Erik Van Loon
I NEED 250 CARS Dear friends, Due to Sandy (october 2012) I stayed 5 days in Washington DC and during those days I fell in love with your wonderfull city. To express my love I want to pin an enormous I LOVE DC photo of 20 x 12 ft at
the Interstat 395 chinmney near Mount Vernon Square together with you. For the aerial photo I need a.o. 175 red and 75 black cars. Please join! Erik Van Loon
I LOVE DC and I WILL WIN 9 In october 2013, I want to make I LOVE DC at a parking lot in Washington DC. I LOVE DC is a photo of 175 red and 50 black cars parked in an I LOVE DC setting and you can help me to make this photo which I want to pin at the Interstate 395 chimney under Mount Vernon Triangel in Washington DC.
I Will Win
Since 2005 I unveil each year “guerilla artwise“ an 33 x 20 ft painting along the course of the New York City Marathon in order to show my painting for 6 to 7 seconds to the 50.000 runners and 260 million tv viewers worldwide. I Will Win 9
Many runners have seen one of the 8 paintings untill so far but it has never been broadcasted. That’s actually why I will unveil I Will Win 9 this year and I will paint it at New York Av in Washington DC. I Will Win - The Elections
To realize I LOVE DC I need: 1. to find 250 car owners 2. to rent a helicopter to make a photo 3. to print a 20x12 ft photo of I LOVE DC 4. to hang the photo at the chimney 5. to crowdfund +/- $ 16,000 Join Call (865) 2 E V LOON / (865) 238 5666 or go to www.erikvanloon.com/i-love-dc and donate directly or pledge funding (through Indiegogo) in order to take part in I LOVE DC. When we have enough funding and participants I will send you 72 hours in front an email and text with the exact date, time and location in october or november. Start spreading the news
facebook.com/erik.theartist twitter.com/erikvanloon
Due to Sandy the NYC Marathon was cancelled and that was actually the reason that I unveiled I Will Win - The Election on electionday 2012 in front of the White House as you can see below and www.erikvanloon.com/i-will-win
I LOVE DC and I WILL WIN 9 is supported by a.o.