an art story about persistence for success
The New York City Marathon
I wish all runners 6 to 7 seconds of fame Erik Van Loon
Inhoudsopgave Introduction / Introductie
Preface / Voorwoord The artist / De Kunstenaar 10 Years Will Win I Will Win I Will Win - The News I Will Win - The Statue I Will Win - The Body I Will Win - The History I Will Win - The Creation I Will Win - The Crisis I Will Win - The Elections I Will Win - The War I Will Win - The End
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon. I exhibit these XL paintings (without
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
dorsement / permission) to realize my American Dream: 6 to 7 seconds of fame showing my paintings to 50.000 runners and 260 million people worldwide who are watching the largest one-day sport event in the world. I Will Win has never yet been broadcasted and that’s why I keep coming back every year with a new I Will Win painting. 2014 is the final year!
I exhibit these XL paintings (without endorsement / permission) to realize my American Dream: 6 to 7 seconds of fame showing my paintings to 50.000 runners and 260 million people worldwide who are watching the largest one-day sport event in the world. I Will Win has never yet been broadcasted and that’s why I keep coming back every year with a new I Will Win painting. 2014 is the final year! Erik Van Loon
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I exhibit these XL paintings (without
endorsement / permission) to realize my American Dream: 6 to 7 seconds of fame showing my paintings to 50.000 runners and 260 million people worldwide who are watching the largest one-day sport event in the world. I Will Win has never yet been broadcasted and that’s why I keep coming back every year with a new I Will Win painting. 2014 is the final year!
I exhibit these XL paintings (without endorsement / permission) to realize my American Dream: 6 to 7 seconds of fame showing my paintings to 50.000 runners and 260 million people worldwide who are watching the largest one-day sport event in the world. I Will Win has never yet been broadcasted and that’s why I keep coming back every year with a new I Will Win painting. 2014 is the final year! Mary
Inspiration Inspired by Google Earth in 2005, Erik Van Loon decided to make an artwork that would be recognizable on satellite photographs. Limited by his studio in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and NASA technology, he learned he could only order a stamp-sized photo for no less than $5,000! Disappointed about the huge amount of money required for such a small photo, he decided to show his portrait alongside one of the biggest sports and media events in the world: The New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Guerilla Art After several unsuccessful attempts to reach the organizing committee of the NYC Roadrunners by phone, letter and email, he arrived in New York in 2005 without permission or contacts, but determined to show his self-portrait to the world. He succeeded in his very
I Will Win (2005) Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Mara-
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win Videostills Each year since 2005, I Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to have been travelling to New York to unveil a new New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the place near Bronx side mile 20 at the “He is just full of the Willis Bronx side of energy. So Av. Bridge on of the Willis the day of the how do you Av. Bridge on New York City the day of the say no to that� Marathon. New York City Marathon.
Erik Van Loon portrayed himself traditionally using the colors and elements of the American flag and the Dutch Royal House of Orange. On his chest he patined his official runners number. With I Will Win (1) he celebrates all those people who strive day in day out to to achieve their personal goals in study, sport, work and relationships. “I Will Win” is a self portrait of + 7 by 10 meters which I launched for the first time at November, 6xt 2005 along the course of the ING New York City Marathon. With the aim that media helicopters could make a live coverage of this great artwork to the homes of millions throughout the USA and abroad. With “I will win” I will paint after Van Gogh,
I Will Win
The News (2006)
Erik Van Loon portrayed himself as the frontpage of the New York Times with which he demonstrated the use of letters and words in imagery to challenge and stimulate the viewer’s experience of art like Johns, Nauman and Rauschenberg did. It is also a autobiographical self-portrait in which he
The News is mijn tweede I Will Win zelfportret van 10 x 6 m. The News is anders dan I Will Win, niet alleen een zelfportret in beeld maar ook in woorden. Op de fictieve pagina van de New York Times, editie 6 November 2006, zie je mij de New York City Marathon winnen in een
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The Body (2007)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Mara-
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The Statue (2008)
Geinspireerd door de Statue Of Liberty heb ik mijzelf in 2007 als de Statue of Liberty geschilderd. Waarbij ik mijzelf geportretteerd heb als de Griekse soldaat Pheidippides die van Marathon naar Athene rende om de Griekse overwinning op de Perzen bij de Slag
Inspired by the Statue of Liberty I painted myself as the Statue of Liberty in 2007. Which I myself have portrayed as the Greek soldier Pheidippides who ran from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon to report.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The History (2009)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Mara-
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
the New York City Marathon.
ways takes place near “He is just full mile 20 at of energy. So the Bronx how do you side of the say no to that� Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The Creation (2011)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
nspired by the problems caused by the oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico I made a painting about water and air pollution. In The Creation I also painted 8 American presidents (both republicans and democrats) supporting God (with gasmasks because of air pollution). In the painting God creates the women and she extinguished the fire in the Gulf of Mexico. The water from the tap though causes a Tsunami. With that I predicted by coincidence also the Tsunami in Japan of 2011 and the Nuclear problems caused by it. For the first time the painting was hang along a building at the Bronx side of the Willis Av Bridge. Mile 20.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The Crisis (2011)
Inspired by the political/ financial problems I painted The Crisis. The Crisis is about a.o. greed, Wall Street, War, politicians, bankers and the media and two impressive paintings about the Great Depression: - American Gothic (1930) from Grant Wood (USA) and - Pillars of Society (1926) from George Grosz (Germany)
Inspired by the political/ financial problems I painted The Crisis. The Crisis is about a.o. greed, Wall Street, War, politicians, bankers and the media and two impressive paintings about the Great Depression: - American Gothic (1930) from Grant Wood (USA) and - Pillars of Society (1926) from George Grosz (Germany)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Flyers Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The Elections (2012)
Op 4 november 2012 onthult de bekende Nederlandse kunstenaar Erik Van Loonzijn 8e I Will Win guerrilla I Will Win - The Elections” langs de route van de NYC Marathon aan ongeveer 40,000 hardlopers en 260 million TV kijkers in 125 landen. In het schilderij vind je de
On November 4th, 2012, the renowned Dutch artist Erik Van Loon will unveil his 8th I Will Win guerrilla painting ‘I Will Win - The Elections” along the course of the NYC Marathon to approximately 40,000 runners and 260 million TV viewers in 125 countries.
Hurricane Sandy didn’t stop me
Orkaan Sandy stopte mij niet Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Financiering Om het schilderij af te maken schilder ik u naam in het blauw op The Elections. Met uw naam op het schilderij laat ik The Elections van lichtblauw langzaam naar donkerblauw lopen. Dit kost â‚Ź 10,- en daarmee kan ik de houten constructie bouwen in New York om I Will Win - The Elections net zoals in 2010 aan een gebouw in de Bronx op te hangen. Wanneer we meer dan 100 namen/donaties (hoe meer hoe beter) krijjgen zal ik een retourticket Amsterdam - New York of vv trekken.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The War (2013)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
I Will Win
The End (2014)
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Mara-
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Videostills Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.
Each year since 2005, I have been travelling to New York to unveil a new I Will Win painting of 33 x 20 ft. (10 x 6 m.).The unveilling always takes place near mile 20 at the Bronx side of the Willis Av. Bridge on the day of the New York City Marathon.