Extra curricular activities 2013 14 secondary

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International School, Luxembourg A.S.B.L.

Extra Curricular Activities

Secondary School Extra-Curricular Activities Brochure 2013/14

Table of Contents INTRODUCTORY LETTER FROM THE HEAD TEACHER ............................................. 3 EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 4 AEN Homework Support ..................................................................................... 4 EAL ................................................................................................................... 4 Key Stage 4 & 5 Study Hall ................................................................................ 5 Secondary Homework Club................................................................................. 5 RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES .................................................................................. 6 Debating Club ................................................................................................... 6 Football Squad .................................................................................................. 6 GIN (Global Issues Network) .............................................................................. 6 Luxemburgish for Teens ..................................................................................... 7 Media Club ........................................................................................................ 7 Merite Jeunesse ................................................................................................. 7 Music Technology .............................................................................................. 8 Netball .............................................................................................................. 8 Programming Club ............................................................................................. 8 Sports Leadership .............................................................................................. 9 Unified Sports Club ............................................................................................ 9 Wind Band ........................................................................................................ 9


INTRODUCTORY LETTER FROM THE HEAD TEACHER Dear Student/Parent At St George’s International School one of our goals is to maintain a safe, respectful and challenging learning environment. In addition, we recognise and embrace the importance of extracurricular activities which round out a students’ secondary school experience. We believe that every student should take advantage of the opportunities that we offer at St George’s, as we hope to engage every student in a variety of positive and enriching experiences as they develop into responsible and productive young adults. In addition to the obvious benefits of developing existing skills and learning new ones, there are many other advantages in participating in extracurricular activities which include: Acquire time management and prioritising skills Making a contribution to the school community Build relationships Raise self esteem Enhance employment/university applications Studies also suggest that participating in extracurricular activities helps students in their academic performance. This handbook is designed to inform students and parents of the variety of extracurricular opportunities that are available here at St George’s. I encourage you to explore the possibilities and become involved! Yours faithfully

Mark Fleet Head Teacher (Secondary)


EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES AEN Homework Support The secondary AEN support club is provided to help support the pupils in the following ways: To provide them with strategies for homework – organisation, routines, having the correct equipment and setting time targets, as well as understanding why they have homework and the best ways to tackle homework tasks. These skills will be reinforced throughout the year while they are completing homework tasks. They will also be expected to have a book with them so that if they have completed all homework tasks during the sessions they will use the time to practice and develop their independent reading skills when possible and with teacher support if required.

EAL The FCE (First Certificate in English) is an intermediate level course which leads to an upper- intermediate language qualification. FCE is the most widely taken exam and has the most widespread recognition. CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) indicates an advanced level of competence in English and is recognised by the majority of U K universities for English language entrance requirements. CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) is a very advanced level exam approaching a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker. As such, it fulfils entry requirements for university study in English language and is recognised by UK universities, many universities in other English-speaking countries and by other professional bodies world-wide. Both CAE as well as CPE offer a number of UCAS points (70-140). All above mentioned Cambridge courses are of benefit to those who intend to take the exams as well as those who simply wish to improve their knowledge of the language and they will run through the academic year 2013-2014.


Key Stage 4 & 5 Study Hall Coursework, revision, study session for exam students. Specialist teachers will rotate, providing students with the opportunity to seek individual guidance in the subjects they require further support. This is NOT homework club, it is aimed to help and support exam students in a variety of subjects throughout the year. Students will not only receive subject help but study skills guidance, in areas such as essay structure and technique.

Secondary Homework Club The secondary homework club is offered to all secondary students who wish to complete their homework after school in a quiet and productive environment. The students will benefit from this club, as they will be able to prepare in advance for tests, exams and tasks given by their teachers. It is also an excellent way for the students to learn how valuable discipline and routine can be to their academic progress.


RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Debating Club Come along and learn the art of competitive debating. Debating Club will increase your confidence and help you understand current affairs. It is also lots of fun! We plan to hold competitions against other Luxembourg schools by the end of the year. (Aspiring lawyers and politicians are very welcome).

Football Squad Saturday football involves fitness training, ball skills and matches. Training sessions always start with an essential warm up and stretch session. We are happy to welcome boys and girls to the Football Squad and we play regular matches against staff and parents! Players must have boots with moulded or plastic studs. No metal studs are permitted on the all weather pitch. Wear layers of clothing suitable for the weather. Bring a drink and lots of enthusiasm and energy! End of term match played against parents and staff.

GIN (Global Issues Network) The Global Issues Network is a worldwide network of schools through which students engage with a variety of global concerns. The GIN club agenda is to enable students to make a difference and be proactive, on a local and global level. Each week students will explore a different issue and will nurture their skills in research, debate, team work, problem solving, public speaking and divergent thinking. There will be opportunities for; attending student conferences, taking part in Gavel Club meetings leading to certification, and becoming ambassadors for the school. Further information can be found on this website http://global-issues-network.org/ or by speaking to Ms Moody or Mrs White.


Luxemburgish for Teens Learn the language that is spoken by a huge majority of young people in Luxembourg. This will help you make new friends and easily integrate in social activities in the country. The focus of the club will be to develop your speaking and listening skills (writing is not a priority). Apart from the language you will also learn some facts about the country, discover traditions and cultural aspects. This club is open to all secondary students who have no or very basic knowledge of the language. ‘Komm a schwätz

Lëtzebuergesch mat eis’.

Media Club The students will be introduced to the four key concepts in media studies; media language, audience, representation and institution. They will apply their knowledge of these concepts when developing their production skills to create a variety of media texts including magazines, newspapers, music videos, podcasts and film trailers. This club will be a great introduction for students at KEY STAGE3 to media studies and allow students at KEY STAGE4 to focus on the planning and production of media texts.

Merite Jeunesse Duke of Edinburgh bronze, silver and gold award. Merite Jeunesse is part of the International Duke of Edinburgh Award. Pupils must also take part in a physical activity, a skill and a volunteer post. These last 3 to 6 months depending on the level of the award. Pupils must also take part in an overnight expedition where they walk (25km) carrying their equipment and food. This award allows pupils to develop key skills of organisation, team work, leadership and time management. The practice expeditions will take place in April and May 2014 and the assessment will be in September.


Music Technology Music Technology club will allow students to learn about Music Technology in a hands on, practical capacity. Students will become familiar with key software and hardware commonly used at an industry standard. Software used will include Logic Pro 9, Sibelius 7 and various forms of virtual DJ software. In this club students will become familiar with many areas of Music Technology including; microphone types and their uses; recording studio techniques; use of common DAW’s (Digital Audio Workstations); dance music creation; music production and live sound management.

Netball Netball is a fast, exciting true team sport which involves running, jumping, throwing and catching to move the ball quickly down the court to score a goal. All players need to defend and attack during the game. The players need to be quick thinking, as they are required to make speedy and accurate decisions on the ever-changing situations that occur on court. Netball can be played by girls and boys of all ages. It’s a great way to get active and have fun!

Programming Club Computer Programming is fascinating, fun, and incredibly useful. There is no way to know if somebody is good at it until they try it. The club will start with an introduction to a Games Language, to provide an easy visual way to get everybody making animations and games. Members will be able to show off their work, get tips, and swap ideas. There will be regular short talkson techniques and related topics of interest.


Sports Leadership This new club allows students to follow the Sports Leaders UK awards from Levels 1-3. They will develop their organisational and communication skills, whilst also focusing on positive role models in sport, how to mentor others, and how to use leadership skills in a variety of settings. In the competitive employment market it is more important than ever for students to demonstrate their abilities beyond academic qualifications. The Level 3 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership is a vital link to further education and employment, and builds upon the skills and experiences gained through the Sports Leaders UK Level 1 and 2 qualifications. Learners who have successfully completed the Level 3 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership gain an additional 30 UCAS points and enhance their applications to prospective Higher Education Institutions.

Unified Sports Club The Unified Sports club allows students of all abilities to participate in sporting activities. Inspired by the involvement of our school in a Comenius Project, the club has been attended by over 50 students each week in both 2011-12 and 2012-13. All of the students have the opportunity to play a range of different sports from football, basketball and flag rugby through to inclusive modified sports such as boccia and burn-ball. Members of the Unified Sports club will have the opportunity to participate in competitions against our international Comenius partners during 2014.

Wind Band The Wind Band welcomes all musicians who play a wind or brass instruments. Percussionists are also needed. This is a great opportunity to participate in a musical group activity for those who share a passion for music. The students will have the possibility to play a wide variety of musical pieces and will develop both theoretical and practical talents in this field.


St George’s International School, Luxembourg

11, rue des Peupliers L-2328 Luxembourg tel: +352 42 32 24 fax: +352 42 32 34 www.st-georges.lu


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