STIG Magazine Edition 4: Art Core On Surface

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by: Mardy Co

DESIRE. ACHIEVE. INSPIRE. Individuals from across the globe who are breaking barriers by sharing their story and works, to instigate change, fuel DESIRE, that we may dare to ACHIEVE our dreams, and in turn INSPIRE others to do the same. It’s a cycle. It’s infectious. It’s what STIG Magazines are made of… page per page.

State of Mind



State of Mind

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Looking beyond with no great expectation As the sun will rise & set before your eyes You’ll see that all is a gift of life That every turn & road leads to a discovery That every season is a different view of a journey & if by chance you’ll see a shoreline nearby Turn the wheel, set it aside & drop by Take that much desired walk and be calmed by each wave In life’s unconventional beauty be saved Nothing but your being simmering down through the ocean breeze Up to a soothing point of silence be seized Where there is nothing left but the sea & the sound of you breathing Lavish in it & feel your life unraveling & for the first time in a brink of innocence Open yourself up for something new...

- Mardy-

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State of Mind

Pack light for an endless road & horizon

Table of Contents



Table of Contents

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Exclusive Interview w/ Amazing Digital Artists Featuring: Richard Roberts p.13 Fernando Rodriguez p.31 Johnson Kho p.57 Tiago Hoisel p. 77

COVER DIGITAL ARTIST Tobias Roetsch p.121 (Exclusive Interview)


Sequel 4: Breakdown p.27

BAGS THAT BRINGS BLISS Bag Designer: Amina Hassan p.147 (Exclusive Interview)

LOST IN PARADISE Mystery Place No.4 p.159


(Exclusive Interview)

FREEDOM TO BE Sane of Molly p.189 (Exclusive Interview)

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Table of Contents


Truth be Told

Truth be Told You have every right to be here No matter where you are, what you’ve become and who you are You are born a part of and in perfect alignment with the universe You are made in the image and likeness of a creator And that makes you a creator yourself. You are gifted with free will in your life’s creative process … seize it You are made a little higher than angels You are without wings so you can walk the land and rule your own reality You are carving your way into a masterpiece You are a proof of heaven and hell on earth Because you are what you make of it Your purpose is what you say it is You call your own calling Your uniqueness exemplifies the greatest story ever told




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Digital Art



Art & Cyberspace Correlates

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Digital Art Now meet five digital artists whose works are constantly displayed in the sphere of cyberspace where their images have amassed recognition and praise given their artistic vision, skills and eye for details.

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n today’s digital world, a breed of artist emerges. These would be individuals whose artistic works and practices employ digital technology that is deemed necessary to create their masterpieces. With this new media, it has helped transform art – such as sculpting, painting and drawing. What’s more, artistic practices such as digital installation art, net art and virtual reality.

Digital Art


& Cyberspace Correlates


Exclusive Interview w/

richard roberts United States

All images are © 2015, Richard Roberts


ichard Roberts is a young; ambitious, hard-working and talented freelance illustrator who just happens to be the founder and creator of theotherstream. This 20-year-old who is passionate about his art is self-taught and takes his craft seriously. He is part of depthCORE which is an international art collective and has achieved recognition thanks to his works which is highly visible online. Moreover, he has been featured in numerous blogs and magazines. With mind blowing images and a unique style, Roberts finds pleasure in pushing the limits and boundaries when it comes to his art.. Page 13 visit


Digital Art

Digital Art

I am a 20-year-old digital Illustrator who started “theotherstream” about two and half years ago. This is my online portfolio and also my freelance company. Other than art being my life, I also enjoy soccer, music, food, friends and reading about world affairs; as well as other cultures and just having a good time…..Oh and also I am a massive tea drinker, it’s almost an obsession!

Although I have much to learn, my current knowledge and skills have got me to where I am today. Like I mentioned before, two and half years ago I started “theotherstream” and since then my freelance career has really taken off. Continuation On The Next Page >

What led you to the path of digital art? What is the story behind it and why choose this particular profession? I have always been the creative type and I am very visual. My story behind my venture into digital art is quite a funny one. When I was thirteen I played online games like most other kids my age, and I came across a digital art piece on a gaming forum and was instantly fascinated. It led to me installing an early version of adobe Photoshop.

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Digital Art

My name is Richard Roberts. I was born in the Wales and moved to the United States when I was young - even though all my family still resides there. A positive side of the move is the fact I have had the opportunity to travel back many times.

knew it was possible to make a living off it. My school years were quite dysfunctional because of moving which led me to finish high school online. This allowed me to have ample free time, which resulted in me putting my full focus on improving myself as an artist and mastering my trade.


Describe yourself as a person and as For a few years it was just a hobby but an artist it grew into more of a profession once I

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

“I know that when I am passionately creative about something, I can’t stop working on it and time seems to disappear. When I am really into a “piece,” I can work on it for 12 hours straight..” What is the best part of being an artist in this digital age? I would say that the best part is conversing with the rest of the digital world. Things such as twitter and Facebook provide instant communication; they are really groundbreaking creations. Today, more than ever, freelancers have so much freedom. It’s amazing how we can work from the comfort of our homes and spread our work to anyone in the world.

In your opinion, what is the essence of a true artist? If you would have asked me this question three years ago, I would have had a much different answer. Over the past year or two, I have had gained a much greater appreciation for traditional artists. The reason being is they follow the fundamental rules of art - things such as lighting, perspective, shadows, color, etc. I can’t begin to tell you how many digital artists I see today do not follow the correct set of rules. Starting out, I was in that same boat; creating pieces with incorrect lighting and shadows and so on. But over the past year or so, I have really instilled strict rules in my work that follow the basic rules of art.

What is a true artist? A true artist is anyone who creates art with a strong knowledge of the fundamental rules.

What are your symptoms when you know you’re being passionately creative about something? I know that when I am passionately creative about something, I can’t stop working on it and time seems to disappear. When I am really into a “piece,” I can work on it for 12 hours straight, and then look up at the clock and say “Wow it feels like it’s only been an hour.”

How does your art works define you and what is it’s ‘role’ in your life? Art is my life and my passion. I would be empty without it - it defines me. It grounds me; gives me motivation and helps me explore my creative imagination - it really sets me free. I’d say that its role in my life is a huge one and I definitely wouldn’t have much of a life without it.

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I get inspiration from other artists, music, nature and everyday life. I love surrealism so I pay attention to that. I like to create things that don’t exist, so I get a lot of my inspiration from my own imagination.

How would you classify your approach as an artist and what is your signature style? My signature style is surrealism. I first start with an idea, I pre-plan things. I let the idea fester and grow into something bigger before getting it down on “tabula rasa,” or a clean slate.

At this point in your life, what are you most proud of as an artist and as an individual? I’m definitely proud of the fact that I run my own business entirely with no help and have worked with an array of international clientele. I have also been featured worldwide in many different mediums. I am proud of myself as an individual because I’m able to balance school full time while working full time.

The most exciting project you have done, thus far? My “Supernova” piece is the most exciting piece I’ve done so far, and it was a personal project. I did it based on the song Champagne Supernova by Oasis. I spent over two months working on it, and it came out exactly how I imagined it in my brain. It was so exciting to see something so internally vivid come to life.

What is your dream project? Working for a massive client - a really high profile client would be amazing. Preferably Coldplay! I would be blown away to work for them. Their music is so visual.

Name other digital artists that you admire and specify some of their works and why you think highly of it. I admire Jason Chan and his digital paintings. He’s just really amazing. The level of detail is incredible and his creativity is mind boggling. I love “Spectyr” which was a book cover. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Where do you get your inspirations from when creating your works-of-art?

Digital Art

“My signature style is surrealism. I first start with an idea, I pre-plan things. I let the idea fester and grow into something bigger..”

Digital Art


Digital Art

Who has had the greatest Impact in your life?

Describe the sublime state of an artist in digital space.

My mother. She has always supported my art since day one and is artistic herself.

Time stops, at least for me. It flies by. It’s pure enjoyment.

What is your favorite ‘tool’ for your craft and what is the one thing that you cannot live without as an artist? My favorite tool is my Wacom Cintiq tablet. It’s great and such an amazing tool to use and is very handy. I couldn’t live without Adobe Photoshop because my art wouldn’t be possible without it.

In one word, how do you see the digital world? Groundbreaking.

Best advice you have gotten. If you’re unsure about your piece, go to sleep and look at it with “fresh eyes” in the morning.

Tips, insights or wisdom that you can impart to those who wish to be in the same field as you. Give one million percent effort; persistence is everything. You can be as good you want to be! Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Passion is key - and if it’s there you will make it. End >

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“Give one million percent effort; persistence is everything. You can be as good you want to be! Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

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stig diary

Sequel 4:


Sequel 5: Finding Inspiraition ( STIG Magazine Edition 5)

I was on a verge of a breakdown. My father was provoking

had a different way of acting up on everything

me in a frustrated tone to file a case against my brother,

that was happening. I noticed that the older the

only because he was torn and couldn’t file it himself. A

person is amongst us siblings, the more susceptible they are

reverse psychology of some sort to make me feel guilty. I

to being affected, simply because they are more aware of

wish at that time he had protected me somehow. So yes, I

what’s going on.

didn’t file a case or had my brother arrested.

Going straight to the point, mostly my adolescent life took

The pain was so overwhelming that I couldn’t even

a beating on me. I was physically abused by a brother who

begin to explain. All I know is I was on the floor crying,

was a drug abuser. Why me? well some say, including one of

resenting the life, and the family I was with. I felt helpless,

the psychologists I met that it was because he saw himself in

insignificant, worthless and what not. There would be

me. Even my father said that we were so alike in character

a point that I thought it would have been easier if I had

and interests.

just taken my life. I thought of it a couple of times when

My house didn’t feel like a home, for obvious reasons, one

everything seems to sum up. This feeling makes you feel

would be that I didn’t feel safe in it. My father was in denial,

like you don’t belong anywhere. And the older I got, the

he didn’t know how to handle the situation. He wanted us

more everything that happened seems to sync in deeper

to not lock our doors. It started from a couple of punches

and deeper. At that point, when I was on the floor, barely

after punches. This totally messed me up mentally and

catching my breath, a thought came in to mind. I knew my

emotionally. I even wondered why I had to be born in this

brother’s failures and drug abuse made him miserable. It

kind of life, where affection is distant and the only way to

crossed my mind that he was miserable and he wanted

not get hurt is to learn how to detach. The only emotional

to make me miserable too, because maybe, just maybe,

comfort I got was from my mother who was thousands of

it was true that he saw himself in me. With this thought,

miles away. I wrote her letters.

this made me make a decision to be the exact opposite of

One morning when I was sleeping, the worst happened, he

what he wants me to be. I’m not completely there yet, it’s

went inside my room by kicking the door open, then he just

a struggle, but that was the first kick start on a decision I

kept punching me on the face and on the head. I remember

made to not play the victim. I decided to straighten my life

having seen a glimpse of his eyes, and it’s as if he didn’t

out. Make myself better. I had a choice, and that was my

have a soul. He just kept punching on and on, and somehow,

choice. So if you’re going through something right now,

he didn’t get contented, he lifted a chair and wanted hit me

compelling you to make a decision while being in a very

with it. I was mad. If I had a gun, I could have shot him, and

vulnerable state. It’s no coincidence you’re reading this.

I thought of it so many times. I wanted him dead.

Make the right choice.



ost without our mother goose, each one of us

Digital Art


& Cyberspace Correlates


Exclusive Interview w/

fernando rodriguez Argentina

All images are © 2015, Fernando Rodriquez


ernando Rodriguez is an artist who specializes in art direction, matte painting, design and illustration. He resides in Argentina and produces astounding artworks that are of the highest quality. With an amazing imagination and talent, he is quickly carving a name for himself in the digital realm of art. His sci-fi and fantasylike works quickly grabs your attention as you view his creations online. Thanks to the explicit details that you can clearly see in his designs, the profoundly artistic Rodriguez never fails to deliver powerful images.

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Digital Art

Digital Art

“I think I’m curious, imaginative and restless. Professionally as an artist, I consider myself as a perfectionist..” Describe yourself as a person I then started to study Graphic and as an artist. Design at the University of Hello everyone, my name is Fernando and I’m from Argentina. I’m a Graphic Designer and also an Artist. I live in Buenos Aires with my family, my life partner - Maria Nieves and our beautiful pets. Describe myself? I think I’m curious, imaginative and restless. Professionally as an artist, I consider myself as a perfectionist; someone who is in a constant and eternal quest because I do not wish to lock myself in a particular work and then jump to the next, and so on.

What led you to the path of digital art? What is the story behind it and why choose this particular profession? First off, I had a love for drawing even as a child. My parents were very supportive. They sent me to painting and drawing classes, and always gave me everything that I needed. I studied at a technical high school that specializes in Advertising Arts. At the same time, I continued improving my artistic skills. That was when I bought my first airbrush and started as an autodidact in airbrush painting.

Buenos Aires. When I got my first computer (a Mac G3 233) little by little, I discovered the versatility of working in digital spaces; retouching images, collages, etc. When I started working in a design studio for the first time, I faced a job where I had to professionally retouch and digitally illustrate. I realized that it wasn’t difficult for me. So when I got home every day, I did some researching on Photoshop, Poser and Illustrator. I realized that they could be integrated till it got to a result. One thing that surprised me about working digitally was the possibility of “undos” on anything - that the illustrations could be corrected in a way which seemed impossible and unthinkable with traditional media. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

In your opinion, what is the essence of a true artist? I believe that an artist of any discipline, no matter which one, must first watch and listen carefully with what goes on around and within them. They must interpret the environment and listen to their gut; their inner self, because that way they can express themselves. The fundamental essence of an artist is the expression.

“When I’m completely focused on something, the hours can go by without me realizing. I feel a lot of adrenaline.”

What are your symptoms when you know you’re being passionately creative about something? When I’m completely focused on something, the hours can go by without me realizing. I feel a lot of adrenaline. Or when I have an idea for months in my head, I go round and round until I can finally start them.

How does your art works define you and what is it’s ‘role’ in your life? I consider myself to be a deeply visual person. My art allows me to express and to define many aspects that I consider to be important. My canvas is my comfort zone where I can play and create. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

The best part for me is to be able to create, and create; and the possibility of correcting the same piece ad infinitum - meaning correcting from the original path to completion regardless of the software that’s used. This is a very powerful possibility and the ways to work with it are endless; mixing 2D and 3D, breaking all boundaries when it is time to create. However, I believe that the pen is the main tool.


What is the best part of being an artist in this digital age?

Digital Art

Digital Art

Digital Art

I have no clear place where I get my inspiration from. It can be an artist or an image that I see in my work day, often by chance. However I believe it has something to do with my interest in comics, films or music - especially heavy metal.

I am deeply proud of both the artist and the person that I am for I keep looking and experimenting - not sticking with one thing only. In my professional life I keep on trying to get better every day, by doing new things as well as doing things I didn’t have the courage to do before for example, to create illustrations from scratch without photo bases. And as a person, I keep growing and learning. For example, recently at home, we became vegetarians. I gained respect for my body and the world where I stand. I focused my principles to respect all kinds of wildlife.

How would you classify your approach as an artist and what is your signature style? I think my style is hard to categorize. I have jobs that are more hyper; others may be defined as fantasy art, erotic art, cardboard, etc. Many of my works are commissions of retouching and illustrations for advertising and product design. Lately I need to mix a little more on all disciplines - airbrush with digital art, pencil and Photoshop. In all cases, I think I could work out the details as well as the significance of the figures in each composition.

“I have no clear place where I get my inspiration from. It can be an artist or an image that I see in my work day,”

The most exciting project you have done, thus far? There are many projects that have filled me with great satisfaction. Many I cannot explain because they are works made for the studio where I work for so I must respect its confidentiality. But for personal works, even if all my works have a point at which I was thrilled, I feel happiest about Warrior1 because it was one of my first digital works and one that I like compositionally.

What is your dream project? Having my own studio, creating my own characters, a universe and paint, paint and paint; while doing all this with the woman I love, freely - without any pressure and with all the pleasure of the world. Live entirely on my art. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

At this point in your life, what are you most proud of as an artist and as an individual?


Where do you get your inspirations from when creating your works-of-art?

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

Name other digital artists that you admire and specify some of their works and why you think highly of it.

What is your favorite ‘tool’ for your craft and what is the one thing that you cannot live without as an artist?

Oh, this question really is difficult. Many of them are the artists that have impacted my life. From the highlights of my adolescence, such as Luis Royo, Plum Cabral, Frazetta, Vallejo, Simon Bisley and thousands more.

My right hand (laughs). Seriously, I think the most important tool for any artist is perseverance and intuition. If one is not a constant searcher and does not trust one’s instincts, one’s art will hardly progress. In physical terms, I think the most important tool for the digital art is the tablet. I particularly don’t have one yet. I do everything with the mouse, but I’m thinking of getting one soon to boost all my resources.

One that impressed me the most is Nico di Mattia from Argentina, and his incredible speed painting technique. I remember his portrayal of Locke, Scarlett Johansson, etc. Christopher Gilbert is also impressive with his photo retouches; Winter Martin Deschambault and Continuation On The Next Page > Yeti, Cris de Lara, Stanley Lau, the work of Brazilian FMD Platinum, etc.

Who has had the greatest Impact in your life? The ones that impressed me the most were Platinum FMD; due to their level of resolution, their compositions and tweaks - mostly for the advertising market.

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Digital Art

Digital Art

In one word, how do you see the digital world?

Digital Art

“And if I had to add anything, I would say, do what you want, but with the heart.”


I think a sublime moment, beyond the obvious praise from others, is when one makes the last cmd + s; and is aware that in a minute, your art can be seen by thousands and thousands of people simultaneously. It is incredible that today, you create an art piece and you share your art with another person; and then that one person shares it with another, and so on - that your art reaches and encompasses people of all nationalities, creed, age, etc.

Best advice you have gotten. Persevere and you’ll succeed. Never go down the arms. Everything is inside of you. Never, but never betray yourself.

Tips, insights or wisdom that you can impart to those who wish to be in the same field as you. Listen to your reasons; find your technique, develop your potential and find your paths. And if I had to add anything, I would say, do what you want, but with the heart. End > visit Page 48


Describe the sublime state of an artist in digital space.

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Digital Art

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Digital Art


& Cyberspace Correlates


Exclusive Interview w/

jhonson kho Singapore

All images are © 2015, Jhonson Kho.


ohnson Koh is an artist, designer, photographer and Art Director who is based in Singapore. He created 10Steps. sg which is a website for Photoshop tutorials and resources. Currently with a gaming software developing company, he is in charge of creating bold and sharp images. As for his abstract designs, these are best described as daring, intense, interesting and evocative – so much so that you cannot help but be drawn to his creations. Finding time to always produce new and exciting art works, this is not a surprise given Koh’s perfect concoction of a creative mind, experimental natural and advance skills in design. Page 57 visit


Digital Art

Describe yourself as a person and as an artist.

What is the best part of being an artist in this digital age?

Hello everyone. My name is Johnson Koh, an Art Director based in Singapore. I work daily as an artist, designer, photographer and director. I came from a Multimedia background where I learned the basics of Adobe programs. Photoshop is my favorite working tool where I always explore for new techniques to create cool abstract arts.

There is nothing to prevent us from executing any ideas. With the advance tools available for digital artworks, the only limitation is our creativity.

What led you to the path of digital art? What is the story behind it and why choose this particular profession? Art has always been my passion since I was young. During my school days, I was fascinated by how simple the techniques were to merge several photos and texts to form a beautiful collage. From there, I started to experiment further on with various special effects; then everything evolved into a habit that I cannot resist now.

In your opinion, what is the essence of a true artist? Be bold, positive and open-minded.

What are your symptoms when you know you’re being passionately creative about something? When I am thinking of an uncompleted design during my travel time going to work and before I sleep.

How does your art works define you and what is it’s ‘role’ in your life? My art works are expressions of my thoughts and they help me pass my free time. New things are learned after the completion of every work. Continuation On The Next Page >

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“Art has always been my passion since I was young. During my school days, I was fascinated by how simple the techniques were to merge several photos..”

Digital Art

Where do you get your inspirations from when creating your works-of-art? There are many blogs such as SmashingMagazine which I frequently visit to get in touch with design news everyday. Behance and DeviantArt are great sources of inspiration too.

How would you classify your approach as an artist and what is your signature style? I am associated mostly with game designs due to my job. But during my free time, I like to explore more into abstract visual - that is where my interests lie.

At this point in your life, what are you most proud of as an artist and as an individual? I feel lucky that I am able to convert my personal interest into a career.

The most exciting project you have done, thus far? I will say that it is the T-Shirt design for NIKE SU12 Inline Football. I took several weeks to work on its fiery flame effect with their Art Director and produced a piece that both of us are proud of.

What is your dream project? That will definitely be a personal art exhibition.

Name other digital artists that you admire and specify some of their works and why you think highly of it. I have followed the works of Robert Lindstrom for many years. He is the co-founder for North Kingdom. I love the series of female model vector illustrations he did for DesignChapel. com. That technique has always been a mystery to me till today.

Who has had the greatest Impact in your life? My beloved wife. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

Digital Art

“See more works of other professionals but do not memorize their designs. Eventually you can produce original works with the same quality and standard.” What is your favorite ‘tool’ for your craft and what is the one thing that you cannot live without as an artist? Adobe Photoshop. It is probably the best tool ever created where I can do digital paintings, photomanipulations and web designs with. I cannot imagine what other profession I will be doing now if Photoshop was not even created.

In one word, how do you see the digital world?

Best advice you have gotten. See more works of other professionals but do not memorize their designs. Eventually you can produce original works with the same quality and standard.

Tips, insights or wisdom that you can impart to those who wish to be in the same field as you.


Art is always a subjective topic to discuss about. Stay open-minded and you will be rewarded with good results.

Describe the sublime state of an artist in digital space.

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It is a great feeling to have people appreciating the works that you have done. I received many emails and LinkedIn connections on how to create certain effects and then these individuals became my friends.

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Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

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Digital Art


& Cyberspace Correlates


Exclusive Interview w/

tiago hoisel


All images are © 2015, Tiago Hoisel.


ith the ability to produce jaw dropping works-of-art, Tiago Hoisel is deemed as one of the greatest comic artists. He is a young, talented and magnificent character illustrator who hails from Brazil. He has a remarkable digital painting portfolio that is filled with a large selection of subjects under his belt. With works that seem to come from a Pixar movie, most of his images were made with just a simple sketch and Photoshop. Known to have mastered shadows and lighting in every imaginable way, Hoisel has produced breathtakingly awesome art works that seems impossible to criticize.

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Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

“ I realized that I am able to figure out who I truly am through my art and find satisfaction in my works which mirrors who I am.”

Describe yourself as a person and as What led you to the path of digital art? an artist. What is the story behind it and why choose this particular profession? I’d describe myself as a simple and humorous person; very closely linked to my family and to the values I learned from them. As an artist I’m not so different. I realized that I am able to figure out who I truly am through my art and find satisfaction in my works which mirrors who I am. Even when I’m hired to do some projects, and I am told what is needed from me by an Advertising Agency, they usually hire me because they believe that the campaign has a certain connection with the type of work that I do.

Since I was a very small child, I like drawing and painting. Back in 1998, when I was 14, I discovered the world of caricatures and got enchanted with it. From then on, I’ve been studying and illustrating practically every day. I try to enhance my perception and creativity by making images with volume, realism and humor. I believe that I benefitted a lot from this given that my studies were directly related with what I wanted to do in life. In the beginning, all my works were done with graphite. With that technique I started to amplify my perception and did my first pieces with a certain notion of light and volume. When I was starting to study colors through watercolor, pastel and color pencil, Fred, who was a friend from college, presented Photoshop to me. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

Digital Art

Given that the material for traditional techniques were quite expensive, I ended up abandoning this. With Photoshop, I was able to utilize the light basis which I used to do in graphite. With time and technology advancement, I got my first tablet. Prior to that, I was producing my images 100% in the computer. Fact is I didn’t choose to be a professional illustrator. I used to draw and paint because I love to do it. I never thought that I’d earn a living from it. From the moment that people started showing an interest in my work, things happened naturally.

What is the best part of being an artist in this digital age? No doubt, it is the ability to communicate with ease. Through the Internet, I have access to everything related to the art world. I have in my computer many works of great masters like the classics Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Norman Rockwell and the contemporary ones like Kruger, Jason Seiler, Phil Hale and Erwin Madrid.

It’s very easy to get in touch with their works and that possibility amplifies our horizons as we move from a regional to a global perception - something that hugely influences and transforms my work. At the same time, my works can also reach a much greater number of people because of the internet.

In your opinion, what is the essence of a true artist? It is the same as the question implies. To be a true artist, you must be true. True to yourself and to what you’re proposing to do. I can’t explain why, but it seems like people can tell and feel what is true and what is not in a “work.” I see that as a common problem for many artists who are starting. It is one of the contradictions of the digital age. As communication is very fast, success can also come too fast. This can often mislead a young artist who is not prepared to deal with that kind of situation. Many young people have success as their objective, and not as a result of their work. They are chasing trends, studying and focusing on tools and not so much on the art “itself.” For that reason, they cannot develop nor build a truly solid work. Continuation On The Next Page >

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“Fact is I didn’t choose to be a professional illustrator. I used to draw and paint because I love to do it. I never thought that I’d earn a living from it. From the moment that people started showing an interest in my work, things happened naturally.”

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

“It’s really a strong emotion. It is something that can motivate and excite, but can also cause anxiety.” What are your symptoms when you know you’re being passionately creative about something? I think it’s very much like the passion we feel for people. It’s really a strong emotion. It is something that can motivate and excite, but can also cause anxiety. While it may be good as there is a motivation to do our best since we feel how much it is worth to invest in that study; the anxiety and desire to see this work completed is the same reason that can mess it up or prevent us from doing our very best.

How does your art works define you and what is it’s ‘role’ in your life? My work is one of my passions and I spend most of my time doing art works such as painting. When I feel tired with a certain painting I begin another to relax and then come back and finish the previous one. So I often do two, three or four jobs at once. I think my work is a reflection of who I am; my tastes, my concerns and my interests. Through my art, people can learn a little about me. I feel I have a very close relationship with my art, and the transformation I suffer directly influence my work - and my works end up influencing me. In that cycle I follow it up by polishing my work and being lapidated by it. Continuation On The Next Page >


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Digital Art

Digital Art

That is something I can not precisely specify. Often the ideas just come. Sometimes I start a job with an idea that is not very clear but throughout the process, new ideas come. It then defines the illustration. Sometimes during the production of a piece, an idea for another illustration pops. I then stop what I am doing in order to register the new thought on “paper.” At times I dream about the ideas that I draw.

How would you classify your approach as an artist and what is your signature style? It’s hard to classify my artistic attitude because I think it is still not 100% defined. I’m still very young and I know I’m still starting my career and I have a lot of things to learn that will change me and my work. Looking back, if I was to define my work, I would say my signature style is a combination of good humor and realism.

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Digital Art

Where do you get your inspirations from when creating your works-of-art?


“Looking back, if I was to define my work, I would say my signature style is a combination of good humor and realism.”

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

“With art, I think I have the right attitude which helped direct me to the path that I wanted to be in.” At this point in your life, what are you most proud of as an artist and as an individual? I don’t know if I would define it as pride, but I feel great satisfaction with the closeness that I have with my family – my parents and my brothers. I feel that this relationship is a positive achievement that we have in our lives. I greatly admire them and I have learned from them. With art, I think I have the right attitude which helped direct me to the path that I wanted to be in. Thank God I was aware from an early age that I needed to seek for the things that would add to my artistic development.

The most exciting project you have done, thus far? That’s a hard question to answer. Each project has its grace and its interest or pearl to be discovered. I have participated in individual projects that motivates me a lot like the illustration I did for the book publisher Panini +50 MSP. This was a tribute to Mauricio de Sousa – a childhood idol. There are also projects I developed in conjunction with my studio partners at Techno Image. I learned a lot from them especially in the work development aspect which made the project very special. Continuation On The Next Page > Page 95 visit


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Digital Art

Digital Art

“I was not ready to accept everything I would need to do to accomplish that - especially leaving Brazil and staying away from the people I love.” What is your dream project? For quite sometime, I dreamt about working on a huge animation studio like Pixar or Blue Sky. I changed my mind because I was not ready to accept everything I would need to do to accomplish that - especially leaving Brazil and staying away from the people I love. Nowadays, I’m with a group of friends which includes great illustrators like Lucas Leibholz and Pedro Conti. We are starting an illustration studio called Techno Image. My dream is to build a good studio; a place for everyone to work in and be recognized for the quality of work that they do.

Name other digital artists that you admire and specify some of their works and why you think highly of it. Others: Dice Tsutsumi, Diego Maia, Erwin Madrid, Jason Seiler, Marek Denko, Paul Lasaine and Sam Nielson - I think I don’t I even have to explain why do I like those work so much. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art Among those I listed above, I think the one that influenced me the most was Dálcio Machado; because when I discovered his work, I was starting my career – a career which at that time was not even a career. I was beginning my studies of caricature and it was a big shock for me to see his paintings. It opened me to new possibilities - and at that time, his works became the goal that I wanted to achieve. I wanted to do exactly what he did. His job was a great incentive for me, and for some time directed my studies. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Who has had the greatest Impact in your life?

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Digital Art

Digital Art

What is your favorite ‘tool’ for your craft and what is the one thing that you cannot live without as an artist? I know it may sound like a cliché, but there is no tool more important than creativity and imagination. Imagination expands, transforms and multiplies the possibilities. I couldn’t say anything different because through imagination everything can be a tool. Knowing and mastering the tools are important; but what is more important would be to know what to do with them. I think an artist cannot be an artist if he has no interest and dedication. At least I do not know of any artist who is selfless or doesn’t have dedication. Even the most talented ones are dedicated. I think it is because of that dedication that they are talented.

In one word, how do you see the digital world? Future. That doesn’t mean it’s better or worse. I cannot define it because it is not the means that defines the quality of art. I say future because digital world best meets the needs of the current and future world trends that deliver with convenience and speed. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Digital Art

I am a digital artist and I still do not know how to describe the space that an artist can achieve in the digital space. I think what is more important than the space is what the artist can take in, whether the media is digital or not, is the degree of realization that one has through his work. This is the quest that matters. If an artist truly seeks personal achievement, it’s very unlikely that he will not have space to expand and spread.

Best advice you have gotten. “A man can be everything; it only depends if he wills it.”

Tips, insights or wisdom that you can impart to those who wish to be in the same field as you. Always invest more in your perception than in the tools. We are not equal and have different needs and interests, so find out what your own needs and interests are and feed them. Do not live for other’s needs. You need to be honest with yourself, and everything that is accomplished with that sincerity is a major force. End >


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Digital Art

Describe the sublime state of an artist in digital space.


“You need to be honest with yourself, and everything that is accomplished with that sincerity is a major force.”

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Digital Art

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Digital Art


Digital Artist


Exclusive Interview w/

tobiash roesch Germany

All images are © 2015, Tobiash Roesch

They are released for reproduction in STIG, online magazine.


obias Roetsch (Tänaron) is a self-taught digital artist from Germany who specializes in digital art and photography. Coined as a Master Sci-Fi Digital Artist, this is apparently true for his works are spectacularly stunning which can only be achieved if an artist truly possesses a powerful imagination. His interpretations and perceptions when it comes to his creations will leave you dumbfounded. There is a moment of exuberance upon viewing Roetsch’s works which are at best, masterpieces; for these images takes you to a whole new level of experiencing digital art, as well as finding out the universal truth that lies in the depths of an artist’s soul – his essence as well as his being. Page 121 visit


Digital Art

Digital Art

I have been creating art my entire life and switched to digital media in 2005. A year later, I bought my first DSLR and started taking photos. I am completely self-taught and tried to develop my own style - which is important I think. I am focusing on wallpaper-formats as I really like it when people are using my images as backgrounds for their screens. At the same time this is offers me a lot of feedback which is highly appreciated for it helps me develop as artist.

What is the best part of being an artist in this digital age? For me, as I already said, it is the possibility to share your works worldwide within seconds. You are not limited to your hometown or the surrounding area. You are able to get feedback from people from every corner of the globe. This feedback is priceless and you would likely “miss it” as a traditional artist.

What led you to the path of digital art? What is the story behind it and why choose this particular profession? Continuation On The Next Page > That is quite a good question. I was working with a PC for some years and was highly impressed by images that have been done digitally. I decided to give it a try myself. Besides that, the internet garnered more and more importance and offered many possibilities to showcase the images in order to get feedback. It is way easier to get feedback on digital images than it is in the traditional way. And you get an impression of the global standards and not only of your local area.

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Digital Art

I think it is hard to divide me into two different parts as they belong to each other. I am a 23-year-old German artist living in the beautiful city of Dresden, which (at least in Europe) is famous for its baroque buildings and cultural institutions.

doing digital art at the same time. We both helped (and still are helping) each other; and we give each other a lot of honest and fair feedback. I think this was one of the most important things for me and why I decided to do digital media. What I can recommend to everyone is to look for a working-partner that you believe in.


Describe yourself as a person and as an Another would be the fact that Jeff artist. Michelmann, who is a friend of mine, started

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

Of course it is possible to take a photo of their work or to scan it in order to show it online. But it is hard to achieve the look that was originally intended. The other way around is a lot easier. If you want your digital image to hang on your wall you just have to print it. Depending on how much money you are willing to spend. You can get really high quality prints. I love to see my works printed, framed and hanged.

I do not feel this that often as it is very special. Sometimes it is before I start to work on something (or maybe start something new, because of that feeling); and sometimes it is in the middle or near the end of the working process that boosts the image to another level.

How does your art works define you and what is it’s ‘role’ in your life?

In your opinion, what is the essence of They represent me. The colors I am using a true artist? and the topic of the scenes are strongly connected to how I am feeling. Art is I do not know if there are “true” and “fake” surrounding me every day. I am earning artists. I think we are talking about art when money with it. It cannot be more essential you, as well as a third independent person, for me than it is. like your work. For me, it is important to like my own images. They are representing Where do you get your inspirations you and you are representing them. Both are from when creating your works-of-art? parts of each other. You have to feel good when doing art. As long as this is given, My inspiration comes from things I see. By everybody is a true artist (it does not matter seeing I mean to see something that others what others think as tastes are different all do not see. As a photographer it is normal I the time). think (or should be one of your strengths). I really love to browse images of others. Of What are your symptoms when you course nature is one of

know you’re being passionately creative about something?

Continuation On The Next Page > That is quite easy. I cannot stop working on the picture. I have thousands of ideas at the same time and do not know where to start first. The feeling is hard to describe. It is like being extremely excited and happy and feeling a lot of positive energy flowing through every part of your body.

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Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

“I am giving my art away in the form of free wallpapers in order to generate commissions. I think you have to give something to get something in return.” my main sources of inspiration. It is hard to beat this beauty. Besides that, I have always been a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars, which both have a lot of inspirational content. Ideas are spontaneously created out of my mind. I mostly have a finished impression of how the image is going to look like in advance.

How would you classify your approach as an artist and what is your signature style? I am giving my art away in the form of free wallpapers in order to generate commissions. I think you have to give something to get something in return. I focused on sci-fi and space art which is a very limited and is a special field of art. But a lot of people are dreaming of new worlds and undiscovered wonders in space which is helping me to promote my images. Somebody else should answer the question about my style as it is really hard for me to say. I am trying to approach a kind of photorealism in my pictures and to also try out things that have never been seen. Here again there is an important point: you have to try new things to grow as artist.

At this point in your life, what are you most proud of as an artist and as an individual? Regarding the amount of downloads and page offerings which make use of my pictures as wallpapers, I think I am mostly proud about the fact Continuation On The Next Page > Page 137 visit

So far, I am proud of the prints that I have been selling as well as the projects that I have been doing. Maybe my images will survive or surpass me. I could not imagine something better.

The most exciting project you have done, thus far? It is only a few weeks ago. A new gym from Australia was about to open its doors and they had the idea of a dark-room illuminated by a space scene. They wanted a black/white scene in order to use black light to lighten up the room. The project had a total width of 25 meters, and at the end, it was looking like a giant panorama taken from the moon. It was a very challenging project but I really enjoyed the work. I am still waiting for some high quality photos to get a better impression of the final product. But everyone there seems to be blown away by the atmosphere this picture is giving.

What is your dream project? Again, a very good question. I do not really know. It would be very cool to create the celestial background for a big science-fiction movie. Continuation On The Next Page > visit Page 138

Digital Art

that thousands or even millions of people are using my wallpaper for their screens and are enjoying my images. It is hard to imagine the amount of people using my images and it is really blowing me away.


“..millions of people are using my wallpaper for their screens and are enjoying my images. It is hard to imagine the amount of people using my images and it is really blowing me away.”

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art


Digital Art

Digital Art

Name other digital artists that you admire and specify some of their works and why you think highly of it. Dylan Cole – It is hard to give you a single picture as he is doing so many impressive ones. Just visit his website. He was working for Avatar and Alice in Wonderland to name two recent successful movies. Gary Tonge with Orbit – Redux One of my favorite pictures of all time. His visions of space are really inspiring and always executed in a very professional way. His style is unique and really worth a view. Marek Okon – again it is really hard to pick a single picture. The picture that caught my attention the most is named “Rain”. The entire scene is just incredible and very touching as it is telling a very dramatic story. Just perfectly executed.

Who has had the greatest Impact in your life? For my artistic life it clearly was Jeff Michelmann. He is the co-founder of my web-project As I already said we helped each other from the very beginning and I think I am only successful because of his feedback and his help during the last years. My normal life on the other hand is a completely different topic (winks).

What is your favorite ‘tool’ for your craft and what is the one thing that you cannot live without as an artist? My favorite tools are without any doubt Adobe Photoshop and my Canon EOS 7D; Photoshop to realize my imagination and the 7D to capture the beauty that already exists. I often use my own photos in my works so both tools are strongly linked to each other. I could not work without them.

In one word, how do you see the digital world? Unlimited

There are many more artists out there that impressed me!!! Continuation On The Next Page >

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It is hard to tell which of the advices has been the best. Every advice depends on the situation it was given on. Regarding the general advices I think the best one was about patience. Do not try too much at once and do everything step by step and try to develop slowly. Especially in the beginning, it is important to follow this rule as you might want to achieve too much and become easily frustrated if it is not working as intended. It really helped me as I had this problem when I started.

Tips, insights or wisdom that you can impart to those who wish to be in the same field as you. Be open for feedback and critique and see it as THE possibility to improve your skills. Other people see your work from a different point of view and therefore their comments are really helpful. Sometimes it might be hard, especially if you are satisfied with what you did and others do not seem to like it at all. Try out new things. Training and practice are keys to your success. Look out for tutorials and other images in order to get as much inspiration as possible. The internet is offering countless possibilities that should be used. End >


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Best advice you have gotten.

Digital Art

“Be open for feedback and critique and see it as THE possibility to improve your skills. Other people see your work from a different point of view”

Digital Art


Digital Art



Bags That Bring Bliss


Exclusive Interview w/

AMINA HASSAN Nigeria (Lagos)

All images are © 2015, Amina Hasson


n the city of Lagos, Nigeria, you will meet a talented and self-taught bag designer by the name of Amina Hassan whose inspirational concept lies in her passion to create wonderful pieces that best expresses her artistry. She fuses her designs with her culture and heritage along with her emotions and feelings which becomes a perfect concoction that represents her individualism. Despite the lack of materials and the education that most designers can get from established fashion-schools and cities, Hassan strongly believes that her passion and determination allows her to succeed in her chosen profession. With a story that many can related to, Hassan serves as a great inspiration for many young modern women by knowing what you can offer to the world and going after your dreams. Page 147 visit

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Exclusive Interview w/ Anna Schimmel Can you tell us something about yourself as a person and as a designer? I’m a simple hands-on person. I can be a very private person and what I lack in social skills I express through my creativity. I also have a strong passion for work, independence and skills. It’s probably not a surprise that I do what I do seeing as these traits are a part of designing. The part of me that is the designer has resulted from my curiosity. Early on I would disassemble my mother’s handbags to learn the intricacies within.

How did your business come about? What is the story behind it and what inspired you to become a part of this industry?

Did you always feel that you were artistic even as a child and did you enjoy designing or coming up with ideas that were bold and beautiful? It’s not a conscious feeling and like I’ve always said, curiosity is the fabric of artistry and as a child I was curious - certainly more than I am now, even though it is still a defining trait. So yes I have always been as you say artistic. And I did always enjoy being artistic, curious and so forth; really as part of searching for the appropriate manner of expression. Continuation On The Next Page >

The business was a confluence of fortunate factors. I was on the quest to find something to do till I found employment. I met and partnered with another creative and motivational mind. Of course, as I have mentioned, I had the childhood curiosity about a certain accessory. I still had to learn a lot about the craft, which took a while, but eventually I got a grip on it as well as the very demanding aspects of seeing through the making of a bag - such as the lack of quality materials and other resources given the very unpredictable supply market. visit Page 150





Bags That Bring Bliss


When it comes to developing your pieces, were do you normally find inspiration for this and what has influenced you greatly in your design? The inspiration is not really searched for, such that it is ‘found’ but I’ll admit that a love for bags and everything fashion plays a good part; seeing other very talented designers, desperately wanting to bring attention to the possibilities of making a name as a Nigerian and as an African. All these play a part.

What do you believe is your brand’s edge? Personalization - Because we set out to take the more general fashion trends and reconstruct them in a personalized context; a more intimately individual style so that the public sees a great way to keep up with the times and remain true to private proclivities. Continuation On The Next Page >

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What do you want people to think when they hear your brand name reverberating across rooms or streets?

Who are the individuals who patronize your brand and what makes them proud to own your designs and collections? People of every sort and gender whose desire is to break out from the norm by standing out while still being a la mode.

To date, what is your most popular piece and what is YOUR favorite one? The most popular pieces by far are the patchwork bags. There is no personal favorite because we like to think that the customers’ favorite is our favorite (smiles).

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That it is at the cutting edge of international fashion vogue, rich and true to its ethnic African origins.

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What are the things that you feel strongly about as a designer? The process of designing. The beauty of groping through your subconscious, settling on the ‘germ’ of an idea; developing, shaping and finally turning the idea into a concrete entity. I feel strongly about the journey.

What are the things that you feel strongly about as a business person? The business environment. I should say that our counterparts in the more thriving commercial cities around the world are extremely lucky and far better placed because of the environment in which they do business. Take supplies for example, it is a never ending agony to find what will work, what will be readily available the next time you wish to use it and so forth.

What is the best thing about owning and running your own label? Apart from the fact that you can still design and make stuff for other labels and designs? – The freedom to express your own unique vision. End >

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ever lose your sense of adventure. You are a given an opportunity to learn and experience all fragments of moments in its ultimate state. The world is meant to be explored. Life is spectacular, it is meant to be seen and felt by you. Live it, like it’s the only way to be.

All images are © 2015, Mardy Co

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Let The Images Speak For Itself

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Panglao Island, Bohol (Philippines) Title: Star In The Sea

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Title: In The Middle Of A Sea Walk


Bohol (Philippines)


Bohol (Philippines)

Title: With The Wave BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS (Tap Here)



Chocolate Hills, Bohol (Philippines) Title: On Top








One Of The Most Wanted Trand Setters


Exclusive Interview w/

stevie boi United States (Baltimore) All images are © 2015, Stevie Boi


otably one of the most sought after fashion accessory eyewear designer, Stevie Boi is a high rising star in his own right. Developing profoundly unique and dynamic designs, his trendsetting look has been patronized by high profiled celebrities such as Eva Marcille, Trina and of course, the very eccentric Lady Gaga. Now although Stevie Boi’s highly creative line may not be for the faint-of-heart, it is definite for those who are not afraid to stand out and shine. A label that signals attitude, confidence, edge and funk; those who dare to wear his brand knows that there is more to this look than meets the eye.

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All images are © 2015, Stevie Boi



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Can you tell us something about yourself as a person and as a designer? My name is Stevie BOI, I am a luxury clothing and eyewear designer. How did your business come about? What is the story behind it and what inspired you to become a part of this industry?

When it comes to developing your pieces, where do you normally find inspiration for this and what has influenced you greatly in your design? I’m inspired by my environment. Inside of my studio is a crazy jungle of spikes, studs & other materials. I love to sit alone and listen to music. In less then five minutes I’m whipping up some crazy eyewear/accessory.

I love fashion! It’s a get away from this universe. I decided to create SBshades to take people to another place. The best thing I can remember about fashion as a child was Grace Jones and the Spice Girls! They took me somewhere so far that I decided to bring that back in my fashions.

What do you believe is your brand’s edge?

Did you always feel that you were artistic even as a child and did you enjoy designing or coming up with ideas that were bold and beautiful?

What do you want people to think when they hear your brand name reverberating across rooms or streets?

I always knew that I was an artistic child. But I also knew that I was a businessman. I started off with legos; building luxury homes and condos which led me to create business strategies (marketing) to sell them. Ironically that’s what I have to do now with my fashion line.

Great question! My brand is out of the box. Majority of my customers are new comers to fashion and are also fashion lovers. I love that about the SB Brand.

Originality, Quality, and fun. Continuation On The Next Page >

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I do not think anyone necessarily patronizes my brand; but the ones that are proud to wear my designs are very unique and special. I love to advertise “worldwide” so I can hit all demographics and touch someone that may want something as different as SBshades. To date, what is your most popular piece and what is YOUR favorite one? The most popular piece that has been worn is the SB shines! They are the first shades I have ever designed. And lady gaga wears it every night on the monster ball tour. What are the things that you feel strongly about as a designer? To be honest with your craft (originality), for there is nothing better then having to create something that has never been done before.

As a business person, I feel strongly about being honest to my clients, customers and supporters. There is nothing better than experiencing loyalty in this business.


What are the things that you feel strongly about as a business person?

What is the best thing about owning and running your own label? It’s a task. Some people don’t think a lot of business owners as young as me knows how to run a business. But I have a lot of experience having worked for three years in the military when I was 18.I learned a lot about communication and making people feel comfortable in business settings. Knowing that you have achieved a lot thus far, what are you still hungry for at this point in your life? What drives you to want more? I work this hard to achieve the goals that I set. Most people work hard for the fame or even the money. Neither of those things every intrigued me. Continuation On The Next Page >

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Who are the individuals who patronize your brand and what makes them proud to own your designs and collections?

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If you could, what do you want to continually teach people who look up to you and to your brand, especially for what it stands for?

How would you like your brand to be remembered? I would love my brand to remember as changing the eyewear and accessories market.

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To be original. It’s very important. People pay a lot of attention to originality in designs. Also to save, save, save funds to market yourself.

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The Freedom To Be Sane Of Molly


Exclusive Interview w/

sane Of Molly United States (Baltimore) All images are © 2015, Sane of Molly


he inception of the brand SANE OF MOLLY began with a passion and the “love” for anything and everything that had to do with East London – from its art and culture, to its music, people and parties. Inspired by this backdrop as well as the way individuals live in this district; the creators of SANE OF MOLLY found inspiration everywhere – from the sounds being played in the pubs to the vintage stores on the streets. This was the reality that paved the way for the birth of this clothing line from Thailand which illustrates a look that is “Quirky” while giving you that “Freedom” of being able to express yourself. Known for its stylish details and sharp cutting, SANE OF MOLLY boasts of creativity and comfort fused in one package which makes this lifestyle label one of the best branded clothing stores online.

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Born in 2009, Sane of Molly is owned by Two of Them company limited (Registered in 2010). It was initially introduced as a menswear and womenswear collection in 2010. It was able to manage an image of sharp edge with its rock n’ roll and passion for the “old days” lifestyle inspired clothing. Sane of Molly supports culture, fashion, and music; while incorporating them into a potent formula of desirable clothing that depicts individuality and attitude. Sane of Molly has successfully positioned itself in the market segment as a menswear and womenswear brand. In 2010, Sane of Molly exploded in the Worldwide Online Shopping Experience ( which makes the world smaller. What is SANE OF MOLLY? It all begins with passion, deriving from “love.” We fell in love with East London - everything from its people, party, art, music, and culture.

Living there is inspiring and a reflection of us. We must find who we are so we can approach “Freedom” and realize that things are meant to be free. Sane of Molly is Freedom… Sane of Molly is Quirky! Sane of Molly is Oldie but goodie! Like its name, “Sane of Molly” sounds quirky and seemingly pumps up with question marks. Sane of Molly is a rebellion in disguised - sometimes in a line, but mostly out of rules. It’s a character of either a loss boyish teenager or a spoiled middle-aged successful person who finally finds his/her soul. Sane of Molly is creative with stylish details; sharp cutting, unique pattern and comfort which everyone can appreciate… especially those searching for “Freedom”.

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In our world of fashion, it is drawn from the lives of people in the street; sounds of music from pubs - from the very new young gigs to the oldies; LP from the vintage store, and even the guy next door are our inspiration. We found fashion everywhere - we found in love in Shoreditch.


Can you tell us something about your entrepreneurial journey; the inspirations behind the inception of SANE OF MOLLY as well as the statement that you want your brand to make?


“Everyone who loves freedom got a “freedom” mind and needs a “freedom world.”” . Normally, what type of customers do you attract and who is your niche market? Everyone who loves freedom - got a “freedom” mind and needs a “freedom world.” . 0-16 years old : “one day I will wear Sane of Molly” 17-45 years old : “I feel so confident and unique! This is my freedom, Sane of Molly!”

What online tools or activities do you feel have helped your online business the most. Social Network: Definitely Facebook and Twitter. They both are well worth it. In terms of word-of-mouth communication tool - plus they are free! What was/is the most challenging part of trying to sell your brand and product online and how were you able to overcome it? The most challenging part is to keep your brand identity and the ability to sell to the maximum level. We must stand and believe in our brand by not following the mass market; although mass product and designs are easier to sell. Continuation On The Next Page >

46-80 years old : “Sane of Molly suits my kids” Where do you sell your products both online and offline and how much time do you normally spend online when it comes to selling or promoting your brand? Online: Offline: Fashion Trade show I mainly sell our brand online, so for as long as I am awake, I normally spend time online.

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What is your marketing strategy and what do you believe is the reason why your company stands out from the pack? SANE OF MOLLY adopts a perceptual map in which it is plotted in the position of high quality and high price. A brand can likewise be viewed as a product, a personality, a position, or a set of values through its established brand identity which signifies how the company wants it to be perceived by its target market and consumers. In short, SANE OF MOLLY is able to establish itself as such through its strong identity branding. SANE OF MOLLY is able to adopt strong brand architecture in its ability to structure itself within a company’s portfolio which makes it related to and different from other brands. The brand’s tangible and intangible attributes are based on its ability to involve the customers in the products’ design process as it puts a great significance in knowing the customers’ needs and wishes while establishing a closer relationship with the consumers.

-Strong brand personality: Original / raw -Easy to use and very clear layout (Classic) -Using fashion shoots to express brand identity -Online store is very tidy and attractive -Minimalism If you could sell something to me from SANE OF MOLLY what would it be and why? For now, I would like to sell our charity scarf. We started this campaign to help and support the disaster in Japan. All the money from this campaign will be donated to Global Giving charity organization. Helping others is a concern of ours and it gives us peace of mind. This is what we called freedom of thinking.

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Online Store (


We believe in our outstanding designs and quality which we offer to our customers. Because we have a niche market, the brand positioning and brand loyalty is what we have to succeed in. Our strength is our uniqueness and quality; we must stand out and have a distinct position in our market segment.


“..everything can be a source of inspiration to me. When it comes to SANE OF MOLLY, it’s all about freedom. I’m liberating myself when I design clothes.” If it was my first time to purchase your products, what experience would you want me to take from this? Of course you will get the awesome and unique designs from SANE OF MOLLY as well as enjoy your online shopping experience on SaneofMolly. com - just a few clicks to check out. Afterwards, I hope you will involve yourself in our “Sane of Molly on Street competition,” where our fans post photos wearing our brand and posting it on our Facebook fan page. The photo that is “tagged” with the most “LIKE” will get a special award and gift voucher from us. What do you want the “first words” to come to mind when people to think of SANE OF MOLLY? “FREEDOM”

Where do you get your inspired ideas from when it comes to creating your products? People and lifestyle inspires me the most. I enjoy living my live - partying, traveling, and dreaming. Art, music, and culture reflect the designs I make. Apart from using my imagination, my designs are best expressed through these activities. In short, everything can be a source of inspiration to me. When it comes to SANE OF MOLLY, it’s all about freedom. I’m liberating myself when I design clothes. I’m always thirsty for new things and my imagination is my daily adventure. It’s interesting when I was riding on the train, passing by little huts where I saw clothes hanging on the clothesline, and my imagination starts to roll. I image how these families live, what they look like and eat, etc. I want to create something that can set people free and make them happy.

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If you could change the way people think in terms of the way they choose to buy things, what would you like to change? How can you make that change possible? If it is possible, I prefer people to wear and buy whatever they would love to. Nowadays, people always follow and imitate what the others do. One should have their own style without referring to others so that “freedom of style and fashion” can emerge.

Time is the most valuable thing in the world when you own a business. Every second counts given that it helps your company’s positioning in the market. Time management is crucial. There is no such thing as luck - you need to create your own. We learned that everything has its own pace and we never rush into things. We are always excited about the feedback and response we get from our online store. Our customers are our teachers and each comment they give allows us to improve on things. Our customers are like our companions, we take each step with them.

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I prefer not to see almost everyone on the street wearing the same style. We try so hard to communicate our “freedom fashion” to people by putting out very unique and conceptual details on our designs. Even the very basic smart shirts still have trims and designed stitches decorated on them. Once people start wearing them, I am sure that they would feel that these are not just your regular smart shirts – I want them to have a sense of freedom and sense of SANE OF MOLLY.

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Raw, Freshness and Self-confidence. SANE OF MOLLY customers are people who are self-assured and not afraid to show their identity. What you can find in SANE OF MOLLY is new and fresh. It’s purely from an “idea” and “freedom of mind”.

What valuable lessons have you learned from starting your own business and putting up your own online store?


What excites you about SANE OF MOLLY?


“..experience “Freedom” through SANE OF MOLLY..” Time-saving tips that you could share when it comes to online selling. - Make just a few clicks to check out. - Make a clear screen and layout. - Provide enough details (Products, Payment and Delivery) and do not flood! - Grab people’s attention so that they will spend more time on your website.

What is the best part of owning your own business/label? You can manage and create the character of your brand and build your own world around it. In one word, describe SANE OF MOLLY “Freedom”

Save fuels, Save energy, Save money and Save time - just shop online! What is your ultimate vision for SANE OF MOLLY?

End >

For people to experience “Freedom” through SANE OF MOLLY as well as become one of the most successful fashion brands in the world. We also hope to create unique and wearable garments that everyone would love.

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Thank You

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We woul like to end this edition with a beautiful poem by our Ghost Poet

Thank You I began to erase as soon as I wrote the words. Now, they do not exist. But they happened. Only if I wrote down to remember, What I want to forget. I am told there is nothing here. That it’s no longer there. For silence occupies no space. No weight. No presence. I have lost my words. I have lost your love. @iampi314

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