Sun 20 Jan 2019
Hello and welcome, especially if this is your first time at St George’s. We’d love to meet you and give you a welcome pack. Do come and say hello at the back of church and stay for a chat if you can.
This Week At St George’s Sunday 20 Jan
St George’s Church 10:30 18:30
Morning Worship with Baptism Evening Worship
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30 Café style service and meal Monday 21 Jan 6pm English Classes Tuesday 22 Jan 10:00 ST G’s Tots 13:30 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network Wednesday 23 Jan 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-In Thursday 24 Jan 19:30 International Student Network Friday 25 Jan 19:00 Roots Sunday 27 Jan 10:30 Vision Sunday 18:30 Vision Sunday with Baptisms
Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30
Café style service and meal
Alpha is a great opportunity for people who want to know more about Christianity to ask questions of life and faith. For more information or to sign up please contact Lisa Woodson
YEAR OF INVITATION Don’t forget to put your sticker on the Alpha board in the foyer once you’ve invited someone to Alpha!
Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 29 Jan, St George’s Centre A chance to pray for our church, our city and our world You are also invited, if you would like to, to join the leadership team in fasting on 29 Jan as we ask God to release all the resources we need for our vision. You can choose what to fast and how long to fast for. Please let us know if you sense God speaking, and join us to pray in the evening. St George's Church, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 |
Persian New Year 20 March Passover 18 April ACM 30 April
Are you passionate about offering hospitality at church? If so, please contact
If you would you like to join the serving team for Alpha which starts 30 Jan, please contact Lisa Woodson
WOMEN’S MINISTRY TEAM Our Women’s Ministry team organise several events a year for the women of our church and their friends. If you would be interested in joining the team, please contact Lisa
These meet mid-week around Leeds and are a great way to make friends & learn together. To join please email
Mon 21 Jan, 7.30pm St George’s Centre Breaking free from eating disorders. For more details please contact Jess Wade
CASHLESS GIVING Now available in the foyer. For more details on giving, including standing orders, please see
TERM PROGRAMME The Spring term programme is available at the back of church. It can also be found on the church website
PILGRIMAGE For details about a one week study/meditative pilgrimage to Bethlehem/Jerusalem at Easter 2020 contact David
ST GEORGE’S CRYPT Please pray this week for our shops after a busy period in December, that they keep on doing well. Thank God for the staff and volunteers at the shops.