30 Sept Notice Sheet

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 Sunday 30th September 2012

Welcome If you are new or visiting, we hope you feel at home. If you require help, do speak to one of the Stewards in the foyer. Feel free to fill in a welcome card and pick up a guide from the welcome desk if you would like to get involved or join a Network.

Today’s Services 10.30am

Fulfilled 1 - Thanksgiving Service Lead: Mark Powley Preach: Jon Swales


You are Invited (HC) Lead: Chris Sayburn Preach: Mark Powley


Community Church Lead: Roy Foster Preach: Christine Shepherd


Wrangthorn Preach: Joanna Pearson

   EXPLORERS is the Children’s Network for 0-11s. Each week we begin in church before going to our groups in the Church Centre. Children need to be collected at 12.00 noon. ROOTS is our Network for 11-18s. We meet down in the Church Centre at 10.20am each Sunday morning and on Friday night from 7-9pm in the Church Centre. STUDENTS are an integral part of the community here and we run student networks during term time. See the network board in the foyer for details.

REFRESHMENTS are served after services in the Community Room. INDUCTION LOOP St George’s is fitted with an induction loop; please speak to a Steward for assistance. PASTORAL CARE We are seeking to be a community where everyone can be supported and cared for. We encourage you to ask for support, or get someone to ask on your behalf and we will respond as best we can.

GIVING There is an opportunity to give during the service. If you intend to give regularly, please pick up Standing Order and Gift Aid forms in the foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY is offered during and after services at the front of church. If you would like to pray about anything, please ask one of our trained prayer ministers. SERMONS are available online. Go to www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk.



We need a team of people for Alpha to set up, serve and clear up. It's great fun and a wonderful service to those on the course. If you can wash up, you can be part of it! Please contact Mike to get involved.

We thank God for his faithfulness in helping us, so far, to achieve our target for this year and a big thank you to all those who are giving to St George's to support our ministries. We face a stiff challenge next year because of (i) a decline in income through the Church Centre as a result of the recession and (ii) a 10% increase in our Parish Share because of our growth over the last 5 years. Please keep praying as the finance committee meets to work on the Budget and for an increase in our general finances. If anyone would like info on regular giving, please contact Janet Gibson. If you are a regular donor, there is a letter for you in the Foyer – please pick it up TODAY! If there isn’t a letter and there should be, contact Janet.


  6:30pm, Sun 14 October Soon we will be having our first ever Network Sunday. Instead of meeting at Church for the 18:30 service we will share life and love Leeds within Networks. Details of events are available on the website or in the foyer.

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/ networks

 We are in real need of willing volunteers to help set up and pack down on a Tuesday morning and to help the children with pre-planned simple craft activities during the session. To help please get in touch with Cat Sayburn.

cat.sayburn@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 Becky, one of our new worship interns, is an experienced piano and clarinet teacher who would like to continue teaching adults and children now she has moved to Leeds. If you would like further information, please contact Becky Holt.

07772410273 becky.holt@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk


 Sat 27 Oct, Centre If you are aged 12 to 99, come along and bring your friends to try out a new art or craft. Jewellery making, pyrography, acoustic open mic, silversmithing, face painting, embossing and card making are on offer from the 50+ Network; £7.50 for one session with lunch, £10 whole day with lunch. Most activities are limited to 6 per session so it will be first come first served. For further info please see the sign-up sheets in the foyer. Please pay when you sign up.

   2-4 Nov, Edale YHA Calling students, recent graduates and other young adults – we’re going to a venue in the Derbyshire Dales that can host over 100 people, gathering for great food, teaching, worship and other fun stuff. £65 up front. Contact Rebeca for info.

rebeca.brook@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

 You are invited to join an augmented Worship Ministry Choir for the Carols by Candlelight services. Rehearsals are on Mondays. All voices are welcome –especially Altos and Tenors. There is no audition.

0113 261 2679 david.jackson600@ntlworld.com

  October 2013, Bethlehem Two members of St G’s are joining a group from Harrogate next year to visit Bethlehem on a two week work placement. Our two members will be working at a hospital for the disabled; our colleagues from Harrogate will be helping Palestinian farmers with their olive harvest. There will be an element of sightseeing around Jerusalem/Bethlehem as well as work. If anyone is interested in joining the group please contact David Kibble.


 7.30pm, Thurs 4 Oct, Leeds Irish Centre, York Road, LS9 9NT UK based band Iona will be performing with special guest Yvonne Lyon this week. For tickets, use the details below.

www.musicglue.com/ astartledchameleon 0113 248 0887

 Beginning Oct 5 & 6, dates throughout Oct and Nov, Ebor Court, LS1 4ND An exciting, interactive course to help you understand God's global purpose and discover the missionary thread from Genesis to Revelation. Involving worship, prayer, subject introductions, discussion groups and more. the course starts next weekend and runs on Friday evenings/all day Saturdays. Cost (to cover materials, drinks etc) £75. For more details call Keith Williams.

  3.30pm, Sundays, South Parade Baptist Church, LS6 This fellowship group meet weekly to discuss various topics concerning the middle east, followed by refreshments. If you are interested, please come along or visit our website.

www.leedsarabicchristian fellowship.com

  4-6pm, Sat 20 Oct, Mosaic Church, LS11 9DB For children in years 3-6, Refuel is a chance for children to come together to explore the Christian faith though games, crafts, sports, conversations, prayer times and more! Visit the website for more info and to preregister your child for the event.


  #Transit

7.30-9.30pm Thurs 4 Oct Evenings at Costa, Headingley A chance to get to know people and be involved with this new network for graduates Take Off Network

12noon, Sunday 21 Oct Coffee after morning service followed by lunch at Thai Edge.

Sunday 18 Nov Sharing food and Making Hampers for Kidz Klub 50+ Network

7.30pm, Thursday 25 Oct Adel War Memorial hall All My Sons by Arthur Miller: A play about love, loss and loyalties by the Adel Players Sign up by 14 October, cost £7

0113 269 6268 kmkwilliams@googlemail.com

 7.30pm, Mon 1 Oct, Church Centre St Barnabas Theological Centre is a new form of leadership training in the north of England. The aim of this EXPLORE evening is to take time, with others, to consider the challenges and opportunities of church leadership and ordination, as well as information about study modules for independent students.

enquiries@stbarnabastraining.org, www.stbarnabastraining.org

 7.30pm, Thu 4 Oct, Leeds Reformed Baptist Church, LS6 4DD Come along to this meeting to encourage Christians to be confident and effective in taking a stand as salt and light in our nation. A team of Christian Institute staff will speak about concerns facing Christians today, defending big issues. Please ring the CI for info.

0191 281 5664

For more info about Networks and how to join one, visit

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/ networks For more info about events please contact the relevant network leaders or the office: 0113 243 8498

reception@ stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

Deadline for the notice sheet

 Mon 1


Student Drop-In // Community Room

Wed 3


Curry and Comedy Alpha Launch // Church Centre

Fri 5

7-9pm 7.30pm

Roots // Church Centre Lou Fellingham & Phatfish Worship Evening // Church

Sun 7

10.30am 5.30pm 6.30pm

Holy Communion // Church Student Teas // Church Centre Evening Worship // Church

  7-9.30pm, Wed 3 Oct, Church Centre Featuring stand up comedian Tony Vino, Join us for a free Curry and Comedy Night to launch our next Alpha Course. All are welcome and there is no obligation to join the course following the launch night. No need to book, just turn up on the night! For info contact Lisa Woodlock.

7.00pm - 9.15pm, Wed 10 Oct, Church Centre Course runs for 10 consecutive weeks The Alpha Course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith. It’s relaxed, low key, friendly and fun. Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile. There is a meal at the beginning of each session, followed by lisa.woodlock@ a talk and an opportunity to discuss in groups. To stgeorgesleeds.org.uk register or for more info contact Lisa Woodlock:

0113 2438498 alpha@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/alpha

  The Church Office is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am & 4.00pm Church Centre St George’s Church Office, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR 0113 243 8498

A multi purpose venue for meetings, conferences and events. 0113 383 2140

reception@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk bookings@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stgeorgescentreleeds.org.uk

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