11th November Notice Sheet

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 Sunday 11th November 2012

Welcome If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the welcome desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.

Today’s Services 10.30am

End of Story 1 Lead: David Kibble Preach: Jonathan Clark


Unexpected 4 Lead: Mark Powley Preach: Chris Balding


Community Church Lead: Ann McKenna Preach: Paul Hooper


Wrangthorn Preach: Mark Powley

   EXPLORERS is the Children’s Network for 0-11s. Each week we begin in church before going to our groups in the Church Centre. Children need to be collected at 12.00 noon. ROOTS is our Network for 11-18s. We meet down in the Church Centre at 10.20am each Sunday morning and on Friday night from 7-9pm in the Church Centre. STUDENTS are an integral part of the community here and we run student networks during term time. See the network board in the foyer for details.

REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room. INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance. PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.

GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers. SERMONS are available online. Go to www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk.

  10.30am and 6.30pm, Sun 9 Dec Baptisms will be taking place at St George’s soon. Anyone wishing to be baptised should speak to a member of clergy.

  Are you able to help on Monday evening with the English Class for asylum seekers and other foreign nationals? We have seen a huge increase in numbers recently, and need volunteers to help out. There are many different ways to serve such as teaching, talking to students, serving refreshments or general set up. If you are interested please contact Paul Clegg.

paul.clegg@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

4.30pm Fri 23 Nov - 6pm, Sun 25 Nov, Blaithwaite, Cumbria The Youth Weekend Away is fast approaching! If your son or daughter would like to come there are still places available. See Lottie for details. Also please be praying for our young people over the weekend, for protection, good fun and that God will be working in growing their faith.

  Sun 18 Nov We will be having our second Network Sunday next weekend. Instead of meeting at Church for the 18:30 service we will share life and love Leeds within Networks. Details of events are available on the website or on the flyer available in the foyer.

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/ networks


 If you have an interest in the work of Tearfund you may have heard of their fairly traded gift range called Created. Here at St George’s, we are in need of someone to take on the role of promoting Created and acting as a representative. If you might be able to help, please contact the office as soon as possible.


7.15pm, 24 Nov, Centre The 50+ network is hosting a meal for members of the church family. Come and invite friends and family to a relaxed evening with live music. The CEO of Caring For Life, Peter Parkinson, will be speaking and showing a short video of their work. Tickets are £17.50 including a 2 course meal, glass of wine and tea/ coffee. All profits will be donated to Caring For Life, Leeds. To buy tickets, please sign up in the foyer or contact Kath for info.

kathsailes@hotmail.com 50plus@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.caringforlife.co.uk

  9.30am, Sat 17 Nov, Centre Come and join us for our third session including coffee, pastries and worship. A morning of teaching and discussion about sharing life with others.

  6.30pm, Sun 23 Dec, St G’s We are looking for players to provide music for the Community Carol Service taking place here at St George’s. If you are interested, please contact Angie Wright.


  It’s the end of Leeds Prayer week, and if you haven’t read Jonathan Clark’s letter on the need to pray for our city, plus lots more including prayer points for Alpha, Church and Networks, then visit

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/life to see all the stories.

  11 Nov/18 Nov/25 Nov, Foyer Lou Mann will be selling advent candles for the next 3 Sundays. This is in aid of Kidz Klub who do invaluable work, sharing God’s love with deprived children in communities. They are in desperate need of funds, so please give generously. The candles cost £2.50 each.

   7.30pm, Thurs 15+29 Nov, 6 Dec, Church Centre Learn how to budget effectively and keep your borrowings to a minimum using Christians Against Poverty’s proven system and techniques. The course comprises 3 evenings with a follow-up meeting in January. To book a place, sign-up in the foyer or e-mail.

reception@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk



11-2pm, Sat 17 Nov, Crypt Get into the Christmas spirit with some craft. In the training rooms at St George’s Crypt, £2 entry (£1 concessions) includes light refreshments. There will be minimal charge for each item you choose to make.

Next Sunday 18 Nov, the Abbey Dash is taking place. Please be aware of road closures as they may impact your journey to the morning service.

  7.30pm, Mon 26 Nov/Mon 10 Dec, Church Centre Kairos is a worldwide course exploring the Biblical, historic, and cross cultural aspects of mission. Trained as a Kairos course presenter, Keith Williams is planning to run a course in Gambia in Feb 2013. To raise funds he is giving talks on the history of Leeds, a mix of commentary and images. Drinks provided. You may like to make a donation to commission “the history of my house/area”. Contact Keith for details.

0113 269 6268

  Fiona is taking on French and music students up to A Level. She can also offer singing lessons. If you are interested, please e-mail her.

  Eyes Open 7.30pm, Tues 13 Nov, Church foyer Eyes Open Network invites you to a Fundraising Cafe and the opportunity to hear about the work of Sightsavers. Israel/Palestine

10.30am, Sat 17 Nov Etz Chaim Synagogue Visit If any non-network members would like to join us, do let David Kibble know.

dg.kibble@hotmail.co.uk 50+

7.15pm, 24 Nov, Church Centre Celebration Meal All welcome. See notice for details and sign up in foyer. For more info about Networks and how to join one, visit

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/ networks


 8pm, Monday 12 November, Church Centre Scott Shalkowski (Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds) will lead a seminar on some contemporary atheist thinking, but moving away from the common focus on Richard Dawkins. The first of three seminars, this one will focus on some recent work by Daniel Dennett, a prolific contemporary philosopher. The goal is to better appreciate the force and substance of anti-religious thinking, as well as to explore useful responses to it. All welcome.

For more info about events please contact the relevant network leaders or the office: 0113 243 8498

reception@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

Deadline for the notice sheet is 12 noon on Thursday

 Wed 14

12noon 7-9pm

Church Leaders’ Prayer Lunch // Church Alpha // Church Centre

Thu 15


Prayer Morning // Church via Thoresby Place

Sat 17

9.30am - 1pm

School of Theology // Church Centre

Sun 18

10.30am 5.30pm 6.30pm

Morning Worship // Church Student Teas // Church Centre Network Sunday - No evening service


 2 Dec / 16 Dec / 23 Dec / 24 Dec / 25 Dec Christmas is coming! At St George’s throughout December, there will be events to suit everyone including Contemporary Carols, Carols By Candlelight and a Family Nativity. Everyone is welcome to join in, so please use the invitations in the foyer to invite as many people as possible! Flyers are also available on the notice board outlining the dates of each event.

  The Church Office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am & 4.00pm Church Centre St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR 0113 243 8498

A multi purpose venue for meetings, conferences and events. 0113 383 2140

reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk bookings@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgescentreleeds.org.uk

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