11 Jan Notice Sheet

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Sun 11 Jan 2015


Hello! If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.

Today’s Services 10.30am Holy Communion Lead: Jonathan Clark Preach: Paul Hooper 6.30pm

Evening Worship Lead: Lottie Jones Preach: Mark Powley

10.30am Wrangthorn Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Jimmy Lawrence

Prayer for the Crypt We give thanks for all the support we have had over the last few months coming up to Christmas. Please pray that the support may continue throughout the year.

7-9.15pm, Wed 14 Jan – Wed 4 Mar, Centre Attend: If you have questions about life and faith then come along to this free 8 week course. Each week we share a meal, listen to a short talk on an aspect of the Christian faith and have discussion around tables. Invite: Know someone who might be interested in coming? Please take a flyer from the foyer and invite them! For info please contact Lisa.


   Student Teas will begin again on Jonathan and Mary are heading to Lale in Uganda on Monday. They will be visiting villages to see the fruit from our partnership with TearFund to train churches in community development. Please pray for them: that they will learn about development, for spiritual inspiration and for refreshment. Pray also for guidance as to whether/how to develop the partnership with St George’s over the next few years.

This Week Tue 13 10am

Play & Pray


Thu 15 7.30am

Morning Prayers

Comm. Room

Sun 18 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship

Church Church

Sunday 25 Jan. All students are welcome to come to the Centre at 5.30pm each week for a hot meal and fellowship - just £1 or free if it’s your first time!

 Sat 17 Jan, Ilkley Join us for the first walk of 2015 on Ilkley Moor! For more info, please e-mail Lindsey.


 At present the choir is in need of Ladies’ voices, especially altos. If you have a good singing voice and are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact David.

david.jackson600@ntlworld.com Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday


 

St George’s need people who enjoy chatting and can serve with a smile on Sundays to welcome newcomers. Being on the team means once a month arriving half an hour before the service and being on hand afterwards. For the morning, please contact Andy. For the evening, please contact Lisa.

Chip and Diane, who have been our mission partners for many years, have changed their role in Agape to be UK-centred, and St G's Overseas Mission Committee have made the decision to cease providing financial support. We will continue to support them in prayer and encourage those who support them financially to continue to do so. For more info, please contact Stuart.

andy.eaves@ntlworld.com lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 7.30pm, Tue 20 Jan, Church Let’s Talk About Porn is a free seminar tackling the tricky issues of porn, pastoral care and parenting in a relaxed, fun and encouraging environment. Book online, or contact Lottie for info.

letstalkaboutpornroadshowleeds .eventbrite.co.uk lottie.jones@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

stuart.roberts@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

  A group of us are meeting every month to pray for our mission partners: the Nunns in Ethiopia and Tearfund in Lale, Uganda. We meet on Thursday mornings in Horsforth and the next one is 15 January at 10am. If you'd like to join us, email Lindy.


  10am-12pm, Sat 31 Jan, Centre New to St George’s? Come along to find out more about life at St G’s and the ways that you can connect and get involved. Please RSVP to the office.

4.30pm, Sat 17 Jan, LS2 7QY You are invited to a Joanna celebration and dedication service at Nile Street Salvation Army in town. Refreshments and cake served afterwards.



 2-4pm, Sat 31 Jan, Centre Invite your friends and join us as we gather to hear and celebrate testimonies of God at work in the lives of women in our church. Speaker: Naomi Roberts. If you could bake, please get in touch!

lisa.woodlock@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

6pm, Sat 24 Jan, St Chad’s Church, Far Headingley We would like to invite you to join us for food and a Ceilidh with proceeds going to the Crypt and Mind. Tickets available for £20 from Clare or Alison Oldfield, Lindsey Pallant or Laura Proctor.

 The Leeds Jewish community are once again organising a guided trip to Auschwitz and other holocaust sites in Poland. The trip is 21-24 April at a full board cost of £635. 9 members of the church have made this trip and highly recommend it. Contact David Kibble for info.


 6pm doors, 7pm start, Sat 24 Jan, Chapel Allerton The next Chapel A House Concert features Polish pop singer/songwriter Kari, supported by Chelsea Alice Scott. Doors open at 6pm for a 7pm start. Buy tickets online.


 

7pm, Fri 23 Jan, Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane Join us for supper and dancing! Tickets are £12 available from St George’s Crypt or Leeds Minster. All proceeds in aid of St George’s Crypt and Leeds City Parish.

10am-3.30 pm, Sat 31 Jan, LCI, 20A Market Street, LS1 6DG The diocese are continuing their series on relationships with a study day based on Scripture and tradition exploring the theology of marriage and human love. The day is led by Professor Adrian Thatcher, BYO lunch, tickets by phone or online.

Crypt - 245 09061 Leeds Minster - 245 2036

events@leedschurchinstitute.org 0113 391 7928.


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