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Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
What can you expect?
Students of Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies engage with the fundamental questions most of us will ask ourselves at some point in our lives: Who am I? Why am I here? How should I live my life?
RMPS students learn about, and from, religious beliefs, non-religious viewpoints, and personal experience. They explore how religion, morality and philosophy can help people find meaning and purpose in life and engage with some of the key ethical questions raised by modern society.
The course also encourages students to:
• Develop an understanding and respect for different beliefs, values and viewpoints.
• Learn how to express their values and beliefs.
• Put their values or beliefs into action in ways which benefit others.
• Make informed moral decisions.
The course consists of three mandatory units:
1. World religion- Buddhism
Candidates study the key beliefs and practices of Buddhism and the contribution these make to the lives of Buddhists.
2. Morality and belief – Morality and Justice
Candidates explore the reasons why crime is committed, how and why we punish offenders and the moral issues raised by these questions
3. Religious and philosophical questions –Origins of Life and the Universe
Candidates engage with religious, scientific and philosophical ideas about how and why life and the universe exists..
Higher Assessment
Advanced Higher
The course consists of three mandatory units:
1. Philosophy of Religion: Candidates draw on religious, philosophical and scientific ideas to grapple with the question of whether God does or does not exist.
2. Medical Ethics: Candidates explore the moral issues raised by modern medicines including the treatment of embryos, organ donation and assisted dying
3. Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies: Personal Research: Candidates pick, research and write an approx. 4000 word dissertation on a religious, moral or philosophical question of their choice
Advanced Higher Assessment
Examination Paper 64%
Project-Dissertation 36%
Outside the Classroom
Classroom learning is supplemented by visits from speakers from Buddhist and Christian traditions, and other outside agencies, and by visits to places of worship such as Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery. Additionally, discussion groups are held with Advanced Higher RMPS candidates from other schools.