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Precision toolmaking academy
The UK’s first Precision Tooling Academy has been launched in a partnership between InComm Training and Brandauer.
Over £1m has been invested by the two strategic partners to create a commercial toolroom in the training provider’s facility in Aldridge, which will produce complex tooling, as well as acting as a professional training ground for the toolmakers and designers of the future.
The sector is being held back by a severe lack of toolmakers and the very real possibility of losing these essential skills forever as older workers choose to retire.
The Precision Tooling Academy aims to reverse this trend by offering companies access to professional toolmaking courses, upskilling opportunities for qualified engineers looking to diversify their skills and a Level 6

Tool Process Design
Apprenticeship to develop the next generation of talent.
Training will be unlike anything currently on the market, with up to 35 individuals in the first twelve months able to learn on live tooling projects that will be producing hundreds of thousands of parts every week and will give Brandauer and other tooling experts the opportunity to reshore more manufacturing projects from Asia, the EU and the US.
A car manufacturer has agreed to be the first company to put their engineers through the toolmaking course and has contributed to the actual development of the curriculum. 8 in-comm.co.uk