Jun & Mely 5 0T H A N N I V E R SA RY C E L E B R AT I O N 2 7 DECE MBE R 2 015
he greatest gift that we have to give is the promise of fidelity, the promise that we will keep trying, that we won’t walk away simply because we got hurt or because we felt unwanted or not properly valued. We are all weak, wounded, sinful, and easily hurt. Inside of our marriages, families, churches, friendships, and places of work, we cannot promise that we won’t disappoint each other and, worse still, that we won’t hurt each other. But we can promise that we won't walk away because of disappointment and hurt. That’s all we can promise—and that’s enough.
n Ron Rolheiser, OMI
renewal We give you thanks for graciously blessing our family life so that it might present an image of Christ’s union with the Church. Look with kindness upon us today, and as you have sustained our communion amid joys and struggles, renew our marriage covenant each day, increase our charity, and strengthen in us the bond of peace, so that we may forever enjoy your blessing. Renewal of Marriage Vows
family Help them create a home together. Bless them with children and help them to be good parents. May they live to see their children’s children. With the strength that comes from the Gospel, may they bear true witness to Christ before all. Nuptial Blessing, Roman Missal
The Lord has done great things for us; our hearts are filled with joy.
Psalm 126.3
friends Let us all pray for Jun and Mely for more years of happy living together. May they continue to radiate God’s love. May they experience the fulfillment of Christ promise: joy that is full and complete. Jun and Mely and your entire family, I entrust you to loving care of the Holy Family: Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Homily of Msgr. Zosimo Saùado
thanksgiving Dear Mel and Jun, may God bless you this day as you celebrate your golden wedding day. The day when you promised your true love to Our Lord You were young, so charming to behold. And now fifty years have gone by You seem to be young still with your inspiring smiles. Testimonial of Sister Justine Rosales, DC
n the twilight of our life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved.
n St. John of
the Cross