Natures Classroom Loree Birkenback
The St. James Episcopal School staff prepared for spring by traveling to Bruceville, Texas over spring break. We attended a staff retreat hosted by Nature’s Classroom Institute. We sisters of St. James bonded over team building and learned new ways to connect children to nature. We walked miles of wooded trails, steep inclines and deep ravines. We practiced team building, played, laughed and learned. We slept a little and ate a lot! I’ve always admired the ladies of St. James, but I truly enjoyed having this peaceful time together to get to learn more about each of them. We know the importance of the child’s need to play and explore outdoors, so after attending this session we have each challenged ourselves to practice a couple of the things we learned. You’ll notice this newsletter is dedicated to just that…Happy spring!
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” -Rainer Maria Rilke
Happy spring everyone!! We are so excited for spring to finally be here, even if it doesn't feel that way every day...brrrr! There are so many fun activities that can be done outside this time of year. Last week we started raking leaves, pulling weeds, going on nature walks, and just enjoying the nice weather. We have been talking a lot about spring activities and the children are very excited to get started. We will be going outside some days and taking works outside. It is so important to have the kiddos outside as much as possible. Let them explore and see and smell new things. We hope everyone had a great easter!! Love, Your MDO teachers
Ali is blowing the dandelion. She loved blowing all the seeds off
Carson helped pull some weeds outside in the field. He was working very hard
Emma loves playing the big wooden xylophone outside .on the playground
Ali went on a nature walk and collected items in her basket
Springtime in nature's classroom It is springtime and the teacher's and children have all been looking forward to spending a great deal more time outside. Over spring break the St. James staff attended a retreat in Bruceville, Texas geared toward Montessori educators called Nature's Classroom. We played a lot of educational games and built up our tool box for guiding children in outdoor learning pursuits and adventures while encouraging stewardship of our environment. Over the last week we have been spending time in our garden everyday listening, watching and working. We've identified lizards, squirrels and different types of birds. The budding ornithologists can accurately identify our local garden birds thanks to the beautiful nomenclature cards made for us by Ms. Loree. We watch for the song sparrow, mockingbird, robin, and cardinal. The children enjoy refilling the bird feeders using a scoop and funnel and identifying the different fragrant herbs like rosemary and oregano. The children, always eager to work together and help, cleared away leaves from the path and listened quietly for the wind chimes. The magical feeling of calm inspired by productive time in nature is our favorite part of spring! Love, Ms. Charlotte, Ms. April and Ms. Lilly
Harry Scrubbing Carrots
Isla makes an Easter art project - a stained glass' cross
Nature Picnic
Audrey paints red-extension of color box one + r, r, red with the sound book
The whispers of spring are not only on the trees, they're on our lips as well! March (the beginning of spring) is an excellent time to reiterate nature works and to bring the beautiful things we see outside inside the classroom to examine and work with. Last week the children collected leaves in our "nature basket" at recess. We then brought the leaves inside to look at them through a magnifying lens. The children started to notice the leaves were not the same shape, color, ect. Upon making observations about the beautiful leaves, we went one step further and rubbed the shapes of the leaves onto paper with crayons to make a "leaf rubbing" work. Giving back to animals is also a great way to make a contribution to nature! Just last week, Ms. Coral's class noticed the birds were hungry and the bird feeders were empty! The children were so thrilled to set out food for the birds and so patient in waiting their turn to put their cup of bird seed in the feeder. The birds are now happy and full. :) The St. James School Auction is approaching and we have also been preparing for that, as well. Ms. Judi was so kind to make a stop in our classroom for the day to let the children decorate their cups and plates for the "Chihuly" project. The children did such a great job coloring their objects; they are going to be a beautiful addition to someone's art collection! Ms. Coral
Alex Chaump and Alex Checkanovskiy help each other as they sweep the floor. Teamwork
Mark's friends watch as he makes his contribution to the bird feeder
Jackson K. experiments with a work
William gazes through the magnifying glass at the nature we collected on the playground
Ms. Judi joined our students to make a beautiful project for the school auction
Spring has sprung on the St. James playground. The trees have begun to bud and the plants have flowers about to bloom. We even have a small Woodpecker looking for food in the large tree by the natural playground. These are just a few things that our toddlers have seen during their day at school. In the classroom we are working on leaf rubbings, observing nature up close with magnifying glasses - leaves, shells, twigs, acorns and rocks to name a few items from our scavenger hunt. We also have a flower matching work with bright colors and a beautiful butterfly sorting work. Outside our window we have several bird feeders that we take care of and make sure they are always filled. We have also been raking leaves in the prayer garden, getting it ready for the Easter egg hunt. Anna Mendoza-Bouldin 214.808.7971
Leaf Polishing
Gardening Class
Flower Arranging
cleaning fruits and vegetables
Climbing Wall
Ms. Bailey and Ms. Holbrook
The signs of Spring are in the air, the perfect time to explore nature! This March we focused on incorporating our natural surroundings in the classroom. Adults have grown so familiar with simple things like finding bugs and leaves, yet children are naturally fascinated and amazed with such discoveries. Studying and exploring nature, procures an intense concentration and excitement in young and easily distracted minds, and is such a fun way to help them learn. This month we discovered a new “pet” on our classroom floor; a spider. Instead of running in fear the entire class gathered around in wonder, noticing things like how many legs it had and how quickly it moved. We dug out a container to be our pet’s new home and upon realizing spiders need to eat, the children immediately formed a team of “bug collectors” to gather food. In our garden they discovered where insects are most likely to live and the best ways to catch them. They very intently studied each insect they found, comparing how they moved and their different type of bodies. Another day we decided to discover the sounds of the alphabet in nature.
Several of the young children still learning their letters and corresponding sounds each traced a letter on paper very excitedly brought their work out doors. We walked the grounds discussing beginning sounds of different things in nature that we came across. The children found things that sparked their interest and their classmates got to feel, smell and intently observe each object on “display.” Each time we found something matching the letter a child carried with them, they placed the object in our “nature basket.” Upon returning to the classroom they matched the objects again to their letters on a small floor rug. The concentration and joy demonstrated especially in the younger children when they are able to connect with nature is a wonderful demonstration of Montessori’s philosophy on the importance of allowing children the freedom to explore inside and outside, to provide opportunities for hands-on learning and to connect them with things they show interest in. We can’t wait to see what our next nature adventure leads us to!
Well, Spring has sprung! A bit cold, but the seasonal changes will soon be evident. In our classroom we are talking about these changes and how wonderful rain is in enabling new growth. We have discussed how Spring is a season where the grass and the trees bloom green, and how certain trees and shrubs bloom in vibrant colors. We discuss this in "group time" so everyone has an opportunity to add to the discussion. (Of course the younger children will raise their hand excitedly to add to the discussion and share that "I got a new spiderman nap map"). We will thank them for sharing and continue with our discussion about Spring and about how nature and the environment changes in a wonderful and beautiful way. We are taking a "nature basket" to the playground so students can collect "nature". We will be putting what is collected in the basket on our science shelf and it will be a "work" available for students to independently choose. ENJOY THE SPRING AND THE OUTDOORS WITH YOUR CHILDREN. Ms Barrineau and Ms. Ana
Spring is here! The children returned from their spring breaks looking rested, happy, and perhaps even a little bit taller! On Wednesday, March 20th, we celebrated the first day of spring with a lesson on the earth’s rotation around the sun. The children found North America on the globe and then we found the approximate location for Dallas, Texas. We lit a candle to represent the sun and walked the earth’s orbit around the sun, discussing the tilt of the earth on its axis and how the sun’s light causes the seasons to change. The children were very interested in the lesson and enjoyed playing a game of “guess the season.” Spring brings robins, song sparrows, and the occasional mockingbird to visit the birdfeeders by our classroom windows. The children love to fill the bird feeders, tend our little back garden, and observe the nature right outside our classroom. We have also brought nature into the classroom with new zoology puzzles, lessons on the lifecycle of the seed and the bulb, and a class science experiment. We are conducting an experiment to observe the affects of colored water on celery sprigs. The children learned the terms “experiment,” “hypothesis,” “osmosis” and “scientific method” as part of the lesson. We made our predictions/hypotheses about what the colored water will do to each sprig of celery and then we began our period of observation. The children all promised to be scientists and to help monitor the experiment and note the changes to the celery. Children are avid observers and love to study their outdoor environments.
Consider the following ideas to encourage your child’s exploration in your own backyard ecosystem: Conduct a backyard nature “scavenger hunt” with your child one weekend. Hold a timed observation with your child in the backyard to see how many living things (insects, birds, mammals, etc.) that you “spy” while watching. Write down all the different animals and discuss how they relate to each other (and to you!) in your ecosystem. Make rubbings of different leaves from the yard using a peeled crayon and some white copy paper. This activity has several possible extensions, including learning the names of the different trees, making a simple book out of the rubbings, or finding the seeds of the trees and matching them to the leaf specimens. The possibilities are endless! Simple interactions with nature can be so profound – they remind children and adults alike of our deep connection to the earth and to all living things. - Ms. Julia and Ms. Tamara
A lesson on the earth’s orbit around the sun and the changing of the seasons
Celery experiment on the first day.
Celery experiment on the fourth day
Spring has sprung and our classroom is in buzz with talk about nature! Nature is an essential part of the Montessori classroom. We are constantly discovering new things about the world that surrounds us. Maria Montessori said, "There is no description, no image in any book that is capable of replacing the sight of real trees, and all of the life to be found around them in a real forest." We aim to make this possible for the children by allowing them to explore the environment and research the mysteries of nature. Children are encouraged to bring nature to our classroom to share and discuss their findings. An example of this is found on the playground that is filled with acorns. One child asked if he could research where they came from. Gladly we pulled out a book from a library on the life cycle of the oak tree. Independently, that child discovered the process in which nature can take a tiny seed and grow into a giant oak tree. He was ecstatic from the lesson. There are tons of ways we incorporate nature into the classroom but a few examples are; the leaf cabinet, bird identification and matching, water/land/air works and our botany and zoology puzzles. You can help your child discover more about the environment by going on nature walks, or even buying a small plant for them to care for. We hope everyone enjoys all the new life that Spring brings! The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth. -Maria Montessori Blessings, Elizabeth and Ashley
In the Garden with Ms. Loree
Spring in The Children’s Garden. We haven’t had a lot of time in the garden this month because of spring break and cold, rainy days, but that hasn’t stopped us all together! Last week the Morning children and Toddlers made Focaccia using our fresh Rosemary and shared it with all our friends. The afternoon children played the “Garden Mystery Bag” game. We had 4 brown paper bags, each bag holding 1 item from the garden. The children had to use their sense of smell and touch to guess what the items were. We had to guess small rocks, Rosemary, Lambs ear and the head off a marigold. We also talked about mapping and planning our garden. We took a close look and agreed that we have 4 beds we can plant in. The children then dreamed of what they want to grow this year. Looks like the most popular choices are tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, pumpkins, strawberries and radishes. Over the break we had 3 inches of Living earth’s compost incorporated into the beds, so we are all eager to get back to the garden and begin growing! -Ms. Loree
Art with Ms. Judi
e finished up our scratch-boards this month and because it is Springtime, the children were
able to pick either a Butterfly or Dragonfly to decorate. We then talked about balance and symmetry. So the children picked shapes to design around in the background. They had a blast scratching away and seeing the beautiful colors that showed through! Next, we will be getting our hands dirty and playing with clay! It will be so much fun!
Technology with Ms. Judi
n Technology, I brought my iPad to show and talk about the different
parts of what the iPad has. Each student had some time to play with the iPad and explore through the Adventure app. They were so excited! Miriam is seen here drawing a little girl. She mixed and use the different colors to color in her drawing.
his is my very favorite time of year for Chapel! We are have learned all about; Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Holy Week and The Easter Story. I believe the greatest lesson I can teach the children at St. James is that God loves them so much! And, that he shows that love to us through His Son Jesus, the great rescuer! One of the ways I love telling The Easter Story is by using a work called the Resurrection Eggs. Each plastic eggs holds a small object that helps tell the story of Jesus’ journey to and from the cross. The children love opening the very last golden egg only to discover that it’s empty just like the tomb! Jesus is alive! I love showing the children an example of this through nature. During the Winter all the trees are bare and sad looking. The children always wonder if they are dead. But when Spring comes we see the world burst with green and new life! That’s exactly what happened three days after Jesus’ great sacrifice! There was new life! I encourage everyone to take a hold of the new life God has for us through his love during the Easter season and always! Happy Easter! And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5 Blessings, Ashley Woodruff Christian Education Directed
Hopefully we are seeing the last of the cold weather this week, we are all ready for extend times on the playground. Continue to send a jacket with your child if they are in ASC, often times it might warm up in the evening but is chilly again during ASC.
I enjoy my time in ASC, your children are the highlight of my afternoon. When I take the toddler attendance, I receive a warm greeting of 20 plus “Hi, Ms. Lisa�. They all want to make sure that I know that they are in ASC. I set the attendance clipboard outside the MDO classroom, please be sure to sign your child out each day. The toddlers have enjoyed coloring and playing with the play dough, it has been a nice distraction for them with the colder temperatures not allowing as much outside time. Tip!
We have received a donation to the ASC from Henry Fox. Henry felt he was finished playing with a doll house that he had at home. The primary kids are loving the house and we are thankful to Henry for the donation. Tip!
Just a reminder if your child is a toddler classroom, Mrs. Barrineau’s Primary Classroom or Mrs. Bailey’s Classroom, their jacket will be in a basket in the ASC room. Please be sure to take their jacket when you pick them up. There are several jackets that have been left in the basket over spring break. Please check if you are missing a jacket. As always, if you need to reach me after 4:00 p.m., please call the school phone 214348-1349. Happy Spring, Lisa
What in the world was this giant bubble doing in the Parish Hall? That just happened to be the Perot’s Museum of Nature and Science’s Portable Planetarium! The Primary children got to crawl inside and travel to far away galaxies. They saw the Moon , Mars, and various constellation. They watched night turn into day. The planetarium is a terrific way to build future space explorers!
Summer Camps 2013 Click for more info
Upcoming Events April April 13th SJES Auction
Oct 31
April 15th Monday Morning Montessori with Loree Birkenback Halloween Parties Noon Dismissal
April 26th Noon Dismissal
May May 10th Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast - 8:40 - 10:00 am May 17th End of School Picnic / Head of School day May 27th Memorial Day - No School May 30th Toddler “Bridge Ceremony” - SJES Garden May 27th Moving Up Day Celebration for Kindergarten Students and Last day of School