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Sun 7 Oct 2018

This Week @ St George’s Sunday 7 Oct

St George’s Church 10:30 17:30 18:30

Morning Worship + Infant Baptisms Student Teas Evening Worship

Lighthouse - St George’s Crypt 12:30

Cafe style service and meal Monday 8 Oct 18:00 English Classes Tuesday 9 Oct 10:00 St G’s Tots 13:30 Lighthouse Academy 17:30 Farsi Network Wednesday 10 Oct 13:00 Lighthouse Drop-In Thursday 11 Oct 19:30 Student & International Student Networks Friday 12 Oct 19:00 Roots Sunday 14 Oct 10:30 Morning Worship 17:30 Student Teas 18:30 Evening Worship

Hello and welcome, especially if this is your first time at St George’s. We’d love to meet you and give you a welcome pack. Do come and say hello at the back of church, and stay for a chat if you can.

Networks & Small Groups meet regularly during the week

CONFIRMATION SERVICE Sun 4 Nov, 6.30pm If you are interested in being confirmed, please speak to a member of clergy.

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe and everyone is welcome. For more details please email


FANCY LUNCH? Today, 12.45pm, Pizza Express, Park Square Why not join with others after the morning service to share a delicious lunch at reasonable prices? This is an 'Extra Time' initiative.

St George's Church, Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR | 0113 243 8498 | hello@stgs.org.uk

NEW EVANGELISTS GROUP Tues 9 Oct 7.30pm, Hosted by Ian Wilson at his home in Headingley. All are welcome. For more details contact Ian


NEW WINE MEN’S EVENT Sat 13 Oct, 9:15am 4:15pm, Liverpool Cathedral An inspiring day with great keynote speakers, seminars and a chance to spend time and share lunch with other men from St George’s. If you are able to give a lift or need one, please email

hello@stgs.org.uk For more info and tickets




Cooks and helpers still needed for the Introducing Jesus and the Bible Course. Could you help one evening between 10 Oct and 5 Dec? If so please contact

Tue 9 Oct, 8 - 9.30pm, St George’s Centre We are a small group who meet half-termly to pray for our own family members, who have drifted away from their faith. For more contact Debbie Whitehead


CONCERT FOR THE CRYPT Sat 20 Oct, 7.30pm, St George’s Church The Phoenix Concert Band will be performing a number of well-known pieces from popular musicals. All proceeds to St George’s Crypt, who are raising funds for a new van. Tickets £8 or £5. For details and to book cryptconcert.eventbrite.co.uk


MISSION PARTNERS: NEWS This week Hugh and Heather Nelson (our mission partners in Japan) dedicate their new building in Heda to God. Please continue to pray as they seek to share the gospel with the people of the Izu Peninsula.

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