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Support for Learning
What can you expect?
By the time students reach the Sixth Form level, most no longer require input from learning support, but some, due to their subject options, still benefit from occasional sessions with a member of learning support staff.
Students who have received support in fifth form are invited to lessons, while other students are welcome to approach the department for support.
• To help students achieve a high standard of English
• To support students on an individual or small group basis
• To support curriculum areas
• To prepare students for the appropriate University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.
Students have access to excellent ESOL facilities. There is a library with graded reading texts and tapes/CDs/DVDs, as well as ESOL multi-media resources which are available for independent learning.
ESOL tuition supports curriculum lessons and the Head of ESOL liaises with all Heads of
Departments and subject teachers to help students with particular concerns.
ESOL is available at all levels:
• Elementary
• Pre-Intermediate
• Intermediate
• Upper Intermediate
• Advanced
Students are assessed in speaking, listening, writing, reading and grammar before decisions are taken regarding the right ESOL level and most appropriate curriculum areas to be studied. It is important to join the group which works at the right level for each student.
At the start of each new academic session students have an interview with the Head of ESOL to ensure continuity of provision.
ESOL Assessment
Most ESOL classes lead to entry for The University of Cambridge ESOL examinations. Possible Options:
• Key English Test (KET)
• Preliminary English Test (PET)
• First Certificate in English (FCE)
• Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS)