Welcome back to Women in Computing: Lead, Innovate, Code! Our last event saw over 300 girls from St George's and guest schools engage in hands-on activities and connect with inspiring professionals across AI, robotics, and cybersecurity. None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of the companies who participated—your involvement was instrumental in making the event such a success.
This year, we ’ re excited to bring even more women in computing, more robots, and expanded pathways to cater to everyone. Whether you ' re here to Lead in tech for non-programmers, Code with our dedicated coding sessions, or Innovate through robotics and cutting-edge neurotech, there’s something for every aspiring creator, coder, and leader.
Thank you for being part of this journey, helping to inspire the next generation of women in tech!
Jenny Gilruth
“We want all young people to be enthused by the wonder of STEM, and initiatives like Women in Computing help inspire girls and young women to consider the advantages of studying or pursuing a career in tech, which has been traditionally dominated by boys and young men.
Positive role models can be extremely powerful in helping guide young people in their subject choices, which is why we are funding Scottish Teachers Advancing Computing Science (STACS) to support teachers in engaging, nurturing and inspiring the next generation of talent in their classroom. Women in Computing provides girls and young women from Edinburgh schools with a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience of what computing can offer them, and I am excited to meet pupils, teachers and exhibitors.”
Across Scotland, the uptake of Computing Science continues to face serious challenges, particularly among young women. Research from Reform Scotland reveals that over 32,000 secondary students lack access to a qualified Computing Science teacher, and many schools—especially in rural areas —struggle to provide the resources needed to encourage participation in this crucial field. Furthermore, gender disparity remains a significant issue, with girls comprising just 1 in 5 entries to Higher Computing Science.
This event aims to tackle these challenges head-on by inspiring young women to explore and pursue careers in technology. By bringing together industry leaders, educators, and students, we hope to create an environment where girls can see what is possible and feel empowered to take the first steps toward a future in tech.
Our goal is to inspire, empower, and provide hands-on experiences that demonstrate the exciting opportunities in technology. Through keynote speeches, panels, and interactive workshops, we will showcase the breadth of careers available in the tech industry and provide students with practical, real-world skills. We also aim to foster collaboration between education and industry to ensure that young women feel supported on their journey into Computing Science.
This event is not just a showcase it’s a moment for us all to come together, united by a common goal: to inspire the future and show young women what’s truly possible in the world of technology.
Wednesday 11th December
9:00AM Talks
10:05AM Talks 2 Upper School Hall Senior (U4,L5,U5) Lower (P6, R, L4 & all guests)
10:05AM Break
Break for students outside 10:30AM
10:30AM Interactive stalls Session 1
Innovate Upper School (US) Hall
Code Drama
Lead Sports Hall
Group 1 (Senior) [U4,L5,U5]
Group 2 (Senior) [Guest secondary]
Group 3 (Lower) [P6,L4,R + Guest Primary]
11:30AM Interactive stalls Session 2
Innovate US Hall
Code Drama
Lead Sports Hall
12:30PM Lunch
Group 2 (Senior) [Guest secondary]
Group 3 (Lower) [P6,L4,R + Guest Primary]
Group 1 (Senior) [U4,L5,U5]
Company networking lunch Future’s room
School lunch St George’s centre/Senior Gym
1:30PM Interactive stalls Session 3
Innovate US Hall
Code Drama
Lead Sports Hall
Group 3 (Lower) [P6,L4,R + Guest Primary]
Group 1 (Senior) [U4,L5,U5]
Group 2 (Senior) [Guest secondary]
2:25PM End
Supervised exit at 12:45
Please line up outside at the Geography entrance to the Upper School and exit via the pavilion exit.
12:30 Primary 6
12:45 Remove 13:00 Lower 4
To ensure everyone ' s safety, please follow these guidelines:
Follow the one-way system in the corridors to prevent overcrowding. 1. Wait outside each venue until given the go-ahead to enter. 2. When leaving a venue, there will be volunteers holding flags to show you where to go for your next destination.
Stay in your assigned venues and rotate with your group. If you need to use the toilet, please alert your teacher before leaving the venue.
4. If a stall in a venue is busy, move to the next stall in the room and come back later. Do not leave the venue you will have plenty of time. Be sure to collect as many freebies and prizes as you can!
If the fire alarm sounds, please follow staff and St George's students to the pitch located behind the Upper School building. Guest schools, please line up with your teachers.
We will break for lunch after the second rotation. Please be patient as we serve over 600 students and staff. Your teachers will be given your lunch timings and venues. If for any reason you get separated from your group, find a member of staff for assistance.
Each venue will have a host available to answer any questions you or your students may have.
To all attendees, be patient, listen carefully to all instructions, and make the most of each venue. Within your one-hour slots, feel free to explore the space and experience as much as you can.
Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy the day! 1 2 3 4 5
This year ’ s Women in Computing: Code, Lead, Innovate talks bring an exciting new dimension to the event, with two dedicated sets of talks and the introduction of live panel discussions. Students will hear from inspiring leaders, witness real-time conversations, and have the opportunity to engage in Q&A sessions. The talks will launch the day, leading into the exhibition, with discussions on robotics, tech for good, and more.
Primary 6 to S2 and guest schools will enjoy interactive sessions tailored to their age group, featuring fun insights into coding and entrepreneurship. These talks are designed to inspire curiosity and show how technology can make a real impact on the world.
9:00 - 9:05
9:05 - 9:25
Jenny Gilruth Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills
Software developer panel Canva, Skyscanner RBS, dressCode
9:25 - 9:45
9:45 - 10:05
Tech for a Better World Panel AND Digital, Smart Data Foundry, Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society
Tynah Matembe Founder of MoneyMatiX
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Discover how AI, data, and sustainabilityfocused tech are shaping the future. Hear from Joanna Masraff (AND Digital), Dr Lucy Lloyd (Smart Data Foundry), and Dr. Giulia De Togni (Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society). Learn how they use technology for positive change, from AI solutions to tackling the climate crisis
Entrepreneurship in Tech
Tynah shares her journey of building a fintech company focused on financial inclusion, and how entrepreneurialism in the tech world can drive social good.
Launching with a keynote from Blessing Adogame, seniors will dive into advanced topics like robotics and the future of tech. A panel on robotics will showcase cuttingedge developments
9:00 - 9:05
Mrs Carol ChandlerThompson Head, St George's
9:05 - 9:25 Blessing Adogame Community Development Manager, Rewriting the Code
9:25 - 9:45 Robotics Panel University of Edinburgh and Robotical
9:45 - 10:05
Liza (The humans) with Spot and Ameca (The robots) The National Robotarium
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discussion on the future of robotics, joined by Natalya Ratner from Robotical. They’ll explore advancements in AI and human-machine interaction.
Meet the Future: Spot & Ameca
Watch Spot, Boston Dynamics' robotic dog, and Ameca, the world’s most advanced humanoid robot, live in action from Edinburgh’s National Robotarium! Also get ready for the future of robotics! At The National Robotarium, HeriotWatt University’s world-leading centre for robotics and AI
Students will have the opportunity to explore interactive stalls, where they can get hands-on with cutting-edge technology, engage directly with professionals, and experience the excitement of the tech world up close. These stalls are designed to be dynamic, allowing students to move around, try out innovative tools, and participate in activities that will inspire them to imagine their own future in technology.
The event features three distinct pathways Lea cater to every interest and skill level, from future innovators. Students will rotate through each pa ensuring they get to experience all three.
The Lead pathway is ideal roles such as leadership, pr Companies like i-confident cybersecurity, innovation, a interactive activities around Smart Data Foundry and G data and tech solve real-wo want to explore the strateg
The Code pathway is for an Join DressCode and Rewri welcoming all skill levels to challenges. The Coding De will help students focus and RBS will also be running co financial literacy, offering a action.
The Innovate pathway showcases the most exciting and futuristic technology The National Robotarium will feature live demos with advanced robots like Spot and Ameca, while Robotical will offer hands-on interaction with Marty the robot. FCLabs introduces wearable neurotech with live brain fitness demos, and APRIL Hub will present cutting-edge AI tools and electronics innovation. The University of Edinburgh's Statistical Machine Learning and Motor Control Group will provide numerous demonstrations including a Lower limb exoskeleton prosthetic Demo highlighting a project on robotics for neurodegenerative diseases This track is all about exploring the latest advancements in tech and experiencing innovation firsthand.
i-confidential,anEdinburgh-basedcybersecurity consultancyfoundedin2008,providessecurity,risk, anddataprotectionservicesacrossindustrieslike financeandtech.Nowemployee-owned,theyfocus onempoweringtheirworkforceandhelpingclients navigatecybersecuritychallenges.i-confidential deliversbespokestrategiestoclientsinEurope,the US,andAsia,ensuringeffectiveriskmanagementand compliance.
MoneyMatixisadigitalplatformdesignedtopromote financialliteracyandeducationforfamiliesand communities.Itofferstoolsandresourcestohelpusers understandmoneymanagement,setfinancialgoals, andbuildsustainablehabitsthatleadtogreater financialwellbeing Throughengagingcontentand practicaladvice,MoneyMatixempowersindividualsto takecontroloftheirfinancialfuture.
TuringFest,heldannuallyinEdinburgh,isScotland'stop techevent,unitingfounders,leaders,andinnovators It featureskeynotes,workshops,andhands-onsessions, fosteringconnectionsandpromotingknowledge sharingamongover5,000attendees,playingakeyrole inScotland'stechecosystem.
Learnhowtosecurepasswordsand trackyourdigitalfootprint.
Solvethecodetounlockaboxandtest yoursecurityskills.
Funactivitiesteachingcybersecurity withtaskschangingthroughouttheday
LedbyfinancialexpertTynahMatembe, thisinteractivestallinvitesyoutotake onexcitingchallengesdesignedto unlockyourproblem-solvingpotential. Diveintoareal-worldbusiness simulationthatputsyourtechskillsto thetest,worktogetherinteams,and craftinnovativesolutionstofinancial puzzles.
Arapid-firecompetitionwherestudents pitchinnovativebusinessideastoa panelof"investors"withinalimitedtime, receivingimmediatefeedback
StormID,anEdinburgh-baseddigitalconsultancy foundedin2001,specialisesintransforming organisationswithdigital,data,andAIsolutions.They providestrategy,design,techimplementation,and datamanagementforclientsliketheScottish GovernmentandNHS,drivinginnovationinpublicand privatesectors
Createthestructureofawebsiteusing userinsightanddataandtestits effectiveness.
Whateverydaychallengescandigital serviceshelpwith?
Designdigitalsolutionstosupportpublic services,health,policingorjustice
Matchyourskillsetwiththedifferentroles thatmakeupdigitaltransformation teams.
SmartDataFoundry,basedinEdinburgh,isusing financialdataforgood.Partneringwithinstitutionslike NatWest,itleveragesde-identifieddatatohelp policymakerstacklethecost-of-livingandclimate crises.Theirsyntheticfinancialdataplatform,Aizle, allowscompaniestosafelytestsolutionsforchallenges likemoneylaunderingandfraud.
Designa'timetablebuilder'appusing inputsaboutinstruments,sports,breaks, andsubjects,introducingalgorithmsand UIdesign.
Createauserpersonaandmaptheir journey
SeehowAIusessyntheticdataforfraud detection,showcasingreal-worlddata science
GlobalLogic,adigitalproductengineeringcompany, integratesexperiencedesignandengineeringtohelp businessestransitionintothedigitalera.Serving industrieslikehealthcareandfinance,theytackle complexchallengeswithagilesolutions GlobalLogic alsopromotesDiversity,Equity,andInclusion,focusing onwomenintechthroughinitiativeslikeDigitalHERand GeekHER
Hands-on,interactiveworkshopswith leadingtechcompanies,specifically designedtoengageandinspiregirls interestedintechnology
ANDDigitalisonamissiontobridgetheworld'sdigital skillsgapthroughtheirGuide,BuildandEquipmodelof helpingbusinesseswiththeirdigitalproductsand transformations AgileandSustainabilityCoach,Joanna Masraff,leadseffortstointegrateAgilemethodswith sustainabilityinitiatives,reducingplanetaryandsocial riskswhilehelpingmanageyourdigitalcarbonfootprint
RewritingtheCodeisaglobalnon-profitempowering womenintechthroughmentorship,industry experience,andeducationalresources.Expanding fromtheUStotheUK,RTCfostersdiversityand supportswomenatallstagesoftheirtechcareers, helpingthembecomefuturetechleadersthrough year-roundengagementandprofessionalnetworks.
DemoofAgilewaysofworking,from mindsettomethodologyusingLego
Designedtoengageparticipantsin understandingLeanAgileprinciples interactively,specificallyflowand limitingworkinprogress.
DeconstructingTech:Productsand Pathways
Uncoverthetechbehindtopproducts whilelearningfrominspiringwomenin tech
Bringyourideastolifewithcodeasyou animateawalkingschoolgirlinScratch!
Leadwithdataanddrivedecisionsas youplantheultimateschooltechfair!
DressCode,foundedbyToniScullion,isaScottishcharity dedicatedtoinspiringyoungwomentopursuecareers inComputingScience.Throughcodingclubs, hackathons,andpartnerships,ithelpsclosethegender gapintechbyofferingopportunitiestostudentsand teachers DressCodehasimpactedthousandsacross theUK,promotingdiversityintechnology
EngageinblockandPython programmingactivitiesforallskilllevels
Participateinfuncodingchallenges andwinexcitingprizes!
Toni Scullion Founder of dressCode and Computing Science Scotland
“It is a real honour to be part of and support the Women in Computing event at St George’s School dressCode is proud to partner with this initiative, and STACS is equally proud to support and be involved in this important event. It is fantastic to see it grow and go from strength to strength.
The gender gap in the tech sector is well known and mirrors the national landscape of Computing Science at school level Compared to other traditional STEM subjects, Computing Science has the largest gender gap and faces many challenges, a situation that has persisted for over a decade and unfortunately still does. While there has been some progress in overall uptake, including an increase in female participation, the progress is minimal. While this progress should be recognised, it is crucial that we avoid becoming complacent.
We urgently need to accelerate the progress in the uptake of Computing Science, particularly in addressing the gender gap, to establish the thriving, sustainable tech talent pipeline that the country needs. The tech talent pipeline starts in the classroom, which is why initiatives like the Women in Computing event that focus at both Primary and Secondary level are essential. They help raise awareness of opportunities, provide role models, inspire the next generation and play a vital role in closing the gender gap ”
FreeAgentisadynamicScottishcompanybasedin Edinburgh,offeringinnovativecloud-basedaccounting softwareforsmallbusinesses,freelancers,and accountants Designedtomakemanagingfinances easy,FreeAgentsimplifiesinvoicing,expensetracking, payroll,andtaxreturns.Withafocusonempowering userstotakecontroloftheirfinances,FreeAgentis transforminghowpeopleworkwhileensuring compliancewithUKtaxregulations
Amazonisaglobaltechleaderknownforits e-commerce,digitalstreaming,andAIinnovation.Its clouddivision,AWS(AmazonWebServices),provides datastorage,machinelearning,andcomputing power,helpingbusinessesruntheirtechefficiently andsecurelyinthecloud
RBSiscommittedtoimprovinggenderdiversityintech throughinitiativeslikeCodeFirstGirlsandRBSGirls CanCode.Theseprogramsfocusonupskilling women,particularlyfromunderrepresented backgrounds,tofillrolesinsoftwareengineeringand data Byfosteringgenderparityandencouraging careerswitchers,RBSaimstoinspiremorewomen andgirlstoenterthetechindustry.
LegoCodingMaze:Therewillbetwo pre-builtlegomazes Onemazewillbe foryoungergirlstoworkon,andthe otherforoldergirls Therewillbepreprinted“snippets”ofcodethatthey shouldplaceinordertogetthelego personto“escapethemaze”.
HackGoogle!:Participantswilluseeasyto-followinstructionstoaccessthe developertoolsprovidedbytheChrome browsertomanipulateGooglesearch results–inspectingtheelementsand changingtext–tolearnaboutHTML elementsandsourcecode.
GetcreativewithGenerativeAI! InteractiveandfungenerativeAIdemo linkedtoapotentialfuturecareerwith brandedswagandgiveaways
RBSTech&FinanceExperience ExploreGenerativeAIwithcreative examplesandbringarttolifethrough augmentedreality Enjoyfunfinancial literacygamesdesignedforgirls, suitableforbothhomeandschool learning
QuadrupedUniTreeRobot Livedemoshowingmovement andcapabilities
TheUniversityofEdinburgh'sStatisticalMachine LearningandMotorControlGroupdrivesrobotics researchandinnovation,engagingstudentsthrough demos,talks,andactivities.Theirdiverseteam includesPhDandpostdocresearchers,someNASAaffiliated,committedtoeducatingallageswith tailoredpresentationsandhands-onexperiences.
TheNationalRobotarium,basedatHeriot-Watt UniversityinEdinburgh,istheUK'stoproboticsandAI centre Itfocusesoninnovativerobotics,human-robot interaction,andbuildingtrustinAI.Featuringadvanced robotslikeAmecaandSpot,thecentreaimstomake roboticsaccessiblethroughpublicengagement, education,andindustrycollaboration,inspiringfuture roboticistsandpromotingeverydayrobotics
Robotical,anEdinburgh-basedroboticscompany,is knownforMarty,ahumanoidrobotdesignedtomake codingaccessibleforyounglearners.Martyengages classroomsworldwide,challengingSTEMstereotypes andhighlightingcreativityinengineering Robotical promotespositiverolemodels,especiallyfemale roboticists,toinspirefutureengineersandscientists
Lowerlimbexoskeletonprosthetic Demohighlightingaprojectonrobotics forneurodegenerativediseases
SpheroRobots'racingthemaze' Hands-oncontrolandprogrammingof Spherorobots.
SpottheRobotDog LivedemoshowcasingSpot'sabilities
InteractiveQ&A: Engagewithstaffinarobotics-focused Q&Asession
MartyRobot Hands-onactivitieswiththeMarty robot.
CodingBooklets Interactivecodingbookletsforlearning.
StudentRobotics Fun,tailoredroboticsactivitiesfor students. TactileSensingDemo In-HandManipulation:Shadow HandsandTouchLabSkinSensors
TheAPRILHub,basedinEdinburgh,advancesthe electronicsindustrybyintegratingAItools.Uniting universities,industryleaders,andgovernment bodies,itacceleratesinnovationinsemiconductors andmicrochips.Withover10academicinstitutions and25industrialmembers,APRILHubfocuseson faster,cheaper,andgreenertechnologieswhile shapingresearch,policy,andnurturingtalent throughworkshopsandstart-upincubation.
FCLabs,aneurotechnologycompanyinScotland, developedBrainFit™,awearableplatformthat measuresandmanagesbrainfitness.Aimingtomake brainfitnessasaccessibleasphysicalfitness,their devicestrackmentalwellbeing,allowingusersto monitorbrainactivityandinterveneearly.FCLabs focusesonhigh-riskindustrieslikeconstructionand logistics,wherementalfitnessiskeytosafetyand productivity
Aspartofourgoalofworkingforfossilfreedom, we’redeliveringlowcarbonheatvialargeand city-scaleheatnetworkstohomesand businessesinBristol,LondonandMidlothian We havemorethan100yearsofEuropean experiencethatwearenowusingintheUK.
MeetourinspiringPhDstudents,whose researchsitsatthecuttingedgeofboth engineeringandcomputerscience! They'rebringinganexcitinghands-on opportunityforpupils:achancetodive intoprogrammingwhileexploring careerpathsinthesedynamicfields Thisuniquesessionnotonlyintroduces studentstoreal-worldcodingbutalso providesinsightintothejourneyof becomingaleadinginnovatorin technology It’sarareopportunityfor studentstolearndirectlyfrom passionateresearcherswhoare shapingthefutureinengineeringand computerscience
HardwareDemos Livebrainfitnessdata
Seeyourownbrainactivitywhiledoing amanualtasktest.
Theattendeeswillhavetheopportunityto playaroundandexperienceour interactive'CosyHouse'model;usinga thermalimagingcameratomeasurethe heatbeingsuppliedtothehome There willalsobekidspacks-thesepacksare designedasafunandeducational introductiontoheatnetworksforprimary school-agedchildren,offeringeasily digestibleinformationalongside engagingenergy-relatedpuzzlesand games
This year’s Women in Computing event is reaching more girls than ever before. Often, the cost of transport can be prohibitive for schools, and with Skyscanner’s generous sponsorship of buses, we’ll be welcoming colleagues and pupils from across Edinburgh’s state sector to this fantastic day. We’re thrilled that thanks to Skyscanner’s support, over 600 girls will get to spend time with, and learn from, inspiring women working in some of the UK’s biggest technology companies.