Women in Computing

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Welcome back to Women in Computing: Code, Lead, Innovate! Our last event saw over 300 girls from St George's and guest schools engage in hands-on activities and connect with inspiring professionals across AI, robotics, and cybersecurity. None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of the companies who participated.

This year, we ’ re excited to bring even more women in computing, more robots, and expanded pathways to cater to everyone. Whether you ' re here to Lead in tech for nonprogrammers, Code with our dedicated coding sessions, or Innovate through robotics and cutting-edge neurotech, there’s something for every aspiring creator, coder, and leader.


Background and Purpose of the Event

Across Scotland, the uptake of Computing Science continues to face serious challenges, particularly among young women. Research from Reform Scotland reveals that over 32,000 secondary students lack access to a qualified Computing Science teacher, and many schools— especially in rural areas struggle to provide the resources needed to encourage participation in this crucial field. Furthermore, gender disparity remains a significant issue, with girls comprising just 1 in 5 entries to Higher Computing Science.

This event aims to tackle these challenges head-on by inspiring young women to explore and pursue careers in technology By bringing together industry leaders, educators, and students, we hope to create an environment where girls can see what is possible and feel empowered to take the first steps toward a future in tech.

Goals of the Event

Our goal is to inspire, empower, and provide hands-on experiences that demonstrate the exciting opportunities in technology. Through keynote speeches, panels, and interactive workshops, we will showcase the breadth of careers available in the tech industry and provide students with practical, real-world skills. We also aim to foster collaboration between education and industry to ensure that young women feel supported on their journey into Computing Science.

Thank You and Networking Encouragement

We are immensely grateful to all the attendees for your time and commitment to this shared vision We encourage you to take full advantage of the networking opportunities during breakfast and lunch. This is a fantastic chance to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and collaborate on ways to inspire the next generation of tech innovators. Your participation and conversations will help create a stronger, more connected community passionate about empowering young women in Computing Science.

This event is not just a showcase it’s a moment for us all to come together, united by a common goal: to inspire the future and show young women what’s truly possible in the world of technology.



8:30AM 9:00AM Arrival SeniorandP6toS2Talks

All guests greeted at the main reception.

10:00AM Break Break for students

10:30AM InteractivestallsSession1

2:30PM End 10:00AM 10:30AM 11:30AM Two sets of talks tailored to different age groups 11:30AM InteractivestallsSession2 12:30PM 12:30PM Lunch 1:30PM 1:30PM InteractivestallsSession3 2:30PM

Key locations




Talks Talks


This year’s Women in Computing: Code, Lead, Innovate talks bring an exciting new dimension to the event, with two dedicated sets of talks and the introduction of live panel discussions. Students will hear from inspiring leaders, witness real-time conversations, and have the opportunity to engage in Q&A sessions. The talks will launch the day, leading into the exhibition, with discussions on robotics, tech for good, and more.

Senior Talks US Hall

Launching with a keynote from Blessing Adogame, seniors will dive into advanced topics like robotics and the future of tech. A panel on robotics will showcase cuttingedge developments, followed by a discussion on using technology to shape a better world.

When Who Wha

9:00 - 9:05

Mrs Carol ChandlerThompson Head, St George's

9:05 - 9:25 Blessing Adogame Community Development Manager, Rewriting the Code

9:25 - 9:45 Robotics Panel University of Edinburgh and Robotical

9:45 - 10:05

Blair and Liza (The humans) with Spot and Ameca (The robots) The National Robotarium

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discussion on the future of robotics, joined by Natalya Ratner from Robotical. They’ll explore advancements in AI and human-machine interaction."

Meet the Future: Spot & Ameca

Watch Spot, Boston Dynamics' robotic dog, and Ameca, the world’s most advanced humanoid robot, live in action from Edinburgh’s National Robotarium!

Primary 6 to S2 Talks RMC

Primary 6 to S2 will enjoy interactive sessions tailored to their age group, featuring fun insights into coding, robotics, and entrepreneurship. These talks are designed to inspire curiosity and show how technology can make a real impact on the world.

When Who

9:00 - 9:05 Toni Scullion Founder of dressCode and Computing Science Scotland

9:05 - 9:25 Abbie Macrae

Software Engineer and TechWomen100 2022 Winner

9:25 - 9:45 Tech for a Better World Panel AND Digital, Smart Data Foundry, Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society

9:45 - 10:05

Tynah Matembe Founder of MoneyMatiX

from Joanna Masraff (AND Digital), Dr Lucy Lloyd (Smart Data Foundry), and Dr. Giulia De Togni (Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society). Learn how they use technology for positive change, from AI solutions to tackling the climate crisis.

Entrepreneurship in Tech

Tynah shares her journey of building a fintech company focused on financial inclusion, and how entrepreneurialism in the tech world can drive social good.

Stalls Stalls


Students will have the opportunity to explore interactive stalls, where they can get hands-on with cutting-edge technology, engage directly with professionals, and experience the excitement of the tech world up close. These stalls are designed to be dynamic, allowing students to move around, try out innovative tools, and participate in activities that will inspire them to imagine their own future in technology.


The event features three distinct pathways Le cater to every interest and skill level, from futur innovators. Students will rotate through each tr ensuring they get to experience all three

Lead Pathway

The Lead pathway is ideal fo roles such as leadership, pro Companies like i-confidenti cybersecurity, innovation, a interactive activities around while Smart Data Foundry a on how data and tech solve for those who want to explo the tech industry.

Code Pathway

The Code pathway is for an programming. Join DressCo Hour of Code, welcoming a Python coding challenges. T low-light space, will help stu in coding activities. NatWes that combine fun and financ experience coding in action.

Innovate Pathway

The Innovate pathway showcases the most exciting and futuristic technology. The National Robotarium will feature live demos with advanced robots like Spot and Ameca, while Robotical will offer hands-on interaction with Marty the robot. FCLabs introduces wearable neurotech with live brain fitness demos, and APRIL Hub will present cutting-edge AI tools and electronics innovation. This pathway is all about exploring the latest advancements in tech and experiencing innovation firsthand.

Lead Stalls Sports Hall

i-confidential,anEdinburgh-basedcybersecurity consultancyfoundedin2008,providessecurity,risk, anddataprotectionservicesacrossindustrieslike financeandtech.Nowemployee-owned,theyfocus onempoweringtheirworkforceandhelpingclients navigatecybersecuritychallenges.i-confidential deliversbespokestrategiestoclientsinEurope,the US,andAsia,ensuringeffectiveriskmanagementand compliance.


AND Digital

A gitaltransformationwitha focusonenvironmentalandsocialsustainability.They helpbusinessesinnovateresponsiblybyreducingcloud emissionsandpromotingenergy-efficienttechnologies. AgileCoachJoannaMasraffleadseffortstointegrate Agilemethodswithsustainabilityinitiatives,managing planetaryandsocialrisks.


Turing Fest

TuringFest,heldannuallyinEdinburgh,isScotland'stop techevent,unitingfounders,leaders,andinnovators It featureskeynotes,workshops,andhands-onsessions, fosteringconnectionsandpromotingknowledge sharingamongover5,000attendees,playingakeyrole inScotland'stechecosystem.



Learnhowtosecurepasswordsand trackyourdigitalfootprint


Solvethecodetounlockaboxandtest yoursecurityskills


Funactivitiesteachingcybersecurity withtaskschangingthroughouttheday


Exploringsolutionsforplanetaryand socialrisks

Lego DemoofAgilewaysofworking,from mindsettomethodologyusingLego


Highlightingthecrucialrolewomen playincreatingdigitalproducts.


Arapid-firecompetitionwherestudents pitchinnovativebusinessideastoa panelof"investors"withinalimitedtime, receivingimmediatefeedback

Lead Stalls Sports Hall

StormID,anEdinburgh-baseddigitalconsultancy foundedin2001,specialisesintransforming organisationswithdigital,data,andAIsolutions.They providestrategy,design,techimplementation,and datamanagementforclientsliketheScottish GovernmentandNHS,drivinginnovationinpublicand privatesectors



Designthestructureofawebsiteusing userinsightanddataandtestits effectiveness


Matchyourskillsetwiththedifferent rolesthatmakeupdigital transformationteams.


Playwithhowdesignanddatamake digitalmagichappen!

Smart Data Foundry

SmartDataFoundry,basedinEdinburgh,isusing financialdataforgood.Partneringwithinstitutionslike NatWest,itleveragesde-identifieddatatohelp policymakerstacklethecost-of-livingandclimate crises.Theirsyntheticfinancialdataplatform,Aizle, allowscompaniestosafelytestsolutionsforchallenges likemoneylaunderingandfraud.



Designa'timetablebuilder'appusing inputsaboutinstruments,sports, breaks,andsubjects,introducing algorithmsandUIdesign.


Createauserpersonaandmaptheir journey.



SeehowAIusessyntheticdataforfraud detection,showcasingreal-worlddata science.

GlobalLogic and guests

GlobalLogic,adigitalproductengineeringcompany, integratesexperiencedesignandengineeringtohelp businessestransitionintothedigitalera.Serving industrieslikehealthcareandfinance,theytackle complexchallengeswithagilesolutions GlobalLogic alsopromotesDiversity,Equity,andInclusion,focusing onwomenintechthroughinitiativeslikeDigitalHERand GeekHER



Hands-on,interactiveworkshopswith leadingtechcompanies,specifically designedtoengageandinspiregirls interestedintechnology

Code Stalls Drama Studio

Rewriting the code and guests

RewritingtheCodeisaglobalnon-profitempowering womenintechthroughmentorship,industry experience,andeducationalresources Expanding fromtheUStotheUK,RTCfostersdiversityand supportswomenatallstagesoftheirtechcareers, helpingthembecomefuturetechleadersthrough year-roundengagementandprofessionalnetworks.


Amazonisaglobaltechleaderknownforitsecommerce,digitalstreaming,andAIinnovation.Its clouddivision,AWS(AmazonWebServices),provides datastorage,machinelearning,andcomputing power,helpingbusinessesruntheirtechefficiently andsecurelyinthecloud


Royal Bank of Scotland

RBSiscommittedtoimprovinggenderdiversityintech throughinitiativeslikeCodeFirstGirlsandRBSGirlsCan Code.Theseprogramsfocusonupskillingwomen, particularlyfromunderrepresentedbackgrounds,tofill rolesinsoftwareengineeringanddata.Byfostering genderparityandencouragingcareerswitchers,RBS aimstoinspiremorewomenandgirlstoenterthetech industry


CodingStalls Hands-oncodingactivities


Hearthejourneyofwomenintech, includingtheirworkwithtopcompanies


Sharinginsightsoncreatingasupportive networkforwomenintechnology

GetcreativewithGenerativeAI! ointhisfun,hands-ondemowhereyou guidetheAItodesignyourownunique digitalmasterpiece."

RBSTech&FinanceExperienceExplore GenerativeAIwithcreativeexamples andbringarttolifethroughaugmented reality Enjoyfunfinancialliteracy gamesdesignedforgirls,suitablefor bothhomeandschoollearning


Code Stalls Drama Studio

dressCode and guests

DressCode,foundedbyToniScullion,isaScottishcharity dedicatedtoinspiringyoungwomentopursuecareers inComputingScience.Throughcodingclubs, hackathons,andpartnerships,ithelpsclosethegender gapintechbyofferingopportunitiestostudentsand teachers DressCodehasimpactedthousandsacross theUK,promotingdiversityintechnology.



EngageinblockandPython programmingactivitiesforallskilllevels


Participateinfuncodingchallenges andwinexcitingprizes!


Innovate Stalls Upper School Hall

Robotics @ the University of Edinburgh

TheUniversityofEdinburgh'sStatisticalMachine LearningandMotorControlGroupdrivesrobotics researchandinnovation,engagingstudentsthrough demos,talks,andactivities.Theirdiverseteam includesPhDandpostdocresearchers,someNASAaffiliated,committedtoeducatingallageswith tailoredpresentationsandhands-onexperiences.



TheNationalRobotarium,basedatHeriot-Watt UniversityinEdinburgh,istheUK'stoproboticsandAI centre Itfocusesoninnovativerobotics,human-robot interaction,andbuildingtrustinAI.Featuringadvanced robotslikeAmecaandSpot,thecentreaimstomake roboticsaccessiblethroughpublicengagement, education,andindustrycollaboration,inspiringfuture roboticistsandpromotingeverydayrobotics



Robotical,anEdinburgh-basedroboticscompany,is knownforMarty,ahumanoidrobotdesignedtomake codingaccessibleforyounglearners.Martyengages classroomsworldwide,challengingSTEMstereotypes andhighlightingcreativityinengineering Robotical promotespositiverolemodels,especiallyfemale roboticists,toinspirefutureengineersandscientists


QuadrupedUniTreeRobot Livedemoshowingmovement andcapabilities

TactileSensingDemo In-HandManipulation:Shadow HandsandTouchLabSkinSensors

Lowerlimbexoskeletonprosthetic Demohighlightingaprojectonrobotics forneurodegenerativediseases

SpheroRobots'racingthemaze' Hands-oncontrolandprogrammingof Spherorobots.

SpottheRobotDog LivedemoshowcasingSpot'sabilities


Onlineinteractionwiththehumanoid robotAmeca

InteractiveQ&A: Engagewithstaffinarobotics-focused Q&Asession.

MartyRobot Hands-onactivitieswiththeMarty robot




Fun,tailoredroboticsactivitiesfor students.

National Robotarium

Innovate Stalls Upper School Hall

APRIL Hub and guests

TheAPRILHub,basedinEdinburgh,advancesthe electronicsindustrybyintegratingAItools Uniting universities,industryleaders,andgovernmentbodies,it acceleratesinnovationinsemiconductorsand microchips Withover10academicinstitutionsand25 industrialmembers,APRILHubfocusesonfaster, cheaper,andgreenertechnologieswhileshaping research,policy,andnurturingtalentthroughworkshops andstart-upincubation.



FCLabs,aneurotechnologycompanyinScotland, developedBrainFit™,awearableplatformthat measuresandmanagesbrainfitness Aimingtomake brainfitnessasaccessibleasphysicalfitness,their devicestrackmentalwellbeing,allowingusersto monitorbrainactivityandinterveneearly.FCLabs focusesonhigh-riskindustrieslikeconstructionand logistics,wherementalfitnessiskeytosafetyand productivity.





Seetoolsandresearchusedin electronics


EngagewithleadingfiguresintheAI field.

HardwareDemos Showcasingprototypesandmarketreadysmartdevices

NeuroDataDisplay Interactivesessionswithliveneuro data

TheTeam Engagewithanex-StGeorge’spupil andadatascientist.

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