay Assets Management, and Flushing Street and Washington, D.C. Fundamentally, John hopes to Bank. He has served as a Board Director, President and CEO spotlight wealth creation and capital formation, and how an of New York Society of Security Analysts, and was a Founding “angel investment” in St. Francis College can truly transform Governor and First Chair of the CFA Advocacy Committee lives through the gift of education. of the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.’’ The second speaker in the series, Internet entrepreneur and Before embarking on a hugely successful career on Wall angel investor Jason Calacanis, delivered his talk on November Street, John McCabe earned his undergraduate Management 19th. Visit SFC.edu for a recap. degree from St. Francis College. He went on to teach Finance

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Wealth Creation and Capital Formation By John J. McCabe ’65

History records that the ideal time to create wealth and capital in the USA is during sustained periods of low inflation. To our nation’s benefit, inflation has been under wraps since President Reagan’s first term in office. Despite enduring five recessions since 1980, the Dow Jones Industrial Average for example, has risen from a low of 777 in 1982 to a high of over 27,000 this year. Over the last ten years our mature cyclical $20 trillion consumer dominated economy has been generating ongoing prosperity. There is no denying the last recession the USA endured was the worst downturn since the Great Depression of the nineteen thirties. It began in December of 2007 and ended in June of 2009. As of July of this year, the ongoing decade plus healthy stretch of economic prosperity is the longest ever recorded. Since World War II, the average upturn lasted about six years. It is most difficult to precisely forecast what will be the catalyst that kicks off a recession. Recessions are defined as at least two back to back quarters of negative GDP growth. These pullbacks typically erupt when consumers over-spend, over-borrow, over-speculate and under-save. Hyper enthusiasm in consumer real estate was the primary cause for the most recent recession. Since WW II, the typical reversal has lasted about ten months.

It is truly hard to fathom that the United States home to just under five percent of the world’s population produces twenty four percent of world GDP. The USA has been dramatically blessed with high quotients of productive land, labor, capital, management and technology and has nurtured them well. These enormously potent resources coupled with the nation’s awesome defense capabilities accounts for Uncle Sam being the globe’s sole surviving super power. Pundits, professors, corporate chieftains, money managers, politicians and others, often proclaim that capitalism is the ideal economic system to create both wealth and capital so that each generation can enjoy higher living standards than the previous generation. This is certainly a worthwhile goal but obviously not one achieved by all consumers and citizens all of the time. Capitalism affords much needed


economic freedom to risk-takers who will either succeed or fail. The competition generated in the entrepreneurial process however, spawns healthy upticks in efficiency and profitability. Capitalism outperforms socialism but the downside of capitalism is that its rewards are not evenly distributed throughout society. Our economy’s foundations remain quite sturdy but are not without some deep potholes and hefty pitfalls. On the plus side among others, the USA leads the world in higher education, labor market flexibility, quality of corporate leadership, capacity to innovate, owning the lion’s share of the globe’s technology patents and, capital markets transparency. Conversely, the nation’s to do list is dangerously intensifying. Despite throwing billions of dollars at the nation’s public school systems, they continue to falter. Our physical infrastructure demands immediate upgrading. Moreover, even though our economy is on a solid uptick, the US federal budget continues to rise. Not to mention that the student debt bubble could cause a financial calamity. Economics is a behavioral science as is psychology, sociology, criminology and cultural anthropology. The more knowledge amassed about individuals, groups and the cultural makeup of a specific group the higher the odds future behavior patterns can be surmised. Finance is applied economics. The more one knows about the capital markets the less difficult it is ascertain the cost of capital and the potential return on capital outlays. Investment in large measure, is nothing more than applied finance. Obviously, finance and investment are not physical sciences but are also behavioral sciences just like economics. This is what we teach our finance students. SFC’s finance students garner the knowledge and tools it takes to perform in-depth security analysis to deduce whether or not a specific equity or fixed income investment is undervalued, overvalued or fairly valued. This analysis also helps them spot certain social, political, economic and demographic trends that could be long term in nature that might possibly benefit our nation’s capital formation and wealth creation apparatus. The reverse is also be true. Certain negative trends that could cause the economy to suffer harm could also be discovered. One of the objectives of the lecture series is to be aware and to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could impact our nation’s resource base.

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My mom is a St. Francis alumna, so the opportunity at St. Francis really spoke to me. I’ve had my hand in almost all areas of a college in the non-academic side of the house. I think that really prepares me for my next challenge at St. Francis and helping position the College strategically for a long, bright future.”

I’d like to grow the program…There’s a lot of technology resources here. I’d [potentially] like to see a master’s degree in nursing education with a focus on informatics. That’s the future. There will be a lot of jobs for nursing graduates with master’s degrees who are familiar with the technology and simulation and informatics.” Colleen Carmody Ph.D., on her goals as the new Chair of the Nursing Department, which includes two degree programs: a four-year Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree that qualifies students to take the RN (Registered Nurse) licensing exam upon completion; and the RN to B.S. program, in which nurses who have their RN licenses but only an Associate’s degree can take additional coursework to earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing is one of SFC’s most popular fields of study. Last year, more than 400 undergraduates were in the program, including those enrolled in pre-nursing. Dr. Carmody served as an Air Force nurse for 17 years before transitioning to higher education full-time. She joined St. Francis College in July 2019.

Maureen Lawrence, St. Francis College’s new Chief Financial Officer. Lawrence is spearheading SFC’s long-term financial strategy, with oversight of the annual operating budget and the College’s endowment. She joined SFC in August 2019.


Requiescant in Pacem. The following alumni and friends of St. Francis College have recently passed away. We pray for the repose of their souls.

Alumni and Employees Robert Lanigan ’50 John Pankavich ’51 Emmet Agoglia ’52 Roger Daly ’52 William Kenny ’52 John McDermott ’53 Thomas Lynch ’54 Richard Nolan ’55 Joseph Keane ’57 Paul Minetti ’57 Albert Pineda ’58 Lawrence Sweeney ’59 George Wynne ’59 John Fitzgerald ’60 John McGannon ’60 Brother Ronald Moore ’60 Richard Dreyer ’61 John Hamilton ’61 Richard Cashin ’63 Hugh McMenamin ’63 Salvatore Ferraioli ’64 Charles Measter ’64

Friends of St. Francis College James Green ’65 Father Michael Carrano ’66 Thomas Downes ’67 John Pelletier ’68 Peter Bittel ’69 Joseph Lynch ’69 Terence Colgan ’70 John Darnowski ’70 Christopher Ruisi ’70 Gerald Duerr ’71 James McAuliffe ’72 Sr. Mary Miguel Ortiz ’73 Daniel Scotto ’74 Terrence McManus ’75 Alice Bandelt ’77 Barbara Khoury ’78 James Cosgrove ’79 Myrtle Smith ’79 Anthony Casale ’80 Patricia Manieri-Viti ’84 Giselle Bartholomew ’08 Jeanine Cammarata ’03

Joseph LoVoi Joan Meade Brother Becket Ryan Vera Mascolo, mother of Augustine Mascolo ’15 Donald Kennelly, father of Kevin Kennelly ’80 Erminia Defendi, mother of Roberto Mariani Elsie Atwell Elizabeth Casey, wife of John Casey ’70 Concetta Zuccaro, mother of Steven Zuccaro ’70 Irene Hughes John Stewart John Thomas Liliane DeRosa Diana Abbatemarco, mother of Diane Trapp ’75 Daniel McNamee

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Patricia Sheehan, wife of Robert Sheenhan ’63 Marcella Freisen, wife of Joseph Freisen ’73 Ann Nunziata Wife of Joseph Nunziata ’58 Carlos Duron Samantha Reinhardt, wife of George Esposito ’13 Elizabeth Mahon, wife of John Mahon ’43 Patricia Henson, mother of William Henson Margaret Daly, mother of Kenneth Daly ’88 John Molloy, father of John Molloy ’89


FA C U LT Y N O T E S Belén Lowrey-Kinberg, Ph.D., (Sociology and Criminal Justice) was part of a research team in 2018, along with Jon Gould, Ph.D., and Elaine Nugent-Borakove, that received a grant to study prosecutorial decision-making. The Prosecutorial Charging Practices Project consists of quantitative data analysis, interviews, and focus groups with prosecutors in three jurisdictions. The project, completed in summer 2019, determined the factors that influence prosecutor charging decisions. Peter Leibman, Ed.D., (Education) was asked by Kappa Delta Pi International Education Honor Society to be the keynote at the charter induction at Lehman College on May 22, 2019. He volunteered for two years to help veterans secure teaching jobs in the northeast. This was the impetus for the Defense Department to ask him to apply for a grant to become Director of Troops to Teachers in New York State. With assistance from the NYC Department of Education, grant was awarded to St. Francis College and the NYCDOE. Troops is a federally funded program designed to help veterans secure teaching positions. These efforts contributed to St. Francis being designated a “veteran friendly college.” Scott Hofer, Ph.D., (Political Science) is author of the forthcoming article in American Politics Research, “Latino Judges on the Federal District Court: ¿Como Deciden?” In the article, he and his co-author, Jason Casellas, Ph.D., analyze case outcomes in the courts when Latino jurists rule. The found a trend of Latino judges deciding more conservatively than their co-partisans, and identified possible explanations for this trend as the result of the selection pool of Latino candidates and the political motivations of each party. Olivia Bullio Mattos, Ph.D., (Economics) presented a paper entitled “Market based banking in Brazil: towards convergence?” at two conferences in February 2019: the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) North America Convening in Los Angeles, California and at the 45th Eastern Economic Association (EEA) Annual Meeting held in New York City. She also presented a paper entitled “Political Economy of the Brazilian Banking System: why are interest rates and bank’s profits so high?” at two conferences during summer 2019: at the 16th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy held at the University of the Basque Country, in Bilbao, Spain in June 2019; and at the 2019 International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Annual Conference that took place in Lille, France, in July 2019. Dr. Mattos published two papers recently. The first, in collaboration with Oxford University’s Stefanos Iannou, “Taking a leap towards a real world macroeconomics teaching” in the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (IJPEE ), December 2018. The second, in collaboration with Brazilians Felipe da Roz, Fernanda Ultremare and Guilherme Santos Mello: “Unconventional monetary policy and 22

negative interest rates: A Post-Keynesian perspective on the liquidity trap and euthanasia of the rentier” in the Review of Keynesian Economics, Summer 2019. Starr Eaddy, Ph.D., and Edi Peterson (Biology and Health Sciences) presented “Verbal De-escalation in the classroom” at the Hawaii University International Conferences—2019 STEAM/STEM Education Conference. Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D., (Fine Arts) published “Framing Race in Personal and Political Spaces: New Deal Photographs of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Portraits in Domestic Settings” in the Fall 2018 issue of Winterthur Portfolio (Chicago University Press). John Dilyard, Ph.D., (Environmental Studies) presented two papers at the International Conference on Sustainable Development at Columbia University in September 2018: “How Food MNEs Promote Climate Change Adaptation and Agricultural Resilience Building” and “‘Laudato Si’ As a Framework for Sustainability Education.” In November 2018 he represented SFC as the co-chair of the Mathematics, Science and Sustainability Committee at the National Collegiate Honors Council Meeting in Boston. Dr. Dilyard attended the European International Business Academy Annual Meeting in December 2018 in Poznan, Poland, where he chaired the panel he created, “The Proof is in the Pudding: Making MNEs Accountable for their CSR/Sustainability/ SDG Claims.” He also presented a paper there, “Can An MNE Have Cake and Eat It, Too?” At the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting in Copenhagen in June 2019, Dr. Dilyard hosted a virtual meeting via Skype for more than 30 International Business scholars focused on the creation of a Shared Interest Group of scholars interested in sustainability and the sustainable development goals. At the International Conference on Sustainable Development in September 2019, Columbia University, Dr. Dilyard was named to two committees and had two papers accepted for presentation: “The Production-Consumption Dilemma: What It Is and What To Do About It” and “What Makes a City Sustainable: The Importance of Stakeholder and Community Engagement” Dr. Dilyard was also named to the Editorial Review Board of Transnational Corporations, a journal published by UNCTAD. His entry on “The Mt. Rushmore of Filmmaking” featuring his home state of Ohio was one of ten from among hundreds of entries to be selected for publication in the TCM Backlot Newsletter in July 2019. Louis D’Elia, Ph.D., (Accounting) received his Doctoral Degree from Saint Leo University in March 2019. His dissertation was published in ProQuest in June and a case study in business ethics in which he was the lead author got published. Dr. D’Elia was promoted to the role of Program Director of the Masters Program

in Accounting, and is the coordinator of the National Grid Scholarship and Internship Program. Eight students have earned the scholarship and or internship program during his first year as coordinator. John Edwards, Ph.D., (Religious Studies) was appointed as co-chair of the Columbia New Testament Seminar (from fall 2019). He presented a paper entitled “The Epistle of Barnabas and the Origins of the Accusation that the Jews Killed Jesus” at the 18th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford (August, 19 -24 2019). He published a chapter entitled “The Epistle of Barnabas,” in The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries Volume Two: From Gospel Additions to the Four-Fold Gospel, ed. Jens Schroeter and Christine Jacobi (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019). Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D., (English) published Art and Adaptability: Consciousness and Cognitive Culture, his fifth monograph and seventh scholarly book. Art and Adaptability represents over three years of work and the culmination of a trilogy of books, written over the course of more than a decade, addressing the arts and humanities in light of evolution.

Kathleen Nolan, Ph.D. and Noemi Rivera ’17 (Biology, Health Promotion and Health Care Management) attended the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE) in June 201 9 at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Nolan co-presented a mini-workshop, “How Neanderthal are you?” with Dr. Jill Callahan from St. Peter’s University, and presented two posters on lab education during the poster session. Dr. Nolan is also on the Publicity Committee of the ABLE Board. Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D., (Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, and International Cultural Studies) served on the three-member committee for the Mozart Society of America’s annual panel discussion in association with Lincoln Center’s Mostly Mozart Festival. The year’s theme was “Mozart’s Magic Flute: In his Time and Ours.” She photographed the event and wrote a piece which will appear in the upcoming Newsletter of the Mozart Society of America. Steven M. Lipson, Ph.D., (Biology and Health Sciences) presented his research, “Effect of marijuana on mitochondria activity in adenocarcinoma cells of the colon: Significance of the drug transport system,” at the Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Association of College and University Professors (MACUB). The meeting was held in October 2019 at Monmouth University. Co-authors included Darcy Rodriguez, Kirsten Casares, and collaborator Dr. R. E. Gordon (Mt. Sinai Medical Center).

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Six of the twelve first laywomen at SFC: Roseann V. (Guida) Citron ’73, Mari-Ella L. (LoPresti) Kelly ’73, Pauline (Patterson) Reid ’72, Margaret M. Dougherty-Russo ’73, Ellen M. (Power) Raspitha ’72, and Donna A. (Wade) Murphy ’73

Cindy Hsu, CBS 2 News, and President Martinez-Saenz

Honoree Stephanie Whittier

Honoree Peggi Einhorn

Attorney Michael C. Lasky, Partner, Davis & Gilbert LLP, and Honoree Lorraine M. Lynch ’91


58th Annual Charter Award Dinner Raises $700,000, Pays Tribute to Women’s Contributions to St. Francis College Three business trailblazers, the college’s first female graduates, and a Class of 2020 aspiring doctor were among the headliners at this year’s Charter Award Dinner, St. Francis College’s flagship annual fundraiser. This year’s event brought in $700,000 to support student access to quality, affordable education.


he April 3rd event, emceed by local CBS News on-air veteran Cindy Hsu, attracted nearly 500 St. Francis alumni and friends to the ballroom at Pier 60 at Manhattan’s Chelsea Piers to enjoy drinks, dinner, and bidding on dozens of silent-auction items. The event paid special tribute to the College’s 50 years of educating laywomen. The evening’s program honored a trio of distinguished women professionals, each having unique ties to SFC. They received Doctor of Humane Letters degrees and shared personal stories of forging successful careers and the role St. Francis plays in their lives. Peggi Einhorn, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is the mother of Andrew Lasky, SFC ’ 1 1. Lorraine M. Lynch, Senior Vice President at National Grid responsible for Finance Business Partnering in the U.S., is a member of SFC, class of 1991. Stephanie Whittier, Executive Director Private Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley, currently serves on SFC’s Development Committee. The honorees helped inspire The Women’s Leadership Education Initiative, a new fund unveiled at the dinner whose initials mirror theirs. The fund, which raised its first $50,000 that night, will support a myriad of opportunities for women at the college.


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Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF ’50 and Joan Valenti Scholarship

The night also included a stirring speech by Merna Abdelhalem ’20, a McGuire Scholar who is the daughter of immigrants and the first in her family to attend college. She described how the death of her beloved uncle cemented her commitment to become a doctor. Seven of the first 1 2 women to enroll in St. Francis in 1969 (page 23) took the stage in an emotional reunion. Marge Dougherty-Russo, speaking on their behalf, expressed gratitude for the camaraderie they experienced during their undergraduate days and still feel today. Thomas Flood, Vice President for Advancement, capped off the evening by revealing a new scholarship named for Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti USAF (Ret.), SFC ’50, whose estate left a legacy gift of $1.3 million earmarked for scholarships for female students. Notable alumni, leaders, and college allies mingled among the crowd, including National Grid’s Kenneth Daly, who runs a namesake SFC lecture series and introduced honoree Lynch, Board of Trustees Chair Denis Salamone ’75, and members of the SFC President’s Cabinet. SFC President Miguel MartinezSaenz, Ph.D., gave a passionate address reminding attendees to use education to make a life, not just a living. Funds raised at the Charter Award Dinner support the mission of St. Francis to provide a quality, private college education at an affordable price. They go towards need- and merit-based scholarships, classroom upgrades, new programs to prepare students for the 21st century job market, and maintaining stellar academic instruction in small classes. The Charter Award Dinner began in 1962, started by the Board of Trustees to commemorate New York State granting the

At the 2019 Charter Award Dinner, Vice President for Advancement Thomas Flood announced a new scholarship endowment of $1.3 million gifted by the estate of Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti USAF (Ret.) ’50. Lt. Col. Valenti (1925–2018) and his wife, Joan (1933–2011), pictured at left in 1990, were longtime donors to St. Francis College, and residents of Boca Raton, Florida. Born in New York City, Lt. Col. Valenti served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946 and the U.S. Air Force reserves from 1947 to 1973. During WWII, he was sent to the United Kingdom as an M1 rifleman to train for the landing at Utah Beach on D-Day, on June 6th, 1944. Valenti sustained injuries during a battle after D-Day, recovered, and served in France until six months after the war’s end, overseeing a prisoner of war camp holding 12,000 German prisoners. After the war, Valenti signed onto the GI Bill and completed his undergraduate degree at St. Francis College in three years. He went on to earn a law degree from the American School of Law, a Catholic university in Washington D.C. Valenti met and married Joan LeSeur, a schoolteacher from Adams Township, Ohio, in 1973 while stationed in Puerto Rico. They lived the remainder of their lives in Boca Raton. Over his long military career, Valenti was a recipient of numerous medals including the Purple Heart and the Combat Infantryman Badge.

College a charter and the right to confer diplomas, honors, and degrees. For more than five decades, the dinner has been the SFC’s premier fundraising event and has raised millions of dollars to support scholarship programs and further the educational mission at St. Francis.


Panelists Discuss the Contributions Women Have Made to St. Francis College


ow in its fifth year, St. Francis College’s Kenneth D. Daly Kenneth D. Daly ’88, who retired this year as Chief Operating National Grid Lecture Series took place on April 1, 2019, Officer for the National Grid’s U.S. electricity business and who and featured a panel discussion with a trio of accomserves as an SFC board member and adjunct professor, moderplished female professionals discussing the challenges and ated the panel discussion. The panel participants were Peggi opportunities women face when pursuing ambitious careers. Einhorn, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Robert Top professionals across a range of Wood Johnson Foundation and industries have taken part in the mother of Andrew Lasky, SFC ’1 1; series, providing their perspective Lorraine M. Lynch, Senior Vice and outlook on critical issues of the President at National Grid responsiday and inspiring students to engage ble for Finance Business Partnering in their roles as informed citizens. in the U.S., SFC ’91; and Stephanie Recent topics have ranged from the Whittier, Executive Director Private Puerto Rico hurricane recovery Wealth Management at Morgan efforts to green energy and sustainStanley and longtime ally of SFC, ability to Major League Baseball star currently serving on the Ron Darling’s perspective on the Development Committee. necessity of both failure and triumph The lecture series is made possible Lorraine M. Lynch ’91, Peggi Einhorn, Kenneth Daly ’88, and in forging a successful career. by the generosity of National Grid Stephanie Whittier and by Daly’s leadership. 24

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3rd Annual Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Memorial Meadow Brook Golf Outing Brings in $400,000 St. Francis College alumni and friends hit the links on July 29, 2019, for the annual Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Memorial Meadow Brook Club Golf Outing, a flagship fundraising event that brought in nearly $400,000 to support the College’s mission of providing students an affordable, superior liberal arts education.


hirty foursomes Retired New York teed off for Jets linebacker Chad an afternoon Cascadden presented tournament at the Oliveira, a passionate championship-caliber fan of the New York course at Meadow team, her award. Brook Club in Jericho, Fireman Ed, a legendNew York, while other ary Jets superfan, guests, including prepared a special students sponsored by video that aired during alumni, enjoyed a golf her introduction. clinic conducted by Katie Nicosia ’19, the club’s pros. graduate of the A cocktail reception Education department capped off the day, and recipient of during which three the Investors Bank honorees received Community Service Gene Donnelly ’79, Michael MacIntyre ’97, Ken Daly ’88, John Tully ’67, President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, and Lawrence Marsiello ’72 Pace e Bene Awards in Award, delivered the tribute to Dugan, the event’s student speech. President of St. Francis from 2008 until his death Throughout the afternoon and evening, guests bid on dozens in 2016. The approximately 150 attendees were invited to of items and experiences in a silent auction—from marquee donate to specific St. Francis College scholarship funds close concert tickets to rare sports memorabilia to exceptional to each honoree: experiential opportunities. They also bought tickets for the Super Scholarship Raffle, with three lucky winners declared John F. Tully ’67 (parent, ’12), former Chair and current at the end of the reception. member of the College’s Board of Trustees and counsel at The Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Memorial Meadow Brook Club Golf Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, chose the Maureen Catherine Outing has raised nearly $4 million since its founding in 2017. Tully Scholarship. Dugan and Ed Travaglianti ’70 started an annual golf outing 22 Ana Oliveira, Senior Vice President, Market Executive at years ago to SFC scholarships. Investors Bank, chose the Women’s Leadership Educational Initiative (WLE). James Argutto, President of POM Recoveries, Inc., selected the Valarie Argutto Scholarship.

Retired New York Jets linebacker Chad Cascadden; Katie Nicosia ’19; Ana Oliveira; President Martinez-Saenz, and Thomas Flood, Vice President of Advancement

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Ed Travaglianti ’70; President Martinez-Saenz; Maria DiMaggio ’20; James Argutto; and Thomas Flood, Vice President of Advancement



Sunsets, Songs, and Scholarships Welcomes Alumni and Friends


ore than 100 St. Francis College alumni, staff, and friends gathered at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, Queens, on August 10, 2019, for Sunsets, Songs, and Scholarships, an evening of music and mingling honoring Remsen Street Club members, Joseph Mingrone ’76 and Dr. Jennifer Lancaster, SFC’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean. The musical group Decades provided a soundtrack of hits

from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, while guests participated in raffles to win signed memorabilia, one-of-a-kind collectibles, home goods, Broadway tickets, unique and high-quality dining experiences, and other prizes. This year’s honorees each received the Spirit of St. Francis Award in recognition of their contributions to the College community and for exemplifying Franciscan values of generosity, hospitality and humility.

SFC Golden Terriers Class of 1969 Basketball Game (January) and Golden Terriers Alumni Luncheon (May)


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SFC Women Leadership Network (WLN) Power Breakfast featuring Imra Garcia ’80

SFC Alumni at the 2019 St. Patrick's Day Parades in Naples, Florida, and Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York

SFC Pay-it Forward Day

SFC Caribbean Alumni Formal

SFC Giving Tuesday Volunteers S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1


S T. F R A N C I S CO L L E G E 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9

Annual Dream-Maker Report A Message from Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72, Advancement Committee Chairman and Thomas F. Flood, Vice President for Advancement Heads, Hearts, Hands & Habits Through this Terrier magazine we acknowledge our BELIEVERS—you believe in our mission, us as stewards of the resources you entrust to us, and most importantly, the students we serve today and many who will walk through the doors of St. Francis for years to come. In this year of 160/50 where we Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 celebrate 160 years of changing lives and educating lay women since 1969, we celebrate the heads, hearts, hands and habits of all who make Big Dreams possible. Whenever you think of servant leadership these four words define it, inspire it and call others to action. The head is where thoughtful giving happens. The love you have in your heart, the love you share and genuine concern for giving a hand up to those that need it—that’s directly from the prayer of St. Francis. What we do could not happen if we did not have many hands sharing their time and talent, and going above and beyond. The habits— well, this word conjures up two distinct but related thoughts. SFC would not be without the foundation, the presence, the spirit and the example of those who have worn Franciscan Habits since day one back in 1859. Words cannot capture the gratitude we have for our Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn. The second thought is that it was their habits that have inspired the habits of our SFC family, those listed in this dream-maker report, who have followed an example of giving each and every day, each and every year.

Our dream-maker report offers St. Francis College’s Board of Trustees, administration, faculty and students the opportunity to recognize, celebrate and acknowledge the heads, hearts, hands and habits of those who give and live like St. Francis of Assisi. Some SFC believers listed on the following pages are direct beneficiaries and know firsthand the value of a St. Francis Thomas F. Flood College education. Others are family and friends, some serve as faculty and administration, others are parents and grandparents, and corporations and foundations— all are partners in mission who witness the good SFC is doing in the classroom, community and world. We need the head, hearts, and hands of all in the SFC family to give selflessly, generously and to be a cheerful giver as we are called to be, with the end goal to grow the mission that the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn entrusted to us. We need the heads, hearts, hands and habits of all to foster a mission that changes lives each and every day. If you don’t see your name in this dream-maker report, please join us this year and make it a habit to help us transform lives through a transformative, life-changing, Franciscan educational experience that is not reserved for students but for all who want to learn it and live it. Let’s all be servant leaders and make the next 160 all about the daily habit of living the prayer of St. Francis for SFC and Big Dreams. —Larry and Thomas

Fundraising Results FY 2018–2019: $5,260,663 SFC Giving Cup to the Class of 1950 with much gratitude for providing leadership support!

SFC All-Hands-In Award to the Class of 1971 with great appreciation for gathering the highest number of contributors!

SFC All-Star Participation Award to the Class of 1963 for amassing the highest participation percentage!

TO P 10 G I V I N G C L A S S E S



C l a s s o f 195 0 $ 1, 207, 477. 43

C l a s s o f 1971 58

C l a s s o f 19 6 3 1 9. 78%

1975 $ 231, 973. 07

1970 57

1957 1 9. 05%

1972 $ 183, 107. 39

1972 a n d 197 9 52

19 61 1 8. 98%

19 6 8 $ 179, 581. 63

2 019 49

1959 1 7. 65%

19 8 8 $ 157, 201. 00

19 6 8 47

19 6 5 1 6. 79%

19 81 $ 132, 534. 03

19 6 9 46

19 6 4 14. 29%

2 0 0 3 $ 128, 312. 59

1975 45

1970 13. 54%

1957 $ 111, 980. 00

197 8 , 1976 , a n d 19 6 5 44

19 6 9 12. 30%

19 6 7 $ 102, 224. 11

19 6 4 43

19 6 6 1 2. 28%

19 61 $ 99, 594. 24

19 6 7 40

1971 1 1 . 98%

(%, classes with at least 50 living alumni)


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

Honor Roll of Donors The following pages list alumni, friends, faculty, parents, grandparents, staff, corporations, and foundations who made contributions in the 2018–2019 fiscal year. The generous gifts listed throughout this report represent support to all areas of St. Francis College including the Annual Fund for scholarships, library resources, and athletics.

Leadership Gifts While gifts of all sizes are gratefully received and carefully stewarded, St. Francis College extends a special thank you to donors listed below for their leadership gifts and for helping to secure leadership donations of $3,000 to $1,000,000 or more.

SA N DA M IA N O S O CI E T Y ($1,000,000 and above)

Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF (Ret.) ’50 +

L A V E R N A S O CI E T Y ($100,000 to $999,999)

Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly XV Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan X Fidelity Brokerage Services V Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello XV National Grid XV Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone XV The George I. Alden Trust John F. Tully ’67 BT XV Fred and Judith A. Wilpon V Judy and Fred Wilpon Family Foundation, Inc. Jerry and Jane Wolff XV

FO U N D E R ’ S CI R C L E ($50,000 to $99,999)

Mark C. ’73 and Marsha L. Clark V Ernst & Young Foundation V Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund X Catherine Greene BT V Michael A. ’61 and Catherine J. Henning XV James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 XV KPMG Foundation X Liberty Warehouse V Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 and Arthur Swaine, Jr. X Thomas and Paula McInerney John P. Monaghan ’57 + Morgan Stanley V Michael O’Keeffe V T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. XV

C H A R TE R S O CI E T Y ($25,000 to $49,999)

Anonymous James Argutto V Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball XV Brown Brothers Harriman X Carolyn Callahan X Peter J. Callahan ’63 XV PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. X Robert B. and Joan Catell XV Tim and Diane Cecere Gene E. ’79 BT and Ginna Donnelly V Barbara A. Dugan XV Flushing Bank V David E. Haverty ’81 XV Patricia Henry

Dr. Emily Horowitz V Investors Bank V Barbara G. ’76 BT and Robert Koster X William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy XV William D. ’59 and Aimee Maroney XV Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. and Julie Holland National Grid Foundation Walton D. ’83 BT and Donna W. Pearson POM Recoveries, Inc. V Ridgewood Savings Bank XV May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation Alex and Terri Rohan Vincent A. Rohan X Angela Rosania X Herbert V. ’58 and Mary Ryan XV Joseph and Barri Savasta V David D. ’64 and Ann Smith V Leonard Solondz Philip J. Solondz Family Foundation V Andrew V. CFA, ’81 and Angela C. ’81 Vindigni XV Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe XV

P R E S I D E NT ’ S CO U N CI L ($10,000 to $24,999)

Anonymous X Academy Bus Tours, Inc. Emmet J. ’52 + and Carroll Agoglia XV Anthem Productions, LLC Arnold & Porter LLP Ayco Charitable Foundation V Bank of America V Bank of America Charitable Foundation X Brooklyn Community Foundation Brown Capital Management, LLC Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne John and Denise Buran Nicholas R. Caiazzo, Esq. V Domenick and Wendy Cama X Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF X Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. V Peter T. ’70 and Janice Chingos XV Michael Clarke, Jr. Joseph K. and Margaret M. Collins Collins Building Services, Inc. V Margaret M. Costa ’78 + Cullen & Dykman X Cushman & Wakefield William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Angelique Dawson XV Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo XV Pasquale C. ’73 and Joann M. DePalma XV DeSales Media Group, Inc. V

Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro V Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan XV Educational Housing Services, Inc. X Fast Track Construction V Thomas F. and Eileen Flood X Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman XV Brian F. and Cindy Gavin Rev. Msgr. Kieran Harrington V Alber ’84 and Laura Hot V Lynn and Glenn Iafrate Industry City Interpacific Group Inc. JC Elite Construction JP Morgan Chase V Daniel T. ’67 and Mary Ann Kane John E. ’77 and Susan Kiely XV Thomas J. Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen XV Peter and Karen Labbat Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn V Mary A. Ledermann XV Walter R. Leong ’81 XV George Lewis V MACRow Foundation V Joseph J. ’69 and Mary Martingale XV Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 XV Mastercard Worldwide James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue X Martin P. McNally ’63 XV Peter J. Michel ’63 XV Morgan Stanley Investment Management MotorMVB Foundation Mulvaney Family Foundation V The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. V Leonard E. ’65 and Catherine Olen X Lester and Barbara Owens V Picciano & Scahill, P.C. Shepard Poole Prudential Insurance Company X Kelly J. Quinn ’80 Patrica Quinn Michael and Paula Rantz Michael and Paula Rantz Foundation Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly XV Judy A. ’79 BT and Robert Rice V The River Café V John A. Rowinski ’73 and Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 V Frank and Tracy Scahill Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 XV Louis J. ’71 and Geraldine Scotto

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 2 9


Raphael Esq. ’68 and Mary Scotto XV Seton Hall University Thomas Solecki JoAnn C. Stonier, Esq. ’84 X Michael T., Esq. ’67 and Rosemary Sullivan XV Sullivan & Kehoe, LLP V TD Charitable Foundation Tottori Allergy & Asthma Associates Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti XV Barbara Tuck Vanguard Charitable Endowment X Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC XV John and Stephanie Whittier John B. ’63 and Eileen Zurell XV

P R E S I D E NT ’ S CI R C L E ($5,000 to $9,999)

Anthony E. ’69 and Rosemarie Amodeo XV Hector ’84 BT and Victoria Batista Michael J. Beaury ’80 XV The Benevity Community Impact Fund V Big Guy Foundation V James F. Bozart ’86 and D. Baxter Winston XV Sean Brady Frank P. ’67 and Mary Cannistra X Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi X Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens George Clark, III Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole XV Edward N. ’68 BT and Jo-Ann Constantino XV Damascus Bakery, Inc. Vincent A. ’65 and Marie D’Angelo XV Deloitte Foundation X Peter Grassotti and Karen A. Di Santo-Grassotti V John J. Dietl ’58 XV Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio XV Albert G. Doumar ’57 XV East Coast Power and Gas James D. ’66 and Susan Egan XV Patrick J. ’71 and Diana M. Fallon Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons XV Maureen Moore and Robert C. Golden X Jonathan F. Greene ’58 X Daniel M. Healy ’64 V HeartShare Human Services V William A. ’66 and Maureen Jandovitz XV John Henry’s HVAC X KPMG Matthew J. ’73 and Mary Ellen Krsulich XV Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. V John A. Loconsolo V Victoria Loconsolo Foundation V Michael A. ’97 BT and Julia MacIntyre XV John and Christy Mack Edward and Marisol Mafoud J. Christopher ’83 BT and Carol Mangan X John J. ’65 and Maria G. McCabe James F. McDonald Merrill Lynch Retirement Disbursement Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher XV

Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81 XV Brian P. Mooney V Nouveau Elevator Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien XV John E. ’67 and Mary Ellen O’Connor XV John A. ’65 and Denise O’Rourke V Louis G. ’79 and Kathleen Pastina XV Vincent F. Esq. ’72 and Antoinette Pitta XV Vincent J. ’60 and Janice Polito V Anthony C., Sr. ’67 and Frances Providenti XV Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73 XV Anne E. ’02 and Kevin J. Rhatigan V The Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund Robert Speranza Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn X Sarah Rosenfeld Michael Schwerdtman ’81 Shell Oil Company V John P. ’64 and Janice Smircich XV TD Bank V Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo X John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan XV Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 XV Salvatore P. ’69 and Marina Trentacoste V William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully X Verizon Foundation XV Clare Walker X Jeanne Zatorski ’79

P R E S I D E NT ’ S C LU B ($3,000 to $4,999)

Anonymous Julie M. Acuff ’03 Aristocrat Paint Contractors Antonio Biondi Glenn A. and Christine Braica V Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce V Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken BT V Chris and Kate C. BT Burke Patricia K. Cassidy ’83 XV Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens Richard Chamberlain City National Bank Peter Coombe and Betty Chen V James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 XV John Cosgrove V Orville W. Dale BT XV Carol T. Decina ’03 V C. Nathan Dee, Esq. Louis P., Ph.D. and Cathy D’Elia Tom Dobbins V August DiRenzo John M. Downing ’59 XV Emerge Education Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini XV Irma Garcia ’80 XV Robert F. and Margaret P. Gartland V Joseph A. ’79 and Mary Ellen ’79 Giordano V

Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program The Greater Cincinnati Foundation V Edmund J. Greco ’79 X Dorothy E. ’79 and Gary J. Gurreri XV Edward J. ’80 and Madalyn M. ’80 Hanley XV Edward J. ’64 and Kathleen Hart XV Dozier Hasty George Henry R.J. ’94 and Maria Hinners V Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood XV Sarah M. ’07 and Andrew Hughes V IBM Matching Grants Program Imagine Swimming Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. BT XV Jesus F. ’84 BT and Noreen M. ’84 Linares XV Live Nation Entertainment Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis XV Martin Russo PLLC Joseph M. Esq. and Mary Ann Mattone XV Mattone Group Ltd. XV Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott XV Edward Miller Moors & Cabot Investments Bernard P., CPA ’61 and Jane G. Morgan XV Patricia A. Morrissey ’96 Thomas P. ’63 and Marion Napier XV New York Building Congress, Inc. New York State Psychological Association Allan Newman Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan XV Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann + Nunziata XV Bro. Gabriel O’Brien, OSF PKF O’Connor Davies V Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers XV Pricewaterhouse Coopers V Prospect Street Administrators Steven and Linda Quadrino X William and Joanne Quinn Quinn Family Foundation Robert Ragen Rocklyn Asset Corp. V Martin and Marie Russo Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro V Schroder Investment Management North America V Carlo Scissura Sean P. ’88 and Maureen Sheridan Neil and Lauren Shroff Richard ’64 and Jane Silverman XV Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane X Patricia Smith Peter F. ’75 and Mary K. ’77 Spiess XV Student Government Association V Bro. Christopher Thurneau, OSF BT Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program George ’87 and Elizabeth Vogel X Stephen Waldorf and Diana Catherines V William A. Walker Wells Fargo Foundation V Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’83 Williams X

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1


St. Clare Society St. Clare, undoubtedly St. Francis’ most devout follower, practiced radical self-giving and embraced joyous poverty in imitation of Christ. It is because of St. Clare’s generosity and sacrifice that SFC created the St. Clare Society to honor all those who provide for the future of the College through bequests or planned gifts including charitable trusts, retirement plan benefits, or life insurance. The entire SFC community expresses its gratitude to the following St. Clare Society members who have demonstrated their devotion to the SFC mission and their commitment to growing its impact and legacy: Anonymous Hector Batista ’84 BT Gerard J., USMC ’55 and Alice Baxter George C. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner Anthony ’54 + and Kathleen Bertuglia Madelyn O. Biggs + Lester P. ’58 + and Ellen D. + Bishop Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken BT James A. Gibson, Ph.D. ’63 + and Patricia Brozinsky, Ph.D. Joseph J. ’64 and Estrella + Buonomo Daniel M. ’40 + and Adele V. + Burns Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF Catherine E. Clarke + Virginia E. Cooke + James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 John A. ’51 + and Margaret M. ’78 + Costa James G. ’76 and Lorraine Courage Timothy J. ’61 and Carol Courtney Philip R. Cullen ’75 Lise Curry Orville W. Dale BT John J. Dietl ’58 Albert G. Doumar ’57 John M. Downing ’59 Brendan J. ’68 + and Barbara A. Dugan Joseph J. ’61 + and Mary Joan Egan, Ph.D. Mark, Ph.D. ’70 and Lori J. Failla Patrick J. ’71 and Diana M. Fallon Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin Bernard ’51 + and Virginia + Femminella Robert A. ’65 and Marianne Ficarra Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman J. Vincent Gallagher ’41 + Betty A. ’94 and Harold Gatto Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons Craig + and Paulette B. Gonzalez

Richard A. Greene ’78 Philip R. Harris, Ph.D. ’48 + and Janet Belport Robert S. ’51 + and Joan Hathaway David E. Haverty ’81 The Honorable Joseph J. Hennessy ’74 + Bro. Edmund Holmes, OSF ’28 + Michael J. Holmes + Richard C. ’70 and Frances Jewell John J. Jordan ’59 Anne M. Kelly ’79 Julie F. Kelly ’79 Shirley Kennedy ’71 Rev. Msgr. Robert Kirwin ’41 + James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Maria F. Laezza-Moggioli + Gerald A. Largo, Ph.D. James P. Lawler ’71 Robert F. ’52 + and Judith Lee Walter R. Leong ’81 Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Charlotte T. Lowit + Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 + and Mary T. Macchiarola Joseph ’79 and Patricia B. Malewich Pat A. ’79 and Veronica A. ’82 Mallozzi Francis P. Mandina + J. Christopher ’83 BT and Carol Mangan Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello John J. ’65 and Maria G. McCabe John B. ’58 + and Julie A. McCarthy Rev. James J. McConnell ’50 + James J. ’63 and Elaine McCormack Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Lt. Col. Walter V., USAF (Ret.) ’50 + and Joan P. + McIntyre Dr. Donald A. ’63 and Susanne McQuade Charles L. ’64 + and Barbara Measter Peter J. Michel ’63

John P. Monaghan ’57 + James H. Murphy, Jr. ’71 and Gretchen Menn Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan Johanna M. O’Boyle + William C. O’Connell ’87 Rev. William D. O’Rourke, Ph.D. ’51 + Victor L. Paganucci ’71 Joseph J. Ponzio ’76 Peter E. ’70 and Lorraine Provenzale Anthony C., Sr. ’67 and Frances Providenti Clifford B. ’69 and Doris Redden Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73 Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly Eileen D. Reiss ’88 + Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo Angela Rosania Terese M. Rouge ’71 Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Peter Schleipman ’86 William P. Shanahan ’50 + Charles Shea ’68 + Robert W. ’63 and Patricia M. + Sheehan Dr. Fred Siegel and Dr. Jan Rosenberg Dr. Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr. ’64 + Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane Arnold J. Sparr, Ph.D. John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 Nicholas L. ’68 and Susan Trivisonno Barbara A. Tuck John F. ’67 and Maureen + Tully Lt. Col. Philip C., USAF (Ret.) ’50 + and Joan + Valenti Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D. Alexander J. ’49 + and Stella Vogeley Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe Francis E., Ph.D. ’65 and Patricia M. Wakely Michael A. Zufolo ’61 and Susi Raphael

Why Should I Join the St. Clare Society? All St. Clare Society members share a steadfast devotion to St. Francis College’s critically important mission—to provide all students with an affordable, high-quality education based on Franciscan values. Benefits of St. Clare Society membership include: Special remembrance at the College’s weekly celebrations of the Eucharist and at our Annual Alumni Mass;

Listing in the annual Dream-Maker Report;

Invitations to all local St. Francis College special events and to any special College events planned for your region; and

The satisfaction of knowing that, as St. Francis proclaimed in his most famous prayer, “It is in giving that we receive.”

If you have made a planned gift to SFC, please call 718-489-5361 or email us at plannedgiving@sfc.edu today. We are thankful for your thoughtful generosity and stewardship of our beloved St. Francis College. Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 3 1

Class Year Giving ASSISI SOCIETY


$1,000,000 and above LA VERNA SOCIETY

Martin Fazio, USAF (Ret.) ’50 XV Edward C. ’50 and Rosemarie Kennedy V John P. ’50 and Margaret Schofield FRANCISCANS

$100,000 to $999,999

Francis V. ’50 and Doris Reilly XV

1955 Dollars Raised $559.00 Class participation 11.76% RED & BLUE CLUB

John J., Esq. ’55 and Theresa Hearn V



$50,000 to $99,999


Leo M. ’55 and Joan Keegan V Richard T. Nolan, Esq. ’55 +

Dollars Raised $3,175.00 Class participation 9.38%



$25,000 to $49,999 P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

$10,000 to $24,999


Roy F.’51 and Janet Bonner XV



$5,000 to $9,999 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

$3,000 to $4,999 REMSEN STREET CLUB

$1,000 to $2,999 BUTLER STREET CLUB


$100 to $249 FRANCISCANS

Gifts to $99


John J. O’Neill, Ph.D. ’42 X

Dollars Raised $1,575.00 Class participation 7.58% REMSEN STREET CLUB

John F. ’56 and Patricia Roache XV RED & BLUE CLUB

Neil F., Jr. ’56 and Eileen Brogan XV Raymond G. ’56 and Rosaria Dawid XV FRANCISCANS

John C. ’56 and Rosalie Devir V


James R. ’49 and Delores Brannigan XV Hugh T., DDS ’49 and Alice McGowan XV

Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Frank J. ’53 and Theodora Silvestri X




Dollars Raised $1,725.00 Class participation 14.29%

Dollars Raised $1,207,477.43 Class participation 5.49%


BUTLER STREET CLUB Angelo M. Patrissi ’50 XV RED & BLUE CLUB Daniel D’Errico ’50 V

William R. ’50 and Veronica Schroeder XV

Robert C. ’54 and Maureen Minion X

1959 Dollars Raised $47,310.00 Class participation 17.65% CHARTER SOCIETY

William D. ’59 and Aimee Maroney XV


J. Edward ’59 and Gabrielle McDonough XV Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney XV


Bernard P., CPA ’61 and Jane G. Morgan XV Francis J. Fallon ’61 and Kathleen Francis Thomas ’61 and Rosalind Hassett Michael P. ’61 and Patricia Murray Martin P. ’61 and Catherine O’Donnell XV John R. ’61 and Mary Wagnes XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Dr. Daniel C. ’61 and Carol Noonan XV James E. Vincent, MD ’61 XV RED & BLUE CLUB

Timothy J. ’61 and Carol Courtney X Thomas F. ’61 and Mary McCarty V John H. Scott ’61 ASSISI SOCIETY

Brendan J. ’61 and Maeve Casey X Sr. Paul M. Ducharme, CSJ ’61




Robert ’57 and Ellen Varasano ASSISI SOCIETY

Nunzio D. ’57 and Rose Cazzetta V George F. Kehm, Esq. ’57 Timothy D. ’57 and Carol Mahoney XV Michael J. McPartland ’57 XV Ralph A. ’57 and Mildred Pascucci V Stephen J. Travers ’57 XV FRANCISCANS

Anthony D., M.D. ’57 and Geraldine Abbate Rev. Kieran Fergus OP ’57 XV Joseph H. ’57 and Jane E. Lynch X Lt. Cmdr. Donald L. ’57 and Marcella Raymond John T. Visconti ’57

RED & BLUE CLUB Charles J. Cain ’59 XV

Paul ’59 and Marie A. Gale XV Hugh A. ’59 and Catherine McCloskey V ASSISI SOCIETY

Dollars Raised $24,745.64 Class participation 11.69% Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons XV Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien XV



James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 XV Vincent J. ’60 and Janice Polito V REMSEN STREET CLUB John V. ’60 and Anne Brull X

Gerard H. ’60 and Charline Gannon XV

John R. Lenze ’54 V

Dollars Raised $40,295.00 Class participation 9.68%

Joseph E. ’60 and Rosemarie McLaughlin XV



Herbert V. ’58 and Mary Ryan XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE John J. Dietl ’58 XV

Dermot A. ’60 and Margaret Flynn V Frederick E. ’60 and Jacqueline Schneider XV

Jonathan F. Greene ’58 X



Michael ’60 and Jacquelyn Gray Peter J. Schweitzer ’60 X

Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann + Nunziata XV


Dollars Raised $11,676.00 Class participation 7.96%


Joseph A. Lategano ’54 John J. ’54 and Lois McDonald XV

Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 XV



P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L


PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Albert G. Doumar ’57 XV


Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball XV

Philip A. Buttling ’59 XV Walter J. ’59 and Audrey Klingman Dr. Francis T. Lang ’59 XV Mark W. Mooney ’59 Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo XV Thomas F. ’59 and Madeline Tierney


Dollars Raised $1,675.00 Class participation 3.77%



James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 XV John P. Monaghan ’57 +


Michael A. ’61 and Catherine J. Henning V


P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L



Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers XV


Dollars Raised $625.00 Class participation 3.53%

Vincent M. ’50 and Lydia Sclafani XV

David A. ’58 and Mary E. Mathis XV Lawrence Sullivan ’58

Dollars Raised $99,594.24 Class participation 18.98%

George C., Jr. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner XV Timothy P. ’59 and Jane Davey XV William D., Sr., ’59 and Jean Feimer Ronald P. ’59 and Brenda Fiske V John J. Lane ’59 X Thomas J. Holland ’59 V

Dollars Raised $111,980.00 Class participation 19.05%

Dollars Raised $16,250.00 Class participation 6.67%





Richard A. Dreyer ’61 + X Theodore T., Sr. ’61 and Marguerita Fletcher Hugh E. ’61 and Geraldine A. Gallagher V Deacon John J. McCormick ’61 Dominic J. ’61 and Mary Molignano XV Cornelius J. O’Carroll ’61 X Anthony ’61 and Judith Pantano V Francis M. ’61 and Mary Scahill XV William J. ’61 and Mercedes L. Weber Michael A. Zufolo ’61



Vincent C. Bracco ’52 Patrick A. ’52 and Eleanor Tolve XV

Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF (Ret.) ’50 +

Joseph M. ’58 and Kathryn Morino Peter J. ’58 and Catherine Purpura






Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela, DD ’52 XV

Joseph F. ’49 and Rosaleen Byrne

Thomas F. ’58 and Dorothy O’Sullivan XV William A. Whelan ’58 V

PRESIDENT’S CLUB John M. Downing ’59 XV

Dollars Raised $50.00 Class participation 2.00% Thomas S. Nardo ’48


Thomas J., Ph.D. ’56 and Ann Wallace XV

Emmet J. ’52 + and Carroll Agoglia XV


Joseph F. ’58 and Caroline Wahl X


John F. McCormack ’51

Dollars Raised $450.00 Class participation 2.38%





John P. ’58 and Susan Sheehy XV

Anthony ’51 and Margaret Caulfield XV Frederick J. Herrmann ’51 XV Joseph P. Leuzzi ’51 Anthony J. ’51 and Louise Mercogliano XV John P. Rowley, Jr. ’51 XV William J. ’51 and Maxine Brooks X Joseph E. ’51 and Marilynn Castana XV Dr. Joseph ’51 and Anita Frey Ludwig V. ’51 and Anna M. Sabatino XV John J. ’51 and Margaret T. Scibelli XV

$250 to $499

Gerard J., USMC ’55 and Alice Baxter V James F. Foster ’55



James E. ’62 and Kathleen Dwane XV James P. ’62 and Eleanor Hudson V Thomas J. ’62 and Adrienne Keller XV Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward XV RED & BLUE CLUB

William T. ’62 and Lois Barnewold XV Michael E. ’62 and Mary Browne XV Angel R., Jr., MD ’62 and Patricia Colon Thomas J. ’62 and Donna O’Mara XV Francis J. ’62 and Frances Ryan V Joseph P. ’62 and Jane Toto X ASSISI SOCIETY

Thomas P. ’62 and Louise Gilhooley XV James M., Ph.D. ’62 and Margaret O’Kane XV

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

CL ASS YE AR G IVI N G (CO NTI N U E D) Donald J., MSW ’62 and Patricia Young V FRANCISCANS

John A. ’62 and Judy Ferguson XV John J. Krumm ’62



Edward J. ’64 and Kathleen Hart XV Richard ’64 and Jane Silverman XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Juan A. ’64 and Tally Negroni V John J. ’64 and Mary O’Boyle XV Gary J. Schneider ’64 XV

William J. ’65 and Deborah Hanley XV George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer XV Lawrence J. ’65 and Mary Mulcahy X Terence Noonan ’65 V RED & BLUE CLUB

Kenneth R. ’65 and Joyce Allex XV Charles C. Lo Re, Jr. ’65 X Ed F., III ’65 and Monica McCabe XV Frank J. ’65 and Anne Pascuzzi V

Dollars Raised $92,926.64 Class participation 19.78%

BUTLER STREET CLUB John F. Bartley ’64 X

CHARTER SOCIETY Peter J. Callahan ’63 XV

James M. ’65 and Irene A. Barling XV Richard, Ph.D. ’65 and Monica Bonnabeau V RED & BLUE CLUB Thomas J. ’65 and Eileen Gerard C. DiStefano ’64 Callaghan XV James ’64 and Frances Greiner XV Thomas F. ’65 and Sandra Colonel John H., USAF (Ret.) ’64 and Clougher XV Pamela Morris XV Thomas J. ’65 and Valerie Foley XV John P., Jr. ’64 and Dorothy Gerard K. ’65 and Joy O. Hannon XV Rooney XV Robert K. ’65 and Joan Johnson Joseph E. Scalia ’64 Elfriede M. Lein + V Peter M. ’64 and Ann Swist Richard R. ’65 and Linda J. Lynch V Stephen Wilantewicz, DMD ’64 Philip J. ’65 and Margaret ASSISI SOCIETY Mercorella V Richard G. Alexander ’64 Philip D. Murray ’65 XV Raymond L. ’64 and Barbara Michael J. ’65 and Maura Bendici X O’Connor XV Michael R. ’64 and Rhonda Ralph J. ’65 and Theresa Parmegiani Canarozzi V Ralph ’65 and Diana Stinebrickner V Orazio A. ’64 and Margaret Joseph J. ’65 and Frances Svirida XV Ciccarelli V FRANCISCANS Richard J. Golden ’64 V William M. ’65 and Patricia Black James C. ’64 and Florence Heinhold John J. ’65 and Janet Comiskey Dennis M. ’64 and Ann Kennedy X Edmond P. ’65 and Maria Cremin Barry W. Kissane ’64 John De Benedetto ’65 John D. Looney ’64 XV Walter G. Eggmann ’65 XV Kevin J. ’64 and Joanne Lyons Edward T. ’65 and Bonnie Joyce V James R., CPA ’64 and Leticia Thomas F. Kenny ’65 Mazzeo X Salvatore J. La Porta ’65 Francis ’64 and Marian James J. ’65 and Francine Maloney X Myskowsky XV Thomas J. ’64 and Margaret Nicastro Blaise ’65 and Ruth Marchese XV Edward J. ’64 and Michelle Powers XV John P. ’65 and Margaret McCadden V Richard ’64 and Judy Randall V Bruce A. ’65 and Concetta Timothy F. Stafford, Sr. ’64 V Pizzimenti XV

P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Martin P. McNally ’63 XV

Peter J. Michel ’63 XV John B. ’63 and Eileen Zurell XV PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Thomas P. ’63 and Marion Napier XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Andre Zmurek ’63 and Dr. Barbara Barlow XV Thomas T. ’63 and Penelope Meyer XV Dr. Donald A. ’63 and Susanne McQuade John P. ’63 and Margaret Toner XV Kenneth L. ’63 and Eunice Vellon XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

John J. ’63 and Alicia ’77 Burke V William P. ’63 and Elizabeth Casey XV William J. ’63 and Anne M. Higgins XV John R. ’63 and Mary Mathis XV James J. ’63 and Elaine McCormack X Charles L. ’63 and Alice Novak RED & BLUE CLUB

George P. DeGeorge ’63 and Denise Chamberland X Raymond P. Nash ’63 XV James J. Raftery ’63 XV ASSISI SOCIETY

Daniel E. Bryan ’63 X John M. ’63 and Maureen Dalton Frank ’63 and Ednamae Dambeck XV Eugene J. Feldhaus ’63 XV Charles H. ’63 and Dorianne Harris X Gerard R. ’63 and June Kelly XV William P. ’63 and Judy Kinane Bro. Roman Morris, OSF ’63 Martin A. Pasquale ’63 XV FRANCISCANS

Bruce A. ’63 and Raffaela Buckheit X Edward J., Jr. ’63 and Maureen Dougherty XV Thomas J. ’63 and Kathleen Hamm X James G. Mannix ’63 Michael E. ’63 and Mary Martini V Robert W. Sheehan ’63 Andrew E. Steck ’63 Santo ’63 and Agatha C. Tantillo

Bernard J. ’64 and Eileen Casserly XV James F. ’64 and Eileen D. O’Dea XV Joseph M. Vislocky ’64 XV


Edward J. ’64 and Evelyn M. Fusaiotti V Bro. Campion Lally, OSF ’64 X Donald A. Lomangino ’64 Christopher T. ’64 and Ingrid Muller Walter M. ’64 and Elena Scanlon Robert M. ’64 and Helen K. Suzansky X Douglas G. ’64 and Patricia Thomson V

Dollars Raised $78,240.00 Class participation 14.29% CHARTER SOCIETY

David D. ’64 and Ann Smith V P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

John P. ’64 and Janice Smircich XV Daniel M. Healy ’64 V

1966 Dollars Raised $23,085.00 Class participation 12.28% PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

James D. ’66 and Susan Egan XV William A. ’66 and Maureen Jandovitz XV John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan XV PRESIDENT’S CLUB

1965 Dollars Raised $36,120.00 Class participation 16.79% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Leonard E. ’65 and Catherine Olen X




Vincent A. ’65 and Marie D’Angelo XV John J. ’65 and Maria G. McCabe John A. ’65 and Denise O’Rourke V REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane X REMSEN STREET CLUB

Sean A., Ph.D. ’66 and Marion Fanelli XV Richard J. ’66 and Maria Krauland XV Thomas M., Esq. ’66 and Susan Laquercia X Edward Melanson ’66 V BUTLER STREET CLUB

Joseph F. ’66 and Jennifer Spencer RED & BLUE CLUB

Captain William T. Brown, USN ’65 Robert A. ’65 and Marianne Ficarra X Edwin R. Westley ’65 and Janet Kelly V James J., Ph.D. ’65 and Mary L. O’Connell X

Anthony S. ’66 and Patricia Cassino Jack A. Crispi ’66 V Arthur A., Ph.D. ’66 and Paula S. DiClementi X Robert J. Rafferty, CPA ’66 XV John R. ’66 + and Josephine Rinaldi



Leonard N. ’65 and Angela Florio XV

Anthony C. Alaimo ’66 XV

Theodore ’66 and Ilene Bruccoleri V Donald P. ’66 and Ruth Dineen V Thomas C. ’66 and Louise Franza Edward J. ’66 and Kathleen Jaworski XV Sr. Alice L. McVey, CSJ ’66 XV Vincent J. Mignano ’66 Bro. Antonio Montera, OSF ’66 V Peter C. ’66 and Patricia Nies George J. ’66 and Frances Pipino X FRANCISCANS

Arthur M. ’66 and Mary Forster X James A., CPA ’66 and Helen J. Geib William W. ’66 and Susan T. Koscinski V Daniel J. ’66 and A. M. Lane V William I. ’66 and Carolyn ’93 Meehan Jerome F., Ph.D. ’66 and Doreen Megna V

1967 Dollars Raised $102,224.11 Class participation 11.56% LA VERNA SOCIETY John F. Tully ’67 BT XV P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Daniel T. ’67 and Mary Ann Kane Michael T., Esq. ’67 and Rosemary Sullivan XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Frank P. ’67 and Mary Cannistra X John E. ’67 and Mary Ellen O’Connor XV Anthony C., Sr. ’67 and Frances Providenti XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert A. ’67 and Mary Alessandro XV Leonard D’Ambrosia ’67 John C. ’67 and Anne Donahue Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould X James A. ’67 and Kathleen Palmer XV William T., Jr. ’67 and Maureen R. Quinlan X William P. Tyson ’67 X Eugene P. ’67 and Colette Westhoff V BUTLER STREET CLUB

Frank W. Calamusa, Ph.D. ’67 X John P. Daley ’67 XV David ’67 and Susan Fallon V Raymond M. Feeney ’67 and Judy Latta XV William E., Jr. ’67 and Nancy Giegerich V Herbert J. ’67 and Gloria Hogan V Kevin J. ’67 and Penelope Holland X Michael V. ’67 and Marie Luciano V RED & BLUE CLUB Albert J. Ryczak ’67 V

Robert J. ’67 and Cindy L. Snyder X ASSISI SOCIETY

James F. ’67 and Patricia Darcy V Guarione ’67 and Teresita Diaz V Cirino T. ’67 and Rochelle Lombard X Alfred N. ’67 and Kathryn Martorano Joseph M. Mruczek ’67 V Edmond J. ’67 and Bernadette O’Connor V Vincent P. ’67 and Veronica Pagano Joseph J. ’67 and Geraldine Riley X Patrick ’67 and Sheila Rooney Robert S. ’67 and Kathleen Sarli XV John W. Wetzel ’67 V


Eileen A. Corrado ’67 John C. Palmer ’67 Gilbert J. ’67 + and Nancy Radday Eugene F. ’67 and Arlene Swanzey James M. ’67 and Patricia Theisen X

1968 Dollars Raised $179,581.63 Class participation 10.63% LA VERNA SOCIETY

Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan X P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly XV Raphael Esq. ’68 and Mary Scotto XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Edward N. ’68 BT and Jo-Ann Constantino XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Robert G., Esq. ’68 and Margaret Bombara X John R. Cashin ’68 Richard J. ’68 and Mary Collins XV John B. ’68 and Elaine Conroy V Vincent J. Dougherty ’68 XV Donald N. ’68 and May Hayward XV John J. Koster, Ph.D. ’68 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Thomas A. ’68 and Nancy J. Dunne John A. ’68 and Eileen C. Leone XV Michael G. ’68 and Dolores McMahon X Norman A. Wagner ’68 RED & BLUE CLUB

Robert T. ’68 and Patricia Barlow XV William T. Donley ’68 Franey M., Jr. ’68 and Barbara Donovan XV Robert P. ’68 and Kathleen Ford Reverend Randolph J. ’68 and Donna Geminder Philip A. ’68 Hoerter Patrick J. ’68 and Jeanne Reavey Anthony M. ’68 and Kathleen Santoro V Dr. John P. ’68 and Rosanne Travers V ASSISI SOCIETY

Vincent J. ’68 and Diane Ambrosio X Frederick T. ’68 and Eileen Brown Peter D. Bruno, MD ’68 Dennis T. ’68 and Margaret Christy XV John T. ’68 and Camille Gerace XV Walter E. ’68 and Eileen Gilpin V William U. Harris ’68 Vincent S. ’68 and Marie McCormack V Edward A. ’68 and Dorette Putonti X Michael T. Ridge, Esq. ’68 Bernard P. Stefanek ’68 Paul F. ’68 and Giuseppina Valenti V Anthony D. ’68 and Rose Zajkowski FRANCISCANS

Joseph P. ’68 and Mary A. Gribbin X Sr. Letitia Lake, CSJ ’68 James C. ’68 and Annamary LaSalle Frank R. ’68 and Isabella L. Milligan V Charles ’68 and Ticia Parente V John T. ’68 and Joan Passantino Joseph F. ’68 and Annette Tyrian V Charles F., Jr. ’68 and Maureen M. Vadala XV Carmine J. ’68 and Victoria Zummo XV

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 3 3




Dollars Raised $64,654.10 Class participation 12.30%

Dollars Raised $51,034.89 Class participation 13.54%

P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Thomas J. Esq. ’69 and Eileen Peter T. ’70 and Janice Chingos XV Killeen XV Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine Joseph J. ’69 and Mary Martingale XV DiMauro V Edward ’70 and Patricia PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Travaglianti XV Anthony E. ’69 and Rosemarie Amodeo XV Salvatore P. ’69 and Marina Trentacoste V



Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro V

Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher XV Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo X REMSEN STREET CLUB


Brian W. Clancy ’69 Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran XV Joseph P. Forte, Esq. ’69 and Dorothy Vance-Forte XV Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald XV D. Kevin ’69 and Kathleen McQuade XV Frederick L. ’69 and Anne I. Michaels XV Thomas P. ’69 and Josephine Mione XV Clifford B. ’69 and Doris Redden XV Kevin W. ’69 and Saraann Schultz

William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black V Kevin J. ’70 and Teresa Burke X John J. ’70 and Elizabeth + Casey XV Leonard J. ’70 and Concetta Cutrone XV George M., CPA ’70 and Suzanne Gillan X Angelo A. Giordano, Esq. ’70 and Dr. Joann DeLeonibus V John T. ’70 and Irene Haran William M. Mancini ’70 XV Michael J. McInerney ’70 and Maureen Moss-McInerney X Robert P. ’70 and Patrice Moore XV John Touwsma ’70



Daniel F. ’69 and Maria Barry XV Edward D. Bova ’69 XV Joseph P. Dunne ’69 Francis J. ’69 and Ellen Giammona V John, Jr. ’69 and Caron Martinez Charles J., MD ’69 and Diane McAllister V Thomas F. ’69 and Margaret McGarrity Thomas P. Reilly ’69 V RED & BLUE CLUB

David H. Bacchioni ’69 and Debbie Faust-Bacchioni X Ronald S. ’69 and Peggy Jendras XV Michael P. ’69 and Geraldine Lombardi V Michael J. Moriarty ’69 and Donna Hollon-Moriarty Richard J. ’69 and Mary Wendt XV ASSISI SOCIETY

Thomas J. ’69 and Rita Brennan Xavier J. ’69 and Anthonia Castelli Robert L. Conway ’69 XV James F. ’69 and Kathleen DeVarso XV Dennis J. ’69 and Bernadette Fallon Andrew J. Habermann ’69 Stephen J. Hayden ’69 Charles J. ’69 and Noreen Kelly XV Patrick J. Kelly ’69 XV Patrick L. ’69 and Elise Marano Michael J. ’69 and Anne M. ’76 McCafferty Martin J. ’69 and Peggy M. Michlik X Dr. Anthony Santorufo ’69 V FRANCISCANS

Hugh L. Edwards ’69 Joseph J. ’69 and Louise Giunta Sr. Joan Hepburn, OP ’69 Francis A. ’70 and Victoria Lofaso X John T. ’69 and Joan Sundermier

Ken P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown Dr. Brian J. ’70 and Mrs. Butler Mark, Ph.D. ’70 and Lori J. Failla X Thomas ’70 and Maria A. Ford Alan H. ’70 and Theresa Hoffman Richard C. ’70 and Frances Jewell X Aldo F. ’70 and Irene Lattanzio Thomas B. ’70 and Connie McManus XV RED & BLUE CLUB George Brennan ’70 XV

George J. ’70 and Gail H. Johansen X Harry E. ’70 and Ida Macri XV Thomas G. Oldis ’70 XV Edward J. Ormond ’70 V Richard P. ’70 and Beverly Wagner XV ASSISI SOCIETY

Edgar A. ’70 and Mary Adamson X Bro. William A. Boslet, OSF ’70 BT XV Gregory F. Dean ’70 Theodore ’70 and Pamela Dymczynski XV Joseph J. Giovaniello ’70 X William T. ’70 and Maureen Hentrich Robert C. ’70 and Lucy Labriola V Bro. Louis T. Miritello, OSF ’70 Edward P. Morrissey ’70 X Paul Rube ’70 Edmund Savold ’70 Dennis J. Skorewicz ’70 FRANCISCANS

Giovanni ’70 and Karen K. Cannone V William D. ’70 and Carmela Chomin V Rev. Philip F. ’70 and Lorraine Giardino Michael H. ’70 and Deborah Higginson John P. Hyland ’70 John A. ’70 and Lorraine Krizel XV Peter T. Liberti ’70 Frederick T. ’70 and Mary Ann Meyers

Thomas P. ’70 and Elizabeth O’Brien XV Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. ’70 Rizzi John A. ’70 and Felicia Serrao Anthony P. ’70 and Helen Vardaro John B. ’70 and Patricia Vozab Richard J. Zink ’70

1971 Dollars Raised $24,538.27 Class participation 11.98% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Francis H. ’71 and Alice DeMartino Joseph A. ’71 and Ann M. ’75 DiBlasi James R. ’71 and Ann Farrell V Sr. Elizabeth Gnam, OP ’71 Sr. Loretta A. Maggio, OP ’71 John M. Murphy ’71 Victor L. Paganucci ’71 The Honorable Arnold ’71 and Wendy A. Piggot Joseph M. ’71 and Virginia Rhatigan V William P. ’71 and Aida Smith X Kenneth J. Tom ’71 Kevin B. ’71 and Joan Westley

Garth J. Cameron ’72 Paul A. Christie ’72 Richard M. ’72 and Antoinette Greene X Gregory B. ’72 and Winnifred A. Johnson Bro. Stephen J. Lamendola, CSC ’72 Salvatore A. ’72 and Faye Marino V Kathryn A. Meyers ’72 Peter A. ’72 and Jacqueline Minio Frank A. ’72 and Jean Palmeri John A. ’72 and Clara Santoro X Keith D. Toby ’72



Dollars Raised $183,107.39 Class participation 9.65%

Dollars Raised $84,914.68 Class participation 8.37%

LA VERNA SOCIETY Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello XV


P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Pasquale C. ’73 and Joann M. DePalma XV John A. Rowinski ’73 and Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 V

Louis J. ’71 and Geraldine Scotto PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Patrick J. ’71 and Diana M. Fallon PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Dennis J. Burke ’71 and Martha L. Mackey, Esq. X Jack F. LaRock ’71 V William J. Lucadamo ’71 V Louis H. ’71 and Mary Roller X BUTLER STREET CLUB

Daniel J. ’71 and Mary Brouder XV Edward R. ’71 and Angela F. Curty X James J. Daw, Jr. ’71 X Shirley Kennedy ’71 V James P. Lawler ’71 X Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 XV RED & BLUE CLUB Louis P. Celano ’71 V

Robert A. Dennis ’71 Commander Robert D. Hopping, USN (Ret.) ’71 X James H. Murphy, Jr. ’71 and Gretchen Menn XV James F. ’71 and Patricia O’Sullivan XV Luis J. ’71 and Georgina Rodriguez XV Terese M. Rouge ’71 XV ASSISI SOCIETY

Robert J. Bridgeman ’71 V Philip A. ’71 and Joann M. Caserta Stephen P. Chiarini ’71 X Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 BT XV Louis ’71 and Michele Dottrina Patrick A. Hanley ’71 and Patricia Glynn-Hanley Michael J. Higgins ’71 Stewart J. ’71 and Luise Jensen Joseph F. ’71 and Alice Leach Mauricio A. Lorence ’71 Thomas B. ’71 and Patricia Losquadro V John M. ’71 and Sally A. McGrath Raymond J. ’71 and Nora McKeough XV Brian C. ’71 and Linda McMahon X John K. Molen ’71 V Michael G. ’71 and Stephanie Morahan Frank G. Morelli ’71 V Robert J. Murphy ’71 XV Joseph C. ’71 and Elaine Trentacoste XV Rory J. ’71 and Jane Quinn V FRANCISCANS

Richard C. Baron ’71 V James R. ’71 and Marie Barnett George C. ’71 and Mary Blanchard V Vincent J. ’71 and Joyce Bova James J. ’71 and Mary Castro Angela Della Croce ’71 V

Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Vincent F. Esq. ’72 and Antoinette Pitta XV William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully X REMSEN STREET CLUB

Donald V. ’72 and Rosemary Bavuso X Charles P. Kowalski ’72 XV Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith XV Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB Carl M. Fiorillo ’72 V

Michael J. ’72 and Joyce Ranieri XV Pauline ’72 and Adolfo Reid Frederick G. ’72 and Karen Wissemann V RED & BLUE CLUB

Kathleen B. ’72 and Robert, Jr. Bolz V Edward J. ’72 and Lois Machinski X Paul H. ’72 and Brenda Schietroma Robert D. ’72 and Barbara Terry Chun K., MD ’72 and Joanne Yip ASSISI SOCIETY

Vincent R. ’72 and Dorothy Aperawic XV John C. Codd ’72 X Ron F. Darcy ’72 V John J. ’72 and Jane Davis Ernest V. ’72 and Ann DiFranchi XV Joseph A. ’72 and Carollee Donnelly X Alfonso G. ’72 and Roseann Figliolia Richard M. ’72 and Susan Greiner V Brian W. ’72 and Mary Kenny XV Paul L. Magnano, C.L.U., C.H.F.C. ’72 XV Nicholas A. ’72 and Jean D. Marano X James T. McAuliffe ’72 Edmond ’72 and Gail McTigue XV Richard P. ’72 and Delia Montalbano V Austin V., CPA ’72 and Mary Murphy XV Captain Robert T. ’72 and Donna A. ’73 Murphy V Dianne Nolan ’72 Mervyn ’72 and Aleitha Punnett V Ellen M. Raspitha ’72 V Vincent J. ’72 and Linda Simone Joseph A. ’72 and Pamela Turzo X

Mark C. ’73 and Marsha L. Clark V P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L


Matthew J. ’73 and Mary Ellen Krsulich XV Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Reid ’73 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Gerard P. Conlon ’73 and Anne Tully-Conlon ’76 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Michael S. ’73 and Mary A. McGowan V RED & BLUE CLUB

Albert T. ’73 and Carol A. Jaronczyk X Nicholas J. ’73 and Loretta McCauley X Thomas F. McDonough ’73 James F. ’73 and Theresa McKenna X

James J. ’73 and Diana Petruzzi Arthur ’73 and Maureen Raimo Thomas ’73 and Marilyn Raleigh X Francis W. ’73 and Geraldine Ryan XV Louis T., CFP ’73 and Kathleen Scipione ASSISI SOCIETY

Joseph R. ’73 and Patricia Assortato V Desmond E. ’73 and Joy Blaine V Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin XV Joseph T. Freisen ’73 Jack ’73 and Jane Hyland Theresa A. Loughran ’73 X Timothy J. ’73 and Nelly Marco X Richard J. ’73 and Mimi Martin V Donna A. ’73 and Captain Robert T. ’72 Murphy V Leonel A. Rohan ’73 FRANCISCANS

Bert I. Bernard ’73 V Gilbert P. ’73 and Sofia Cividanes Alfred A. ’73 and Denise DiCarlo Richard ’73 and Doreen S. ’74 Faga Michael R. Kenniff ’73 Frank G. Krasevec ’73 V William ’73 and Joann O’Brien X Thomas F. ’73 and Suzanne Oftring Louis J. ’73 and Julia C. Ruggio Anthony C. Schiano ’73 Frank E. Scott ’73 XV


William J. ’72 and Maureen Biesty V Bruce J. Bombara ’72 V

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1


1974 Dollars Raised $22,957.76 Class participation 7.89% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 and John A. Rowinski ’73 V PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

John F. ’74 and Elizabeth McCue BUTLER STREET CLUB

Robert J., CPA ’74 and Lorraine P. Clark V John R. ’74 and Catherine Meyer James C. Petrillo ’74 X RED & BLUE CLUB

Frank A. ’74 and Rosalie Calvosa V Joseph A. ’74 and Darlene Foulke XV John J. Lyons ’74 V Peter J. Palenzona ’74 V Dennis G. ’74 and Rita Riehman XV ASSISI SOCIETY

John B. Adesalu ’74 V Pasquale Barone ’74 X Mario Calero ’74 Vincent M. ’74 and Mary K. Catalano Paul V. ’74 and Maryjo Cucarese V Clint Ebanks ’74 X Antonio, Jr. ’74 and Carmen Farina V Ralph J. Gargiulo ’74 Thomas S. ’74 and Maureen McCabe XV Mary Morrison ’74 Thomas G. ’74 and Margaret Pellinger X Benjamin D. ’74 and Jane J. Pride V Robert, CPA ’74 and Elena Quartuccio X Brian J. ’74 and Mary-Frances Reavey Ann Tomo ’74 V FRANCISCANS

Joseph J. Cunningham ’74 V Angela A. Downes ’74 XV Edward G. Dunn Jr. ’74 Doreen S. ’74 and Richard ’73 Faga John G. ’74 and Mary Herr V Mary E. McKenna ’74 V George D. ’74 and Barbara Wolf V

1975 Dollars Raised $231,973.07 Class participation 9.38% LA VERNA SOCIETY Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone XV CHARTER SOCIETY

William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy X PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Peter F. ’75 and Mary K. ’77 Spiess XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Joseph E. ’75 and Margaret Kelly V Edward J. Ryan ’75 and Mary Browne-Ryan ’76 X Diane M. ’75 and Robert J. ’77 Trapp Harry W. ’75 and Marion A. Whelpley BUTLER STREET CLUB

Salvatore V., CPA ’75 and Serena Barbuzza XV Mario R. ’75 and Febronia DeLuca Vincent A. Gardino ’75 Gary S. ’75 and Joanne M. Jendras XV

Steven A. ’75 and Rita M. Orlando X Frank D. ’75 and Michele Petrizzo XV

Peter ’76 and Patricia English James P. ’76 and Margaret Gildea XV Hope Hines ’76 RED & BLUE CLUB Dr. Margaret A. ’76 and Thomas M. Joseph T. ’75 and Grace Brady X Horan John E. Brandt ’75 Peter ’75 and Anne L. ’79 Brigando V Jack M. ’76 and Patricia Jordan Kevin J. ’76 and Kelly A. Kelleher X Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen George M. ’76 and Maureen R. Thomas ’75 and Regina ’75 Lovaglio XV Dowling V John ’76 and Marion Marley Thomas J. Randazzo ’75 V Anne M. ’76 and Michael J. ’69 ASSISI SOCIETY McCafferty Gregory J. Brady ’75 V Michael P. Morris ’76 and Mary Myrna H. Belgrave-Sigua ’75 V McGovern-Morris ’76 X Michael J. ’75 and Linda Carvalhido V Harry C. ’76 and Rosemary Norum V Charles E. ’75 and Sandra Cederroth Joseph J. Ponzio ’76 Stephen J. Del Casino ’75 Joseph ’76 and Jane Tricarico V Samuel J., Ph.D. ’75 and Maryann John M. ’76 and Margaret H., DDS Fruner V ’77 Zaborskis Gregory N. Gray ’75 FRANCISCANS Antoinette M. Lauletta ’75 V Hyacinth A., RN ’76 and Charleus Carl P. ’75 and Christabel A. ’75 Charles Quigley XV Joycelyn Y. Collymore ’76 Joyce A., RN ’75 and Evans Thomas J. ’76 and Tina Cravotta Willoughby William A. ’76 and Marybeth Curran FRANCISCANS JoAnn ’76 and Gary Damiano V Julia B. ’75 and William Arcadipane John J. ’76 and Arlene C. Ferrante XV Carlos Avendano ’75 Gabriel O. ’76 and Christiana Kassim Paul P. Chadason ’75 Patricia C. Kerner ’76 XV Ann M. ’75 and Joseph A.’ 71 DiBlasi Michael J. ’76 and Dianne Mandel XV Michael J. Jesencky ’75 V Eleanor F. McCabe ’76 V Brian ’75 and Kathleen Kellar Lionel Payan ’76 Robert O. ’75 and Lynn Kurtz V Marie C. ’76 and Melvin Porow John A. Larkin ’75 George J. ’76 and Debra Waters Anthony J. ’75 and Rose Lauriano X Richard C. Lorenzo ’75 Susan J. Mondel ’75 Donald G. ’75 + and Patricia Dollars Raised $24,700.06 Mulligan Class participation 4.46% Renee M. Patrone-Miscione ’75 P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Ann S. Samuels ’75 V John E. ’77 and Susan Kiely XV Faith C. Saume-Berges ’75 X



1976 Dollars Raised $41,688.91 Class participation 7.79% CHARTER SOCIETY Barbara G. ’76 BT and Robert Koster X PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’83 Williams XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Mary Browne-Ryan ’76 and Edward J. Ryan ’75 X Anne Tully-Conlon ’76 and Gerard P. Conlon ’73 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Joseph C. ’76 and Janet Caldarella XV Anne C. ’76 and Victor Dagenais XV Philip ’76 and Alida LaSpisa V Peter ’76 and Susan Maloney XV Jean Riker-O’Leary ’76 and Michael O’Leary RED & BLUE CLUB

Raymond Bassil ’76 Richard G. ’76 and Margaret Danderline Robert J., CFP ’76 and Karin Genalo X Dr. Robert D. ’76 and Rita Hannafin William F. ’76 and Florence Maroney John M. ’76 and Mary G. ’79 Thompson V ASSISI SOCIETY

Dominic A. Cusimano ’76 and Barbara Ewens-Cusimano

Mary K. ’77 and Peter F. ’75 Spiess XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Darlene Kenty-Jefferson ’77 and Theodore Jefferson Gloria J. Martin ’77 John ’77 and Theresa Pastore V Elaine M. ’77 and Thomas E. Smith X



P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Judy A. ’79 BT and Robert Rice V

Dollars Raised $47,735.44 Class participation 5.87% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Margaret M. Costa ’78 James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue X PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole XV PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Raymond ’78 and Joan K. Dowling V Richard A. Greene ’78 XV Leonard G. ’78 and Mary Jane Lubrano XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Marjorie ’78 and Joseph E. Drennan XV Patricia M. Ola-Chukwu ’78 and Uche O. Ola X Anne M. ’78 and Herman M. ’79 Petsche Gerard ’78 and Patricia A. ’78 Trapp V Dorothy D. Wilson ’78 Albert C. Wiltshire ’78 RED & BLUE CLUB

Ed J. ’78 and Lisa Cronen V Thomas ’78 and Mary Anne ’79 Early X Janet F. Hayden-Cusimano ’78 and Anthony J. Cusimano ’79 Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 XV Edward C. McGarrity, Jr. ’78 Kevin J. ’78 and Maureen Redden Peter Cooney ’78 and Margaret M. Slattery ’84 V

Anne Marie E. ’77 and Louis DiNapoli A S S I S I S O C I E T Y Robert J. ’77 and Diane M. ’75 Trapp Karl T. Bednarek, MD ’78 and Sue Robichek X BUTLER STREET CLUB Robert M. ’78 and Frances Burks Alice ’77 and John J. ’63 Burke V Joseph A. ’78 and Maryann Donald J. ’77 and Kathryn Cacchioli XV Faughnan V Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78 XV John E. ’77 and Kathleen Klemm Thomas P. ’78 and Laura Caruso John P. ’77 and Carol F. McGee Edith V. Hodge ’78 Patricia M. Moffatt-Lesser ’77 and Margaret M. Kennedy ’78 Jeffrey Lesser XV Maureen T. Leo ’78 XV James M. ’77 and Janet M. Walsh X Steven J., Sr. ’78 and Barbara RED & BLUE CLUB Mauceri V Thomas J. ’77 and Lynn Cassidy X Maureen A. Meehan ’78 X Paul Degrazia ’77 Kevin M. ’78 and Laura Nash Anthony J. ’78 and Maryellen ASSISI SOCIETY Orlando V Thomas K. ’77 and Mary Alesi Glen Anderson ’77 and FRANCISCANS Diane Kavanaugh-Anderson X Elizabeth A. ’78 and Lawrence K. ’77 Claire J. Baker ’77 XV Becker Frederick ’77 and Mary Cannone Colin R. ’78 and Urma O. ’77 James F., Jr. ’77 + and Joan Callender McElroy XV Brenda J. Campbell-Beyman ’78 Margaret H., DDS ’77 and Kathleen M. King ’78 XV John M. ’76 Zaborskis Patricia A. Logan, CPCU ’78 X Robert E. ’78 and Claudia Moran FRANCISCANS Joseph ’78 and Rose-Ann Maria T. Auletta, MD ’77 Morangelli XV Lawrence K. ’77 and Elizabeth A. ’78 Mary P. Mullahy, RN ’78 V Becker Urma O. ’77 and Colin ’78 Callender Daniel M. Piselli ’78 Marietta D. Yankton ’78 V Regina S. Dowuona-Lutterodt ’77 X Jayne B. Godlewski ’77 V Thelma G. Gumbs, RN ’77

Dollars Raised $89,403.75 Class participation 9.44% CHARTER SOCIETY Gene E. ’79 BT and Ginna Donnelly V


Louis G. ’79 and Kathleen Pastina XV Jeanne Zatorski ’79 PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Joseph A. ’79 and Mary Ellen ’79 Giordano V Edmund J. Greco ’79 X Dorothy E. ’79 and Gary J. Gurreri XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

William C. ’79 and Rebecca B. ’80 Armstrong XV Pat A.’79 and Veronica A.’82 Mallozzi Stephen P. ’79 and Roseanne ’80 McInerney V Joann M. O’Neill-Quinterno ’79 and Steven Quinterno BUTLER STREET CLUB

Stephen E. ’79 and Joan S. Albright XV John Carollo ’79 Lisa M. Gallotta ’79 V Dr. Jean A. King ’79 Catherine T. ’79 and Michael O’Brien Herman M. ’79 and Anne M. ’78 Petsche V Errol S. Sebro ’79 Patrick ’79 and Patricia M. Timlin RED & BLUE CLUB

Anne L. ’79 and Peter ’75 Brigando V John J. ’79 and Susan F. Colgan Anthony J. Cusimano ’79 and Janet F. Hayden-Cusimano ’78 Mary Anne ’79 and Thomas ’78 Early X Mary G. ’79 and John M. ’76 Thompson V ASSISI SOCIETY

Lorraine F. ’79 and Joseph Altmann V Claudia P. Attardi-Pisano, DDS ’79 Anne M. Barbera ’79 Donald A. Buckley ’79 V Karen A. ’79 Cottone Giovambattista ’79 and Antonella Eramo Robert ’79 and Janet Fash Timothy P. Giambrone ’79 V Janet E. ’79 and William Harkins Nancy A. Lento-Misseri ’79 X Arleen Liquori ’79 Eugene J. ’79 and Kathleen M. ’84 McArdle James E. ’79 and Antoinette O’Brien Maria T. Plantemoli ’79 Eileen M. Ulmer ’79 X Bernard ’79 and Marion D. ’78 White V FRANCISCANS

Frederick E. Britton ’79 Gloria A. ’79 and Frank DeCrescenzo XV William J. ’79 and Eva Ferro Michael F. ’79 and Ann Laffey X Cipriani Lewis ’79 Joseph ’79 and Patricia B. Malewich V Keith D. ’79 and Jeanne McElwain Cecille M. McKesey-Braxton ’79 and Rodney Braxton

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 3 5

CL ASS YE AR G IVI N G (CO NTI N U E D) Patrick J. ’79 and Geraldine A., CPCU ’81 O’Beirne Joyce A. ’79 and Paul E. Reynolds XV Muriel A. Wilkinson ’79




Dollars Raised $39,695.16 Class participation 7.34% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Kelly J. Quinn ’80

Dr. Maryirene ’81 and Anthony Flynn BUTLER STREET CLUB

Salvatore A. Parascandola ’81 Oswald C., Jr. ’81 and Phyllis Boyce V Angela Caracciolo-Keenan ’81 and Frank Keenan X Phyllis C. O’Neill ’81 XV Robert B. ’81 and Nicole Silvestri ASSISI SOCIETY

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Michael J. Beaury ’80 XV

Edward J. ’80 and Madalyn M. ’80 Hanley XV

Kevin B. ’81 and Nora Crumlish X Alexander ’81 and Virginia Havriliak V Christopher L. ’81 and Theresa A. Hyland V William P. ’81 and Kathleen Muzyka X Thomas N. Orefice ’81 V James P. ’81 and Joanne D. Shea X



Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 XV PRESIDENT’S CLUB Irma Garcia ’80 XV

Rebecca B. ’80 and William C. ’79 Armstrong XV John J. ’80 and Mary Frawley XV Roseanne ’80 and Stephen P. ’79 McInerney V BUTLER STREET CLUB

Alfio Carrabotta ’80 Marjorie Driscoll ’80 V Daniel B. McManus ’80 Gaetano Messina ’80 Robert H. ’80 and Alicia Mulvena V Patricia A. Radigan ’80 RED & BLUE CLUB Mary P. Byrnes ’80 V

Brian ’80 and Mae McKeon XV Mary T. Tesoriero-Wood ’80 and James Wood ASSISI SOCIETY

Eugene C. Assencao-Sanchez ’80 X Mario P. ’80 and Margaret ’80 Conde V Claudia A. Gilchriest ’80 XV Angelo ’80 and Vincenza Guerriero V Yuet N. Lam ’80 Armand M., Jr. ’80 and Jeanne M. Patella XV Katherine M. ’80 and Bruno Schettini X Finola ’80 and James J. Schmidt Steven Zuccaro ’80 FRANCISCANS

Mary E. Callahan ’80 X Donald C. ’80 and Rita Cilia Eva ’80 Giamboi Pat M. ’80 and Thomas McVeigh Viken Najarian ’80 Peter ’80 and Maria Paguaga XV Laura J. ’80 and Thomas R. Pietro Mary E. ’80 and Michael Sammartino V Jeremiah J. Sullivan ’80 Thomas ’80 and Deborah A. ’81 Ugalde

Dominick S., Jr. ’81 and Donna A. Cappolla Ingrid M. Flamme ’81 Thomas A. ’81 and Kathleen Holmes Eileen R. Lian ’81 X Grace ’81 and Raymond McEvoy V Geraldine A., CPCU ’81 and Patrick J. ’79 O’Beirne Pamela Rudder ’81 Margaret Schwerdtman ’81 Deborah A. ’81 and Thomas ’80 Ugalde Rita Zehnter ’81 V

1982 Dollars Raised $5,391.97 Class participation 3.24% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Dollars Raised $132,534.03 Class participation 5.04% CHARTER SOCIETY David E. Haverty ’81 XV

Eileen M. Daly ’82 Maureen A. Finnerty ’82 Michael J. ’82 and Patricia Orlay V FRANCISCANS

Lily Campbell-Evering ’82 Christine A. Cirillo ’82 Dr. Edward ’82 and Julie DeRosa Virginia Fazio ’82 V Quintella Heyward ’82 Luhena Z. Scott ’82

1983 CHARTER SOCIETY Walton D. ’83 BT and Donna W.


Andrew V., CFA ’81 and Angela C. ’81 Vindigni XV P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Walter R. Leong ’81 XV

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Patricia K. Cassidy ’83 XV

Michael Schwerdtman ’81

Joe Marano ’83 Jacqueline S. ’83 and John J. ’82 Paguaga X RED & BLUE CLUB Brian Cosgrove ’83 V ASSISI SOCIETY

Deborah A. Strack-Cregan ’83 and Brendan Cregan XV Virginia ’83 and Thomas F. Flahive XV Barry S. Rohrssen ’83 Lawrence Thornton ’83 FRANCISCANS

John D. Coakley ’83 and Grace Z. Machuca-Coakley V Mark ’83 and Dolores ’83 Ferro XV Julia Guzzino ’83 Roseann V. Henry ’83 Janet M. ’83 and Joseph Meany Steven J. Mullins ’83 X Nicole Pluviose ’83 XV

1984 Dollars Raised $53,212.50 Class participation 6.87% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Alber ’84 and Laura Hot V

JoAnn C. Stonier, Esq. ’84 X PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Hector ’84 BT and Victoria Batista PRESIDENT’S CLUB Jesus F. ’84 BT and Noreen M. ’84 Linares XV

Sallyann G. ’85 and Richard Bartels Mary Ann Byrnes ’85 XV Michael ’85 and Lisa Curti XV Frank A. ’85 and Lucille Plantemoli Jean M. ’85 and Michael O’Malley FRANCISCANS

Maria ’85 and Louis Faicco X Richard Ferro ’85 Thomas J. ’85 and Carol Giglio V Ovanes ’85 and Eileen ’86 Ovanessian Rosaleen C. ’85 and Robert Shea

1986 Dollars Raised $20,362.56 Class participation 6.06% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Angelique Dawson XV PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

James F. Bozart ’86 and D. Baxter Winston XV REMSEN STREET CLUB Maria Donini ’86 X

Robert ’86 and Joan Mazzella X Damiano Mazzone ’86 V RED & BLUE CLUB Maria Cestaro ’86 V ASSISI SOCIETY

Colonel Edward, Jr. ’86 and Patricia Daily X James P. ’86 and Joan Fazio V David M. ’86 and Scarlet Monroe X Christine A. Negron ’86 Peter Schleipman ’86 Robert ’86 and Roseann Vito V


PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE J. Christopher ’83 BT and Carol Mangan X

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81 XV

BUTLER STREET CLUB Gayle A. Lombardi ’83 X


Michael ’82 and Josephine Lobosco REMSEN STREET CLUB Veronica A.’82 and Pat A.’79 Mallozzi Rosemarie A. ’84 and Scott T. Lanard F R A N C I S C A N S Edward R. Zatorski ’82 Carol A. ’84 and Gino P. Menchini BT Regan C. ’86 and Frederic B. Burnham Dolly L. Williams ’84 BUTLER STREET CLUB Corrado Carbone ’86 John J. ’82 and Jacqueline S. ’83 BUTLER STREET CLUB Ann Marie Ditizio-Rich ’86 Paguaga X Dr. Charles G.’84 and Ann M. ’84 Patricia J. ’86 and Richard W. Garlisi XV Ekelund XV RED & BLUE CLUB Dragan ’84 and Dorothy Radovich V Kevin ’82 and Dianne Agoglia Patricia C. Greene ’86 Thomas J. ’82 and Ellen Duffy Kathleen Lekadou ’86 RED & BLUE CLUB Neil C. O’Donnell ’82 X Eileen ’86 and Ovanes ’85 Margaret M. Slattery ’84 and Ovanessian Peter Cooney ’78 V

Dollars Raised $28,065.60 Class participation 4.94%


REMSEN STREET CLUB Frank R. Bongiorni ’83 V

Patricia A. ’83 and Jerome ’76 Williams XV


James J. Archer ’84 V Kathleen M. Boily-Young ’84 Anthony Fowora ’84 Glenn M. Huzinec ’84 and Theresa M. Spelman-Huzinec ’88 XV Kathleen M. ’84 and Eugene J. ’79 McArdle Eileen Nolan ’84 V Frederick A. Suzel ’84 John F. Tully ’84 and Irene Reidy FRANCISCANS

Gjoka Camaj ’84 Elizabeth Cammarosano, RN ’84 Adelaide Cianflone-Furrer ’84 and William Furrer Sebastian J. ’84 and Carol DiBella Urai L. Klinkusoom ’84 Vivian G. ’84 and Rigoberto Pabon X Denise G. Pennacchio ’84


1987 Dollars Raised $528.56 Class participation 2.32% RED & BLUE CLUB

Jana, CPA ’87 and John Dickerson Robert J. ’87 and Lisa Wisniewski X ASSISI SOCIETY

Sean E. Anderson ’87 V Stacey J. ’87 and Donald Guerriera-Tynion V


Lawrence R. ’88 and Patricia Carlucci XV Peter ’88 and Frances Kelly V Diana P. Medici-Gasparis ’88 Albina J. Raziano ’88 V Kirk M. Seabrun ’88 Joyce Wierzbowski ’88

1989 Dollars Raised $13,640.00 Class participation 7.19% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Brian J. Fay ’89 Stephen V. ’89 and Mary Kenny Catherine L. ’89 and Thomas Wornom XV RED & BLUE CLUB

Vincent ’89 and Patricia A. ’90 Belcastro Christopher R. ’89 and Nenette Palermo V ASSISI SOCIETY

Sharon D. Byrnes ’89 Ernesto F. Conte ’89 Christopher W. Johnson ’89 Erica Matechak ’89 V Kerry E. O’Connor-Corden ’89 Robert W., Jr. ’89 and Catherine Rose Jennifer M. Gilroy-Ruiz ’89 and Al Ruiz Wendy S. Schwartz ’89 Christine Zovich ’89 FRANCISCANS

Mary B. ’89 and Frank Baldizzi Monica M. ’89 + and Elmer Berry Christopher Colella ’89 Thomas B. Gillespie ’89 Christine A. Kramer-Santangelo ’89 and Salvatore Santangelo V

1990 Dollars Raised $933.00 Class participation 4.15% RED & BLUE CLUB

Patricia A. ’90 and Vincent ’89 Belcastro ASSISI SOCIETY

Eileen M. ’87 and Albert Bartha V Sandra ’87 and Angel Rivera

Anthony ’90 and Linda Baranello V Henry A. Giron ’90 and Elizabeth Diaz de Giron XV Patricia A. McCauley-Koestner ’90 V




Dollars Raised $157,201.00 Class participation 5.08% LA VERNA SOCIETY Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly XV

Dollars Raised $1,500.00 Class participation 3.10%




Michael ’85 and Theresa Maher V

Phyllis Downer ’88 Irene A. Feldman ’88 and Paul Polik V Eloise Gales-Abdullah ’88 Janet ’88 Hopkins Michael D. Paladine ’88 Theresa M. Spelman-Huzinec ’88 and Glenn M. Huzinec ’84 XV John H. Spina, DPM ’88 V

Francis H. Borg ’90 Pamela J. Curcio ’90 James W. ’90 and Christie Gannon V Michael L. ’90 and Nancy Gorman V Neal M. ’90 and Eleanora McGarrity Lorraine F., RN ’90 and Ira Zapin XV

Sean P. ’88 and Maureen Sheridan The Honorable Margo K. Brodie ’88 V

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1


1991 Dollars Raised $46,465.85 Class participation 6.39% FOUNDER ’S CIRCLE

Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 and Arthur Swaine, Jr. X P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 and Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT XV REMSEN STREET CLUB

Anthony J. Henry ’91 Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 XV Maura E. ’91 and Daniel Mulvey BUTLER STREET CLUB Susan M. Ignaciuk ’91 V RED & BLUE CLUB

James P. ’91 and Virginia C. McDade V ASSISI SOCIETY

Janet M. Dawson ’91 and James P. Vafeas X Jose R. Guzman ’91 Agneta Iachmanovski, DPM ’91 Colleen A. Meade-Edwards ’91 and John C. Edwards Joseph A. ’91 and Sharon Raftery Mary C., CPA ’91 and Edward B. Shaw V FRANCISCANS

Stanley N. Cancar ’91 Elizabeth G. ’91 and C. Harkin V Karen Schiera ’91 and Robert Erving Vicki J. ’91 and Richard C. Shields




William Beuther, Jr. ’94 V Leslie M. McNamara ’94 Rosalia ’94 and Anthony Monetti Michael ’94 and Honey Marie E. ’92 Theogene

Harold J. Lodevil ’97 Michael T. Quinn ’97


Charlotte T. Albury ’94 David V. Brooks ’94 Pamela Ciantro-Cangelosi ’94 and Robert Cangelosi Tara A. Hodgens ’94 Anna L. Soto ’94 V

1995 Dollars Raised $3,245.03 Class participation 3.05% REMSEN STREET CLUB Dyanne M. Rosado ’95 V BUTLER STREET CLUB

John J. ’95 and Miriam N. ’96 Infortunio ASSISI SOCIETY

Paul B. Tannuzzo ’95 and Beata Bak-Tannuzzo ’97 Marie F. Zangari ’95 X FRANCISCANS Nancy Cena ’95 V

Fabian A. Baez ’95 Sheila Singleton ’95 and Terry Dore Patrick S. ’95 and Theresa O’Hara X

1996 Dollars Raised $7,166.50 Class participation 3.53% PRESIDENT’S CLUB



Leonora T. Augustine-Smith ’92

James G. ’96 and Catherine Quigley X


BUTLER STREET CLUB Gail A. O’Donnell ’96 V


Kenneth J. ’92 and Joann M. Coffin Gweneth E. Munroe ’92 Antoinette Palazzi ’92 X

1993 Dollars Raised $215.00 Class participation 2.20%

Patricia A. Morrissey ’96

1994 Dollars Raised $4,926.00 Class participation 5.28% PRESIDENT’S CLUB

R.J. ’94 and Maria Hinners V BUTLER STREET CLUB Jean S. ’94 BT and Melissa Desravines V RED & BLUE CLUB

James P. ’94 and Andrea L. Cahalan V Betty A. ’94 and Harold Gatto


John N. ’98 and Mary E. Wlaysewski X RED & BLUE CLUB

Sharon M. Cumberbatch ’98 ASSISI SOCIETY

Clive A. Valley ’98 and Camasita A. Campo ’96 Rev. Josephjude C. Gannon ’98 V Mark S. Nurse ’98 V Bernardo S. Phipps ’98

1999 Dollars Raised $1,450.00 Class participation 1.89% BUTLER STREET CLUB RED & BLUE CLUB

Dollars Raised $12,386.44 Class participation 3.40% PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Anne E. ’02 and Kevin J. Rhatigan V REMSEN STREET CLUB

Yadira A. Ramos-Herbert ’02 XV Anthony H. Zalak ’02 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Jo-Anneyre McNeil-Cruz ’02 and Robert M. Cruz ’01 V



REMSEN STREET CLUB Michael A. Correra ’05 X

Julio A. Agosto ’02 and Aura N. Miranda-Agosto XV Cheryl H. Carty Strachan ’02 Gloria D. Chambers-Williams ’02 Sean P. Leahy ’02

Dollars Raised $128,312.59 Class participation 4.10% PRESIDENT’S CLUB

2000 Dollars Raised $774.64 Class participation 2.60% Dr. Anna Y. Len ’00


Michele A. DiMaggio ’00 Filip E. Ivanov ’00 Vivian Mazzella ’00 V Anthony C. Tomasulo ’00 XV Kristie L. Viggiano ’00 V Eulene A. ’00 and Ira Workman XV

2001 Dollars Raised $3,951.25 Class participation 2.93% P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan XV

Julie M. Acuff ’03 Carol T. Decina ’03 V REMSEN STREET CLUB Borislav G. Guenov ’03 XV BUTLER STREET CLUB

Megan L. Hoffman ’03 RED & BLUE CLUB

Nicholas W. Pantazis ’03 Mary E. Soyka-Abbate ’03 ASSISI SOCIETY

George Cataudella ’03 X Anthony J., Jr. ’03 and Kristen L.’03 Fasano Ann Marie L. Vega ’03 FRANCISCANS

Adrian A. Armstrong ’03 Adanna K. Branford-Stewart ’03 Melissa A. Duron ’03 Tisha Greenidge ’03 Jerry K. Hyppolite ’03 Patricia L. Kessler ’03 Shonda A. Moore ’03 Wilton W. Thomas ’03



Christopher M. Gibbons ’97 and Bevin K. Meade-Gibbons ’98 Natalia ’97 and Daniel P. Murphy X Erez, Ph.D. ’97 and Rosalin Shochat XV

Dixil H. Francis ’01


BUTLER STREET CLUB Srdjan Mihaljevic ’01 X

Dollars Raised $8,850.04 Class participation 4.28%



Robert M. Cruz ’01 and Jo-Anneyre McNeil-Cruz ’02 V Matthew C. Hogan ’01 XV

Robert A. Oliva ’04 and Marie Dattero XV Charles A. ’04 and Diane E. Giardino X Ruben N. Gonzalez ’04 X Chanardai Ramjattan ’04


David B. Gardella ’97 ASSISI SOCIETY

Lisa Y. Efferson ’97 Beata Bak-Tannuzzo ’97 and Paul B. Tannuzzo ’95


Angela K. ’01 and William F. Manekas X Monica Michalski-Verdino ’01 and Michael Verdino

Clair A. Brown ’04 Krystal Castle ’04 Ronnie A. Guidice, DDS ’04 Jason N. Ifill ’04 Elizabeth Kearney ’04 Rene K. Luces-Whiteman ’04 Jelena Maljkovic ’04 Michelson J. McLean ’04 Kelly A. Morenzoni ’04 Thaze Phillips ’04 Berneisha C. Rodriguez ’04 Djarlon D. Sealy ’04 Raynata A. Wiggins ’04

Jamila A. Alkaifi-Hercules ’02 V Karen A. Mitchell ’02 Denzil A. Streete ’02 Michelle D. Teehan ’02 V


Danielle T. Battista ’99 V




Laura L. Eisenzopf ’00 XV Lisa M. Gambardella ’00 V Josephine F. ’00 and Michael Parisi

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Michael A. ’97 BT and Julia MacIntyre XV


Nicholas A. Gaus ’99 V Thomas Smith ’99

Camasita A. Campo ’96 and Clive A. Valley ’98 John E. Comer ’96 Christopher M. ’96 and Josette Ortiz V Daisy P. ’96 and Irwin Weinstein

Dollars Raised $9,620.00 Class participation 2.59%

Andrea S. Browne ’04 Michael J. Ferrari ’04 V Nikita R. Huggins ’04 Jason S. Phillip ’04 Godwill K. Vortia ’04





Csaba M. Biro ’01 and Cynthia Green-Biro Olga M. Macolino ’01 X

Yadira M. Moran-Ulrich ’02 X


Helen F. Iaria ’96 Kathleen A. Maher, RN ’96 James G. Monahan ’96


Augustus E. ’98 and Reine Aikins Elizabeth M. Corrigan ’98 Richard T. Finger, Jr. ’98 V Virginia L. Hanson, RN ’98 X Tara L. Luhrs ’98 Carol ’98 and Vincent Matteo Aretie Valentin ’98



Antonevia A. Ocho-Coultes ’04 and Julian R. Oddman ’06 Calver G. Palmer ’04


Miriam N. ’96 and John J. ’95 Infortunio


Serafin ’93 and Blanca R. Ayllon Jeannine M. McLaughlin-Gomez ’93 and Richard Gomez Carolyn ’93 and William I. ’66 Meehan Paul R. Puttlitz ’93 V

Dollars Raised $2,268.28 Class participation 3.86%

Carla M. ’99 and Gerardo J. Leonardi

Dollars Raised $950.00 Class participation 2.31%

Rachele A. Bucchieri ’92 V Eileen M. Long-Chelales ’92 X Honey Marie E. ’92 and Michael ’94 Thegene


Alice M. Salome-Patton ’01 and Douglas H. Patton V Dinnadra J. St. Louis ’01


Rosemary Brybag ’04 V

Dollars Raised $4,625.00 Class participation 5.62%


Marlon D. Joseph ’05 and Jamie Kwasniewski ASSISI SOCIETY

Alicia J. Browne ’05 V Glenn R. McCartney ’05 Gerard McEntee ’05 Louville B. Moore ’05 Bianca E. O’Brien ’05 Danny A. ’05 and Ivette Plaza Katie T. Schatz ’05 John D. Viggiano ’05 FRANCISCANS

Kimberly L. Bennett ’05 Jessica C. ’05 and Michael Boiardi V Rudolph T. Charles ’05 Vanessa D. Howard ’05 Kevin E. Joseph ’05 Krisson F. Joseph ’05 Arthur Kulkov ’05 Daniella J. Nelson ’05 Anthony Olszewski ’05 Evol Phillip ’05 Belinda R. Thomas ’05 Christopher E. Ward ’05 Fredy F. Vinansaca ’05

2006 Dollars Raised $6,676.25 Class participation 4.64% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Rosmery C. ’06 and Jaime Chauca Peter ’06 and Miriam E. ’06 Kalaev RED & BLUE CLUB

Dr. Anica C. Mulzac ’06 V Julian R. Oddman ’06 and Antonevia A. Ocho-Coultes ’04 ASSISI SOCIETY Alfonso Lopez ’06 V

Thomas L. ’06 McCabe Jason Whittaker ’06 FRANCISCANS

Jason V. Attard ’06 Marlon P. Bennett ’06 Alicia C. Blake ’06 Tricia S. Edmund-McIntosh ’06 V

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 3 7

CL ASS YE AR G IVI N G (CO NTI N U E D) Elizabeth T. Khalevich ’06 V Maciej Krupa ’06 Stepan Mudreac ’06 Christine C. Pigott ’06 V Anthony J. Trimboli ’06 X

Elena M. Escalona ’09 Marie M. Francois ’09 Sonia Gutkin ’09 V John P. ’09 and Jeannette M. ’10 Montes V Alessandro E. Silaco ’09

2007 Dollars Raised $6,196.29 Class participation 2.38% PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Sarah M. ’07 and Andrew Hughes V

2010 Dollars Raised $2,250.12 Class participation 2.94% BUTLER STREET CLUB

Alan C. Stuto, DPM ’10


Travis C. Clayton ’07


RED & BLUE CLUB Jonathan K. Ng ’07 V

Amanda M. Buccheri ’10 Antoinette V. LaFemina ’10 X Joseph J. Leone ’10 V



Catherine M. Gichenje ’07 Charles R. Machado ’07 Sean A. Nicholson ’07 V Cindy Ramsaroop ’07 Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 X Sara M. Saad ’07 Daniella A. Sanderson ’07

Albert L. DiCostanzo ’10 Shanique J. Lewis ’10 FRANCISCANS

Marko Dedovic ’10 Dimitar P. Georgiev ’10 Jeannette M. ’10 and John P. ’09 Montes V Jeffrey Taveras ’10

2008 Dollars Raised $3,824.82 Class participation 5.31%

2011 Dollars Raised $5,261.00 Class participation 3.75%


Cora D. Clark ’08 and David Clark X RED & BLUE CLUB

Kennitha A. Allahar ’08 Nicholas ’08 and Daniela M.’08 Keenan


Daniel P. McLaughlin ’11 Deirdre A. Turner ’11 RED & BLUE CLUB Kevin T. Conlon ’11 V ASSISI SOCIETY


Victoria M. Bombe ’11 X Aleksandra S. Milanova ’11 Tiffany D. Spivey ’11

Peter J. Bockmeyer ’08 Leighton M. Smith ’08 FRANCISCANS

Giselle Bartholomew ’08 + Matthew G. ’08 and Lauren M. ’08 Bertolotti V Joseph M. Elie ’08 Michael A. Estrella ’08 and Lilibeth Caraballo Maria Ferraro ’08 V Salvatore Frasca ’08 Megan E. Husak ’08 V Christina M. Lindsay ’08 Michael F. Phillips ’08 and Laurie E. Blaske ’08 Monique E. Shannon ’08




Dollars Raised $2,664.49 Class participation 3.91% REMSEN STREET CLUB Laura R. Mulcahey ’09 V BUTLER STREET CLUB Jamaal G. Womack ’09 V RED & BLUE CLUB

Salvatore P. ’09 and Melissa Demma X ASSISI SOCIETY

Careen A. Fletcher ’09 Kathleen A. Mills ’09 Denise Vieni ’09 FRANCISCANS

Giuseppe G. Buscemi ’09 Nancy E. Campoverde ’09 Christina DeBianchi ’09 Laura M. Donodeo ’09

Anthony Caraccio ’11 Shaun M. Cerrone ’11 Bono H. Lee ’11 V Thalita L. Paladino ’11 Tara A. Scherer ’11

2012 Dollars Raised $2,740.00 Class participation 2.85% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 and Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 V



Gabriella A. Deluca ’13 Brendan P. English ’13 Paul Hudak ’13 Yuyin Jiang ’13 Adolfo Lara ’13 V

Andy Calixto ’16 Bora Dimitrov ’16 Marko Gencic ’16 Erika Paola Lopez ’16 Justin P. Lowe ’16 Patricia Bridget Malewich ’16 Rebecca J. Mares ’16 Paul John Marino ’16 Mikheil Petrosyan ’16 Balint Toth ’16 Matthew Edward Varela ’16


Adeleke M. Adesanya ’13 Sarah Anwar ’13 Tamika I. Bender ’13 Sophia Boussalh ’13 Vlademar Brekhounets ’13 Darrin W. Glen ’13 David B. Loutfi ’13 Matthew A. Manzi ’13 Andrew Pedicino ’13 Chandradath Ramotar ’13 Kyle S. Rivadeneyra ’13 Kristina Terpo ’13 Nicole J. Terzulli ’13 Nicholas J. Thompson ’13 V Mayra D. Vialette ’13

2014 Dollars Raised $1,809.35 Class participation 5.11% REMSEN STREET CLUB

Jasmin Pastor ’14 ASSISI SOCIETY

Denise Thompson ’14 James Toscano ’14 V FRANCISCANS

Winnie C. Arzu ’14 Amanda R. Castellano ’14 Anna Goryachkovsky ’14 Alana N. Hernandez ’14 Jennifer A. McCormick ’14 Michael W. Pascual ’14 Nikol Santana ’14 V Bosko Stankovic ’14

2015 Dollars Raised $1,121.28 Class participation 4.41% RED & BLUE CLUB

Thomas Gregory Pynn ’15

Phoebe Wai-Yin Lee ’17 RED & BLUE CLUB

Mackenzie L. Iburg ’17 ASSISI SOCIETY

James Cafiero ’17 John Robert Cheung ’17 Anthony V. Mauceri ’17 Marissa Kaitlin Plaia ’17 FRANCISCANS

Morgan M. Allison ’17 V Frank E. Armano ’17 Nicholas P. Barone ’17 Katherine Neryn Cardy ’17 Minnie S. Chiu ’17 David Thomas Fusillo ’17 Robert Adam Glass ’17 Anndella Taylor Hughes ’17 Jonathan C. Lacovara ’17 Vinod Maharaj ’17 Jason Manrique ’17 Christine F. Muraco ’17 Noelia V. Noboa ’17 Kelsey Papanicolaou ’17 Daniela C. Peralta ’17 Adriannah I. Rodriguez ’17 Krisztina Rudinszky ’17 Sasha Ayanna Sealey ’17 Niehely Sosa ’17


2016 Dollars Raised $1,385.00 Class participation 2.97%



Tyler W. Clarhaut ’13 Mary E. Gallagher ’13 V



Dollars Raised $3,873.19 Class participation 4.72%


Maureen ’17 and Thomas Wipf



Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 and Joseph M. Acciatiro ’12 V


Joseph J. ’15 Buccheri Daniel C. Chin ’15 Melanie A. Dessommes ’15 Corinne Tully ’15

Zoltan Danko ’12 Peter D. Gonzales ’12 Tsveta M. Kaleynska ’12 Saverio A. Nardone ’12 Noemi Rivera ’12 John F. Whelan ’12 V


Dollars Raised $4,331.64 Class participation 5.25%


Anna Maria Bove ’15 Anthony M. Desiderio ’15 Robert Martin Devita ’15 Pantelis D. Gallis ’15 Aleksandar Gavric ’15 Tasha Marleny James ’15 Augustine M. Mascolo ’15 Igor Z. Mladenovic ’15 Abraham Oxilas ’15 Jon Pepaj ’15 Frank A. Randall ’15 V Stephanie Ann Rivera ’15

Michael P. Sheehan ’12 Michelle C. Williams ’12


Robert J. Schiera ’16 ASSISI SOCIETY

Steve H. Middelijn ’16

Dollars Raised $790.00 Class participation 4.72% Christopher Barletta ’18 Federico Gaston Curbelo ’18 Marlina M. Reid ’18 FRANCISCANS

Shahriar Akbar ’18 Giuseppe Barone ’18 Michael Richard Billera ’18 Per Christerson ’18 Theresa M. Fitzgerald ’18 Emma L. Gaffney ’18 V Stephanie Maria Galo ’18 Joseph M. Gaviria ’18 James Hay ’18 Stefan Ivanovic ’18 V Miguel A. Medrano ’18 Nicholas Daniel Nemergut ’18 Christopher Joseph Pashayan ’18 Vanessa C. Rivera ’18 Niccole M. Salomone ’18 V Luis Enrique Velez ’18 Michael L. Zanca ’18 Nikola Zivkovic ’18

2019 Dollars Raised $1,048.10 Class participation 11.06% ASSISI SOCIETY

Steven Brennan , Jr. ’19 Lauren T. Coyle ’19 Sean Finn ’19 Dillon C. Jodhan ’19 Nicole A. Robinson ’19 Romello Q. Rogers ’19 FRANCISCANS

Nicholas Joseph Abbate ’19 Mary Jane Anderson ’19 Janelly Esperanza Aybar ’19 Breanna N. Chandler ’19 Richard J. Consolazio ’19 Omar Joel Constantine ’19 Nashavia L. Cummings ’19 Stephen Anthony Daperis ’19 Colin Michael Devin ’19 Jake DiBello ’19 Dana Kate DiRenzo ’19 Diego Domingo ’19 Mia J. Ehling ’19 Alsamendi Fleurival ’19 Danielle Rose Francavilla ’19 Johnny Antonio Frias ’19 Danielle Garcia ’19 Amal Hawari ’19 Nicole Herrick ’19 Lorraine M. Hickman ’19 Jessica Zainab Kolo ’19 Mauline D. Lawrence-Jackson ’19 Vincent Longobardi ’19 Brianna I. McFarlane-Sam ’19 Thomas McGuigan ’19 Sara Monckton ’19 Caroline Mullins ’19 Ashley M. Murray ’19 Maria C. Palarino ’19 Joseph M. Pedone ’19 Mireya G. Ramirez ’19 Joseph G. Rozas ’19 Samecia Sanders ’19 Nadim R. Saqui ’19 Arianna A. Sartzetakis ’19 Christina Scopelliti ’19 David Tottori ’19 Peter D. Vitella ’19 Victoria E. Wagner ’19 Pratima Wairawen ’19 Heidi Zavala ’19

Current Student Giving ASSISI SOCIETY

Maeve Conlon Federico Gaston Curbelo ’18 Anthony Cusumano Raphaelle Gregoire Mishele Koroveshi Michael McGoldrick FRANCISCANS

Firoj Ahmed Shahriar Akbar ’18 Mohamed Al Chorbaji Robert Allende V Aliyah Alli Abigail S. Anderson Beatriz Angelo Jenna Rose Bahnsen Danae Elise Barkley Giuseppe Barone ’18 Casey Bartek Kyomi L. Blake Kyle Brehm

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

CL ASS YE AR G IVI N G (CO NTI N U E D) Casey Elizabeth Carangelo Timothy Patrick Cecere , Jr. Michael Conlon Kiara N . Cortes Kimberly D’Ottavio Diana Danford Victoria R . Doto Zane L. Drobenko Zoe Anabel Drobenko Kavin Duraku Angela Esposito Theresa M. Fitzgerald ’18 Amayrani Gonzalez Diala Hamouche Victoria Hollywood Ebony Rose Horton Valentin Horvath Wies Hurkmans Jade Emily Johnson Cody Alexander Jones Connor Keating Samantha Keltos Joshua Koon Alexandra Sarah Lassen AnnaMaria Figueiredo Leal Francesco Lo Cascio Melanie Elizabeth Lumkong Binald Mahmuti Vladana Maksimovic Victor Louis Masi Mary Catherine McKendry Miguel A. Medrano ’18 Lara Milak Vanja Miljacic Neco Miller Zelucia Mogent Lauren Nicole Montgomery Sabina Muminiy Max D. Ocrant Lexis Ortiz Roman Pavlyuh Taris E. Pittman Ademide O. Raji Abra Rummel Sameera Shadan Taylor Smith Kelsey Snelgar Alexandra Lee Speweik Drjordje Stanic Una Stevic Fanny Maria Stromstedt Rebeca Tapia Alexandra Tudor Jennifer Vargas-Ruiz Attila Vastag Meriton Veliu Taylor Waglione Heather Waters Micah Wesselhoff


Tim and Diane Cecere Barbara A. Dugan XV P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Domenick and Wendy Cama X Michael C. Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn V PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Jerome ’76 and Patricia A. ’83 Williams X REMSEN STREET CLUB

Thomas, Sr. and Patricia L. Alberto X Gerard H. ’60 and Charline Gannon XV Raymond and Kathleen Leone Timothy and Nora Lynch Shelia Martin V

Joseph C., DPM and Sue Stuto X BUTLER STREET CLUB

Edward R. and Alice A. James V John E. ’77 and Kathleen Klemm Michael ’85 and Theresa Maher V Frank D. ’75 and Michele Petrizzo X Michael E. and Marija F. Wierzbicki X RED & BLUE CLUB

Gerard and Joanne Chandler Joseph Perrotta Robert and Cheryl Siemer ASSISI SOCIETY

Jesula Alvarez Arthur E. Anderson Teresa Anderson V Anthony and Elizabeth Bello V Hubert and Mary Brybag Elizabeth Budig V Andrew P. and Janet Cahalan V John and Deborah J. Cisek V Thomas P. Cook Donna M. De Siena XV Pia Farrell Jeffrey Felix Thomas Ferris Mark and Ann Marie Finamore Hugh E. ’61 and Geraldine A. Gallagher V James Gardella and Patricia Gardella Marianna Gaus Mary Gregory Costello Charles W. Hogan Diane Kavanaugh-Anderson X Dennis M. ’64 and Ann Kennedy X Jean R. and Marie O. Louis V Roger and Lora A. Marino Brenda McCabe Michael S. and Eileen McNamara V Kelly A. Murphy Robert J. Murphy ’71 XV Richard and Martha Navarra John J. Powers and Virginia A. Greaney-Powers V Mel A. and Laura A. Pynn John Reyes Michael ’94 and Honey Marie E. ’92 Theogene Thomas and Kellyanne Tully Edmund T. and Elaine M. Vaughan Leory Smith and Terena Walters-Smith FRANCISCANS

Theresa Armento John Azzolini V Ronald Bara Felipe R. and Norma E. Borrero Daniel W. and Liza Q. Diehl Vita Domingo John E. Donodeo Richard and Marianne Eisenzopf Edna D. Ellis Alfa and Thomas Ferraro Judith Franzo V James and Bernadette Geissler XV Michael F. Kennedy Jeffrey K. Koon and Susan H. Ekerling-Koon Scott and Lorraine Kumm Herman and Debra Margulies Pavol Martinka Clyde Thompson and Dawn McMullan Ann Marie Misiti Louis A. Pastina V John ’77 and Theresa Pastore V Daniel J. and Helen Phelan V Rosemary Policastro Krzysztof and Wieslawa Pyryt Raphael and Martha Ramirez

Ann Reed Brigida Rocha Alfred R. and Joanne Toscano Anthony F. Trimboli V Richard and Angela Turello


Fred and Judith A. Wilpon V Judy and Fred Wilpon Family Foundation, Inc. Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff XV FOUNDER ’S CIRCLE Catherine Greene BT V

Thomas and Paula McInerney Michael O’Keeffe V CHARTER SOCIETY James Argutto V

Carolyn Callahan X Robert B. and Joan Catell XV Patricia Henry Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. and Julie Holland May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation Alex and Terri Rohan Vincent A. Rohan X Angela Rosania X Joseph and Barri Savasta V Leonard Solondz Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe XV P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

John and Denise Buran Nicholas R. Caiazzo, Esq. V Michael Clarke, Jr. Joseph K. and Margaret M. Collins Thomas F. and Eileen Flood X Brian F. and Cindy Gavin Rev. Msgr. Kieran Harrington V Lynn and Glenn Iafrate Peter and Karen Labbat Mary A. Ledermann XV George Lewis V Lester and Barbara Owens V Shepard Poole Patrica Quinn Michael and Paula Rantz Frank and Tracy Scahill Thomas Solecki Barbara Tuck John and Stephanie Whittier PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE

Sean Brady Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi X George Clark, III Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio XV Maureen Moore and Robert C. Golden X Peter Grassotti and Karen A. Di Santo-Grassott V John A. Loconsolo V John and Christy Mack Edward and Marisol Mafoud James F. McDonald Brian P. Mooney V Sarah Rosenfeld Clare Walker X PRESIDENT’S CLUB

Anonymous Antonio Biondi Rev. Msgr. John J. Bracken BT V Chris and Kate C. BT Burke Richard Chamberlain Peter Coombe and Betty Chen V John Cosgrove V Orville W. Dale BT XV C. Nathan Dee, Esq.

August DiRenzo Tom Dobbins V Robert F. and Margaret P. Gartland V Dozier Hasty George Henry Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. BT XV Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis XV Joseph M. Esq. and Mary Ann Mattone XV Edward Miller Bro. Gabriel O’Brien, OSF Steven and Linda Quadrino X William and Joanne Quinn Robert Ragen Martin and Marie Russo Carlo Scissura Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood XV Patricia Smith Robert Speranza Bro. Christopher Thurneau, OSF BT Stephen Waldorf and Diana Catherines V William A. Walker REMSEN STREET CLUB

Jeff Ankrom Kay Benesh Hernan Benitez and Paola Mejia Thomas Burke Guy and Carol Carlsen XV Celeste C. Cellini V Richard Conley and Kathleen A. Nolan Edward W. Connolly Lowell Dashefsky and Linda Werbel-Dashefsky XV Dominick and Kerry Davi Brigitte Day Jeffrey J. Drapala, MBA Peter J. Fazio RJ Ferrante Matthew E. Fishbein and Gail Stone Adelino R. Franquinha Mary Gardiner Lorraine George-Harik Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori V Robert Hebron and Paula Hebron Thomas and Marybeth Henry James M. Hunter, Ph.D. Hugh T. and Bonnie Hurley Thomas Iadanza Barry J. Jacobson Eugene Keilin and Joanne Witty Richard M. Kenny Thomas Kissane V Michael A. and Jennifer A. Koczko Phillip Lanard Peter Landauer Harold Laubscher William K. Lavin John Lorch V Nora and Timothy Lynch Ann Mangone X Martin and Francine McManus Charles and Mary McQuade V Brad Miller Andrew and Liana Moss Kevin and Mary J. Murphy Allan Newman Brian S. O’Neil, CFA Kevin S. O’Rourke and Eunice Ro Barbara Pineda X Arthur J. Radin Joel Rothfus and Michele Hirsch, Ph.D. Julie Rothstein Neil and Lauren Shroff Angela Siliato-Acciarito V Josh Silverman

Jamie Stecher Robert G. and Kellie M. Sumberac V Gary Sumple V Tim Tolan Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Gregory J. Walsh Arlene A. Whalen V Arthur Wiener Charles E., III and Margaret E. Williams Michael Zimmerman BUTLER STREET CLUB

Karim Ahamed James Austin V Andrew and Emily Berger Robert Blandino Frank Califano, Jr. X Alice A. Callaghan V Charles and Dena C. Capetanakis Joseph Cirone Brian and Gina E. Collins XV Julie Collins Scott Collins Mary Beth Dawson, Ph.D. BT and Matt Charles V Edward Drayton Fitzgerald Fields Edmond and Barbara Flood V Sean P. Gilleran V Michael Giordano John R. Giordano Kristen Hadeed Zoltan Hankovszky Richard and Katherine Hatton Mike Hennigan Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. XV Thomas Jones Donald E. Kent V Francis J. Keppel Peter Koch Penelope Kokkinides Michael Lee Kang Nicholas Lembo Marie Ludlow Peter and Martha Macchio Philip and Maureen P. Maldari X Philip Mannino Errol C. Marquis James J., Jr. and Lisa B. G. McHugh Gerard and Heidi McNamara Joanne McNeill B.R. and Elise Mitchell Salvatore and Maureen Monaco Ted and Cheryl Nelson Alice Novak Michelle D. Novak Desmond M. O’Brien Clyde O’Garro Jane Parmel Joseph Perotta Walter A. and Kathleen Probst XV Gail Ressler Karen Restaino Vanessa I. Rosado Eric and Nicole Steinweiss Alphonso D. Stephens Thomas Sternal Richard and Pamela Stolz Dr. Supoj Tanchajja X John Welch XV Mallika Winsor RED & BLUE CLUB Andrea Arcarola V

Theodore and Gloria L. Bajo V Antonio Berger Sara N. Bezler Matthew Bloom Marvin and Margaret Booth Jill Braver

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 3 9

FRI E N DS (CO NTI N U E D) Matthew J. and Michele Brunton V Daniel Buzby Dawn Calamia Robert Catalano Susan Chadick Benjamin A. and Emily K.M. Ciesinski Brian Coleman Walter J. and Patricia Cook Martin and Kathleen Cottingham V Dominic J. Cusimano Nicholas DeMarco Susan Dennis Robert DeSalvo JoAnn DiNapoli Diane Donovan Rich Einhorn and Amy Singer Nina Epstein Paula Fichtner X Alan H. and Judith R. Fishman Sean Forbes Paul Freck Raymond C. Habib Richard and Annette Hinners Leonard and Saundra Honig XV Grace Hudson XV John Ju Dennis and Linda Kaminski Colonel Robert M. and Patricia Keith XV James and Karen LaFleur Ken and Pat Lancaster Ann Landman Domenick Laurendi Timothy Lawlor David and Denise Levine Janno Lieber Richard Loyd Mary T. Macchiarola XV Michael C. and Jennifer P. Macchiarola Louis J. and Rose Ann Mustacchio XV Mark Noto Katherine O’Hagan V Ana Oliveira Timothy O’Regan George R. and Claire B. Prezioso John E. and Louise A. Redden Craig Richey Josephine Rinaldi Julia A. Rogge William Rohl Thomas P. and Dorothy A. Seery X Mary Shaw Stephen and Corinne Smolizza Joie Tavernise Robert Teich John L. Thurston V Dominick Tinelli Joseph Tooma Margherita Valluzzi Bart J. Verdirame Barry G. Walter V Sheila Welch Mary Whitehurst David C. Wiener Brett M. Wierzbicki Delora V. Williams X Kerry Winn Ann Winton ASSISI SOCIETY

Colleen Abruzzino Louis Acerra James C., Ph.D. and Eleanor L. Adams Rosemay Ahern Barbara Alexander Terrence Alexander Dominick and Maryann Amorosa Michael and Mary Anderson Vincent W. Ansanelli, III, Esq.

Leonard Baker XV Mary Bennett V Lori A. Biscardi Colleen E. Bowerman V Mark and Therese Brinken V Larry Brown Jaime Browne Joseph N. and Rosemarie J. Buccheri Juneisha Burrowes Hugo Cadavid Cecil Cannady Joseph and Virginia Cardella Isiah Carter Reverend Monsignor David L. Cassato Raymond F. Chmielewski Patrice Clarhaut Kevin Cody Steven D., Esq. and Jana Cohn Anna Constantino Reverend Coleman Costello Theresa D’albora Louis Damiano Steven A. Dean and Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D. X Dave and Lorraine Deering V Frank Delia Margaret A. DeMatteis V Frank and Liliane DeRosa V Eugene T. Devine Donald K. Dewey and Santa Parisi-Dewey Blaise Didio Ann Dolan Thomas and Michelle Donnelly John J. and Mary E. Donohoe Mark Edmunds Atiba Edwards Marcia Ely Mary A. Erlanger X John and Karen Ferguson V Sheila Ferguson Charles and Mary Ferrera Maria Ferrera Peter Fifield Gerard J. Fleming James Gambino V Paul and Susan Gangsei William C., Jr. and Ann C. Gartner V Michael Giugliano Robert and Muriel Giugliano Sam Gold Mary Ellen Golden Paulette B. Gonzalez John and Karen E. Gordon Harry Greenwald John Hammond V Paula Harney V Dr. John K. and Sue Hawes Cesar Herrera Charisse S. Hiigel Robert Hopkins Jeff Jacobson Alex Jenkins Michael Junsch William E. and Mary Kay Kahaly Nichole M. Kanopa Louis G. and Ensi Kaufman Neal Klausner Harry Klug V Kathleen Kobbe Glenn Kolonics V Richard Lapkin Richard Lata Louise Latty V Kelly Laureano Thomas P. Leahy and Guillermina Gomez-Leahy Oscar and Ieda Leal Matthew Leibman Elfriede M. Lein V

Wei Xia Li Bobye G. List Lars and Sharon Kerrigan Loman Rodger Loughlin Lorenzo Lugara Camille Lyons V Jeanne Macko Virginia Maina V Joseph Marchica Carolyn E. Marvel Linda Masi Paul and Mary Massey Mary E. McAuliffe Gerard and Erika McCarty Joan McElroy XV Joseph Kevin McKay V William J. McNally Michael S. and Eileen McNamara V Matthew Meagher Matthew A. and Marykate Meyer Janet A. Muccigrosso Andrew J. Mueller Rev. Stephen Muncie Bill Munks Joseph Nagle Richard C. Nolan Alexa Oliva James Palarino Gerard Parisi Maria Parisi Lynn Parkerson Adanna Patten Lynda Paulo Robert R. and Brenda Pepper Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Phillips V Phyllis Putorti Mel A. and Laura A. Pynn Mary C. Quigley XV Francisco and Jeanine M. Ramirez V Peter Rayder Ronald G. Rice Susan L. Richards X Candice L. Rossi Rachel Russo Joseph and Elizabeth Schick Natalie Scolamiero Paula and Mark Searle Maria Segura Iris G. Sharnick James and Catherine Skurka Diana Skurka Leory Smith and Terena Walters-Smith Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith Jean M. Stonier X Charles Stuto Herminia Sullivan XV Albert H. and Valda Swanke William F. Sweeney Frank Tarul Michael J. Hughes and Jean Torell-Hughes Gary J. and Therese L. Tully Alice Tully Mark and Jennifer M. Turner V Philomena Valentino Steven J. Vallo V Judith A. Virga Elena R. Wahlert V Claire Wallace V Michael A. Watkins, Sr. Christopher J. Weldon Reverend Charles H. White Joyce T. Williams V Dennis J. and Joann T. Wolff William and Stella R. Yellin Paul J. Zakshevsky V Howard Zimmerman Wayne Zweigbaum


Anthony and Elise Albanese V Sarah Archbold John Baker Kate Bauhof Oscar B. and Camille Bering Joan Berkowitz Elmer Berry Edward Boles Erin Breakey Michael and Patricia Briscoe Raynard Brown Jaylene Brown Allie Brush Anthony Burns V Sophie Burns XV Stephanie Bush Samantha M. Cabrera Richard Calcaterra Diana Calderazzo Lawrence and Grace Calia Marie Callesano Agnes Caminiti X Paul Capurso Elaine Cashin Carolyn Caste Maria D. Cepeda Bryan Chester Tina Childress Alfred Christensson Patrice Cianci Dennis and Lori Ciesinski Sr. Colleen Colbert, OP Owen Comer Janet Connolly V Jean M. Cooke X Danielle Coon Amy Cottingham Angela Couture Corinne Cravotta Marvin and Charlene Culler Joseph Cummings X Joseph F. Cunneen Donna Cusimano Stephanie Dahl Lucille Dandridge Paul D’Antonio Lynda de Zorzi Anthony DeFina Alice and John J. Delury V Francis and Patricia Devaney John Donnarumma Eileen M. Donnelly Michael Duarte Julia Easterlin Adam Elkassem Robert and Lois Erving Mary E. Finn Kristen Foti Linda E. Francullo Doris French Rev. Msgr. Otto L. Garcia V Robert Gazzale James and Bernadette Geissler V Michael Gemelli Jane Gertler Joseph J. Giamboi + Viola Gibilaro Joseph + and Dorothy A. Giordano Angelina Gonzalez Lydia M. Gordon Gerald M. Gorman Andrew Gubarev Jean Gudaitis Elizabeth Harrigan Mary Harte Markos Hatgipetros Maureen Hay Carol Hayden Kathleen Heeb

James T. and Robin W. Higgins V Julie Hoffmann Susana Holguin-Veras Eva Holtermann Carlos A. and Ines A. Jaime Adina E. Johnson Patricia Johnson Rev. Brian J. Jordan, OFM V Patricia Jusiega John M. Kenney Isa Khan Tracy Kozak Marcia La Borde Mark Laber Jamie LaBrocca Dr. Karen Lawrence-ince Francis P. and Barbara A. Layden Christopher and Patricia Leahy Tracy Lee Eileene and Robert Leibowitz Igor Litwinowicz Elena M. Lovell V Veronica Maguire XV Natalie Mahelec Philip J. and Lillian Maida X Ellie Mandell Sidney Mann Stephen Maresca Steven Marks Ashley Mayer Frederick McCoy Kevin McCue Brien McDonald Brendan and Sheila McGovern Timothy McGovern Elizabeth M. McGuire Matthew and Corina Mesenger Deoroop Metapersad Jeffrey and Jamie Mitnick Kristin Mooney Monique Moore Courtney Moore Tabita Morris Patricia K. Mosca Patricia Mulligan Patrick Muncie Ana Munozo Robert Norman Ivy Ogle Patricia O’Hagan Elizabeth Oliva Louise O’Neill Lauren Ottersten Mary Patterson Deborah Peace Daniel J. and Helen Phelan V Michelle S. Pierre Paulann Pierson Henry Plane Edward Pon Lauren Printz John Quattrocchi Michael P. Quinn Nancy Radday Dennis Reilly Michael Riggi Hanne Romstad Jeff Rudat Vincent Russo Joseph Ryan Abeir Saleh Mark Sanders Joseph Scangamor Maryann Schager V John E. Sexton, Ph.D. Margaret D. Shannon Maritza Shelley Bro. James P. Simon, CO Norma Sinckler V Donna Singleton

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

FRI E N DS (CO NTI N U E D) Thomas and Linda Skelly Cynthia B. Skolnik V John and Susan Smith Elnora Smith-Watson Michael and Lorraine Smyth Angelica Stark Evelyn Stenger Alexei Tajzler Family of Thomas Comer Walter Thompson Sara Torres Katrina Torres Xiomara Torres Viera Carlos Valdez Robert and Doris Van Ostenbridge Liam A. Veazey Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D. V Deanna Viera Peeranut Visetsuth Diane Vitelli Eli Vitrano Peter and Gwen Wall Gerard J. Walsh Dom Ward Dorothy Witt Phillip Wong

Employee Giving CHARTER SOCIETY Dr. Emily Horowitz V

Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF X

Thomas F. Flood X PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 BT XV

John J. McCabe ’65 PRESIDENT’S CLUB Glenn A. Braica V

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 XV Louis P. D’Elia, Ph.D. Irma Garcia ’80 XV Madalyn M. Hanley ’80 XV Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. XV Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. V Dennis J. McDermott ’74 XV REMSEN STREET CLUB Jaime Chauca V

Linda Cimino David J. Gewirtz Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. XV Charles A. Giardino ’04 X Ruben N. Gonzalez ’04 V Michele Hirsch, Ph.D. V John A. Lombardo, CPA V Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. Robert A. Oliva ’04 XV Kevin S. O’Rourke X Monique Moore Pryor Linda Werbel Dashefsky XV BUTLER STREET CLUB Anne Bove, RN X

Travis C. Clayton ’07 Stephen J. DeSalvo Reza Fakhari, Ph.D. Francis J. Greene, Ph.D. Christopher A. Hughes Marlon D. Joseph ’05 Yadira M. Moran-Ulrich ’02 X Erez Shochat, Ph.D. ’97 XV Susan Weisman X Marija F. Wierzbicki X Jamaal G. Womack ’09 V RED & BLUE SOCIET Y

Kennitha A. Allahar ’08 Louis P. Celano ’71 V

Benjamin A. Ciesinski Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. V Angel Francis Kathleen B. Gray Matthew C. Hogan ’01 XV Mackenzie L. Iburg ’17 Carmine Nogara, Ph.D. Antonevia A. Ocho-Coultes ’04 Jose R. Rodriguez, Ed.D. Leah Schmerl Corinne Smolizza ASSISI SOCIETY

Dr. Esther Adebayo-Olojo Holly Anglin Daphne Bramble Alicia J. Browne ’05 V Michael F. Carney Andrew Cornicello V Dr. Alison L. Dell Arthur A. DiClementi, Ph.D. ’66 X John R. Dilyard, Ph.D. X Daniel DiPrenda Dr. Timothy V. Dugan Alexandria M. Egler, Ph.D. XV Edward Evans V James P. Fazio ’86 V David B. Gardella ’97 Gale Gibson-Gayle Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. XV Richard R. Grasso V Dawn Gugliaro V Dr. Michael Kaminski Margaret Martini Edwin Mathieu Monica Michalski-Verdino ’01 Kathleen A. Mills ’09 Jennifer Ng Danny A. Plaza ’05 Carl P. Quigley ’75 XV John Ragno X Marlina M. Reid ’18 Susan L. Richards X Frank Sorrentino, Ph.D. V Theresa L. Sweeny Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D. John F. Tully ’84 Denise Vieni ’09 Jason whittaker ’06 Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D. X FRANCISCANS Robert Allende V

Makeda Amha Nicholas P. Barone Clive Bentick V Monet Bernard Lauren M. Bertolotti ’08 V Justine Butler Oswaldo Cardona, Jr. Katherine N. Cardy ’17 Steven Catalano Kathleen Conlon Jessica Coscia Anthony M. Desiderio ’15 Robert M. Devita ’15 Javier H. Diaz Danielle DiMeglio Bora Dimitrov ’16 Dionne A. Dodson Gabriella Dominguez Melissa A. Duron ’03 Christeen Edwards Edna D. Ellis James A. Errico Stephanie Fagan Jolicoeur Fenelon Stephanie M. Galo Ronald Ganulin Elizabeth A. Giugliano Brian C. Gregory

Brian Guidera Chenel Harris Patricia Hughes Margaret A. Iacono Joseph R. Jarzynka Tsveta M. Kaleynska ’12 Joseph V. Kelly V Naomi Kinley V Maciej Krupa ’06 Jonathan Lacovara Suzanne Lemberg Chase Licata Justine Lombardi David B. Loutfi ’13 Naila Mahmood Eric Malijan Dr. Jaskiran K. Mathur John McNamara, Ph.D. X Yuki Miyazawa V Steven J. Mullins ’83 X Timothy M. Nagy Stephanie Ochoa Carmela M. Palumbo Angel R. Perez Michael F. Phillips ’08 Michael Pitkowsky Mary A. Pradt V Alexis A. Ramirez Sagine Relyea Vanessa C. Rivera ’18 Noemi Rivera ’12 Dr. Joseph E. Ryan Miriam Salholz, JD X Rashad Saqui Katherine M. Searle Joseph Senisi Sean Smith Kristina Terpo ’13 Luis Velez Emily Ward Mona Wasserman Sandra D. Williams Marie Zachary X

Corporations and Foundations FOUNDER ’S CIRCLE

Ernst & Young Foundation V Fidelity Brokerage Services V Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund X KPMG Foundation X Liberty Warehouse V Morgan Stanley V National Grid XV T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. XV The George I. Alden Trust CHARTER SOCIETY

Brown Brothers Harriman X PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. X Flushing Bank V Investors Bank V National Grid Foundation POM Recoveries, Inc. V Ridgewood Savings Bank XV Philip J. Solondz Family Foundation V P R E S I D E N T ’ S CO U N C I L

Academy Bus Tours, Inc. Anthem Productions, LLC Arnold & Porter LLP Ayco Charitable Foundation V Bank of America V Bank of America Charitable Foundation X Brooklyn Community Foundation Brown Capital Management, LLC Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. V The Cline Family Foundation

Collins Building Services, Inc. V Cullen & Dykman X Cushman & Wakefield DeSales Media Group, Inc. V Educational Housing Services, Inc. X Fast Track Construction V Industry City Interpacific Group Inc. JC Elite Construction JP Morgan Chase V MACRow Foundation V Mastercard Worldwide Morgan Stanley Investment Management MotorMVB Foundation Mulvaney Family Foundation V The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. V Picciano & Scahill, P.C. Prudential Insurance Company X Michael and Paula Rantz Foundation The River Café V Seton Hall University Sullivan & Kehoe, LLP V TD Charitable Foundation Tottori Allergy & Asthma Associates Vanguard Charitable Endowment X Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC XV

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Foundation V



Aristocrat Paint Contractors Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce V Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens V City National Bank Emerge Education Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program The Greater Cincinnati Foundation V IBM Matching Grants Program XV Imagine Swimming Live Nation Entertainment Martin Russo PLLC Mattone Group Ltd. Moors & Cabot Investments New York Building Congress, Inc. New York State Psychological Association PKF O’Connor Davies V Pricewaterhouse Coopers V Prospect Street Administrators Quinn Family Foundation Rocklyn Asset Corp. V Schroder Investment Management North America V Student Government Association V

American Express Gift Matching Program V Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Broadway Comedy Club V The Cali 5 Group Caterpillar Foundation Cerity Partners CHUBB David Shannon Florist, Inc. V Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP Del’Arte Restaurant Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation V Diocesan Food Service V Gargiulo’s Restaurant HSBC Matching Gift Program Island Photography JP Morgan Chase Foundation X Knights of Columbus Parkway Council # 1433 V KPMG Foundation Long Beach Sports Inc., dba Sports Depot V LPL Financial Resources Group Masana Portrait Artwork NYC Merill Lynch Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation

REMSEN STREET CLUB Alltype Marketing V

Brooklyn Children’s Museum Brooklyn Cyclones Business Relocation Services, Inc. Catholic Cemeteries Charity Sports Auctions Community Counselling Service, Co. V Cumberland Packing Corp. Discovery Ernst & Young LLP Florence & Robert A. Rosen Family Foundation Gallagher Benefit Services V Gartland & Mellina Group Iadanza Family Charitable Fund Joseph P. Day Realty Corp. JP Morgan Chase KPMG La Salle Academy Lassen & Hennigs X Local 812 Scholarship Fund Mallozzi & Dwyer, P.C. V MetLife Foundation Morgan Stanley New York City Partnership PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Anonymous X The New York Community Trust V The Benevity Community Impact Okapi Partners, LLC. V Fund V Pershing Advisor Sollutions, LLC Big Guy Foundation V Pershing LLC Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts and Queens Program XV Damascus Bakery, Inc. Pier Sixty, LLC Deloitte Foundation X Pitta & Giblin, LLC East Coast Power and Gas Pitta LLP HeartShare Human Services V Ryant Enterprises John Henry’s HVAC X Sage and Coombe Architects V KPMG Squire Patton Boggs Victoria Loconsolo Foundation V St. Edmund Preparatory High School Merrill Lynch Retirement Summit Security Services, Inc. Disbursement Tally Consultancy Nouveau Elevator The Marino Organization, Inc. The Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Total Fire Protection V Rhodes Memorial Fund V Trapp Financial Group Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn X Triboro Elevator Consultants Shell Oil Company V Corporation V TD Bank V United Management Corporation Verizon Foundation XV Xaverian High School XV

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 4 1

C O R P O R AT I O N S A N D F O U N DAT I O N S (C O N T I N U E D) mNovakDesign V Monty Q’s Ristorante V Morgan Stanley Network for Good V Ohio State University Alumni Club of NYC Orangetheory Fitness Brooklyn Heights Pipin’s Pub V Shampan Lamport LLC St. Anthanasius Sugar Foods Corporation Sullivan & Worcester LLP Vendini RED & BLUE CLUB

AKF Group, LLC American Funds Anderson Tax Ansanelli Law Group, LLP V Bishop Loughlin High School V Bristol-Myers Matching Gifts Brooklyn Marriott Bruno’s Hardware V Camp Friendship Catholic Lawyer Guild Center for Integrated Teacher Education X Custom House V Kenneth Brown Knights Of Columbus Lia Schorr Day Spa NYC Liro Engineers, Inc.

MFA Financial, Inc. V New York Life Foundation Remsen Graphics, Inc. X Voya C/O Frontstream V ASSISI SOCIETY

1-800 Flowers Abigal Press V B. Good Ballet Academy East Bamontes Restaurant Corp. X BNY Mellon Community Partnership Campaign V Brooklyn Ballet Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Inc. Durabuild Contracting, Inc. Hunter’s Steak & Ale House, Gorm Rest., Inc. James Weir Floral Co., Inc. Joan Dougherty Foundation Kennedy’s Restaurant KKR Co. Leone Funeral Home Livingston Street Parking V Manhattan Psychological Association MEG TwelveX My Little Pizzeria New Park Manor Cleaners, Inc. New York City Gives NY Rangers O’Keefe’s Bar Quality Business Products

The Schrader Group, Inc. TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign UBS Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC The Whelan Group V FRANCISCANS

Allstate Insurance Company AmazonSmile Foundation V Burn Fitness Chevron Matching Gift Program V Donorwall Design Group Fort Pilates Paul T. Kawas, Esq. Rennaisance Homeowners Association Robert Morris University Sisters of St. Joseph Thai Rock

In-Kind Donors 1-800 Flowers Anthem Productions, LLC B. Good Ballet Academy East Peter Bals Brian Bavosa Steve Beisel Robert Blandino Broadway Comedy Club V Brooklyn Ballet

The Brooklyn Book Festival Brooklyn Events Center, LLC John and Denise Buran Burn Fitness Domenick and Wendy Cama X Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, Inc. Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi X Robert B. and Joan Catell XV Tim and Diane Cecere Central Business Systems Shaun M. Cerrone ’11 Scott Collins Collins Building Services, Inc. V Ed Danberry Scott Dexter Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro V Discovery Empire City Casino Thomas F. and Eileen Flood X Fort Pilates Gargiulo’s Restaurant David J. Gewirtz and Natalie Gewirtz Catherine Greene BT V Robert Hopes Investors Bank V James Weir Floral Co., Inc. Kathleen Kobbe Barbara G. ’76 BT and Robert Koster X Lia Schorr Day Spa NYC Liberty Warehouse V

Mauricio A. Lorence ’71 MAD Travel, Inc. J. Christopher ’83 BT and Carol Mangan X Paul & Valerie Marini Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello XV Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. and Julie Holland Masana Portrait Artwork NYC Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott XV New York Football Giants Inc. NY Rangers Michael O’Keeffe V Orangetheory Fitness Brooklyn Heights Lynn Parkerson Gary J. Perone, Jr. Polsky Sports & Entertainment James G. ’96 and Catherine Quigley X Jane M. Rogers Sean P. ’88 and Maureen Sheridan Staten Island Yankees Ron Straci Thai Rock Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo X John F. Tully ’67 BT XV W.B. Mason WABC-TV Eyewitness News Fred and Judith A. Wilpon V

Gifts In Honor of Holly Anglin

Katherine and Richard Hatton B.R. and Elise Mitchell Andrew and Liana Moss Brian S. O’Neil, CFA Arthur J. Radin Robert Teich

Lorraine M. Lynch ’91

Carl P. Quigley ’75

Kay Benesh Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly National Grid Ridgewood Savings Bank Arthur Swaine, Jr.

Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott

Thomas F. Flood

Amable B. Martinez

Alana Burgess

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Nikol Santana ’14

Margaret Martini

Michael Fontana

Daniel C. Chin ’15

Candice L. Rossi

Catherine M. Biesty ’06 William J. ’72 and Maureen Biesty

James F. Bozart ’86

Margaret Martini

John F. Cashman ’64

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Barbara A. Dugan

Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF Donald K. Dewey and Santa Parisi-Dewey

Brendan Stephen Chandler Gerard and Joanne Chandler

Vanessa O. De Almeida ’00 Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott

Dorothy M. Genco ’85 Antoinette V. LaFemina ’10

Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly Carol T. Decina ’03 National Grid

Patricia Henry Robert and Muriel Giugliano

Louis P. D’Elia, Ph.D. Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D.

Stephen J. DeSalvo Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott

Laura M. Donodeo ’09 John E. Donodeo

Alexandria M. Egler, Ph.D. American Express Gift Matching Program Sean P. Gilleran Kristie L. Viggiano ’00

Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 and Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 Joseph J. ’15 Buccheri Joseph N. and Rosemarie J. Buccheri Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Mastercard Worldwide National Grid Angela Siliato-Acciarito JoAnn C. Stonier, Esq. ’84

Uri Ariyah Howard

Margaret Einhorn

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Margaret and Marvin Booth Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Marcia Ely Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mackenzie L. Iburg ’17 Candice L. Rossi

Ashley M. McAvoy ’15 John J. McCabe ’65 Ed F., III ’65 and Monica McCabe Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Kelly J. Quinn ’80 Patrica Quinn

Dennis J. McDermott ’74 John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey Benjamin A. and Emily K.M. Ciesinski Anthony J. Cusimano ’79 and Janet F. Hayden-Cusimano ’78 Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 Thomas N. Orefice ’81 Anthony ’61 and Judith Pantano

Seamus McDonald ’69 Timothy O’Regan

John F. Munns ’50 Mary Patterson

Robert A. Oliva ’04 Center for Integrated Teacher Education Lowell Dashefsky and Linda Werbel-Dashefsky Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. Joseph Marchica Alexa Oliva Susan Weisman

Susan L. Richards American Express Gift Matching Program Sean P. Gilleran Kristie L. Viggiano ’00

Patrick Rooney ’67 Patrick ’67 and Sheila Rooney

John E. Sexton, Ph.D. Paulann Pierson

Eden Sherman Marietta Sherman

Robert J. Snyder ’67 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly

John F. Tully ’67 BT Catherine Greene BT Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello Michael O’Keeffe The River Café Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone

Marija F. Wierzbicki American Express Gift Matching Program Sean P. Gilleran Kristie L. Viggiano ’00

Vivian Williams David V. Brooks ’94

Jeanne Zatorski ’79 Dianne Nolan ’72 Janet E. ’79 and William Harkins

Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 BT

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

Gifts In Loving Memory of May They Rest In Peace Memorial gifts can be made to the Annual Fund or to our scholarship program. By assigning a name to the gift, the donation also serves as a tribute to an individual of personal significance. Below are the names of the individuals specially acknowledged and their donors: Diana Abbatemarco

Bro. Lawrence Drowne, OSF

MeiChi Ju

Tillie Parisi

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Ellen M. Raspitha ’72

John Ju

Donald K. Dewey and Santa Parisi-Dewey

Hilda Allen

Brendan J. Dugan ’68

Donald Kennelly

John H. Pelletier ’68

Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 Edwin Mathieu Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Nino F. Langiulli, Ph.D

Dr. Ernest J. Petrucelli

James J. Daw, Jr. ’71 Dr. Edward ’82 and Julie DeRosa

Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori

Kia Laos

Albert A. Pineda, MD ’58

Stephen J. Hayden ’69

Joseph M. ’58 and Kathryn Morino

Bro. George Larkin, OSF ’60

Anthony Ponzio ’69

Donald A. Buckley ’79

Cirino T. ’67 and Rochelle Lombard Joseph J. Ponzio ’76

Dr. Ann M. Amore Jerry K. Hyppolite ’03

Peter N. Aquilone Louis Acerra Gloria A. ’79 and Frank DeCrescenzo Francisco and Jeanine M. Ramirez

Peter P. Fazio ’60 Cynthia B. Skolnik

Neil Feldman William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black

Frank J. Barkocy ’66

Marcella M. Freisen

Carolyn Callahan Peter J. Callahan ’63 PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc.

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Francis X. Barry Daniel F. ’69 and Maria Barry

Neal P. Bennett ’69 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

William Biesty William J. ’72 and Maureen Biesty

Stanley Bogart Patricia K. Mosca

John M. Boyle, CPA ’68 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

James V. Burns ’50 Anthony Burns Sophie Burns

Robert B. Canavan ’63 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Lisa M. Gambardella ’00 James Gardella and Patricia Gardella Nicholas ’08 and Daniela M.’08 Keenan Robert D. ’72 and Barbara Terry

John B. Casey ’77 John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey Vincent M. ’74 and Mary K. Catalano Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Ceasar J. Cellini Joseph and Virginia Cardella

Lucia P. Cellini Joseph and Virginia Cardella

Theodore M. Cooke ’57

Joseph French Doris French

Kathleen G. Giallanza ’90 James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60

Ann Giordano Dorothy A. Giordano

Joseph Giordano Dorothy A. Giordano

Theresa Gregoire Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

John P. Hamilton ’61 Eileen M. Donnelly Thomas and Michelle Donnelly Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Linda E. Francullo Gerald M. Gorman Jean Gudaitis Jeanne Macko Jeffrey and Jamie Mitnick Ted and Cheryl Nelson Deborah Peace John H. Scott ’61 Iris G. Sharnick Thomas F. and Linda B. Skelly John and Susan Smith Diane Vitelli Robert and Doris A. Van Ostenbridge

Joseph T. Harte ’62 Mary Harte Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Francis J. Harvey ’68 Thomas B. ’70 and Connie McManus

Bruce J. Henry ’72

Eileen A.Corrado ’67

Patrice Cianci Thomas and Marybeth Henry IBM Matching Grants Program Bernard P. Stefanek ’68

Henry Cuddy ’40

Bro. John H. Hoffschmidt, OSF

Jean M. Cooke

Horace L. Cotter ’66

Captain William T. Brown, USN ’65

Roger J. ’52 and Jane Daly Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

James F. Dougherty Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Sylvia Lassiter Monique E. Shannon ’08

Edward B. Lein ’65

Thomas J. Quigley, Ph.D.

Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D. ’62

Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith John H. Spina, DPM ’88

Yuyin Jiang ’13 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith

Robert C. Mangone Ann Mangone

Reverend Philip M. Mann David V. Brooks ’94

Joseph B. Marvel Carolyn E. Marvel

Vera Mascolo Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Erin M. McLoughlin ’79

Bro. Leo Quinn, OSF ’26 Pasquale Barone ’74 John J. O’Neill, Ph.D. ’42

Thomas Reilly ’65 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Conrad W. Reitz, Jr. ’62 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Michael M. Russo, OSF ’70 Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Patricia M. Sheehan

Deirdre A. Turner ’11

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Robert W. Sheehan ’63

Terrence F. McManus ’75

Richard J. Sheirer ’76

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Laura R. Mulcahey ’09

Martin T. McNeill ’63

Kathleen Slattery

Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Peter Cooney ’78 and Margaret M. Slattery ’84

Brendan P. McShane ’06

Raymond C. Sullivan ’68

Daniel Buzby

Herminia Sullivan

Charles L. Measter ’64

Lawrence T. Sweeney ’59

Stephanie Dahl Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Rosemary Ahern

Bro. Ronald Moore, OSF ’60

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Arnold Morgan Kenneth J. Tom ’71

Annie Powers Muncie Benjamin A. and Emily K.M. Ciesinski

Bro. Joseph Jarlath Murphy, OSF Mary E. McKenna ’74

Bro. Thomas O’Neill, OSF ’68

Arthur J. Hughes, Ph.D.

Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori

James J. Daw, Jr. ’71 Susan M. Ignaciuk ’91

Lawrence O’Toole

Michael J. Hughes and Jean Torell-Hughes

Seamus ’69 and Frances McDonald

Elfriede M. Lein

Sr. Letitia Lake, CSJ ’68 Kathryn A. Meyers ’72

Jean Hughes

Rev. James Purvey ’59

John A. Thomas James Thompson John M. ’76 and Mary G. ’79 Thompson

Robert Tipaldi William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black

Dominick Traina Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72

Margaret Traina Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72

Andrew F. Virga ’72

Stephen J. Hayden ’69

Raymond F. Chmielewski Dave and Lorraine Deering Judith A. Virga


Anthony J. Witt ’65

Joseph E. ’51 and Marilynn Castana

Dorothy Witt

Donor Levels: See information on Donor Levels on page 6. | Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased  |  1859 Society Consistent Year Donors:  V = 5 Years+  |  X = 10 Years+  |  XV = 15 Years+

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 4 3

The 58th Annual Charter Award Dinner Honoring

Peggi Einhorn

Lorraine M. Lynch ’91

Stephanie Whittier

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Senior Vice President, U.S. Finance Business Partners, National Grid

Executive Director of Private Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley

2019 Charter Award Dinner Sponsors Robert Weiss and Susan Chadick



Brown Brothers Harriman, Leighton K. Waters, Jr. Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Interpacific Group Inc., David D. ’64 and Ann Smith John F. Tully ’67 BT

HeartShare Human Services KPMG, Brad Stansberry Nouveau Elevator, Robert Speranza Sarah Rosenfeld



Collins Building Services, Inc., Joseph K. Collins and Kenneth J. Collins Flushing Bank, John Buran JP Morgan Chase May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation, Alex and Terri Rohan and Vincent A. Rohan Prudential Insurance Company, Barbara G. Koster ’76 BT

Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Stephanie Wilchfort Brooklyn Cyclones Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens, Reverend Monsignor Alfred P. LoPinto City National Bank, Peter Manzi Damascus Bakery, Inc., Ed Mafoud Mattone Group Ltd., Joseph M. Mattone, Esq. Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Andrew Barclay Richard ’64 and Jane Silverman Squire Patton Boggs JoAnn C. Stonier, Esq. ’84 TD Bank Brooklyn, Ralph Bumbaca Total Fire Protection


Anonymous Arnold & Porter, LLP, Robert Azarow Robert B. and Joan Catell Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn & Queens, Monsignor Jamie J. Gigantiello Tim and Diane Cecere Cullen & Dykman Cushman & Wakefield William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Angelique Dawson The Dugan Family Educational Housing Services, Inc., Faye Bean Futures in Education Foundation, Inc., Nick Vendikos Catherine Greene BT Investors Bank, Domenic Cama Michael Lasky, Esq. and Peggi Einhorn James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue Morgan Stanley Investment Management National Grid, Kenneth D. Daly ’88 BT Judy A. ’79 BT and Robert Rice The River Café, Catherine Greene BT and Michael O’Keeffe Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC, William Waldorf and Stephen Waldorf

Honorees Peggi Einhorn, Stephanie Whittier, and Lorraine M. Lynch ’91

4 4

Grant Thornton LLP R.J. ’94 and Maria Hinners


Alber ’84 and Laura Hot Penelope Kokkinides

Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens, Reverend Monsignor Alfred P. LoPinto


East Coast Power and Gas, Robert Knief The Gartland Family Joseph P. Day Realty Corporation Eugene Keilin and Joanne Witty United Management Corporation H A L F PAG E S P O N S O R S

Cerity Partners, Karim Ahamed and Lorraine George-Harik Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP Diocesan Food Service, James Austin Mark and Anne Landman Lassen & Hennigs The Marino Organization, Inc. Monty Q’s Ristorante Ridgewood Savings Bank

McGuire Scholar Merna Adelhalem ’20

Joseph A. ’79 and Mary Ellen Giordano ’79

Martin and Kathleen Cottingham Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Kay Benesh Emerge Education, James M. Hunter, Ph.D. Ernst & Young LLP, Peter Landauer Edmund J. Greco ’79 JC Elite Construction, Michael Clarke, Jr. Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan Thomas J. BT and Anita Volpe D I N N E R CO M M I T T E E TICKET SUPPORTERS

Kate C. Burke BT Community Counselling Service, Co., Thomas Kissane Edward N. ’68 BT and Jo-Ann Constantino Orville W. Dale J. Christopher ’83 BT and Carol Mangan Carol A. ’84 and Gino P. Menchini BT New York City Partnership Okapi Partners, LLC., Patrick McHugh Walton D. ’83 BT and Donna W. Pearson PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc., Peter J. Callahan ’63 Dyanne M. Rosado ’95 A DVO C AT E TA B L E S U P P O R T E R S

Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello A DVO C AT E T I C K E T S U P P O R T E R S

Andrew and Emily Berger Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Cerity Partners, Karim Ahamed and Lorraine George-Harik City National Bank, Peter Manzi Mary Beth Dawson, Ph.D. BT and Matt Charles Dr. MaryIrene ’81 and Anthony Flynn Lorraine George-Harik

La Salle Academy Jesus F. ’84 BT and Noreen M. ’84 Linares Philip and Maureen P. Maldari The Marino Organization, Inc., Francis Marino Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Michael Kaicher Terrance V. Mulligan ’91 Margaret R. Murphy ’94 PKF O’Connor Davies, John Cosgrove James G. ’96 and Catherine Quigley Gail Ressler Sage & Coombe Architects, Peter Coombe and Jennifer Sage Alan C. Stuto, DPM ’10 Jamie Stecher and Becky Diamond Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Joseph P. Forte, Esq. ’69 Summit Security Services, Inc., Scott Sturgess TD Bank Brooklyn, Ralph Bumbaca James E. Vincent, MD ’61 B R O T H E R G E O R G E L A R K I N , O S F ’ 60 TA B L E S U P P O R T E R S

Daniel M. Healy ’64 Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 John J. ’65 and Maria G. McCabe Louis G. ’79 & Kathleen Pastina St. Francis College Student Government Association Joseph C., DPM and Sue Stuto Bro. Christopher Thurneau, OSF BT B R O T H E R G E O R G E L A R K I N , O S F ’ 60 TICKET SUPPORTERS

Island Photography, Cheryl Ipiotis Nicholas Lembo Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. and Richard Conley

Six of the twelve first laywomen at SFC: Roseann V. (Guida) Citron ’73, Mari-Ella L. (LoPresti) Kelly ’73, Pauline (Patterson) Reid ’72, Margaret M. Dougherty-Russo ’73, Ellen M. (Power) Raspitha ’72, and Donna A. (Wade) Murphy ’73

Cindy Hsu, CBS 2 News

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2019 Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Meadow Brook Club Golf Outing

Thomas F. Flood, John Tully ’67, Ana Oliveira, James Argutto, and President Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D.




JC Elite Construction, Michael Clarke, Jr.

John Henry’s HVAC Thomas J. Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen National Grid Pitta, LLP, Vincent F. Pitta Esq. ’72


Investors Bank, Domenick A. Cama GE NE R AL TOURNAME NT SPONSORS

Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro The Dugan Family Industry City, Andrew Kimball The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Alfred F. Thoben, CPA ’70 and Inez D’Arcangelo Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti B U F F E T B R U N C H & CO C K TA I L RECEPTION SPONSOR

John F. Tully ’67 BT


TD Bank Brooklyn, Ralph Bumbaca


Aristocrat Paint Contracting, Robert Ragen Robert B. and Joan Catell August DiRenzo


Gene E. ’79 BT and Ginna Donnelly Fast Track Electrical System, Alber ’84 and Laura Hot G R I L L S N AC K S S P O N S O R

DeSales Media Group, Inc. Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher TEE & GREEN SPONSORS

Academy Bus Tours, Inc., John E. Kiely ’77 Brady Risk Management, Sean Brady Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dozier Hasty East Coast Power and Gas, Robert Knief J.N. Savasta Corp.

SFC 2019 Golf Clinic

Robert F. and Margaret P. Gartland Victor J. Masi, DO ’89 BT and Teresa Stuto-Masi ’91 William and Joanne Quinn The River Café, Catherine Greene BT and Michael O’Keeffe William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully George ’87 and Elizabeth Vogel Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC, William Waldorf and Stephen Waldorf

T E E & G R E E N S I G N AG E

Alltype Marketing Damascus Bakery, Inc., Ed Mafoud Iadanza Family Foundation James F. ’78 and Agnes G. McCue Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn T E E O R G R E E N S I G N AG E

Catholic Cemeteries Diocese of Brooklyn Community Counselling Services, Thomas Kissane The Cullinan and Travaglianti Group IABS Charities, Inc. KPMG Live Nation Entertainment, Allen Newman Mallozzi & Dwyer, P.C., Pat A.’79 and Veronica A.’82 Mallozzi Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello Edward Miller New York Building Congress, Inc., Carlo Scissura Rocklyn Asset Corp.

Steam Fitters Local Union #638, Pat Dolan Xaverian High School PRIZE SPONSORS

William J. Lucadamo ’71 Ryant Enterprises St. Edmund Preparatory High School Yoswein New York THE PRESIDENT’S CUP SPONSOR

Collins Building Services, Joseph K. Collins and Kenneth J. Collins WA N A M A K E R S P O N S O R S

Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne Futures in Education Foundation, Inc., Nick Vendikos Generation, Tom Sternal Janney Montgomery Scott, George Prezioso Brian T. Leary mNovakDesign, Michelle Novak

Their Promise. Your Mark. Define your Legacy by building their future!

L I was so honored to be able to participate in my first SFC graduation ceremony since 1960. The enthusiasm of the graduates and joy of family & friends was contagious. It was especially gratifying for me to have the opportunity to meet our scholarship recipient Nicole and her delightful parents and grandmother. They have much to be proud of—Nicole is a charming young woman with a very bright future awaiting her. Nicole’s singing of the our National Anthem at Commencement was an unexpected surprise and pleasure. She made us all feel proud to be Americans!” Vincent J. Polito ’60, Benefactor of the Vincent J. ’60 and Janice Polito Nursing Scholarship Fund, and Nicole Madrazo ’19, recipient of the scholarship

eave your mark by establishing a scholarship that can be transformative for generations to come! Endowed scholarships have a major impact on our students who want to receive a quality education that is affordable and accessible. By establishing your legacy you can help bridge the gap between Big Dreams and the promising futures of our scholars. 98% of our students receive financial assistance, and your gift of education can make the difference for a student returning to College next semester. Please join us in sustaining our mission of offering a top-tier education and growing the Endowed Scholarship Program. Establish your own Endowed Scholarship with an outright gift or multi-year pledge commitment payable by check, credit card, appreciated securities or IRA rollovers and required minimum distributions. Consider Planned Gifts such as bequests, charitable trusts, gifts of insurance, and retirement assets to endow a new scholarship. Support an Existing Endowed Scholarship—please contact the Advancement Office, advancement@sfc.edu or 718.489.5361, for a complete list of scholarships, or visit our website at sfc.edu/endowedscholarship.

E-mail us at advancement@sfc.edu or call 718.489.5361

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2018–2019 Scholarship and Award Donors To make an online gift to an Endowed Scholarship, please visit https://donate.sfc.edu/onlinegift or click on the scholarship name below to complete the online giving form and include the name of the specific scholarship in the “Comments” section. The following donors are recognized for their generosity to SFC’s Endowment Funds:

Academic Scholarship for Women*

Brother Camillus Casey, OSF Scholarship

The Joseph & Catherine De Lena Scholarship

Joyce Wierzbowski ’88

Edward R. ’71 and Angela F. Curty

Barbara A. Dugan

Dr. James Adams Scholarship*

Dr. Michael Casey Scholarship

Dr. Francis Delaney Scholarship

Dr. John K. and Sue Hawes Barry G. Walter

Brian ’80 and Mae McKeon

Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney

The Ceasar J. Cellini Richie Allen ’96 Scholarship Scholarship*

John ’58 and Marge Dietl Scholarship

Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation

Celeste C. Cellini

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund John J. Dietl ’58 Marge Dietl +

The Lucia P. Cellini Scholarship*

Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship

Bro. Gregory L. Cellini, OSF

Bank of America Charitable Foundation John B. ’68 and Elaine Conroy Robert A. ’65 and Marianne Ficarra John T. ’68 and Camille Gerace Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Cirino T. ’67 and Rochelle Lombard Joseph J. Ponzio ’76 Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly Victor R. ’69 and Diane L. Santoro Robert J. ’67 and Cindy L. Snyder Edwin R. Westley ’65 and Janet Kelly

Jeffrey Allen Clark Memorial Scholarship* Mark C. ’73 and Marsha L. Clark Mackenzie L. Iburg ’17

Class of 1969 Scholarship*

Thomas J. ’69 and Rita Brennan Edward D. Bova ’69 Xavier J. ’69 and Anthonia Castelli Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran Fidelity Brokerage Services Francis J. ’69 and Ellen Giammona Dr. Ann Amore Scholarship Alan H. ’70 and Theresa Hoffman Michael P. ’69 and Geraldine Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Lombardi Foundation Patrick L. ’69 and Elise Marano Dr. Anna Y. Len ’00 John, Jr. ’69 and Caron Martinez Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 D. Kevin ’69 and Kathleen McQuade Peter N. Aquilone Merrill Lynch Retirement Scholarship Disbursement Virginia ’83 and Thomas F. Flahive Clifford B. ’69 and Doris Redden Angela K. ’01 and William F. Manekas Kevin W. ’69 and Saraann Schultz Francisco and Jeanine M. Ramirez Salvatore P. ’69 and Marina Trentacoste

Andrea and Margie Arcarola Scholarship*

Dean John Clifford Scholarship

Andrea Arcarola Barry G. Walter

Thomas K. ’77 and Mary Alesi George M., CPA ’70 and Suzanne Gillan

Dr. Richard Berleth Memorial Scholarship*

Michael A. ’97 BT and Julia MacIntyre Brother Henry Cuddy, OSF

’40 Scholarship

David Billingham Scholarship

Michael J. ’70 and Maureen McInerney

Fidelity Brokerage Services David E. Haverty ’81

Anna Curreri Education Opportunity Fund

Gerard and Kathleen Dolan Scholarship Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

Margaret J. Burns and William F. Donovan Scholarship established by Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan Fidelity Brokerage Services Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

James Dougherty ’66 Memorial Scholarship* Vincent J. Dougherty ’68

Myles ’48 and Marjorie ’80 Driscoll Support Fund Marjorie ’78 and Joseph E. Drennan Marjorie Driscoll ’80

Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Scholarship Domenick and Wendy Cama Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation Lars Loman and Sharon Kerrigan Loman Michael A. ’97 BT and Julia MacIntyre

Honorable Eileen C. Dugan Scholarship Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation

Duns Scotus Scholarship Albert G. Doumar ’57 Stephen J. Hayden ’69

Joe Browne ’68 Scholarship Andrew V., CFA ’81 and Angela C. ’81 Dr. Joseph A. Ellis Scholarship Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne Vindigni Dr. John Burke ’40 Scholarship*

Arthur Curry Scholarship

William J. ’63 and Anne M. Higgins Dr. Daniel C. ’61 and Carol Noonan Terence Noonan ’65

Kenneth D. Daly ’88 CFA Presidential Scholarship*

Brother Camillus Memorial Award for Excellence in International Cultural Studies Thomas M., Esq. ’66 and Susan Laquercia Edward P. Morrissey ’70

Philip Andrew Carrano ’70 Scholarship Angela Caracciolo-Keenan ’81 and Frank Keenan Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78

Brien McDonald

Laura L. Eisenzopf ’00

Edward J., Jr. ’63 and Maureen Dougherty Gerard K. ’65 and Joy O. Hannon George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer Thomas J. ’64 and Margaret Nicastro

Peter P. Fazio ’60 Scholarship

Jack ’70 and Kathy Danaher William T. ’62 and Lois Barnewold Scholarship Cynthia B. Skolnik Ken P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey William P. ’63 and Elizabeth Casey Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran George J. ’70 and Gail H. Johansen Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith

The Firefighter Edward Day Memorial Scholarship Brigitte Day Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81

Professor Nicholas A. Fiorenza ’36 Scholarship Nunzio D. ’57 and Rose Cazzetta George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer

Franciscan Brothers Scholarship Edward R. and Alice A. James Bro. Roman Morris, OSF ’63 Dr. Supoj Tanchajja

David and Denise Levine Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Mastercard Worldwide Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 Daniel P. McLaughlin ’11 Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D. Morgan Stanley Richard J. ’69 and Mary Wendt National Grid Anna and Joseph Giaquinto Angelo M. Patrissi ’50 Pricewaterhouse Coopers Scholarship* Julie Rothstein Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. Angela Siliato-Acciarito Dr. Uwe Gielen Scholarship Thomas Smith ’99 Suzanne Forsberg, Ph.D. JoAnn C. Stonier, Esq. ’84 Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. Paul B. Tannuzzo ’95 and Beata Bak-Tannuzzo ’97 Brother Austin Gill, OSF ’62 Stacey J. Guerriera-Tynion ’87 and and Brother Edwin Gill, OSF Donald Tynion Scholarship Dolly L. Williams ’84 Raymond J. ’71 and Nora McKeough

Dr. Gerald J. Galgan Scholarship*

Brother Urban Gonnoud, OSF Scholarship Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler

Harold Geneen Scholarship John P. Monaghan ’57 +

Dr. Francis Greene Scholarship Alice M. Salome-Patton ’01 and Douglas H. Patton Irene A. Feldman ’88 and Paul Polik

Dr. Dorothy Lipp Harris Scholarship Angel R., Jr., MD ’62 and Patricia Colon Fidelity Brokerage Services

Henry Family Veterans Scholarship* Patrice Cianci Michael Giugliano Robert and Muriel Giugliano Patricia Henry Thomas and Marybeth Henry IBM Matching Grants Program

Brother John Hoffschmidt, OSF Scholarship James P. Lawler ’71 Kathryn A. Meyers ’72 Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan

Dr. Arthur Hughes Scholarship* Oscar B. and Camille Bering Mary P. Byrnes ’80 Susan M. Ignaciuk ’91 Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan Alice M. Salome-Patton ’01 and Douglas H. Patton

The Lynne Jackson Award Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D.

Monsignor John Kean Scholarship Adelino R. Franquinha

Gloria Konkel Esposito Scholarship James I. Konkel, CPA ’57

James I. Konkel ’57 Scholarship II* Nunzio D. ’57 and Rose Cazzetta James I. Konkel, CPA ’57

Ronnie Murray Konkel ’57 Scholarship James I. Konkel, CPA ’57

Barbara G. Koster ’76 Scholarship Maureen Moore and Robert C. Golden

Brother Edmund Holmes, OSF ’28 Scholarship

Joseph Murphy (Bro. Jarlath, OSF) Scholarship

Fidelity Brokerage Services Barbara Tuck Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler

Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Martin J. ’69 and Peggy M. Michlik Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. ’70 Rizzi

Dr. Geoffrey Horlick Scholarship*

17th of June (Evelyn Margaret Laquercia) Scholarship

Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 and Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 Joseph J. ’15 Buccheri John Cheung ’17 Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly Carol T. Decina ’03 Jana, CPA ’87 and John Dickerson Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Leonard and Saundra Honig Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood Julie A. Hughes ’96 Bono H. Lee ’11 Phoebe W. Lee ’17

Thomas M., Esq. ’66 and Susan Laquercia JP Morgan Chase

Thomas Michael Laquercia ’66 Scholarship Thomas M., Esq. ’66 and Susan Laquercia JP Morgan Chase

Brother George Larkin, OSF ’60 Luminary Fund* Joseph A. ’79 and Mary Ellen ’79 Giordano Robert J. ’77 and Diane M. ’75 Trapp

* Once these scholarships reach their prescribed levels of funding, they will be awarded to deserving students.  |  Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

2 01 8 –2 01 9 S C H O L A R S H I P A N D AWA R D D O N O R S (CO N T I N U E D) Anthony ’61 and Judith Pantano

Brother George Larkin, OSF Angelo M. Patrissi ’50 ’60 Scholarship Margaret M. Kennedy ’78 Natalia ’97 and Daniel P. Murphy Thomas M., Esq. ’66 and Susan Laquercia

Dr. Nino Langiulli Scholarship Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Brian ’80 and Mae McKeon

Marie and Bill Ledermann Scholarship Mary A. Ledermann

The Jean Loconsolo Nursing Scholarship John A. Loconsolo Victoria Loconsolo Foundation

The Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Scholarship John A. Loconsolo Victoria Loconsolo Foundation

Daniel Lynch, Sr. ’38 Scholarship Stephen P. ’79 and Roseanne ’80 McInerney Frederick T. ’70 and Mary Ann Meyers Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney

Mary and Frank J. ’62 Macchiarola Scholarship Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation Lars Loman and Sharon Kerrigan Loman

Brother Alfonsus Maher, OSF Scholarship Bro. Roman Morris, OSF ’63

James Mangano Memorial Scholarship Angela Caracciolo-Keenan ’81 and Frank Keenan

Lawrence ’72 and Karen Marsiello Scholarship Lawrence A. ’72 BT and Karen Marsiello

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Scholarship* Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen Janet F. Hayden-Cusimano ’78 and Anthony J. Cusimano ’79 Dominic A. Cusimano ’76 and Barbara Ewens-Cusimano Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo Blaise Didio Donald J. ’77 and Kathryn Faughnan Charles Ferrera Maria Ferrera Irma Garcia ’80 Vincent A. Gardino ’75 Angelo ’80 and Vincenza Guerriero Michael J. Hughes and Jean Torell-Hughes Sarah M. ’07 and Andrew Hughes James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Eileen M. Long-Chelales ’92 MACRow Foundation John F. ’74 and Elizabeth McCue Patricia M. Moffatt-Lesser ’77 and Jeffrey Lesser Louis J. and Rose Ann Mustacchio Thomas N. Orefice ’81

Michael and Paula Rantz Michael and Paula Rantz Foundation Jean Riker-O’Leary ’76 and Michael O’Leary John A. Rowinski ’73 and Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Joie Tavernise Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 Michael E. and Marija F. Wierzbicki

The Robert J. McGuire Scholarships James Argutto Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball The Benevity Community Impact Fund Hernan Benitez and Paola Mejia Antonio Berger Big Guy Foundation William J. ’70 and Regina C. Black William J., Jr. and Christine A. Black Captain William T. Brown, USN ’65 John and Denise Buran Thomas Burke Carolyn Callahan Peter J. Callahan ’63 Domenick and Wendy Cama Bruce J. and Susan A. Carusi Robert B. and Joan Catell Joseph K. and Margaret M. Collins Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly Richard G. ’76 and Margaret Danderline Deloitte Foundation Joseph DeMarco Anthony M. Desiderio ’15 Barbara A. Dugan JC Elite Construction Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Brokerage Services Thomas F. and Eileen Flood Flushing Bank Brian F. and Cindy Gavin Robert Gazzale Robert J., CFP ’76 and Karin Genalo Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons John R. Giordano Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Peter Grassotti and Karen A. Di Santo-Grassotti R.J. ’94 and Maria Hinners William J. and Kate Hogan Susan L. Huff Stephen V. ’89 and Mary Kenny Thomas J. Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen James I. Konkel, CPA ’57 KPMG Foundation Peter and Karen Labbat James and Karen LaFleur William K. Lavin Christopher and Patricia Leahy Vincent LeVien Michael ’82 and Josephine Lobosco Victoria Loconsolo Foundation William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Robert and Audrey Luckow The Luckow Family Foundation MACRow Foundation Karen Malin Robert D. and Colleen Manfred William D. ’59 and Aimee Maroney Paul and Mary Massey Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott James F. McDonald

Thomas F. ’69 and Margaret McGarrity Thomas and Paula McInerney Men’s Day, Inc. Patricia A. Morrissey ’96 Mulvaney Family Foundation National Grid Kevin S. O’Rourke and Eunice Ro Picciano & Scahill, P.C. Anthony C., Sr. ’67 and Frances Providenti Karen Restaino The Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund Ridgewood Savings Bank May Ellen and Gerald Ritter Foundation Vincent A. Rohan Alexander and Terri Rohan John A. Rowinski ’73 and Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 Martin Russo PLLC Martin P. and Marie Russo Denis J. ’75 BT and Joanne Salamone Joseph and Barri Savasta J.N. Savasta Corp. Frank and Tracy Scahill Mary C., CPA ’91 and Edward B. Shaw John P. ’64 and Janice Smircich Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Program Morgan Stanley Timothy and Paula Sullivan Robert G. and Kellie M. Sumberac T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti Barbara Tuck John F. Tully ’67 BT Vanguard Charitable Endowment John and Stephanie Whittier Fred and Judith A. Wilpon Judy and Fred Wilpon Family Foundation, Inc. Jerry and Jane Wolff

Mercorella Family Scholarship Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella

Dr. Donald Metz ’47 Scholarship William J. ’63 and Anne M. Higgins

Mooney and Johnson Family Catholic Education Appreciation Scholarship Brian P. Mooney Ridgewood Savings Bank

Dr. John Motley Scholarship* Alphonso D. Stephens

Brother Roger Nagle, OSF Scholarship Stephen P. ’79 and Roseanne ’80 McInerney

National Italian American Foundation Scholarship The National Italian American Foundation, Inc. Nicholas R. Caiazzo, Esq.

Joseph Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata Scholarship* Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann + Nunziata

John Cardinal O’Connor Scholarship Kevin J. ’78 and Maureen Redden

Leonard E. Olen ’65 STEM Award

Susan Rohan Scholarship* Thomas F. and Eileen Flood

Dr. Simeon Ryan Scholarship*

Leonard E. ’65 and Catherine Olen

Frank G. Morelli ’71 Richard J. ’69 and Mary Wendt

Brother Thomas O’Neill, OSF ’68 Scholarship

Brother Owen Sadlier, OSF Scholarship*

Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori Gerard and Erika McCarty John N. ’98 and Mary E. Wlaysewski

Bro. Roman Morris, OSF ’63 Angelo M. Patrissi ’50

Louis G. Pastina ’79 Scholarship*

Richard and Pamela Stolz

Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation

Walton D. Pearson ’83 Scholarship Walton D. ’83 BT and Donna W. Pearson

Peggy Smyth National Grid Accounting Award Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly Carol T. Decina ’03 National Grid Craig Richey Josh Silverman

Professor Ernest Petrucelli Scholarship* Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori Leonard and Saundra Honig Jannette Katz-Gomori and Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. Charles P. Kowalski ’72

The Polito Nursing Scholarship Vincent J. ’60 and Janice Polito IBM Matching Grants Program

Dr. Thomas Quigley ’52 Scholarship The Benevity Community Impact Fund Michael P. ’61 and Patricia Murray James G. ’96 and Catherine Quigley Mary C. Quigley Joseph and Elizabeth Schick Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith John H. Spina, DPM ’88 Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

Irene and Vincent Salamone Scholarship Dr. Charles Savage Scholarship George M., CPA ’70 and Suzanne Gillan

Brother Robert Schaefer, OSF Scholarship Bro. Robert Schaefer, OSF ’61 Thomas P. and Dorothy A. Seery Jean M. Stonier

Charles Schaem ’40 Scholarship

Richard T. Nolan, Esq. ’55 +

Brother Robert Smith, OSF Scholarship Bro. Antonio Montera, OSF ’66 Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith

Dr. Frank Sorrentino Scholarship* Karen A. ’79 Cottone Anthony J. Henry ’91 Brian ’80 and Mae McKeon

Timothy M. Stackpole ’01 Scholarship Al & Peggy DeMatteis Family Foundation Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D.

Vincent Toscano ’57 Chemistry Award Timothy D. ’57 and Carol Mahoney

Student Solidarity Fund

Glenn A. and Christine Braica

John Carollo ’79 Alfio Carrabotta ’80 Del’Arte Restaurant Fitzgerald Fields Irma Garcia ’80 Alber ’84 and Laura Hot Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Philip ’76 and Alida LaSpisa Aldo F. ’70 and Irene Lattanzio Joe Marano ’83 Gaetano Messina ’80 Clyde O’Garro Dragan ’84 and Dorothy Radovich Errol S. Sebro ’79 Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Dorothy D. Wilson ’78

Brother Columba Reilly, OSF Scholarship

Maureen Catherine Tully Scholarship

Brother Leo Quinn, OSF ’26 Scholarship Pasquale Barone ’74 Thomas F. ’58 and Dorothy O’Sullivan Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela, DD ’52 Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela, DD ’52 Eugene P. ’67 and Colette Westhoff

Anthony Raykowski Award

Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela, DD ’52

John “Jay” Riddell ’66 Scholarship Ken P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown Edmond J. ’67 and Bernadette O’Connor

Ayco Charitable Foundation Alice Tully Arlene A. Whalen Corinne Tully ’15 Thomas and Kellyanne Tully William P. ’72 and Maureen Tully Edmond J. ’67 and Bernadette O’Connor Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler Kerry Winn

* Once these scholarships reach their prescribed levels of funding, they will be awarded to deserving students.  |  Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   FA L L 2 0 1 9 , VO L U M E 8 3 , N U M B E R 1 | 2 0 1 8 –2 0 1 9 A N N U A L D R E A M - M A K E R R E P O R T 47

2 01 8 –2 01 9 S C H O L A R S H I P A N D AWA R D D O N O R S (CO N T I N U E D) Brother Giles Turbee, OSF Scholarship Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler

Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF ’50 and Joan Valenti Scholarship Lt. Col. Philip C. Valenti, USAF (Ret.) ’50 +

Pi Alpha / Andy Virga ’72 Scholarship Gregory J. Brady ’75 George Brennan ’70 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Raymond F. Chmielewski Richard J. ’68 and Mary Collins Paul A. Christie ’72 Leonard J. ’70 and Concetta Cutrone Dave and Lorraine Deering Alfred A. ’73 and Denise DiCarlo Franey M., Jr. ’68 and Barbara Donovan Thomas A. ’68 and Nancy J. Dunne Joseph P. Dunne ’69 Peter ’76 and Patricia English Alfonso G. ’72 and Roseann Figliolia

Maureen A. Finnerty ’82 Joseph T. Freisen ’73 Marcella M. Freisen IBM Matching Grants Program George J. ’70 and Gail H. Johansen John E. ’77 and Kathleen Klemm Thomas B. ’71 and Patricia Losquadro Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott William T., Jr. ’67 and Maureen R. Quinlan Joseph A. ’91 and Sharon Raftery Michael J. ’72 and Joyce Ranieri Thomas P. Reilly ’69 Judith A. Virga James M. ’77 and Janet M. Walsh

Joseph P. Walker ’61 Memorial Scholarship Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Clare Walker

Rita-May and Thomas ’62 Ward Scholarship Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward

Stephen DeSalvo Atiba Edwards Rich Einhorn and Amy Singer Dolly L. Williams ’84 James A. Errico Fast Track Construction Dr. Stanley Willing Peter Fifield Memorial Award Thomas F. and Eileen Flood David E. Haverty ’81 Irma Garcia ’80 Leonard and Saundra Honig Peter Grassotti and Karen A. Di Santo-Grassotti Women’s Leadership Harry Greenwald Educational Initiative George Henry Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 and Josephine M. Pagliughi ’13 R.J. ’94 and Maria Hinners Karim Ahamed Alber ’84 and Laura Hot Andrea Arcarola Andrew and Sarah M. ’07 Hughes Vincent ’89 and Patricia A. ’90 Michael A. and Jennifer A. Koczko Belcastro Kelly Laureano Kay Benesh Rosemarie A. ’84 and Scott T. Lanard Michael J. ’75 and Linda Carvalhido Phillip Lanard Benjamin A. and Emily K.M. Ciesinski Frank Liantonio Joseph Cirone Lorraine M. Lynch 91’ and Kenneth D. ’88 BT and Laurie Daly Arthur Swaine, Jr. William F., Jr. ’86 BT and Angelique Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Ph.D. and Dawson Julie Holland Louis P., Ph.D. and Cathy D’Elia Margaret Martini Carol T. Decina ’03 Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81 Patricia and Francis Devaney Natalia ’97 and Daniel P. Murphy

Dolly Williams Accounting Award

National Grid Steven A. ’75 and Rita M. Orlando Pauline ’72 and Adolfo Reid Eunice and Kevin Ro Candice L. Rossi Amy Singer Angela Siliato-Acciarito Leah Schmerl Petter and Noriko Sorum Robert G. and Kellie M. Sumberac Mary Whitehurst

World Trade Center Victims Fund Gloria A. ’79 and Frank DeCrescenzo

Professor William Yellin Scholarship* Professor William and Stella R. Yellin

* Once these scholarships reach their prescribed levels of funding, they will be awarded to deserving students.  |  Legend:  BT = Board of Trustees | + = Deceased

Ways to Give

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Office of Advancement

You may make a gift to St. Francis College by: Mail to the Office of Advancement Online at donate.sfc.edu/onlinegift Wire Transfer Gifts of Appreciated Stock Matching Gifts Gifts of Property Planned Gifts (bequest, trust, life insurance)

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Thomas F. Flood Vice President for Advancement

Contact the Office of Advancement St. Francis College Office of Advancement Alumni Center 180 Remsen Street Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 Phone: 718.489.5361 Fax: 718.489.5427 advancement@sfc.edu

You made your gift after June 30, 2019, the end of the fiscal year. Gifts received after June 30th will be recognized in the next annual Dream-Maker Report. You asked that your gift be anonymous. While every effort goes into the accuracy of this report, errors can occur. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our sincerest apologies and notify us to ensure that our records are corrected. Please contact the Office of Advancement at 718.489.5361 or advancement@sfc.edu with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Dennis McDermott ’74 Special Assistant to the President Kristen Anderson Director of Engagement and Annual Giving Holly Anglin Donor Relations Associate Benjamin Ciesinski Assistant Director for Annual Giving James A. Errico, Jr. Associate Director of Engagement Angel Francis Director of Major Philanthropy Mackenzie Iburg ’17 Donor Relations Assistant Eleanor W. Nordholm Director of Major Philanthropy Marlina M. Reid ’18 Donor Relations Assistant Katherine M. Searle Advancement Services Coordinator Marija Wierzbicki Development Associate and Assistant to the VP for Advancement


S T . F R A N C I S C O L L E G E T E R R I E R   |   F A L L 2 0 1 9 , SVTO. LFURM AEN C 83 I S, N CO UM L LBEEGRE1 T| E2R0R1 8 I E–R 2  0|1  9F A ALNLN 2U0A1L9 ,DVRO E LAUMM- M EA 8K 3E , N R URM EB PO ER R T1

1859 Day May 2nd, 2020

1 Day 8 Hours of opportunity 5 Events 9 Ways to participate Details to come‌

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Save the Dates! For more information on these events and more, please contact the Alumni Office at 718.489.5471 or visit us online at sfc.edu/alumni.

Memorial Mass Saturday, January 25, 2020

St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Naples, FL

Charter Award Dinner

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Manhattan, NY

1859 Day

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Memorial Meadow Brook Club Golf Outing Tuesday, June 16, 2020

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