St Gregory’s Catholic College Prospectus 2012-2013
In Christ we Flourish
The moment you step through the entrance you will be contents part of the 4 Welcome Gregory’s Offer St Gregory’s 67 The Our Mission 8 From Primary to St Gregory’s family 9 Location and Facilities
R O B , Ye ar 8 st u d e nt
10 Our Performance 12 Our Christian Foundations 14 Teaching and Learning Academic Development and Curriculum Outline Assessment for Learning 18 The New Sixth 20 Specialism Status 22 International Links 23 Extra Curricular 26 Caring for the Individual 31 Parent Partnership 32 The Governing Body 33 Admissions Policy 34 Term Dates
welcome St Gregory’s is a high performing, oversubscribed, co-educational school with 815 students on roll, which was rated as Outstanding in its most recent Ofsted and Clifton Diocese inspections. As a result of this, the College successfully bid to become a National Support School and I became a National Leader of Education. This meant that in recent years we have been involved in supporting more vulnerable schools which we see as a natural extension of our Christian Mission. In September 2011, I became Executive Headteacher of the Federation of St Gregory’s Catholic College and St Mark’s Church of England School, allowing both schools to share expertise and work together to create learning environments that are innovative, inclusive and enriching whilst allowing each school to retain its individuality and distinctiveness. In September 2013, we look forward to opening a new joint Sixth Form centre for both schools that will be devoted to academic excellence, continuing the strong traditions of pastoral care that is such a feature of St Gregory’s and St Mark’s.
Raymond Fri Executive Heeald teacher 4
As an established, outstanding Catholic school we see our partnership with St Mark’s (which shares a similar vision for education) as an opportunity to create a unique partnership which is mutually beneficial. As I divide my time between the two schools you will be pleased to know that there will continue to be a strong leadership presence. Mrs Barrett is our Head of School and she will be in
charge of the day to day running of St Gregory’s, supported by Mrs Tidball and Mr Mc Dermott as Deputy Heads of School. After almost ten years in headship, I have come to the view that there is a relatively short list of things which any successful Anne Barrett school needs to keep getting right: quality H ead of School of teaching leading to excellent results for pupils, very high expectations of behaviour to create a calm and happy school, a very good pastoral system to care for pupils and their needs, and a range of enrichment activities to engage and motivate pupils and contribute to their wider education. We will continue to focus relentlessly on these things to ensure that St Gregory’s remains the outstanding school that it is. St Gregory’s is a relatively small school with explicitly Christian values and a strong ‘family’ atmosphere. We have a well deserved reputation for academic excellence, outstanding pastoral care and an excellent enrichment programme. We want all students to flourish and develop as rounded individuals who will bear witness to the Gospel in the wider community. This year’s Open Evening for parents considering a place for September 2013 will take place on Thursday 27th September and our Open Morning on Thursday 4th October. Our Sixth Form Open Evening will take place on Thursday 18th October. You are very welcome to come along and see St Gregory’s for yourself. I look forward to welcoming you personally. Raymond Friel Executive Headteacher 5
the St Gregory’s offer We’ve put together a summary of the main attractions of St Gregory’s to show what a child starting in September 2013 can look forward to:
• An outstanding Catholic education within a strong ‘family’ environment • Outstanding pastoral care for our students in an explicitly Christian environment • Exceptionally high standards of behaviour which ensure that our students feel safe in school • Outstanding GCSE results with students making progress which is significantly higher than national and local averages • Excellent enrichment programme • Strong international links which provide an ‘outward looking’ ethos, enabling students to see themselves as world citizens • A place in our new sixth form in partnership with St Mark’s School
Top choice non-fee paying Catholic secondary in the area, in our view. Long journey times from huge catchment area and hotly contested places are testament to the thirst for this kind of spiritual-led education, which turns out great results and thoroughly nice kids Good Schools Guide 2012
our mission
We believe that every child is made in the image of God and should be valued as a unique and gifted creation with a divine origin and an eternal destiny. As a Catholic school, our aim is to promote the dignity and well being of every child and ensure that they flourish in the course of their journey with us in a safe, happy and enriching environment. We aim to provide our students with the personalised ‘deep learning’ which will help them to gain the skills, knowledge, and understanding of self, others and the world which they will need for a fulfilled and happy adult life. Above all, our aim is to instil in our children Christian values and a love of God and his Son Jesus Christ so that they will become principled citizens and witnesses to the Gospel, who will contribute to the common good of society.
St Gregory’s Creed
• We are the family of St Gregory’s. • We believe that everyone is special in the eyes of God. • Everyone should be given a chance to flourish and grow into the people God wants them to be. • We believe that Jesus holds us together: He is the heart of our community. • We believe that God is always with us on our journey. • We believe that racism is wrong because we are all brothers and sisters in the sight of God. • We believe that all cultures should be valued and welcomed. • We believe that bullying has no place in our school and everyone has the right to be safe and happy. • We believe that by working together we can build a better future - a loving heart is all you need. • We are the family of St Gregory’s. Written by the students of St Gregory’s 7
from primary to St Gregory’s A smooth transition At St Gregory’s, we feel that it is important that the journey for every new student begins as early as possible, so that they have plenty of opportunities to get to know the College, our staff, the layout and facilities on offer so that when their first day arrives, the adventure is less worrying and more about feeling at home with new friends. When the students arrive at St Gregory’s in September, they are not just joining the ‘family’ of St Gregory’s, they are joining the ‘family’ of one of the six houses which are a well established part of our pastoral care system. Each student joins a tutor group in their house. They are looked after by their tutor and head of house, who are the first port of call for parents.
In July, as well as the Year 6 Parents’ Evening, when the students can meet their new tutor and house mates, we have the common Transfer Day, usually on the first Thursday of July, and then on the first Friday, a House Night, when the students enjoy their first house competitions with the house captains, while their parents enjoy a sociable evening with the Parents Teachers and Friends Association. Even before that, as soon as parents have confirmed their place for September, our transition team is visiting partner primary schools to find out as much as possible about our new students. This knowledge will help us to get to know them and to meet their needs when they join us for the new academic year. Our new students are joining an outstanding College which has explicitly Catholic Christian values. A good number of our students are not from a Catholic background but their parents want an education for them which is informed by the vision and values of the Church. While we make no distinction whatsover based on the religious background of our students when they join us, it is important that they understand from the beginning the importance of upholding and supporting our values of mutual respect and care for each other based on the values of the Gospel. Our Open Events for 2013 Entry Hopefully, many of you will already have had an opportunity to visit the College and experience for yourselves the famous ‘family’ atmosphere of St Gregory’s. If not, we are holding our Open Evening on Thursday 27 September from 6.30 – 9.00 pm and our Open Morning on Thursday 4 October from 9.15-12.15pm. You are also very welcome to visit us during a normal College day and appointments should be made through the school office.
location and facilities We are located at the southern gateway to the World Heritage City of Bath with beautiful views towards the Severn Estuary and over Bath. Access to the school is easy as it is on main bus routes and next to the Bath Park and Ride terminus. We promote student safety and well-being with ongoing investment in better facilities for pupils. We have created a safe and attractive ‘piazza’ area in the heart of the College, sponsored by the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. There have been other considerable improvements to College facilities in recent years. For example, the education and wellbeing of students was greatly enhanced with the opening of the Kelly Block, a state of the art 12-classroom teaching block. The provision for dance and drama was improved with the opening of the Gilchrist Studio and our sports and leisure provision was greatly enhanced with the completion of a new all-weather pitch with facilities for football, tennis and athletics. Music is well serviced with specialist classrooms and practice rooms for individual tuition in a huge range of instruments, including singing and voice. In addition, all classrooms have interactive whiteboards which have opened up new learning opportunities for the students. We installed a new sound and light system in the main hall which not only provides top quality audio and lighting equipment for performances and assemblies, but provides music in the reception, hall area and piazza. We have recently completed a three-year project to replace all the windows in the College which has greatly improved not only the appearance of the College but the comfort and heat efficiency of the classrooms.
A4 A4
We are delighted to celebrate another year of outstanding results at GCSE which confirms our reputation for academic excellence within the context of a well-rounded education and care for the individual. Half of all our students achieved the coveted English Baccalaureate with well over a third of all results at grades A*and A.
Art & design 25%
Biology 46%
Chemistry 48%
Dance 20%
D&T Food 14%
Drama 23%
BTEC 50% Performing Arts
English 15%
English Literature 23%
French 26%
Geography 20%
German 26%
History 30%
Italian 59%
100% 87%
Mathematics 15%
Music 33%
Physical 21% Education
Polish 59%
Physics 46%
Religious 32% Education
Science 10%
Spanish 32%
Statistics 26%
St Gregory’s
our performance
2010 43% 30% 64% 79% 94%
St Gregory’s
2011 56% 37% 68% 81% 100%
Additional 17% Science
2012 50% 37% 64% 79% 92%
St Gregory’s GCSE results by subject
5+A*-C (EM)*
English Baccalaureate
Summary of GCSE results
Anne Barrett, Head of School
*Subject to re-marking of GCSE English
our christian foundation Collective Worship and Liturgy As a Catholic College, prayer and worship are central to our daily routines. Each morning registration begins with a prayer, led by the tutor or members of the group. The whole College gathers together in two assemblies every Wednesday morning for scripture readings, hymns, prayers, reflections. Students are fully involved in the preparation and presentation of worship and sometimes pupils lead the worship themselves. In addition to daily collective worship, there is weekly voluntary Mass in the chapel, Masses at the beginning and end of year and for holy days of obligation. The Religious Education department also organises reconciliation services during Advent and Lent and special liturgies throughout the year. Preparation for the sacraments is done through local parishes but the College is fully supportive and encourages pupils to take these significant steps in their spiritual development.
Chaplaincy Our College chaplaincy group meets regularly in the chapel and is supported by our chaplaincy assistant. The work of the chaplaincy group represents our Christian values in action. The chaplaincy organises a wide range of activities including meditation, morning prayer, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, rice lunches and other fund-raising activities for CAFOD, sandwich-making for the homeless and weekly creative workshops. The Blessed Sacrament is present through the week in the school chapel. It is a place of great peace and calm. The work of the chaplaincy is supported by our Mission Team, a group of older students who were commissioned during Mission Week 2011 to offer a range of chaplaincy services, including peer counselling and Eucharistic ministry. This year a new group have responded to this challenge and will continue with these important roles.
Retreats The retreat programme has been extended to provide opportunities for every year group. All pupils in Year 7 can look forward to a day’s retreat at Downside Abbey in the autumn term. Later in the year, Year 8 students will have the chance to experience a residential retreat, as will smaller groups in Years 9, 10 and 11. These retreats are very popular with the students as they encounter God in new and vital ways in settings conducive to reflection and prayer.
Religious Education At Key Stage Three, the curriculum is based largely on the Icons programme, with material drawn from The Way, The Truth and The Life. At Key Stage Four, most students will undertake the Edexcel GCSE course, which is ideally suited to a Catholic College. There is a clear focus on Catholic doctrine, philosophy and ethical issues. At the end of Year 10 most students are entered for the full GCSE or short course. Above all, we want all of our students to develop a relationship with the Risen Lord. We are mindful of the fact that they are all at different stages of their life journeys, and that for some, belief will be more important than others. Wherever they are, we aim to be ‘with’ them, to offer support and guidance and resources for spiritual growth.
Education for Personal Relationships This is an area of vital importance in the spiritual development of our young people. Provision is made, particularly within the Religious Education and Guidance programmes, for all pupils to deepen their awareness of the need for loving relationships, based firmly on the teaching of the Church. They consider how best to form and live these relationships in daily life, and examine in the light of the Church’s teaching the moral issues involved in human relationships today. In Year 7, pupils are made aware of the physical changes affecting them and of the purpose of those changes in the pattern of God’s creation. In Year 8, the sacraments are explored and the importance and sanctity of marriage is stressed. In Year 9, human reproduction and its place within the family is studied in greater detail and the significance of a responsible attitude and appropriate respect for oneself and others is highlighted. In Years 10 and 11, the greater maturity of the students requires a more detailed examination of the family and the issues of abortion, family planning, parenthood, HIV/AIDS. All these issues are discussed and explored in the light of Church teaching. Note: Parents have a right in law to remove their child from all or part of the religious education programme or collective worship. While the governors respect this right, and will make individual arrangements if necessary, we would strongly discourage parents from considering this option since it runs counter to the mission of the College and its Trust Deed.
teaching and learning Academic development and Curriculum Outline We will continue to provide all our students with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum within a caring Christian pastoral system Our commitment to the performing arts remains, with all studying music, dance and drama (at Key Stage 3). We consider these to be vital for developing confidence and enhancing self-esteem, as well as nurturing the aesthetic dimension. All students will continue to study at least one language until the end of year 11 and will also be required to study either history or geography until then. This has been well established over the years and has resulted in us achieving 57% in the English Baccalaureate, compared with 23% local average and 17% national average. The English Baccalaureate is a standard which recognises that students have achieved key passes in rigorous GCSEs across a core of selected academic subjects. Above all, we are committed to developing a culture of ‘personalising learning’ based on excellent teaching and learning, top quality advice and guidance and individual mentoring for those who need additional support. Our students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is integral to the education we provide. Therefore our curriculum, our weekly assemblies and our regular house days, all have a strong focus on students’ personal development and well being.
Key Stage 3
All students follow courses in: • Core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Education • Information Technology • Art and Technology • Modern Foreign Language: French, Spanish, German.
Please contact school for policy and rationale regarding which languages are studied in each year group.
• Humanities: History and Geography, • Performing Arts: Music, Dance and Drama • Physical Education • Personal, Health and Social Education and careers education
A very high ‘‘ proportion of outstanding teaching occurred during the inspection, and overall teaching and learning are of the highest quality.
Students show a real thirst ‘‘for learning and take pride in their work and their college ’’ Students overall, including ‘‘and/orwith those learning difficulties disabilities and those .
from different minority ethnic groups, are now consistently making outstanding progress in their studies. Ofsted
Key Stage 4 Students study from a range of curriculum areas. Although the KS4 curriculum is reviewed annually to take into account developments in subject examinations and government guidelines we have developed a well ’tried and tested‘ provision which provides breadth and balance and enables the vast majority to achieve the English Baccalaureate (as described above). Parents and students are provided with up to date information and guidance when ready to choose options.
The general pattern of study is as follows: • English Language and English Literature • Mathematics • Science • Religious Education • A modern foreign language (French, Spanish, German) • History or geography • PE (non-exam) • PSHE (non-exam) Students are also offered the opportunity to widen their subjects to include two options from: • Triple Science • Art • Dance • Music • History • Geography • Additional language • PE • Drama • Spanish • Product Design * • Textiles * • Computing * • Business * * These subjects are studied at St Mark’s School
Assessment for Learning
Special Educational Needs
The partnership between parent and school is fundamental in ensuring that children achieve to their full ability and we know that parents will want to play a fully supportive role in helping their child through their school life at St Gregory’s
We believe that homework is an essential part of the learning process in secondary school. It provides students with the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom through individual tasks or an extended project over a period of time. Homework forms a regular part of the learning process and our expectations are that homework should be completed to a high standard and on time.
The curriculum is designed to recognise and value the gifts and intelligences of all our pupils. We recognise that not all students will be able to access the National Curriculum in the same way or at the same pace as other students. Some students may need additional support. This will include special tuition in small groups, in-class support from teaching assistants and one-to-one provision as much as the College budget allows. All teaching staff are provided with data and information about pupils to allow them to differentiate their lessons as far as possible to meet the needs of their students.
The school will provide an annual report in line with statutory requirements and provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss their child’s progress through Parents’ Evenings. These events are essential for maintaining a positive line of communication and for sharing any praise, concerns or issues that either party may have. Parents are also encouraged to engage in regular discussions with their child and look closely at school books to monitor progress. Each student in Key Stage 3 and 4, is set a Target for the end of the Key Stage. In Key Stage 3, students will be set Target Levels and in Key Stage 4, Agreed Target Grades. These targets are based on data which is provided by the Fischer Family Trust, the organisation the government is now using to provide performance data for every school in the country. Progress towards targets is measured three times a year in Progress Reports. Effort, behaviour and homework are also monitored very closely. Students in Year 7 are taught in mixed ability groups up until the end of term 1 with the exception of maths where they will be placed in sets. In Term 2 students are streamed for most subjects and taught in broad bands for PE. We will continue to develop our assessment of students’ work by embedding the principles of assessment for learning. This involves a greater involvement of students in their learning, ensuring that they know exactly what they must do to achieve their targets through the use of careful focused comments after major pieces of work.
Each student will receive a homework timetable during the first week of term in September. This timetable has been compiled to enable the student to get into a homework routine and to protect them from homework ‘overload’. It is important to note that in years 10 and 11 the pressure of controlled assessments and revision requirements requires flexibility on the part of both teachers and students. Teachers will endeavour to co-ordinate deadlines whenever possible but this may not be possible because of unavoidable subject clashes. Year 11 students and parents will receive a timetable of coursework deadlines early in the autumn term to enable them to plan their work effectively. As a guide each subject’s homework assignments in years 7, 8 and 9 should take no more than 20 to 30mins. However, some students choose to spend more time than this, which is to be applauded, so long as it leaves them time for family activities and hobbies. No homework will be set for year 7 students in the first two weeks in September (with the exception of maths) so that they can settle into their new school routine.
Work-related learning Careers education is an integral part of the Guidance programme, becoming progressively more detailed as the students move towards the end of Key Stage 5. The emphasis is on enabling the young person to make realistic choices, of the options as outlined above, and then of the progression routes after St. Gregory’s which are best suited to his or her abilities and aspirations. The careers programme is led by the tutors and covers key areas such as self-assessment, decision-making, the implications of subject choice, career information and advice. From Year 9 upwards, our careers guidance staff work closely with our external careers consultant and Connexions to ensure that the most appropriate advice is given to our pupils as they move closer to further education and a choice of career. The Government is increasing the age to which all young people in England must continue in education or training, requiring them to continue until the end of the academic year in which they turn 17 from 2013 and until their 18th birthday from 2015. Most will go on to sixth form. From September 2013 our students will be able to continue with their education here.
Gregory’s is ‘‘anStcollege outstanding where students thrive ’’ . Ofsted
The Sixth ‘‘Forms of St Gregory’s and
St Mark’s have come together to create a unique provision for young people in the Bath area: a high quality Sixth Form built on Christian foundations. We want all our students to continue to develop the values, confidence, knowledge and skills they need for adult life, and to grow into caring, well-rounded citizens who will contribute to the common good of society.
the New Sixth The New Sixth is an exciting collaboration between St Gregory’s Catholic Sixth Form College and St Mark’s Church of England School, funded and supported by Bath and North East Somerset Council. With £2.8m capital funding we will provide a learning environment of the highest quality, including a dedicated learning resource centre for Sixth Form students on our new site adjacent to St Gregory’s. All Sixth Form courses will take place at St Gregory’s, making full use of our existing facilities, with expert tuition from teachers of St Gregory’s and St Mark’s. The New Sixth will open its doors for the first cohort of students in September 2013. Our vision for The New Sixth is to provide a unique post-16 experience in the state sector in Bath and North East Somerset: a high-quality Sixth Form education with outstanding pastoral support and a wide range of enrichment activities, inspired by our Christian values. For us, this means that each student is uniquely gifted and will be supported in his or her Sixth Form programme in the best traditions of both schools. We will build on the outstanding academic tradition of our schools to inspire our students towards the best possible outcomes, enabling them to continue their journey in the educational or employment setting of their choice. Just as important to us, however, are the values our students learn while they are with us and take into the wider world. We want to develop future leaders who will take their place in society as well-rounded, caring and principled citizens. You are very welcome to come and see for yourself how our plans have taken shape in the last few years to the point where we are ready to deliver an outstanding new Sixth Form for the area. Our Open Evening will be held on Thursday 18 October 6:00pm - 9:00pm at St Gregory’s and will provide an opportunity to discover what life as a New Sixth student will be like. We are committed to providing the same level of personalised support, both in and outside of the classroom, that has been recognised as outstanding. We will always provide a caring supportive environment and all individuals will be warmly welcomed into the student body. Admissions All students in their final year at St Gregory’s and St Mark’s have an automatic place in the Sixth Form, provided they meet the entry requirements for a full-time programme of study. We also have places for external students who may wish to experience a new type of Sixth Form provision and who meet the requirements for a full-time course of study.
Staying at St Gregory’s would change my education for the better, as I could carry on learning with teachers that know me and the way I work.
T im , Ye ar 10 St G r e gory ’ s Cat h olic C oll e g e
Giving our children the ‘‘ opportunity to grow and develop in a spiritually enriching
environment like St Gregory’s is clearly a recipe for success. Our young adults deserve the consistency afforded by a natural progression to senior students in a school they know and love. The benefit to the school, students and wider community, I believe, will be immeasurable.
B Marden, parent
and the Wardrobe and The Wizard of Oz. In these productions, the performing arts team were able to rehearse three separate casts for the leading parts taken from years 7, 8 and 9. In recent years we have also organised visits to galleries, a house dance competition, a highly successful breakdance group, a poet in residence, choirs and music ensembles, as well as entering teams for the annual Midsomer Arts Festival.
Our Christmas production this year is Les Miserables. I managed to get my first singing solo and I can’t wait to take part – I am so excited!
Jane, Year 10
The College year ends with Enrichment Week which provides many opportunities for students to take part in workshops and performances with workshop leaders drawn from local and national arts companies. We offer a range of arts provision for the local community, including Three Ways special school, and have close links with Bath Festivals Trust, and Creative Factory.
The College ‘‘status as a Performing Arts
College supports an outstanding range of activities to promote individual difference and diversity.
Inclusion Quality Mark Report
Performing Arts and Modern Foreign Languages Specialisms While we pride ourselves on our academic performance in many subjects, we are especially committed to developing expressive talents in our students in the areas of music, dance, drama and the visual arts. Our specialist strength in languages also allows us to offer a range of languages up to GCSE level, as well as evening language courses for parents (contact the College for details). We have worked closely with our partner primary schools to develop languages, especially Spanish, and have strengthened our international links with visits and reciprocal arrangements with Spanish schools in Cordoba and the Canary Islands, as well as an extended visit from Chinese students from Suzhou district. Performing arts have long been a strength at St Gregory’s. Each year, we offer a full programme of arts activities, productions and workshops for students. In recent years we have staged a number of outstanding productions which have involved hundreds of students, including West Side Story, Les Miserables, Oliver, Grease and High School Musical. Other highlights of recent years have included our Wellcome Trust-sponsored Stem Cell production at Kingswood Theatre, and another Wellcome Trust multi-media project on organ donation, A Matter of Life and Death and Life, bringing together a wide range of artists and students; our Global Eyes project, our CARA project which involved artists from ethnic minority backgrounds working with our pupils on the theme of identity, and our Key Stage Three productions of Beauty and the Beast, Annie, The Lion, the Witch
Since 2002 we have enjoyed the benefits of a state of the art dance and drama accommodation, the Gilchrist Studio. In 2005, we received a grant to re-furbish our Art rooms and in 2006 we received further funding to re-locate the music room and practice rooms from its cramped accommodation in the main building to spacious new accommodation. The new suite consists of a music classroom, equipped with the latest music technology, a rehearsal room, a recording centre, office and four spacious practice rooms. We have further extended curriculum opportunities in music, dance and drama and by offering more opportunities for extra curricular activities after school. In September 2012 a group of talented GSCE drama students will also complete an AS in the performing arts. Over a quarter of our students take peripatetic music tuition. Specialist training in strings, brass, vocal, percussion and woodwind ensemble skills feature strongly in the College. Several large ensembles and small chamber groups provide performance opportunities. Many students are members of county and national musical groups.
Specialist status ‘‘force was a driving behind the personalisation of opportunities for students in the curriculum and enrichment activities.
The school has specialist ‘‘ language status; Spanish is particularly strong, but we
were also impressed by the lively German class we popped into, where pupils were speaking unselfconsciously in a supportive environment. Polish and Italian were also put on last year; Japanese on demand
Good School Guide 2012
Extra Curricular Opportunities We offer a wide range of lunch time and after school activities designed to promote pupil well being and increase participation in the life of the community. Many staff give of their time to put on activities and clubs. In addition to our thriving team culture relating to sport (see PE section) there are numerous opportunities available to students including:
International Links St Gregory’s is an outward looking International School giving students a host of opportunities to become involved in Global Education projects.
Cultural and spiritual development is exceptionally strong and students put into practice in their day-to-day work, the values they learn in the College.
We have well established ongoing partnerships across Europe and Asia with students visiting France, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Turkey through British Ofsted Council sponsored projects, and to our partner school in Suzhou, China. Additionally a group recently travelled to Namibia on a development project. We are currently preparing to link with a Diaspora community and facilitated by Bristol based education school in West Bengal, India. charity, African Initiatives.
Taking part in these projects helps students prepare themselves as global citizens, more aware of social, economic and political issues that affect people across the world and wanting to make a difference by sharing what they know with their peers, and making their views known within the school and wider community.
• Art Club • Astronomy Club • Basketball Club • Boys’ Choir • Bravo Brass • Chaplaincy Group • Chess Club • Composing Coursework • Cricket for boys and girls • Dance Club • Debating Society • Drama Club • Duke of Edinburgh • Fencing Club • Flute Salad • Girls’ Choir • Homework Club • ICT Club • Maths Challenge • Maths Masterclasses • Revision Classes • Rock School • Rounders • Saxophony • Science Club • Show Choir • Swing Band • Tag Rugby • Trampolining • Weight Training • Zumba
We have been similarly involved with Bethlehem Link learning about issues surrounding Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Each spring we welcome a group of 20 year 7 Chinese students to the College for two terms. They come to improve their English skills and join in a full St Gregory’s programme of study Projects have included ‘fair shares’ – disparity between the rich and activities. They bring a host of experiences to share with our students in lessons and performances and run a regular and poor, individuals, communities and countries. ‘Healthy China club with activities lifestyles’, ‘Rights to education’, ‘Living on a dollar a day’. such as Mandarin lessons, These are live issues which are debated in class and in the PHSE programme. Students who have a bigger picture of world calligraphy, Kung Fu and affairs are better able to make a contribution and to have their Chinese kites. The Chinese students are hosted by St voices heard. Gregory’s families. Equally we are engaged in projects from other countries and all of our KS3 students have been involved in a 3 year project to In 2011, our programmes challenge perceptions about Africa – with topics ranging from were recognised by the Full International Schools Award. climate and geography to civil war, rights of women to trade and tourism. This was delivered by members of the African
Physical Education and Games Sport is an important aspect of life at St Gregory’s with high level of participation in extra-curricular activities. St Gregory’s has a thriving team culture with teams in athletics, basketball, rugby (including girls’ rugby), soccer, cricket, cross-country, hockey, rounders, trampolining and netball. St Gregory’s offers a wide range of activities with the help of many staff who contribute their time and skills to the development of teams. We run a full and high quality fixture list throughout the year, competing across schools and county. We also have a very successful house system where each year groups compete against each other in many sports, such as netball, football, rugby, basketball, dodgeball, tug-of-war, rounders and athletics. We also run one-off trips to major sporting events, such as a trip to see Australia v Pakistan at Lord’s and bi-annually run a very successful sports activity trip to Spain to participate in netball and football. The school currently has an indoor gymnasium and hall with separate male and female shower and changing facilities. Our outdoor sporting facilities include an all-weather Astro pitch, cricket practice areas, several hard court areas and provision for athletic track and field events. Recent sporting achievements include: Rugby Y10 B&NES RUGBY CHAMPIONS, B&NES Super 8s Cup champions Girls’ Rounders B&NES Champions Girls’ Netball B&NES runners –up Girls’ Basketball County Champions Friendly Athletics Cup runners up Tennis KS3 County tennis champions Athletics KS3 boys B&NES champions Boys’ Football Spanish Inter-Sport Competition
Healthy Eating Our College contract caterers are Sodexo, a company of national standing and reputation. A key part of their work is the need to provide healthy eating options and good value within the guidelines set down by government. As a caterer with considerable experience, Sodexo has already made a considerable difference to the quality of our catering. We are well ahead of government targets to introduce healthy eating and nutritional standards in all schools. Sodexo run a Breakfast Club before College, a ‘snack shack’ and milk bar at break and lunch, as well as a lunchtime servery which offers an appetising range of hot and cold food. Students are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the day. They may bring transparent plastic bottles into College which can be refilled from our water coolers. Our School Senate works closely with Sodexo to provide feedback from students and ideas for further development.
I am now almost ‘‘atyear the end of my first and I am fully
caring for the individual Personal Development and Well-Being
House Days
At St Gregory’s the personal development and well-being of students is at the heart of our work and central to our Christian values and educational purpose. We will continue to ensure that our students are safe and happy in College, that their achievements are celebrated, they take part in the community and are prepared for a life of witness when they leave school. The following features of College life are intended to promote those aims. In addition, students with additional learning needs are supported by the school’s SENCO and team of learning support assistants.
In the course of the year we have four House Days, when the normal timetable is suspended. These days provide very important opportunities for us to review the progress of every student through progress reports, to offer individual mentoring for students, to hold house assemblies, and to provide a quality guidance programme, involving visiting speakers and organisations. The guidance programme is carefully planned to support and inform students at different stages of their life in the school and covers settling into secondary school, learning how to learn, careers advice, health education and all the other areas normally found in a ‘PSHEE’ (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) programme.
Pastoral Care
Our pastoral care is based on our long established house system. We have six houses, named after popes: Peter, Clement, Alexander, Benedict, Leo and John Paul.
As well as the award of housepoints, good behaviour and good witness to Christian values can also be rewarded with verbal praise, written praise in student journals, certificates at year assemblies, prizes at annual prizegiving, and letters home. We have Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards for the numbers of housepoints acquired by students. These awards are then sent home in the post, and are very well received by students and parents. With the kind support of our PTFA, we are also able to hold Bronze, Silver and Gold draws at assemblies, with vouchers for the lucky students. Staff draw up lists of students to be praised for effort and achievement. These lists are posted on our website and College noticeboards. The feedback from students and parents about these developments in our rewards systems has been very positive. It has all helped to strengthen the very positive culture which has always existed at St Gregory’s.
Each house has a head of house who leads a team of tutors. This team is responsible for the academic progress and personal development and well being of every student in their house throughout their journey at St Gregory’s. Where possible, the tutor stays with the same students from Year 7 to 11. Students can earn housepoints for good work in lessons and overall contribution to the life of the College. Running totals are read out at assemblies to encourage and celebrate participation. An extensive calendar of house competitions, sporting and academic, runs through the year, culminating in our annual Sports Day in July. We also have an experienced Student Support Service, made up of teaching and support staff. The team provides learning and behaviour support and a full programme of activities designed to support those students who experience difficulty in their learning or with their behaviour.
Cultural and spiritual ‘‘ development is exceptionally strong and students put into practice in
their day-to-day work the values they learn in the college.
confident with myself and I am thoroughly enjoying my time at St Gregory’s.
Student Voice The main forum for the voice of the students is the College Senate. This meets once a month and consists of twelve senators, one boy and one girl from each year, as well as the head boy and head girl. There are members of staff on the Senate, representing teaching staff and support staff, as well as the Executive Headteacher, who attends all meetings. In 2010 we launched a new Eco Schools Council with a remit to develop all aspects of sustainability and healthy schools. This council, along with our Green Team, made an immediate impact by introducing recycling, reducing litter, and developing the healthy eating agenda with our caterers Sodexo. We also hold Mission Conferences each year at which students speak very impressively about what they see as our mission and beliefs and how we are living up to them. In 2010 we extended our student voice opportunities by introducing a sports council, a chaplaincy council and a leadership council and these continue to thrive.
College Trips St Gregory’s has an excellent record of trips at home and abroad. Thanks to the commitment of staff, last year we offered College trips to Spain, France, Germany, and America, as well as trips in the United Kingdom to Kilve Court in Somerset, Morfa Bay and Rock’s East for camping and many Performing Arts trips to galleries and performances in London and other places. In 2010 we introduced a very popular Duke of Edinburgh option for Y10 students and this summer 25 students will take part in an adventure trek to Namibia. Many of these trips and activities will run this year. Parents should look out for details nearer the time.
Behaviour for Excellence A very high standard of behaviour is expected of students at St Gregory’s. A calm and orderly atmosphere is important to ensure the dignity and safety of all members of the community. In the classroom, it is of the utmost importance that the right atmosphere for learning is maintained. Around the College, and on the way to and from College, students are expected to behave with dignity and respect for each other, their environment, and the local community. The College Behaviour Policy, Behaviour for Excellence (available on request or on the website) sets out a clear and fair system of sanctions to discourage unacceptable behaviour based on our Christian values. There is a very strong emphasis on praise, reward and celebration.
Students feel safe ‘‘inexemplary college, where behaviour
reflects the high moral values promoted.
Attendance and Transport
The College uniform consists of a dark green blazer with the College badge and motto, for the boys a white shirt and College tie and grey trousers. Last year we introduced a new girls’ uniform of blazer and blouse with revere collar, with a skirt available only from our suppliers. The blazer, tie and girls’ skirt should be purchased directly from our supplier Trutex, or from Scholars in Bath.
In law, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children attend school. A young person’s progress and development can be adversely affected by absence or frequent lateness. There has been a growing trend across the country in recent years for parents to take annual leave during term-time to take advantage of cheaper holiday rates. The College cannot support this practice. If there are exceptional circumstances, such as on compassionate grounds, then parents may write to the Deputy Head of School (Behaviour and Attendance) and ask him to authorise a student’s leave of absence. In most cases, the College will not support such a request. Please make sure that any holidays are arranged to coincide with the College holidays.
For greater convenience and value for money, the College operates a catalogue ordering system with Trutex. Parents can order uniform on-line, by post or by telephone. The uniform is delivered to either a home or work address usually within a week. Uniform should always be worn properly. A very high standard of uniform is a key part of our aim of sustaining excellence. The only jewellery permitted is a watch and a single stud earring in each ear. Make-up, extreme hairstyles, including dyed or shaved patches, and nose or other facial studs or piercings are not permitted.
Transport to College is the responsibility of parents. We have been very fortunate at St Gregory’s over the years to have had groups of very dedicated parents who organise coaches from the towns and villages across our large catchment area. Places on these coaches cannot be guaranteed. From September 2012, Wiltshire County Council will cease to offer any prectical suppost in providing transport for pupils.We have looked closely at how we can ensure that all families have a cost effective transport option. We can confirm that we have taken on the bus route and will continue to provide a quality service from Chippenham. We continue to work closely with colleagues from B&NES transport to reach agreement on an attractive transport option. A new route from Kingswood will be introduced in 2012. For more information on transport please contact the College directly.
Equal opportunities We aim to develop and educate all students to their full potential regardless of their gender, race, culture, faith, physical or intellectual activities. As a Catholic school we firmly believe that every member of our school family should be valued equally. We recognise that any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying is harmful to the individual, our whole school family and education itself. Any mental, physical, verbal intimidation causing stress and anxiety is dealt with promptly and efficiently.
Disability Access In consultation with students and parents who are disabled, we have drawn up a Disability Access Plan to establish practical steps towards ensuring greater access to the site and the materials provided by the College. The Plan is available from the College on request.
parent partnership We look to parents as our partners in the education of their children. The more closely we can work together with them, the greater the benefit will be for the student. We ask parents for their support in helping to maintain the standards required as a College which is sustaining excellence. We ask parents to take a close interest in the work and behaviour of their children and to sign the pupil planners each week. The planner is one of the many ways the College and parents can communicate with one another. There is an excellent weekly newsletter which goes home by student post and posted on our website each Friday. This keeps parents informed about events in the College. There is also a Parents’ Forum which meets once a term in the College. This is open to all parents and is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet members of the College Leadership Board and discuss and explore issues of general interest. In Year 7 there are several opportunities for parents to come in to meet tutors and teachers to discuss the development and progress of their child. This is to help parents adjust from their experience of primary school where there is generally more regular contact with staff. After Year 7, there is an annual parents’ evening as well as an Options Evening in Year 9, a Target-Setting Evening in Year 10 and two Target-Setting evenings in Y11. An annual survey of parental views is an important element of our self-evaluation. This is invaluable in our ongoing commitment to provide an outstanding education.
Gift Aid We ask that all parents make a contribution to the College funds. As a Catholic College, our capital expenditure is not fully funded by central government. Each year the governors have to raise 10% of the costs of all capital expenditure. In any one year this could mean a figure in the region of £10,000. It is therefore very important that all families make a contribution towards this cost. If donations are Gift Aided then the College can benefit further. Parents are contacted annually, early in the autumn term, with requests for donations.
Complaints There may be occasions when parents are unhappy with some aspect of the College’s provision. In the first instance parents should try to resolve the issue informally with the appropriate member of staff. This will depend on the nature of the concern. If the concern is over a pupil and his or her welfare, then the tutor is the first contact and then the head of house. The majority of concerns are dealt with and resolved in this way. If there is still no resolution, however, parents may wish to pursue a more formal complaint. Full details of how to do this are available from the College. It is worth noting that formal complaints are very rare. We have very good relations with parents and sensible and thoughtful dialogue is usually the best way forward.
Parents are welcome to come to College at any time to discuss the progress of their child. We do ask, however, that an appointment is made in advance. If there is a pressing concern, we will always try and meet parents without an appointment but this is not always possible. An excellent way for parents to take part in the life of the College and contribute to the education of their children is to join the PTFA (Parents Teachers and Friends Association). The PTFA organises many fundraising events and contributes a great deal to the welfare of the pupils. For more details please contact the PTFA c/o College.
Family Support Officer In partnership with St John’s Catholic Primary schools in Bath, we have set up an effective system for helping those families who need extra support with aspects of the educational system or help in dealing with difficult domestic circumstances. This support is provided through our jointly appointed Family Support Officer.
the Governing Body
admissions policy 2013-14
The Governing Body consists of twenty one members. The full Governing Body meets usually once in each of the six academic terms, with additional sub-committees meeting more regularly. The committee structure deals with specific issues relating to finance, Christian vision, curriculum, student achievement, student welfare, premises, and staffing.
For Entry to Year 7 in September 2013 and for Casual Applications from September 2013-July 2014
Chair of Governors Mrs M Goodbody Vice Chair of Governors Mrs A Corrigan Foundation Governors Mr G Batt Mrs S Dustin Mr J Eddison Mr R Fernandes Mrs K Fishlock Cdr P Gilbert Mr P Irvine Mrs C James Mrs M Prangley LEA Governors Cllr S Bevan Ms S Pendle Executive Headteacher Governor Mr R Friel Staff Governors Mrs A Barrett 1 x Vacancy Support Staff Governor 1 x Vacancy Parent Governors Mrs L Dodgson Mr D Jessep Mrs K Nott (Associate) 1 x Vacancy Clerk to Governors Mr M Corrigan
The Governors of St Gregory’s ‘‘Catholic College are a group
of 21 people from all walks of life, bringing experience and commitment to the governance of our school. We work closely with staff, both teaching and administrative, as well as with parents to ensure the best outcomes for all students. We set the strategic direction of the school, monitor and evaluate its progress in achieving aims and objectives, and provide support and challenge to the school. Recognised as ‘OUTSTANDING’ by OfSTED and by the Diocese of Clifton Inspection Report, St Gregory’s develops students as individuals, enabling them to flourish academically, spiritually, emotionally, morally and socially. As governors, we take very seriously our responsibilities to support the development of our students in every respect while they are in our charge. As governors of a Catholic school, the Foundation Governors are particularly mindful of our responsibilities towards maintaining and developing the strong and purposeful Catholic ethos of St Gregory’s which permeates all aspects of school life.
1 St Gregory’s is a Catholic voluntary aided secondary school, which was established by the Diocese of Clifton. It primarily serves designated Catholic parishes in Bath and North East Somerset, North West Wiltshire and the north of the County of Somerset and admits children of 11-16 years. A map of the designated area is available for inspection at the school office. The governing body, acting in accordance with arrangements agreed with the Clifton Diocesan Committee for Schools and Colleges and Bath and North east Somerset locals Authority and within the Code of Practice, is responsible for admissions. In line with the new Code of Practice for Admissions, the governing body, as admissions authority for the school, will operate an equal preference system. In the event of oversubscription, all applications for the school will be considered equally against the oversubscription criteria and ranked in order of how they meet the criteria. This information will be given to the Local Authority (LA) who will then consider all applications for each applicant and offer the highest preference which is available. 2 The governors will admit up to the planned admission level of 160 for pupils entering Year 7 in September 2013.
6 In the event of over subscription, the governors will offer places according to the following criteria applied in sequence: 6.1 Baptised Catholic children in public care (looked after children). 6.2 Other Baptised Catholics within the designated area of the college and any baptised Catholics at Our Lady of Lourdes school in Kingswood
3 Admissions outside the normal age group will be individually considered and the advice of the LA’s specialist advisers (eg Educational Psychologists) and other relevant professionals, including the child’s present Headteacher, will be sought before a decision is made.
6.3 Other children in public care (looked after children).
4 For families living within B&NES, application for a place at the college should be made on the B&NES common application form and this should be submitted to the Admissions and Transport Department at Bath and NorthEast Somerset Council, PO Box 25, Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham BS31 1DN by 31 October 2012. For families living outside of B&NES, parents should indicate their preference for a place at St Gregory’s on the application form for their own LA e.g. Wiltshire, Somerset, South Gloucestershire. These authorities will then inform B&NES about this preference who will in turn inform the Governors of St Gregory’s.
6.5 Those children within the designated area attending the eight Catholic partner primary schools (i.e. St. John’s, Bath; St. Mary’s, Bath; St Benedict’s, Midsomer Norton, SS Joseph and Teresa, Wells; St Paul’s, Yate; St. Patrick’s, Corsham; St Mary’s, Chippenham; and Our Lady of Lourdes, Kingswood) who have brothers and sisters already at St Gregory’s College at the date of application and who will be in attendance at the time of admission.
In addition parents/carers should complete an ‘Additional Information Form’ issued by the College in order that the governors may apply their admissions policy fairly and consistently. Failure to do so may affect which category of applicant a child is placed into. These forms should be returned to the Admissions Officer at St Gregory’s by 31 October 2012. Governors may consider supporting evidence (e.g. baptismal certificate, reference from minister, references and/or certificates regarding performing arts aptitude) sent in up to the date of the Governors’ Admissions Panel meeting in December 2012. After the submission deadline of 31 October 2012, any applications received by the Local Authority will be treated as a late application and will not be considered until the first round of offers have been made and then the over-subscription criteria will be applied. Any late applicants should complete their home LA’s common application form and return it to their home LA as soon as possible. The College’s additional information form should, however, be sent to the school direct.
5 The governing body will consider all applications against its policy criteria and inform the LA of places to be offered. The LA will offer places on behalf of the governing body on 1st March 2013. A waiting list, including late applications from families moving into the area or who were otherwise unable to apply by the specified date, will be maintained until the end of the academic year in line with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated scheme. Applicants will be ranked in the same order as the over-subscription criteria and places offered on that basis, with the exception of children who are subject of a direction by the Local Authority or who have been allocated to the College in accordance with the local Fair Access Protocol, who will take precedence over those on the waiting list. Applications received after the end of Term 1 October 2012 will be considered as in year applications as outlined in paragraph 8 of this policy.
6.4 Children who live in the designated area whose parents are members of, and adherents to, other Christian denominations.
6.6 According to the provisions set out in section 102 of the 1998 Standards and Framework Act (also: paragraphs A. 69 – 72 of the School Admissions Code of Conduct) the governors will offer up to 16 (i.e. 10%) places to those pupils who can demonstrate an aptitude in the performing arts ie Music, Dance, Drama and who live in the designated area. 6.7 Other children within the designated area with brothers or sisters already at the College at the date of application and who will be in attendance at the time of admission. 6.8 Other pupils at the Catholic partner primary schools (see: 6.5 for list) within the designated area, and children from Our Lady of Lourdes within the designated area 6.9 Other children within the designated area. 6.10 All other children.
For categories 6.1, 6.2, a baptismal certificate must be submitted with the College’s Additional Information Form for applicants to be considered within these categories. A map of the designated area is included with this policy. For category 6.4 a member of other Christian denominations is a person who is baptised or initiated according to the rites of that denomination. Adherence means current and regular worship (regular means once a month attendance at church). According to the advice of Clifton Diocese adherence to that denomination needs to be supported by a minister of that denomination; a letter of reference Proforma, available from the College, completed by a minister of religion therefore must be submitted with the College’s Additional Information Form for applicants to be considered within this category. For category 6.6 the College’s Aptitude in the Performing Arts Form must be submitted to the College by 31 October 2012 with details of aptitude in the relevant subjects in addition to the College’s Additional Information Form. Governors may consider supporting evidence (e.g. references and/ or certificates regarding performing arts aptitude) sent in up to the date of the Governors’ Admissions Panel meeting in December 2011. In the event of more than 16 children applying for places within this category all category 6.6 applicants will be invited to an audition in the College during term 2, organised and assessed by specialist staff, to help the governors arrive at fair and objective decisions based on aptitude. Those children who are not offered a place in category 6.6 will be placed in the appropriate category 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 or 6.10. Definitions a. Brother and sister are defined as children who share one natural parent, step brother or sister, or have been legally adopted or fostered into the family. b. Looked after children i.e students in the care of the Local Authority, or who have been previously and are now formally adopted. 7 Tiebreakers Categories are filled in order, beginning with 6.1. When applications exceed the number of places available in any category, places for that and all remaining categories will be allocated using the ‘random allocation’ technique in front of a witness with no connection to the College. When using random allocation within a category, priority will be given initially to sibling applicants who will be drawn first. 8 In Year Applications From September 2012 all applications, including in year applications i.e. applications for places in existing year groups which fall outside the normal admission round(s), must be referred to the Local Authority who will forward details to the College for consideration by the Admissions Committee against the criteria listed in paragraph 6 above. As with all applications, an additional information should be completed. This will allow the governors’ admission panel to determine the applicant’s category. 9 Multiple births In the event of applications from multiple births applying within the same category and drawn on a random allocation basis, siblings will be considered as one application and when this entry has been drawn each sibling from the family will be given a consecutive rank order. In the event that the awarding of places to multiple birth siblings means breaching the planned admission number, Governors will do so in order to offer places to all siblings within one family.
10 Appeals procedure Parents have a right to appeal against a refusal by the governing body to admit their child and should put their appeal in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the college within 15 working days of receiving the letter of refusal. Appeals will be arranged by the Diocesan Department for Schools and Colleges and conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice on School Appeals. 11 Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs There is a different procedure for the admission to school for children with Statements of Special Educational Needs: it is administered by the LA in whose area the family lives. The LA is responsible for issuing the Statement and consulting parents and the governing body of St Gregory’s, if a preference has been made for the college, before the college is named in the Statement. This final policy was determined by the Full Governing Body on 29 March 2012.
term dates 2012-2013 Term 1 Start Monday 3 September 2012 Finish Friday 26 October 2012 Term2 Start Monday 5 November 2012 Finish Friday 21 December 2012 Term 3 Start Monday 7 January 2013 Finish Friday 8 February 2013 Term 4 Start Monday 18 February 2013 Finish Friday 22 March 2013 Term 5 Start Monday 8 April 2013 Finish Friday 24 May 2013 Term 6 Start Monday 3 June 2013 Finish Monday 22 July 2013 The above dates are based on 195 days. Inset Days Monday 3 September 2012 Tuesday 4 September 2012 (except Y11: Target setting) Friday 28 September 2012 Friday 22 March 2013 Monday 22 July 2013
St Gregory’s is simply the best school in every possible way. My children have gone from strength to strength due to excellent teaching and pastoral care. They are confident, capable and well rounded par e nt
St Gregory’s Catholic College Combe Hay Lane, Odd Down, Bath, BA2 8PA Tel 01225 832873 Fax 01225 835848 e-mail Executive Headteacher Mr Raymond Friel MA, NPQH Head of School Mrs Anne Barrett BEd (Hons), MEd Chair of Governors Mrs M Goodbody BA, MA, PGCE Classification of School Catholic, Voluntary Aided Secondary 11-18 Co-educational Comprehensive Local Education Authority Bath & North East Somerset Diocese Clifton