Welcome Saint Gregory’s is a high performing, oversubscribed, 11-18 co-educational school which was once again rated Outstanding by Ofsted in 2013. Our most recent inspection by Clifton Diocese also rated us as an Outstanding Catholic school. After twelve years in headship, I have come to the view that there is a relatively short list of things which any successful school needs to keep getting right: quality of teaching leading to excellent results for students, very high expectations of behaviour to create a calm and happy school, a very good pastoral system to care for students and their needs, and a range of enrichment activities to engage and motivate students and contribute to their wider education. We will continue to focus relentlessly on these things to ensure that Saint Gregory’s provides an outstanding education for its students.
“This is an outstanding school.”
Every school in the country with high ambitions for its young people would probably say the same, but we have a distinctive foundation or inspiration for our pursuit of excellence: our Catholic Christian values, based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which regards every person as a unique creation of God with an ‘original gift’ to offer the world.
Our aim is to help our students to discover the person they are called to be. In the day to day life of the school, these values are evident in a strong ‘family’ atmosphere. We have a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence balanced by outstanding pastoral care and support which allows our students to flourish and develop as rounded individuals. You are very welcome to come along to our Open Evening on Thursday 25 September from 6.30pm – 9.00pm and our Open Mornings on Tuesday 30 September and Tuesday 7 October from 9.00am – 12.00noon to see Saint Gregory’s for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you personally.
Raymond Friel Headteacher
Ofsted, July 2013 02/03
An outstanding Catholic education for all Our Mission “We believe that every child is made in the image of God and should be valued as a unique and gifted creation with a divine origin and an eternal destiny. As a Catholic school, our aim is to promote the dignity and well being of every child and ensure that they flourish in the course of their journey with us in a safe, happy and enriching environment. We aim to provide our students with the personalised ‘deep learning’ which will help them to gain the skills, knowledge, and understanding of self, others and the world which they will need for a fulfilled and happy adult life. Above all, our aim is to instil in our children Christian values so that they will become principled citizens and witnesses to the Gospel who will contribute to the common good of society.” While we are a Catholic school, you do not have to be of the Catholic faith to apply for a place in our school. Many of our families are not of the Catholic faith but they all have a commitment to what we stand for and are supportive of the Catholic Christian values that we promote.
“Students make an outstanding contribution to the Catholic life of the school and benefit enormously from it. The school ethos is demonstrated by the exemplary behaviour of its pupils, their respect and care for one another, as well as their outreach to others outside the school.” Clifton Diocese Inspection Report, October 2013
A place where young people flourish The governors and staff of Saint Gregory’s are committed to the encouragement of each and every student to realise their full potential, regardless of age, ability or background. We have developed a strong tradition and culture of ‘personalised learning’ based on excellent teaching and learning, equipping our students with the skills, experiences and support that they need to flourish.
“Saint Gregory’s is simply the best school in every possible way. My children have gone from strength to strength due to excellent teaching and pastoral care. They are confident, capable, well-rounded and above all, happy.” Parent
At Saint Gregory’s, the personal development and well-being of our students are paramount and our Christian values are central to our educational purpose, creating an aspirational, enriching and supportive environment for all of our students. From the very beginning of their journey with us, students are welcomed into a House and Tutor group, overseen by a Head of Year. This team is responsible for the academic progress, personal development and well-being of every student in their care. It is a system that has been much valued by our students, particularly those joining in Year 7 who enjoy the security and support that such a ‘family’ environment provides.
A place where young people are challenged and inspired Saint Gregory’s has a traditional curriculum with students studying a broad and engaging range of subjects at Key Stage 3 within a caring Christian pastoral setting. Students study courses in all core subjects ensuring that they develop confidence and subject knowledge across a broad range of academic areas. Our commitment to our specialisms creates a particularly creative and engaging focus for many students as they are allowed to learn how to express themselves through the study of music, drama and dance, whilst the study of science encourages a young person’s natural curiosity, helping them to hone key skills vital for further study at Key Stage 4 and beyond.
‘‘Students’ achievement is outstanding. All groups, including higher ability students, those who speak English as an additional language and those who have special needs, make rapid progress in relation to their starting point and abilities.’’ Ofsted, July 2013
At Key Stage 4, students choose from a range of curriculum areas. We have developed a ‘tried and tested’ provision that allows breadth and balance. The proportion of our students who achieve the English Baccalaureate, a standard that recognises good passes in rigorous GCSEs across a core of academic subjects, is significantly higher than the local and national average.
In 2013, The New Sixth opened its doors to post-16 students. This unique provision builds on the outstanding academic tradition of Saint Gregory’s to inspire our students to continue their studies with us for Key Stage 5. The majority of students will study four subjects in Year 12 and continue with three subjects in Year 13. We offer 24 A level courses, from which students can choose the combination which best matches their future aspirations. Our personalised approach also extends to those who have not yet reached the entry requirements for Level 3 courses and need an additional year to develop skills and confidence. All students of Saint Gregory’s have an automatic place in the sixth form, provided they meet the entry requirements for a fulltime programme of study.
A Specialist School of Performing Arts and Science We aim to inspire excellence in academic achievement to enable students to flourish in their studies and achieve to the very best of their abilities. Every year we celebrate outstanding exam successes, with results significantly above national averages. Our consistently high standards of academic achievement have been recognised by two consecutive Ofsted grades of Outstanding in 2008 and 2013. While we take great pride in our students’ academic performance in many subjects, we are especially committed to developing the skills and talents of our students in our specialisms of Performing Arts and Science.
“Students speak very highly of the chances they are given to explore ideas and take part in activities beyond the classroom.” Ofsted, July 2013
Science results at Saint Gregory’s are well above the national average with more than twice as many students taking Triple Science at GCSE than the national figure. Recent investment in new, state of the art laboratories and our well-established partnership with the Wellcome Trust, creates a vibrant and engaging scientific enrichment. Many of our students are attracted to Saint Gregory’s for the wide range of opportunities that our specialisms offer and we will continue to develop these areas to create life-changing experiences unique to life at Saint Gregory’s.
Performing Arts is a well established specialism at Saint Gregory’s and the highly skilled and committed Performing Arts faculty is well regarded for the high quality of its school productions such as West Side Story, Les Miserables and Oliver to name but a few. 10/11
An International School Saint Gregory’s enjoys an excellent reputation for its provision of enriching experiences and opportunities outside the classroom. We are an outward looking International School giving students a wide range of opportunities to engage in global education projects and meet young people from other countries. We provide many opportunities to travel and experience the richness and cultural diversity of our world. We have well-established partnerships across Europe and Asia with students visiting France, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Turkey through British Council sponsored projects. We have a unique partnership with schools in Suzhou, China. Every year, young Chinese students join us for the summer term and stay with our families. Groups of our students and teachers visit Suzhou to experience the challenging and invigorating reality of modern China.
Taking part in these projects helps students to prepare for life as a global citizen and develop an awareness and understanding of social, economic and political issues that affect people across the world. According to our mission, this is not just for the sake of gaining knowledge, but an invitation to grow in tolerance and understanding of our brothers and sisters in other countries. Students at Saint Gregory’s are encouraged to explore, question and challenge themselves and the world around them in a supportive, caring and nurturing environment. Social, cultural and moral issues are debated in classrooms and throughout our PSHE and Religious Education programmes. This ensures that students develop informed and thoughtful opinions about the world they live in and consider how they can contribute to the ‘common good’ of all peoples.
‘‘The College is strongly committed to international partnerships and considers it vital that students understand what it means to be a part of a global village and to further develop their respect for other cultures.’’ Ofsted, July 2013
A culture of participation, friendship and encouragement Sport is an important aspect of life at Saint Gregory’s with high levels of participation in extra-curricular activities. There is a thriving team culture with students regularly competing in athletics, basketball, rugby (including girls’ rugby), football, cricket, cross-country, hockey, rounders, trampolining and netball.
“Sporting, artistic and dramatic opportunities are outstanding and all students take full advantage of the range of opportunities to develop clear, personal values and to make an impact on school life.” Ofsted, July 2013
Sport is promoted at all levels of ability creating an environment that challenges our students’ skills and talents, inspires them to strive for excellence and above all celebrates participation and achievement, whether this is in an international arena or overcoming a personal challenge. The level of participation in PE lessons is remarkably high thanks to the high standards and level of encouragement from the PE teachers. It is our belief that students should be allowed to explore their talents in a wide range of sports and activities so that they develop a sense of self-awareness, an appreciation for healthy lifestyles and build lasting friendships through teamwork and camaraderie. With over 30 clubs or activities each term, we aim to provide a broad and balanced range of opportunities so that each and every one of our students has an opportunity to shine.
Welcome to the family of Saint Gregory’s, Bath New students are joining an outstanding school with a warm and supportive family atmosphere. We feel that it is important that the journey for every new student begins as early as possible, so that they have plenty of opportunities to get to know the school, our staff and facilities. This approach ensures that when the first day arrives, the adventure is less worrying and more about feeling at home with new friends. To this end, we have a full programme of primary liaison events throughout the year, together with a number of Open Events designed to give prospective families a flavour of our school and all that it can offer. In addition, we welcome families to visit us during a normal school day in order that they can see our school in action and experience its warmth, vibrancy and creativity. Details of these events can be found on the school website throughout the academic year. Appointments to visit Saint Gregory’s can be made by contacting us on 01225 832873. Our full admissions policy is available on our website and applications for Year 7 entry should be made to your home Local Authority before the deadline of 31 October. For further information regarding admissions or to discuss individual needs, please contact the school.
“Saint Gregory’s is a truly nurturing environment for children allowing them to grow and flourish into wonderful human beings.’’ Parent
16/17 14/17
Life in The New Sixth The New Sixth is an exciting collaboration between Saint Gregory’s, Bath and St Mark’s Church of England School. The New Sixth provides a unique post-16 experience in the state sector in Bath and North East Somerset: a high-quality sixth form education with outstanding pastoral support and a wide range of enrichment activities, inspired by our shared Christian values. All sixth form courses take place at Saint Gregory’s, making full use of existing facilities, with expert tuition from teachers of Saint Gregory’s and St Mark’s. The New Sixth builds on the outstanding academic tradition of both schools to inspire our students towards the best possible outcomes, enabling them to continue their journey in the educational or employment setting of their choice. Just as important however, are the values our students learn while they are with us and take into the wider world. We want to develop future leaders who will take their place in society as well-rounded, caring and principled citizens. All students in their final year at Saint Gregory’s have an automatic place in The New Sixth, provided they meet the entry requirements for a full-time programme of study. We also have places for external students who may wish to experience a new type of sixth form provision and who meet the requirements for a full-time course of study. Full information on admissions criteria and application details can be found at www.st-gregorys.org.uk or www.newsixthbath.org.uk.
‘‘Giving our children the opportunity to grow and develop in a spiritually enriching environment like Saint Gregory’s and The New Sixth is clearly a recipe for success. Our children deserve the consistency afforded by a natural progression for students in a school they know and love. The benefit to the school, students and wider community, I believe, is immeasurable.’’ Parent 18/19
Headteacher Mr Raymond Friel MA (Hons), NPQH Chair of Governors Cdr Peter Gilbert MA, MSc, MBA Classification of School Catholic, Voluntary Aided, Secondary 11-18 Co-educational Comprehensive Local Education Authority Bath & North East Somerset
Saint Gregory’s, Bath Combe Hay Lane, Odd Down, Bath, BA2 8PA T 01225 832873 F 01225 835848 E stgregorys_sec@bathnes.gov.uk www.st-gregorys.org.uk