Sun 14 Feb 2016
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.
5 Saturday Mornings, Mar - July 2016 If you’d like to get stuck into the bible but are struggling, St George’s will be starting a new course that looks at deeper knowledge about the Bible and its message. For more details pick up a flyer in the foyer, or to sign up contact
Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am One Family Lead: Mark Harlow Preach: Emily Tyler 6.30pm Network Celebration Lead: Emily Spademan Preach: Dan Tyler Wrangthorn 10.30am Lent Morning Prayer Lead: Jim Rowland Preach: Philippa Lucas 5.00pm Evening Worship Lead: James Blandford Preach: Che Seabourne
Thank you to all those who pledged their commitment to St George's Vision last Sunday and to those who responded to the Gift Day. 6 people started giving for the first time, 10 people increased their giving and 30 people gave one-off donations. We pray that more people will join in with financially supporting the Vision over the next weeks.
7 – 9.15pm, Wed 17 Feb, Wed 30 Mar, Centre Our Alpha Course got off to a great start last Wed! If you missed it then you’d be very welcome to join us this week to explore more questions of life and faith, as we look at the question, ‘Why Did Jesus Die?’ To sign up, email
Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service & meal Prayer for the Crypt Thank God for all the hard work that is being done at the Pudsey and Armley shops to support the Crypt
INTERNSHIPS Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tue 23 Feb, Church Centre
This Week Tue 16
Wed 17 7pm
Play & Pray
Alpha Week 2
Sun 21 10.30am Holy Communion
Sun 21 6.30pm
Holy Communion
Closing Date: 3 Mar Our year long intern programme runs from September and is an amazing opportunity to serve the church, grow as a disciple, be trained as a leader and discover more of God’s calling for your life. For an application form contact
MISSION PARTNER VISIT Our mission partners Rachel and Jason are joining us at the morning service on 21st Feb and would love to see us all and share what they have been doing to bring the gospel to the Middle East.
LIVING ROOM 7.30-9.30pm, Wednesdays, Gateway Church, St Mark's Rd Take a great opportunity to get to know and serve students from countries all around the world every week. Many international students have no opportunity to connect with residents of the city and would love to know more about the area and the Christian faith. Contact
BAPTISMS Sun 13 Mar Baptisms will take place in both morning and evening services. This is also an opportunity to renew your baptismal vows if you were baptised as a baby. If you are considering baptism, please speak to a member of clergy first and then contact Janet Gibson
TABLE TALK 12pm, Wed 17 Feb, Centre All 'Extra Timers' (50+) welcome. Communion and Talk: Dr Robin Carmichael ‘Something Astronomical'. 1pm Lunch. (Apologies for catering purposes) to:
John Walker 0113 249639 John Aldrick 0113 2661685
Sun 10 Jul The Crypt team are having a sponsored run. For more information contact
10am, Sat 20 Feb The walking group will be traveling to Ilkley on the 9.02am train from Leeds for a 10 mile winter walk across Ilkley Moor. New walkers welcome! Please email Alison and Lindsey on
SHORT TERM MISSION OVERSEAS This is a great way to serve God, gain life-changing insights and help plan your future. To find out about opportunities or to apply for financial support to help fund a trip, email
LUNCH WITH KEVIN SINFIELD, EX RHINO 12pm, Fri 15 Apr, Queen’s Hotel A fund-raising lunch in aid of St George's Crypt. Tickets (£55 or £500 for a table of 10) from 017585 002386
STG'S VACANCIES OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Closing Date: 15 Feb This exciting opportunity covers an array of jobs ranging from reception to rotas to staff diary management. Excellent IT skills and familiarity with Microsoft packages essential. A high level of verbal and written communication skills required.
0-6s WORKER AND FAMILY PASTOR Closing Date: 19 Feb We are looking for a gifted individual to lead our 0-6s work, develop outreach to families and provide pastoral support. Job descriptions available from Janet Gibson or visit our website:
NEW WINE INSPIRE Fri 19 - Tue 23 Aug, Thirsk, N. Yorkshire This New Wine weekend is a great opportunity to take time out together as a church family and grow together through teaching and worship. Visit the New Wine website to book
The deadline for the Notice Sheet is 12 noon Thursday