Catholic Technical College Christmas Newsletter 2012
Made by students
Find out what’s been going on at the school in the last term
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CHRISTMAS JOY
On behalf of Mrs Mullins, the board of Governors, and all staff at St. Francis, I wish you all a happy and holy Christmas and a happy New Year. Mr Godber Acting Head Teacher
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CHRISTMAS JOY
A very Merry Christmas from all your friends at St. Francis Welcome to the Christmas
Our editor,
edition of our snazzy new-
look newsletter! We have a
new team of budding young journalists phers
that wish you all a
very merry Christmas.
Francis has been up to a lot this term back from the summer and this newsletter is just a snippet into the busy goings on of all our students.
The new year
sevens have got off to a
can’t believe how quickly the term has gone.
Pg. 4 - Mr Connell kicks off our sports’ special.
styles to shoe box piles… the vibrant array of stories and news brought to you by students of this school is packed with something for everyone!
great start and the rest of
We would also like to wish
the students seem to be
Mrs Mullins a speedy recov-
looking forward to breaking
ery and we hope to see our
up! This special sports edi-
head teacher around school
tion of the newsletter illus-
trates the huge impact that
Now sit down and enjoy
the Olympics had just on
reader this Christmas edi-
our school.
tion newsletter…
From Gangnam
Merry Christmas!
Your Faithfully Bethany Wright (year 13) Editor
Newsletter Winter 2012
What we’ve got in store this issue:
Pg. 6 - Our pupils give their take on the summer’s excitement. Pg. 9 - Our culture vultures share news and reviews. Pg. 13 - We catch up with all the news and great ideas from the last term. There are loads of trips and visits to share! Pg. 18 - We get an insight into an important school policy with the Public Sector Equality Duty. Pg. 21 - Learn the facts of school life and get the most out of life at school. Pg. 24 - ParentPal is here! Get clued up and enjoy the convenience.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ TEACHER’S PRIDE
Our superstars have done us proud! After the amazing summer of sport that we all experienced, with the resounding success of
Mr Connell revels in our sporting success
obviously paying off as we dominate all competitions at a district level. Once again, our
the Olympic and Paralympic
students managed to complete
Games, it has been very im-
a clean sweep of all age groups
portant for us here at St Francis to build upon the feel good factor and maintain the Olympic Legacy. Well, our students certainly have done that in style. Athletics: The Walsall Schools Athletics Championships was held at the Alexander Stadium in September, with teams from all of the secondary schools in Walsall.
formed admirably, finishing 3rd placed school over all, with our
for both boys and girls in the nd
girls finishing 2 . Special men- Walsall Schools table tennis tion must go to our gold medal championships, winning the winning athletes, Hollie (year U13, U16 and U19 boys compe8, Shot put), Phoebe (year 10, titions and both the U13 and 200m and 300m), Oliver (year U16 girls competitions. All of 8, 800m), Ewan (year 8, long these teams will now go on the jump and high jump) and our Black Country Schools champigirls KS4 4 x 100 relay team onships at the end of the (Phoebe, Charlie, Lara and month and will also go on to Shrule). All of the students represent Walsall in Black who competed contributed to Country Olympics this year. our overall team success Team Sports: Our school Table tennis The training is teams have been very busy ful-
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ TEACHER’S PRIDE filling fixtures and we have
performances on the day. In
had some resounding success in
the overall competition we managed to finish 2 , getting
have 6 netball teams and the
narrowly beaten by our local
girls continue to perform well.
rivals, Aldridge School. We
We have also run 6 football
may have just missed out on
teams and they have been very
retaining the trophy, but a
successful, in particular our
number of our students have
year 7 and 9 teams, who both
been selected to represent
managed to win their league,
Walsall in the West Midlands
winning all of their fixtures in
Schools Cross Country Cham-
the process. Our year 8 team
pionships in January.: Char-
were also very successful, fin-
lotte, Caitlin, Tad and Ethan
ishing as runners up. We hope
in year 7 (Caitlin was overall
to have more footballing suc-
year 7 girls winner), in year 8,
cess in the cup competitions
Shannon, Oliver and Connor
later in the year. Our year 7
and in year 10, Niall. A big
and 8 girls are currently in-
well done goes to all of the
volved in their 7 a side football
competitors and to Mr Bar-
league and I will feedback on
ratt and Mr Dawson for their
their performances later in the
dedication in ensuring that
the students had opportunicountry:
was the Inter Schools Cross Country
high jump)
local based competitions. We
Ewan (year 8, long jump and
ties to train together, which clearly helped contribute to our success.
This half term we have a number of other sporting competitions taking place, including basketball, badminton, county rugby competitions and girl’s football. I hope that our students continue to embrace the sporting opportunities provided for them and further develop their talents. Students at St Francis always represent their school with pride and distinction.
were held at Streetly Academy on Tuesday 13th November. We
DID YOU KNOW? by Saffron Hawkins
have had a dedicated bunch of
Alexander Stadium
hardened students (and staff)
The stadium was built in 1975 and was open for train-
ing in 1976. The Alexander Stadium had a £1million
worth it, with the students of St Francis all putting in gutsy
Newsletter Winter 2012
refurbishment in 2000. Alexander Stadium held the Aviva Birmingham Grand Prix on Sunday 26th August. Athletes such as double gold medal winner Mo Farah are set to complete with other GB athletes.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SPORTING REVIEW
A good year for sport (even for grumps) When the world seemed to
be all abuzz with Olympic
fever - I’ll be honest- I
gets it all off
found it a little dull. That’s
her chest.
not to say all the ridiculously flexible or outrageously talented athletes weren’t incredible, because they were; but for someone whose closest encounter with any kind of physical exertion is panting
watching men and women who could probably lift a bus left me feeling a little mediocre. It felt like everywhere
noyed. So when my mother announced our weekend trip to London during the Paralympics, you can imagine how ecstatic I wasn’t.
amongst the dozens of other tourists and locals, I did my best not to roll my eyes. Then something I never expected to happen did; as we sat to watch Ellie Simmonds in what I thought would be another pointless race, I actually started to understand what everyone was
Trafalgar blabbering about. It wasn’t Square to see the screen the sport that was incredifollowing the swimming, in ble (even though it was) and We
front of which were proba- it wasn’t the fact that thebly two hundred people, se people were phenomenal
of teenage girls swooning
barricaded off from the athletes (which they are), it outside world. The entrance was the fact that, as I sat
I turned there was a gaggle a
spread on Tom Daley, or a 30ft
with Jessica Ennis and those abs. As I said- mediocre. And I couldn’t understand why, all of a sudden, middle aged women were donning tracksuits and pedometers and powerwalking past my window; the sense of national pride was lost on me. I wasn’t inspired; I was an-
security amongst this crowd of absolute strangers cheering on guards, rooting through our someone they had never bags like airport security. met, and found myself Inside, they charged £2.50 cheering along with them. for a 99 ice-cream. £2.50. Hundreds watched one But, extortionate dairy young girl take gold and all prices aside, the sun was of them felt part of someshining and I was deterthing. mined not to combust at the I tell a lie - there was one thought of being subjected man I saw looking glum, but to watching more extraordiI think he’d just bought an nary people being selfishly on ice-lolly. manned
better than me.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ ROVING RESEARCHER
Glad it’s over? No way! This is why we love sport: Another reason why sport is important is that it is roll gets excitgood for the people of the ed about sport world. When you are runand tells us why. ning on a track, or playing tennis, or playing football or swimming at the swimWhen people play a sport, ming baths, you are they are mixing with other stretching your muscles people and they try their and making your heart beat best to win. They can also faster. It is very important have fans and supporters to keep fit! ‘Look after and many sports have teams. your body and your body Teams have to work togethwill look after you.’ er to win. There is a famous quote about teamwork – The Paralympians had a There is no I in team. It is motto – Inspire a generaimportant to remember that tion. They have inspired sport is fun and it is good to lots of kids and grown-ups play your sport in a fair way with disabilities to try and never cheat or be a bad sports. This is just one loser. That is why players reason why sport is imshake hands at the start of portant. the game.
Poppy O’Car-
Our sporting heritage Charles Burgess Fry (1872-1956) was a very good sportsman. He played rugby, football, athletics and cricket to a professional level and was very successful. Walter Tull (1888-1918) was a very good footballer. He was the first footballer of African descent to play in the English league. He played for Tottenham Hotspur and Northampton Football Clubs. Virginia Wade (1945-)
With all the sporting
was a very successful
events on at SFA,
tennis player. She is
there’s no excuse to
the last British woman
be lazy. Check out
to have won the Ladies
your form board for more details.
Newsletter Winter 2012
singles title at Wimbledon in 1977.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ COMPETITION WINNER
You can do it - a slogan for twenty-twelve! WOW! What a year it has
Our sports
been! The 2012 Olympic and
writing KS3
Paralympic Games are truly
something magical to cher-
ish in our hearts forever!
The Olympics and Paralym- Shannon O’Donnell shares pics are the 2 most biggest some words of encourageand popular sporting events ment post-Olympics. in the world and people from all different countries come
anyone would be dying to ‘Inspire a generation’. It
and witness the inspirational
have such an amazing oppor- brings us all together as a
moments in Olympic history. Doesn’t it feel amazing to be
tunity! No one was born be- family and as a loving coming able to do a front flip or munity we are! For the Para-
part of such a brilliant com-
break a world record; you lympics my quote- ‘They are
munity? I am sure we all feel proud and honoured to be
work for it and train hard. not ordinary, but extraorIf you set your mind to it dinary’. Get out there and
try called Great Britain!
and reach for the stars do something - anyone can then nothing is impossible. achieve anything if they put
Every athlete always dreams
Dream big! Just think of
of standing on that podium
the athletes, they don’t just
apply for the Olympics or
gold medal that everyone
Paralympics and just get in;
dreams about! The Olympic
they train countless hours
and Paralympic Games only
every single day!
happen every 4 years and
Overall, having The Games
part of an outstanding coun-
in our capital city London has been truly something special to remember and has inspired
their mind to it! As one world, one creation, we are all amazing in our own ways it may not be sport, but just to encourage others could make a huge difference! The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is a memory that no generation ought to forget, especially Great Britain!
around the world!
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CULTURE NEWS
Wimpy Kid series: Cabin Fever
Saffron Hawkins and Imogen Poole give Cabin Fever five stars.
Greg Heffely is in BIG trouble with school over damaged property, but he is not to blame. When a surprise blizzard traps his family indoors over Christmas, Greg knows he’ll soon have to face the punishment, but what could be worse than having to spend the whole holiday stuck inside with your family? Personally, we thought that Cabin Fever was an awesome book just like the whole of the Wimpy Kid series! It was extremely funny & had some very cool pictures to add to the laughter.
“A brilliant book” says Mia Connelly, 7B Captain Funny and the Bomb By Harry
Newsletter Winter 2012
Walliams strikes again Mrs Littler explains why David Walliams makes her smile.
David Walliams is like no other ‘celebrity turned writer’ that you have ever read. His books are wonderfully touching and terribly funny and Boy in a Dress is no exception. This book is a very sweet exploration of how we deal with our feelings, even where they don’t match everyone else’s. In the book, a boy misses his Mum and enjoys looking at things that remind him of her – pictures of pretty dresses in fashion magazines. His Dad and brother do not like pretty dresses at all, so he has to keep his interests hidden until he gets to know a new friend. This book is well worth a read, whether you like dresses or not.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CULTURE NEWS
A book review from the depths of hell: Cirque Du Freak by (the freaky) Darren Shan Matthew Cooper tells us about Darren Shan’s gruesome adventure . Do not be put off by the French title as the book is definitely written in English. Be more worried about the comment and gruesome picture on the front cover. Is
“A plot full of twists” says J.K. Rowling
it a living nightmare? Well I’ve survived the experience, but only just… In this thrilling book, a normal teenage boy and his three friends, get a once in a life time experience, to sneak out of the house, to see a weird and wacky freak show. However, there is a catch, only two people per leaflet can go and they only have one leaflet .Who will make it count and be able to
“A plot full of twists that did that that to me. I wonleaves the reader hungry der what tingling sensation for more,” says J.K.Rowling this book will give you? the millionaire writer of I have read this as part of Harry Potter. Believe me, the October theme for she’s not lying either. The reading club. We meet evemind blowing creepiness ry Thursday and share our captures the reader and thoughts, expand our minds makes the hair on the back and even try our hand at of your neck stand up. This writing in a relaxed way, thrilling ride makes you with lots of biscuits and our want to believe that you’re friends. If you are interest-
disappear to the frightful
Darren Shan and are doing ed in joining then see Mrs these wonderful, but scary Roberts in the LRC.
cirque du freak?
things he has to do. Well it
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CULTURE NEWS
Can you conjure up Christmas Will our Engin twelve words? Of course! lish students ne’er be clean? Mrs Roberts At Christmas I wished, bigtakes a look at gest wish of all… to be with our prizewin- you! ning writers.
Isabella Hughes & Libby Hood 7S (joint entry)
Bethany Wright gets chills after the yr. 13 trip
There were some lovely entries for the Twelve Words of Christmas creative writing competition. I received 79 different stories written by 27 students from Years 7-10. Many thanks to all students who entered - the standard was very high.
Peeking out the window, watching snowflakes fall down, her wish came true. Courtney Gripton 7F Shepherds came, kings bowed, animals gathered to see Mary’s son, Our Lord. Megan Reynolds 8S
Five prize-winners have been chosen who win a £5 book voucher to spend at the Scholastic Book Fair.
DID YOU KNOW? A few hundred years
Hope, life, love, happiness. All came to life on a Christmas night. Elizabeth Standen 10C
Christmas trees in Eng-
At Christmas the returning soldier hugged his child, weeping tears of joy.
land! They were a cus-
Natalie Miley 10C
ago, we didn’t have
tom from Germany. It took a while to catch on, but now we wouldn’t
to Sheffield's Crucible theatre. As we filed into the arena like theatre in Sheffield we all wondered what lay ahead. Witches, Kings and treachery was what we got! For our A-level English exam we get the privilege to study this text, and the opportunity to go and see the performance was taken advantage of by most of the class. Ice cream in the interval allowed us to reflect on the play and those who did not rush to the toilet said it was excellent! It helped the whole class to understand the play so much more!
be without them.
Newsletter Winter 2012
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ CULTURE NEWS
Is Gangnam Style here to stay? Lights, camera, Limber up for the next move. READ! Gangnam Style” is a single Eden Wells by the South Korean star recaps this PSY (Park Jae-Sang). It was year’s biggest released mid-July 2012 and and mostis now a massive hit around the world. On 20 September watched-hit. 2012, “Gangnam Style” was The dance may be cheesy, recognised by Guinness but we can’t get enough of World Records as the most liked video in YouTube histo- PSY. ry. The music video is a massive hit due the unusual foreign lyrics and the iconic viral. The world is watching dance PSY does throughout - let’s hope his next hit is as the video. catchy as this one. Celebrities from all over the world have been trying to learn the dance. Britney Spears was in luck – she got to learn it from him on the Ellen DeGeneres show. The big question it: can he stay popular? After all, he was around a long time before Gangnam Style went
laird shines a light on some bright talent. Spotlight youth productions presents ‘Puss in Cowboy boots’ at Brownhills school theatre this January. Set in the wild west, the story of Puss in Boots comes alive with dancing, acting and toe-tapping songs. A number of St. Francis pupils are performing in the play and are having a fantastic time. The play is coming along really well and tickets are sure to fly.
DID YOU KNOW? PSY is no one-hitwonder. He has released five albums and has been making music for over a decade!
Olivia Mail-
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
To make sure that you don’t miss out on this fantastic show, visit productions.html, where there is more information and those all-important tickets!
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
Opera.on Christmas Child Shoe Box appeal is a success
Good idea our Jack!
Mrs Brook tells us about
Miss John-
the success
stone shares a
of the Oper-
top ICT tip!
ation Christmas Child Shoe Box appeal.
Thank you, to all the pupils and staff who sent in or who contributed towards this year’s appeal. On Friday 23rd November our boxes were collected and sent to the processing centre in Aldridge. We sent 132 boxes
this year. On Friday 7th December these boxes along with thousands of others left the processing centre by lorry destined for Romania, the country where the first shoe boxes were sent over 20 years ago.
I found a USB stick – when I went to look for an owner, there was a wee folder called ‘if this USB is found’!! What a great idea!! In there Jack Barrand!! has his name and form and a telephone number!! Thought it might be worth passing this idea on. It is so easy to lose a device!
Expert advice! Newsletter Winter 2012
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
We remember. Our year 8s express their thoughts and feelings on remembrance and their trip to Alrewas war memorial. _______________________ The National Memorial Arboretum is a place where all the soldiers who are and have been fighting in the war and their families can be remembered. At the NMA we saw all of the different gardens that be-
hour of the 11th day of
Oak trees squared row by
longed to the schemes or
the 11th month, the sun
row for the naval fighters.
charities which helped the
shines through them and
An Anti-Air cannon for
war veterans and their fami-
onto the wreath.
their defence.
Year 8s learnt that it is
The peaceful poppy field
important to remember
held a big yield, our intelli-
those people and their
gence spies burnt alive.
Old John’s track is laid,
lies. We also saw the big war memorial where all the names of the soldiers who had died at war were carved into the walls. In this memorial there were
wreath in the middle of it, and the walls inside of the two curved walls, where on the one curved wall and one straight
gave up their lives so that their country could maintain its ways and we could be here as we are now. Sarah Wakeman
the man who couldn’t talk. Now a wall for those who died fighting, they cried out as they fell fatally wounded. Christopher Conlan
aligned slits, so on the 11th
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS Science - we take our We get to grips students to hospital (no panic) with crime Mrs Strawford tells us about a really interesting school trip.
This term I took five students who are considering a Pathology based career to the pathology department at Walsall Manor Hospital. Dr Graham Beards gave us a conducted tour of four disciplines within his department namely; Biochemistry Haematology Blood Bank Microbiology
The students saw real scientists in the work place testing a variety of human samples for an array of conditions and diseases. Our discussion with Dr Beards married up nicely with the subjects the students are currently studying at AS level and A2. Namely microscopy, stem cell research, Malaria, HIV, superbugs such as MRSA and blood grouping. The students asked Dr Beards about the qualifications they would require in order to become a Biomedical Scientist in his department. Our students were a real credit to us.
DID YOU KNOW? Global warming is said to have caused a rise in malaria rates, as more of the mosquitos which carry it are thriving in
Bethany Wright gives us the lowdown from the Forensic Psychology and Crime Conference.
Despite being a Sociology student, not a psychology one, I don't think I have ever enjoyed a trip more. From psychopaths to crime-unravelling maths, we sat on the edge of our seats for hours learning about what causes crime. We had five talks from different professionals within the sector, including a professional criminal! Personally I was a little taken aback by his demeanour, but it was fascinating to understand the mind-set of a serial offender. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly and fond it very helpful in their study!
warmer conditions.
Newsletter Winter 2012
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
Magnificent Maths Challenge A team of four St Francis
Mrs Hamar tells us about the sixth form challenge.
students took part in the regional final of the Senior Team Mathematics Challenge at the University of Wolverhampton on 16
joined 14 other teams of the best mathematics students
Hannah Wright and Jessica Murphy keep us
up to date with year eleven. ____________________
16-19 year-old mathematics
Mr Brown said ‘A good
Dan, Adam, Maciej and Josh
A good year for Mr Brown
students by focusing on problem-solving,
start to the year. I am proud to have taken my year
communication skills.
their final year of KS4’.
es to tackle a series of de-
The STMC is now in its 6th
Mr Brown was very pleased
manding mathematical chal-
year and attracts over 1000
with the start of year 11,
teams from schools and col-
group problem-
leges from around the UK.
and how it will shape their
solving, a team cross-number
This is the second time SFA
puzzle and a mathematical
have entered a team and, alt-
There are some exciting
relay race, lasting over three
hough we did not win, the
things happening in year 11,
hours in total. The aim of the
students all agreed that it
such as the prom at the
competition, organised jointly
was a genuinely enjoyable ex-
by the Further Mathematics
perience which they would
Support Programme and the
heartily recommend to other
been done!
UK Mathematics Trust and
keen mathematicians. Their
...and finally Mr Brown said
sponsored by Rolls-Royce plc.,
competitive spirit bodes well
‘I love being the head of
is to provide a stimulating
for future teams!
my year group. I am proud
from local schools and colleg-
and enjoyable challenge for
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
with vast majority realising how important this year is
end of the year to celebrate all their success and the hard work that has
of every single one of them!’
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
Watch out! Years 7 + 8 get two scary visitors Yr. 8 pupils studying World War 1 watched Mr Hicks, who has come in before, explain the topic in a memorable and interesting performance touching on his own personal experiences of conflict. His engaging presentation has been shown to various other years and each get the audience involved, this time he dressed a 'willing' student up in a world war one soldiers gear. Also he doesn't just do world war one presentations, he also came in to talk to the year 7 students about life as a Roman soldier and helped to reinforce there knowledge of the topic in preparation for their upcom-
Hannah Grennan gives us the history behind these surprising pictures!
ing ISA. I spoke to a year 9 pupil on there th o u gh ts on th e presentation 'I really liked the world war one presentation from Mr Hicks as I thought it was very interesting and helped me to learn more about the topic than you do in the classroom as it was more engaging. I also learnt new facts about the topic than I didn't know before'.
What a display! Harry Kirke on the fantastic history display. The launch of the History Authors was warm and generous. My hard work and many others’ had paid
Newsletter Winter 2012
off with rewards of delicate brownies and refreshments!
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ WHERE WE STAND
Public Sector Equality Duty at St Francis At St Francis of Assisi school we feel that our strong Christian Ethos, Gospel Values and charity work lead us to be committed to
This important school document explains one way that we put the golden rule into practice.
3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected
and those who do not, by encouraging
creating and sustaining an
protected groups to partici-
environment of mutual toler-
1. Eliminate unlawful dis-
pate in public life or in oth-
ance, respect, dignity and
crimination, harassment and
er activities where their
good relations.
We insist
victimisation and other con-
participation is dispropor-
that our policies, procedures
duct prohibited by the Act,
tionately low.
and activities should pro-
by removing or minimising
mote positive attitudes to-
In fulfilling the legal obliga-
disadvantages suffered by
wards good relations and di-
tions identified above, we at
people due to their protect-
alogue between groups and
St Francis of Assisi CTC are
ed characteristics.
guided by six principles:
communities different from each other in terms of ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, and national origin. We encourage everyone to take an active role in the life our school. The Public Sector Equality Duty combines the following
2. Advance Equality of op-
Principle 1: All learners are
of equal value.
who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, by taking steps to meet
Principle 2: We recognise and respect diversity.
the needs of people from
Principle 3: We foster posi-
tive attitudes and relation-
these are different from
ships, and a shared sense of
the needs of other people.
cohesion and belonging.
three pieces of legislation (Sex
Disability Discrimination Act and Race Relations Act) has three aims under the general
“Treat others as you wish to be treated.” MJ 7 (Golden Rule)
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
Year 9 are doing just fine! Hannah Wright and Jessica Murphy keep us up to date with year nine. Principle 4: We observe
good equalities practice in
staff recruitment, reten-
viewed Mrs Blackmore
tion and development
about the progress of
Principle 5: We aim to re-
year 9 so far.
duce and remove inequali-
Mrs Blackmore said ‘I
ties and barriers that may
love my year group as
already exist
they are very bubbly
Principle 6: We aim to con-
and sporty’.
sult and involve the school
I asked Mrs Blackmore
‘What has been going on this year so far? ’She
Equality objectives
said that it’s been a
1) Raising standards for all pupils in line with our Catholic
group has been a sporty year group, which defiantly made Mrs Black-
2) To identify and respond
year 9 there is a stu-
going on this year for year nine as the STEM group are going to the RAF Cosford on the 5th of November. However she does have a couple more surprises, but they are not to be said yet. She also said to me ‘Yes I love my job, especially being part of a great
dent which has put her
3) To ensure equity for all
sporty ability to the
students from FSM (Ever
test as Francesca Ken-
Finally congratulations to
6) and the 16-19 Bursary
nedy performed at the
Aaron Keal (9S) and Oliv-
Fund to ensure learning op-
Wolverhampton theatre
ia Lewis (9F), as they are
portunities are accessible
performing dance.
to all.
There are lots of things
Newsletter Winter 2012
year group!’.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ SCHOOL NEWS
Animal magic with Zoolab
Stanley Houghton and Archie Smith meet the crawlies. Zoolab was a great experience for all the year 8 students. Our favourite animal was the snake because we got to hold it and we love snakes. We also got to see a frog, a big spider, a huge snail and much more. We think that the experience with Zoolab was fantastic
and we strongly suggest other schools do it. The way it was set up was great—it was a real learning curve for us all, because we learnt new things and had a new experience, We really hope others will try this.
St. Francis staff have their cake for Macmillan Ms Hill lets us know the effect of our staff coffee morning.
There were an amazing amount of hand-made cakes all made with love by members of staff which were wonderful to see, so thank you!
Friday after which was a great success, so both added together raised a total of £423.83.
That is a fabulous amount and will pay for 17 hours for a Macmillan nurse to Also sixth form arranged support a family affected cake and milk shakes on the by cancer!
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ THE FACTS OF SCHOOL LIFE
Mrs Guyler,
Keep calm and stay safe online
Business & Administration Manager
Mrs Jones and Mrs Oliver give some great advice In future any items forgotten by students (PE kit, etc.) will be held in School Reception for the student to collect. The Form Tutor and Head of Achievement and Learning will be emailed to advise the student that an item is waiting for them in reception. Students will have the opportunity to collect the items during lesson changeover times. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee that the items will reach the student in time but we will do our best. Any emergencies e.g. medication, dinner money etc. the student will be invited to collect the item(s) from reception during lesson times in which case they will have a note in their diary giving permission from the teacher. We also ask for your support with any changes to after school arrangements you wish to advise your child of. Emergencies only please. Thank you.
Newsletter Winter 2012
on how to stay safe online. With Christmas just around the corner know that many of our pupils will receive games consoles, smartphones, tablets and laptops for Christmas which will make connection to the Internet easier than ever. As these new devices arrive we would like to remind everyone of the need to be safe when they are online. The ThinkUKnow website has lots of information for pupils and parents on how to stay safe and is well worth looking at.
mation – such as your full name, email address, phone number, home address, photos or school name – to people you are chatting with online. MEETING - Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ or carers’ permission and even then only when they can be present.
ACCEPTING - emails, IM messagAt St Francis we think that the es, or opening files, pictures or SMART system is something we texts from people you don’t know should all follow! or trust can lead to problems – SAFE - Keep safe by being careful they may contain viruses or nasty not to give out personal infor- messages!
DID YOU KNOW? The world wide web was born in 1991, but the internet is now used by 2 billion people around the world.
INFORMATION you find on the internet may not be true, or someone online may be lying about who they are. TELL - your parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried online.
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’ THE FACTS OF SCHOOL LIFE Are you every tempted to come into school late, or have the day at home if you’re
AJendance: Be your best.
Medical appointments are classified as an absence. Parents should book medical appointments
Even an attend-
school time. However, when
ance of 95% is the equiva-
this is not possible, booking
lent of two weeks away
Mr Brown
from school. That’s a whop-
makes sure
morning and afternoon reg-
ping 50 lessons missed!
we all know
istration times, i.e. 9 - 9.20
All students must achieve
what is ex-
am and 1.40 - 1.50 pm would
of pected on attendance.
95%. The vast majority of
having a negative impact up-
students will be expected to
on your child's attendance
exceed this target.
Those not hitting the 95%
target are putting their ed-
Officer is informed where
attendance falls below 85%
Each 5% drop in attendance
corresponds to 50 lessons
lateness is an issue.
100% Attendance certifi-
should be noted that as well
someone with an attendance
cates will be issued to
as a range of supportive
rate of 85% will not only
measures, that have been
draw the attention of the
attendance at the end of
put in place, prosecution is
Education Welfare Officer,
this academic year. The-
an action the Local Authori-
but will have missed an un-
se would be an excellent
ty will take for none school
believable 150 lessons from
Parents are reminded to call
If you thought being a little
Praise cards and Ecards
the school in the morning at
late wasn’t too bad, think
will also be sent out to
the earliest possible oppor-
again. Being 10 minutes late
those who have met and
tunity to explain the reason
everyday is the equivalent
exceeded their attend-
for the absence.
of over a week off school!
ance targets.
01922 740 306
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
Newsletter Winter 2012
‘Nil sa s op mum’ ROVING RESEARCHER
The school gets a new taste of Aspen food - yum yum! Its not just the news letter that has a new look!
food will help people to be healthy and more adventurous in what they eat! Fish Fridays also has a big
Food glorious food! The stereotypical canteen school food, with it mushy pea’s and left over cabbage… no way! Not like our School Bistro and dinning hall anyway! I now have lunch there everyday and enjoy the different menu’s from live cooked curry to Italian lasagne!. Tony the manager of Aspens helped to create this plat of adventurous dishes from all over the world. He believes the new look and
impact on the dinner queue students!. Fish and chips
What we have to offer… •
The hot food
for me!
station in
Want your Christmas meal
the dining
Then come to the dining hall on either Wednesday
The salad
19th or Thursday 20th and
and sandwich
station in
Roast Turkey with
all the trimmings for just
the dining
£2.80. Got room for pud-
ding? Then it is only 80p for Christmas pudding!
The sandwich bar in the bistro
We have a new layout in the din-
The small
ing hall… With new
food counter
yummy and exotic
in the dining
Newsletter Winter 2012
St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technical College
‘Nil sa s op mum’
Online payment with ParentPay has arTowards the end of October 2012, we introduced a more convenient way to pay for school trips, revision guides, stationery and other items online, using a secure service called ParentPay. ParentPay is now live for our school and we are working towards no longer accepting cash and cheque payments, making the school a cash-free environment. To date, we have 38% of our parents signed up and using this service. If you have not already done so, please activate your account using the activation letter posted to your home address. If you need another copy, this can be requested
Mrs Mullins explains the key facts about ParentPay. ____________________
by emailing ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available. You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password; you will be prompted
to change these, and to keep them safe and secure. If you have more than one child at our school or children at another ParentPay school, you can create one single account login for all your children regardless of which school they attend. Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you’ve activated your account you can make online payments straight away. We hope you will support us in achieving our goal to become a cashless school, increasing efficiency and removing the need for students to carry monies into school. Your support in using ParentPay will help the school enormously, thank you. For further information on ParentPay please visit