Primary Yearbook
The Dragon
Title page: Dragon Illustration by Alex, 5B Editor: Bronwen Griffiths
Contents A special letter from the British Ambassador
The Head Teacher’s Introduction
Early Years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6 108 Art Exhibition 124 Dragons: Runners Up 126 Clubs 128 P.E. & COBIS Games 130 St. George’s Day 132 Music & Food Technology 133 Fun times 134 Shows 136 My friends 138
Image courtesy of Geoff Thompson of The Luxembourg Chronicle
A special letter from
The British Ambassador
Dear pupils, parents and St. George’s staff members, I am delighted to have been invited to contribute a few wo rds to your yearbook. Over the eighteen months that I’ve now been in Luxembourg, I’ve eno rmously enjoyed all my con tac ts with the school and it’s a pleasure to be able to tak e this opportunity to express my admiration and enthusiasm for your activities and achievem ents. This yearbook marks the end of the 2012-2013 school yea r, which started during the Ch inese Year of the Dragon. I kno w that, in choosing the yearbo ok cover, dozens and dozens of splendid and distinctive dra gons were scrutinised! It ma de me reflect on the great var iety of dragons I happen to hav e come across this past year: the beautiful silver St. Georg e and the Dragon candelabra from the Grand Duke’s collection on display at the National Museu m; a fiery Chinese dragon pup pet at HSBC’s Chinese New Year celebrations; the fea rsome dragon in the new film of one of our classic British books “The Hobbit”. And, of course , the dragon on the red and white St. Ge org e’s Sch ool mu g wh ich sits on my des k – a dragon garlanded with the words “resilience, res pec t, enquiry, thoughtfulness, mo rality, adaptability, co-operati on, communication”. A dragon to protect us in this sometim es challenging world – and wo rds to guide us all. As you come to the end of another school year, I’d like to congratulate both pupils and teachers on your achievem ents, to wish you the very best for a summer of fun and relaxat ion, and to hope that what you ’ve learnt this year will sta y wit h you in the years ahead. Alice Walpole British Ambassador Secondary Yearbook
Image courtesy of Geoff Thompson of The Luxembourg Chronicle
The Head Teacher’s Introduction
Welcome to what is now the 12th annual Yearbook. As usual it encapsulates all that is truly special about St. George’s. The linking up with the Astronauts in the Autumn certainly gave the whole school community something very special to remember this year and makes this year somewhat unique, but just what will be your child’s special memory of the year - the giant snow man, pirate day, paper plane day, attending the school disco, reading their first book – the possibilities are almost endless and will be unique to each child. One of the pleasures of the yearbook is that you can revisit the events of the year as a family and take the opportunity to share these special events with your extended family. Every year the number of events that we celebrate increases and so the pressure to include all of these events in the yearbook continues to grow and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the many staff who have been involved in any way in the production of this great book. I would also like to thank the sponsors for their generous donations towards the cost of the production of this yearbook. For many this book is a special keepsake of their time in Luxembourg. Again the shape and feel of the campus has changed this year, this time due to the completion of the Administration building, which includes our own conference facility. We have made great use of it already, hosting events as varied as, interviews, exams, staff meetings, St. George’s day tea, book sales and rehearsals of the school plays. This has allowed the other buildings to be devoted to academic instruction. And relieved the pressures created by our very active curriculum. The new music room created in the place of the reception area has been a great addition to our primary facilities. The completion of the boundary fencing has also increased the security of the campus inside and outside of school hours. This is always the time of the year when we meet many new families introducing them to St. George’s in preparation for their move to school in September. We know that they will be given a warm welcome by our students and very soon will feel at home. We hope that our own students who are moving on will receive as warm a welcome from their new schools. For those of you who will return in September please have a relaxing and enjoyable summer with your families. Please enjoy and share the latest copy of the Dragon. Heather Duxbury Head Teacher (Primary)
To write this article we decided to reflect on the events in Early Years during the past year, everything we thought about was in one way or another dominated by the weather and in many cases the snow. The outdoor environment is particularly important for this age group, it allows for larger movements at higher speeds usually accompanied by the loudest sounds. To observe the children’s activities outside frequently illustrates many of our personal goals, as in the huge cooperation, thoughtfulness, resilience and communication which was required by the group of boys who used the bottle crates, bread trays and old car tyres to construct their own snow plough. There were the moments of utter stillness and quiet when the snow just floated down, many children only wanted to stand still and absorb the experience. In comparison there were the inevitable boisterous games such as sliding on the ice and rolling down the snow drifts which were created by the snow ploughs every morning. These games helped to develop a sense of respect and morality as occasionally it was important to consider the consequence of a too well aimed snowball. Much fun and enjoyment has been had with the snow but also a considerable amount of real learning. The children have developed their fine motor skills by wriggling into snow suits or waterproof trousers. They have all learnt the English vocabulary words for clothing and all are proficient at sorting, matching and pairing boots, shoes and gloves! We have invited parents to various workshops and also to different events such as the spring egg hunt. In December the children very obviously enjoyed their seasonal show and continued to sing several of the songs for some weeks after the January return to school. The children were delighted to involve their parents in looking for their named patterned egg so that they could redeem their chocolate bar. The weather continues to play a huge part in our daily lives as we are continuing to spend most of our day outside, this time though, we are engrossed in planting seeds and plants, which has inevitably led to mud kitchens and sun hats!
PrimarySecondary Yearbook 2011-2012 Yearbook
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
Early Years
B Idan, Keshav, Thiago, Marie and Alexander making playdoh.
Julia takin g care of o ur classroom plants.
having nd Jayani Shreeya a Gym. fun in the
Cou ntin g t foo he tpr gian ints gar t in o den ur .
nore , Eleo ie r a g M workin id r t s and A t her a toget g. cookin
Maya and Ke shav e a bo u t njoying Elmer the st in our ories Listenin g Cor ner.
Carmine, Idan, Thomas, Astrid, Elizabeth and Eleonore roaring like lions from our classroom jungle.
nd Eleonore a g Alix workin al at the Anim Hospital.
Keshav phoning about a problem with th e post.
owers in and Alix planting fl r de an ex Al , as Thom yground. our Early Years pla
th mak ing her musica own l instru ment.
Early Years
G uses Jenna ne her fi skills motor ke to ma age a coll nimal with a rns. patte
Louis, Suffian and Violette share a good book together.
Conor enjoyed using the drums in the music lesson.
We re ally ha d fun came when t in to d wo mu o henn mmys a, Tayla have a c hose t smiley o face.
Mahi, Violett e, Aahan a and Lo uis all enjo y looking at books in our classro om.
Carmine has fun learning his letters.
Pavlos, Aahana, Violette, Lucas, Conor, Silvia, Maie, Tayla and Louis love going to the library to listen to a story.
Lucas builds a rocket in the construction room.
heir enna use t Mahi and J dough. g with the in y la p n io t imagina
Silvia, Louis and Alexandre made a boat in the construction area.
Maie, A lexand re and dark a Mahi e nd hav xplore e fun light a learnin nd g to u se tor ches.
ten to Lucas loves to lis music in class.
Early Years
R Alessandro, Taddeo and Valentin busy sorting the polenta
ssia ita and Ale Penelope, Z ooks looking at b
Alex, Alessia, Gabriel, and Penelope Federica rns taking tu e the to weav fabric
Fernando, Gabrie l, and Federica at the top of the climbing frame
Penelope, C hloe and Ha rry showing the ir m o dels 16
Federica, Gabriel, Taddeo and Guilo engrossed in a role play game
nd H ssia a
Alex sia and s le A , e k Daisu
ad aving
ry to a sto listening
o Harry and Lorenz Chloe, Fernando, cornflour investigating the
Daisu ke ju mp
ing a nd
Early Years
Y How
doe s Pau l an our g a d A tog dria rden g eth row n er a w ? to o r plan king t s eed s.
Casimir helpin g to complete our “Wiggly Worm “ chart.
Jewon helping to take care of our seedlings and of his school environment.
Which is your favourite co lour? Ava, Marta a nd Sofia are usin g their magnify ing glasses to de cide.
Paul and Pietr o sharing the red bike as they race around the playground.
Jade, Julia and Gabi sharing books in our sunny reading corner
Paul, Sofia, Gabi, Julien , Julia, Jade, Ava and Jewon having fun on the climbing wall.
Mini Olympics with Sofia and Adriana leadin g the way.
ing t he s Sprin lide in g su the nshin e
This year has been packed full with fun, friendship
and learning. All the children in Reception have been very busy working on the building blocks of reading, writing and numbers as well as working on a vast array of interesting topics throughout the year. We have had the opportunity to explore Luxembourg together as we rode on the bus to Le Coque for swimming lessons each week and went on an extremely exciting trip to Auchan supermarket to buy food for our class snacks. Our Christmas play proved to be a very popular event for the children. Everyone really enjoyed dressing up and performing for their families and teachers. The performances included a rich variety of roles and songs. We learned to negotiate, cooperate and share whilst enjoying the practise sessions. The children also contributed by adapting a few well known tunes adding Christmas lyrics. All the rehearsals paid off as the children gave an excellent performance for the whole audience on the big day. Swimming lessons have been another one of the highlights of the year. The children are thoroughly enjoying learning to swim and their confidence and skill in the water is improving greatly as the weeks go by. The boys and girls love their free play time at the end of each lesson; it is a great opportunity to have fun playing with their friends and to try out all the new techniques that they have learnt. One of the many topics studied this year was ‘Up and Away’. This proved to be an exciting topic as we learned about all the things that we might see if we could fly. Rockets, dragons, jumbo jets and hot air balloons were all very popular, but the flying objects that we loved the most were our kites. We were fortunate with a windy and sunny day when we went to fly our kites. All the hard work that went into planning and making them was worth it as we were able to watch them fly up and (not too far) away. As this busy and eventful year comes to an end we are all beginning to wonder about the fun still to be had as we move into Year 1...
PrimarySecondary Yearbook 2011-2012 Yearbook
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
Kalman and Diego discussing their dough creations!
ing his practis Pierre g! ic writin fantast
Elinor and Hannah find a bug!
Karl and Hubert m aking san dwich
ildin Karl bu d n a o Marc robot. 24 a
Marco, Isabel, Lila, Thomas and Hannah dressing up for book week.
Max and Millie building to wers.
ecting icholas dir N d n a ie Sylv ts. the beebo
Thiba ud a nd A swee dam ts to make sell in salt the s doug weet h s h op. Kalman and Am elia loo king f or fam countr iliar ies.
Abhipoorna, Kim and Lea having fun outside.
hiara and Matthew, C dough. making play
Max, Malou and Sarah using the calendar to write numbers to 30. Lennie and Anna Soph ie working ha rd in nume racy. Laura , Tomm y and Anna Sophie enjoyin g gym.
d o an Alvar
gt g len in r a omp
Fausto, John Paul, Tommy, Matthew, Oliver, Malou, Abhipoorna and Sarah performing for the class.
lou playing Matthew, Tommy and Ma in a band.
Eleonora, Alva ro and Laura are watering their sunflow ers.
Max, Kim a nd Lea role playing a W innie the W itch story .
Malou, Kim and Marco enjoying their class trip to Auchan.
Adriana using the play dough tools to make some biscuits and decorating them with pieces of glitter and diamonds. uilding Oscar L. b ing a tower us s. Lego block
Lauri pract ising his nu mber s.
Chloe reading a book.
Lauren handpainting.
tening Marion lis
. to a CD
the Julian using computer. Andrew on the tram poline during a Gym lesson.
Victo r, Maite and Giorg io using the work bench and t ools.
Tommaso, Raisa, Andrew are playing rally cars.
Oscar H. painting his hot air balloon for our topic “Up and Away�.
Victoria and Anna flying their kites in the outdoor basketball court.
Camille using a white board and magnetic numbers.
using Elena d n a ills. Anna or sk t o m fine their
All busy on St. George’s Day!
Alexey and Guillermo, ing time in Samy shar orner. t h e bo o k c
and , Yohaan o r a it r o M hat iscuss w d ia s s le A going to they are create.
co Frances d n a lix e eir Pietro, F ud of th o r p y r e were v writing.
Misha has made himself a wonderful hat.
Alia proving that she is well balanced.
Let’s go fly a kite - and how very high they flew!
to zip lping Yasmin e h is in t n e Cor . her jacket
Jessica, Fe lix and Fran cesco wor king on the car pet.
Flaminia an d Fosca ar e teaching the toys ho w to write .
ing book an interest t h g u o r b ying Pietro ppe is enjo ili h P l r a C nd to share a it too.
Year 1 – What fun!
What a quick year this has been. We started off the year by blasting off into Space as part of the ‘Day and Night’ topic. Some of us were lucky enough to listen to a NASA transmission from the International Space Station. We all enjoyed walking the plank dressed up as pirates on pirate day. Argh ye in agreement, me hearties? We put on a jolly good show in our winter performance of Father Christmas and Uncle Holly. Then the history man paid us a visit to teach us all about the history of toys. We got to be archaeologists for the day and dig up toys from the past. Do you dig it? On World Maths Day we battled fellow math geniuses from around the globe and emerged triumphantly thanks to all our hard work at our numeracy skills throughout the year. On both house days we were ‘blown away’ by the WIND, amazed by the ‘burning enthusiasm’ of FIRE, ‘washed away’ with the amazing ‘ground work’ of WATER and EARTH. Well done to all four houses. We got our act together when the Titch theatre company performed 1, 2, 3 Splosh. Miss Lawther had to throw a cream pie at Mr Moriati when Minta shouted “It’s a lie, give him a pie!” Since then there have been no more fibs in Y1. We all grabbed a slice of the action at the Pizza and Movie night during book week. Everyone enjoyed watching Horrid Henry’s Diary, listening to stories and munching on Margarita Pizza. When the nature mobile came rolling into school, we hopped onboard to learn about animals and their habitats and some of us even got to track down and sniff out some woodland creatures on a nature walk. Lastly we raced to the Year 1 finish line with a final sprint on sports day. Now sadly, we are only a hop, skip and a jump away from Year 2. Good luck next year everyone, you have been a wonderful year group.
PrimarySecondary Yearbook 2011-2012 Yearbook
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
L Simon and Arthur making a desert scene.
Pietro matching numbers to 10.
Blanca talking about her favourite toys.
Bruno printing with a pepper.
Keira practising high frequency words.
Team work is dreamwork for a. Daniel and Gabriel
Gabriela, Jayati and Lucas making patterns using fruit and veg. .
print o t a t o el’s p u n a Emm
Maria practising high frequency words. Futuristic sc hool uniform s we made.
Avanti printing.
Danger! Math Geniuses at work! Prach Mrs D i with uxbur y.
ting a Advika prin pattern.
s drawing a c u L d n a Luke le. in the jung Emmanuel, d n u o f ls anima and cutting
Pattern printi ng for Camilla, Calyp so and Hugo
St. George’s Day - Girls with Dragons
A hous e made o f paper
Investigating animals and their habitats
Shadow making
Whole class work - Prote ctive clothing
ing s nake s
and I’ll huff I’ll puff
Labelling body parts
n Making te
St. George’s Day
Talking about the weeken d 40
A house made of bricks
Wavin g Goo dbye to No ah
Investigating the story props box Book Week
tterns Fun and pa es with Domino
- Boys with Drago ns
is saw ing wood for h is weavin g fram e
Tommaso and Mateo makin g clay models
Playing trad itional games on St. Georg e’s Day
ing Celebrat e’s Day. St. Georg 42
Weaving wool to create designs on our weaves in D&T
nd Alexa
Mrs. Duxbury and Patricia as the (not so) bad-tempered ladybirds during Book Week
Giulio a dding t he glow rod to ing his ang ler fish
Bolli making salt dough decorations Carolina
All dressed up for Pira te Day!
hiel Frank, Mic el using and Samu &T tools in D 44
Sponsorship Page
A s Year 2’s we had an amazing start to the new school year and became truly international when we had video contact with the International Space Station! We were also very excited to have a visit from a real astronaut, who came to our school to talk to us about her training. The children worked extremely hard to prepare for the interview with ISS and they certainly did St. George’s proud, there were questions flying around.
C astles captured our imaginations as we were taken on a historic journey into medieval times with a visit from the history man. We worked hard as peasants, creating healing potions, creating ink and calligraphy, crafting embossed accessories for the brave knights as well as providing some entertainment for the lords and ladies. There was room for clowning around, living and working in a castle is a serious business!
H ow do people travel across oceans? How do most children get to school? Why does a boat stay afloat? We brainstormed many questions and set ourselves the challenge of finding out all about transport, using our maths skills to make graphs, charts and questionnaires. We predicted, researched and experimented, flying through the questions and finding answers.
t’s a lie, give him a pie! became the year 2 catch phrase when we met Mr Mghgfhghsdg. We had a visit from the pantomime, that helped us think about our personal learning goals of being respectful, having thoughtfulness, respect and morality. Mr jfhjffhj told lots of lies and to the children’s delight Miss Lawther and Mrs Kirkhope got the honour of putting a cream pie in Mr hjsdhsdjhdj face for telling lies.
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
2K loved having their parents in to see their excellent work.
We studie d the his tory of Greeks a the nd made some insp ired artwork.
lian, , u J Pol, uline – , a a P i v , t r Li nde d Eliot a x n Ale el a show b a Ann tmas is Chr 50
Annabel R. and her Mum during parent visit to show her classwork.
We learned all about myth s and legends. We created some of our own fo r display.
Max, , m i n , K Golde , Livia a e i m Magg en Time. e, Em n d li n u a a i ld P h ir Go yane, den, Arus e a h t L , f ian ie, Ay rning all o r Krist a M ea us, for Marc s e t fica certi
Ethan, Maggie, Joshua, Eric and Eliott
3D Greek pottery.
ss le cla o . h W show s a tm Chris
Ethan, Kim , Victor, Arushi, Ayden Science experimen ts.
te w ma o h g . gatin i t s ange e h c Inv can
Max, Ayde n, Marcus , Annabel a nd Arushi were inves tigating different materials to describe t hem.
2K on Pirate Day. Layane
Amy and Ronny follow a string trail round the classroom without their sense of sight.
g as a Ambre workin doctor. Diego
io Valer 54
Ana and Magnus enjoying Kwik Cricket on St. George’s Day Vase by Cara
t to bat a y d a e r Lera icket Kwik Cr
Vase by Daniel O . Michelle trie s to identify Sev a using only he r sense of to uch.
Vase by Daniel K .
Michelle works as a vet
Zac. Vase by
h Vase by Niam
Class collection of vase shaped clay tiles.
Vase by Otto.
Valerio, Diego, Ana and Giulian take turns to follow a string trail without using their sense of sight.
Cons t keep able Danie s the l peac e!
Vase by Chiara.
ry to t io r ! ale folded and V d o n li z b n Lore orner c a e t egotia
Seva and Luisa working in a hospital.
a Clar
Else, Amanda, Clo dagh, Elias, Joey and A ryaman. We retold the L egend of King Arthur and The Sword in the Sto ne for our parents’ ass embly.
Juliette and Clara make numbers with equipment. Elias
Our stained glass window.
Markus Simon
Matilda, James and Simon investigate Carroll diagrams. Willia
Alex Palak
We found out fact s about Space to complete our 3D display.
As always, it has been another busy year and there have been some very memorable events and activities during the year. One highlight was when all of the Year 3 classes joined together for two fantastic performances of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Another highlight was visiting Génaveh Chocolate Factory, where they learnt all about chocolate, and how it’s made. Surprisingly, everyone seemed to enjoy this topic – even the staff! We also have a few more events to look forward to this year – our trip to the Villa Borg in Germany and our residential trip to Chevetogne at the end of June. The children in Year 3 all get along very well together and enjoy mixing during lessons as well as at playtimes. We have had to say good bye to several children this year: Jade, Theodore, Aanya, Ronja, Chloe, Abhinaya and Srishti and the year group was very sad to see them go. We also had to say good bye to Mrs Healey as she left for maternity leave and we wish her all the best. Personally, we would like to say thank you to all the parents of the children for their support over the year; thank you to all the specialist teachers the children have had in Year 3 and finally, to all the children themselves for making the year enjoyable. Sarah Carty, Charlie Evans and Paula Skinner.
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
S Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
a R ose
Sean Elisabeth and Job Application for the Roma n Army Name: MATTHE US Age: 24 Nationality: RO MAN Marital status: no
Dear Sir I am writing to you to ask if I can join the Ro army. I am inter man ested in becomin because my da g a Roman soldie d was in the r Roman army want to carry and I on the generat ion. I think I would be a good soldier because I am ve very strong an ry, d I have lots of weapons (I how to use the know m).
I do not have any questions about becomin Roman soldier. g a I am very willing emperor. to fight for the Yours faithfully
bigel Annabelle and A 66
Kate and Gracie mind mapping what they already knew about airports.
Job a pplicat io
n for the R oman army
Name: Marge Addre tus ss Age: 2 : 94 Rome 0 NATIO N Marita ALITY: Rom an l statu s: no
Dear Sir,
I am w intere riting to as st k if I was o ed in beco can jo m n in the house e. And bec ing a Roma Roma ause . I want n soldier b n army. I a ec m some money ause my da I think d I to ma in the would be a ke my f good soldier I would arm. becau to go. also like t se I’ve o kno been t w how rained much Yours lo n g we ar faithf e ully going Marge tus.
Gracie decora ting her chocolate piec es with a look of determ ination!
ophie and Annabelle, S Maria
Job Application fo r the Roman Ar my
5am: Get up and start the day. Have a bath and then put on clothes and then armour.
Dear Sir,
6am: Begin work. I have a hard day caring 20KG on my back every day. 10am: Battle training. I learnt the turtle position today. I don’t like standing a lot but when you join the Roman army you have to do a lot of it. 3pm: Finish work and training-time to relax. There is one good thing about it break time! I love playing board games. No one knows I keep a secret snack under the bed.
Name: Katus Address: 22 Door Rue 69 Nationality: Roma n Married: No
I would like to join the Roman arm y I would like to meet you on Sunday to see if I could make it. I think I would be a good soldier bec ause I am strong and scared of nothing.
I would also like to ask how far we are going.
Yours faithfully Katus
6pm: Evening meal and bed. What will I do tomorrow? Finally bed time. I eat my dinner and go to bed. I wonder why I joined the Roman army?
Matthea and Flavio mind mapping abo ut airports.
r ing he t a r o ts t dec ith nu w s Margo e . e piec t la pieces o c ie p is cho ice cr and r 68
vio and Jungwoo Tomas, Nikolai, Fla
Eleonore and Abigel
Class P oem
Ivana practising division
ce Constan
Neethu, Sara, Olympia, and Constance sharing a good book
Sveva enjoying the library.
Sara Neethu
Siddarth practising division.
a Svev
Cake tasting for poetry. Cakes don’t always taste as good as they look!
St. Georg e’s Day, working out how to play a traditiona l English game.
Learning how to look afte r your teeth fro m the visiting de ntal nurse . 74
Practising brushing our teeth with the dental nurse.
Visiting dental nurse showing us how to look after our teeth.
Dental nurse visit.
Chocolate tasting is a serious affair!
Amazing Anna, Amin, Ayman, Aria, Annika and Arianna advanced into adventure. Brilliant Beatrice, Beatriz, Brayden, Bruno and Balthazar brightened bulbs and buzzed buzzers. Clever Charlotte L. and Charlotte N. created cars, connected conductors and communicated creatively. Delightful Dhruv drew diagrams and dangerous dragons. Excellent Emilie, Elias and Ella experimented in electricity and enquired about Einstein. Fabulous Fiona found famous faces. Great Grace gathered glorious graphs. Joyful Jan, Julian, Julie, Jaime, Jay and Jacob journeyed to Germany (and back). Likeable Lilly and Luca learnt lovely lessons in Literacy. Magnificent Marie, Mando, Malou, Mateo, Mariya and Matthew measured millions of metres in Maths. Nice Nikita, Nityapriya, Nicol, Nathan and Naim knew new names and knowledge. Outstanding Olivia, Oliver L. and Oliver H. observed owls. Pleasant Paloma, Peter and Paul perfected and performed poetry. Resilient and ready Ryan wrote resplendent rhymes. Super Seth and Sakshi studied solids and circuits. Tremendous Tommaso and Tanya told traditional tales and times tables. Valiant Varshini and Vishal viewed volcanoes and vicious Vikings. Wonderful William and Weronika worked for water and wondered about wanderers. Yes! Yul, Ye In and Yuval yielded to a yippee year! Zippy Zak and Zoe zoomed into disaster zones. We would need more letters in the alphabet to cover all of the other fantastic work we have studied this year! Well done Year 4: you were fabulous!
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
B Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
Brayden and William
Ingredients 10 bombs Red paint Mouldy dough Poop Materials need ed Knife Paint brush Dirty bowl Oven that ma kes things
smell Steps 1. Paint the bo like cherries mbs red until they look 2. Cut a circle 3. Place the into the dough circled dough dirty bowl into the 4. Put the stink 5. Take it out y bowl into the oven 6. Grab the when it is all puffed up cherries and bombs that look like 7. Then squestuff them in the cake eze all the po design like fros o into a 8. Put it on a ting plate and serv e it
ha d Nat n a l a Yuv
i nd Saksh Beatriz a
Aria Nathan
Beatriz Zoe Ingredients Mud Cake Snakes Mud Bugs Blood Eye Balls 500,000,0 00,000 h airs Materials 1 plate 1 microwa 3 bowls ve Oven Freezer
Recipe 1. Get the 2. Then d 2 bowls rop the bowls hair and bugs in th 3. Cut th e two e the micro bugs in half the n w put the b 4. The sp ave ugs in and beforead the mud in th 5. Then tare you have to h e oven for 10 min plate tha ke out the mud aave 2 layers 6. Then t would make the nd place it on the outside p for decoration cake s all aro 7. Then out the eyeballs und the that the ut the bugs on to b p u and make 8. Then p gs are really h sure it in the ut the blood in 1 ot b m o spread it icrowave for 1 wl and then put second a 9. Then thon the cake nd then 10. Then p row the hairs on u to t the snake p 11. Last of s on for 10 m all place the ca the second layer in ke in the freezer
We ro
Discovere ck Hole New Bla
l Yuva Peter w black was a ne r there re was Decembe istmas Eve. The 24 on 12 om Italy. Chr In 20 fr on it ed w over at sa ld’s hole disc Buzz th was wor e ist called trud died that cam a scient Ger se and be . d er lle iv ca un A star e whole ilky Way star in th laxy is called M famous ga hole. The k n. It is ac bl a d situatio s to s is a ba else try’ said “Thi ne en eo m th st so Dr Fox y as fa and if ry quickl iles long t. 70000 m they can die ve the pro scientis it en measure Dr Fox th id sa ,” ai happened as bugatt Olufse. It el Skak Peter Aks r te or Rep in Italy.
Pete r, Na im an Paul d durin g Wo rld Math s Da y.
We like working!
Rounding up or down We can somet approximation imes in math (not exact nu Rules If it is smaller th down if it is m an five you n ore than five a
Yul 86
Work is fun!
hs use umbers)
need to round and five goes up
i Varshin
We learned about friction.
Malou 88
We learned about explorers.
Ye In
Jan Julian
Oliver and Luca creating a circuit.
Dhruv and Bruno role playing during our IPC entry point.
Oliver Emilie
Elias observing his Science experiment.
A year in Year 5 is ... Learning from the people who work out in space, Walking on the moon, constructing a Mars base; Spying microbes under a magnifying glass, Presenting all our findings back in class; Discovering the impact of water power, Knowing the true purpose of a flower; Seeing how countries work to co-operate, When people flee turmoil, famine or hate; Thinking of the energy we use and its source, Learning of global warming and its cause; Sharing ideas in Circle Time to make our school more fun, Being a School Councillor with lots of events to run; Learning lines, practising songs, working together, To present to you the story of Cinderella Showing our independence on trips far away, Like the COBIS Games in Holland and the week in Mozet; Asking questions, discussing, having enquiring minds, Communicating effectively all our finds Being resilient and adaptable in everything Has made our time in year 5 go with a real swing!
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
5 Year
Camille and Naina reading ‘The Third Wheel’ on the day it came into the library. Lou is
Ville and Lieuwe Mars Base building.
hild Mat
Louis H.
5 Year
5B Inside the Natur Mobil.
Nila 100
er Oliv
Maddy, Ville, Louis D., Nila and Ciara enjoying St. George’s Day. Curiosity surprises. ercoaster with lots of Curiosity is like a roll want to know!” Curiosity is, “I really it everywhere. You see reasons for
Euro e h t t a Oliver entre C e c Spa
ding an answer. Curiosity is like nee at your teachers ird, like knowing wh Curiosity, as first we Do after school,
ner? or are they gettig thin Are they eating dinner eaming! ng or maybe even scr Maybe they’re cleani
5 Year
Wesley and Nicole researching how sound travels.
5 Year
ises and the strange no t start n’ a tree with all ca r e de W un . ys ep to sle r ten da another. It’s really hard haven’t slept properly fo one place to m e fro W s. ing ck ov hard ro s are m use the soldier of our walking, beca have used all water, as we iss my d m I an or. od flo fo e d on th to fin It is very hard ve no mattresses to sleep bored very quickly. ha re so we get he reserves. We ys to no We have er in for friends a lot. school to shelt ned house or there are do re an he ab w e an sid d e to fin e country We would lik y we are in th t unfortunatel the nights, bu r. ate w or food y, to a no houses, no ading to Turke We are now he e. tre r ou m leave fro We can now d water in refugee camp. have just foun now and we ys . da us o r tw fo ce gh ing sin is enou We have walk but the water n’t have food t feel our a river. We do tired and don’ e are all very W . ys da e fiv for We are walking e soon. go back hom legs. that they could es ish w ne yo and arrive Ever rkish border, cross the Tu e w n he w tired Everybody is the camp. exhaustedly at
Dear Diary,
Aimee and Maud with their cart on DT day.
World Maths Day .
have actly why you cteria .This is ex This is some ba es you us ca nk thi u nds. What do yo to wash your ha to get ill?
ople it kills many pe cteria is cholera, on in The strongest ba ing go are hts fig world. Deadly all around the microscopic d this, we have rea u yo as those your body bacteria. All of who fight the armies inside h. coug out when you bacteria come
5 Year
Gasses rent are diffe Gasses
air like types of
Gases ar freely aroue strange substanc do strang nd a room or outsid es which float piece of we things like make e. They can also ood. fire on a normal You can se HELIUM e th at he you let go lium is light er than air it goes up of a balloon becaus e if you le when t go of HYDROGEN Hydrogen is th e lig ht Fact; Jupi est gas in and also Nter is made of hydr the world. Hydrogen eptune Uranus andogen and helium stored in bais also lighter than Saturn. helium, w lloons. hich is
Cholera is a disease that can the weak and the old. It kill the young, feared throughout the developis known and bacteria, which can last for up ing world. The to three weeks in soil, is spread by contaminate and occasionally by person to d water, food person contact. This is CHOLERA.
Giardia normally gives a bow el infection, with sickness, vomiting, diar appetite, its effects can be rhoea, and poor much worse in developing countries. Where poor diets it can become very people have weight loss, and some cases bad, leading to death. This is Giardia.
th r than o is coldeeeze liquid t a th s is a ga it can fr Nitrogen is so cold that n e g ro it N
a t type of d lightesmakes yo n o c e s the that Helium iselium is a gas world. H nny. sound fu
gas in lightest the first is makes hot is n e g Hydro n is so light it Hydroge float.
hers. ds.
Alice, Sofya , Robert and Prem in vestigating dehydrated foods
air in the e our voic
d. the worlon llo a b ir a
iary fugee D e R n ia r Sy
of a Cheetah A day in the life s something
re wa t up to see if the also This morning I go ile I saw that my cubs were ther. wh a ter Af t. r Impala mo ea he to th wi lf ca a lly w be sa awake. Then I d carefully crawled on my ter a I very slowly anthen I started to chase it. Af also towards it and young Impala. Then my cubs to the while, I got the ate it. After that, we went yed came and we a drink. Than my two cubs platired re for we bs cu My water hole . ng nti o my their hu and practised ep. Later, I woke up and als lk. and went to sleas well and we went for a wa cubs woke up
e have ry, finally w Dear dia month, e and my a r e v o ndlord lking for . Now m After wa our destinationpartment. The laown d a r e e n h h a c s a u in re e gave my re living family a nice because she a little cot for ished. u v e q a it s g u t n q e e g is to . She ev e won’t furnitureto sleep in so h living quite near lord, d r n re e la a th ir o ro e h b pay th rd’s ople, w Other pethat they have tolive at the landlo us, say ise they can’t or otherw ing, t the pay house. h are abouafford that muc c ’t n s e can’t lord do es Our land she knows werefugees. Besid becausebecause we’re ky with e money or herself. very luc she’s pon though we’re thing to do at thys But eve lord, there is no n’t bring my to the land nt because I did apartme ys to here. he has to because gave to him. y, k c lu er is dlord we My brothh; which the lan ecause there, play wit y friends a lot bay long. don’t I miss mdo picnics all d h or dinner, we gry. used to ’s time for lunc e are very hun When it ch to eat; so w have mu
5 Year
Dear diary, into Jordan. We sneaked Today we arrived at . us ing see ut anyone the borders of witho two ve been walking for ha We rt. hu s leg My p is cam ee ug . The ref days without sleeping to reach ys da ten t ou ab e far away, we will tak too me tents. They are it. We are carrying so like is re the in ing ep heavy for me and sle ady r. Someone has alre standing in a freeze from us. ace ckl ne a d an g stolen a watch, a rin oat t I don’t care, my thr The water is black bu money for ing gg be le op burns. There are pe se m any money becau we couldn’t give the ve ha I , red bo I’m . gh we don’t have enou le for en kicking this pebb nothing to do. I’ve be I started en wh e siz the ice two hours; it was tw hunt a bow and arrow to kicking it! We have animals to eat. p soon, I hope we find the cam Emanuele Magazzino
Continuing an adventure stor y There was a lo ud explosion. Si ma, Tom and Kojo turned around and watched the ca r burn in flames . “Bang!” “Crash !” “Boom!” Sim a was crying and was scared, sh e said “How are we going to fin d the tornados? We ar e never going to out of here.” get “Yes we are go ing to get out of here” said Tom brav ely. “Oh yeah and ho w exactly?” sa id Kojo. “I don’t know, “said Tom. “But I know we will.”
: Y5 Gases Around Us By Alice Dubois HELIUM:
noble gases. matter states called e. Helium is one of the is colourless, odourless, and unreactivabundan Helium is a gas thatmonoatomic gas. It is one of the most It is what we call a . ogen hydr material after HYDROGEN:
dan is also the most abun est element of all. It Hydrogen is the light 90% of the universe by weight! Hydrogen gas wa life. in element. It makes up ntial esse y far to is absolutel Hydrogen as water ir balloons for transport. It was therefore used in lighter-than-aof the fire risk. dangerous because only water as waste product. It burns to air to form NITROGEN:
of th es up about 78% than 3 p 15 element. It mak Nitrogen is a Grou the atmosphere of Mars contains less d it azo earth by volume butent looks so inert that Lavoisier calleurless an nitrogen. The elem .As a liquid (liquid nitrogen) it is odo (meaning ‘without life’) colourless.
Aimee Helium
Alice Emma
Prem 106
Syrian Dear
as oo
he 3% ote nd
Parasites Guinea Worm
Refug ee Dia ry diary,
The r efuge are pla e My c ygrouncdamp is v h s, hos ery go il d r of th en o p refugee schooalsre very itals and sd. There e and happy b chools. every camp child day for is really playgrou ecause go to Sam lovecleaning helpful. I ngd. The doing school fo s maths the scho et 10$ but h ol. M well in r one wants aths. year, bute could noy leave to be am M n t o y n he is his studie enginee elder chilw he is study r but, d Joh s cau ing en n se of h ginee the we had to The ring in ar. water tents he th e collNeow r p missin roof, bu e are h ge t e g blank . The te still the ated a e n r n e ts d ts is but, in th hav some are thing my e night. I rsetill we felle mattress e ally m cold s movhieouse. I als ometis and is s o s m m s b good th y frien mes memut, most is of allose picnicds and ories. s I mis s all and the Bye ye Rashb i
emerges through e pain and eventually a worm often worm causes sever Guine Effect on health: The ulcers, fevers and other illnesses. childcare and feeding the skin leading toin a family. This means that there are affects the women problems.
go Mar
into your body. of parasites getting ghout the day, throu the most common ways Food and water are three times a day and drink water often Since most of us eat we could catch these diseases. if we are not careful
Hugo Smith
After blasting into the year, with an exciting
live link to an orbiting astronaut; Y6 investigated Space explorers, finding out about scientists who played key roles in the investigations of outer space. The children had fun putting Galileo on trial for his beliefs. Time Tunnel involved the children in making an enormous time line of the history of the world and in designing a roller coaster ride to take people through the important periods of history. They learnt about the importance of chronology and how different events came together to change the way the world functioned. Fundraising has played an important part in Y6’s life; from selling Christmas presents to rescue injured seals to walking 6km, some with 6l of water in their backpack, to raise money to build wells and toilets; the children have deepened their understanding of the wider world and showed empathy towards those who aren’t as fortunate as them. They had fun too! The fun continued with History Day as the children arrived at school in 1944. Their secret mission was to uncover the identities of the owners of luggage. They develed in to try to work out the secrets that the luggage could tell them. Codes and ciphers needed cracking and new messages sending, leading to the unveiling of the enemy spies. Discoveries of a different kind took place in the nature mobile which 6T were lucky enough to visit. They developed their enquiry and investigational skills to find things out and got hands on with nature. Their craft skills were put to the test in the ‘Go with the flow’ unit as they asked to make models showing the passage of water from the source and follow its journey back to the sea. The creations were superb, showing their level of understanding and were even displayed for the Governors to see. This topic also took them on a river cruise in Remich, down the Mosel River, looking for meanders, tributaries, industries and more. A walk along the river followed, looking at the local tourist trades that were based there and their reliance upon the river. The climax of this topic was a memorable visit to Dover. There might not have been bluebirds over the white Cliffs, but there was plenty of action as the children made shelter, went pond dipping, visited a water mill, walked along a river, built dams, went rock pooling, visited a WW2 museum, had a walk through the countryside and sang round a campfire.
Primary Yearbook 2011-2012
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
6 Year
Markus Jasper
Louis SeptemPasteur was ber 28 , 1895.born Decem ber 27 He inve th 1822 and he followin nted pasteu died on kill mos g products risation. Pa (m steu t of the bacteriailk, cheese, w risation is when yo ine and making The fact be it to be ab er) at ab u heat the wine. Pa is that Loui le ou to s t Pa steuris be drun 60 ation w steur did pa k for lo C to ith milk st nger. Louis started eurisation on Pasteu weak sa ly after hi r inve s death. with beer an be easi mple of a nted vaccine. d ge ly A vaccin immun killed by th rm into an e e is an e sy whe anim imal stem what ty pe of ge so if a wro al’s body bu or human thn you inject a t it wou e sampl ng sam rm it is ld and ho pl e w to de e gets in th have built up will e fend its an elf agaibody will know nst it.
A paintin
g of Lo
nd Abigail Barbara a
uis Past
WW2 Day Moder
n Vacc
Loui pasteus Pasteur with risation equipmhis ent.
Taylor, Brianna and Sam
r making Shubhanka DT puppets in
Markus and A listair
6 Year
effects Water pollution
er itants near a riv Effects on inhab affects people gets polluted it polluted river. e When the water th in ing s swimm when they go t diseases like skin diseasee People can ge in red or ache. Also when wd that make our skater we can get diarrhea an d swallow dirty w rivers carries diseases an k vomit. Polluteddrink the water, they get sic s when animals ople then get these disease s This happen and may die. Pe le infected animal. by eating the untires in Africa where peop a lot in poor cofrom the river get dirty water
y n WW2 Da o g in k a e r Y6 code b
Abigail, Barbara and Elize
orld Enzo on W Maths Day
Elize Taylor and
6 Year
Patricio Ellen
Darwin, Nicholas and Ben
6 Year
Darwin Nicholas
Shriram 118
Aryaa and Sophie
Euan Euan
n Trista
6 Year
Matteo’s river basin project
r project e h h it w Laura
Jens investigating microorganisms in the Natur Mobil
h Hanna her with basin r e iv r ope and r e bridg
Da n i e l a ’ s river basin project
Liaqu river at’s basin
Atreyam w ith his river basin mode l and bridge
6 Year
Sara G.
Syver with h is proje ct
r basin e iv r ’s Filippa
Sara L.
Ben’s Amazon river project
Art exhibition
annual Art Exhibition was held in May this year and featured work from all the pupils in the school from EY’s to Year 9. All the children in Primary were inspired by the Space unit to create wonderful 2D and 3D aliens, planets, rockets and astronauts which could be found in the different media throughout the exhibition. From Year 1 upwards the children learn the importance of using design as a tool in creation. In addition to the regular skills of drawing and painting they also used different techniques such as sewing, constructing artwork using recycled materials, plaster and clay for which our new kiln came in handy to fire their creations. Different techniques were used to create the items on display; from batik and collage work to appliquÊ and weaving. Visitors and staff were and are extremely impressed with the high quality and the variety of work on show this year.
Alice, 5W
Dragons Runners Up
Barbara, 6B
, 5W
, 6B
6T Sara, G.
Cara, 2M
Aryaa, 6 C Ellen, 6 C
Daniela ,
The Winning Dragon and Runners Up are chosen by the special St. George’s Day guests. Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
Clubs Drama Club is an energetic club which covers a large number of creative drama activities including improvisation skills, voice and movement skills, creative thinking skills and encouraging teamwork in a supportive and positive environment. All of these things culminate in an end of term piece.
Music and Dance Club is where the children can learn or develop dancing skills while also helping with their musicality as we move accordingly to different kinds of music. Popular classic songs are played as well as chart hits. This is a club for boys and girls willing to have a lot of fun whilst learning dance moves.
Gardening Club
In the we grow, water and weed plants while having fun outside looking at nature. When the weather is especially cold or wet, we make things inside.
Fun Fitness Club hosts different approaches to fitness by using fun games, fitness training, circuits, yoga and stretching all to increase the fitness levels of the children.
Recorder Club is where children often take the first step to learning an orchestral or other instrument. The students learn to read music as well as learning play simple tunes.
Origami Club is where the children have the opportunity to learn the ancient Japanese art of paper-folding. From Halloween cats and colourful aquariums to paper hats and party favours, they discover how to make beautiful creations for all occasions using just a few sheets of paper!
Football Club is an opportunity to improve technical, social, mental and physical attributes that benefit the child’s development through football. The club is open to children of all levels as we start with basic training and then progress from there.
Yoga Club is a fun way to exercise and relax body and mind. Through learning and practicing yoga poses and breathing, the children find greater flexibility, strength, balance and posture. In
Spanish Club children have the opportunity to learn about
the Spanish culture and language covering a variety of subjects from family to shapes while having fun!
Other Clubs include: Arts and Crafts, Basketball, Science, Maths, Unified Sports, Playing Cards, Chess, Team Games, Guitar and Ocarina.
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
P.E. The Hague 2013
Photo Credit: © Sarah Jane Muirhead
2013 The Hague
St. George’s
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013 133
ISS Contact
Tim Book Week
Maths Quest
es World
Math Days
Primary PrimaryYearbook Yearbook2012-2013 2011-2012
and the Chocolate Factory
Primary PrimaryYearbook Yearbook2012-2013 2011-2012
School Staff
School Pupils 138
Primary Yearbook 2012-2013
St George’s International School Luxembourg 11, rue des Peupliers L-2328 Luxembourg Phone: +352 42 32 24 Fax: +352 42 32 34 E-mail: