The Messenger - March 2016

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Messenger The

Invites You to Explore Our Life and Ministries at St. James Episcopal Church

Volume 100, Number 3

225-387-5141 • Fax 225-387-1443 •

March 2016

Service Schedule Sundays

7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II* 9:00 a.m. As You Are Service* 10:00 a.m. Christian Formation for all ages and Coffee Hour* (except Palm & Easter Sundays) 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II* 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Weekdays Mondays, except March 28 8:15 a.m. Day School Morning Prayer Wednesdays Noon Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Healing Prayers (Chapel) Maundy Thursday, March 24 8:15 a.m. Day School Liturgy Fridays, except March 25 8:15 a.m. Day School Eucharist Special Services Wednesdays, March 2, 9, and 16 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the church* Thursday, March 3 6:00 p.m. Ordination of Rod Kennedy to the transitional diaconate Maundy Thursday, March 24 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Liturgy* 8:00 p.m. Altar of Repose Chapel of the Twelve Apostles open until 7:30 a.m. Friday Good Friday, March 25 7:30 a.m. Good Friday Liturgy Noon Stations of the Cross 1:00 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy Holy Saturday, March 26 6:00 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter 7:00 p.m. Agapé Meal

Spend Wednesday evenings in Lent with your St. James community! Register at stjamesbr. org/WIL or phone 225-387-5141. 5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist in the church 6:00 p.m. - Lenten Dinner of soup and salad in Bishops Hall 6:30-7:15 p.m. - Lent program offerings for all ages Programs offered include Art & Spirituality; Church History: How We Became Anglicans - In Search of the Middle Way; Bread Baking with Fr. Ralph on March 9; Prayer & The Spirit; Health: on March 2 - Emmanuel Andrews of Pennington Biomedical; on March 9 - Cancer Screening in the 21st Century by Dr. Dwayne Delrie, hematologist-oncologist at the Ochsner Medical Center; on March 16 - Innovations in Breast Cancer Treatment with Dr. Delrie; and, Contemplative Prayer - an introduction to Contemplative Prayer and how it can become a part of your prayer life, with additional components covering Centering Prayer and other forms of prayer.

Our professionally-staffed nursery will be open for children six weeks to 4 years old. Youth 1 (PreKGrade 1) will gather in the small parlor where we will discuss an age-appropriate Lenten theme with craft and activity time. Youth 2 (Grades 2-5): This group is viewing the film “Joshua”, the story of a caring, loving stranger who comes to a small town and changes the hearts and lives of those around him, in the conference room on the second floor of the Ministries Center. Youth 3 (Grades 6-12): Our youth minister, Marvin McLennon, will lead this group in Lenten-themed study and activity in the Youth Room on the first floor of the Ministries Center.

*Nursery available

12:05-12:30 Fridays in church

The Messenger

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Nursery Information

St. James Staff The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr. Bishop of Louisiana The Very Rev. J. Mark Holland Rector of St. James The Rev. Ralph F. Howe, Jr. Sr. Associate Rector and Day School Chaplain The Rev. Mary Ann Garrett Associate Rector and Director of Pastoral Care for St. James Place The Rev. John Pitzer Prior, The St. James Center for Spiritual Formation Deacon Pat Lyle Spiritual Director in Residence The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Witcher Bishop-in-Residence XIX Rector of St. James The Rt. Rev. James M. Coleman Bishop-in-Residence XX Rector of St. James Mary Hunt Boutwell Director of Lay Ministries Jo Craddock Director of Communications Mary Davis-Palms Parish Dietician Rodger Green Facilities Director Sara Bray Cherub Choir Director & Ass’t Choirmaster Jason Hubbard Choirmaster Eric Johnson Treble Choir Director & Ass’t Choirmaster Marvin McLennon Youth & Young Adults Ministries Cheryl Speights Olinde Bookkeeper John Ozier Parish Secretary Sylvia Rabalais Administrative Secretary Lauren T. Ray Head of School Herndon Spillman Organist Debbie Stiltner Comptroller

St. James Vestry Gerry Sulzer**................................Senior Warden Andy McCall**............................... Junior Warden Jane Christensen*...........................................Clerk Josh Pesses**............................................Treasurer Jane Christensen* Rip Collins* Margaret Culbertson** Charlie Frey *** Chris Frink* Barbin C. Graham*** Catherine S. Harrell*** Tricia Henderson *

Buzzy Heroman*** Bill Hines*** Sue Larisey*** Caroline Ross** Manette Sammons** Chip Stirling** Tom Wade**

The Diocese of Louisiana is one church, faithful to our Lord Jesus, united in mission, reaching out through service and proclamation to all for whom Christ died. We live in joyous expectation of God’s transforming power, compassion, and mercy in our lives.

Infants and toddlers are welcome at all services, but, as parents desire, may also be lovingly cared for by trained staff in our nursery/wiggle room on the first floor of the Parish Hall between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday mornings, and for other events as announced. You may prefer to keep your young child with you during the service, and children are welcome at all our services. Some hints that may help you and your young child be more comfortable while we worship together are available on our website, or by clicking here.

March 2016

EYC & EKC Information EYC meets on the first and third Sundays of each month, at 5:00 p.m., in the Ministries Center, and EKC (Episcopal Kids in Community), for youngsters in grades three through five, meets on the second and fourth Sundays at 5:00 p.m. Email Marvin McLennon to get on his email list of events, check each Friday’s e-Messenger, or . Summer 2016 Mission Trip Along with youth from St. Alban’s, we will go to Palm Beach, Florida and work at the Hearts of Palm Mission of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, from June 19-24. The cost is $300/per person (meals included). We have room for only 15 missioners in grades six through twelve. Contact Marvin for info, reserving a spot, and chaperone needs/information!

Floral Dedications and Arrangements Lenten arrangements on the altar are given to the glory of God. Altar of Repose and Easter Flower Dedication forms are available around our campus, or can be downloaded, here. Arrangements in the parlor on March 6 are by Belva Dewey; on March 13 by Tricia Henderson; on March 20 by Amy Ferachi; and, on March 27 by Manette Sammons.

In Our Thoughts and Prayers … For the dear departed: Calvin Ozier, brother of John Ozier For recent concerns of: Babette Vlahos, Veronica Lewis, Charlie Matherne, Phil Foster, Charles Barham, Sarah Romero, Robin, Pat Culbertson, Jean Pitzer, Carol Landry, Joanne Anderson, Sally Buchanan, Mark C. Smith, Ed Hernandez, Liam Barber, Jim Terrell, Tommy Roberson, Bobby Hines, Elizabeth, Aimee Clare Whithurst, Kirk Patrick, Martha Ann Gossett, Emma, Houston, Terry Continuing prayers are offered for: Fred Frey Jr., Betty Romero, Kevin Stockton, Glenn Stockton, Bobby Rayne Jr., Jim Coleman, Bob Boyd, Richard Garber, Barbara Shilg, Larry Durant, Judy Calhoun, Debra Bagley, Emma, Janet Arst, Casey Dué, Peyton Feigley, Mary Jarnagin, Chuck Wood, Tara Sperandeo-Ellis, Bessie Stockton, Jim Toups, Kenlee Jackson, Jeff

Cobb, Billy Heroman, Bobby McCall, Butch Noland, Jack Ralston, Catherine, Janie LeBlanc For those in the armed forces: Rob Hutchins, Major John Lyford V, Staff Sgt William Martin USMC, PFC Don Ellen, Lt Jon Bethel, Trey Wolf ABFAN, Lt Jordan Morris, Sgt James Chambers, Major Andrew “Andy” Stone USAF, Capt Michael Oliver, Specialist Daniel Anderson, Sgt Ethan Wade, Major Charlie Hines, Capt Mathis Guy Hall USMC, Chad Hornsby SFAAT US Army, Airman Avery Frink, Philip Thomas Loret USN, Capt Mark Robert Truxillo USAF, Pvt Mike Lee For those in law enforcement: Sgt. Carol Landry, Deputy Chad Tate, Chief Detective John East, Officer Eddie Kay, Louise Myers, Sgt. Jeremy Hummert, Detective Brock Bunch, Taylor McDonald

March 2016

The Messenger

Glory & Gumbo speakers in March



rabbi at Beth Shalom Synogogue was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised in suburban Chicago. Rabbi Glickman graduated cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis in 1985. He received his Rabbinical Ordination from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati in 1990. His book Sacred Treasure: The Cairo Genizah (Jewish Lights Publishing) was published in 2011, and his second book, Stolen Words: The Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books (Jewish Publication Society) is scheduled for release in February 2016.

a retired priest from the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Fr. Donald was ordained in 1969 and spent the majority of his priesthood in parish life. He is leading upcoming retreats on The Holy Year of Mercy, in March and June.

Rabbi Mark Glickman, interim


The Rev. Donald Blanchard is

FRIDAY, MARCH 18 The Rev. Patti Snyder is

the senior pastor of University Presbyterian Church at the edge of the LSU campus where she has served since 2002. She received her undergraduate degree in theatre from Converse College and was an arts administrator before attending Emory’s Candler School of Theology where she received her M.Div. Since her ordination in 1989, she has served congregations in Atlanta, Memphis, and Rochester and been involved in ministries of hospitality, social justice, and spiritual exploration. She and her husband, Jim Hanifen, enjoy gardening, cooking and traveling together.

AARP Driving Course will be offered on April 12 Dr. John Thomas will teach the AARP Driving Course on Tuesday, April 12, at St. James, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please contact Mary Boutwell to register for this course:, or 225-387-5141 ext. 1229. By taking a driver safety course you’ll learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment, and may be eligible for auto insurance discounts! The cost of the course is $15 for AARP members and $20 for nonmembers.

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Parish Family News

Births Arden Olivia Ritter was born September 14, 2015, weighing 7 lbs., 10 oz., to Britton and Robert Ritter. Proud grandparents are Sharon and Donald Lee Bergeron. Lewis Alston Sulzer was born on the tenth of February, weighing 7 lbs., 5 oz., to Blair and Eric Sulzer. Proud grandparents are Pam and Gerry Sulzer and Judy Nordgren. Baptisms Robert Sanderlin Dampf, infant son of Katherine Grace Dampf and Benjamin H. Dampf, was baptized on February 21, 2016. Marriages Laura Riggs and Ben Hall were united in holy matrimony at St. James on Saturday, February 27, 2016. Transfers Victoria and Jeremy McKnight and their children, Olivia, Jeremy Jr., and Dalton, came to us from St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Houma, Louisiana. Deaths/Burials Marcia Roberts Campbell died in Gulf Breeze, Florida on January 5, 2016. Her Requiem Eucharist was held at St. James on Saturday, February 20, 2016.

The Messenger

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March 2016

Group Meetings

and more for Millennials at St. James Schedule for Spring 2016: •

March 2 during Wednesdays in Lent

March 16 during Wednesdays in Lent

April 6, 6:00 p.m.

April 13, 6:00 p.m.

April 27, 6:00 p.m. - last of season

The March book selection is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and we’ll be meeting on Monday, March 21 at 6:00 p.m., at La Madeleine’s on Jefferson at Old Hammond Highway. R.s.v.p. to Monica Murphy, and don’t forget to bring a sweater!

MoT is not your ordinary Bible study. It is a gathering of young adults (20s-30s) to discuss interesting theological and spiritual topics such as the Gnostic Gospels, The Apocrypha, theology in contemporary or “pop” literature, and more. Discussions kick off at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Mondays at The Radio Bar (located along Government St. in the Westmoreland Shopping Center, 3079 Government Street). Confirm date and time (particularly around holidays) with an email to Marvin McLennon, our Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

St. James Episcopal Church

joan of arc

will host the 129th Annual Gathering of the

Martha Richard hosts the March 2 gathering at noon. Nina Broyles presents the lesson on the parable of “The Pharisee and the Tax Collector,” from Luke 18:10-14.

Episcopal Church Women

Contact Nina at for more information on the Joan of Arc Study Group!

April 22-23, 2016

Diocese of Louisiana

Calling all millennials Are you a millennial between the ages of 25-35, or do you know one who’s looking to get involved at St. James? Your fellow Millennials are here and you aren’t alone! Alyce Howe is spearheading St. James’ efforts to identify and meet the needs of the parish’s millennials. We want to know who you are so we can keep you in the loop and those people who would like to be involved in our efforts. If you’re interested and want to be included, please email Alyce.

Julie McCall is helping out the Easter bunny, collecting treat-filled plastic Easter eggs for this year’s Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, March 17, immediately following the 9:00 service, where the children will open our celebration with flowering of the cross. Particularly, if you think you might have a child or grandchild participate, please consider donating to the Easter Bunny’s Basket. A collection box will be in the Parish Hall Parlor through Palm Sunday. The Easter Bunny needs plastic eggs of any color, and small trinkets (stickers, bouncy balls, erasers or individually wrapped candy) for filling the eggs. If you would like to help, or if you have questions, please email Julie McCall at

4 lent

*Nursery open





easter day

10:15 Easter Egg Hunt



11:00 Noon Noon 5:30 5:00 EYC (Grades 6-12) 6:00 6:00 Centering Prayer - CSF Atrium 7:00


7:00 Compline Sunday of the Passsion: palm sunday

11:00 5:00 EKC (Grades 3-5) Noon 6:00 Centering Prayer - CSF Atrium Noon

daylight saving tIme 10:00 iConfirm - Youth Room


5:00 EYC (Grades 6-12) 5:30 6:00 Centering Prayer - CSF Atrium 7:00 5 lent


11:00 SMILE Bible Study Group Noon AA - MC Media Room




8:00 Food Pantry 11:00 SMILE Bible Study Noon AA - MC Media Room Noon Holy Eucharist & Healing Svc. Noon Joan of Arc ECW - offsite 4:00 Mission & Visioning Comm. 4:30 EfM Garrett/Holmes Group 5:30 Property Committee Wednesdays in Lent 5:30-7:15 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal




6:00 EfM Holland/Garrett Group

o o l H o l i d a y s SMILE Bible Study AA - MC Media Room Holy Eucharist & Healing Svc. Noon AA - MC Media Room




8:00 Scouts Pinewood Derby Bishops Hall



The Rev. Patti Snyder


holy saturday



Gumbo #2 8:15 Day School Eucharist EASTER FLOWER DEADLINE 10:00 Dioc. Exec. Comm. Noon AA - MC Media Room 11:00 Food Bank “Empty Bowls” at Ingleside UMC


University Presbyterian Church Good friday Maundy thursday Office Closed 8:15 Day School Eucharist 7:30 Good Friday Liturgy

5:00 Healing for a Broken Heart 6:00 Mom-to-Mom Group 6:00 EfM Holland/Garrett Group

Noon EfM Grads - Offsite Noon AA - MC Media Room


The Rev. Donald Blanchard

Noon AA - MC Media Room

Noon AA - MC Media Room 3:00 Kids Orchestra 6:00 EfM Holland/Garrett Group 6:00 Treble Choir Rehearsal

Day School Easter Break 9:00 DAR - Church


AA - MC Media Room Noon AA - MC Media Room Kids Orchestra EfM Holland/Garrett Group Rabbi Mark Glickman Beth Shalom Synagogue Kennedy Ordination 5:00 Scouts Weigh-in BH Gumbo #1

8:15 Day School Eucharist

4 Gumbo #3


8:00 Exec. Comm. - offsite


Noon 3:00 6:00 6:00



SMILE Bible Study Group Holy Eucharist & Healing Svc. Noon AA - MC Media Room Noon AA - MC Media Room AA - MC Media Room 3:00 Kids Orchestra Noon Stations of the Cross EfM Garrett/Holmes Group 6:00 Treble Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Good Friday Liturgy 7:00 Maundy Thursday Liturgy 8:00 Altar of Repose opens Adult Choir Rehearsal easter Wednesay easter thursday

4:30 EfM Garrett/Holmes Group


11:00 Meditative Yoga - CSF Noon Noon Day School Finance/Exec. Noon AA - MC Media Room AA - MC Media Room 4:30 3:00 Kids Orchestra School Board Meeting Bad Girls Book Club offsite Mondays on Tap - offsite 7:30 easter Monday easter tuesday Office Closed D a y S c h 11:00 Noon Noon AA - MC Media Room Noon 3:00 Kids Orchestra



4:30 EfM Garrett/Holmes Group Wednesdays in Lent 3:00 Kids Orchestra CSF Board 5:30-7:15 Mondays on Tap - offsite 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Food Pantry 9:00 Spiritual Direction Day School Morning Prayer 11:00 SMILE Bible Study Group 10:00 Sts. Agnes/Edith/Monica - Noon Holy Eucharist & Healing Svc. Meditative Yoga - CSF offsite Noon AA - MC Media Room Finance Committee Noon AA - MC Media Room AA - MC Media Room 4:30 EfM Garrett/Holmes Group Wednesdays in Lent 5:30 UBE - 3rd Fl. Conf. Room Vestry Meeting 5:30-7:15 5:30 Associate Vestry 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal Monday in tuesday in spy Wednesday holy Week holy Week

Noon AA - MC Media Room


Noon AA - MC Media Room 3:00 Kids Orchestra



8:15 Day School Morning Prayer 8:00 DDD Board - Parlor



10:00 iConfirm - Youth Room Girl Scout Cookies for Sale! 11:00 Meditative Yoga - CSF Noon AA - MC Media Room


7:30 9:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 5:00

Sunday Schedule (unless otherwise noted) Rite I - spoken, in the church Rite II in the Chapel - As You Are* Rite II w/music in the church * Christian Education* Rite II w/music in the church* Rite II in Chapel of 12 Apostles


March 2016 205 N. Fourth Street | Baton Rouge, LA 70801 225 387 5141 | Fax 225 387 1443 *Indicates child care provided

SERVICE 7:30 a.m.

John Cadwallader Honey East Hays Town III Hays Town III Pat Colquette Monica Murphy Allen Paterson BB Stirling

MARCH 13, 2016 Tricia Henderson Joyce Rucker Bessie & Glenn Stockton John Ozier Barbara Sims Sharon Hoffeld

Stan Prutz David Lowe Chris Williams Paul Lapeyrouse

Liz Treppendahl Anna Garrett Liz Treppendahl Liz Treppendahl Honey East Anna Garrett BB Stirling BB Stirling

MARCH 20, 2016 Amy Ferachi Joyce Rucker Bessie & Glenn Stockton Tony Carter Jane Christensen Dodie Edmonds Mildred Taylor


GOOD FRIDAY - 7:30 AM Hays Town

James Van Hook Olivia Van Hook Bryan Olsson

Pat Broderick Bob Frazier Dan West Gerry Sulzer Derek Mathews

Brent & Kent Caldwell Brent Caldwell deSha Carter Pat Colquette deSha Carter Kent Caldwell Randy East BB Stirling

LAY MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS - MARCH 2016 (Post-press changes made at

Hillary Poirrier Alan Miller Brian Murphy Trey Roberts Shane Brien

Andrea Kay Stephanie Kay


Rayleigh Lapeyrouse Grace Gagliano

Douglas Kennedy

Eucharistic Ministers Debbie Taylor Lectors Intercessor Altar Guild

Charles Kahao Chris Frink Vernon Middleton Chuck Oliver Sandy Arst

Amy Longfield Summer Keane Steve Fair Maretta Creveling Rieta Reiser Susan White EASTER VIGIL - 6PM

Warren Ross Sally Hurst

David Warrington and crucifer at noon Stations

Jane Christensen

Acolyte: Anna Grace Kurtz

Mickey Christensen

B Phillips Gary Richards Ford Thomas Chris Kiesel Linda Ohmstede

Summer Keane

Vickie Schenk Emily Kay B Phillips Linda Bowsher Margaret Culbertson Amanda Phillips

MARCH 27, 2016 Manette Sammons Joyce Rucker Bessie & Glenn Stockton Mickey Christensen Karen Kennedy Karen Kennedy Cathy McHugh Robin DiNapoli


Maile Braden Jessica Smith

Linda Bowsher Judy Foil Bob Bowsher Agnes Harrop Thelma Herthum Trudy Ivy

Randall Peterson Scott Garver Bill Lee Hays Alexander

ASSIGNMENT MARCH 6, 2016 Parlor Arrangements Belva Dewey Ushers/Welcome Joyce Rucker Bessie & Glenn Stockton EM/Intercessor Randy Garrett Lector Cathy McHugh Altar Guild Liz Carter Jane Christensen


Elizabeth Canfield Michael Ferachi Manette Sammons Zoe Harrell Nancy Jo Poirrier

Chip Middleton Frank Leonard John Compton Neal Elliott Jr. Bob Laughlin

Lector 1 Psalmist Lector 2 Intercessor Altar Guild


Phillip Wright D.J. Richard Norm Martinusen Joe O’Banion Stephen Jung

Mary Brandon Harrell Margaret Harrell

Wendell Holmes Ann Holmes Paige Gagliano Joanne Anderson Kaki Heiligenthal Emily Taylor

Bella Jung Risley Elliott Helene Jung

Bill Campbell Lubna Culbert Bahin Leonard Pauline Barrow Laura Collet Nancy Penn Lucy McGough

Jim Koontz Betty Phillips

Alyce Howe Kaia Duke Catherine Van Hook Lucy McGough Catherine Harrell Jennie Price Deanna Ashworth

John Ozier Sheila Feigley

Jane Perkins Deborah Matherne Adelaide Russo Mary Williams Barbara Bearden Jane Henslee Ann Holmes Susan Rolfs

Jeannie Frey Rhodes Frances Garland

Steve Anderson

Hays Town Elizabeth Libbers

Eucharistic Ministers Nancy Hubbard Lectors Intercessor Altar Guild

Eucharistic Minister Altar Guild

Lazette Phillips


Grant Griffin Hays Alexander Granison Alexander

Martha Rhodes Bennett Gibson Abigail Gibson Marshall Elliott Elizabeth Whitley

As You Are Ushers/Welcome Mimi Riché Eucharistic Ministers Mimi Riché Gordon Ellis Mimi Riché Annie Furr Susie Furr Katherine Martin BB Stirling 9:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

5:00 p.m.

March 2016

The Messenger

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Vestry Notes By Jane Christensen, Clerk After Fr. Howe opened the meeting with prayer, Bobby McCall on behalf of the Investment Committee, introduced John Godbee with JP Morgan/Chase who presented the financial review and outlook for the church’s investment portfolio. Treasurer Kevin Curry advised that a tutorial session on the church’s financial statements will be held for new (and current) vestry members and presented the January financial information. No budget has yet been approved for 2016. The vestry was advised that the Property Committee had received approval through the Finance Committee to replace various proportional control actuators in the HVAC system throughout the campus at a total cost of $8,130.00, to be funded 60% by the Day School and 40% by the church, in the amount of $3,902.00. Kevin’s term as treasurer has expired, and Fr. Holland thanked Kevin for his service to the church.

After nominations made by the nominating committee, Andy McCall was elected Junior Warden; Josh Pesses as Treasurer; and, Jane Christensen, Clerk. Andy McCall reported that the Mission and Visioning Committee had met with Goal and Team Leaders: Christian Formation is working on the hiring of a Christian Education Director; Pastoral Care will be reviewed and presented at the March vestry meeting; and, as part of stewardship, work is continuing with CPEX on a master real estate plan. Josh Pesses reported for the Day School that three new families were welcomed to the school in January. An educational futurist consultant has been on campus, and initial draft proposal is in progress. One opening remains in the new Pre-K3 class opening in the fall. Financially, the school is in good shape. The school applied for and received a grant from the Pennington Foundation, the bulk of which will go toward a renovation of the existing playground, to begin in the summer of 2016.

2016 Celtic Pilgrimage Contemplating Celtic Spirituality: GLENDALOUGH AND THE ARAN ISLANDS July 3-15, 2016 Leaders: Marsha Wade and Marcus Losack We invite you to come with us on a special Pilgrimage to Celtic and Christian sites in Ireland. We will travel together as prayerful and caring pilgrims, exploring the treasures of the Celtic Tradition and deepening our own sense of spirituality, wisdom and community. Locations on the itinerary include Hill of Slane (the ancient site where St Patrick lit a Paschal Fire as a symbol of his Mission to bring the light of Christianity to Ireland; and, the ancient and sacred monastic site at Glendalough founded by St Kevin in the sixth century; St Brigid’s Cathedral in Kildare, site of St Brigid’s fifth century Irish monastery; Ring of Kerry and Molls Gap; Inis mor, largest of the Aran Island; Dun Aengus (8th century BC Hill Fort) and the nearby site where there are ruins of seven ancient churches; and, more, with experienced pilgrimage leader Marcus Losack. Marcus is an inspiring teacher who has published four books on the Origins of St. Patrick. He has been on the associate staff of the Haden Institute for many years, specializing in Celtic Spirituality. He is now the Director of The Celtic Pilgrimage Company. Read more, or download a pilgrimage registration form, here.

The vestry retreat will be held the weekend of April 8-9. While pledging is still down from 2015, Fr. Holland said he expected pledges would rise to get close to the 2015 level. Fr. John Pitzer will be officially received into the Episcopal Church on May 21, 2016, and serve as priest on staff for one to two years. Rod Kennedy will be ordained to the transitional diaconate at St. James on Thursday, March 3. Fr. Holland’s last service at St. James will be Pentecost Sunday, May 15. There will be a combined service followed by a luncheon. Director of Lay Ministries Mary Boutwell encouraged vestry members, as leaders of the parish, to attend the upcoming Invite - Welcome - Connect Workshop on the nationally-recognized program designed and led by Mary Parmer, on Saturday, February 27, and her Sunday, February 28 presentation.

Youth Happening #76 is March 4-6 Happening is a youthled spiritual formation weekend designed for high school teens. It is an amazing experience that changes the way you think about yourself and your faith. Happening is open to ninth through 12th grade teenagers of any denomination who have not participated in Happening in the past. If you have participated in Happening and would like to serve on staff you can email Marvin McLennon at You need not be Episcopalian to attend, however you must be committed to engage in theological reflection from a Christian perspective. Happening #76 will be held March 4-6, 2016 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. Registration deadline is Monday, February 29, 2016, and the cost is $150. Scholarship assistance is available. For more information, please contact Marvin McLennon, Diocesan Youth Coordinator. For more information, registration details, and permission forms, go to Download the diocesan permission form from our library, here.

Messenger The

Invites You to Explore Our Life and Ministries

The MESSENGER is the monthly magazine of St. James Episcopal Church, containing extended news of parish programs and events. Readers are encouraged to use the online version to enjoy color photographs and graphics, easy links to contact information, maps, reference materials, and more at If you know of someone who cannot receive the electronic version, nor is able to pick up a paper copy available in the narthex, foyers and vestibules, please share their name with us so other arrangements can be made — or better yet: pick up a paper copy at church and bring it to them on a visit, yourself!

We proclaim Christ crucified and risen, and invite all to join with us in ministry together in his name.

easter Flowers

Altar of repose

To place Easter lilies in the church as a memorial or thank offering, or contribute to plants for the Altar of Repose (which are then used in the St. James gardens), please complete this form and place it in the offering plate, mail or deliver to the church office, or the information directly to Sylvia Rabalais at The usual donation for lilies is $40; Altar of Repose contributions are usually $15. The deadline is Friday, March 18.

PAY ONLINE! You can make your contribution online with your credit/debit card or by electronic check HERE, then forward your email receipt with the following information to (Go online to

Check one:

Easter lilies in the church ($40)

Plants for the Altar of Repose ($15)

Donor(s): _______________________________________________________________________________

Exact wording of listing (please print): ______________________________________________________

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