THE College was founded in 1886 by Miss Elizabeth Wordsworth under the title of St. Hugh's Hall. It was recognised from its foundation as an independent institution by the Association for the Education of Women in Oxford, and in 1888 its Principal, with the Principals of Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville Hall, became members of the Council of that body. In 1891 St. Hugh's Hall was placed under the management of a Council: it was constituted under a Deed of Trust in 1894, ttnd incorporated in 1911 under the Companies' (Consolidation) Act (1908) under the title of St. Hugh's College. On November 1st, 1910, it was recognised by Decree of Convocation.
COUNCIL MEETINGS, 1914-15. Saturdays in the third and sixth weeks of Full Term.
COUNCIL (1913-14). The Ven. T. H. ARCHER Hourmox, D.D., Archdeacon of Oxford and Canon of Christ Church, President. Rev. W. LOCK, D.D., Warden of Keble College, Ireland Professor of Exegesis, Representative of the Hebdomadal Council. Miss MOBERLY, Principal. *Miss E. A. PHILLIPS, Hon. M.A., Bristol, St. Hugh's College, Head Mistress of Clifton High School. *W. H. MOBERLY, Esq., M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Lincoln College. *J. L. BRIERLY, Esq., M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College. *The Ven. H. L. WILD, M.A., St. John's College, Archdeacon of Sou thwell. *A. J. JENKINSON, Esq., M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College. *Miss J. W. KIRKALDY, Somerville College, Tutor. t Miss WORDSWORTH. f Miss E. E. WARDALE, Ph.D., Zurich, St. Hugh's College, Tutor. t W. HAMILTON FYFE, Esq., M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Merton College. -f Miss A. M. A. H. ROGERS, Society of Oxford HomeStudents, Tutor. -I- D. H. NAGEL, Esq., M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College. -1- Miss E. G. POWELL, Somerville College. §R. E. BAYNES, Esq., M.A., Student and Tutor of Christ Church, Lee's Reader in Physics. §S. M. BURROWS, Esq., M.A., Exeter College. §Miss E. F. JouRDAIN, Dr. Univ. Paris, St. Hugh's College, Vice-Principal and Tutor. § Miss MORDAN. §Illiss C. M. ADY, St. Hugh's College, Tutor. §W. G. S. ADAMS, Esq., M.A., Fellow of All Souls College, Gladstone Professor of Political Theory and Institutions. HON. TREASURER.
Rev. G. B. CRONSHAW, M.A., Fellow and Bursar of Queen's College. HON. SECRETARY.
Miss A. D. GREENWOOD, Somerville College (334 Banbury Road, Oxford.) * Until 1914.
$ Until 1915.
§ Until 1916.
The President. The Treasurer. Ven. H. L. Wild.
The President. The Secretary. The Principal. Miss Ady.
FINANCE. Mr. Burrows. Miss Greenwood. SCHOLARSHIPS. Miss Jourdain. Mr. Nagel. Miss Rogers. Miss Wardale.
BUILDING AND APPEAL COMMITTEE. Mr. Brierly. The President. Mr. Jenkinson. The Treasurer. Mr. Nagel. The Secretary. Miss Wardale. The Principal. Miss Powell I co-opted 1913). The Vice-Principal. Miss Kirkaldy Mr. Burrows. (co-opted 1914).
M r. Nagel.
(Lady Margaret Hall, Somerville College, and St. Hugh's College.) Miss Jourdain. Mr. Nagel.
Miss Rogers. Miss Wardale.
Miss E. F. Jourdain, Dr. Univ. Paris. TUTORS.
Miss Rogers—Classics. Miss Wardale, Ph.D., Zurich—English. Miss Kirkaldy—Natural Science. *Miss E. F. Jourdain, Dr. Univ. Paris—French. *Miss C. M. Ady—Modern History. *Miss E. M. Thomas—German. LIBRARIAN.
Miss E. M. Thomas. * Resident in the College.
REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. January 1913—June 1914. THE third General Meeting of the College took place on Friday, April 18th, 1913, when Miss Jourdain, Mr. Baynes, and Mr. Burrows were re-elected Members of Council by the Members of the College. Subsequently Miss Morda,n was re-elected, and Miss Ady and Professor Adams elected by the Council, and Miss Greenwood appointed Secretary. The General Meeting will this year be held on the last Friday of Trinity full Term, in the belief that this is likely to prove more convenient and agreeable than the earlier date to the majority of the members of the College. The College and the Council have to regret the resignation of Professor Rait and the loss, both as Members of the Council and as Tutors, of Mrs. Fisher and Miss Deneke, who resigned in 1913 : the former, because she was leaving Oxford ; the latter, upon her appointment as Tutor in German and Domestic Bursar at Lady Margaret Hall. Miss E. M. Thomas has been appointed Librarian and Tutor in German. The chief pre-occupation of the Council since the commencement of the year 1913 has been the consideration of the New Building to be erected for the College on the site at present known as " The Mount," at the junction of St. Margaret's Road with Banbury Road. Mr. H. T. Buckland, of Birmingham, has been appointed Architect, and has prepared plans which have met with the approbation of the Council. Building is to begin during the present summer, and it is hoped that the new College may be ready for use in October, 1915. It is designed to accommodate 71 students, a large increase on our present number, and in order to avoid refusing applicants for October, 1914, and to provide towards the increase of students in 1915, a furnished house, 18, Bradmore Road, large enough to lodge ten students, has been rented for the academic year 1914-15.
8 An encouraging response has already been made to the appeal for financial help, so that the site has been definitely secured. For the actual Buildings a sum of at least £20,000 will be required, of which a part may be raised by loans at 4%, secured upon the College property. But it is earnestly hoped that the friends of the College will use their best endeavours to procure in gifts a sufficient proportion of the estimated cost to prevent the College from being hampered by financial anxiety and • to enable the whole of the much-needed buildings to be erected together. The Library Committee has lately been reconstructed, in order to secure a fuller representation of the needs of the various Honour courses. It is now composed of ail the Tutors of the College, ex-officio, together with one representative of the Council and two representatives of the students. The Council has decided that certificates shall be issued to students who (a) have passed any of the University Examinations in Honours, (b) have both passed such Examinations and satisfied the conditions as to standing, etc., which are required from undergraduate members of the University. The latter certificate (i.e. for the Degree course) is practically identical in form in all the five Recognised Societies of Women Students in Oxford. The plan of holding the Examination for Scholarships in conjunction with Lady Margaret Hall and, in some subjects, with Somerville College, was proposed in 1913, and the Scholarship Examinations in 1913 and 1914 have been so conducted. The new scholars were :— In 1913: D. E. Owen (English), Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. E. S. Nicholas (History), Clapham High School. M. Perham ( History), St. Anne's, Abbots Bromley. In 1914: H. C. Allen (English). M. C. Stanford ( French), Roedea.n School ,B righton. Miss E. M. 1'. Oliver's Scholarship has been deferred for one year, in order to enable her to spend a year studying
9 in France ; and Miss 0. M. Potts has been granted an extension of her Scholarship for another year. It is of great interest to record that Miss Wardale, Tutor of this College, was appointed to lecture for the Mediaeval and Modern Languages Faculty of the University in Hilary Term, 1914. During the period January, 1913, to June, 1914, the students have attended University and College lectures and lectures arranged by the Association for the Education of Women in Oxford in the faculties of Literati Hurnaniores, Mathematics, Natural Science, Jurisprudence, Modern History, English Language and Literature, Modern Languages, and they have worked in the Chemical Laboratories at the University Museum and at Balliol College, and in the Geological, Zoological, Wykeham Physical and Botanical Laboratories. In the Final Honour Schools (1913) Miss D. Ibberson and Miss M. R. B. Shaw were placed in the First Class (French), and the following in the Second Class :—Miss D. G. Lawson Lewis (French), Miss S. E. L. Rogers (History), Miss E. M. Thomas (German), and Miss M. Whitfeild (French). Recent appointments are— Tutors. Miss H. C. Deneke, Domestic Bursar and Tutor in German, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Miss E. M. Thomas, Librarian and Tutor in German, St. Hugh's College, Oxford. Headmistresses. Miss Constance Hedley, the High School, Louth. Miss McCall, St. Mark's, Alabane, Switzerland. Miss B. M. Sparks, Colston's School, Bristol. Lecturers. Miss E. M. Lidbetter, Lecturer on the Montessori Method. Miss M. R. B. Shaw, Assistant Lecturer in English, Ecole Normale, Sevres.
10 Assistant Mistresses. Miss L. E. Auld, Wycombe Abbey School. Miss A. M. Baker, the High School, Wolverhampton. Miss E. Blades, the High School, West Kirby. Miss G. M. E. Cunnynghame, the High School, Colchester. Miss W. S. H. Horner, the High School, Kendal. Miss D. Ibberson, Lycee de Jeunes Filles, Moulins, France. Miss V. M. Macpherson, the High School, Louth. Miss E. de Putron, the High School, Norwich. Miss J. M. Pym, the High School, Winchester. Miss F. Robinson, the High School, Doncaster. Miss E. Roechling, Roedean School, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Miss M. H. Roechling, Havergal College, Toronto. Miss M. L. Slocombe, Mathematical Mistress, Ladies' College, Guernsey. Miss E. M. Wallace, Queen Anne's School, Caversham. Other Appointments. Miss Joan D. Cooke, Labour Exchange Organiser, Western Counties. Miss Jean Douglas, Research Secretary, American Industrial Bureau, Wisconsin, U.S. A. Miss L. V. Southwell, Organizer, Student Movement.
Late Mistress of Method, Training College, Leeds.
Sister in the Community of the Epiphany, Truro. Assistant Mistress, High School, Falmouth.
Assistant Superintendant, School for the Blind, Manchester. Late Head Mistress, Bishop Corrie's School, Madras.
* First Examination Preliminary Examinations—Physics, [Chemistry Class III. Chemistry, 1889. Alternative Course Diploma. * First Examination * Pass— Latin, Greek, Ancient History, 1889. * First Examination Preliminary Examinations—Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, and Morphology Class II. Botany, 1889. Alternative Course Diploma. M.A., Dublin (ad eundem). * First Examination * Class II. Modern Languages, 1890. Honour Certificate. * First Examination Preliminary Examinations—Chemistry, Mechanics, Physiology, Morphology Class II. Botany, 1890.
2. Emmerson, Jessie Annie ( Mrs. II. Price)
3. Jourdain, Charlotte Emily (m)
4. Parsons, Grace Isabel
5. Birley, Margaret Hornby
6. lye, Mary (died Oct. 12111, 1896)
Late Head Mistress, High School, Lincoln.
* First Examination * Pass—French, German, Modern History Preliminary Examination—Botany, 1889.
1. Ashburner, Constance Ella ( died Feb. 9th, 1910)
Examinations marked * are conducted by the Delegates of Local Examinations in Oxford and Cambridge. M. denotes membership of the College. Indicates that a complete certificate was not gained. t Indicates distinction. Students marked a are still in residence.
* First Examination * Passt.—Political Economy, Logic, French Modern History School,T. 1891
* First Examination * Pass— French, German, Modern History,1888
* First Examination * Class I. Modern Languages, 1889 Ph.D. (Zurich) Honour Certificate.
14. Wardale, Edith Elizabeth (as)
16. Langston, Beatrice (Mrs. Yates)
15. Williams, Evelyn Mary
* Oxford Senior Local * Pass—French, German, Modern History, 1887 * Class II. Modern History, 1889
13. Iles, Sybil Maud (Id) (Mrs. A. Cox)
11. Barker, Constance Lilian (at) Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board (Mrs. J C. R. Braine-Hartnell) * Pass—French, German, Modern History, Mathematics, 1890 12. Ellison, Mary Anna * First Examination * Pass—French, German, tModern History, 1889
10. Barker, Alice Lee (Mrs. C. P. Wright)
9. Spooner, Eleanor Mary
8. Robinson, Henrietta (Mrs. J. A. R. Marriott)
7. Mitchell, Wilhelmina Jane de Lona * First Examination * Pass1:—French, German, 1888.
1887-8 (continued).
Private Teaching.
Association Tutor in English ; late Vice-Principal, St. Hugh's Hall.
Sister in the Community of the Epiphany, Truro.
* First Examination
19. Selby, Georgiana
Lecturer, Training College, Dudley.
Association Teacher and Lecturer ; Mistress of Private School, Oxford ; late Vice-Principal, St. Hugh's Hall. Lecturer of the University of London. Member of the Faculty of Arts, and of the Board of Examiners for the Degree of B.A. in the University of London.
* First Examination
* First Examination
* First Examination * Pass—Latin, German, tModern History, 1888 * Class III. Modern Languages, 1891
* First Examination * Class I. English, 1892 Honour Certificate.
22. Abbott, Annis Mary
23. Bell, Ethel Edith
24. Holiday, Mary Maud (N)
25. Lee, Margaret Lucy (M)
Private Teaching.
* First Examination
Late Head Mistress, Diocesan School, Grahamstown, S. Africa.
Sanitary Inspector.
21. Malone, Annie Julia Georgina
20. Owen, Edith Adams (Scholar)* * First Examination Class II. Modern History, 1893 (Mrs. W. Hob/muse) Honour Certificate.
* First Examination
18. Gore, Edith Henrietta (Mrs. C. W. Daubeny)
* First Examination 17. Breeks-Atkinson, Sabette Nora ( Scholar) * Pass—French, German, Mathematics, 1891
* First Examination * Pass—French, tGerman, English Literature, 1892.
28. Townsend, Annie Burgess (Mrs. Payan Dawney)
* First Examination Class III. Modern History, 1895. Honour Certificate. B. A. , Dublin (ad eundem). " First Examination * Class III. English, 1894. Honour Certificate. * Cambridge Higher Local Class III. Modern History, 1893. Honour Certificate.
32. Spackman, Rosa Jane ( Mrs. Warington)
33. Turner, Julia Elizabeth
Assistant Mistress, City of London School.
Assistant Mistress, Queen Margaret's School, Scarborough.
30. Knox, Ellen Mary
31. Mammatt, Winifred Mary (N)
Lady Principal, Havergal College, * First Examination Toronto. * Pass—Latin, French, Political Economy, Logic Class I. English, 1885 Class II. Modern History, 1887
29. Goodchild, Amy Chanter (Mrs. C. V. Brayne)
Late Head Mistress, C. M. S. College, Chundicully, Jaffna, Ceylon.
Lecturer at St. Denys College, Warminster.
* First Examination * Pass—Latin, Greek, Modern History, 1895.
* First Examination Class III. Modern History, 1893. Honour Certificate.
27. Simpson, Violet Adelaide
1890-1 (continued). * First Examination Class II. Modern History, 1893. Honour Certificate.
26. Matravers, Edith Charlotte (at)
* First Examination * Pass—French, German, Modern History, tPolitical Economy and Logic, 1395. * First Examination. * First Examination. London Matriculation * Class III. Modern Languages, 1895. Honour Certificate. * First Examination * Class II. English, 1895. Honour Certificate.
40. Fowler, Annie Clark
41. Hudson, Hilda Marion
4th Kershaw, Susan Eleanor (Mrs. H. C. Gent)
43. Thompson, Mary Evelyn Elizabeth
* First Examination * Pass—French, German, English Literature, 1896. * First Examination * Class III. Modern Languages, 1895. Honour Certificate.
39. Fairbanks, Annie Llanganna
3S. Dodsley-Flamsteed, Mabel Alariou
49. Bond, Agnes (Mrs. Ar. Willson)
London Matriculation B. A. (London) Class II. Classical Moderations, 1894. M.A., Classics, (London,) 1895.
35. White, Susan Amy (Sehotar)
36. Watson, Jessie (Scholar) (NI;
London Matriculation * Class II. Modern Languages, 1893.
34. Weston, Maria Dolbiac
1891-2 ( continued). * First Examination Class IV. Modern History, 1894.
District Secretary to the London Charity Organisation Society.
Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Tottenham.
Private Teaching.
Mistress of Auckland School, Bexhill.
Assistant Mistress, Oxford Preparatory School for Boys Director of the International School of Opera, Paddington Street
* First Examination Class III. Modern History, 1895. Honour Certificate. * First Examination * Pass—French, German, Mathematics, 1895. * First Examination * PassT—French, Latin.
45. Williams, Alice Mary
46. von Etlinger, Florence
47. Holman, Mabel Colgate (died May nth, 1897)
* First Examination. * First Examination Preliminary Examinations—Chemistry, Mechanics and Physics, 1895.
51. Inman, Winifred Frances (died Jan. 13th, 1896)
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board Class III. Modern History, 1896. Honour Certificate.
49. Hatch, Evelyn Maud (M)
•50. Portsmouth, Laura
London Matriculation Class II. Modern History, 1896. Honour Certificate.
48. Wilson, Mary Agnes ( Scholar) (M) ( Mrs. A. S. Ramsey)
Mistress of Preparatory School, Brighton
1892-3 (continued). * First Examination * Pass—French, German, English Literature, Modern History, 'Mathematics, 1894.
44. Ward, Frances
Assistant Mistress, Grey Coat School, Westminster.
Assistant Mistress, Girls' Intermediate School, Newport, Mon.
* Oxford Senior Local Class III. English, 1897. Honour Certificate.
57. Bell, Amy Elizabeth
Responsions Holy Scripture, 1895. Pass Moderations, 1896. Pass Finals:—Group B 2, 5, 1897.
Universities' Mission, CentralAfrica.
* First Examination Class I. English, 1897. Honour Certificate.
56. Abdy, Dora Charming
58. Grattan, Emma Hepzibah Grafton
Assistant Mistress, Godolphin and Latymer Girls' School, Hammersmith.
* Oxford Senior Local * Higher Local—I-French, Latin, Political Economy, Logic, 1895 Class IV. Modern History, 1897 Alternative Course Diploma.
* First Examination * Higher Local;.—French, tLatin, Religious Knowledge.
Head Mistress, St. Anne's, Abbot's Bromley, Rugeley.
55. Bird, Priscilla (Scholar) (u)
54. Wordsworth, Dorothy Mary (died Sept. 3rd, 1898).
Responsions, 1894 Pass Moderations, 1895 Holy Scripture, 1895 Class I. English, 1898. B.A. Diploma. M.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
53. Rice, Marcia Alice (u)
1893-4 ( continued ). * First Examination Class I. English, 1897. Honour Certificate.
52. Wilson, Helen Isabel
66. Joel, Christiane Sophie (Mrs. Houghton)
* First Examination, 1896 Preliminary Examinations—Morphology, Chemistry, 1898.
Responsions, 1896. Classical Moderations, 1898.
* First Examination—H. T. 1894 Class IV. Modern History, 1898. Honour Certificate.
64. Burnett, Mary Elizabeth (Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar)
65. Eakin, Mary Louise
* First Examination Class 1. English, 1898. Honour Certificate.
* First Examination.
63. Barter, Cecily Dora (Scholar) (M) ( Mrs. R. Harvey)
62. Olivier, Edith Maud (M) (Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar)
Responsions, 1895 Class III. Mathematical Moderations, 1896 Holy Scripture, 1897 Class IV. Mathematics, 1898. B.A. Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
Late Head of Branch High School, Truro.
Mistress of Private School, Llandudno.
Head Mistress, Colston's School, Bristol.
Mistress of St. Michael's Hall, Seaford.
* First Examination * Class IV. Modern Languages, 1897. Honour Certificate.
60. Simpson, Julia (at)
61. Sparks, Beatrice Margaret (m)
Private Teaching.
1894-5 (continued). * Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board * Higher Local—French, Latin, Music, [Modern History, 1896
59. Medill, Gertrude Isabel Kathleen (M)
* First Examination. * First Examination, 1896. Class III. English, 1899. Honour Certificate.
69. Stoton, Florence Elizabeth (Mrs. G. A. Thomas)
70. Stark, Helen Douglas Mactear (died September end, 1909)
* First Examination. * First Examination. * Higher Local:::--French, German, English Literature, 1897.
74. Bulkeley, Margaret Mary
75. Fear, Hilda Mina
73. Grant, Margaret Annie (Scholcir)(m) * First Examination, 1896. Class II. Modern History, 1899. Honour Certificate.
Assistant Mistress, Greycoat Hospital, Westminster.
Head Mistress, Withington Girls' School, Manchester.
Mistress of St. Michael's Hall, Seaford.
* First Examination, 1895. Class III. Modern History, 1898. Honour Certificate.
68. Simpson, Margaret Lindley (As)
Responsions. 71. Watson, Elizabeth Beatrice Leslie (Mrs. Swetenham) * First Examination. 72. Wiglesworth, Hilda Elizabeth Class III. Modern History, 1897. (Mrs. C. Visick) Honour Certificate.
Late Assistant Clerk, Crown Agency, Colonial Office.
* First Examination, 1895. * Higher Localt.—French, Modern History, Political Economy and Logic, 1897.
67. Langston, Frances Miriam (Mrs. H. R. Teed)
1895-6 (continued).
Responsions, 1897. Class III. Classical Moderations, 1899.
80. Steer, Grace Eva
82. Ash, Lilian (m) ( Mrs. Bentley)
Responsions, 1897. Additional Subject, 1897. Preliminary Examinations—Morphology Chemistry, 1899. [and Botany, 1898. Mechanics and Physics, 1900. Holy Scripture, 1900. Class II. Zoology, 1902. B.A. Diploma.
81. de Castro, Inez Pauline Melanie * First Examination, 1897. Class III. English, 1900. Lopez ( Scholar) (M) Honour Certificate. Late research Student, Bedford College.
Assistant Mistress, Godolphin School, Salisbury.
London Matriculation. Class III. Modern History, 1899. Honour Certificate.
79. Prideaux, Ethel Mary Charlotte (NI)
Assistant Mistress, St. Saviour's and St. Olave's Grammar School, Southwark.
Responsions, 1897. Pass Moderations, 1898.
Head Mistress, High School, Louth.
* First Examination, 1896. Preliminary Examination--Mechanics and Physics, 1899. Class III. Mathematical Moderations, 1899. Pass Finals, Group B. (2) (3) 1910. Additional Course Diploma.
77. Hedley, Constance
78. Leach, Dorothy ( Mrs.
Head Mistress, Warehousemen Clerks and Drapers' School, Rossell Hill, Purley, Surrey.
* First Examination, 1895. Class I. English, 1899.
76. Hamilton, Rose Elizabeth
1896-7 (continued).
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. * Higher Local:—German, English Literature, 1898. Class III. English, 1901. Honour Certificate. Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. * Class I. Modern Languages, 1897. Class I. English, 1899. M. A. , Birmingham. Honour Certificate. * First Examination. Pass Moderations, 1896. Holy Scripture, 1896. Pass FinalsT—Group D, 1897. * First Examination, 1897. Class III. Modern History, 1900. Honour Certificate.
86. May, Elsie Gertrude
87. Penny, Ethel Maude
88. Warner, Elizabeth Beatrice (Mrs. Twentyman)
Responsions, 1897. Holy Scripture, 1899. Class III. Classical Moderations, 1900. Pass Finals, Group A 1, 1900. Group C, B 2, 1906 B.A. Honour Certificate. M.A., Dublin (ad eundern).
84. Hodge, Dorothy Mary Vere (rd)
85. Hunt, Ethel Annie ( Mrs. Langston)
Responsions, 1898. Holy Scripture, 1900. Classical Moderations, 1901.
83. Buxton, Winifred Edith (Mrs. Fairlie Watson)
1897-8 (continued).
Head Mistress, High School, Lichfield.
Lecturer, Montessori Method.
* First Examination, 1897. Class II. English, 1901. Honour Certificate.
93. Lidhetter, Evelyn Mary
95. Rickards, Helen Augusta
94. Price, Helena
* First Examination. * Higher Local — French, tGerman, History, Religious Knowledge, Literature, 1898. Class II. English, 1901. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1898. Class III. Classical Moderations, 1901. Holy Scripture, 1901. Pass Final, Group A 2, 1901.
House Mistress, Hereford High School.
Community of the Convent of the Holy Name, Malvern Link.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Monmouth.
* First Examination, 1895. * Higher Local—French, Latin, Religious Knowledge, tMathematics, 1891. Class III. Mathematical Moderations, 1901.
92. Coombes, Louisa
Responsions, 1898. Pass Moderations, 1899. Holy Scripture, 1899.
Assistant Lecturer, Secondary Training Department, Bedford College. Reader in Education, University of London.
* First Examination, 1898. * Class II. French, 1901. Honour Certificate.
90. Batchelor, Frances Marion Stewart (M)
91. Blamire Brown, Rachel Eveline
Lecturer in History, Whitelands Training College, Chelsea.
1898-9. * First Examination, 1897. Mathematical Moderations, 1901. Class II. History, 1904. Additional Subject, 1905. Holy Scripture, 1907. Alternative Course Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
89. Crick, Margaret Mary (Clara Evelyn Mordan and Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar) (M)
1898-9 ( continued).
Late lecturer, Training College, Hereford.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Colchester. Assistant Mistress, High School, Redland, Bristol.
" First Examination, 1898. Class II. History, 1902. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1899. Pass Moderations, 1900. Holy Scripture, 1900. Class II. History, 1903. B.A. Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem). * First Eximination, 1898. Class II. History, 1902. Honour Certificate. * First Examination, 1899. Class III. English, 1902. Honour Certificate. * First Examination, 1899. * Oxford Higher Local, 1901.
98. Wyld, Florence Maria
99. Dening, Christina Leonora Annabel (Scholar) (Mrs. H. Richardson)
100. Cunynghame, Georgina Maude [Evelyn (u)
101. Hamilton, Grace (4)
102. Levett, Dorothy Margaret Newell ( Mrs. Levett)
Head Mistress, Girls' School, Hyderabad.
" First Examination, 1898. Class I. English, 1901. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1898. Classical Moderations, 1901. Holy Scripture, 1901. Pass Finals, Group B 1, 2, 1901. Group A 1, 1902. B.A. Pass Diploma.
97. Woodhouse, Alice Isabel (u) (Airs. Shebbeare)
96. Titley, Ellen Margaret
108. Wigg, Mary Elizabeth (M)
107. Shuttleworth, Margaret Annie (Ottley Scholar)
106. Ady, Cecilia Mary (Scholar) (se)
105. Horner, Winifred Sophy Hannah
104. Browne, Mary Elizabeth (M)
103. Woodman, Hilda
( continued).
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1894. Class II., History, 1903. Honour Certificate.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Preliminary Examinations, Chemistry, 1900. Mechanics and Physics, 1901. Zoology, 1902. Class I. Geology, 1904. Alternative Course Diploma.
* First Examination. Class I., History, 1903. Honour Certificate.
HeadMistress,BurlingtonSecondary School, London.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Bournemouth.
Tutor, St. Hugh's College.
Head of Boarding House, High School, Kendal.
Responsions. Classical Moderations, 1901. Holy Scripture, 1905. Pass Finals, Group A2, 1906.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Truro.
Assistant Mistress, GreycoatSchool, Westminster.
* First Examination. * Class II. French, 1902. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1899. Pass Moderations, 1901. Holy Scripture, 1901. Pass Finals, Group A 2, Group B 1, 2, 1902. B.A. Pass Certificate.
* First Examination, 1899. Class IV. History, 1904. Honour Certificate. * First Examination, 1899. Class IV. English, 1904. Honour Certificate.
111. Ludwig, Ida Dorothea
112. Vaux, Ethel (Mrs. Hewitt)
Responsions, 1901. Additional Subject, 1902. Holy Scripture, 1902. Preliminary Examinations, Chemistry, Zoology, Mechanics and Physics, 1902. Class II., Chemistry, 1905. B.A. Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local. Class III. English, 1904. Honour Certificate.
110. Hales, Ada Matilda Mary (at)
113. Rogers, Lilian Constance ( Scholar ) (at)
* Cambridge Higher Local. Junior English Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1901. Senior English Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1902. Class I., English, 1903. Responsions, 1906. Pass Moderations, 1907. Holy Scripture, 1907. Honour Certificate. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
109. Deneke, Helena Clara (at)
1900-1901 (continued).
Assistant Mistress, Grammar School, Lewisham.
Assistant Mistress, Grey Coat School, Westminster.
Domestic Bursar and Tutor, Lady Margaret Hall.
* Oxford Senior Local, 1900. Class II., History, 1904. Honour Certificate. * Oxford Senior Local. Class III., French, 1905. Honour Certificate.
120. Pearson, Elizabeth Helen
Mistress of Private School, Burrage
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Responsions, 1901. Preliminary Examinations, Mechanics and Physics, 1902.
117. Freeman, Annie
119. Johnston, Janet Alison (M)
Assistant Mistress, High School, Wellingborough.
Responsions, 1903. Class III., History, 1904. Honour Certificate.
116. de Reyes, Inez Magdalena
* Cambridge Higher Local. Preliminary Examination, Zoology, 1903. Chemistry, 1904.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Plymouth.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board Class III., History, 1904. Honour Certificate.
115. Dawson, Lilian Irene
118. Hunter, Helen Caroline
Demonstrator, Bedford College, London.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1902. Preliminary Examinations, Zoology, 1904. Chemistry, Botany, 1904. Class I., Geology, 1906. Alternative Course Diploma.
114. Bowen Colthurst, Peggy de Billinghurst Freda
1901-1902 (continued).
Additional Subject through Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1900. Responsions, 1901. Preliminary Examinations, Mechanics and Physics, Chemistry, 1902. Holy Scripture, 1903. Class IV., Chemistry, 1905. B.A. Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
122. Webb, Mildred Nellie (Mrs. W. Mease)
124. Tew, Margaret Jane (Scholar) (Charlotte Mary Yonge Scholar)
Responsions, 1901. Pass Moderations, 1903. Holy Scripture, 1903. Class II., History, 1905. B.A. Diploma.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. 123. Eppstein, Zoo (M) ( Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar) * Cambridge Higher Local, 1895. Junior English Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1903. Class I., English, 1905. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1901. Pass Moderations, 1902. Holy Scripture, 1902. Pass Finals, Group B 1, 2, 1903. Group C 7, 1905. B.A. Pass Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
121. Snowdon, Edith Mary Henrietta (M)
1901-1902 (continued).
Assistant Mistress, High School Graham Street.
Assistant Mistress, St. Saviour's and St. Olave's Grammar School for Girls, London..
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1903. Class III., English, 1905. Honour Certificate. Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1902. London Matriculation, 1900. Class III., History, 1905. Honour Certificate.
128. Goddard, Rhoda Winifred (at) ( Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar)
129. Sprules, Dorothy Winifred (14)
* Oxford Senior Local, 1901. Class II., History, 1905. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1903. Holy Scripture, 1903. Pass Moderations, 1904. Class IV., English, 1906. B.A. Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
126. Dod well, Dora
127. Wilson, Amy Mary (at)
London Matriculation, 1900. Preliminary Examinations— Zoology, Mechanics and Physics, 1903. Chemistry, 1903. Botany, 1904. Class III., Zoology, 1906. Responsions, 1907. Holy Scripture, 1907. Alternative Course Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
125. Bazeley, Elsie Theodora (M)
Missionary work in India.
Assistant Mistress, Girls' Grammar School, Ware.
Lecturer in Science, Whitelands Training College.
135. West, Winifred Susan Bartholomew (m) ( Mrs. R. Bowen-Colth.urst)
Responsions, 1902. Preliminary Examination, Botany, 1903. Chemistry, 1903. Zoology, 1904. Class II., Geology, 1906. Alternative Course Diploma. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
Tutor in English and Librarian, St. Hilda's Hall, Oxford.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1903. Class I., English, 1906. Honour Certificate.
134. Todd, Louisa Fentham (m)
Assistant Mistress, County School, Truro.
Head Mistress, High School. Plymouth.
* Oxford Senior Local, 1901. 133. Seelly; Gertrude Mary Michaud Class IV., English, 1906. (M) Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1904. Pass Moderations, 1904. Holy Scripture, 1904. English Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1904. Pass Finals, Group B2, 1905, B I & 3, 1906. B.A. Pass Certificate. B.A., Dublin (ad eundem).
Assistant Mistress, High School, Wolverhampton.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1904. Class II. English, 1907. Honour Certificate.
131. Baker, Adelaide Maud (m)
132. Potter, Margaret Preston (m)
Assistant Mistress, Girls' Grammar School, Bradford.
* First Examination, 1907. Class II., History, 1906. Honour Certificate.
130. Lardelli, Maria Louisa (m) (Scholar)
Responsions, 1904. Class II. Modern History, 1907. Honour Certificate.
Universities' Mission, Central Africa. Private Teaching.
Assistant Mistress, Bishop Otter's College, Chichester.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1904. Class III. English, 1907. Honour Certificate. * Oxford Senior Local, 1904. Class II. English, 1907. Honour Certificate. * Oxford Higher Local, 1904. Class II. English, 1907. Honour Certificate.
141. Farnell, Rosalind
142. ' Hammonds, Dorothy Margaret
Assistant Mistress, High School, Clifton
Assistant Mistress, Private School, Southbourne-on-Sea.
140. Cornish, Mary (34)
138. Hough, Gertrude Charlotte (Ottley Scholar)
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1903. Preliminary Examination, Chemistry, 1906. Class III. Honour Mathematical Moderations, 1907. 139. Arbuthnot-Lane, Lottie Rhona (M) Responsions, 1904. Class III. English, 1907. Honour Certificate.
137. Ottley, Mary Isabel Maude (M)
Responsions, 1904. 136. Watson, Charlotte Gwendolen [Wortley Holy Scripture, 1906. Class II. Honour Classical Moderations, 1907. (Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar) Pass Finals, Group A 1, 1907. D, 1909. (Mrs. Symonds) Group B2, 1909. Alternative Course Diploma.
Class HI. B.A., London, 1906.
148. Duggan, Emily Mary (Scholar)
* Oxford Higher Local, 1905. Mathematical Moderations, 1908.
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1905. 147. Knipe, Frances Mary (M) English Prize of the Association for the (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar) Education of Women, 1907. Class II. English, 1908. Honour Certificate.
146. Hirst, Miriam
Responsions, 1905. Additional Subject, 1905. Holy Scripture, 1905. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1905. Class II. Jurisprudence, 1907. B.A. Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1904. Class II. Modern History, 1908. Honour Certificate.
144. Mow11, Margaret Karrawera
145. Von Vogdt, Ludmilla (Madame Kholodovsky)
* Oxford Higher Local, 1904. English Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1905. Class I. English, 1907. Honour Certificate.
143. Keeling, Margaret Adele (M)
1904-1905 (continued).
Assistant Mistress, Private School, Hemel Hempstead.
Assistant Mistress, Church High School, Newcastle. Assistant Mistress, High School, Putney.
Responsions, 1903. Class III. Honour Moderations, 1908. Holy Scripture, 1909. Class III. Lit. Hum., 1910. B.A. Diploma. Responsions, 1904. Holy Scripture, 1907. Class IV. Honour Moderations, 1908. Pass Finals, Group B3, 1908.
154. Bickmore, Leslie Isabel Geraldine (M)
155. Mack, Maude Agnes • (Mrs. R. K. Davis)
* Oxford Higher Local. Class III. English, 1909. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1906. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1907.
152. Smith, Grace Nugent (Mrs. C. L. D. Roberts)
153. Tudor, Edith Mary Annie (M)
Victoria University Matriculation.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1905. Class III. Modern History, 1908. Honour Certificate.
150. Roechling, Mildred Hylton (M)
151. Scott, Bessie Glover
Additional Subject, 1905. Responsions, 1906. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1906. Class II. Modern History, 1908. B.A. Diploma.
149. Phillips, Eleanor Addison (M)
1905-1906 (continued).
Secretary, C.O.S., Brighton.
Assistant Mistress, Brincliffe County Secondary School, Nottingham.
Assistant Mistress, Havergal College, Toronto.
Head Mistress, High School, Clifton.
161. Tree, Catherine Mary (Hrs. 'Winton)
Assistant Mistress, Municipal Girls' High School, Doncaster.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1905. Class II. Mathematical Moderations, 1908. Pass Finals, Group B1, 3, 1909.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1906. Class II. English, 1909. Honour Certificate.
160. Robinson, Florence (m)
Assistant Mistress, High School, Swansea.
Assistant Mistress, Private School, Montreal.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Clifton.
Responsions, 1906. Holy Scripture, 1907. Pass Moderations, 1907. Class I. Modern History, 1910. B. A . Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1906. Preliminary Examinations : Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, 1907. Class II., Geology and Mineralogy, 1909.
Responsions, 1905 Holy Scripture, 1908. Class II. Honour Moderations, 1909. Class I. Literze Humaniores, 1911. Greek Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1909. B.A. Diploma. Gilchrist Student.
Responsions, 1905. 159. Penny, Dorothy Annie Allies (M) (Susan Esther Wordsworth Scholar) Holy Scripture, 1908. Class II. Honour Moderations, 1909. Pass Finals. Group Al, 2, B2, 1909. Alternative Course Diploma.
158. Irwin, Margaret Gladys (m)
157. Hanbury, Janet
156. Gordon, Mary Lindsay ( Scholar)
* Oxford Higher Local, 1906. Class II. French, 1910 Honour Certificate.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Preliminary Examinations, Chemistry, 1907, Physics and Mechanics, Botany, 1908. Class I. Zoology, 1910. Alternative Course Diploma.
Responsions, 1907. Additional Subject. Pass Moderations, 1908. Holy Scripture, 1909. Class II. English, 1910. B.A. Diploma. Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1905. Class II. German, 1910. Honour Certificate. Responsions, 1904. Holy Scripture, 1908. Class II. Honour Moderations, 1909. Pass Finals, Group Al, B2, 1909.
165. Wildy, Rose (M) ( West Scholar)
166. Barber, Everitt (m)
167. Crump, Mary Marjorie
164. Lindsay, Barbara Lumsden Primrose Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, 1905. ( Scholar) (M) Class III. Modern History, 1910. Honour Certificat-P.
163. Dobbs, Alison Charity (M) (Old Students' Scholar)
162. Talbot, Elfrida Mary (M)
1906-1907 (continued).
Assistant Mistress, Princess Helena College, Ealing.
Assistant Mistress, Wycombe Abbey School.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Redland.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Lincoln.
174. Moberly, Beatrice Harriet
173. Maurice, Mary Evelyn
172. Kenyon-Stow, Daphne (m) (Mrs. Peck)
171. Herdman, Ethel
* Oxford Higher Local, 1907.
Responsions. Holy Scripture, 1908. Preliminary Examinations, Chemistry, 1907, Physics and Mechanics, 1908, Botany and Zoology, 1909. Class IV. Chemistry, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1908. Class III. English, 1911. Honour Certi, facate.
Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Class II. French, 1910. Honour Certificate.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Class II. Modern History, 1910. Honour Certificate. Assistant Mistress, Grassendale School.
Assistant Mistress, St. Margaret's, Bushey.
Responsions, 1907. Holy Scripture, 1909. Class III. Honour Classical Moderations, 1910. Pass Finals, Group Al, 132, 1910. Group B3, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
169. Edwards, Gwendoline
170. Godwin, Ethel Mildred
Assistant Mistress, St. Anne's, Abbot's Bromley.
Responsions, 1907. Class III. English, 1910. Honour Certificate.
168. Davis, Alice Mary (M)
1907 —1908 (continued).
* Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Class II. History, 1910.
180. Linton, Edith Mary (Clara Evelyn Mordan Scholar)
179. Douglas, Jean ( Scholar)
178. Willans, Lilian Muriel (M)
177. Wilford, Edith Jane
B.A., Classics, London. Holy Scripture, 1909. Class II. Honour Classical Moderations, 1910. Sidgwick Latin Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1910. Sidgwick Greek Prize of the Association for the Education of Women, 1911. Class IV. Literati Humaniores, 1912. B.A. Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Class IV. Modern History, 1911. Honour Certificate.
1908 —1909.
• Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Class III. English, 1910. Honour Certificate.
Certificate in Regional Geography,1908.
176. Ottley, Isabel Elizabeth Hamilton * Oxford Higher Local, 1907. Preliminary Examinations, Physics and Mechanics, Chemistry, 1908. Class IV. Chemistry, 1911. Alternative Course Diploma.
175. Nott, Phyllis Mary (M)
1907-1908 (continued).
Assistant Mistress, High School, Clifton.
Research Secretary, American Industrial Bureau, Wisconsin, U. S. A.
All Saints' Sisterhood, Colney, St. Albans.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Monmouth.
Private Teaching.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Louth.
*Oxford Higher Local, 1908. Class H. English, 1911. Honour Certificate. * Cambridge Higher Local. Class II. Modern History, 1911. Honour Certificate.
186. Macpherson, Violet Mary.(m) ( Winkworth Scholar)
Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1909. Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1909. Class III. Modern History, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
184. Hargrave, Catherine Muriel
Assistant Mistress, Queen Margaret's School, Scarborough
Organising Secretary, Juvenile Labour Exchange, Bristol.
Investigator, Board of Trade.
185. Hill, Gwendoline Mary Kenyon
Additional Subject, 1908. Responsions, 1908. Holy Scripture, 1909. Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1909. Class II. Modern History, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
* Oxford Higher Local, 1908. Class III. English, 1911. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1908. Holy Scripture, 1909. Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1909. Class I. Jurisprudence, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
183. Crichton, Edith (M)
182. Cooke, Joan
181. Bebb, Gwyneth Marjorie
1908-1909 ( continued ).
Victoria University Matriculation. Responsions, 1909. Additional Subject, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1909. Group B2, 1909. Group B5, 1910. Class II. German, 1913. Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class III. Honour Moderations, 191]. Pass Finals, Group B1, 1911.
189. Thomas, Eliza Mary (M)
190. Tugwell, Julia
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1908. Prelim. Exam. Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Class IV. Zoology, 1911. 1909. Alternative Course Diploma.
Assistant Mistress, St. Michael's, Bloemfontein, S. Africa.
Responsions. Prelim. Exam. Chemistry, 1908. Physics, Zoology, and Botany, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1909. Additional Subject, 1909. Class IV. Physiology, 1911. B.A. Diploma.
188. Smith, Hildegarde May
191. Wallace, Ethel Alarienue (M)
Tutor and Librarian, .St. Hugh's College.
M. A. , Aberdeen. Greek in Responsions, 1909. Class II. English, 1910. Honour Certificate. Carnegie Scholar.
187. Ramsay, Mary Paton
1908-1909 (continued.)
Responsions, 1910. Additional Subject, 1910. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1911. Class IV. Modern History, 1913. Responsions, 1909. Additional Subject, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1910. Responsions, 1910. Class III. Modern History, 1912. Honour Certificate.
196. Blades, Evelyn Mary (M)
194. Crick, Marian Balfour (Mrs. Walker)
197. Graham, Elizabeth
* Oxford Higher Local, 1909. Class III. German, 1912. Honour Certificate.
Responsions, 1909. Pass Moderations, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class III. Modern History, 1912. B.A. Diploma.
193. Stansfield, Hilda Mary (Scholar)
195. Addison, Muriel Mary (M)
Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Group B2, 1911. Class III. Honour Mathematical Moderations, 1912.
192. Selby, Dorothy (Ottley Scholar)
Head Mistress, Secondary School, Leominster
Assistant Mistress, West Kirby High School.
Assistant Mistress, High School, Halifax
Assistant Mistress, Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham
Responsions, 1909. Pass Moderations, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class III. English, 1912. B.A. Diploma. Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Groups B2, B5, 1910. Class II. French, 1912. B.A. Diploma. London Matriculation. Latin Prose & Greek in Responsions, 1909 —10 Pass Moderations, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class I. English, 1912. B.A. Diploma. Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Groups B2, B5, 1910. Class III. French, 1912. B.A. Diploma. Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Groups B2, B5, 1910. Class III. German, 1912. Honour Certificate.
198. Gwynne, Phyllis Mary
199. Hart, hues Ruth Gray (10
200. Homersham, Miriam Margery (m )
201. King, Mary Ethel (u)
202. Margoliouth, Sophia Mary (u)
1909-1910 (continued.)
Assistant Mistress, Roedean School, Brighton.
Assistant Mistress, Herts and Essex High School
Assistant Mistress, Private School, Bishop Stortford.
Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class III. Honour Mathematical Mods. 1912. Responsions, 1909. Preliminary Examination in Chemistry, 1910. Zoology and Botany, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class II. Botany, 1912. B.A. Diploma. Responsions, 1909. Holy Scripture, 1910. Pass Moderations, 1910. Class III. Lit. Hum., 1913.
205. Slocombe, Marian Liley
906. Sedding, Joan Katharine (At) (Mrs. Gwynn)
207. Southwell, Lorna Violet (u)
Responsions, 1910. Additional Subject, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1911. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1911. Class I. French, 1913.
Responsions, 1909. Pass Moderations, 1910. Holy Scripture, 1910. Class III. English, 1913.
204. Phillips, Ruth Leslie
208. Ibberson, Dora (M) (Old Students' Scholar)
Responsions, 1909. Pass Moderations, 1911. Prelim. Science, Botany and Zoology, 1911. Holy Scripture, 1911. Prelim. Science, Chemistry, 1912.
203. Middleton, Dorothy Frances
1909-1910 (continued.)
Assistant Mistress, Withington Girls' School.
Organiser, Student Movement.
Assistant Mistress, High school, Guernsey.
Mistress of Private School.
Head Mistress, St. Stephen's High School, Clewer
* Oxford Higher Local, 1909. Class II. English, 1912. Honour Certificate. * Oxford Higher Local, 1909. Class III. Mathematical Moderations, 1913 * Oxford Higher Local, 1910. Class IL French, 1913 * Oxford Higher Local, 1910. Class III. French, 1913
210. Porcher, Muriel Joan (34)
211. Druitt, Isabel Mary Carola
212. Lewis, Doris Gabrielle Lawson
213. Macdermot, Margaret Eileen
De Putron, Edith
216. Pym, Joan Mary
214. May, Phyllis
Assistant Mistress, High School, Norwich Assistant Mistress, High School, Winchester
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1909. Class III. Modern History, 1913 * Cambridge Higher Local, 1911. Class III. English, 1913
Responsions, 1910. Pass Moderations, 1913
Assistant Lecturer in English, Ecole Normale, Sevres
209. Shaw, Margaret Renee Bryers (M) (Scholar)
London Intermediate Arts, 1908. London B.A. (Honours) 1910. Greek in Responsions. Preliminary Jurisprudence, 1911. Holy Scripture, 191]. Additional Subject, 1911. Class I. French, 1913.
Roechling, Eleanor
Oxford do Cambridge Joint Board, 1908. Preliminary Examinations, Mechanics, Physics, Zoology, Botany, 1911. Class III. Chemistry, 1913
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1909. Class III. German, 1913
Responsions, 1910. Group B5, 1911. Group B2, 1912. Holy Scripture, 1912. Class II. French, 1913
921. Whitfeild, Muriel
222. Chappel, Dorothy Frances Haighton Responsions, 1911 (Scholar) (it) Pass Moderations, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1912
Responsions, 1910. Pass Moderations, 1911. Holy Scripture, 1912. Group A, 1913
220. Sutton, Florence Gertrude (it)
219. Rogers, Sarah Eleanor Lawes (31) * Oxford Higher Local, 1910. Margaret Evans Prize, 1911. Class II. Modern History, 1913
217. Richmond, Doris Mary
1910 —1911 ( continued ).
Assistant Mistress, private school
Assistant Mistress, Roedean School, Johannesburg, S. Africa
B.Sc. (Liverpool) Geography Diploma
224. Auld, Lilian Elizabeth
Responsions, 1911 Additional Subject, 1911 Holy Scripture, 1912 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1912 Responsions, 1912 Responsions, 1911 Pass Moderations, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1912 Responsions, 1911 Prelim. Science, Chemistry, Zoology and Holy Scripture, 1913 Botany, 1912 Exempted from Additional Subject
227. Giles, Agnes Eugenia (a)
228. Greig, Marguerite Jean (a)
229. Higman, Lilian Margaret (a)
230. Home, Vivienne Cecilia (a) (Ottley Scholar)
231. Marshall, Marion Alice Nora (a) * Oxford Higher Local, 1911
Responsions, 1912
226. Gibson, Mary Venton (a)
225. Bradshaw, Edith Mary Royds (a) * Oxford Higher Local
Responsions, 1910 Group B5, 1911 Holy Scripture, 1912 Group B2, 1913
223. Potts, Osyth Mary (a) (Scholar)
1911-1912 (continued.)
Assistant Mistress, Wycombe Abbey School
Responsions, 1911 Holy Scripture, 1913 Class III. Honour Classical Moderations, 1914 Additional Subject, 1912 Responsions, 1912
234. Spink, Audrey (R)
Responsions, 1912 Pass Moderations, 1913 Higher Certificate, 1911 Greek in Responsions, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913 Additional Subject, 1914
236. Potter, Muriel Lucy (R) (Clara Evelyn ifordan Scholar)
237. Oliver, Ermin Mary Theodora (it) ( West Scholar)
Responsions, 1912 Additional Subject, 1912 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913
233. Muscott, Phyllis Bruce (it)
235. Brook, Felicia Louisa (R)
Responsions, 1911 Additional Subject. 1911 Holy Scripture, 1912 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1912
232. Murray, Violet Cecil (R)
1911-1912 (continued).
* Oxford Higher Local
* Oxford Higher Local, 1912 and 1913
Responsions, 1912 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1912 Exempted from Additional Subject Holy Scripture, 1913
243. Hall, Muriel Mary Josepha (a)
244. Harford, Mary Isabella (a)
Northern Universities' Matriculation Pass Moderations, 1913
* Oxford Senior Local, 1911 Greek in Responsions, 1912 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913
241. Gardner, Gwendoline (a)
242. Glenday, Eileen Isabel (a)
Higher Certificate, 1911
240. Farrow, Agnes Mary (a)
239. Evans,Theodora Marion Elizabeth (a) Responsions Group B5, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913
238. Phipps, Evelyn (a)
1912-1913 (continued).
Responsions, 1912 Additional Subject, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913 Responsions, 1911 Additional Subject, 1912 Holy Scripture, 1913 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913
247. Norwood, Dorothy Janet
248. Webb, Sylvia Mary Russell (n)
250. Owen, Dorothea Edith (It) (College Scholar)
* Oxford Higher Local, 1913
Responsions, 1912
246 Lewis, Margery Gertrude (It)
249. Blake, Doris Harvey
Exempted from Additional Subject Holy Scripture, 1913 Responsions, 1913 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913
245. Ingram, Constance Edith (x)
1912-1913 ( continued).
Responsions, 1913 Responsions, 1912 Exempted from Additional Subject Holy Scripture, 1914 Responsions, 1912 Additional Subject, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1914
258. Espinasse, Katharine (a)
259. Hanbury, Frances Sarah (a)
260. Holland, Muriel Sibyl (a)
* Cambridge Higher Local, 1911 and 1912
255. Brown, Kathleen Margaret (a)
Higher Certificate, 1912 Greek in Responsions, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1914 Pass Moderations, 1914
* Cambridge Higher Local
254. Boykett, Dorothy Madeline (a)
257. Clark, Elsa Bax Carlton (a)
Responsions, 1912 Pass Moderations, 1914
253. Beasley, Millicent Phyllis May (a)
Responsions, 1912
Higher Certificate, 1911 Exempted from Additional Subject
252. Beames, Eleanor (a)
256. Buller, Audrey Beatrix (a)
London Matriculation, 1910 Responsions, 1913 Exempted from Additional Subject Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1914
251. Nicholas, Eleanor Sarah (a) ( Old Students' Scholar)
Responsions, 1913 Additional Subject, 1914 Responsions, 1913 Prelim. Science, Chemistry, 1913 Responsions, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1914 London Matriculation Greek in Responsions, 1913 Prelim. Jurisprudence, 1913 Holy Scripture, 1914 Additional Subject, 1914 Higher Certificate, 1913 Prelim. Science, Zoology and Botany, 1913
263. Parrett, Beatrice Gertrude (a)
264. Peacey, Winifred (a)
265. Puttock, Dora Mary Augusta (a)
266. Richards, Mary Gertrude (a)
267. Spicer, Margaret Annie Isabe (a)
270. Abraham, M ary Theresa Caroline (a)
269. Vaughan, Mary Gwendolen (a)
London Matriculation, 1911 Higher Certificate, 1912 and 1913 Exempted from Additional Subject
Cambridge Higher Local, 1912 and 1913 Oxford Higher Local, 1914
262. Spencer, Lilian Leigh (a)
268. Truman, Violet Helen (a)
Oxford Higher Local, 1913
261. Jenkins, Fanny Marie (a)
1913-1914 ( continued).