17 June Notice Sheet

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Sun 17 June 2018 Father’s Day

Hello If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, please speak to a Steward in the foyer and for more details pick up a Hello Card.

This Week @ St George’s Sunday 17 June

St George’s Church: 10:30

Morning Worship

Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30

Cafe style service & meal

St George’s Church: 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Evening Worship Monday 18 June 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 19 June 10:30 St G’s Tots 13:00 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network 19:30 Student Network Wednesday 20 June 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-in 19:30 iStudent Network Thursday 21 June 19:30 Student Network Friday 22 June 19:00 Roots Sunday 24 June 10:30 Morning Worship + Baptism 18:30 Evening Worship

Fri 17 Aug - Tue 21 Aug, Thirsk St George’s & St Paul’s are heading away together for a long weekend away at this exciting New Wine camping event. At its heart will be the worship, teaching and ministry that you would expect at a larger New Wine national gathering. A number of people are going from St George’s, why not come and join us? Book your tickets at

new-wine.org/events/inspire-2018 then email us to let us know you are coming, at

inspire@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk Why not ask others in your Small Group/Network if they are going?

ROCK SOLID @ NEW WINE INSPIRE One of our Kids’ Team Leaders is heading up the team at Rock Solid this year. Will you consider being part of the children’s ministry at this event? For more details contact Jenny Brady or visit the New Wine website

brady.jennifer.91@gmail.com new-wine.org/events/inspire-2018

Our Next Prayer Gathering 7.30pm, Tues 26 June, St G’s Centre A chance to pray for our church, our city and our world

Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week St George's Church Leeds, Great George Street, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 | hello@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

Sat 23 June, 7pm, St G’s Centre Join us for a night of live music, summer vibes and mocktails, £5 entry and your first mocktail is on the house! All the money raised will go towards the great work of the Bethlehem Centre, Hunedoara, Romania. A team, mainly from St George's, will be helping to run holiday clubs and other projects to bless the Bethlehem Centre as part of our short term mission strategy. For more details visit




Today, Church Horsforth Small Group are raising funds for the ‘Green Environment Promotion’ which helps to empower marginalised people in Uganda. The project is run by a former member of the Horsforth group.

Wed 20 June, 12 noon, St G’s Centre Communion & talk, followed by lunch at 1pm. Guest speaker the Rev’d Roger Quick, Chaplain to the Homeless & the Crypt. He will be talking about ‘God's unconditional love.' To book please contact John Aldrick or John Walker

FAMILY EVENT Sun 24 June, 1pm, Church World Cup England fixtures. Large screen family event, all welcome to watch the match. Bring your lunch, there will be lots of games & entertainment from our team of pundits, led by Dan Hebden.

DONATIONS: CRYPT The Crypt will be very grateful for any donations of: coffee, mugs, spoons & forks. There is a box in the foyer for donations

j.aldrick007@ btinternet.com 0113 266 1685 john.walker@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

PRISON ALPHA Training Date: Sat 23 June, 9.30am - 3.30pm, St G’s Centre If you’re interested in being part of this ministry (and have week day availability), please contact Emily Spademan or register direct at

alpha.org.uk/events Emily.Spademan@alpha.org

MUDDY PUDDLE WALK Sun 24 June, 3-4.30pm, Golden Acre Park We're going on an adventure! All St G's family and friends are invited to join us for an afternoon stroll. For more details please visit


CALLING ALL ARTISTS We are planning an exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armistice, and to remember the soldiers from our parish whose names are on the memorial in church. To find out how you can be involved, please contact Angie


ST GEORGE’S CRYPT Please pray for the food drive at Waitrose this weekend, that people are generous in their support for the Crypt.

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