CBI 1 Introduction

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CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation | chapter name

The Rt Hon. Vince Cable MP The Rt Hon. Lord Heseltine of Thenford CH Origins of the CBI Timeline


CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation



welcome John Cridland Director-general of the CBI

It is an honour and a privilege to be Director-

talented engineers and architects have

I am optimistic, and the CBI’s Great Business

general of the CBI at any time, but particularly as

designed iconic buildings from South America

Debate and A Better Off Britain research, which

the organisation celebrates its 50th anniversary.

to Saudi Arabia.

offer recommendations to improve the lives of low-

As a historian, I can think of no better way

And there is nothing quite like the sense of

income and working families, will definitely help.

of marking the occasion than pausing to recall

national pride that comes when the latest Nobel

In the final weeks of the Scottish Independence

the many groundbreaking developments during

prizes are announced or you hear of major medical

Referendum, it was also encouraging that the

this dramatic period – in the world of business

breakthroughs that enable someone to walk again

Business Voice, honest and upfront about the

and beyond – as seen through the eyes of

after years of seemingly irreversible paralysis.

everyday impact of such a change on everything

some of the country’s greatest business

The UK and its businesses comprise a nation

from food in the supermarket to credit card

success stories.

of problem solvers, innovators, entrepreneurs

charges and mortgage payments, helped secure

As the first home-grown director-general,

and creatives. So when disaster strikes – as it

the Union.

I have had the benefit of the CBI’s unique vantage

did most recently in 2008, the worst economic

As we look forward and anticipate the UK’s

point at the heart of public policy and political

crisis since the Second World War – we pick

future economic success, the $64,000 question

thinking, both at home and increasingly around

ourselves up, dust ourselves down and begin

is how and where that success will come from.

the world. As UK global champions have striven

the long, hard process of rebuilding.

A rebalanced economy that focuses on

to extend their reach, the CBI has worked to

It has been a tough journey and many

increased exports and investment is the most

extend its influence on behalf of its members.

families have suffered a great deal. It has to

likely way to create the growth and jobs that

I never cease to marvel at the achievements

be said, too, that business did not cover itself in

will be needed, together with a thriving stream

of a small island of 94,500 sq miles and 61 million

glory during the downturn. Although the recovery

of entrepreneurs pushing the envelope on

people. We have some of the best universities

is now established and we are on a more positive

new innovation. But we will also need a fit-for-

in the world, lead the way in so many areas –

trajectory, and better placed than many of our

purpose education system that produces rounded

from pharmaceuticals to high-end manufacturing,

competitors, there is much work to do to win

and grounded young people who can fully realise

music and film production – and our highly

back public confidence.

their potential in the workplaces of tomorrow.


CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation



government and industry are forging durable success The Rt Hon. Vince Cable MP Secretary of State for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills

Last year, I became the longest serving Secretary

That government must operate strategically.

Bank, we are tackling lending to business.

of State for Business, Innovation and Skills for

It must look to the long term. It must recognise

We are implementing the Kay Review, and are

50 years. This year sees the CBI turn 50. I like

that business cycles do not fit neatly into political

working with business and with markets to

to think that durability is a mark of success.

cycles. The CBI’s consistent calls to plan for the

create a new model of responsible business.

The CBI has a long history of economic thought

long term are testament to that.

For the very first time, every UK FTSE

leadership and it has maintained its leadership

That government must operate in

100 company has a woman on its board,

role in very different conditions.

partnership with industry. The current industrial

showing what can be achieved with a voluntary

In the 1970s, the CBI, the TUC and the

strategy shows what can be achieved when

approach. We have introduced sensible

government would sit down to agree prices and

government works together with industry to

reforms to strengthen the link between pay

wages across the economy. In the 1980s, the

create stability and certainty for businesses

and performance. The formula we adopted was

political weather vane swung 180 degrees and

to succeed.

agreed with the CBI, and it sets a challenge

the CBI had to adapt to hostility against so-called

That government must be less fragmented.

to boards. Ultimately, however, it is in the hands

“corporatism”. The CBI’s members had to deal

It must have, as the CBI called for, a “whole-

of CBI members to deliver the change needed.

with the devastating financial crisis and recession,

of-government” approach and not simply a

I want to continue to work with business

and some hostility to business excesses in the

“top-of-government” approach. Observers can

to develop world-class vocational training.

City. Now business and government are working

hopefully see an integrated approach at the

We have seen a record two million apprenticeship

together to promote long-term growth. Like the

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills,

starts since 2010 and we are working with

CBI, we celebrate the success of British business

whether it relates to skills, exports, or science

CBI members to improve our apprenticeship

and we see our relationship as one of partnership.

and innovation.

standards through trailblazers.

I introduced the government’s industrial

We have stabilised and detoxified the

We cannot do all of this alone. The CBI

strategy to put our economy on the road to

banking system and, through the Business

is a valued partner in that mission.

recovery. It was a rebalancing based on investment and exports, not unsustainable borrowing and debt. In doing so, I made some observations that, until recently, were quite controversial.

“ Like the CBI, we celebrate the success of British business and see our relationship as one of partnership”


CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation

Laying the groundwork for the competitiveness agenda The Rt Hon. Lord Heseltine of Thenford CH President of the Board of Trade, 1992–95

“I enjoyed tremendous

When I took over at the Department of Trade and

of competitiveness. I reallocated resources

support from the CBI,

Industry (DTI) in April 1992, I wanted to understand

within the department towards supporting

what an industrial strategy for Britain would look

some of our most successful industries and

like. My first question to officials was: what is our

away from regulation and subsidy. Finally, we

industrial strategy? The reply was that they were

established Business Link, which was designed

not even allowed to use the words “industrial

to help chambers of commerce provide a more

strategy” – so we were clearly starting at a very

comprehensive and tailored service.

low level of interest in the matter.

I must say that I enjoyed tremendous support

The first priority was to address the issue

from the CBI, which was fully aware of the myriad

of competitiveness and establish how British

of relationships between the public and private

businesses stood in relation to those of our

sectors. My aim was to make sure that those

main competitors. The second task was to

relationships worked as well as possible in each

ensure that the DTI itself was geared up to deal

of those three key areas.

with this challenge. It became apparent very

I would not say I wholly succeeded, but

rapidly that we were heavy on the ground with

one can never relax and say that the job

civil servants in sectors where the government

is complete because your competitors are

owned, or heavily subsidised, the industries.

always upping their game. But, looking at

The same pattern emerged with regulated

the situation today, many of those ideas have

sectors. However, when it came to freestanding

borne fruit. There is a very close relationship

private enterprises, the government took very

between the motor industry and government,

little interest. The final piece of the jigsaw was

the aerospace sector and government, and

to focus on the way in which firms were supported

indeed with many other sectors. I would like

by private-sector organisations.

to think that what we did two decades ago

As a result, we published an annual

has contributed to the industrial strategy

report with ratings for each of the elements

that is now in place.

which was fully aware of the relationships between the public and private sectors”




CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation

The birth of the Voice of Business origins of the CBI

In 1965, against a backdrop of state intervention

firmly believed that ignorance of this critical role

and control, rampant inflation and a severe

was one of the primary causes of the economic

balance-of-payments crisis, the CBI began

malaise that was holding the country back.

its work.

Even in the early days, the fledgling CBI was encouraged by parts of the business

In the words of Sir Maurice Laing, the

community to “fight the government”. However, it

CBI’s first president, the national business

stood firm and insisted that “it was the duty of

organisation was formed as a result of the

the CBI to be non-political and to endeavour to

common sense of thousands of people, and

assist the government of the day, whatever its

the vision and responsibility of a few people.

colour”. This has remained the guiding principle

In particular, this included Sir Peter Runge

of the CBI’s work in the years that have followed.

and Sir Norman Kipling of the Federation of

The die was cast and, on 30 July 1965, the

British Industries, Leslie Jenkins and Harry

CBI was incorporated by Royal Charter by

Gray of the National Association of British

Her Majesty the Queen.

Manufacturers and Sir George Pollock of the

Fast-forward to 2015 and the CBI, which

British Employers’ Confederation.

is now established as the leading voice of business across the UK, speaks on behalf of

the success of industry

190,000 businesses of all sizes and sectors.

In its first annual report, just eight months after

Together, these employ around 7 million

its formation, the CBI reminded its stakeholders

people, which is one third of the private-sector

that “the whole future of Britain rests upon

workforce. With offices in the UK as well as

the success of industry” and “industry must be

representation in Brussels, Washington, Beijing

endeavour to assist the

dynamic, competitive and profitable to compete

and Delhi, this growing network enables the CBI of today to project the voice of UK business

government of the day,

in an ever increasingly competitive world”.    At the time, “the education of the public and

around the world.

“It was the duty of the CBI to be non-political and to

whatever its colour”


the government to the vital role of industry” was the CBI’s principal objective. The organisation

Opposite: The CBI’s new offices at Cannon Place



CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation

timeline highlights from the CBI’s first 50 years

1965 • The Confederation of British Industry officially

•F ull CBI membership was extended to “all the main sectors of the business community”.

the British Employers’ Confederation, the


Federation of British Industries and the

• The CBI published Britain in Europe – A Second

National Association of British Manufacturers. and a time of rampant inflation, together with a severe balance-of-payments crisis.

TUC and the CBI helped to increase the public’s

advising on issues vital to Britain’s membership

understanding of the dangers of inflation and

of the European Economic Community.

paved the way for the pay and prices standstill.

• Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew met with

and particularly for small firms. • The CBI set up a Steering Group for Small Firms that later evolved into a fully-fledged council and, ultimately, into today’s Enterprise Forum. 1967


Conservative minister Viscount Watkinson

• Fuel supplies became a growing concern

published a report, The Responsibilities of

for businesses as industrial discontent led

the British Public Company, which set the

to a number of “work-to-rule” actions.

scene for the debate on corporate governance

• The government acted on two key CBI

• Following the report of the Commission of Inquiry

on coal imports and stopping conversion

into Industrial and Commercial Representation,

of power stations to oil.

the CBI strengthened the power of its regional councils to set national policy.

awareness of key issues among management,


unions and workers.

•T he CBI launched its price restraint campaign. Nine out of 10 of the CBI’s largest 200 members

counterparts in Moscow ahead of a visit to

signed an undertaking to avoid price increases

Russia by the president and director-general.

where possible, or limit them to 5 per cent if unavoidable.

1968 • The Employment Policy Committee was

and responsibility.

recommendations: dropping restrictions

• A joint initiative with the TUC aimed to increase

• A CBI party of industrialists held talks with

1973 • A CBI committee chaired by former

1966 considerably more complex for businesses,

incomes policy. • Tripartite talks between the government, the

Industrial Approach, a consultation document

the CBI as part of an official visit to the UK. • Changes to taxes and regulation made life

• Inflation hit 27 per cent as a series of major pay disputes shattered the government’s

comes into being on 30 July, bringing together

• It was born into a world of state intervention


•A survey of CBI members by the Europe Steering Committee showed a strong majority in favour

1974 • The year saw the imposition of a three-day week, the oil crisis, a miners’ strike, two general elections and three Budgets. • The early years of the second Wilson government led to radical policies, which the CBI had to confront – some »

established to advise, initiate research and

of EEC membership. The CBI’s Brussels office

steer the work of other CBI committees in

was opened, giving direct access to the policy

Opposite: Sir Terence Beckett launches the CBI’s

employment matters.

machine of the EEC.

The Fabric of the Nation report




CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation



of which resulted in sharply divided views


on tactics among members.

•A s the government increased interest rates

• The CBI called for full UK membership of the European Monetary System, arguing that the

to as high as 16 per cent to combat inflation,

discipline of a more stable exchange rate could


CBI director-general Sir Terence Beckett

help to increase Britain’s share of world trade.

• CBI president Sir Ralph Bateman

delivered his controversial “bare-knuckle

commissioned Lord Plowden and Sir John Partridge to carry out an independent review of the organisation. • The CBI launched a vigorous campaign for

fight” speech at the national conference. •T he year marked a new era for the CBI, which

• The CBI contributed to Industry Year – a national

left its home in Tothill Street in London’s Mayfair

programme launched by Prince Philip aimed at

for the landmark tower of Centre Point.

raising the awareness of the contribution that

Britain’s continued membership of the EEC, which was the subject of a referendum.


industry and business make to the creation 1981 • The CBI started to focus on the issue of boosting

of wealth. • The CBI held a conference, Keying into the


national competitiveness as the government

Future, and set up a panel of under-35s called

• The Road to Recovery, a report produced with

began to gain control over inflation.

Vision 2010 to study the direction British

input from more than 500 member companies, had a significant impact on government

• Her Majesty the Queen visited the CBI in its

thinking and public attitudes to issues such as


cuts in spending, lower taxation and the need


for further pay restraint to help beat inflation.

•T he CBI argued for savings from government

• Based on consultation with its members, the

expenditure and borrowing to be used to

CBI put forward constructive views to the

cut industry’s overheads and to finance new

Bullock Inquiry into industrial democracy.

projects, thereby boosting economic activity without increasing inflation.

1977 • The CBI held its first national conference in Brighton. Delegates from 800 firms attended

• It gave its backing to the Youth Training Scheme,

• The CBI Pay Databank was established to

bodies organising the scheme.

saying industry needed to retain more of the wealth it generated so that it could invest in people, skills, machinery and innovation. • The Design or Decline initiative to improve product design and marketing strategy was endorsed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. 1988 • The Initiative 1992, a series of roadshows, kicked


off a continuing process of preparing companies

• Strong campaigning by the CBI led to a

for the business implications of the completion

research and publish information of trends

reduction in the National Insurance Surcharge,

affecting pay claims and settlements across

saving employers £2 billion a year.

many sectors of the industry.

• The CBI called for an “era of investment”,

ensuring strong employer representation on the

the event, which attracted coverage in the print and broadcast media.

industry should take over the next 25 years.

new Centre Point home.

•T he CBI launched its regular monitor of retail sales: the Distributive Trades Survey.

of the Single European Market in 1992. • The CBI set up a biotechnology working party, and continued to push for harmonisation of standards, testing and certification.

1978 • The outbreak of strike action, now known as the Winter of Discontent, proved to be a nadir in industrial relations. • The CBI resisted the government’s move to introduce a pay clause into contracts with industry, which was ultimately withdrawn.



• The CBI took a strong line on the promotion of

• The CBI set up task forces to look at specific

energy efficiency this year, seeing it – among

areas where competitive handicaps faced the

other things – as a major contributor to

UK economy. They investigated the building

controlling costs.

of links between schools and business, the

•T he report, A Share in the Action, was a key document in the argument for promoting


greater individual participation in the creation

• The election of Margaret Thatcher as

and ownership of wealth.

end to industrial problems.

approach to urban regeneration and the improvement of skills. • Polish premier Lech Walesa addressed CBI members at Centre Point and Mikhail

Prime Minister appeared to herald an •T he CBI published Guidelines for

need for transport infrastructure, a strategic


Gorbachev met leading industrialists at a

• A major policy discussion document,

joint CBI /DTI event. »

Action on Employee Involvement and

Change to Succeed, was the driving theme

ran a series of associated regional and

behind the national conference and much

Opposite: Alan Lewis (left) chairman of the CBI’s

national conferences.

of the CBI’s policy work throughout the year.

1992 Single Market initiative


CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation

1990 • Although the economy was growing strongly,

qualifications and closer links between business and education.

the CBI warned that five points of inflation cost

• Centre Point was the location for the signing

business around £20 billion a year – more than

of an investment agreement between Prime

the total retained earnings of all UK commercial

Minister John Major and his Pakistan

and industrial companies in 1989.

counterpart Benazir Bhutto.

• In the year that the CBI celebrated its 25th birthday, Prince Philip visited Centre Point.

1995 • The CBI went public over its concerns


around the Private Finance Initiative, making

• At a time of momentous change in the

recommendations that challenged the

countries of the former Soviet Bloc, the CBI launched its Eastern Europe initiative to

government to fulfil its commitment to PFI. • The National Manufacturing Council launched

help speed emerging trade between British

PROBE, an initiative to tackle deficiencies in

companies and newly independent countries.

skills and training.

• The CBI lobbied the Maastricht Summit to prevent the retrospective application of the


so-called Barber judgment of the European

• The CBI launched the Business in Europe

Court on occupational pensions, which would have cost CBI members between £40 million and £50 million.

campaign, making the case for a free market rather than a regulated European Union. • The report Winning Ways called for a rise in investment across all transport modes for a


decade, financed by public and private sectors.

• In the Budget, the Chancellor responded to CBI calls for cuts in rates on business properties


and for higher tax allowances on capital projects.

• In the wake of the landslide Labour victory

• The National Manufacturing Council was

in the general election, the CBI decide

launched, providing a forum through which

to engage fully in the debate over the

manufacturers of all sizes and sectors could

government’s commitment to the Social

influence CBI and government policy, and

Chapter, the prospects of a National

work with other commercial organisations

Minimum Wage and compulsory trades

on UK manufacturing issues.

union recognition.

• The agenda for the UK’s presidency of the EU

• CBI lobbying succeeded in ensuring that

was shaped with help from the CBI. Progress was

substantive amendments to UK law were

also made on the Single Market programme.

avoided. It sought to minimise the effects of statutory union recognition by working


on the detail of proposals at an early stage.

• The CBI launched the Manufacturing by Design initiative to increase the awareness


of manufacturing among young people

• CBI membership of the Low Pay Commission

and to strengthen links between business and education. • Its leaders welcomed Nelson Mandela

ensured a successful start for the National Minimum Wage. • The CBI was instrumental in influencing

to Centre Point, while the South African

the final powers of the assemblies and

president-in-waiting was on a UK visit to

regional development agencies, and of the

attract foreign investors.

Mayor of London, as part of the process of devolution. »

1994 • The CBI launched a sustained campaign for a “skills revolution” that promoted vocational


Right: Gordon Brown at the CBI Annual Conference in Birmingham



CBI: 50 Years of Business Innovation




• The CBI publication Clockwork was at the

• The CBI held its first business summit allowing

• CBI’s work on The UK as a Place to Do Business series responded to members’

forefront of an initiative driving British

senior business leaders to hear from their

companies to take action to ensure their

peers and from academics on where they

concerns about the deterioration of the

computer systems would survive any

thought the future of business lay.

UK business climate and focused attention

effects of the feared “millennium bug”. • President Sir Clive Thompson used a

• The CBI designed the Emissions Trading Scheme and proved to government it was

hard-hitting debate with the GMB’s John

a better way forward for the environment

Edmonds to reinforce the importance of

than the Climate Change Levy.

international investment decisions. • At the national conference, Chancellor Gordon Brown addressed delegates and highlighted the need to create a “stronger,

UK labour markets remaining flexible and responsive.

on the factors critical to determining


deeper enterprise culture”.

• CBI director-general Digby Jones opened the 2000

CBI’s office in Washington, DC, to expand the


• The SME Council launched its SME

international presence it had established with

• The CBI’s pensions strategy group examined

charter Facing the Future. • Incoming Russian President Vladimir

its Brussels office.

the key challenges facing UK business

• I ts pensions conference in the autumn was one

Putin visited the CBI for talks at

of the first to alert employers to the significance

Above: Director-general John Cridland meets R2D2

Centre Point.

of ominous developments in this area.

at Annual Conference 2014



and produced the vision document Securing

CBI warned that restricted opening hours,

could be reduced, including improvements

Our Future – a set of strategic recommendations

difficulty in booking appointments and limited

to the education and skills systems.

on the long-term direction for UK pensions.

services on offer in many doctors’ surgeries

• On a lighter note, then-chief economic adviser Ian McCafferty (now a member of the Monetary

resulted in millions of lost working days and


was detrimental to people’s health.

• Ideas to support high-growth exporters, put forward in the CBI’s Financing for

Policy Committee) led his team to victory over The Royal Opera House on BBC2’s


Growth report, led to a commitment by

University Challenge.

•T he CBI launched the report of its Higher

government to a business bank that

Education Task Force, which brought together

would bring all existing access to finance


representatives of business and universities.

schemes under one roof.

• The CBI launched its Business Agenda setting

It said the rapid rise in student numbers,

• The CBI’s First Steps report, setting out

out the top 10 priorities for the new government,

coupled with a severe strain on public

a new approach for schools, found favour

calling for immediate action on pensions

finances, made current public funding

across the education establishment with

and climate change, together with long-term

levels unsustainable.

calls for a greater focus on developing more

investment in skills, transport, and science and innovation.

• Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft, gave

rounded and grounded young people.

the CBI Annual Lecture, focusing on ways in which businesses from all sectors could


for the World Trade Organization summit that

not only survive tough times but continue

• The CBI released the landmark report

took place at the end of the year.

to thrive despite the challenges of the

Our Global Future: The Business Vision

worldwide downturn.

for a Reformed EU, an apolitical analysis

• The CBI opened an office in China and prepared

of the advantages and disadvantages

2006 • The CBI welcomed what it called individual business-friendly steps in the Budget, but warned


of the UK’s EU membership, which

• The CBI report on skills, Fulfilling Potential:

concluded that the UK should remain

that the package fell short of the boost for UK

The Business Role in Education, called for

competitiveness that business was seeking.

a renewed focus on science, technology,

• Richard Lambert, former editor of the Financial Times and a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, took over as CBI

in a reformed Europe. • CBI president Sir Roger Carr hosted

engineering and maths qualifications,

the presidents of national business

as well as improvements in basic skills.

federations from across the G8 in

• In Room at the Top, the CBI called on listed

London, where they met Prime Minister

director-general on 1 July after spending a

firms to improve boardroom diversity by

David Cameron and Business Secretary

month travelling the country and hearing the

using the UK Corporate Governance Code

Vince Cable to discuss tax, trade

views of CBI members.

on a “comply-or-explain” basis rather than

and transparency.

on internally set targets. This influenced 2007

the subsequent decision by Lord Davies


• The CBI’s new Climate Change Task Force

to argue against quotas.

• CBI HQ moves into modern, steel-andglass offices in Cannon Place, London.

was established to investigate the role business could play in tackling global warning. • As the financial crisis started to hit the UK,

2011 • New director-general John Cridland leads the

• The CBI highlighted the need to safeguard Britain’s supply chains, saying targeted

Richard Lambert called for the government

CBI’s campaign to gain support for medium-

action to revitalise domestic supply chains

to provide “well-targeted, controlled and

sized businesses and increase trade produced

could inject £30 billion into the economy

time-limited fiscal stimulus in the immediate

results, with the £1 billion Business Finance

by 2025, creating more than half a

future” while focusing on cash flow for

Partnership and other policies to support

small firms.

exports, as recommended by the reports Future

2008 • The CBI opened for business in New Delhi, India. • In its report Just What the Patient Ordered, the

million jobs. • The CBI’s major report A Better Off Britain

Champions and Winning Overseas: Boosting

set out how business and government could

Business Export Performance.

work to improve the lives of low-income/

• The CBI’s Action for Jobs: Getting the UK Working report set out ways unemployment

working families by making growth work

for everyone.


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