Sun 17 Apr 2016
If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, speak to a Steward in the foyer and take a green Hello Card. Please fill in a Contact Card if you would like to get involved.
7.30 - 10pm, Tues 26 Apr, Centre The next Prayer Gathering will be part of our Annual Church Meeting. Join us as we reflect back on the last year and prayerfully move forward into the coming year.
Today’s Services St George’s Church 10.30am Holy Communion Lead: Jonathan Clark Preach: Mark Harlow 6.30pm Holy Communion Lead: Lisa Woodlock Preach: Sam Corley Wrangthorn 10.30am Altogether Lead: Joanna Seabourne Preach: Jonathan Philpott 5.00pm Evening Worship Lead: Philippa Lucas Preach: Joanna Seabourne Lighthouse 12.30pm St George’s Crypt Cafe-style Service & meal Prayer for the Crypt Please pray for the Fundraising Team preparing for the football tournament on 1 May.
The PCC is the decision making body of the church and there are currently 8 vacancies on the Council and 5 nominations have been received so far. Please pray that the right people may be appointed to ensure wide representation on the Church Council so that the interests of the whole church can be served.
7pm, Wed 20 Apr, Church You are warmly invited to the opening night of the LCA Christian Union ‘Hope and Fear’ Art Show. The exhibition is also open 10-6 Thur & Fri and 10-4 Sat.
Churchwardens David Kibble is standing down as Churchwarden this year after 3 years unstinting service. Lindsey Pallant and Andy Eaves have been nominated as Churchwardens and Nick Bishop as Deputy Churchwarden. You must be on the Electoral Roll to make a PCC nomination. Forms available from the teamboard in the foyer
This Week Tue 19
10 am
Pray & Play
Sun 24
10.30am Morning Worship
Sun 24
Evening Worship
ROMANIA ‘THE EVENT’ 7.30pm, Sat, 11 Jun, Centre A team from St G’s are going to Romania again this summer. Whilst there, they will be involved in projects, working alongside other churches. As well as sending a team over, we are also fundraising for the Bethlehem Centre by holding ‘The Event’. You can support by coming along, or by donating a service/item for our charity auction or even better, do a turn at our famous cabaret! Contact The deadline for the Notice Sheet is 12 noon Thursday
WOMEN’S AFTERNOON Our April women’s afternoon has been postponed so that we can go to New Wine. Tickets are £25, book online. We will be meeting again on Sat 9 Jul where Cat Sayburn will be sharing her testimony
MEN’S STEAK & FILM NIGHT 7pm, Fri 13 May Outdoor event. Food served from 7pm. Film starts 9pm. Bring warm clothes, blankets and a chair. £6 covers cost of steak and hire of headphones. To confirm attendance email Graeme Collins
STANDING TOGETHER 2.15pm, Sun 29 May, Centre An afternoon initiated by our Dialogue and Reconciliation Network, seeks to bring together eighty Jews, Christians and Muslims to say 'yes' to supporting one another and 'no' to violence in the name of religion. Speakers include Rabbi Jason Kleiman, Bishop Paul Slater and Imam Qari Asim. For further details & to apply for tickets visit
7pm, Fri 23 Apr, Gateway Church ‘24 hours of Prayer for Leeds’. Each Prayer slot focuses on a different theme and includes spheres such as: Social Justice, Arts / Media, Health, Education, Faith and Internationals. Pick up a flyer from the foyer
7.30pm, 21 Apr, Costa Coffee, Town Street Horsforth In partnership with other churches , St G’s will be running an ‘Alpha Local’ course in Horsforth with free coffee and cake. For more details contact Chris Sayburn
A WEEKEND OF MUSIC 7pm, 29-30 Apr, Church To celebrate International Jazz Day, St George's are hosting a ‘Weekend of Music’ featuring music undergraduates studying in Leeds. Friday 29 is an evening of classical music and Saturday 30 will showcase original material by local jazz artists. Free entry.
RIVERSIDE CHURCH COURSE An opportunity for a group of men to explore and experience freedom from pornography, temptation, depression, anxiety, and to embrace a new way of living a redemptive life. It will involve group meetings on Wednesday evenings and sharing out the cost of the materials. For more information contact James
CREATE EVENT 3-6pm, Sat 9 May, St Richard’s Church Young people, aged 11-15, are invited to learn new creative arts skills through interactive workshops. Next event ’Spring Crafts’. Tickets £3.50
RIPON CATHEDRAL REVEALED 28 Apr-2 May The festival offers a variety of activities including Flower & Food festivals, Children’s activities & Musical events, as well as the annual Beer Festival held in the Cathedral grounds
RUN FOR ALL Sun 10 Jul The Crypt team are having a sponsored run. Contact